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“What is the meaning of life?

By Bernard B. Cox


This is the question most, if not all men and women ask themselves in the quietest and/or the most
desperate or challenging moments of their lives. Most often, this question is asked in the times of
loss and/or despair. This question is asked in the hope that someone will provide a satisfactory
answer. Sometimes this question is raised in discussion, perhaps by someone who sincerely desires
to quench the relentless travail which washes into their mind like the pounding of the mighty waves
upon a shore; and then ebbs again without making any significant change… only to return again and
again in the hope that some evidence will wash up eventually explaining this paradox or maybe even
explaining why we humans experience this thirst to know the answer.

Many will present this question to their parents and children. Some will put the question to their
friends and peers. Some will simply keep the question in their heart believing that the answer will
eventually dawn upon them. This document is shared for the edification of those sincere souls who
cannot find rest. I’m not implying that I have all the answers. No! I do not! I do however have forty
six years of experience of scrutinizing and analyzing the pros and the cons of this subject. This
experience I’d like to share with you the reader.

I’m going to keep this as short and concise as possible. The topic is highly controversial and I
therefore do not expect everyone to agree with me. But, I’m confident that there will be some… not
a lot; but some who will. What I would desire is that you consider the merits of this presentation.


Prologue …………………………………………………………………….. Pg. 01

Index …………………………………………………………………….. Pg. 01
Apology …………………………………………………………………….. Pg. 01
Introduction …………………………………………………………………….. Pg. 02
Discourse on the theory of evolution and the Hypothesis of the ‘Big Bang’ …….. Pg. 08
The answer to the ‘question’ …………………………………………………….. Pg. 29


There is hardly anything which can be stated on this topic without doing injury or an injustice to the
belief system of others. Therefore it is my duty to apologize up front for any hurt which may be
afflicted upon whomsoever as a result of this document. There is absolutely no intention to cause
injury to anyone, any institution, any organization or any religion, faith or belief, and especially not
to any individual whatsoever.

My intention is to exercise my right to present to the world what I believe to be ‘the meaning of life’
with just as much conviction and right as Mr. Darwin felt he had a right to present what he thought
to be the root of mankind, (if not the reason or meaning to life which he didn’t) and in the process,
he engendered a system which totally disputed and thereby offended the belief system which many
billions of souls believe/d to hold dear as the truth of ‘the meaning of life’. I have however been led
to believe that Mr. Darwin did eventually apologize for having presented his unproven, hypothetic
and assumptive theory to a most gullible and deluded world; a theory which he too came to believe
was error. Be that as it may or may not be, what I am about to present may be disputed by ‘science’,
which is a subject which is traceable to it’s foundation; among those beings with whom Cain, the
illegitimate son of Eve, found solace; while, the subject matter from which I derive my information
is traceable as far back as before the foundations of the material world; how many eons before, only
the source of creation knows.


As I journey through life I perceive that there is no greater theme which has dominated my zest for
life than to find the reason, or meaning to life. I have made it my quest! The more I establish the
answer, the more I feel the need to vindicate that which I have discovered. The key to said
vindication lies in ‘SIMPLICITY’… the creator hiding Himself and His creative power in
simplicity! In so doing, the answer to our paradoxical question must, of a necessity, be simple; and
without confusion or contradiction. It must be so simple that even a little child will not only be able
to search and find the answer, but with a certainty also understand it. Thus it is that my discovery of
the answer to this question was realized as a child. It wasn’t an ‘all of a sudden’ enlightenment; but a
gradual but constant revealing. The key lay in exhibiting a sincere desire to know the truth and so it
is that the scriptural text, “JOHN 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you
free.” becomes a real force as in power over discrepancy. The Power is in the demonstration of the
Word – spoken or written… by faith.

