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Graduate to Proactive Maintenance

System from Reactive

Achieving Maintenance Excellence
by implementing TPM, RCM & CMMS

To: TPM Action Committee

By: Madan Karki, TPM Coordinator

Sharpening the saw
A saint met a peasant in the woods working hard in sawing
down a tree.
―What are you doing buddy?‖ the saint asked.
―Don‘t you see? I‘m sawing down this tree‖ came the reply.
―You look tired! Since when are you on it?‖ the saint asked.
―Over 5 hours,‖ the man replied, ―& I‘m beat! It‘s hard work‖
―Well, the saw you are using seems to be blunt. Why don‘t
you take a break for a few minutes & sharpen that saw? It
would go a lot faster.‖ the saint suggested.
―I don‘t have time to sharpen the the saw,‖the peasant
relied emphatically. ―I‘m too busy sawing!‖
Morale of the story: Practicing TPM is sharpening the saw.
Why TPM?
In traditional mfg system, high WIP were kept to ensure
that the plant output is not affected if an equipment is
down. The role of maintenance was to ensure an agreed
availability, say 90%.
Weakest Link Theory

The concept is a chain is as strong as its weakest link.

Each eqpt is considered independent, so if the lowest
eqpt availability is 90%, the process availability is 90%.
Why TPM?
If the eqpt caused quality problems, these would be
noticed in final inspection & the cause traced back
to the culprit eqpt & corrected by maintenance.
With TPS, WIP were reduced for shorter lead-times &
improved quality.

This made the eqpt interdependent; stopping an

eqpt will result into stopping of whole process.
Equipment Interdependency
• Now, process availability is the product of the
individual availabilities; i.e. „product law of series
systems‟ applies.
• For 4 eqpt process to achieve their original availability
of 90%, the individual availabilities needed was 97.5%.
• Inventory reduction caused huge pressure on
maintenance, in spite of their same performance.
• As per traditional concept (higher availability needs
more resources), more resource were needed to
increase the level of availability.
• The conflict between maint cost & availability is same
to the old quality mind-set before TQC: higher quality
required more resources for final inspection & rework.
Product Law for Series System
• SPC, "Quality at Source“, enabled highest quality at
lowest cost with quick response & superior customer
service. TQC emphasized "prevention at source" by
controlling process variables.
• Instead of enlarging inspection team, all employee
were trained to identify problems at source &
reduce the costs so that QC Deptt can focus on
variation reduction thru process improvement.
• TPM is "prevention at source" in maintenance- to
identify & eliminate the source of eqpt
Result - higher availability & reliability, increase in
capacity & reduction in costs.
TPM vs. TQM - Similarities
1. Total commitment to the program by upper
level management is required in both programs
2. Employees must be empowered to initiate
corrective action
3. A long range outlook must be accepted as
TPM may take a year or more to implement
and is an on-going process.
4. Changes in employee mind-set toward their job
responsibilities must take place as well.
TPM vs. TQM - Differences
Category TQM TPM
Quality (Output & Equipment ( Input
effects ) & cause)

Mains of Systematize the Employees

attaining management. It is participation & it is
goal software oriented hardware oriented

Elimination of
Target Quality for PPM
losses & wastes.
Root Cause of Failure
Tool for RCF is „5 Whys‟ –one reaches at the root after
asking Why 5 times.
The graph shows life of a part with an avg life of 12-
months. The part fails within the range of 6 – 18
months, 6 months variation on either side. If it is
replaced in 12-months there will be significant no. of
failures. If it is replaced in 6-months, the cost will be huge.
Average Life
Freq. Of failure

12 months The failures data of such

Useful Life components tend to
6 months congregate around some
Age ‗Avg life‘. ‗Useful life‘ is the
age at which there is a rapid
This is where TPM increase in the conditional
becomes important. probability of failure.
Variation in Life
TPM is based on the precepts of:
• understand cause of variation
• Reduce/minimize variation
• look for improvement.
Studies show the 3 conditions that cause 80% of
variation are: Average Life

Freq. Of failure
18 months
• Looseness
Useful Life
• Contamination 16 months

• Lubrication Age

Eliminate above 3 conditions to "establish Basic Eqpt

Conditions―, which will squash up distribution curve by 80%
& move to the right, thus increasing the life of the parts.
Resistance Restore
Resistance Prevent Failure
Reduce Rate of When applied stress exceeds
Degradation resistance, the items fail. Life of
Stress an item can be extended by:
Reduce stress: f0-f1
f0 f1 f2 f3 Restore resistance: f1-f2
Operating Age Reduce degradation: f2-f3

• TPM helps to ensure 'basic equipment conditions'.

• Remember ―Maintenance function alone cannot
improve reliability.‖
• Eliminate ‗Lack of care', ‗Poor operating practices‘,
‗Adverse equipment loading‘ etc. through TPM
involving everybody.
Relationship between RCM & TPM
In 1950's, Science of Maintenance emerged with the name
Reliability Centered Maintenance, which uses failure theory to
improve Eqpt Reliability thru‘ PM program. To implement the
same, the eqpt must be in its ‗Basic Eqpt Condition‘.
In his book, ‗TPM in Process Industries‘, Suzuki writes:
"Implementing a PM program w/o restoring basic conditions
leads to failures before next service is due, which will force
to reduce service interval & defeat whole point of PM
program. It is impossible to predict optimal service intervals
if accelerated deterioration & operating errors exists."
Traditional PM programs are based on the concept that every
item has a ‗life‘ at which overhaul is necessary to ensure
operating reliability. But, thru the years, it has been seen that
many types of failures could not be prevented or reduced by
such activities, no matter how intensively they were performed.
Relationship between RCM & TPM


Evolution of Maintenance
• Since 1930s, maintenance
Prob. of failure

Life out has evolved in 3 generations.
• In last 20 years, it has
changed more than any
First Generation other discipline.

• ‗Failure is related to age‘ was 1st generation

belief - period up to World War II.
• Simple & over-designed equipment, hence
reliable & easy to repair. The failure pattern
shows slowly increasing conditional probability
of failure, ending in wear-out zone.
Second Generation
Wartime pressure increased mechanization. Concept
of Routine Preventive Maintenance & system for
maintenance planning & control emerged.
Bathtub Curve: begins with a high incidence of
failure (infant mortality) followed by constant
conditional probability of failure & a wear-out zone.

3rd generation Failure Pattern A

research revealed
An awareness of
Prob. of failure

that 6 failure Infant Wear-

Mortality „Infant Mortality‟ led to out
patterns exist in 2nd Generation belief zone
in the „bathtub‟ curve.
practice. If eqpt is
complex, so will the
failure patterns. Age
Third Generation
Pattern C: Slowly increasing failure probability of
without any identifiable wear-out age.
Pattern D: Low probability of failure when the item is
new, then a rapid increase to a constant level.
Pattern C: Pattern E: a constant probability of failure
at all ages (random failure).
Pattern D: Pattern F: starts with infant mortality, then
drops to a constant probability of failure.
Pattern E: Studies on aircraft showed that 4% of the
items conformed to pattern A, 2% to B, 5%
to C, 7% to D, 14% to E & 68% to pattern F.
Pattern F:
As assets become complex, we see more
and more of patterns E & F.
A Brief History of RCM
 US Aviation, frustrated by failure rate of engines, formed a
task force in 1960 to explore capabilities of PM programs,
which revealed 2 main discoveries:
 Scheduled overhaul has no effect on the reliability of a
complex item unless it has age-related failure mode.
 There are items for which there is no effective form of
scheduled maintenance.
 In 1965, a technique was devised, which was refined later
with the name MSG1, MSG2 & MSG3 (Maint steering
 MSG-1 used in Boeing, inspection hrs reduced to 66K from
4 Mn.
 MSG-2 was used in Lockheed, Airbus & Concorde. Items
requiring scheduled overhaul was reduced to 7 from 339.
 Cost reductions were achieved thru understanding of the
failure process & not decreasing the reliability.
Age-related Failures
Average Life
18 months
Wear-out occurs if eqpt comes
Failure rate

Useful Life
12 months into contact with the product or
if there is fatigue, oxidation or
Prob. Of failure

Useful Fatigue affects metallic items

Life subjected to hi-frequency
cyclic loads.

Oxidation & corrosion depend upon chemical

composition, protection & the working environment.
Examples of eqpt in-contact with the product are
pump impellers, valve seats, seals, screw conveyors,
machine tools, crusher, hopper liners, furnace
refractories, dies, inner surface of pipelines etc.
Know Failures: Not Related to Age
Very few failures are age related due to variations in applied
stress & complexity.
Variable Stress: wear-out is not always proportional to the
applied stress, which is never consistent. So, failures occur due
to increase in applied stress caused by incorrect operation or
assembly; e.g. starting a machine too quickly, over-torquing
bolts, mis-fitting of parts etc.
Here failure is not related to age (fig-1). In fig. 2, the stress peak
reduces resistance to failure, not actually causing it to fail; e.g.
an earthquake to a structure
Resistance to stress
Resistance to stress Fig. 2
Fig. 1

Applied stress Applied stress

Know Failures: Not Related to Age
In fig. 3, the stress peak temporarily reduces
resistance to failure, e.g. thermoplastic soften when
temperature rises & harden again when it drop
Resistance to stress Resistance to stress

Fig. 4
Fig. 3
Applied stress Applied stress

Time Time

In fig.4, a stress peak accelerates the decline of failure

resistance & shortens the life of the component.
This may happen if a ball bearing is mis-aligned during
installation or the bearing is damaged by dropping on
the floor or dirt gets into the bearing while in service.
Know Failures: Not Related to Age
In all 4 cases, it is not possible to predict when the failures will
occur, hence termed as „random failures‟.
Age-related failures apply to simple mechanisms. Complex
items conform to random failures (failure pattern D, E & F).
The wide variation in bearing life obtained by bearing life test
machine precludes the use of any time based maintenance
Bearings are the weakest components, only 10 - 20% of them
achieve their design life due to dynamic load caused by
misalignment & imbalance (due to poor installation,
lubrication, handling & storage practices).
Outer race of a ball bearing is the most heavily loaded part,
which moves up & down as the bearing rotates, which cause
subsurface fatigue cracks with symptoms of vibration, particles
in lubricant, noise & overheating.
Resistance to stress, S
Failure Pattern B
Due to linear deterioration, e.g.
FAILED pump impeller. Out of 12, ten
deteriorate at roughly the same
Age rate & last between 11-16 periods.
2 impellers failed prematurely, 1st
due to poor case hardening & the
Freq. of

2nd due to change of liquid

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 14 34 34 14 3
properties for a while. The analysis
No. of survivors

100 98 84 50 16 3
here applies to impellers failing due
to wear only. Typical of
reciprocating engines.

Frequency & conditional probability of failure curves show 2

lives. The „Avg life‟ is same as MTBF. „Useful life‟ pertains to
rapid increase in the conditional probability of failure - used
to establish the frequency of scheduled tasks.
Freq. of failure
Failure Pattern E
10 9 8 7 7 6 5 5
Rolling Bearings conform
Age to this pattern – failure
No. of survivors Cond. Prob. %

probability is const, i.e.

10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10% in each period.
A sample of 100
bearings, a decay of 10%
per period means unity is
90 81 73 66 59 53 48 43
reached after 43 periods.

Survival distribution & frequency curve decline exponentially

& cond. probability curve remains flat indefinitely- at no
stage scheduled task can be contemplated.
MTBF for random failure is given by the point at which 63% of
items fail. But, these items do not have a „useful life‟.
Failure Pattern F
Most interesting one - only pattern where
Freq. of failure

the probability of failure declines with age

(except pattern A, which is a special case).
A typical of electronic equipment.

Most common patterns(68%). Highest probability of failure

occurs when the eqpt is new or just overhauled, known as
„Infant Mortality‟ due to below causes :
Poor Design: If an item is incapable of delivering the desired
performance, & tends to fail soon after being put into
service. solved by redesign /use of proven technology.
Bad workmanship: If something is badly put together, it will
fall apart quickly. Will be avoided if the task is done by
trained personnel only.
Failure Pattern F
Incorrect commissioning: It occurs if the equipment is
set up incorrectly.
Poor mfg & installation: It occurs if equipment
manufacturer‟s quality standards are too loose or if the
parts are badly installed. The problem is solved by
either rebuilding the affected assemblies or replacing
the affected parts.
Routine maintenance: Infant mortality is caused by
routine maintenance tasks which are invasive as they
disturb the eqpt & upset a stable system.
Infant mortality problems are solved by once-off
actions & not by Scheduled Maintenance (except few
on-condition tasks to anticipate failures).
Failure Pattern C
Pattern C shows a steadily increasing probability of failure,
but at no point we can say “that‟s where it wears out”. The
possible cause of pattern C is fatigue, which is caused by
cyclic stress, & the relation between cyclic stress & failure is
governed by S-N curve. Pattern C is also associated with
insulation failure of alternator windings. Not all fatigue failures
conform to pattern C. Typical of turbine engines.

Stress S will cause the item

to fail after N cycles. Failure Pattern A
It is accepted now that failure
pattern A – the bathtub curve – is
Cyclic stress

a combination of two or more
different failure patterns, infant
No. of cycles, N mortality & age-related failure.
Failure Patterns & Reliability
For random failure, an item with higher MTBF will have a lower
failure rate in any given period. For age-related failures, a
more reliable component will have a longer useful life.
Hence, a reliable pattern B component lasts longer, while a
reliable pattern E component fails less often than the other.
Reliability of bearings is measured by „B10‟ life - the life below
which no more than 10% of the bearings will fail under given
load & speed. If bearings of brand Y is twice as reliable as
brand X, B10 life of brand Y will be twice as that of brand X.
Here, MTBF will be about 9.5 times the B10 life.
Unless there is a dominant age-related failure mode, age do
not affect reliability of the items. Actually, scheduled
overhauls increase overall failure rates by introducing infant
mortality into a stable system.
Evolution of TPM
• „1st Gen‟ had 5 TPM Activities, focused on
improving equipment effectiveness only.
• In 80's, „2nd Gen‟ (Total Process Mgmt) included
losses of line imbalances & schedule interruptions
due to poor production scheduling .
• Recognizing need of involving whole company,
3rd Gen TPM (Tot Productive Mfg) consists 8 Pillars,
16 Losses & 4Ms (Man, Mc, Method & Material).
• TPM is a company wide initiative involving all
employees, & cannot be implemented by the
maintenance team alone.
History & Background of TPM
 A concept to increase eqpt productivity thru changes
in employee attitude toward their job responsibilities
by employee empowerment.
 TPM brings maintenance into focus as a vital part of
the business & no longer a non-profit activity.
 Maintenance is scheduled as a part of the working
day & an integral part of the mfg. process & not simply
squeezed in whenever there is a break.
 TPM Ref Std - Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance
 From Japanese Industrial Excellence to achieve „More
with Less‟, Main mfg excellence approach of Toyota.
Goals, Objectives & Targets
1. Achieve Zero Defects/BD/Short Stoppages
2. Achieve 85% OEE
3. Reduce the manufacturing cost by 30%
4. Changeover/Setup in single digit minutes
5. Increase in suggestions by 3 fold.
6. Multi-skilled operatives
7. Customer satisfaction - OTIF with required quality
8. Favorable change in employee attitude
9. Feeling of owning the machine among employee
10. Clean & tidy work place
11. Employee Involvement & Teamwork
Are Zeroes Possible?
NIL breakdown of tableting m/c for 6 months
Morarjee Mills:
Blow Room uptime raised from 65% to 93%
Milton Plastics:
21 m/cs‘ uptime raised from 60% to 75%

What is Possible Depends Upon:

• Commitment
• appraisal linked by TPM?
• How much hands-on are managers?
TPS & New insights of TPM
Harvard researchers identified 4 rules that govern TPS:
Rule 1: All work is specified,
• All improvement are documented in procedures
• Planned schedules govern all maintenance work
• Daily/weekly joint prod/maint planning & status
meetings keep efforts focused & aligned.
Rule 2: Communication mode are direct & clear - to
send requests & receive responses; e.g.
• Maint requests are sent & acknowledged promptly
with visual cues or signals.
• When repairs are made, the requestors sign off
TPS & New insights of TPM
Rule 3: pathway to every service must be direct, e.g.
• Every operator knows where to go for help with
maint problems, directly to the maintainers.
Rule 4: improvement are done thru‘ scientific methods,
at the lowest possible level in the organization;
• Root cause analysis are applied to eliminate chronic
& sporadic equipment-related problems.
• Small x-functional groups close to the problem find
solutions & conduct trial to check whether it works
• Experienced/trained people lead improvement
The Discipline & the Culture
• As we explore TPS/TPM success stories, we see that
it takes discipline in the workplace. 4 rules define
the basic structure of workplace discipline.
• Many people still regard maint as "fixing things" & a
non-value adding support to the business.
• Learn TPM in true sense & don‟t take any shortcuts,
it works, if properly implemented.
Why every second attempt of TPM fails?
The reasons could be:
• Lack of understanding in the total effort required,
• Lack of management support,
• Lack of TPM staff,
• Union resistance,
• Inadequate training,
• Changed priorities,
• Lack of persistence,
• Failure to develop a good implementation strategy
• Choosing the wrong approach.
Implementation of TPM
1. Obtain commitment of upper level management.
2. Appoint a TPM coordinator & an Action Team.
3. Action Team understands TPM thoroughly
4. Action Team assess current situation (OEE, eqpt, skill,
plant orderliness, attitude, motivation & mgmt
style) & works out detailed implementation plan
5. In-plant TPM training
 Dissemination of TPM Concept to the work force.
 Form section-wise teams headed by Action Team
members till team leaders emerge.
 Pinpoint problems, find solution & take corrective
 Provide exposure to other plants to observe TPM
methods/techniques & establish "benchmarks".
Implementation of TPM
6. Pilot Plan Implementation – In Sewing
7. Plant-wide Implementation
8. Introduction audit - checks if the TPM fundamentals are
done correctly & on schedule. Done after 6-12 months.

