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Form 1



The undersigned __________, empowered representative of ___________

(mention the business name and registered office of the economic operator),
according to _________ (mention the supporting document/ documents of the
capacity of representative), declare on my own liability, subject to exclusion from the
procedure and to the sanctions applied to forgery in deeds, that we do not fall within
the case provided under art. 180 of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 34/
2006 on the award of public contracts, public works concession contracts and service
concession contracts, namely during the last 5 years I have not been convicted by a
final judgment of a court for participation in a criminal organization, corruption, fraud
and/ or money laundering.

The undersigned declare that the information provided is complete and

correct in every detail and I understand that the contracting authority is entitled to
request, in order to check and have confirmation of the declarations, any supporting
documents available to us.

This declaration is valid until ________ (to specify the expiry date of the
tender validity period).

Completion date ______________.


Represented by


of inapplicability to the economic operator of the cases provided
under art. 181 of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 34/2006

The undersigned __________, legal representative/ attorney of ___________

(mention the business name and registered office of the economic operator),
according to _________ (mention the supporting document/ documents of the
capacity of representative), as tenderer in the request for tenders for the award of
the contract having as object __________(name of the procedure), at the date of
__________ organised by the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

declare on my own liability that:

a) we are not bankrupt as a result of the decision rendered by the syndic judge
[for Romanian subjects of law/tenderers] / or / we are not bankrupt as a
result of a decision of a competent body, as regulated by the applicable law
[for other tenderers];
b) we have fulfilled the obligations relating to the payment of taxes, duties and
social security contributions to the component budgets of the general
consolidated budget, in accordance with the applicable legal provisions in
force in Romania or in the country where we are established, until the date
c) during the last 2 years we have fulfilled our contractual obligations and we
have not carried out any activities likely to cause serious prejudices to the
beneficiaries of contracts;
d) during the last 3 years we have not been convicted by a final judgment of a
court for a deed prejudicing professional ethics or for professional
e) we do not present false information or do not have the information requested
by the contracting authority in order to demonstrate the fulfilment of the
qualification and selection criteria.

We, the undersigned, declare that the information provided is complete and
correct in every detail and we understand that the contracting authority is entitled to
request, in order to check and have confirmation of the declarations, any supporting
documents available to us.
I understand that if this declaration is not true, we may become liable for the
breach of the criminal legislation provisions concerning forgery in deeds applicable in

Completion date: __________


Represented by __________________


1. The undersigned __________, legal representative/ attorney of ___________

(mention the business name and registered office of the economic operator),
according to _________ (mention the supporting document/ documents of the
capacity of representative), declare on my own liability, subject to the sanctions
applied to forgery in deeds that for the award of the public contract by request for
tenders having as object __________(name of the procedure), at the date of
__________ organised by the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Romania,
participate and submit the tender:

[] on own behalf;
[] as leader of association ______________________;
[] as member of association ______________________;
[] as supporting third party of ______________________;

2. The undersigned declare that:

[ ] I am not affiliated member of any group or network of economic operators;
[ ] I am an affiliated member of the group or network whose list of identification
data is presented in the appendix.

3. The undersigned declare that I shall forthwith inform the contracting

authority if any changes occur in this declaration any time during the procedure for
the award of the public contract or, if we are declared the successful tenderers,
during the existence of the public contract.

4. I also declare that the information provided is complete and correct in

every detail and I understand that the contracting authority is entitled to request, in
order to check and have confirmation of the declarations, situations and documents
accompanying the tender, any additional information in order to check the data

5. The undersigned hereby authorises any institution, company, bank, other

legal persons to provide information to the authorised representatives of the
Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, headquartered in Aleea Alexandru, nr. 31,
sector 1, Bucharest in relation to any technical and financial aspect regarding our

6. The Bank institutions that I am working with (for further payments related
with this contract, in case that I shall be declared winner of the tender) is/are:

Bank …………………/Branch……………/account number

Completion date _____________.


Represented by


of participation with independent tender

I. The undersigned __________, legal representative/ attorney of ___________

(mention the business name and registered office of the economic operator),
according to _________ (mention the supporting document/ documents of the
capacity of representative), as tenderer in the request for tenders for the award of
the contract having as object __________(name of the procedure), at the date of
__________ organised by the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Romania, hereby
certify that the information contained is true and complete in all respects.