Everything that we require to find the answer to this question is written for all to read. The greatest
problem is our approach to the written Word. If we will approach the writings of the Bible as a child,
asking the requisite indulgence of the Author, (The Holy Spirit of the Creator) in the ‘Name’ which
our creator has chosen for Himself; He promised to deliver that which we ask for. He cannot break
His Word. That doesn’t imply that He is a ‘fuddy-duddy’ kind of being who can be mocked or made
fun of. He is not a play-thing. He is a pure, holy, kind, loving ‘person’ who is sovereign and
accountable to His Word only; whose character detests and abhors iniquity, and sin - which is
nothing less than ‘un-belief’. The reader must allow that last statement to sink in. It must be
understood that sin isn’t breaking laws, drinking, gambling, whoring, killing, fornication, thievery,
lust, smoking, etc, etc. Manifestations of the above in one’s life are evidence of one’s ‘unbelief’,
(sin) of the written Word of God… or perhaps, (for some) ignorance of His statutes which are
recorded in His Word. In other words, “If you believed that there is a penalty to your actions, you
wouldn’t do them… except lest you enjoyed living on the edge.

Let’s elaborate a little on the traits of iniquity and of sin for the benefit of a better understanding of
the meaning from the Creator’s perspective. Iniquity really means, ‘knowing not to do what is
believed or stated to be wrong; yet doing it anyway’. Sin on the other hand, contrary to what is
commonly taught and believed in Christian churches, means ‘‘unbelief’ of the revealed statutes of
God’… from a Biblical perspective. Sin really has no affiliation to unbelievers because of it’s
relationship to the Word of God according to the Bible; the Old and the New Testament.

You may rightly refer to your dictionary and claim that popular definition denotes different. That
may be so, but utilizing any other definition than that which concurs with Biblical text brings the

whole attempt of understanding the Bible into chaos. You will never make sense of the Word of God
lest you undertake to define words, especially these two, by their biblical meaning.

In the aforementioned verse of scripture, John 8:32, the Greek word used for the word ‘free’ is
‘eleutheroo’ which means ‘deliver, set at liberty: from the dominion of sin’. There is an incident
recorded in the Bible where some Pharisees were interrogating Jesus after He had healed a blind
man. They interrogated the man and his parents on the manner of the healing. They blatantly rejected
the claim that the man was ever blind until the man’s parents confessed that he was born blind. They
refused to believe that Jesus, by the power of the Creator, had restored the sight to the man… calling
Him ‘of the devil’, a sinner. A sinner because they contested that He didn’t believe the Word of God
according to ‘their’ belief; their denomination. They were being challenged to believe; in the light of
the fact that, without the power of God this healing could not have been possible. After the once
blind man had been cast out of the presence of the Pharisees Jesus called to the man enquiring
whether the man believed on the Son of God to which the man replied in the affirmative. Jesus
explained that he had come to heal the physically blind and to make blind those who can see but
refuse to perceive. Some of the Pharisees heard what Jesus had said and enquired of Him whether He
was implying that they were blind. Jesus replied, “If ye were blind, ye should have no sin: but now
ye say, We see; therefore your sin remaineth.” The word sin in this scripture is defined in the Greek
as - to miss the mark; to err, be mistaken; to miss or wander from the path of uprightness and
honour, to do or go wrong; to wander from the law of God, violate God's law. These were not
adulterers, or drunkards, but devout and zealous believers of their faith which demanded separation
from the world and worldliness; yet Jesus perceived that they could not believe and thus He imputed
or attributed their behavior as sin.

The prophet Paul clarified this in his epistle to the Hebrews in HEBREWS 3:17-19 when illustrating
the behavior of the Israelites in the wilderness during the Exodus. He wrote thus… ‘But with whom
was he grieved forty years? was it not with them that had sinned, whose carcases fell in the
wilderness? And to whom sware he that they should not enter into his rest, but to them that believed
not? So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief.’ If it be so that man is condemned to
perish because of his sin, does it not make sense that sin is ‘unbelief’ when defined in the context of
JOHN 3:15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. And speaking
to the Jews, some of whom desired to kill Him, Jesus said in JOHN 5:38-40 “And ye have not his
word abiding in you: for whom he hath sent, him ye believe not. Search the scriptures; for in them
ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. And ye will not come to me, that
ye might have life.” Doesn’t it appear, if not allude conclusively, that their unbelief condemned them
and not their wickedness and evil? And now the clincher… Jesus, speaking again to the Jews in
JOHN 8:21-24 Then said Jesus again unto them, I go my way, and ye shall seek me, and shall die in
your sins: whither I go, ye cannot come. Then said the Jews, Will he kill himself? because he saith,
Whither I go, ye cannot come. And he said unto them, Ye are from beneath; I am from above: ye are
of this world; I am not of this world. I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if
ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins. He was speaking to sincere spiritual righteous
souls – not wicked people!