9. Progress audit - after 18-30 months to determine if:

• PM is carried out by the TPM teams, OEE >85%,
• ratio of proactive vs. reactive maint is 80:20

10.Certification & award

• eqpt & product quality are at the highest levels.
• the plant is world-class: highly productive, top quality
product, equipment in top shape.




TPM Structure
TPM Action Team

Niche 1 Cell 1,2 & 3 Cell 4,5 & 6

Prep1 Prep 2
Cell 1,2&3 Cell 4,5&6 Prep1 Prep2 Fusing Niche1
Prabin AKJ A Thakur RM Tara S Kumar
Amarendra Saroj Munna S Jha S Jha Manoj S
Binod Amarendra Amrita Shambhu Manoj S Jit N
Suman B Binod Shambhu Jit N Jit N Kamal
Ganesh MDM Binod Chandan Mahesh Bhima
Lal Karna Samjhana Sarita J Prakash Ravindra
Operatives Sudhir Operatives Operatives
Ek Bdr Operatives

Cell 1,2&3 Cell 4,5&6 Prep1 Prep2 Fusing Niche1
Prabin AKJ A Thakur RM Tara S Kumar
Sachin K Saroj Munna MU MU Raj Kr Rai
New Elec Sachin K Mukesh Mukesh Raj Kr Rai Santosh S
S. Thapa New Elec New Elec Santosh S Santosh S Uttam
Anju Karna D Bhandari K‟muddin Shushan Champa
Sant Thakur Sumodh RK Dev Usman J Prakash US Thakur
Operatives Operatives Operatives Operatives Operatives
Pillar 1: Autonomous Maintenance
1. Initial cleaning Develop the skill to spot
* Ability to determine abnormalities & it
2. Eliminate sources of machine abnormalities
contamination and * Ability to design & make Operators determine by
3. Convert inaccessible improvements themselves what they
areas into accessible have to do

4. Make checklist for Understanding operation More skilled operators &

cleaning & lubrication stds principles of machine & its techs. teach the least
5. General inspection systems experienced

6. Autonomous Inspection
Data organization to
7. Organization & Understand relationship
describe optimal
housekeeping between eqpt conditions
conditions & how to
& product quality
Full Implementation maintain them
Pillar 1: Autonomous Maintenance
Thoroughly restore & clean. Motivation
1. Cleaning & Restoration
through participation.
2. Eliminate sources of Study root causes of dirt, loss, damage & take
contamination and actions.
3. Convert inaccessible areas Achieve 1 minute accessibility time for doc +
into accessible parts. Implement stock mgmt at 1 glance.

4. Standardization & Control of Achieve a problem free work flow in stock

Work inventory & data availability.

5. Self Management Self Managed Teams

General Maintenance
 SOP before switching on the machine.
 General cleaning - feed dog, to check
the needle broken by sliding on finger nail,
checking of oil sump.
 SOP before leaving the machine like
cleaning, to put cloth under pressure foot
with needle down position etc.
Pillar 1: Autonomous Maintenance
1. Cleaning & Restoration
2. Counter the Contamination
3. Improve eqpt accessibility
4. Set initial maintenance standards
5. Establish general inspection skills (Maint &
6. Establish Autonomous Inspection
7. Organize & Manage workplace
"ownership" by
operators: Autonomous
Achieve highest

7 Types of Abnormalities
1. Minor flaws - Eliminate
2. Contamination sources – Provide
3. Unfulfilled basic conditions – Set it right
4. Inaccessible places – Make it accessible
5. Quality defect sources - Eliminate
6. Unnecessary & non-urgent items – Remove from
machine & store at right place
7. Unsafe places – Eliminate
Step 1: Cleaning & Restoration
Oiling Basic Paradigm: COT & F
Filing Restore Your Machine First

Tighten Restoration sequence:
– Machine
Establish – Materials
Basic – Method
Conditions – Man (people)
Step 1: Cleaning & Restoration
Autonomous maintenance is based on raising the
operators awareness in understanding their
machines & how to perform Daily checks,
Lubrication, Part Replacement, Minor Repairs,
Precision checks & Early detection of abnormal
To that purpose we will help them develop 3 skills:
1. Ability to determine & judge if operating conditions
are abnormal
2. Ability to preserve normal conditions
3. Respond quickly to abnormalities by repairing or
calling a technician
Step 1: Cleaning & Restoration
1. Set a date, obtain tools & cleaning materials.
2. On the date, employee clean the eqpt with the
help of maintenance crew
3. While cleaning, inspection shall be done looking
for potential defects.
• Cleaning is Inspection
• Inspection means identifying abnormalities
• Cleaning is a Health Check
4. Open previously “Unseen” covers & clean –
including electrical boxes & oil tanks.
5. Correct oil leakage, loose wires, loose nuts/ bolts
& worn out parts.
Step 1: Cleaning & Restoration
6. Simplify” eqpt by eliminating “Unnecessary” items
7. Expose abnormalities.
8. Stimulate curiosity & develop a sense of ownership.
9. Refer the check points for Nuts, Bolts, Lubrication,
Transmission, Electrical & Pneumatic.
10. List down the Abnormalities in the given format.
11. Attach Abnormality tags: White tags for problems,
to be solved by operators, Red tag means help of
maintenance is needed.
12. Refer to history records of the machine.
13. Record cleaning time
What state should the machine be in?
 Schedule of cleaning, inspection & lubrication with
details like when, what & how shall be made &
followed strictly.
 Study the existing M/C check sheet & analyze why is
it not maintained & used effectively.
 Set Goal time for all activities put together-Cleaning,
Lubrication, Inspection & Retightening, separately for
D,W,M & Y activities
 Clarify place, method, std, period, tool, frequency
etc, so that no ambiguity & subjectivity remains while
taking decision.
Unfulfilled Basic Conditions
Lubrication Insufficient, Dirty, Unidentified or unsuitable
Gauges Dirty, Damaged, leaking, No indication of
Oil level, incorrect level
Loose Nuts & Bolts, Missing, Cross-threaded,
Too long, Crushed, Corroded, Unsuitable

Unsafe Places
Lights Dim, out of position, dirty or broken covers.
Rotating Broken covers, no emergency stop.
Contamination Dust, Dirt, Oil , Grease, Rust, Paint
Play/Slackness Shaking, tilting, eccentricity, wear,
distortion, corrosion, slack belts/chains
Abnormality Unusual noise, heat, vibration, smell,
discolor, incorrect pressure/current
Adhesion Block, stick, jam etc

Unnecessary & Non-urgent Items

Stand by equipment Piping accessories
Electrical accessories Jigs & Tools
Spares/auxiliary materials Makeshift repair items
Cleanliness Control
Lubrication Systems
What is Cleanliness?
 Cleanliness is a term which is used to describe the
relative quantity of contaminant particles in any given
 There are a number of Internationally agreed standards
to which one can refer if attempting to measure the
cleanliness of a fluid.
 Each machine system will have an optimum
cleanliness level which will be a balance between the
maintenance of machine efficiency and the cost to
maintain cleanliness
Section 6
Relative Size Comparisons

100 Micrometers -
Salt Crystal

2 Micrometers - Bacteria

8 Micrometers Red Blood Cell

70 Micrometers -
Human Hair

25 Micrometers - White Blood Cell

40 Micrometers - Limit of visibility

Section 6
Examples of Typical Clearances
Between Components
 Gear Pump - 0.5 - 5 micron
 Vane Pump - Tip 1 micron
 - Side 5 - 13 micron
 Piston Pump - Piston to Bore 5 - 40 micron
 - Port Plate to body 0.5 - 5 micron
 Control Valves - Servo 1 - 4 micron
 - Proportional 11- 6 micron
 - Directional 2 - 8 micron
 Rolling element Bearing 0.1 - 1 micron
 Journal Bearings 0.5 – 100 micron
 Hydrostatic 1 - 25 micron

Section 6
How is Cleanliness Measured?
Num ber of Part icles ISO
ISO 4406 is the most commonly Range
used cleanliness rating. From To Num ber
8,000,000 16,000,000 24
4,000,000 8,000,000 23
The adjacent table shows the 2,000,000 4,000,000 22
1,000,000 2,000,000 21
codes used to represent the 500,000 1,000,000 20
250,000 500,000 19
number of particles in 100 ml of 130,000 250,000 18
64,000 130,000 17
oil. 32,000 64,000 16
16,000 32,000 15
4,000 8,000 13
This code is applied to the 2,000 4,000 12
1,000 2,000 11
number of particles >4, >6 and 500 1,000 10
250 500 9
>14 micron in size, e.g. 20/18/16 130 250 8
64 130 7
32 64 6
16 32 5

Section 6
NAS Equated to ISO 4406
ISO 4406 Code NAS 1638 Class

13/ 11/ 08 2
14/ 12/ 09 3
15/ 13/ 10 4
16/ 14/ 11 5
17/ 15/ 12 6
18/ 16/ 13 7
19/ 17/ 14 8
20/ 18/ 15 9
21/ 19/ 16 10
22/ 20/ 17 11
Typical System Cleanliness

Syst em Type ISO 4406 CODE

Gear Pump 19/ 17/ 14

Piston Pump 18/ 16/ 13
Vane Pump 19/ 17/ 14
Proportional Control 18/ 16/ 13
Servo Valve 16/ 14/ 11
Inj. Moulding Machine 18/ 16/ 11
Unused Hyd. Oil 18/ 16/ 13
General Lubricants 23/ 21/ 17
What Effects can Poor
Cleanliness Create
 Damage interacting components - abrasion.

 Reduce component life - erosion.

 Obstruct critical flow paths.

 Damage servo/ proportional valves.

 Increase quality problems.

 Increases customer dissatisfaction.

 Reduce market perception.

 Damage business opportunities.

 Raise costs.
Step–2: Counter the Contamination

Main Sources of Contamination.

 In-Built
 Generated
 Added

Lubricants Leaks, Spills, Seepage etc.
Gases Leaking comp. air, steam etc.
Liquids Leaking water, Leaking supply lines etc
Where does Dirt Come From?
 Build debris from fabrication, machining and
 Lubricant, as new
 Wear debris
 Corrosion particles
 Fatigue spalls
 Airborne contaminants
 Sealing damage
 Poor assembly techniques
 Environmental factors
What Failures are Likely?
 Sudden or Catastrophic - This is caused when a small
number of particles invade a critical space and create a
torque reaction large enough to cause a seizure or
fracture which is irreversible.
 Intermittent -Similar to that above but usually caused by
smaller size structures. These types of event will
eventually lead to a catastrophic failure. Typical
examples are temporarily blocked or un-seated
spool/poppet valves.
 Degradation - Typically characterised by Flow erosion,

Section 6
abrasion, polishing and general wear.
• Implement Countermeasures against sources of dust
& dirt, splashing & leaks of oil etc.

• Shorten the time for Cleaning, Lubricating & servicing

& rank the priority places for daily inspection.

• Use of concepts like “Localized Guards”

• Grow “BUDS OF KAIZEN” in the Operators mind.

How Can We Manage Cleanliness?
 Purchase lubricants of a known quality and cleanliness

 Store lubricants properly

 Dispense lubricants properly

 Flush all new systems to remove build debris

 Use oil/air filtration systems which will remove particles larger

than the critical clearances
 Change filters at an appropriate frequency

 Ensure that all assembly techniques are adhered to

 Check regularly the cleanliness of lubricants in use to verify that

other procedures are being effective

Section 6
Countermeasures to Contamination
The return oil flow used to splash & spread around causing
contamination. Channelized return oil flow to the lubrication

Example 2 – Problem:
• Limit switch fixed near the bottom bolster
• Soap oil spills over the limit switch, while spraying
• Cleaning is not done often due to more cleaning time.
1. Localized acrylic cover provided for limit switch.
2. Soap oil will not spills over the limit switch
3. Cleaning time is reduced
Cleaning time : Reduced from 5 minutes to 2 minutes.
1. Bearing Worn Out→ Play in the shaft
2. Oil Stain → Excess supply of Lube oil →Adjust Oil Amount
3. Filter choked → Dirt in the Oil Tank
4. Coolant Splashing → Limit the volume of Coolant
used→ Localized Guards
5. More Chips → Excessive Stock in forged component →
Lessen stock to be machined →Localized Guards for
6. Grinding of V Belt (Belt Manufacturing) → Rubber
Powder →Duct from Suction Pump at the Grinding
Why-Why Analysis for problems shall be done.
 Before – Burr deposits on motor from the Swarf
 After – Localized Guard provided nearer to the
source (swarf conveyor) to prevent burr to fall on

 Before - The limit switch fixed on a moving member of

the m/c, resulting cable rubbing on the m/c.
 After – Limit Switch shifted to non –moving member of
the m/c. Prevents Break Down.
Step 3: Improve eqpt accessibility
Difficult to
Due to:
 M/c/ construction, covers, height,Layout, position,
 Position of lubricant inlet/outlets, valves, switches,
gauges etc.
a. Inaccessible regions made accessible; e.g. if many
screw to open, provide hinge door or inspection
window of acrylic sheets.
b. Shorten the time for COT.
Examples: Eqpt accessibility
1. V Belt Inspection Difficult →Covers to Remove
→Make Inspection Window
2. Inspection of pressure Gauge not possible →
Pressure gauge at top → Bring it down
3. Forging m/c was fully covered making it difficult to
clean & inspect the motor & fly wheel area. A see
through sheet was provided on the side cover
making cleaning & inspection easy.
4. Impeller cleaning difficult. To remove motor, end
cover to be removed. Motor end cover made split
type, cleaning time reduced from 4 hrs to 5 min.
Examples: Eqpt accessibility
1. Draining and Oiler Checking Difficult →Oiler, Air
Filter installed near floor.
2. V Belt Inspection Difficult →Covers to Remove
→Make Inspection Window
3. Electrical Wires at the back of M/C making
cleaning impossible →Take to “Z” Axis or flush it to
the ground to clear up XY Axis.
4. Operator has to stretch his hand to operate the
switch. Switch shifted to convenient location.
Design for Maintainability
Features Benefits
Easy access to  Maintenance time reduced
serviceable items  Technician fatigue reduced

No/minimal adjustment Less problem, lesser downtime

 Maint training curve reduced

Components/modules Technician fatigue reduced

quick & easy to replace Problem diagnosis improves

Mistake proofing – part Chances of error reduced

installs one way only Maint training curve reduced

Self-diagnostics  Maintenance time reduced

No/few special tools  Tool inventory reduced
Std fasteners/ parts  Spare inventory reduced
Less components in Spare inventory reduced
assembly Reliability improves
Visual Factory
1. “Visual Factory", deals with workplace orderliness
to eliminate waste & error.
2. Reduces eqpt-specific training time by conveying
specific information at the point of use as below:

On the equipment
Activity Symbol Tools
In the spares store
Clean Δ 
Near the equipment
Lub ⃝ 
Visual SOP/Work instructions
Insp ⃞ 
Visual Systems - On the Equipment