II. I/we hereby certify, in the name of .........................................., the


1. I/we have read and understood the contents of this certificate;

2. I/we agree our disqualification from public procurement procedure in which the
stated conditions prove to be untrue and / or incomplete in any respect;
3. Each signature on this document is this person designated to submit the offer to
participate, including the offer contained terms;
4. the purpose of this certificate, the competitor means any person or entity other
than the bidder in whose name we formulate this certificate, that bids within the
same procurement procedure or could offer, meeting the participation conditions;
5. the offer presented was designed and formulated independently of any
competitor, with no consultation, communications, agreements or arrangements with
6. the offer presented does not contain elements derived from agreements
between competitors regarding prices / rates, methods / calculation formulas, the
intention to bid or not to the respective procedure or the intention to include in the
offer evidence that, by their nature, are not related to the subject of that procedure;
7. the offer presented does not contain elements derived from agreements
between competitors in terms of quality, quantity, specifications of particular
products or services;
8. details presented in the offer were not disclosed, directly or indirectly to any
competitor before the official date of public opening announced by contractor;

III. I understand that if this declaration is not true, we may become liable
for the breach of the criminal legislation provisions concerning forgery in deeds
applicable in Romania.

Completion date _____________.


Represented by


Statement referred to art. 691 of G.E O. no. 34/2006

The undersigned __________, legal representative/ attorney of ___________

(mention the business name and registered office of the economic operator),
according to _________ (mention the supporting document/ documents of the
capacity of representative), as tenderer / subcontractor / supporting third
party (please fill in, according with the position of the declaring party),
in the request for tenders for the award of the contract having as object
__________(name of the procedure), at the date of __________ organised by the
Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

I/we declare on my own liability that:

We are not subject to the situation provided by art. 69 1 from the Government
Emergency Ordinance nr. 34/2006, respectively:
- I/we, including our members of board of directors/management, our
supervisory body and/or our shareholders or our associates, am/are neither
husband/ wife, relative, nor subject of any affinity, up to the fourth degree, with
individuals who hold/have leading positions within the contracting authority;
- I/we, including our members of board of directors/management, our
supervisory body and/or our shareholders or our associates, am/are not involved in
any commercial relations with individuals who hold leading positions within the
contracting authority.

I also declare that the information provided is complete and correct in every
detail and I understand that the contracting authority is entitled to request, in order
to check and have confirmation of the declarations, situations and documents
accompanying the tender, any additional information in order to check the data
I understand that if this declaration is not true, we may become liable for the
breach of the criminal legislation provisions concerning forgery in deeds applicable in

Completion date _____________.


Represented by


1. Business name/name: _______________________

2. Tax code: _________________________________

3. Address of central office: _____________________

4.Telephone: _________________________________
Fax: _____________________________________
E-mail: ___________________________________

Contact person: ____________________________

5. Certificate of incorporation/ registration: ________

(number, date and place of incorporation/ registration)

6. Object, by areas: ______________

(in accordance with the provisions of its own articles of incorporation)

7. Offices of local subsidiaries/ branches, if necessary (complete addresses,

telephone / telex / fax, certificate of incorporation/ registration):________

8. Main business market: ____________________

9. Turnover for the last 3 years:

Annual turnover Annual turnover Annual turnover
Year as at 31 December as at 31 December as at 31 December
[Lei] [Euro equivalent] [national currency]
1. 2009
2. 2010
3. 2011
Annual average

Completion date _____________


Represented by




The undersigned __________, legal representative/ attorney of ___________

(mention the business name and registered office of the economic operator),
according to _________ (mention the supporting document/ documents of the
capacity of representative), declare on my own liability, subject to the sanctions
applied to forgery in deeds that the data presented in the table attached are true.
The undersigned declare that the information provided is complete and correct in
every detail and I understand that the contracting authority is entitled to request, in
order to check and have confirmation of the declarations, situations and documents
accompanying the tender, any additional information in order to check the data
The undersigned hereby authorises any institution, company, bank, other legal
persons to provide information to the authorised representatives of ...................
(name and address of the contracting authority) in relation to any technical and
financial aspect regarding our activity.

No. Name of the Total contract Duration Commenc Percentage Contracting Main
project/ type value and of ement of works Authority / Contractor
of works /site currency it is contract date completed Client and (MC) /
of works expressed in place Member (M) /

This declaration is valid until the date of________ (to specify the expiry date
of the tender validity period).