There you have Jesus equating sin and unbelief of the Word; His Word… for He is the Word…
JOHN 1:1-14 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was
God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him
was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the
light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. He was in the world, and the
world was made by him, and the world knew him not. He came unto his own, and his own
received him not. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God,
even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh,
nor of the will of man, but of God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we
beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

According to Matthew 16:17 we are taught to understand that Peter was gifted to receive revelation
from God. MATTHEW 16:17 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon
Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.
Jesus was speaking to His followers saying in JOHN 6:63-68 It is the spirit that quickeneth; the
flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. But there
are some of you that believe not. For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believed
not, and who should betray him. And he said, Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come
unto me, except it were given unto him of my Father. From that time many of his disciples went
back, and walked no more with him. Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away? Then
Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life.

JOHN 10:25-26 Jesus answered them, I told you, and ye believed not: the works that I do in my
Father's name, they bear witness of me. But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I
said unto you.

Finally we have the testimony of Jesus as He explains His relationship with the Creator and His
ministry… and what is expected of those who desire Eternal Life. JOHN 12:44-50 Jesus cried and
said, He that believeth on me, believeth not on me, but on him that sent me. And he that seeth me
seeth him that sent me. I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not
abide in darkness. And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to
judge the world, but to save the world. He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one
that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day. For I
have not spoken of myself; but the Father which sent me, he gave me a commandment, what I
should say, and what I should speak. And I know that his commandment is life everlasting:
whatsoever I speak therefore, even as the Father said unto me, so I speak.

JOHN 16:7-9 Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not
away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you. And when he
is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: Of sin, because
they believe not on me;

So it becomes very clear that the Creator has revealed Himself as ‘The Word’ and has manifested
‘The Word’ in the living epistle of love and grace; the person Jesus the Christ - through Whom all
who believe His testimony is free from sin… and shall not come into condemnation.

Now let us analyze the word ‘iniquity’… in the light of the Word. The Hebrew word ‘‘avon’ means -
perversity, depravity. The Greek word ‘anomia’ means – unrighteousness, transgression of the law,
the condition of without law; either because ignorant of it, or because violating it. In another context
it may also imply contempt and violation of law, wickedness.

Based upon the following text of scripture, it can well be established that, as a result of unbelief, one
lends the senses and members of one’s body to iniquity. The Law of the Old Testament set before
man a prescript upon which to live. Defying, denying or rejecting it presented consequences. Adam
and Eve were given a simple rule by which to live and/or to die by. It wasn’t the act of wickedness
by Eve that brought upon them death; for that act brought forth life in the child Cain. Adam had
nothing to do with the original fall. That was expressly between Eve and the serpent and here I’m
not referring to a snake in a tree as will be explained later. The serpent, inspired by the spirit Satan,
beguiled her by adding one word, (the word ‘not’) to the original statute of the creator. Satan caused
the serpent to lie to her and she chose to believe the lie. Now, it stands to reason that she either
believed one of the two statements. She couldn’t believe both since the one contradicted the other.
In other words, she disbelieved the Word of God. Thus it was that sin entered, (as a seed) into the
womb of her mind. The original seed of discrepancy was sown and corruption of righteousness was
conceived. It was her act-ion, (to that conception) that followed the spiritual conception in her mind
that caused Eve to begin to die. The actual act of violating the law of God was punishable by ‘her
sorrow being multiplied and her conception, (Hebrew def. – ‘herown’ = physical conception,
pregnancy, conception); in sorrow she shalt bring forth children; and that her husband would from
then on rule over her’ Genesis 3:16. That was the consequence of her ‘iniquity’. The consequence of
her sin, her unbelief of the statute of God was death. She lost her eternal life status.