Visual Systems - near the Equipment


Visual - On the Equipment
 Mark operating ranges on gauges
 Label eqpt parts to standardize nomenclature
 Maintain accurate eqpt repair history.
 Label lubrication & fluid fill points
 Mark directions of flow, rotation to prevent errors.
 Use color-coded grease fitting caps to protect &
designate lubrication types & frequency.
 Label part nos. on the eqpt to save time
 Color-code changeover parts
 Use tags to pinpoint the problem areas & request
maintenance help
Visual - On the Equipment
Use visual "action board"
Label pneumatic/electrical lines & devices to aid
Mark matching nuts/bolts to indicate tightening
Label Insp points/gauge reading sequence nos
 Make Lub System Diagram marking oil spot, Oil
type & Frequency (Oil Jockeys & Grease Guns) with
time required (for “Hard to Oil” Areas).
 Create Visualization of Oil Level Marks.
 Color-code pipelines
Visual - near the Equipment
Eqpt action boards for performance trends &
Visual PM schedules showing when PMs are due, past
due, & completed - for the year
 Visual Procedures & Work Instructions
Photo & drawings to show important points in
Photographs to show where to inspect or adjust
Photographs to show where to get equipment
readings for a shift inspection log sheet
Step 5: General Inspection Skills
Lubrication Prepare Provide
Tightening schedules & Training
Pneumatics checklists
Electrical Manuals Implement
Cutaway Models Audit

Train people to enable them to use

inspection manuals.
Checkpoints for Nuts & Bolts
 Are any nuts/ bolts loose?
 Are any nuts/bolts missing?
 Do all bolts protrude from nuts by 2-3 thread lengths?
 Are flat washers used on long holes?
 Are tapered washers used on angle bars/channels?
 Are spring washers used in vibration area?
 Are identical washers used on identical parts?
Attachment of Nuts/Bolts
 Are bolts inserted from below & nuts visible from
 Are devices secured by at least 2 bolts?
 Are wing nuts on the right way around?
Lubrication Checkpoints
Lubricant Storage
 Are lube stores clean, tidy & well-organized by the
application of 5S principles?
 Are lube containers capped?
 Are lube types indicated & stock control practiced?
Lubricant Inlets
 Are grease nipples, lube ports/ inlets kept clean?
 Are lube inlets dust proofed?
 Are lube inlets labeled with type & qty of lube?
Lubricant Checkpoints
Oil-Level Gauges
 Are oil-level gauges & lubricators clean & oil
levels easy to see?
 Is the correct oil level clearly marked?
 Is eqpt free of oil leaks & oil pipes/breathers unobstructed?
Automatic Lubricating Devices
 Are automatic lube devices operating correctly &
supplying the right amount of lube?
 Are any oil/grease pipes blocked, crushed or split?
Lubrication Condition
 Are rotating/sliding parts & transmissions (e.g.chains) clean
& well-oiled?
 Are the surroundings free of contamination by excess lube?
Transmission Checkpoints
V-belts and Pulleys
 Are any belts cracked/swollen/worn or contaminated by oil/ grease?
 Are any belts twisted or missing?
 Are any belts stretched or slack?
 Are multiple belts under uniform tension & all of the same type?
 Are top surfaces of belts protruding above the pulley rims?
 Are the bottoms of any pulley grooves shiny (indicting a worn belt or
 Are pulleys correctly aligned?
Roller Chains
□ Are any chins stretched (indicating worn pins or bushings)?
□ Are any sprocket teeth worn, missing, or damaged?
□ Is lubrication between pins and bushing sufficient?
□ Are sprockets correctly aligned?
Transmission Checkpoints
 Is there any overheating, vibration, or abnormal
noise due to excessive play or poor lubricant?
 Are any keys or set bolts loose or missing?
 Are any couplings misaligned or wobbly?
 Are any coupling seals worm?
 Are any bolts slack?
 Are gears lubricated with the right amount of
 Are the surroundings clean?
 Are any teeth worn, missing, damaged or jammed?
 Is there any unusual noise or vibration?
Hydraulic Units
 s there correct qty of fluid in hydraulic reservoirs &
correct level indicated?
 Is fluid at the correct temperature?
 Are the max & min permissible temp indicated?
 Is fluid cloudy (indicating air entrapment)?
 Are all fluid inlets and strainers clean?
 Are any suction filters blocked?
 Are any fluid reservoir breather filters blocked?
 Are pumps operating normally w/o unusual noise &
 Are hydraulic pressures correct & operating range
Hydraulic Checkpoints
Hydraulic Equipment
 Are there any fluid leaks?
 Are hydraulic devices properly secured w/o any
makeshift fastenings?
 Are hydraulic devices operating correctly without speed
losses or breathing?
 Are hydraulic pressures correct, and are all pressure
gauges working correctly (zero points, deflection)?
Piping and Wiring
 Are all pipes and hoses securely attached?
 Are there any fluid leaks? Are any hoses
 Are all valves operating correctly?
 It is easy to see whether valves are open or shut?
 Are any pipes, wires, or valves unnecessary?
Pneumatic Checkpoints
□ Are FRLs clean? Is it easy to see inside them? Are
they fitted the right way around?
□ Is there sufficient oil, and are the drains clear?
□ Is the oil drip rate correct (approx 1 drop/10
□ Are FRLs installed < 3 m from the pneumatic
□ Are pressures adjusted to the correct value &
operating ranges clearly indicated?
Pneumatic Equipment
□ Is compressed air leaking from cylinders/solenoids?
□ Are cylinders & solenoid valves firmly attached?
□ Are any makeshift fixings in use (wire/adhesive
Pneumatic Checkpoints
 Are any pistons dirty, worn, or damaged?
 Are speed controllers installed the right way around?
 Is there any abnormal noise or overheating of solenoid
valves, and are any lead wires chafed or trailing?
Piping and Wiring
 Are there any places in pneumatic pipes or hoses where
fluid is liable to collect?
 Are all pipes and hoses clipped firmly into place?
 Are there any compressed-air leaks?
 Are any hoses cracked or damaged?
 Are all valves operating correctly?
 Is it easy to see whether valves are open or closed?
 Are any pipes, wires, or valves unnecessary?
Electrical Checkpoints - Control Panels
 Are the interiors of DBs, switchboards & control panels
kept clean & tidy by the application of the 5S
 Any extraneous objects /flammable materials left
 Is the wiring inside control panels in good condition?
 Are any wires coiled or trailing?
 Are all ammeters/voltmeters operating correctly &
 Are any instruments or display lamps broken?
 Are any bulbs faulty?
 Are any switches broken? Do all switches work
 Are control panel doors in good condition? Do they
open & close easily?
 Are there any unused holes?
 Are control panels water proof and dustproof?
Electrical Checkpoints
Electrical Equipment
 Are all motors free of overheating, vibration, and unusual noise and
 Are all motor cooling fans and fins clean?
 Are any attachment bolts loose? Are pedestals free of
 Are all limit switches clean and free of excessive play?
 Are the interiors of all limit switches clean? Are any wires trailing?
 Are all covers in good condition?
 Are any limit switches incorrectly installed?
 Are any limit switch dogs worn, deformed, or the wrong shape?
 Are all photoelectric switches and proximity switches clean and free of
excessive play?
 Are any sensors out of position? Are correct positions clearly indicated?
 Are all lead wires unchated, and is insulation intact at entry points.
Electrical Checkpoints
□ Are all switches clean, undamaged & free of play?
□ Are all switches installed in the correct position?
□ Are emergency stop switches installed in appropriate
locations, and are they working correctly.
Piping and Wiring
□ Are any pipes, wires, or power leads looser or
□ Are any ground wires damaged or disconnected?
□ Are any pipes corroded or damaged? Are there any
bare wires or wires with damaged insulation?
□ Are any wires coiled on the floor or dangling overhead?
General - Purpose Equipment: Pumps
 Are pumps & their stands free of unusual noise, vibration
& play?
 Are pedestal bolts tight, corrosion-free, and
 Are stands/pedestals free of corrosion, cracking & other
 Is any liquid leaking or spraying from gland packings?
 Is any liquid leaking or spraying from pipes or valves?
 Are any pipes or valves blocked?
 Are all meters (flow/temp) & gauges(Pr, Vac.) working
properly & marked with the correct operating ranges?
 Are starting current & operating current valves correct?
 Are these clearly indicated?
 Are all valves operating correctly? Is it easy to see
whether valves are open or closed?
Checkpoints for Fans
 Are fans and their stands free of unusual noise,
vibration & play?
 Are all pedestal bolts, light, corrosion-free, and
 Are all stands & pedestals free of corrosion,
cracking & other damaged?
 Are any gland packings leaking air or gas?
 Are any ducts or dampers leaking air or gas?
 Are any ducts blocked or clogged?
 Are all gauges & meters working properly &
marked with the correct operating ranges?
 Are starting current and operating current values
 Are these clearly indicated?
 Are all dampers operating correctly? Is it easy to
see whether dampers are opened or closed?
V-belt Drives
 Main cause of V-belt failure is under-tensioning, which
allow a belt to slip. The resulting friction gives the belt‟s
sidewalls a shiny or glazed appearance.
 If not unattended, this slippage creates heat that hardens
the belt‟s rubber compound.
 The consequent flexing required of the belt & this new
hardened condition causes cracks on the belt surface.
 A slipping belt is identified by squealing on startup,
excessive heat at the driver/driven sheave, black carbon
dust below the drive & glazed belt sidewalls.
 The ideal tension for a belt is the least amount required to
prevent it from slipping under peak load conditions, is
specified by belt manufacturer as the force required to
deflect a belt 1/64 in./in. of belt center distance.
Re-tension V-Belt Drives
 The typical mistake is that the tension of a newly
installed belt is not rechecked & adjusted after 1 hr of
operation, which is needed as the belts have a
tendency to seat or find their home.
 Paint removed from the grooves of new sheaves after
only a few minutes of operation shortens the center
distance slightly.
 Some belts have "flashing" or excess material at certain
spots which wears off & allows the belt to ride deeper in
the groove, resulting in under-tensioning.
 As the belt warms up, it flexes easier leaving more slack
in the drive. If belts are not re-tensioned, slippage is
imminent & premature failure is likely.
Reliability increase thru‘ 6 Sigma?
6 Sigma is a methodology for variation analysis. If history
of failures is examined, we find great commonality in
RESULT. The EFFECT of dissimilar CAUSES is often similar. 6
Sigma methods express these as Y = f(x).

Cause (x) Effect Result (Y)

Bad Solenoid No Coolant Downtime

Bad Encoder Positioning Errors Scrap, Rework, DT

If we analyze root causes of every cause, we arrive at 6 basic

stresses, (other than poor design, operator abuse/inadequate
ratings, programming error) which is a true ‗x‘.
Stress Caused Effect Result
Contamination Solenoid fail No Coolant DT
Power Surges SCR fail Z axis runaway DT
Vibration Encoder fail Positioning Errors Scrap/DT
6 Sigma - Problem & Cause
1. Vibration
2. Dirt build-up
3. Heat: over-temp problems of electronic cabinet, motors.
4. Hydraulic/Pneumatic Contamination:
5. Oxidation/Corrosion: ageing cable & circuit board
6. Current/Voltage Transients: Lightening storms, crippling
effect of power outage & Eqpt generated transients (>65%
transients are self-generated). A protective device, TVSS
(Transient Voltage Surge Suppressor) is recommended.
Prevent "x," or chronic stress, thus preventing downtime,
Y. Eliminating a stress, or hardening equipment against
stress will result in drastic increase in MTBF.
Six Sigma Solution
DMAIC model of Six Sigma:
• Define the problem,
• Measure the problem
• Analyze (by Pareto, scatter, run chart, box plots etc) to
see trends, find root causes & cost effective solutions.
• Implement the solution (an action plan & FMEA analysis)
• Control for continuous improvement (kaizen).
There are 3 categories of downtime:
1. Due to Operator/ Programmer Error
2. Due to inadequate PM procedure or performance
3. Downtime by chronic stresses

ISO-9001 & TPM deal with first 2 issues.

The common misconception is that if the coupling
halves fasten together, it is OK, which is not true. It works
for rigid couplings but not for the flexible types. The
misaligned shaft result into breakdowns.

In fact, the bearing settings alone limit the amount of

misalignment that most equipment can tolerate. Proper
shaft alignment will save many hours of downtime &
labor & equipment costs.

Aligning drives to coupling capabilities rather than

equipment capabilities often results in bending failure of
the shaft. Preliminary indications of misaligned shafts are
excessive heat at the face of the driver /driven
equipment, oil seal leakage, and/or vibration.
 The shafts shall be aligned to within the eqpt
specifications rather than the coupling capabilities,
as near perfect angular & parallel alignment as
possible within reason.
 Dial indicators are used for aligning shafts & are
adequate for most applications. Some precision
applications require sophisticated tools like laser
alignment. If proper alignment is not achieved, it is
the equipment that suffers rather than the coupling.
Gearbox Failure
 Unpredictable overloading, worn components &
changes in the application may harm gear drives.
 The weak link of a gearbox is the gears, bearings &
shaft. It is the gear that fails in most cases.
 If a gearbox fails with damaged gear or broken teeth,
then it means the unit was subjected to overload,
provided it was properly lubricated.
 Replacement by another identical gearbox is likely to
produce similar results if the load on the drive is not
lessened to the load limit of the gearbox.
 Follow proper installation & maintenance techniques,
analyze failures before replacing it.
Reliability of Rotating Machineries
Misalignment can be offset (top), angular Bearing life varies inversely
(bottom), or a combination of both. with misalignment.

Shaft misalignment is known to be responsible for up to 50% of breakdowns in rotating

machinery. Shaft alignment tools (pictured) offer simplicity with a high degree of accuracy.

Any misalignment between the eqpt joined with a flexible

coupling will result in vibration, resulting into premature
failure of bearings, seals, couplings & other components.
Higher the misalignment, greater the rate of wear,
likelihood of premature failure & loss of efficiency of the
machine. Misaligned machines consume more power.
Temp Monitoring - Key to Motor Reliability
Heat kills motors, exceeding the rated operating
temperature by 10 C, can shorten the life of a 3-phase
induction motor by half.
Fig. - Hot spot temperature
vs. ambient & rise for Class
B insulation system. Note
that at 40 C ambient
(horizontal axis), the rise is
90 C (vertical axis). The
sum of the ambient and
temperature rise will always
be 130 C for a Class B
insulation system.

The temperature rise is measured directly using sensors or

an infrared temperature detector, or indirectly using the
resistance method.
Employee prepare their own schedule consulting supervisor.

Frequency of cleanup/inspection is changed

based on experience.
Machine Adjustments
Equipment have a range of adjustments:
1. Adjustments related to size & configuration changes
2. Adjustments related to wear of the machine
3. Adjustments required for assembly & installation

At Rheem Australia, unnecessary adjustments were

eliminated by half to ensure that machine is not put
out of spec, albeit with good intention.
The process is described in following steps: Find,
Eliminate & Simplify.
a. Locate all Points of Adjustments
b. Begin from a logical starting point & work
systematically thru the machine; e.g. a Cig Pack
Wrapper has Infeed & Out-feed Conveyor.
c. On the infeed, there are adjustments on guide rail,
pack height, proximity sensors, sprockets, chain
tensioners, slot on the motor-gearbox etc.
d. Someone may say, “Don‟t worry, no one will change
this!”. Such thoughts should not be allowed.
e. When all POAs are listed, mark it physically on the
machine as well.
Machine Adjustments
ID Section Description Function Category
I1 Infeed Guide Rail Adjust for pack
Height heights
I2 Infeed Pack sensor Check the
presence of packs
I3 Infeed Chain Adjust for wear in Maint.
tensioner drive chain
I4 Infeed Slotted motor During installation Fixed
mount bolts of motor
2. Eliminate, Eliminate, Eliminate
a. Involve experts to identify which POAs can be
b. Review each POA & try to fix as many as possible.
Generally, 50% of POAs are not needed.
c. Lock up identified POAs with suitable means. Never
leave open holes where screws/bolts resided once,
fill & grind flush to eliminate doubt.
d. Some POAs are maintenance related & should be
identified with appropriately on the machine (e.g.
“M”). These should have properly documented
3. Simplify
a. There should be no private information; i.e. not
readily available to all employees who need it.
b. Everybody is not comfortable with numbers,
drawings, graphs, charts etc.
For the remaining POAs, Simplify step classifies POAs
on a scale of 1-7 in ascending order (1 is the least
ideal stage & 7 is the ideal stage):
A. Setting by feel, judgement, eye: This is the worst kind
of setting having infinite no. of variations as it has no
science associated with it. This class of POA must be
Machine Adjustments
B. Setting by memory or information kept on bits of
paper: This is an example of private information &
better than previous one.
C. Setting from manuals with measuring devices: It is
an improvement, however the errors of
measurement has to be kept in mind. But, all are
not used to drawings, graphs, charts, tables etc.
D. Setting with graduated device : They allow
inspection w/o stopping the m/c. These avail
information to all. But, these can be rendered
useless by lack of maintenance & calibration.
E. Setting using Jigs/templates: This is an improvement
as it overcome numeracy & literacy issues.
Machine Adjustments
F. Color coded setting points: Different colors for
different product group/size - most effective.
Literacy & private information are overcome, can
be inspected while the m/c is running.
G. Singe Minute Exchange of Die (SMED) Approach:

Fear of Change
There can be enormous resistance to such projects
in some organizations, because some people use
such „private information‟ as currency. Some
people might feel that they are no longer able to
„fine tune‟ the equipment any more.
Step-7: Organize & Manage Workplace

Organize & set standards for:


OEE , continuous
STANDARDS FOR improvement thru
cycle implemented.