Completion date ______________.


Represented by


1. Name and object of the contract:

Number and date of the contract:

2. Business name/ name of the beneficiary/ client:

Address of the beneficiary/client:

3. Capacity in which the tenderer participated in the contract performance:

(check off the corresponding option)

[] sole contractor or leading contractor (group leader)

[] associate contractor

[] subcontractor

4. Contract value expressed in the currency equivalent in euro

in which the contract was concluded
a) initial (upon the contract execution): .... ....
b) final (upon the contract completion(*)): .... ....

5. If there were any disputes in relation to the contract performance, the nature
and settlement of such disputes:

6. Nature and quantity of the works provided under the contract, as well as other
relevant issues by which the tenderer/candidate sustains its similar experience:

Completion date ______________.


Represented by

(*) In case that the contract is still in execution, than the amount shall refer to the
activities/works finalised until the date of submission of the Form, and at point 6, the
tenderer shall explain the situation of the execution of the contract, presenting
explicitly the finalised activities/works and attaching relevant documents regarding
the payments already made for the respective activities/works.
RECOM M EN DA TI ON (m o del)

The undersigned,

_________________, headquartered in _____________________, registered

with the Trade Register under no. ________________, sole registration code R
__________, [or the identification data of the foreign economic operator]
represented by Mr./Mrs. _________________, as ______________,

To whom it may concern:

We inform you that the Company _____________, headquartered in

________________ (the “Company”) carried out with our company the following
work contracts:

Contract Name of works Commencement Completion day Observations

no./date day of the of the works

We deem the quality qualifier of the design/works performed as being:


During the performance of the contracts, the following were registered:

Non- Total Solved Observations

conformities and
which mentions
partial or total
of works

Acceptances postponed due to non- compliance with the quality parameters


Acceptances rejected due to non-compliance with the quality parameters


This document is a recommendation and it is issued based on the data recorded

within our company.

Date: __________
represented by
(authorised signature and stamp)




1. The undersigned __________, legal representative/ attorney of ___________

(mention the business name and registered office of the economic operator),
according to _________ (mention the supporting document/ documents of the
capacity of representative), as tenderer in the request for tenders for the award of
the contract having as object __________(name of the procedure), declare on my
own liability, subject to the sanctions applied to forgery in deeds, that the date in the
table below are true.

2. The undersigned declare that the information provided is complete and correct in
every detail and I understand that the contracting authority is entitled to request, in
order to check and have confirmation of the declarations, situations and documents
accompanying the tender, any additional information in order to check the data

3. The undersigned hereby authorise any institution, company, bank, other legal
persons to provide information to the authorised representatives of the contracting
authority in relation to any technical and financial aspect regarding our activity.

4. This declaration is valid until _________ (to mention the date until which the
tender is valid).

Year 2009 2010 2011

personnel (total
personnel of the
economic operator)
Out of which
Completion date ____________


Represented by


Position/Name Nationality Age Professional Years of Major projects Duties

training relevant for which he/ incumbent
experience she was thereupon
responsible within the
(project/value) Project

Completion date .......................


Represented by



Position proposed in the contract: ……………………………………………

1. Name:
2. Surname:
3. Date and place of birth:
4. Nationality:
5. Address (telephone/fax/e-mail):
6. Professional training:
From (month/year)
To (month/year)
Bachelor’s degree:
7. Foreign languages
(Between 1 and 5, where 5 is maximum):
Language Level Reading Speaking Writing
Mother tongue

8. Member of professional associations:

9. Other competences (e.g. computer literacy, etc.):
10. Position currently held:
11. Years of professional experience:
12. Key qualifications:
13. Specific experience in similar projects:
Country Date: from (month/year) Name and a brief
to (month/year) description of the project

14. Professional experience:

Date: from (month/year) to (month/year)
Place (country and city)
Description of the activity performed

15. Other data:

Completion date .......................