Typing Jesus, and His love for His predestined Bride, Adam wasn’t deceived as was Eve. I
TIMOTHY 2:14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the
transgression. He chose to conceive within the womb of Eve another child, (Abel) thereby securing
the physical life of his wife since he knew that God wouldn’t kill Eve knowing that she carried a
‘son’ of God in her womb… each seed, from the life within itself bringing forth of its own kind -
Genesis 1:11 & 12. He received a curse because he hearkened to the voice of his wife instead of
abiding to the Word of his Father. He was punished for his iniquity… not for unbelief. He knew and
believed the statute of God and while still believing it, he chose to save his wife from instant death.
When looking at this scenario in the light of truth one begins to grasp the intensity and depth of the
love God has for His creation. The whole Bible is a complex but beautiful love story, full of
paradoxes which leave the ‘wise’ and the ‘prudent’ staggering in darkness until the wisdom of the
Author is invoked.

For those who are in doubt of the fact that Eve committed adultery with the serpent re-read the first
chapters of Genesis again, then trace the lineage of Jesus back to Adam in Luke and in 1Chronicles
1:1 and then explain why the first born of Eve was not counted among the righteous lineage of
Adam. LUKE 3:38 Which was the son of Enos, which was the son of Seth, which was the son of
Adam, which was the son of God.

I CHRONICLES 1:1-4 Adam, Sheth, Enosh, Kenan, Mahalaleel, Jered, Henoch, Methuselah,
Lamech, Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth… No mention of Cain in the lineage of Adam

Cain murdered Abel before he could produce offspring. Genesis Chapter 5 presents the lineage or
the generations of Adam… and Cain is not mentioned therein. I JOHN 3:12 makes it very clear…
Not as Cain, who was of ‘that wicked one’, and slew his brother. And wherefore slew he him?
Because his own works were evil, and his brother's righteous. EPHESIANS 6:12 For we wrestle not
against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness
of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

If that isn’t enough to convince you, let’s look at the curse placed upon the beast who seduced Eve.
It is commonly perceived that a ‘snake’ hung from a tree for hundreds of years speaking to eve,
trying to get her to bite into a delicious an apple which is commonly depicted as being held in it’s
mouth, the constituents of which, when eaten, made her, and Adam also, realize that they were
naked, and at the same time make her pregnant; eventually producing twins – one evil, (from the
serpent) and the other righteous… from Adam. In addition, we will find that the serpent was, (until
he was cursed to slither upon his belly for the rest of his days and eat the dust of the field) an upright
creature who could communicate in speech with Eve and Adam. GENESIS 3:14 & 15 And the
LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and
above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of

thy life: And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it
shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that
thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

GENESIS 3:4 & 5 And the serpent said unto the woman, “Ye shall ‘not’ (the one word added to the
statute that God gave to Adam and Eve) surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat
thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil”. He was a
walking, talking being; next to Adam in the chain of creation. This, my dear reader, is the ‘missing-
link’ which scientists and anthropologists are seeking for but cannot find! They never will find it
because God changed his anatomy so totally that there remains no bone to be found that would
resemble this creature.

Maybe a little explanation is necessary here. The seed, (Hebrew Def. – Zera’ meaning offspring,
descendants, posterity, children) of the serpent refers to the lineage of Cain, the son of ‘that evil
one’ as John described him. And, we all know that a woman does not have a seed of her own, but
she does carry a seed after conception. This seed is referring to Jesus, the lineage of Adam, and His
being betrayed by Judas Iscariot! JOHN 13:18 I speak not of you all: I know whom I have chosen:
but that the scripture may be fulfilled, He that eateth bread with me hath lifted up his heel against

MATTHEW 7:21-24
21 ¶ Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but
he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me in that day, (Judgment day) Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy
name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto
a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:

17 And if a soul sin, and commit any of these things which are forbidden to be done by the
commandments of the LORD; though he wist it not, yet is he guilty, and shall bear his
Here we have the classical explanation. If a soul disbelieves the statutes of God, then goes on to
exercise or manifest the act though he knows/perceives it not, he is guilty and will bear the
consequences of his action. He wasn’t guilty of iniquity until he acted upon his decision. In other
words, he considers the pros and the cons of his situation. He may or may not know the law, but only
if he knows the law and contravenes it, (after deliberation) by his action, not believing the power of
enforcement of said law and it’s consequences, is he guilty of sin and iniquity; otherwise he is
simply guilty of iniquity and will suffer the consequences. Iniquity has to do with knowing to do
right but failing to do so; and conversely, knowing not to do something but goes ahead and
does it anyway.

Here is an example.

MATTHEW 28:19 & 20

19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name (singular) of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have
commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

ACTS 2:37 & 38

37 Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the
rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do? Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and
be baptized every one of you in the ‘name’ (singular) of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins,
(your unbelief) and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Acts 2:38 fulfills Matthew 28:19. There are no records in the Bible of anyone ever being baptized in
the ‘TITLES’ of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. These are not names! They are titles of the
three various ‘offices’ which the Creator has utilized throughout time as we know time for the
purpose of His will which goes to the crux of the question of, ‘what is the meaning of life. Every
example in the Bible, by any of the disciples or by Paul was baptized in the ‘NAME’ of JESUS
CHRIST. The dogma of ‘Trinity Baptism’ is derived from ancient pagan Roman philosophy and was
introduced into a perverted and corrupt, non-scriptural parallel form of ‘Christianity’ which was
eventually forced upon civilization under punishment of torture and even death. See the history of
the Dark Ages and the records contained in the manuscripts of ‘Foxes’ Book of Martyrs’. Once a
soul receives revelation of the ‘Name’ of Jesus Christ being the ‘name’ required for true Christian
baptism, and decides not to follow the prescription… that my friend is sin! The consequence of
rejecting ‘that’ as truth, (disbelieving it) is death; total and permanent separation from God and His
righteous Bride, along with those who receive everlasting life at the Judgment Throne. Being
baptized in any other manner in defiance is iniquity and a punishment will follow in due course.

One may suggest that that is harsh. No! It isn’t unjust in any respect. All the portals to truth are at
our disposal and use. As has been earlier explained, you only have to ask!

MATTHEW 7:7 - 21
7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto
8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it
shall be opened.
9 Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone?
10 Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent?
11 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall
your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?
12 Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them:
for this is the law and the prophets.
13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to
destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be
that find it.
15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are
ravening wolves.
16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he
that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

So, it is upon this premise that I will endeavor, to the best of my ability, to explain the meaning of
life… not from a philosophical perspective which has no foundation and leads to endless argument and
indecisiveness; but on the basis of the generally, or should I say what was generally accepted as ‘the
authoritive, all concurring, and vindicated Word of God; as He dispensed wisdom through sages,
prophet and scribes who, by the inspiration of God’s Holy Spirit, dictated His truth to mankind
regarding the meaning of life. May the sincere, un-skeptical and diligent student be blessed with
enlightenment of the will of God in the quest of his/her own search for the answer to his/her meaning
of life!

Discourse on the theory of evolution and the Hypothesis of the ‘Big Bang’

Contrary to popular or may I say, modern, (for this isn’t an ancient perception but a relatively new
one) opinion, it actually takes much more “faith” to discard the Biblical recorded advent of creation
and to accept the intellectually and somewhat fashionable notion or may I call it a fable or a myth of
the theory of evolution, than it does to believe in the existence of God by faith in His sacred and
divinely inspired and revealed Word. It’s a fact that evolution is based entirely on faith also for there
are no undisputed facts or any proof to be found that supports the theory; and that is exactly what it
is… a theory; only assumptions.