5S: Foundation of TPM
 Seiri (Sort out)
 Seiton (put in
 Seiso (Sparkle)
 Seiketsu
 Shitsuke (Self
What is 5 S
Japanese English Meaning Typical Example
Seiri Sort Organize the Keep away unwanted &
workplace not frequently used items
Seiton Systemize Neatly arrange A place to everything &
materials, tools everything in its place.
Fast retrieval of doc, tool
Seiso Sanitize Clean, oil, Daily cleaning
Seiketsu Standardize Std methods for Transparency of storage,
everyone to Easy access, Clear
use. notice, indications
Shitsuke Self- Practice in a Do daily 5-S
discipline disciplined
1 - Seiri (Sort out)
1. Prepare red tags & attach to unneeded items
2. Remove red-tagged items to “dinosaur burial
3. Seiri means sorting unnecessary items from one‟s
workplace & removal.
4. Removal means returning things to owners,
moving to more distant & cheaper storage areas,
selling/donating them, or simply throwing away.
5. In essence, it is removing workplace clutter &
freeing up valuable space, in preparation for the
next step.
Group Frequncy of Usage(Degree of necessity) Storage place

A High Articles to be used Every hour Within the operational

all the time Every day area
Every week

B Normal Articles used Once a month Somewhere near the

sometimes Once in 3 months work place
C Low Articles seldom Once in 6 months Outside the work place
used Once in a year


Group In case of production area In case of office
A Near the operator Inside the table
B Common rack or working table Common cabinet
C Store Store
2 - Seiton (put things in order )
Make it obvious where things belong
– Lines
• Divider lines
• Outlines
• Limit lines (height, min./max.)
• Arrows show direction
– Labels
• Color coding
• Item location
– Signs
• Equipment related information
• Show location, type, quantity, etc.
3 - "Seiso" (Cleaning)
• Places should be thoroughly cleaned, from floor,
wall to lighting equipments, as well as machines,
shelves & lockers.
• Cleaning up everyday makes it possible to detect
subtle abnormality.

1. While cleaning, repair the malfunctioning spot

found during clean-up
2. Identify what caused stains/dirt & eradicate the
3. Setup "cleaning standard" & carry out involving
4 - Seiketsu (Standardise)
1. After the first 3S‟s are implemented, the last two are
applied to maintain the new set-up.
2. Seiketsu means standardizing, or setting procedures
for all employees to follow and comply with; i.e.
setting rules on what, when & how to dispose while
doing Seiri.
3. It sets rules on where & how to store or file items,
how to borrow or retrieve them & how to return
them to their proper places. It specifies how &
when to clean the workplace & who will do these
chores, usually from among the employees
5 - Shitsuke
The 5th step is Shitsuke (training & discipline).
Employees are trained on 5-S principles, such that
they do not revert to the old ways & habits.
Determine the methods to maintain the standards:
• 5-S concept training
• 5-S communication board
• Before & after photos
• One point lesson
• Visual standards & procedures
• Daily 5-minute 5-S activities
• Weekly 5-S application
Pillar – 2: Kobetsu Kaizen
Target: Achieve & sustain zero losses with respect to
minor stops, measurement & adjustments, defects &
unavoidable downtimes. It also aims to achieve 30%
manufacturing cost reduction.

Kaizen Tools:
1. PM analysis

2. Why - Why analysis

3. Summary of losses

4. Kaizen register

5. Kaizen summary sheet.

16 Major Losses in Organization
Loss Category
1. Failure losses – breakdown loss
2. Setup/adjustment losses
3. Cutting blade loss
Losses that
4. Start up loss impede
5. Minor stoppage/idling loss equipment
6. Speed loss – operating at low speed
7. Defect/rework loss
8. Scheduled downtime loss
16 Major Losses in Organization

Loss Category
9. Management loss
10.Operating loss Losses that impede
human work
11.Line organisation loss efficiency
12.Measurement & adjustment loss
13.Energy loss
Losses that impede
14.Die/jig & tool breakage loss effective use of
production resource
15.Yield loss
Classification of losses
Aspect Sporadic Loss Chronic Loss
Cause-effect Not easily identifiable, even
Causation relationship simple to with several counter
trace. measures
Easy to establish a Due to hidden defects in
remedial measure m/c, eqpt & methods
A single cause is rare - a
Impact / A single loss can be
combination of causes
Loss costly
trends to be a rule
Freq. of
occasional Frequent
Only line personnel in Specialists in process engg,
the production can quality assurance & maint
attend to this problem people are required
Why-Why & P-M Analysis
for Sporadic & Chronic Problems

• Used with other data analysis or collection tools.

• Emphasis on logical reasoning to understand the chain of
cause-effects & devise holistic multiple solutions.
• All defects, breakdowns, accidents & work problems are result
of an error by Man which is the Root Cause.
• Problems are traced to all the 4Ms
• Solution Sustained by linked to the TPM systems.
Why-Why Analysis: For problems with clear & assignable causes
P-M Analysis: For problems with clear causes & no effective
Kaizen Policy
Practice concepts of zero losses in all activity.
relentless pursuit to cost reduction & improve OEE
Use of PM analysis as a tool for eliminating losses.
Focus on easy handling of operators.

Equipment Improvement
Achieve systematic breakthroughs in equipments‟ 6
BIG LOSSES & establish Standards for Basic Machine
Conditions. The Basic Machine Conditions are:
1. Cleaning Standards.
2. Lubrication Standards.
3. Bolt-tightening Standards.
Attack individual losses
Availability Performance
•Breakdown Loss •Short Stoppage Loss
•Changeover/setup Loss •Machine speed Loss

•Defects Loss
•Warm-up & Shutdown Loss

Overall Equipment Effectiveness is

reduced by these 6 Big Losses
Tracking TPM Progress thru OEE
Identify & eliminate wastes to reduce cost. Delays,
downtime, inefficiencies & scrap are main wastes.
An asset shall fulfill 3 performance standards:
• Availability - eqpt shall be operational
• Efficiency - it should work at right speed
• Yield - it should produce right quality
The composite measure of effectiveness is determined
by multiplying all three variables:
Overall effectiveness = availability x efficiency x yield
Also known as „Primary Functional Effectiveness‟ (PFE)
Tracking TPM Progress thru OEE
Downtime losses: eqpt failure, setups & changeovers,
tooling or part changes, start-up & adjustment
Performance efficiency losses: minor stops or delays,
reduced speed or cycle time
Quality losses: scrap product/output, defects or
rework, yield or process transition losses
All the TPM key elements are measured by the first
element metrics; i.e. OEE, which is the measure of TPM
initiative effectiveness & contributes to the
“identification & elimination of waste to reduce
manufacturing cost”, the foundation of the TPS.
• Provides a long-term baseline of equipment
condition for improvement measurement.
• When an OEE analysis chart is plotted,the exact
reasons in terms of the 6 Big Losses are clearly
• Suitable tools can be used to address specific
selected Losses.
• TPM activities should address problem areas in the
plant, poor-performing equipment & high
maintenance cost areas of the facility.
6 Big Losses: Focus On Bottleneck
Available Time = Total Time - (Time lost in BD &
Availability = Available Time / Total Time (>= 90%)
Performing Time = Available Time - Time lost due to
short stoppages & lower speeds
Performance = Performing Time/Available Time (>=
Good pieces produced = Nos. expected in
performing time - defectives produced
Quality = Good pieces/Nos. expected in perf time
(>= 99.9% ) OEE >= 90% X 95% X 99.9% >= 85%
All the TPM key elements are measured by the first element metrics; i.e. OEE,
which also measures the effectiveness of the TPM initiatives. It contributes to the
“identification & elimination of waste to reduce manufacturing cost”, the foundation
of the TPS.
OEE provides a long-term baseline of
equipment condition for improvement
Improving Performance Rate through Improving the
Equipment MTBA Losses.
Summary of “Static” Restoration Activities (1st Part)
• Six standards “static” conditions were checked and
identified areas need to be restored.
!Indexer clamp’s parallelism was out.
!The index clamper and back rail gap were out of the
required spec.
!Output index clamper position not parallel when a
lead frame is clamped.
!One hot plate screw was missing.
KAIZEN is: Focused Improvement.

Focused Improvement

Paper does not

burn in sunlight
Paper burns

Improvement is like sunlight: Focused improvement concentrates the

• Lot of energy, but dispersed energy:
(wasted) • Little energy, but concentrated and aligned
• Small improvements • Enables significant (large) improvements
• Slow progress. • Small time required
• Rapid progress
KAIZEN / Focused Improvement is:
•Process Improvement
•in Strategically Important Areas
•Significant (Large) Improvements (&
small ones that go with it)
•Sustainable Improvements
•Speedily Executed Improvements
What KAIZEN is Not!
Any improvement done
by anybody is not KAIZEN

30 sec 60 sec 40 sec

Busy person – no time for kaizen

Now 20 sec 60 sec 30 sec

Are they KAIZEN?

No They are improvements,
but not KAIZEN
KAIZEN is: studying entire process

Don’t study only machine Study the entire process

A- B - C

B Identify
A & attack

If B is slow, no point in speeding up C.

Here, KAIZEN means speeding up B.
Speeding up C & A is not KAIZEN.
Identifying Strategically important area & improving there.

80.0% 20% Shop C
S 72%
T 30%
Shop B
I 40.0%

% 20.0% 13% FUEL 42% Shop A

1.5% 4.5% STEAM
should focus here
KAIZEN Journey A S




S: Standardize
Speak with Data D: Do
 Gather data using all five senses C:Check
 Go to gemba for data A:Act
 Analyze data - “When you see data, doubt it” P: Plan
 Make decisions with data D: Do
 Take action based on data C:Check
 Check results - “When you see data, doubt it” A:Act
KI Methodology

Review & AS A P
Standardise Gemba
CD C D Kaizen
Review & Workshop
Standardize AS A P Gemba
CD C D Kaizen
A P GembaKaizen
C D Workshop
Initial Diagnosis & Roadmap
Theme & Principles of Lean Concept
Concept of lean thinking originated from Toyota
Production Systems (TPS) developed in 1950s Japan
through lean principles described by Womack (1990).
Central theme of lean thinking
Eliminate Waste

The five lean principles

Specify Identify the Make value Pull Perfection
Value value stream flow
Only make What customer
Identify Single piece flow. as needed. wants, at the
Suit the needs Never delay a
process right time,
from value adding step quality, price &
sequence -
customer by non-value without waste.
concept to
viewpoint. adding one.
15 Characteristics of Lean Concept
Customer Simplicity Visibility Pull Regularity Synchronz‟n
Understand In Operational Work at No surprise Keep it
the true operation, visibility & customers operations, moving. Seek
demand technology transparency. rate of “time flow.
& process demand. pacing”

Waste Process Prevention Time Regularity

Learn to Think Shift Simultaneous & Beyond waste
recognize, horizontal emphasis parallel reduction, to
then reduce & map the from failure operations. Time include
process to prevention innovation
as a measure

Partnership Gemba Variation Participation

Seek to build Innovation in
Seek to reduce. Everybody takes
trust, with the workplace, responsibility!
supplier & not in the Understand the
customer office limits. shared
Mura - Inconsistencies
 Happens only sometimes? Mura!
 Happens to only some people? Mura!
 Happens only some places? Mura!

Muri - Physical Strain

 Bend to work? Muri!
 Large batch? Muri
 Avoidable movements? Muri!
 Do not reduce walking by making big batches
 Standing at work is healthier & more efficient than
Muda - how to see it?
 What should flow
 Material in a factory
 document in an office
 Is it stopping? Muda!
 Is it retracting?Muda!
 Is it piling up? Muda!
 Reprocessing? Muda!
Muda = “Waste”
with a special
The 7 original wastes (Ohno, 1985)

Excessive WIP
Muda of over-production Too Invasive PM
Non moving materials
Muda of waiting Waiting for resources
& analogous
Movement is waste
Muda of transport Centralized maintenance within
Too much variation maintenance
Muda of processing
Non-standard PM
Excessive stock
Muda of inventory
Excessive spares stock
Double handling
Muda of motion
Double handling Production example
Scrap, rework
Muda of repair/rejects Maintenance example
Poor maintenance work
The 7 original wastes (Ohno, 1985)
1. Muda of over-production
• Overhauling an assembly, which do not have age-related failure
• Performing excessively invasive routine maintenance tasks, which
might upset an otherwise stable system by introducing infant

2. Muda of Waiting
• Waiting for maintenance personnel to perform a service.
• Waiting for tools, parts documentation, transportation, & other
• Move the parts and documents closer to the job, and buy extra
tools and store them near the job location where they will be used.
The 7 original wastes (Ohno, 1985)
3. Muda of transport - "walking around." due to
 Tools that are stored a long way from the job,
 Commonly used parts that have not been pre-assembled or kitted,
 Documentation that must be hunted down, and
 Work orders that are not available, all cause excess transportation.
Maintenance people spend a lot of time walking; without adding value
to the process.

4. Muda of processing
In reactive maintenance, repairs are conducted to resume operation
ASAP, sometimes eliminating an opportunity to perform a higher
quality repair. Maintenance planning is key to eliminate process
The 7 original wastes (Ohno, 1985)
5. Muda of inventory
• spares store contains obsolete items in significant
• informal parallel inventory to ensure availability when
• too much backlog maintenance work inventory means
slow response and a high reactive labor percentage.
6. Muda of motion : PM tasks that do not add value
7. Muda of defects / rejects
Job recurrence because of improperly performed repair
work. Root cause analysis can ensure that the proper action
is taken to eliminate the source of the defect.
The 7 new wastes (Bicheno, 2000)

Waste of Human Poor creativity &

Potential Lack of training

Poor record keeping &

Inappropriate System Information System

Energy & Water Energy management

Wasted materials Over-maintenance

Service & Office Wastes Poor service operations

Customer time Customer inconvenience

Defecting customers Poor maintenance

Pillar – 3: Planned Maintenance
implementing systems of “parts
replacement before failure” through CBM.

Equipment Total
Maintenance standards

Autonomous P.M. standards

Maintenance System General Inspection Stds +
Annual Maintenance
1. Achieve & sustain availability of machines
2. Optimum maintenance cost
3. Reduces spares inventory
4. Improve reliability & maintainability of

1. Zero equipment failure & break down
2. Improve reliability & maintainability by 50 %
3. Reduce maintenance cost by 20 %
4. Ensure availability of spares all the time
Formulating Maintenance Strategy

system to ensure
that jobs get
done as desired.
Identify resource
requirement to fulfill
maintenance requirement
Identify Maintenance Requirements
(so that assets continue to fulfill their
functions to the desired
performance standard)
The “Plan Do Check Act” Process

The Good AM Process - improved
through Culture and Leadership

Good The PDCA

Asset Process

Culture Leadership
The Four Key Principles

Learning Capabili
Organisa ties

Level of
What is Asset Management?