Represented by

(business name/name)



The undersigned, empowered representative of ................... (business name/ name

and registered office/ address of the candidate/tenderer), declare on my own
liability, subject to the sanctions applied to forgery in deeds, that the data presented
in the table attached are true.
The undersigned declare that the information provided is complete and correct in
every detail and I understand that the contracting authority is entitled to request, in
order to check and have confirmation of the declarations, situations and documents
accompanying the tender, any additional information in order to check the data
The undersigned hereby authorise any institution, company, bank, other legal
persons to provide information to the authorised representatives of ...................
(name and address of the contracting authority) in relation to any technical and
financial aspect regarding our activity.
of quantities of plant, installations and technical equipment
DESCRIPTION Power Items Age Owned (P) Origin Approximate
(type, /Capacity (years) or leased (country) current value
trademark, (I) in Euro




Completion date:………………
Represented by
(business name/name)
The undersigned __________, legal representative/attorney of ___________
(mention the business name and registered office of the economic operator),
according to _________ (mention the supporting document/ documents of the
capacity of representative), declare on my own liability, subject to the sanctions
applied to forgery in deeds, that the data presented in the table attached are true.
The undersigned declare that the information provided is complete and correct in
every detail and I understand that the contracting authority is entitled to request, in
order to check and have confirmation of the declarations, situations and documents
accompanying the tender, any additional information in order to check the data
The undersigned hereby authorise any institution, company, bank, other legal
persons to provide information to the authorised representatives of ...................
<name and address of the contracting authority> in relation to any technical and
financial aspect regarding our activity.
Agreement of the
% of the Name of legal subcontractor (to be filled
Name of legal Approximate
Work item works representative/ in, accompanied by the
entity value
value Address signature and company
Leader of the group

Member of the group/Associate

I hereby agree to
perform the respective
I hereby agree to
perform the respective

This table shall include a list of the categories of works and their corresponding value
for each member of the group/associate and for which subcontractors are proposed,
together with the names and addresses of the proposed subcontractors.

Completion date:…………………. Tenderer,

Represented by __________________

Association Agreement

Concluded between:

Company A, acting as leader of the group:

[Full name of the company, legal representative, address, phone/fax]

Company B, acting as member of the group:

[Full name of the company, legal representative, address, phone/fax]

…………………….. list of all members of the group…………………………………….

1.We, the legal representatives of the companies nominated above, as tenderer in

the request for tenders for the award of the contract having as object
__________(name of the procedure), declare on our own liability, subject to the
sanctions applied to forgery in deeds, that we undertake collective and joint liability
for the contract performance.

2.We, the legal representatives of the companies nominated above, authorise ……..
[Company A]…………………. to act as the main tenderer of the project and to be liable
in its own name and in the name of the Group for the contract performance.

3.……..[Company A]…………………. is to represent all members of the

group/consortium to participate in the tender, to submit letters of commitment, to
submit tender documents, to conclude the contract with the contracting authority
and to be responsible for the coordination work during the contract execution.

4.In this respect, we agree to undertake the following responsibilities:

Members of the group/consortium Part of the Contract for which is

Company A Leader,
responsible for
……………..(description of tasks) …………
Company B Member,
responsible for
……………..(description of tasks) …………

5. We, the legal representatives of the companies nominated above, bind ourselves
that, if its tender is successful, the group shall assume a legal form, and the
authenticated association agreement shall be submitted to the Contracting
Authority, prior to the date of signing of the works contract.

Completion date:………………….
Signatures of the Association Agreement,
[Representative name/ signature and stamp of all members of the group]

BANK/Insurance company



Guarantee No.: <XXXXXXXXXX>

As of:[DD.MM.YYYY]

To: [name of the contracting authority and complete address]

We, [name of the Bank/Insurance company, address], the signatories to this letter of
guarantee, having its registered office [address of the bank’s registered office],
unconditionally and irrevocably undertake toward [name of the contracting
authority] as Contracting Authority, to pay the amount of [………………….] (EURO, in
figures and letters), corresponding to the guarantee for the participation of (name and
address of the tenderer) with a tender in the procedure for the award of the contract
[name of the public contract].
Payment shall be made into the account indicated by the Contracting Authority,
without any objections whatsoever, upon its first written request and without being
bound to ground such request, provided that the Contracting Authority specifies that
the amount requested thereby and due to it is due to one or several of the following
a) tenderer [business name/name of the tenderer] withdrew its tender during the
validity period;
b) its tender being declared successful, the tenderer [business name/ name of the
tenderer] did not provide the performance guarantee during the tender validity period
and anyway not later than the contract conclusion date;
c) its tender being declared successful, the tenderer [the business name/ name of the
tenderer] refused to sign the public contract during the tender validity period;
d) National Council for Solving Complains rejects the complain submitted during the
procedure by the [business name/name of the tenderer]. For the contester whos
complaint has been rejected by the National Council for Solving Complains, as having
no legal grounds, the amount retained shall be calculated in accordance with the
provisions of the art. 278^1 from the GEO no. 34/2006, as ammended and
supplemented by the subsequent legislative acts.
We undertake not to delay in any manner the payment.
This guarantee enters into force and is effective as from [DD.MM.YYYY] and it is valid
until [DD.MM.YYYY].