When presented with the theory of evolution verses intellectual creation, (a Creator ‘planned’
creation; Bible believers) we are often presented with an argument which elevates the likelihood of
the evolution theory succeeding that of intelligent creation, (by default) in a misunderstood claim by
intelligent creation ‘believers’. This phenomenon is the result of lack of understanding due to lack of
revelation of the Word of God. I’m referring to the claim that various tests prove that the earth is not
14,000 years old as calculated by cynics of the Bible.

II PETER 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a
thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

Enlightened Bible believers would never present a date regarding the age of the earth. Only God
knows the age of the earth and the date of the commencement of the creation of the universe. You
may well ask what I’m suggesting. I’m not suggesting anything! I’m stating that these unenlightened
‘Christians’ do not distinguish between the events depicted in Genesis Chapter 1 and The Gospel of
John Chapter 1.

John chapter one depicts the creation of the universe at a time unknown, and which could have
occurred trillions of eons ago; but certainly not tens of thousands of years ago. The account of the
first chapter of Genesis depicts the dressing and creative population of the earth alone. That
commenced just 14,000 years ago and endured for six thousand years; the seventh thousand years
was the time that God determined His rest and it was at the end of this epoch that the serpent
eventually beguiled Eve.

So it is that by revelation of the Word of God, an enlightened Christian does not dispute the age of
the elements of the earth, but we do dispute the correctness of the manner of measurement especially

when it contradicts the Word of God. It is a well known fact that carbon dating has it’s limitations as
proved by its dubious record of determining living organism to have been dead for millions of years.

Let us consider that there was a time when nothing existed prior to ‘the’ ‘Big Bang’ occurrence.
How inconceivable is it to accept that, out of nothing, an unintelligent, unplanned, gianormous
explosion took place and manifested everything you see today presenting intelligent life, interlaced
and interdependent one with all the other elements needed to produce the sophisticated technological
harmony and perfection we enjoy today; in contrast to accepting that an omniscient, omnipresent
almighty Spiritual life form existed and pre-planned this entire elaborate network of life to the
minutest insignificant degree in His mind’s-eye before speaking it into existence. It is too perfect to
be an accident or a catastrophic blunder.

Let’s go back to the very beginning. Let’s go back in time, back to before there was ‘time’ as we
understand time; to before there was anything created. What do we have at this point in ‘time’,
(before He spoke His first creative Word)?

Nothingness! Nothing tangible! Not even a hint of gas or atom. The only ‘thing’ present was God!
And He wasn’t even God at that point in ‘time’ since ‘God’ is a term we use to define an image of
worship, and there wasn’t anything yet created to worship Him. There was a void. Absolute
nothingness; but that emptiness existed in ‘Elohiym’, ‘the self existing one’! The invisible ‘Spirit’ of
life! HEBREWS 11:3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God,
so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

Immediately we understand that there is only ‘one’ creator; ‘one’ God. We have one God who is a
spirit; a pure, holy, righteous spirit, a Spirit Who cannot be seen by mortal eyes. The scripture speaks
of ‘worlds’! Worlds perhaps long gone! Worlds which are located in distant universes? Worlds
which perhaps abide parallel to ours in different dimensions?

The scripture teaches, as you will soon see, that Elohiym ultimate intention was to create for Himself
a many-membered Bride, with whom; He will share all that He is throughout eternity. He planned to
create for Himself a corporal body wherein He would dwell in harmony with a trial tested Bride to
be; who overcame every temptation just as He did. He cannot afford to make a mistake here by
promising to afford his power to an entity that will deviate from His plan throughout eternity; for
that would constitute an opposition with equal power causing untold troublesome consequences. In
His thoughts, while He pondered His plan before the foundations of the world, He found that
Lucifer, one of Elohiym’s prospective creations, was prone to deviate from the original plan and
oppose Him and become His enemy; with power, but not sufficient to over-come God. He evidently
desired in his heart to become a God and to exalt himself above Elohyim and also His prospective
wife. Elohiym planned to capitalize on this situation as it evolved. Lucifer presented God with an
excellent instrument through which He could put His Bride to the test.