Good AM

The Four
RCM Starts with 7 Basic Questions
1. Define the functions & performance standard - What
are the functions & performance standard of the
asset in its present operating context?
2. Define functional failure - In what ways does it fail to
fulfill its functions?
3. Identify Failure Modes - What causes each
functional failure?
4. Identify Failure Effect - What happens when each
failure occurs?
5. Identify Failure Consequences - In what ways, does
each failure matter?
6. Identify Failure Management techniques - What can
be done to predict or prevent each failure?
7. Identify Failure Finding Tasks - What should be done
if a suitable proactive task cannot be found?
Functions & Performance Standards
Answers 1st question, “What are the functions &
performance std of the asset in the operating
RCM is regarded as ‗TQM applied to physical asset‘
 Primary functions, reason of acquiring the asset -
speed, capacity, product quality & customer service.
 Secondary functions - safety, comfort, control,
economy, protection, efficiency, ease of operation,
compliance with regulations, structural integrity etc.
 Every asset has more than one functions. If failure is
evident to the crew, then it is an evident function;
else a hidden function.
 Segregate hidden functions from evident functions as
hidden functions need special handling. It is
associated with protective devices - not fail safe.
Functions & Performance Standards
Performance can be defined in two ways:
• Desired performance (what the user want the asset to do)
• Built-in capability (what it can do)
If an asset delivers the min. performance without deteriorating,
then there will be no need of maintenance. But any organized
system exposed to the real world will deteriorate; so, it should
be allowed for.
Initial capability (inherent reliability) of any asset is governed
by its design & manufacturing. Maintenance can not yield
reliability beyond that inherent in the design.
Initial Capability
Maintenance ensures that the

capability remains above the Margin for deterioration

minimum std.
Desired Performance
Maintainability - characteristic of design & installation. If
desired performance exceeds initial capability, then no
amount of maintenance can deliver it.
If so, either modify the equipment (change in process or
change in SOP) or lower our expectations & decide to live
with the problem.
Initial Capability


can‟t raise the maintenance Maintenance

capability above ensures that the maintains the
this level. capability stays capability in this
above this level. zone.
Desired Performance
Functional Failures
Answers Q2, “In what ways does it fail to fulfill its functions?”
Failed states are known as „functional failures‟ – as it happens
when the asset is unable to fulfill a function to a performance standard
acceptable to the user.

Leak starts Standard Setting

Pool of oil (safety hazard) The performance std
of functional failure

“FAILED” says safety manager

will define the level of
High consumption of oil proactive maint
“FAILED” says Maint manager required.
Equipment stops working
“FAILED” says Prod manager
RCM Information Worksheet
System: Cigarette packing machine
Function Functional Failure
To pack 20 sticks into a A It stops altogether.
pack at a minimum rate B It packs more than 20 sticks.
of 300 packs/minute. C It packs less than 20 sticks.
D It packs at a rate less than 300 packs/min

RCM Information Worksheet System: Crankshaft Grinding machine

Function Functional Failure
To finish grind main A Completely unable to grind work piece.
bearing journals in a B Grinds work piece in a cycle time >3.03 mins
cycle time of 3.00±0.03 C Grinds work piece in a cycle time <2.97 mins
minutes to a diameter of D Diameter exceeds 75.1 mm
75±0.1 mm with a E Diameter is below 74.9 mm
surface finish of Ra 0.2 F Surface finish too rough.
Failure Modes
Answers Q3, „What causes each functional failure?‟
1. It is an event which causes a functional failure.
2. Include failures caused by normal wear & tear, human errors,
design flaws & manufacturing defects.
3. Maintenance is done at the failure mode level- failure modes &
corrective actions are recorded in a m/c history.
4. All failure modes shall be identified before they occur/recur.
Life Impeller worn out – age related failure. Manage this
failure by: changing impellers before end of “useful life”

Impeller jammed – random failure. Manage this failure

by: installing screen in suction line.

Impeller adrift – infant mortality due to poor

workmanship. Manage this failure by: training people to
fit impellers correctly.
Some failure modes are eliminated by redesign/training.
System: Cooling Water Pumping System Sub-system:
Functional Failures Failure Modes
Function (Loss of Function) (Cause of failure)
To transfer A. Unable to transfer 1. Bearing seizes
water from any water at all. 2. Impeller comes adrift
tank X to 3. Impeller jam by foreign object
tank Y @ 4. Coupling hub shears due to fatigue
800 lpm. 5. Motor burns out
6. Inlet valve jam … etc
B. Transfers less than 1. Impeller worn
800 lpm. 2. Suction line blocked partially..

Root Cause Analysis of failure modes shall be done in

enough detail to identify appropriate failure mgmt
policy. But, excessive detail can cause analysis paralysis.
The focus shall be on causes & not on symptoms.
Failure Mode & Effects Analysis (FMEA)
Failure modes are classified into 3 groups:
1. Capability falls below desired performance level
2. Desired performance rises above initial capability
3. Capability is below desired performance level from the outset

1. When capability falls below desired performance level. The

5 principal causes of reduced capability are listed below:
A. Deterioration Initial Capability
B. Dirt

Desired Performance
C. Lubrication failures
D. Disassembly Capability drops after
E. Human errors it is put into service

Deterioration: it covers all forms of „wear & tear‟, e.g. fatigue,

corrosion, abrasion, erosion, evaporation & vibration.
1st Category of Failure Mode – Fall of Capability
Dirt: Most common - causes machine to block, stick, jam or
misalign. Dirt increases frictional resistance resulting in speed
losses & forced deterioration. Contamination by dirt in rotating or
sliding parts, air & oil pressure systems, electrical control systems,
sensors, etc. causes a drop in accuracy or mis-operation.

Lubrication failures: It is of 2 types; lack of lubrication & the

failure of lubricant itself. First is due to unfulfilled lubrication
requirement, second is caused by shearing of oil molecules,
oxidation of base oil, depletion of additives, contaminations etc.
A lubricant will fail if wrong one is used.
Human Errors: Timing, setting and adjustments incorrectly done
by maintenance personnel.
Disassembly: Components fall off machines, assemblies fall
apart or come adrift due to failure of welds, soldered joints,
rivets, threaded/electrical connections on a/c of fatigue or
2nd : Increase in desired performance
It occurs when the desired performance increases
such that the asset can no longer deliver it or
increase in stress accelerates deterioration such that
the asset becomes unreliable & effectively useless.
Such failures occur for four reasons, the first three of
which embody some kind of human error:
a) Sustained, deliberate overloading
b) Sustained, unintentional overloading
c) Sudden, unintentional overloading
d) Incorrect process material
Sustained, deliberate overloading: Occurs by speeding
up equipment in response to increased demand or
by using asset in a process with different
characteristics to avoid capital investment.
Sustained, unintentional overloading: While undertaking
„de-bottlenecking‟ program, a few small subsystems
or components get left out
2nd: Increase in desired performance
c) Sudden, unintentional overloading: Usually caused by
 Incorrect operation (wrong operating parameters, work-
aids etc)
 Incorrect assembly (over-torquing a bolt, wrong heads
 damage (during loading, unloading, transport &
Here, the applied stress exceeds beyond the ability of the
asset to withstand it.
Desired performance
d) Incorrect process material:
Caused by out of spec process Desired perf above initial

materials. These are not the capability from the outset.
failure of the asset, but effect of
the failure elsewhere in the INITIAL CAPABILITY
Failure Effects
 Answers Q4 - “what happens when each failure
mode occurs”. It describes how & whether the
failure will become evident to the crew (noise,
odor, smoke, leakage) & other information as
 How it affects operation & poses threat to safety?
 What damage is caused by failure?
 What should be done to repair the failure?
1 Gearbox Motor trips and alarm sounds in Powerhouse.
bearings 3 hrs downtime to replace gearbox with
seize spare. New bearings fitted in workshop.
Motor does not trip, but machine stops. 3 hrs
2 Gear teeth
downtime to replace gearbox with spare.
New gears fitted in workshop.
Sub-system: Exhaust System: DG Info Worksheet
FUNCTION (Loss of function) (Cause of failure) (What happens when it fails)
A Unable to Silencer assembly collapses & falls to
1 To channel all 1 Silencer
bottom of stack. Back pressure causes
the hot flue gas channel the mountings
the engine to surge violently & shut
without gas at all. corroded.
down on high exhaust gas temperature.
restriction to a
Time to replace silencer -1 week
point 10 m
above the roof Gas escapes into DG room & ambient
B Fails to 1 Ducting
of Power house temperature rises. No ventilation, so
contain the gasket fitted
concentration will reach noxious levels.
gas improperly.
Leaking sound not audible due to noise.
Repair time – 2 days
2 Upper bellows The upper bellows are outside the DG
holed by room, so the leak will discharge to
corrosion atmosphere. Repair time – 4 days.
2 To reduce A Noise level Most material would be blown out &
1 Silencer
noise level exceeds 80 some will fall to bottom of stack causing
below 80 dB (A). obstruction to outlet leading to increase
retaining mesh
dB(A). in gas temp & shutdown of engine.
Repair time – 5 days.
Failure Consequences
Answers Q5, ‗In what ways, does each failure matter?‘
Failures having serious consequences shall be
prevented. Focus of RCM is not to avoid failures per se,
but to avoid/reduce the consequences of the failure.
While evaluating the failure consequence, identify the
hidden functions so that they are dealt with
Evident failures are classified into 3 categories in
descending order of importance as below:
1. Safety & environmental consequences - A failure has
safety consequences if it can hurt/kill somebody or
cause a breach of any corporate or statutory norms.
2. Operational consequences – Affects production e.g.
output or quality in addition to repair cost.
3. Non-Operational consequences – Involve only the cost
of repair.
RCM uses these categories in maintenance decision-
Evident 2: Operational Consequences
Failures of primary function of an equipment will entail
operational consequences in 4 ways:
1. Affect Total Output:
2. Affect product quality: resulting in either rejection or rework.
3. Affect customer service: Late delivery or order cancellation
4. Increased operating costs: due to use of alternative process
or equipment which is costlier.
The economic impact of a failure depends 2 factors:
1. Failure cost each time it occurs on operational capability &
2. How often it happens (Failure rate)
For failure modes with operational consequences, a
proactive task is justified if it costs less than the cost of the
operational consequences plus the repair cost.
Evident 3: Non-Operational Consequences

The consequences of an evident failure, (w/o adverse effect

on safety or operational capability) are classified as non –
operational. The only consequences of these failures are the
direct cost of repair.
For failure modes with non – operational consequences, a
proactive task is worth doing if justified by a cost-benefit study
& whether a failure causes secondary damage or not.
RCM tools help to eliminate counter-productive tasks &
reduce routine workload resulting into effective maint system.
Traditional system are based on technical characteristics, not
considering failure consequences leading to large numbers of
schedules which are wasted, not because they are „wrong‟ in
the technical sense, but because they achieve nothing.
Hidden Failure & Protective Devices
A protective device is installed to alert the crew for abnormal
condition or shut down the eqpt in the event of a failure. It consists
of 2 components; a protective device & a protected function.
Fail-safe protective devices: If the failure of the device will
become evident to the crew. There are 2 failure possibilities to it. If
protected function fails, the protective device will function. If the
protective device fails, then it will be evident.
Non-fail-safe protective devices: In such a system, if the protective
device fails, no-one knows that it has failed, hence the failure
mode is hidden. In such situation, if the protected function also
fails, then it is known as Multiple Failure.

Protected Function Multiple

Protective Device Protected
2: Protected function function
1: Failure of non-fail-safe operating without protection
device not evident to the fails here.
Hidden Failure & Protective Devices
Examples of hidden failures are level switches, fire
detection, fire alarm & fire fighting equipment,
emergency stop & trip wires, pressure & temp switches,
overload & over-speed protection devices, standby eqpt,
emergency power supply system etc. The tolerable
probability of a multiple failure is determined by the users.
The failure probability is the reciprocal of MTBF; e.g. if MTBF
is 4 years, then probability of failure in a year is ¼.

Probability of a Failure probability of Average unavailability of

= X
multiple failure protected function protective device
Protected One year
Function Probability of failure in any one year = ¼
Protective Availability 67% Unavailability 33%
Device Probability of multiple failure in any one year = ¼ x 1/3 = 1/12
Hidden Functions: The Decision Process
Will the loss of function caused by this failure mode become
evident to the operating crew?
No Yes
Proactive maintenance is worth doing The failure is evident.
if it secures the availability needed to Refer corresponding
reduce the probability of a multiple decision diagram
failure to a tolerable level

If a suitable proactive task cannot be found, check

periodically whether the hidden function is working
(scheduled failure-finding task)

If a suitable failure-finding task could not be found:

• redesign compulsory if multiple failure affects safety/environment
• If the multiple does not affect safety or the environment, redesign
must be justified on economic grounds
Failure-finding Tasks
Tasks designed to check whether something works or
not are failure-finding/functional checking tasks; e.g.
checking of input/output devices in an automate -
also called detective tasks (does not fall under any of
preventive, predictive & corrective tasks) & applies to
hidden failures (only protective devices).
In an industry, 40% of failure modes fall into the hidden
category & PM programs address <1/3 of such devices
(that too on inappropriate intervals).
Failure-finding task intervals are governed by 2
variables – unavailability & reliability (MTBF) of the
protective device.
FFI (Failure finding interval) = 2xUnavailabilityxMTBF
Task Selection by failure consequences
Will function loss Does this failure N Does this failure
become evident Y have safety have operational
to the operator? consequences? consequences?

Do proactive Do proactive
Do proactive Do proactive
maintenance if maintenance if
maintenance maintenance cost effective wrt cost effective
if it reduces repair cost & wrt repair cost
the risk operational losses

If not… If not..
If not.. If not..

Do scheduled No scheduled No scheduled

Failure finding task
maintenance maintenance
If not… Redesign Redesign
Redesign ACTIONS
Failure Management Techniques
Answers Q6 & Q7 -“what can be done to
predict/prevent each failure?” & “what if a suitable
predictive or preventive task could not be found?”
1. Proactive Tasks: Undertaken to prevent an item against
failure. Traditionally known as „preventive‟ & „predictive‟;
but, RCM uses the terms „scheduled restoration‟
„scheduled discard‟ & „on-condition maintenance‟.
Whether or not a proactive task is feasible depends on
the technical characteristics of the failure mode and of
the task. 2 issues dominate proactive task selection from
the technical viewpoint:
 The relationship between the age of the item under
consideration & how likely it is to fail
 What happens once a failure has started to occur
2. Default Actions: deal with the failed state & are chosen
when an effective proactive task is not identified. They
include failure-finding, redesign & run-to-failure.
Proactive Maintenance Tasks
Traditional maintenance refers to only 3 types of maintenance:
predictive, preventive & corrective. Corrective means fixing
things if the items are failing or failed.
1. Preventive –means overhauling or replacing components
at fixed intervals for age-related failures (Pattern A, B & C)
regardless of its condition. Equivalent to Scheduled
Restoration & Discard tasks (collectively) of RCM.
2. Predictive Maintenance – Eqvt to On-condition
maintenance of RCM - means checking if something is
failing as most failures give some warning that they are
about to occur, which are called Potential Failures.
There is a whole family of maintenance tasks, which falls into
none of the above categories; e.g. periodically activating
a fire alarm to see if it still works. They are known as failure-
finding tasks in RCM.
Proactive Tasks & Default Actions
Proactive tasks are divided into 3 categories:
1. Scheduled Restoration Tasks – overhauling/rebuilding a
component at a specified age limit, regardless of its condition
2. Scheduled Discard tasks - discarding an item at a specified
life limit, regardless of its condition. Collectively, these 2 tasks
are known as Preventive Maintenance or Time Based
Maintenance (TBM).
3. Scheduled on-condition Tasks - also called „Condition Based
Maintenance (CBM).
RCM recognizes 3 major categories of default actions:
1. Failure-Finding: Checking hidden functions for whether they
have failed (on-condition task checks if something is failing)
2. Redesign: one-off change for capability, process etc.
3. Run-to-Failure: failures are allowed to occur & then repaired.
Scheduled Restoration Tasks (SR)
Average Life
Frequency of
18 months

Cond. Prob. of
Useful Life
Useful Life Few premature

12 months failures

Frequency of failure Age

If the failure mode conforms to pattern A or B, Scheduled

Restoration task is done at the intervals slightly less than the
„useful life‟ of the item; e.g. re-treading of tyres.
In case of pattern C, at least 4 different restoration intervals
need to be analyzed to determine the optimum interval.
Technical feasibility of Scheduled Restoration:
The items have a defined „life‟ & they survive to this age.
The task must restore the original resistance to failure.
Scheduled Restoration Tasks (SR)
 Even if Scheduled Restoration is feasible technically, it may
not be worth doing as some failures will receive attention
before they need it based on useful life, while others will still
fail early.
 The net effect may be only an overall reduction in the no.
of unanticipated failures, which is not acceptable if the
failure has safety consequences. If consequences are
economic, then the task may not be cost effective as an
age limit lowers the service life of any item.
For the failures with operational consequences only, Sch.
Restoration task will be beneficial on below grounds:
• if scheduled during non-production hours.
• saving time by doing it in a planned way
Scheduled Restoration Tasks (SR)
 For failures with non-operational consequences,
scheduled restoration will be justified if the failure
causes secondary damage.
 Let‟s consider an age-related failure of a turbine.
Cracks in turbine discs become detectable after
certain period, which is crack initiation life (to
decide when we start doing the on-condition tasks)
& the time from crack is detectable till it fails is
known as crack propagation life (to decide
frequency of on-condition tasks).
Preventive: Scheduled Discard (SD)
Scheduled Discard means replacing a component by a new one
at pre-set intervals if it has a „life‟. For this, RCM recognizes 2 types
of life limits, first apply to failures with safety consequences, & are
called safe-life limits. For rest, economic-life limits apply.
Safe-life limits: The function of a safe-life limit is to avoid a critical
failure - worth doing if no failures occur before this limit; (i.e. if
probability of failure is zero when the item enters service). It can
not apply to pattern A, as some failures will occur due to infant
mortality. In practice, it is obtained by dividing the average life
by 3 or 4 as an arbitrary factor.

