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At the end of the lesson students will be able to:
● Identify the different kinds of verbs
● Use the correct kind of verb in creating sentences
● Understand how the verbs are verbs form in accordance with the time of action
and the subject of the sentence.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Verbs
Target Skills: Writing and Speaking
Materials: papers, pens, computer, projector,
References: Hill, Glencoe M. (2005).Tenses. Grammar Book. Columbus Ohio.

III. Procedure
A. Motivation
B. Lesson Proper
C. Enrichment Activities

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Motivation

1. Checking of Attendance
2. Classroom Management

This is an English class and first and

foremost, my general rule here is for
everyone to speak English while the class is
ongoing. Will you do that? Ma’am how about if we do not know the
English of the word we are going to say?
Okay ma’am we will try our best.

If you don’t know the perfect word to describe

what you mean, isn’t it a really frustrating
We agree.

Have you ever experienced being in a

situation where something so good happened
to you, say for example, you were on your
way to school and met the celebrity you really
admire? He waved at you and you couldn’t
wait to tell he story to your friends. However,
you want to exaggerate what happened but in
front of your friends, you can’t find the perfect
words to say? That would be so disappointing.
Yes, that’s why to start our day, we are going
to have an activity where we tell stories and
play with our imagination. Divide yourselves
into a group of 4. Are you familiar with JK
Rowling’s Harry Potter? Yes! Ma’am the sorcerers and the witch.
Yes! Ma’am because I watched that movie.

Alright, Group 1 is Gryffindor, 2 is Hufflepuff,

3 is Ravenclaw and 4 is Slytherin. Please
select a leader among your team members.

This game is called ‘Four Pics, One Story’.

These are the instructions:
I prepared a few slides and for each slide
there are four pictures. Each team will be
given 5 minutes to come up with a story
connecting all those pictures together. When I
say time’s up, you will have to choose a
representative to read the story and the team
with the most number of action words in their
story wins the game. Understood?
Yes, we understand the instructions.

(The teacher shows a slide with different (The students participate the way they were
pictures) told)

B. Lesson Proper

It is obvious from our previous game that we

are going to tackle verbs today. Can you
give me a definition of the word ‘verb’?
A verb is an action word.

A verb is not just an action word. It states

two things: an action and a state of

Harry spoke quickly. (action)
Harry seems upset. (state of being)

But do you know that verbs are classified Yes, ma’am

into different kinds?

Can you tell me how many kinds of verbs are

there in general? Three? Four?
Yes, good guess. There are four main kinds
of verbs.

a. Linking Verbs - these verbs serve as a

connection between a subject and its
b. Transitive verbs - these verbs have
direct objects; the action of the verb is
directed toward some objective.
c. Intransitive verbs - these verbs do not
have direct objects, the action is not
directed towards an objective
d. Auxiliary or helping verbs - combine
with other verbs to show tense,
aspect, mood, voice, degree, or
manner of action
e. Verbals- are formed from verbs, but
do not act as verbs in the sentence.
Verbals act as nouns or modifiers. Is, are , seems

Can you give me an example for each of the

types we mentioned? Let’s begin with Linking The wand is broken.
Verbs? The bearded man is the headmaster of this
Very good, now can you use it in a sentence? The dinner hall seems to be filled with delight
and joy.

Forms of the verb to be (am, is, are, etc.) are

the most common linking verbs, but prove
there are others such as the “sense” verbs Ron handed the wand to Snape.
like sound, feel, smell, taste etc. He sent a letter through the owl post.
How about transitive verbs? Can you give me
a sentence with a transitive verb?

Good job! Transitive verbs can be used in two

ways :
Active voice - the subject does something to
Ex. Hermione ate the steak.

Passive voice - the subject is acted upon by

Ex. The steak was eaten by Hermione The cat ran away.
The girl vanished.
Now, let’s go to intransitive verbs. Can I have
your examples?

Correct! But for auxiliary verbs, there are two

important verbs that help form certain verbs:

a. To be-verbs (am, is, are, etc. )
Ex. I am going to the wizarding school
whether you like it or not.
b. To have-verbs (has, had, have, etc.)
Ex. The school has sent me letters of

2. Some verbs are used to express certain

possibility (may, could, might etc.)

Ex. We might miss the train if you don’t walk


3. Other helping verbs are used to express

emphasis (do, need, will, etc.)
Ex. I do need to ask for you permission.

And for the last kind of verb, we have

verbals but they do not act as verbs but
other parts of speech.
Ex. Riding the Hogwarts Express was such a
great experience. ( acts as noun)
Slytherin has a plan to win the game. (acts
as to-infinitive, adjective)

C. Enrichment Activities
This time, we are going to put these
learnings in Practice. For 15 minutes, I
want you to imagine you are a modern
day Shakespeare and write a short skit
or dialogues as if it is a scene in a play. I
want you to put as many verbs as you
can and next meeting, I will choose the
best skits and have the writers read them
out loud in class. Are we clear? That’s exciting!

IV. Evaluation
Tell what kind of verb is used in the sentences:
1. Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they
were perfectly normal, thank you very much.
2. Mr. Dursley hummed as he picked out his most boring tie for work.
3. At half past eight, Mr. Dursley picked up his briefcase.
4. It was on the corner of the street that he noticed the first sign of something
peculiar -- a cat reading a map.
5. He was starting to attract a lot of funny looks, because of Hedwig.
6. Hagrid must have forgotten to tell him something you had to do, like tapping the
third brick on the left to get into Diagon Alley.
7. He pushed his trolley around and stared at the barrier.
8. A boy with dreadlocks was surrounded by a small crowd.
9. Ron had taken out a lumpy package and unwrapped it.
10. "You've forgotten something..."
V. Assignment

What are the different verb tenses and give examples of each of them.

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