As Elohiym pursued His plan… in thought, He eventually was able to see the end from the
beginning, and when He was satisfied that He had achieved His goal of creating for Himself a Bride
worthy to share in His almighty power, and had persieved that He had eventually annihilated all evil
forever, (which was derived from unbelief which was the breeding ground for jealousy, greed, and
power-mongering) only then did He speak the first creative Words; and the creation became a reality
in manifestation… thus the creation of substance according to the thoughts, will and determination
of Elohyim.

In His wisdom, Elohiym also knew that once He had created a corporal Bride, (whom He would
eventually immortalize and glorify) He would have to create for Himself a corporal body through
which He could fellowship with His Bride throughout eternity. So, the first thing which He created,
(in His mind’s eye) was a soul; in the image of what He perceived to be that what He imagined was
ideal for His enduring purpose… it was in the image of a ‘man’; it was a spirit man… what we today
term ‘a soul’.

Perceiving that, once the creation was commenced, and life and matter began to manifest His
predestinated plan, the corporal man would be unable to ‘see’ this soul, which He had created for
Himself and knowing also that He would also have to eventually have to create a corporal/mortal
body for this soul, which He would eventually immortalize and glorify, there was a time before that
event wherein man would still not be able to see this soul as He ventured forth in his sojourn upon
the earth to fellowship with His creation; so He created the Logos, the amber fire. This was the same
fire which Moses saw burning in the bush which wasn’t devoured by the flames. It was the same
‘fire’ which John the Baptist saw descending into Jesus at Jesus’ baptism. It was the same ‘fire’
which Paul in the New Testament saw and which blinded him temporally. It is the same fire, which
the Apostles, and Jesus’ mother Mary, among many other believers, saw enter into the upper room
when they were baptized with the Holy Spirit of God; who led and guided them unto all truth. They
had received ‘a measure’ of ‘the eternal life’ of Elohiym.

This soul, embellished in this Holy fire was not another God. It was the manifestation of the soul of
God in a tangible essence or shall we say an entity. In John 1:1 & 2 we find that Elohiym called this
manifestation of Himself, ‘THE WORD’. The same scripture continues to teach that it was through
this ‘Word’ that everything that was created was created. It was creation by God’s spoken Word; and
that very same Word would become manifested in flesh in the person Jesus who was conceived by
the same self existing Holy Spirit which we identify as Elohiym… not another God nor a ‘third
personage’ of the mythical triune God! Luke 1:35.

So! It becomes indisputable that everything that we see and acknowledge as God’s creation,
including the solar system which still continues to expand according to Elohiym’s original ‘spoken
Word’, all exists ‘IN’ GOD. That is why everything that occurs is known by Elohiym. To assist your
understanding, let us look at the effect our words have upon water. There is a current and on-going
study by a Japanese scientist named Masaru Emoto who has proved beyond a doubt that words of
anger, profanity, or even disharmony affect water molecules just as does harsh music; just as words
of joy, peace, love etc. Search for it on the internet. He freezes the water, and as it crystallizes he
photographs the crystals as they form to demonstrate the affect on water by various external non-
tangible elements. Our beings are inexplicably and intricately connected with the universe… and
thus whatever we do or say does in fact affect our surrounding environment.

Our beings are given life by this life giving power of God and we exist at a determined ‘life
frequency’ as does all life. This frequency is naturally affiliated to the life frequency of Elohiym thus
we are all connected and affect each other; and Elohiym. It is hereby, that He knows when a bird
falls from the sky or when a hair drops from our head; albeit, that He had already seen it from before
the foundations of the world; in His mind’s eye. Thus He is omniscient; from what He saw in His
mind’s eye and also by the changes and effects of actions within His own life frequency.

The Bible teaches that all power is given to Jesus. MATTHEW 28:18 And Jesus came and spake
unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.