Cond. Prob. Of
Economic-life limits: Based on Safe
age – reliability relationship. Often Life
SD is justifiable on economic
grounds; I.e. secondary damage failure
of costly components. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
New techniques & Potential Failures
 New techniques to detect potential failures rely on the fact
that most failures give some warning that it is failing. Potential
Failure is a physical condition that indicate a functional failure
is about to occur. They are called On-Condition Tasks.
 P-F curve shows how a failure starts, deteriorates to the point
„P‟, and if not corrected, continues to the point of „F‟.
 The P-F interval is the period between P & F, also known as
„warning period‟, „lead time to failure‟ or „failure dev. period‟.
 On-condition tasks must be done at intervals less than P-F
interval, otherwise the failure may be missed out.
failure starts (age related
& random both)
P “Potential failure”
The P-F Curve
Functional failure
Time F
Potential Failures
Too high a task frequency is a waste of resources. A task frequency
equal to half the P-F interval is optimum.
The net P-F interval is 5 weeks if the inspection interval is 1 week, but
the net P-F interval will be only 2 weeks if inspection interval is 4
weeks. The net P-F interval is the time available to take corrective
actions to reduce the consequences of the failure in following ways:
• Downtime: Corrective action is planned when it does not disrupt
operations. The repair time will be less due to planning.
• Repair Cost: Can be reduced by taking action before a
secondary damage takes place; e.g. switch a machine off before a
collapsing bearing allows a rotor to touch the stator.
Inspection P-F interval
The net P-F interval is the time interval 4 week 6 weeks
Net P-F
between the discovery of a P interval
2 weeks
potential failure & the
functional failure.
Time F
Potential Failures
Longer P-F intervals are desired for two reasons:
• The time required to take any sensible action to avoid or
reduce the consequences of the failure will be available &
hence an on-condition task will become technically feasible.
• Fewer on-condition inspection will be required.
In some cases, the P-F intervals vary widely. In such cases,
task intervals shall be substantially less than shortest of the
likely P-F intervals. If the P-F interval is wildly inconsistent, then
a meaningful task interval is not feasible & some other
means of dealing with the failure shall be explored.
Longest P-F
P-F curve suggests that interval
deterioration accelerates in the Shortest
final stages, the phenomenon is
explained in the example of P
ball bearing failure due to
normal wear & tear. Time F
Linear P-F Curves: Determining P-F Interval
Deterioration accelerates at the final stages of most failures; e.g.
when bolts loosen, filters get blinded, V-belts slacken & slip, elec
contactors overheat, seals fail, rotors get unbalanced & so on. If
an item deteriorates in a linear fashion over its entire life, then final
stages of deterioration (between P & F) will also be linear, for age-
related failures (except fatigue, which is a complex case).
Tread depth
P-F interval, 10000 km (say) Like tyre example,
new = 12 mm
P finding P-F interval
PF = 3 mm
for age-related
F. Failure = 2 mm F failures with linear
deterioration is fairly
Tyre Tread X-section 0 10 20 30 40 50 simple.
Operating age (in 1000 km)

P-F interval & the task frequency can be deduced as above

for linear deterioration, but if deterioration accelerates, then P-
F interval can not be determined in this manner.
On-Condition Tasks
Scheduled on-condition tasks are technically feasible if:
 It is possible to define a clear PF condition
 The P-F interval is reasonably consistent
 A Task Interval <P-F Interval is practical
 The net P-F interval is long enough to take action to
reduce/eliminate the consequences of the FF
On-condition tasks apply to items that fail on random
basis, as well as to those that fail on age basis.
Condition monitoring is technically feasible for  20% of
failure modes & worth doing in <1/2 of these cases. All 4
categories of on-condition tasks together are suitable
for about 25-35% of failure modes.
Categories: On-Condition Techniques
The 4 major categories of on-condition techniques are:
1. Condition monitoring techniques - using specialized
2. Techniques based on product quality variation
3. Primary effects monitoring techniques - intelligent use
of gauges & process monitoring eqpt
4. Inspection techniques based on human senses
Condition Monitoring: These techniques detect potential
failure effects such as vibration, temp, pressure etc,
which are classified under following heads:
Dynamic effects Particle effects Chemical effects
Physical effects Temp effects Electrical effects
Condition Monitoring
Dynamic effects: associated with rotating eqpt that emits
abnormal amounts of energy in the waveform such as
vibration, pulses & acoustic effects.
Particle effects: detects PF by discrete particles of different
sizes & shapes released into the operating environment.
Chemical effects: detects PF by tracing chemical released
into the environment.
Physical effects: By changes in the physical appearance or
structure of the eqpt in the form of cracks, fracture,
visible effect of wear & dimensional changes etc.
Temperature effects: For PF that cause a rise in the temp of
the eqpt itself (as opposed to a rise in the temp of the
material being processed by the eqpt).
Electrical effects: For changes in resistance, conductivity,
dielectric strength, potential etc.
On-Condition Techniques: Product Quality Variation
In some processes, a source of data about PF is Quality Mgmt
Function. Defect in a product is related to the failure mode of the
m/c. SPC is used to assess stability of a process by measuring,
plotting & computing physical attributes of a product.
Upper specification limit
Upper control limit Primary Effects Monitoring
speed, flow rate, pressure,
temp, power, current etc
Lower control limit are source of information
Lower specification limit about eqpt condition.

By human senses (look, listen, feel & smell) - Highly versatile, as it

can detect variety of failure conditions, unlike instruments which
can detect only one parameter. Disadvantage - can detect
failures, when deterioration is quite advanced, & hence P-F
intervals are very short. It will be subjective also & depend upon
the state of mind of observer.
Selecting right on-condition tasks
Failure modes are preceded by more than one PF; each will
have a different P-F interval requiring different type & level of skill.
A ball bearing with failure mode “bearing seizes due to normal
wear & tear” with variety of potential failures as given below.
Whether a technique is technically feasible & worth-doing,
depends on operating context; :
•bearing may be buried deep that it is impossible to monitor
vibration characteristics.
•bearing housing may not be reachable to check how hot it is.
•particle detection is possible in an enclosed Lub. system only.
• noise may not be audible
Audible noise P-F interval 1-4 weeks
due to high background
P1 P2 Heat (by touch) P-F
noise level. P3 interval 1-5 days
Change in vibration by Vibration Particles can be detected by oil P4
Analysis P-F interval 1-9 months analysis P-F interval 1-6 months
Time Functional failure (bearing seizes)
Predictive Maintenance

Infrared Thermography
 Airborne Ultrasonics
 Oil Analyses
Spectrometric – wear particle analysis
 Vibration Analyses
Laser Alignment
Precision Balancing
Selecting Right Proactive Tasks
In the example of tyre, it was seen that all tyres last 50000-80000
km. If a scheduled restoration is adopted, all the tyres would
be retreaded at 50000 km, which is „useful life‟. But, many
tyres will be retreaded before it is needed - those which will
last 80000 km, losing 30000 km of life.
If we adopt on condition task by checking tread depth at the
interval of 2500 km, an average of 65000 km will be achieved
with an increase in useful life of 30%. So, on-condition tasks
are cost effective over scheduled restoration.
The order of selecting proactive tasks are as follows:
1. On-condition tasks shall be considered first, because:
 They can be performed while the eqpt is in operation.
 realizes almost all of its useful life (example of tyre).
 Knowing PF, the corrective action can be planned well.
Selecting Right Proactive Tasks
2. Scheduled restoration tasks: next choice, if technically
feasible, i.e. failures congregate around an average age.
For economic consequences, cost effectiveness must be
assessed. Scheduled restoration is more conservative than
discard, as it involves restoring things instead of throwing
away. It involves shop work & hence higher work load. The
demerits are:
 They can be done usually when the equipment is stopped.
 Age limit applies to all items, hence those, which would
have lasted longer will also be removed (example of tyre).
3. Scheduled discard tasks: Least cost-effective of all
proactive tasks, but it bears few desirable features. Safe-life
limit may prevent certain critical failures, while an
economic life limit will optimize cost-effectiveness. They
bear all the demerits of scheduled restoration tasks.
Task Selection Process
Is an on-condition task technically feasible and worth doing?

Do the on-condition task at an Yes No Is a scheduled restoration

interval less than P-F interval task technically feasible &
worth doing?
Do the scheduled Yes No
restoration task at an
interval less than age limit Is a scheduled discard task
technically feasible & worth-doing?

Do the scheduled discard task Yes No Default action depending

at an interval less than age limit upon failure consequences

4. Combination of tasks: For some failures with safety

consequences, a combination of tasks from two categories,
e.g. on-condition & scheduled discard, will reduce the risk of
failure to a tolerable level.
Default Actions
 If a proactive task can not be found to reduce the risk of
the multiple failure of a hidden function, then a periodic
Failure-Finding task must be performed, if the same is not
found, then the secondary default decision is redesign.
 For failures with safety consequences, if a proactive task
is not found, then a periodic Failure-Finding task must be
performed, if the same is not found, then redesign.
 For failures with operational or non-operational
consequences, if a proactive task can not be found,
which costs less than the failure, then the initial default
decision is no scheduled maintenance. But, still if the
operational consequences or repair cost are
unacceptable, then the secondary default decision is
Redesign as the Default Action
Redesign means a once-off change in any of the following 3 areas:
• A change to the physical configuration of an asset or system
• A change to a process or operating procedure
• A change to the capability of a person, Training
Redesign appears at the bottom of all 4 columns of decision
Hidden Failures: The risk of multiple failures can be reduced by
modifying the equipment in one of four ways as below:
1. Substitute by an evident function: Substitution of a non-fail-safe
protective device with a genuinely fail-safe one
2. Make the hidden function evident by adding another device
3. Substitute by a more reliable device (with higher MTBF, but still
hidden): probability of the MF reduced if FFI is constant.
3. Duplicate the hidden function: If a protective device with high
MTBF, it can be done by duplicating the hidden function.
RCM Decision Diagrams
• RCM Decision Diagram integrates all the decision
process into a single strategic framework in the from
of RCM Decision Worksheet, which is applied to
each of the failure modes listed on the RCM Info
• RCM worksheets show course of action taken to
deal with each failure mode. This info is valuable if
the need to do any task is challenged at any time.
• The ability to trace each task right back to the
functions and desired performance standard of an
asset makes it easy to assess the effectiveness of
maintenance program.
Will function loss become H Y
evident to the operator? S RCM Decision
Diagram - H
Is an on-condition task technically H1
feasible and worth doing?
Yes No H2
Is a scheduled restoration task
on-condition task technically feasible and worth doing?
scheduled Is a scheduled discard task technically H3
restoration task feasible and worth doing?
Yes No
scheduled Is a failure finding task technically H4
feasible & worth doing
discard task
Yes No
Scheduled Failure Does Multiple failure have H5
safety consequences?
finding task
Redesign Yes No No scheduled maint
From H
Does the failure have safety & S RCM Decision
environment consequences?
No O Diagram-S
Is an on-condition task technically S1
feasible and worth doing?
Yes No Is a scheduled restoration task S2
On-condition task technically feasible and worth doing?
Yes No

Scheduled restoration task Is a scheduled discard task technically S3

feasible and worth doing?
Scheduled discard task Is a combination of tasks S4
technically feasible & worth doing
Yes No
Combination tasks Redesign compulsory
From S Does the failure have O RCM Decision
Operational Consequences? N Diagram -O
Yes No
Is an on-condition task technically O1
feasible and worth doing?

Yes No Is a scheduled restoration task O2

technically feasible and worth doing?
Scheduled On-condition task
Yes No

Scheduled restoration task Is a scheduled discard task technically O3

feasible and worth doing?

Yes No

Scheduled discard task No scheduled maintenance Redesign desirable

From O No RCM Decision
Is an on-condition task technically
feasible and worth doing?
Yes No Is a scheduled restoration task N2
technically feasible and worth doing?
Scheduled On-condition task
Yes No

Scheduled Is a scheduled discard task technically N3

feasible and worth doing?
restoration task
Yes No

Scheduled No scheduled Redesign

discard task maintenance desirable
Sub-system: System: RCM Info Worksheet
(Loss of function) (Cause of failure) EFFECT
To transfer Unable to 1 Bearing seizes by normal wear /tear
1 water from tank A 2 Impeller comes adrift
transfer any
X to tank Y @ water at all. 3 Impeller jam by foreign object
Coupling hub shears due to fatigue
800 lpm. 4
Cross-referring the information & decision worksheet
System: Facilitator Date: Sheet #
Sub-system: Auditor RCM Decision Worksheet
Information Consequence H1 H2 H3 Default Initial By
S1 S2 S3 Action
Proposed Interval
Reference Evaluation
O1 O2 O3 Task
F FF FM H S O N1 N2 N3 H4 H5 S4

1 A 1

RCM Decision Worksheet & RCM Info Worksheet are 2 key documents
used in RCM. The decision worksheet is divided into 15 columns.
RCM Decision Worksheet Failure Consequences – A summary
Information Consequence H1 H2 H3 Default Proposed Initial By
Reference Evaluation S1 S2 S3 Action
O1 O2 O3 Task Interval
F FF FM H S O N1 N2 N3 H4 H5 S4

3 A 1 N A hidden failure
2 C 4 Y Y Safety & environment consequences
1 A 3 Y N Y Operational consequences
1 B 2 Y N N Non-Operational consequences

The columns F, FF & FM identify the failure mode & next 9 columns refer
to the questions on the RCM Decision Diagram as below:
• Col H, S & O record the answers on consequences of failure mode.
•Next 3 columns record whether a proactive task has been selected.
•Next 3 columns H4, H5 & S4 answer default questions, if necessary.
•Each failure mode is dealt with one category of consequences only. If
„Y‟ is recorded in column S, nothing is recorded in column O.
RCM Decision Worksheet Technical feasibility criteria
Information Consequence H1 H2 H3 Default Initial By
Reference Evaluation S1 S2 S3 Action Proposed task Interval
O1 O2 O3
F FF FM H S O N1 N2 N3 H4 H5 S4

3 A 1 N Y Scheduled on-condition task: Is there a clear

potential failure condition? What is it? What is the
P-F interval. Is this interval long enough to be of
any use? Is the P-F interval reasonably consistent? Is
it practical to monitor the item at intervals less than
P-F interval?
1 A 3 Y N Y N Y Scheduled Restoration Task: Is there an age at which
there is a rapid increase in the conditional probability
of failure? What is this age? Do most of the items
survive to this age? Is it possible to restore the original
resistance to the item?
1 B 2 Y N N N N Y Scheduled Discard Task: same as scheduled
restoration task.

Preventive & Predictive maintenance task intervals are governed by one variable each,
useful life & P-F interval. But, two variables – availability & reliability of the protective
device – are used to set failure-finding intervals.
RCM Decision Worksheet The Default Questions
Information Consequence H1 H2 H3 Default Initial By
Reference Evaluation S1 S2 S3 Action Proposed task Interval
O1 O2 O3
F FF FM H S O N1 N2 N3 H4 H5 S4
Is failure-finding task technically
3 A 1 N N N N Y feasible & worth doing?
Can the multiple failure affect safety
3 A 1 N N N N N Y or environment? This is only asked if
3 A 1 N N N N N N H4 is NO. If H5 is Y, redesign is
compulsory; if N, then Run-to-Failure.

3 A 1 Y N N N N N Y Is Combination Task technically

feasible & worth doing? If N, redesign
3 A 1 Y Y N N N N N N is compulsory.