Name: …………………………… Position: …………………

Signature: …………….. Stamp…………………..

Date: [DD.MM.YYYY]

(business name/name)


The undersigned ____________________, headquartered in

______________, registered with _________, under no. ________, legally
represented by __________, as __________, hereby empower:

Mr./Mrs _________, identified with I.D. series ____________, no.

_________________ issued by ___________, at ___________________, or
passport series __________, no. _____________, issued by ___________, at
_____________, Personal Number Code _________________, [or identification
data as stated in the identity documents from the state of origin of the
empowered person]
to represent us, in order to participate in the request for tenders procedure
organised by the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for the award of the contract
having as object __________(name of the procedure).

In carrying out his/ her mandate, the agent shall have the following rights:

1. To sign any deeds and documents issued by the undersigned in relation to the
participation in the above-mentioned procedure.

2. To participate in the name of the undersigned in the procedures of submission,

and opening, respectively, to sign/submit all documents resulted/requested on the
duration of the above-mentioned procedure.

In order to implement this power-of-attorney, our agent shall carry out any act or
action for representation of our interests and shall sign, wherever necessary, in the
name of the tenderer with a view to participating in the above-mentioned procedure,
his/ her signature being fully binding on us.

Date ____________

Name of tenderer

(business name/name)


To: ___________________
Address: __________________

Dear Ladies/Gentlemen,

1. Further to the examination of the tender documentation, the undersigned

_____________ representatives of the tenderer __________________,
headquartered in _____________, we propose to perform, in accordance with the
provisions and requirements in the above-mentioned documentation, the
__________(name of the procedure), against the amount of Euro
_______________________________(amount in figures and letters) plus VAT or
other similar taxes in the amount of Euro ________________________( amount in
figures and letters).

2. We undertake that, in case our tender is declared successful, to perform

the works according with the Schedule of Works enclosed in the technical proposal.

3. We undertake to maintain this tender valid for a 90-day period, namely

until ___________, and it shall remain mandatory also for us and it may be accepted
any time prior to the expiry of the validity period.

4. Until the conclusion and execution of the public contract, this tender,
together with the communication you sent, whereby our tender is declared
successful, shall constitute a binding contract between us.

5. We mention that:
□ we submit variant tender, whose details are presented in a separate tender
form, clearly marked as „variant”;
□ we submit no variant tender.

6. We have understood and consent that, in case our tender is declared

successful, to establish the performance guarantee in accordance with the provisions
of the tender documentation.

7. We understand that you do not have the obligation to accept the lowest
price tender or any other tender that you may receive.

Completion date: ………………….


Represented by
FORM 18-1
Quotations for the components of each determinant stage (DS)

No. Determinant stage Detailed Quantity Measure Unit price Total VAT Total Price Date for Term for
description Unit (without Price or other (with VAT completion Payment
of the VAT or (without similar or other (According
activities other VAT or taxes similar with the
similar other taxes) Schedule of
taxes) similar Works)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7=4*6 8 9=7+8 10 11

A design (general, A.1 30 days

detailed, from the
authorisations/licences A.2 receipt
/permits/approvals, of the
site preparation, … invoice.
insurances etc.)

Quotation for DS 1
B1 Structural, 1.1 30 days
mechanical and from the
installation general 1.2 receipt
works of the
… invoice.