Here, the consequences of the failure

are purely economic & no suitable
3 A 1 Y N Y N N N
preventive task has been found &
3 A 1 Y N N N N N hence initial default decision is Run-
to-Failure, but redesign may be
Sub-system: System: Date: RCM Decision Worksheet
Information Consequence H1 H2 H3 Default Initial By
Reference Evaluation S1 S2 S3 Action Proposed Interval
O1 O2 O3
F FF FM H S O N1 N2 N3 H4 H5 S4 Task
STAND-ALONE PUMP Check main pump
bearing for noise Weekly Tech.
1 A 1 Y N Y Y
1 A 1 Y N N N N N
Switch on stand-by
STAND-BY PUMP pump & ensure it is 4 weeks Optr
2 A 1 N N N N Y working. After testing,
switch back duty

The first 2 pumps could suffer from many more failure modes. Each of
these failures would be listed & analyzed on its own merits. A number of
other preventive tasks could have been chosen to anticipate the failure
of the bearing. The stand-by pump is treated as „black-box‟. If it suffers
from some failure modes, they shall be analyzed individually.
Implementing RCM 1
Audit Decision
Proposed Task Interval Done By Worksheet
Check coupling bolts Monthly Tech
No scheduled maintenance
Redesign guard 2 3
Check gearbox oil level Weekly Optr Detail Out Identify
Calibrate gauge Annually E&I tech
Task Once-Off
Check tension of drive chain Monthly Tech
Instruction Changes

Routine tasks &

change in process or Maintenance Operating
operating procedure Schedules Procedures
are incorporated into
Conversion to Work packages
appropriate work
Planning & Std Operating Implement
To be ensured that it is Control Sys for Procedures Once Off
performed by the right Maint Schedules
people at the right 5 Changes
time in right manner. Implement Sys which ensures that the work is done
Maintenance Schedules
If a wide range of different task intervals appear on a decision
worksheet, they should be consolidated into a smaller number
of work packages. Planning is simplified if schedule intervals are
multiple of one another.
Task interval Interval on • Low-frequency schedules: at intervals
on decision maint
worksheet schedule
of a month or longer. Have higher work
content & need complex planning.
Weekly Weekly
2-Weekly • High frequency schedules: at intervals
up to 1 week consisting on-condition &
Monthly failure-finding tasks - have low work
2-monthly content & the planning is simple.
3-monthly 3-monthly As they exist in large numbers, it is often
administered badly, but, they are
6-monthly 6-monthly backbone of a maintenance program.
Maintenance Planning & Control
The options used to manage both types of schedules are:
- Schedules done by operators
- „Schedules‟ done by quality function
- High-freq schedules by maint. function
- Low-freq schedules by maint. function
1. Schedules done by operators: Use operators to do high
frequency tasks by incorporating them into SOP/Work
Instructions of the equipment. Operators are ideal people
to do high-frequency on-condition & failure finding task. It
will motivate the operators.
2. Quality checks must be recognized as a valid and valuable
source of maintenance information, wherever applicable.
Maintenance Planning & Control

Checklist Sec: S. Automate To be done by: SK Week ending date: Feb 25

Item # Description Schedule S M T W T F S Remarks

F-01 Pocket setter DPA-01
G-01 Cuff Runstitch - 01 DRS-02
G-01 Cuff Runstitch - 01 DRS-03
G-02 Cuff Runstitch - 02 DRS-02
G-02 Cuff Runstitch - 02 DRS-03

• High-frequency schedules done by maintenance function: One

approach is to divide the plant into sections, & prepare a
checklist consisting of schedules (& not individual task) as
depicted above, which is to be issued once/section/week.
• A problem with most checklist systems is the „tearoom tick
syndrome‟, which must be avoided by close supervision.
What RCM can achieve
1. Greater Safety & Environmental integrity
 By systematic review of the safety implications of every
evident failure before operational issues
 By structured approach to protected/hidden functions &
failure finding - reduces probability of multiple failures.
 Overall reduction in the number & frequency of routine
tasks (especially those which upset a stable system)
2. Higher Plant Availability & Reliability
 by systematic review of the operational consequences of
every failure to identify & eliminate chronic failures
 Emphasis on on-condition tasks to detect potential failures
to avoid a functional failure & reduce the frequency of
overhauls. (If failure is not age related, no routine overhaul).
What RCM can achieve
3. Higher Maintenance Efficiency (cost-
– 40 - 70% Less workload compared to conventional routine
– Emphasis on on-condition tasks also entail Cost-effectiveness.
– Longer eqpt life – it enables an asset to last till the basic structure is
4. Greater Motivation & better teamwork
– systematic approach enhances competence & higher job satisfaction
– conducive environment by clear understanding of issues & goals
5. Comprehensive maintenance database – RCM
Information & Decision Worksheets provide
following benefits:
 Reduces the impact of staff turnover
 An audit trail for compliance issues
 an expert system in its own right, if computerized database is
available for sorting & other analysis.
 provides a framework to deal with maint issues & improvement
RCM – What it can achieve
 A 16% increase in total output achieved in a 24-hour
7-day milk processing plant in 6 months through RCM
 The overhaul interval of a gas turbine were increased
from 25000 to 40000 hours without sacrificing reliability.
 An electronic assembly operation used RCM to
reduce scrap rates from 4000 to 50 parts per million.
 A 50% reduction in the routine maintenance workload
in a confectionary plant
 50% reduction in the routine maint reqmnt of 11 kV
transformers in an electrical distribution system
 85% reduction in the routine maint reqmnt of large
hydraulic system
 62% reduction in low frequency tasks in a machining
line of an automotive engine plant.
Pillar – 4: Quality Maintenance
 Aimed towards customer delight through highest quality through
defect free manufacturing
 Focus is on eliminating non-conformances in a systematic manner,
much like Focused Improvement
 Gain understanding of what parts of the equipment affect product
quality and begin to eliminate current quality concerns, then move
to potential quality concerns
 Transition is from reactive to proactive (Quality Control to Quality
 QM activities is to set equipment conditions that preclude quality
defects, based on the basic concept of maintaining perfect
equipment to maintain perfect quality of products
 The condition are checked and measure in time series to very that
measure values are within standard values to prevent defects
 The transition of measured values is watched to predict possibilities
of defects occurring and to take counter measures before hand.
• Maintain perfect equipment condition to maintain perfect
quality of processed goods
• The q-components are checked periodically & ensured that
measured values are within standard to prevent defects.
• The transition of measured values is monitored to predict
possibilities of defects & take countermeasures beforehand.
• Achieve “ZERO DEFECT” by identifying all the factors that
causes defects
• Implementing Poka-Yoke to eliminate man & materials-
caused defects.
• Defect free conditions & control of equipments
• QM activities to support quality assurance
Data Required - Q Maintenance
 Rejection: customer end & in-house
 Customer End: Customer end rejection & Field
 In-house: Rejection data - products and process

Process related data- QM

1. The operating condition for individual sub-process
related to men, method, material and machine
2. The standard settings/conditions of the sub-process
3. The actual record of the settings/conditions during
the defect occurrence
Data related to product - QM
1. Product wise defects
2. Severity of the defect and its contribution –
3. Location of the defect with reference to the layout
4. Magnitude and frequency of its occurrence at each
stage of measurement
5. Occurrence trend in beginning and the end of each
production/process/changes (Like pattern change,
ladle/furnace lining etc.)
6. Occurrence trend with respect to restoration of
breakdown/modifications/periodical replacement of
quality components
What is Mistake Proofing?
• The use of process or design features to prevent
errors or their negative impact.
• Known as Poka yoke, Japanese slang for “avoiding
inadvertent errors”, formalized by Shigeo Shingo.
• Inexpensive.
• Very effective.
• Based on simplicity and ingenuity.
• Does not rely on operators catching mistakes
1-10-100 Rule
The 1-10-100 rule states that as a product or service
moves through the production system, the cost of
correcting an error multiplies by 10.
Activity Cost
Order entered correctly $1
Error detected in billing $ 10
Error detected by customer $ 100
Dissatisfied customer shares the experience with
The difficulties with human error:
Why existing tools are not enough
“Be more careful” vs. effective
 The old way of dealing with human error was to scold
people, retrain them, and tell them to be more careful …
 The fact is that you can‟t do much to change human
nature, and people are going to make mistakes. If you
can‟t tolerate them ... you should remove the
opportunities for error.”
 Training and motivation work best when the physical part
of the system is well-designed. If you train people to use
poorly designed systems, they‟ll be OK for awhile.
Eventually, they‟ll go back to what they‟re used to or
what‟s easy, instead of what‟s safe.”
 “You‟re not going to become world class through just
training, you have to improve the system so that the easy
way to do a job is also the safe, right way. The potential
for human error can be dramatically reduced.”
What Causes Defects?
 Poor procedures or standards.
 Machines.
 Non-conforming material.
 Worn tooling.
 Human Mistakes.

Except for human mistakes these conditions can be

predicted & corrective action can be implemented to
eliminate the cause of defects.
7 Ways to Poka Yoke Attainment
1. Design “Robust” quality processes to achieve zero
2. Utilize a Team Environment - leverage the teams
knowledge, experience to enhance the improvement
3. Elimination of Errors - Utilize a robust problem solving
methodology to drive defects towards zero.
4. Eliminate the “Root Cause” of The Errors-Use the 5
Why‟s and 2 H‟s approach.
5. Do It Right The First Time - Utilizing resources to perform
functions correctly the “first” time.
6. Eliminate Non-Value Added Decisions - Don‟t make
excuses - just do it !
7. Implement an Incremental Continual Improvement
Approach – implement improvement actions
immediately and focus on incremental improvements;
efforts do not have to result in a 100% improvement
Poka Yoke Systems Govern the Process
Two Poka Yoke System approaches are utilized in
manufacturing which lead to successful zero defect
1. Control Approach - Shuts down the process when an error
occurs. Keeps the “suspect” part in place when an
operation is incomplete.
2. Warning Approach - Signals the operator to stop the
process & correct the problem.

Common Mistake proofing Devices

• Guide Pins • Blinking lights & alarms
• Limit switches • Proximity switches
• Counters • Checklists
Methods for Using Poka yoke
Poka yoke systems consist of three primary methods: Contact,
Counting & Motion-Sequence
1. Each method can be used in a control system or a warning
2. Each method uses a different process prevention approach for
dealing with irregularities.

Counting Method
 Used when a fixed number of operations are required within
a process, or when a product has a fixed number of parts
that are attached to it.
 A sensor counts the number of times a part is used or a
process is completed and releases the part only when the
right count is reached.
Contact Methods
 Do not have to be high tech!
 Passive devices are sometimes the best method.
These can be as simple as guide pins or blocks
that do not allow parts to be seated in the wrong
position prior to processing.
 Take advantage of parts designed with an uneven
 A work piece with a hole a bump or an uneven
end is a perfect candidate for a passive jig. This
method signals to the operator right away that the
part is not in proper position.
3 Rules of POKA-YOKE
• Don‟t wait for the perfect POKA YOKE. Do it now!
• If your POKA YOKE idea has better than 50%
chance to succeed…Do it!
• Do it now….improve later!
• Best is the enemy of the good. When we find the
perfection, we do not try further.
Pillar – 5: Training
 It is aimed to have multi-skilled revitalized employees whose
morale is high and who has eager to come to work and
perform all required functions effectively and independently
 Education is given to operators to upgrade their skill. It is not
sufficient to know only "Know-How" by they should also learn
 It become necessary to train the operators on knowing "Know-
 The employees should be trained to achieve the four phases
of skill. The goal is to create a factory full of experts. The
different phase of skills are
 Phase 1 : Do not know.
Phase 2 : Know the theory but cannot do.
Phase 3 : Can do but cannot teach
Phase 4 : Can do and also teach
Policy - Training
1. Focus on improvement of knowledge, skills and techniques
2. Creating a training environment for self learning based on felt
3. Training curriculum / tools /assessment etc conductive to
employee revitalization
4. Training to remove employee fatigue & make work enjoyable

Target - Training
1. Achieve and sustain downtime due to want men at zero
on critical machines
2. Achieve and sustain zero losses due to lack of knowledge
/ skills / techniques
3. Aim for 100 % participation in suggestion scheme
Steps in
Educating & Training activities
1. Setting policies and priorities and checking
present status of education and training
2. Establish of training system for operation &
maintenance skill up gradation
3. Training the employees for upgrading the
operation & maintenance skills
4. Preparation of training calendar
5. Kick-off of the system for training
6. Evaluation of activities & study of future
Pillar – 6: Office TPM
 Office TPM should be started after activating four
other pillars of TPM (JH, KK, QM, PM).
 Office TPM must be followed to improve
productivity, efficiency in the administrative
functions and identify and eliminate losses
 This includes analyzing processes & procedures
towards increased office automation
Office TPM Addresses 12 Major Losses:
1. Processing loss
2. Cost loss including in areas such as procurement,
accounts, marketing, sales leading to high
3. Communication loss
4. Idle loss
5. Set-up loss
6. Accuracy loss
7. Office equipment breakdown
8. Communication channel breakdown, telephone
and fax lines
9. Time spent on retrieval of information
10.Non availability of correct on line stock status
11.Customer complaints due to logistics
12.Expenses on emergency dispatches/purchases
How to start office TPM
1. A senior person should head the sub-committee
2. Cross-functional members should be included in sub
3. TPM co-ordinate plans & guides the sub committee
4. Provide awareness about office TPM to all support
5. Help them to identify P, Q, C, D, S, M in each function in
relation to plant performance
6. Identify the scope for improvement in each function
7. Collect relevant data
8. Help them to solve problems in their circles
9. Make up an activity board where progress is monitored on
both sides – results & actions along with Kaizens
10. Fan out to cover all employees & circles in all functions
Kobetsu Kaizen for Office TPM
 Inventory reduction
 Lead time reduction of critical processes
 Motion & space losses
 Retrieval time reduction
 Equalizing the work load
 Improving the office efficiency by eliminating the
time loss on retrieval of information, by achieving
zero breakdown of office equipment like
telephone and fax lines
Office TPM & its Benefits
 Involvement of all people in support functions for focusing on better
plant performance
 Better utilized work area
 Reduce repetitive work
 Reduced inventory levels in all parts of the supply chain
 Reduced administrative costs
 Reduced inventory carrying cost
 Reduction in number of files
 Reduction of overhead costs (to include cost of non-production/non
capital equipment)
 Productivity of people in support functions
 Reduction in breakdown of office equipment
 Reduction of customer complaints due to logistics
 Reduction in expenses due to emergency dispatches/purchases
 Reduced manpower
 Clean and pleasant work environment
P Q C D S M in Office TPM
P – Production loss due to want of material, Manpower
productivity, Production output lost due to want of tools.
Q – Mistakes in cheques, bills, invoices, payroll, Customer
returns/warranty attributable to BOPs, Rejection/rework in
BOP‟s/job work, Office area rework.
C – Buying cost/unit produced, logistics Cost – inbound/
outbound, inventory carrying Cost, communication Cost,
Demurrage costs.
D – Logistics losses (Delay in loading/unloading)
 Delay in delivery due to any of the support functions
 Delay in payments to suppliers
 Delay in information
S – Safety in material handling/stores/logistics, soft & hard
M – Number of kaizens in office areas
How Office TPM supports Plant TPM
1. Office TPM supports the plant, initially in doing Jishu
Hozen of the machines (after getting training of
Jishu Hozen), as in Jishu Hozen at the
2. Initial stages machines are more and manpower is
less, so the help of commercial departments can
be taken, for this
3. Office TPM can eliminate the lodes on line for no
material and logistics
Pillar – 7: Safety, Health & Environment
 Area focus is on to create a safe workplace and a
surrounding area that is not damaged by our process or
 This pillar will play an active role in each of the other pillars
on a regular basis
 A committee constitutes which comprises of representative
of officers as well as workers
 Utmost importance to Safety is given in the plant.
 Manager (Safety) is looking after functions related to safety
 To create awareness among employees various
competitions like safety slogans, Quiz, Drama, Posters, etc.
related to safety can be organized at regular intervals
1. Zero accident
Target 2. Zero health damage
3. Zero fires
 Today, with competition in industry at an all time high, TPM
may be the only thing that stands between success and
total failure for some companies.
 It has been proven to be a program that works
 Employees must be educated and convinced that TPM is
not just another "program of the month" and that
management is totally committed to the program and the
extended time frame necessary for full implementation
 If everyone involved in a TPM program does his or her part,
an unusually high rate of return compared to resources
invested may be expected.
Resources Required
implement TPM

 Budget for:
 Initial familiarization & training
 Equipment restoration
 Upgraded toolkits
 Time of managers & other employees
Maintenance System

The Maintenance Mission

To preserve the functions of physical assets
throughout their technologically useful lives
 to the satisfaction of their owners & users
 by selecting & applying the most cost-effective
 in managing failures & their consequences
 with the active support of all the people involved.
Maintenance Strategy
Adopt a proactive maintenance operation employing
•Planned/scheduled maintenance activities thru‟
•TPM practices & RCM strategies by self-managed teams, using
•5S processes, Kaizen events & autonomous maintenance with
•multi-skilled technicians through the use of
•CMMS (ERP) supported by a
•lean storeroom, which provides parts/materials on a
•just-in-time (JIT) basis & backed by a
• reliability engineering resource that performs
RCFA, (PdM) analysis, failed part analysis,
maintenance procedure effectiveness analysis &
trend analysis.
Elements Of Maintenance Excellence

Eqpt Data Base

PdM TPM Tasks/Procedures

Lean Stores RCFA, Trend

Maintenance Analysis

Training Excellence Planning &

Multi-skilling Scheduling

Reliability CMMS
Implement maint mgmt systems to manage the
WO system, Visual Control & CMMS.
Identify resources •Condition •Involve all
reqd. to fulfill Monitoring employee thru‟
those maint. Tools TPM for
requirements „prevention at
(people & skill, •Multi-skilled source‟
spares, tools & technicians
•Establish „Basic
instruments) Eqpt Conditions‟
thru‟ JH

Compile tasks into work packages; SOP & maintenance schedules

Identify Failure mgmt tech for each failure mode & task frequency
Identify corresponding failure modes, failure effect & failure consequences
Identify eqpt functions, performance standard & corresponding functional failures
Lean Maintenance Jargons
1. TPM: It is a team based maintenance initiative involving every
level & function in the organization to prevent all losses.

2. Scheduled: use of documented maintenance tasks that

identify task action steps, resource requirements, spare parts &
material required & the duration.

3. 5S: Five activities to improve the workplace environment:

4. Self-managed teams: Task-oriented action team with strong

performance focus.
5. Kaizen: philosophy of continuous improvement
6. Autonomous maintenance: equipment cleaning, lubrication,
performed by the production line operator.
7. Multi-skilled technician: having mechanical & electrical skills
Lean Maintenance Jargons
8. Work Order System: to plan, assign & schedule all maint
work & acquire data
9. CMMS (Computer Managed Maintenance System): for
work order mgmt, planning/scheduling, eqpt history,
budget, cost, resource, spares, & reports with KPI as a min.
10. Reliability engineering resource: to discover causes of
failures, evaluate PM effectiveness, develop PdM
techniques & procedures, perform condition monitoring,
find techniques to extend eqpt life, failed-part analysis,
root cause failure analysis etc
11.Root cause failure analysis: Finding root cause of a failure
by Ishikawa, Fishbone approach & the Kepner-Tregoe
problem-solving & decision-making process.
12.PdM Analysis: Predictive testing & inspection.
Lean Maintenance Jargons
13.Failed part analysis: analysis of failed parts to determine
cause of failure (mfg defect, external influence such as
operating conditions, faulty installation etc).
14.Procedure effectiveness analysis: analysis of reports to identify
high-cost areas, recommend changes in PM program,
overhaul criteria/ frequency, adjustment, test & inspection
frequencies based on eqpt history, optimize test & inspection
methods, periodic reviews of equipment on CM/PdM.
15.Trending & analysis of condition monitoring: a subset of PdM,
using gauges/meters to derive the operating condition, e.g. a
differential pressure gauge across a filter or the head-flow
characteristics of a pump.
16.Condition-based maintenance: Set operating limits, monitor
eqpt condition & trend the data to predict crossing of
operating limits so that required maintenance is scheduled.
Maintenance Performance
1. Maintenance Effectiveness: Doing Right Things (how well
assets perform by customer orientation) e.g. Reliability,
MTBF, Failure Rate, Life, Durability, Downtime, Availability,
Dependability, Efficiency etc.
2. Maintenance Efficiency: Doing Things Right (how well
resources are utilized - of more interest to managers of
function) as below:
o Maintenance cost (labor & spares) per unit of output
o Stock Turns (Spares Inventory) - Total value of spares
in stock divided by total annual expenditure on
Maintenance Effectiveness is of more importance as it
provide ‗Customer Orientation‘ & overall well-being of the
Maintenance Effectiveness
1. How often it fails: Understood as reliability & measured as
‗Mean Time Between Failures‘ and ‗Failure Rate‘
2. How long it lasts: ‗Life‘ or ‗Durability‘
3. How long it is out of service when it does fail: Referred as
‗Downtime‘ or ‗Unavailability‘ and expressed as
percentage. Also referred as ‗Mean Time to Repair‘.
4. How likely it is to fail in the next period: ‗Conditional
probability of Failure‘ & expressed as ‗Dependability‘. A
period from an item is put into service till not more than
10% of the items fail. (Conditional Prob. of failure in the
stated period is 10% - B10 life)
5. Equipment Efficiency: How well something is performing
against how well it should be performing.
Maintenance Benchmarking
Total Maint Cost/Total Mfg Cost < 15%
Maint Cost/Replacement Value of the Eqpt < 5%
Proactive Maintenance/Total Maintenance > 85%
Reactive Maintenance < 15%
(Run to Fail)
Total Hours PdM/Total Hours Available ~50%
Total Hrs PM/Total Maint Hrs Available ~20%
Plant Availability > 99%
Monthly Inventory Turns > 2-3
Training of maintenance crew > 80 hrs/yr
Best Maintenance Practices
• 100% of a maintenance person‟s time is covered by a
work order.
• 90% of work orders are generated by PdM inspections.
• 30% of all work is preventive maintenance.
• 90% compliance of planned/scheduled work.
• 100% of the required reliability level is reached 100% of
the time.
• Spare parts stock-outs are rare (< 1 per month).
• Overtime < 2% of total maintenance time.
• Maintenance costs are within 2% of budget.
Attributes - Proactive Maintenance
• Maintenance skills training
• Work flow analysis & required changes (organizational)
• Work order system
• Planned preventive maintenance tasks/procedures
• Maintenance engineering development
• Establishment & training of planner-scheduler
• Maintenance inventory & purchasing integration
• Computerized maintenance management system
• Mgmt reporting/performance measurement & tracking
• Return on investment (ROI) analysis
• Evaluate and integrate use of contractors
Maintenance Process Maturity Levels

Lean features implemented Optimized

Reliability Measurement
& Analysis Measured
Well defined process, formalized
framework with RCM & TPM Consistent
Stable & repeatable level
of performance & reliability Repeatable
Unpredictable & chaotic
(Firefighting) Ad Hoc
Cost of Maintenance
Maintenance Cost

Ad Hoc Repeatable Consistent Measured Advanced

& Optimized
Operational Reliability
Operational Reliability Improvement (ORI) generates changes in the
organization culture turning it into a different organization with a wide
productivity sense, with a clear business vision & fact driven.


Operating within OPERATIONAL Design-phase
design envelope RELIABILITY ‗built-in‘ reliability
Process & Procedure Multi-skilling
understanding Shortening MTTR

Maintenance Strategy
Maint Effectiveness - Extending MTBF
Roadmap to Maintenance Excellence
Maintenance basics phase (red rungs)- Maintenance basics are
the support structure upon which the advanced practices rest,
benefits of which is derived only if basic infrastructure in place &
in use.
Computer & reliability phase (yellow rungs): Prerequisite - set of
performance metrics, eqpt histories & a failure analysis
discipline. Here, organizations usually acquire a powerful CMMS
but use only a fraction of its potential due to lack of
maintenance basics, failure to establish disciplines in computer
use, inadequate hands-on training, & the assumption that
CMMS is a panacea (& nothing else is required –which results
into gradual disuse of CMMS). TPM is the vital step here.
Advanced reliability technology phase - shift from reactive to
proactive maintenance with a reduction in the overall amount
of maintenance to be done (pie chart). The pie gets larger here
due to high levels of engineering.
Lean Storeroom
1. Improve tool storage using strong visual cues such as
painted outlines or foam cut outs to show where tools
should be stored.

2. Improved documentation storage. Make sure it is

neat, organized & accessible by those who need it.

3. Have a system that clearly shows when a file is out or


4. Use visual cues to show how things should be in

normal state.

5. Carry out ABC & XYZ analysis to spare parts

6. Define Max, Min & Reorder Level & Reorder Quantity

TPM & Autonomous Maintenance
1. Adopt TPM philosophy & Autonomous maintenance practices.
Use TPM concept for continuous improvement & to eliminate all
2. Involve total employee through self managed groups to
maintain basic equipment conditions
3. Use visual cues to indicate status, inspection due date, etc.
4. Create a simple & uniform work request system that
provides visual cues for operators & supervisors.
5. Modify the equipment for improved maintainability
6. Develop multi-skilled technicians
7. Train operators on basic maintenance skill > 80 hrs/yr
8. Eliminate machine adjustments which is not required. Simplify &
upgrade other adjustments.
1. Use Six-Sigma principles & Root Cause Failure Analysis tools to
prevent the problems at source.

2. Use of technologies like Vibration Analysis, Oil Analysis in eqpt

condition monitoring. Acquire basic instruments for predictive

3. Implement Work order system to plan, assign & schedule all

maintenance work & acquire data to develop equipment
histories. Use it as primary tool to manage resources & measure
deptt effectiveness.

4. Implement CMMS (ERP Maintenance module)

5. Integrate Maintenance module with Inventory & Purchase

module - for automatic replenishment & reduction of inventory

6. Draw out annual maintenance schedule through RCM Analysis.

Introduction to Condition-Based Maintenance


Condition-Based & Calibration Maintenance
Maintenance • Precision of Gauges
Skills Enhancement
• Specialization Training
• Oil Analysis Program
• Multi-skills programs
• Infra-Red Thermography
• Guidance to Jishu-Hozen
• Vibration Analysis
• Expert System
• Leak Detection

Spare Parts Maintenance

CMMS Cost Control
Computerized Maintenance
• Just In Time (JIT) Management Software • RNM Cost Reduction
• Inventory Control • Spare Parts Reduction

Lubrication Zero Breakdown

Management Strategies
• Contamination Control • 4 Phases of Planned Maintenance
• Oil Recycling and Filtration
Reliability & Continuous • Address Basic Equipment Condition
• Wear Debris Analysis Improvement Activities • Restoration Activities
• Activities to reduce MTBF
• Reliability-Centred Maintenance • Activities to improve MTTR
• Addressing Design Weaknesses • Preventive and Periodic Maintenance
• Root Cause and Failure Analysis
RSA Maintenance Excellence RollyAngeles
How a CMMS works
Work or
Preventive Request Predictive
Maintenance Maintenance

Job Planning

Labor Maintenance Material

Resources Procedures Resources

Work Orders Purchasing


Maintenance Overview
 World Class Maintenance
 CMMS is just one part
 Reactive to Proactive
 Culture change required
 Evolution is gradual
 Methods need to be conveyed and understood
 Department needs to be fluid and dynamic
 Best practices • KPI’s
 Clean slate approach – Quantifiable metrics
 Work flows • Work order type
 Understand every transaction • Scheduled vs.
 Work order
 MRO/Inventory control
• PM compliance report
 Purchasing • Self Audit
– Honest evaluation
• Identify Changes
– Assign Roles &
 Department Staff • Equipment
 Work Order Flow – No central files
 Radio calls
– PM’s tracked by
 Trouble reports
 Reactive scheduling
 Log book – No failure analysis
 No visibility to system – No cost history
 Inventory
 5000 items $2mil valuation
 8 storerooms
 Issues tracked by sign out sheet
 No integration to equipment
 Limited database access
 Manual reorder requisition generated by cycle
counts and stock out reports
 Audited All Work Flows  Equipment
 Defined what the system Hierarchy
required  Cost centers
 Assigned system roles and  Naming Convention
responsibilities  Component
 Training  Inventory
 Specific to function  Electronic import
 Set up Training system  Min/Max levels
 Multiple Plant Terminal  Preventive
Sites Maintenance
 All craft, maintenance and  Describe routines
production supervision  Attach frequencies
 Work Order
 User Access Throughout Facility
 Visible work order system
 25000 Work orders processed
 Work status – in process - completion
 Backlog
 Priorities
 Assists troubleshooting – search functionality
 Preventive Maintenance
 Automatic scheduling based on due dates, date last
performed or cycle counts
 Delinquency reports
 Routes

Previous Year 1 – post

• PM = 10% Implmntn
• Repair = 90% • PM = 25%
– Emergency = • Repair = 75%
65% – Emergency = 50%
 Material Issues & Direct • Equipment
Purchases – Complete Work
 Work order acts as History
business document • Problem description
 Planning • Activities
 Problem description • Cost
• Outside services
 Detailed instructions
 Material and tool
– PM’s Attached To
requirements Equipment
• Frequency
 Training tool for JA/SOP
• Completion
 KPI’s – Manuals And
 Work order type Schematics Saved To

• Inventory  Inventory
– Craft Access  Automatic Reorder
 System Generated Requisition
• Improved search
 Electronic approval
• Reduction of supervision  Purchasing
time required  Paperless system
 System tracks all stock and
– Min/Max Levels/QOH non-stock purchases
• System generated part  Reports
number  Memo entry
• Multiple locations
• Reduction Of duplications
• Order reduction
– Issues To Work Order Or
• Auto BOM
Future Goals and Objectives
 Work Orders  Maintenance Team
 Introduce failure and  Increase wrench time
cause codes to work  Establish procedures
orders  Improve training and
 Root cause analysis knowledge sharing
training  Create culture of
 Reduce unscheduled
 Shift repair to non
production time
 Schedule
 Priority
 Visible backlog
Future Goals and Objectives
 Equipment  Inventory
 Improve uptime  Centralize storeroom
 Analyze failure rates and  Improved control
MTBF  Eliminates need for
 Adjust PM if required duplication
 Evaluate operating  Parts staging for
scheduled work
 Modifications, upgrade or
 Reduce need for craft
 Force field intiative
 Reduction of craft data
 Reduction of idle
Steps Toward Reliability
1. A vibration analysis program to reduce vibration level – focus on
alignment precision & balancing.
2. Providing jack-bolts to eqpt bases.
3. All rotating equipment to be dynamically balanced.
4. Use of laser system for shaft alignment.
5. Bearing condition monitoring by lubricant analysis.
6. Lubricant - better filtration & water removal, better oil seals, oil
testing. It will reduce lubrication cost.
7. Planned maintenance to exceed 85%. A clearly outspoken
partnership between operations & engineering.
8. Motor condition monitoring- Temp rating is given on the
nameplate. Exceeding the rated temp by 10 C can shorten the
motor life by half, temp is measured by sensors/IR temp
detector/resistance method.
Performance Measures
Three basic business operational scenarios impact the
focus and strategies of maintenance. They are:
1. Excess operations capacity – ―cost constrained‖
2. Constrained by operations capacity – ―production
1. If the business would be able to sell more products or
services if their prices were lowered, then the business
is said to be ―cost-constrained.‖ Under these
circumstances, the maximum payoff is likely to come
from concentrating on controlling inputs — i.e. labor,
materials, contractor costs, and overheads.
Here, the most important maint measures would be:
Maintenance expenditures, relative to output (e.g.
maintenance costs per production unit);
Performance Measures
2. If the business can profitably sell all it produces, then it
is called “production constrained,” & is likely to achieve
maximum payoff from focusing on maximizing outputs
through reliability, availability & maintainability of the
Typical maintenance productivity or output measures
a) Overall equipment effectiveness & each equipment’s
availability, production rate, & quality rate, as primary
b) MTBF & MTTR, as secondary measures used to analyze
problems with respect to availability.
1. A maintenance mission statement is prominently displayed.
2. A master plan for maintenance improvement exists.
3. A fully functional CMMS is in place.
4. Critical maintenance measures are defined.
5. Weekly schedules are in place & used.
6. Equipment uptime is improving due to PM program.
7. Equipment history is meaningful & effectively used.
8. Effective control of the maintenance budget is evident.
9. An effective maintenance skills training program is in
10.Production, maintenance & quality Improvement
processes are integrated.
11. Work order system: 100% of a maintenance person‘s
time is covered by a work order.
12. 90% of work orders are generated by predictive
13. 90% compliance of planned/scheduled work.
14. Maintenance inventory and purchasing integration
15. Spare parts stock-outs are rare (< 1 per month).
16. Trend charts of progress relative to goals & targets are
in place:
• Maintenance costs (labor & material)
• Schedule compliance, performance & effectiveness
• PM schedule compliance
Planned maintenance shall be scheduled as a part of the
manufacturing day & an integral part of the manufacturing
process rather than simply squeezed in between whenever
there is a break in production schedule.
Maintenance Benchmarking
Plant Availability > 97%
Total Maint Cost/Total Manufac Cost < 15%
Maint Cost/ Asset Value of the Plant < 3%
Maintenance Workers - % of Total <15%
Training hours / year > 80 hrs/yr
Planned Maint/Total Maint > 85%
Unplanned Down Time ~0%
Reactive Maintenance < 15%
Tot PdM Hrs/Tot Maintenance Hrs ~50%
Thank You

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