Quotation for DS 2
B2 Interior decorations 2.1 30 days
and finalising from the
installation works receipt
2.2 of the

Quotation for DS 3
B3 interior fitting-out 3.1 30 days
(supply of furniture, 3.2 from the
equipments etc. and receipt
setting) of the
Quotation for DS 4 invoice.
B4 demolition/dismant 4.1 30 days
ling 4.2 from the
….. receipt
of the
Quotation for DS 5

6 Other unforeseen DS - A To be paid only if

expenses appear, based on
DS – B1 explanatory
documents for

TOTAL QUOTATION (EURO, with VAT or similar taxes)…………………………………. From which ………% associates: ……….EURO
………% sub-contractors: ……….EURO

Completion date:………………….
Represented by
Registered at the headquarters of the contracting authority
No. .......... / ........……

(business name/name)


To: [name of the contracting authority and full address]

Further to the participation invitation no. ………………published on www.e-, concerning the application of the procedure for the award of
the contract [name of the public contract], we [business name/name of the tenderer]
shall send attached the following documents accompanying the tender:

1. Power-of-attorney for participation in the meeting of opening tenders together

with a copy of the Identity Card of the person/ persons who represent the tenderer;
[ ] YES
[ ] NO

2. The parcel sealed and visibly marked, containing, an original counterpart and 1
copy in English [ ]/Romanian [ ], containing:

A. qualification and selection documents;

B. technical proposal;
C. financial proposal.

3. Document ..............................................…..… concerning the Participation

Guarantee, in the amount and in the form established by you in the tender
[ ] separate envelope included in the above-mentioned parcel
[ ] submitted by the tenderer’s representative, at the latest upon the opening of
tender’s date/hour.

We hope that our tender is suitable and meets your requirements.

Completion date:________________

Sincerely yours,

[Name of tenderer],
……...........................(name, authorised signature and stamp)

BANK/Insurance Company


To [name of the contracting authority and full address]

Guarantee No.: <XXXXXXXXXX>

As of: ________________

With respect to (name of the contract), concluded by and between

[…………………………..], as Contractor, and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania as
Contracting Authority/Employer,
We [name of the Bank/Insurance Company, address] hereby undertake to pay in
favour of the Contracting Authority, up to the amount of […………………] (EURO, in
figures and in letters), representing 10% of the value of design, construction, fitting-
out and maintenance, less VAT or other similar taxes, respectively, any amount
requested thereby upon its first request with no right to object, accompanied by a
declaration concerning non-fulfilment of the obligations incumbent upon the
Contractor, as provided in the above-mentioned public contract.
Payment shall be made within the term indicated in the request, with no further
additional formality performed by the Contracting Authority or the Contractor.

The performance guarantee shall be valid until 15 th of August 2012, and released as
- 70% of the guarantee value within 14 days after the conclusion of the Taking-Over
Certificate unless the Contracting Authority raised any claims in relation thereto;
- 30% of the guarantee value after the expiry of the Defect Notification Period for the
performed works (respectively the Closing Date of the Exposition), on the basis of a
Performance Certificate concluded by the parties with this occasion unless the
Contracting Authority raised any claims in relation thereto.

If the contracting parties agree to extend the guarantee validity period or amend
certain contractual provisions which have effects on the bank’s undertaking, our prior
consent shall be obtained.
Any dispute related to this guarantee shall be subject to the Romanian laws in force.

Initialled by the Bank/Insurance Company ........................ in the day ..........

month .......... year .........
(authorised signature)
Name: …………………………… Position:

BANK/Insurance Company



To [name of the contracting authority and full address]

Guarantee No.: <XXXXXXXXXX>

As of: ________________

With respect to (name of the contract), concluded by and between

[…………………………..], as Contractor, and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania as
Contracting Authority/Employer,
We [name of the Bank/Insurance Company, address] hereby undertake to pay in
favour of the Contracting Authority, up to the amount of […………………] (EURO, in
figures and in letters), representing 10% of the value of demolition/dismantling
works, less VAT or other similar taxes, respectively, any amount requested thereby
upon its first request with no right to object, accompanied by a declaration
concerning non-fulfilment of the obligations incumbent upon the Contractor, as
provided in the above-mentioned public contract.
Payment shall be made within the term indicated in the request, with no further
additional formality performed by the Contracting Authority or the Contractor.

The performance guarantee shall be valid until 15 th of November 2012, and released
at the finalisation of demolition/dismantling works, on the basis of an Acceptance
Certificate concluded by the parties with this occasion unless the Contracting
Authority raised any claims in relation thereto.

If the contracting parties agree to extend the guarantee validity period or amend
certain contractual provisions which have effects on the bank’s undertaking, our prior
consent shall be obtained.
Any dispute related to this guarantee shall be subject to the Romanian laws in force.

Initialled by the Bank/Insurance Company ........................ in the day ..........

month .......... year .........
(authorised signature)
Name: …………………………… Position:

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