That was stated just before the ascension into heaven of the corporal body of Jesus. It was He who
created the heavens and the earth prior to Him creating His corporal body. His body had to be
sacrificed to pay the debt of sin against fallen man to redeem mankind. But, Jesus had also to
become man so as to endure and overcome the forces of temptation to which mankind slso has to
endure and overcome. Thus, we become aware that Elohiym is the Spirit that conceived all life and
creation, or may we say ‘the Father’ of all creation wherein all things exist that was created. It is not
an old man with a long beard! Jesus, ‘the only begotten son’ is ‘the manifestation in flesh’ of the
image of Elohiym’s soul; fulfilling His wish or desire to have a corporal body assimilating the body
His predestinated wife will possess in eternity. The ‘Holy Ghost’ is not another personage of a triune
God; It is a measure of the creative ‘eternal ‘life’’ of Elohiym; which seals the soul of the true
believer with eternal life unto the day of it’s redemption… and provides the wisdom and revelation
of God (The Word) to the believer. The Holy Ghost is not another being. If it was another personage,
how could it be that I am filled with the Holy Ghost, one among many millions of other believers,
and yet; ‘He’ is in heaven with two other gods?

Now, when you read through your Bible again, bare that scripturally aligned perception of the
Godhead in your mind and then, maybe you will begin to understand the folly of the pagan Roman
Catholic’s, (and now also most reformed churches) 3 equals 1 and 1 equals 3 dogma of the Godhead.
Not only is it impractical and un-mathematical, but it is impossible; and then it also does not gel in
perfect harmony with ‘all’ the scripture… of which, all revelation must; as a necessity, lest you add
to or take from His Holy Word, bringing upon the unbeliever death, curses and plagues. Revelations
22:18 & 19

The ‘facts’ which are claimed to sustain the theories of micro and macro Evolution are to say the
least… assumptions and nothing else. Science argues among themselves over issues never seemingly
resolving any and never finding harmony in definition. Very often a small sampling of data is used
to “prove” a large conclusion. Evolutionists are also highly prone to embrace ‘circular’ logic or
reasoning. They apply this technique when an assumption or unproven conclusion is used to validate
a premise. In other words, there is no factual standing for the premise, because it is based on an
assumption. In order to claim validity for a conclusion, experts misuse authority. Without subjecting
the ‘facts’ to general consensus, a group willfully and oftentimes without authority, includes other
groups in their defining validity of a said conclusion. Another tactic used by these scoundrels is to
use the general public as their basis for establishing something as fact instead of relying on relevant
proven facts. In other words, bull-shit baffles brains.

These ‘experts’ often refer to something which they cannot prove to be authentic, yet will claim it as
such to support a assumption while implying that in time, they will prove their theory to be true
knowing that the memory of man is short and they will never re-visit the subject again. They will
also ‘prove’ a point by hypothesis contrary to fact; stating something to be true when it has already
been proven to be incorrect. Such are the inspirational tactics of Satan as he utilizes ignorant and
foolhardy unbelieving men to seduce and beguile the world into sin.

What Is Evolution?
The question of evolution, per se, comes in many shapes and definitions. In its most basic form, it is
the brainchild of Charles Darwin. In his book, The Origin of Species, Darwin postulated that all
living creatures and, by extension, matter itself had come from previous, simpler substances. The
example you may have most often heard is that humans evolved from apes. It basically purports that
life came about by accident— chance—and that there is no evidence of intelligent design. But even
among evolutionists, the scope of evolution is largely contested.

There are six basic areas in which evolution can be defined: Cosmic, chemical, stellar and planetary,
organic, macro and micro.

Cosmic evolution involves the origin of the universe, time and matter itself. The Big Bang theory
falls within this discipline of evolution.
Chemical evolution involves the origin of complex elements. This discipline also attempts to explain
the process in which those elements formed.
Stellar and planetary evolution is the discipline used to explain the origin of the stars and planets.
This is distinct from cosmic evolution, yet, at times, overlaps it.
Organic evolution attempts to explain the origin of living matter. Those in origin of life studies most
often focus on this discipline of evolution. The two final disciplines of evolution are also the most
often confused by people. They are macro-evolution and micro-evolution.
Micro-evolution states that all living organisms experience mutations and have the ability to develop
genetic adaptations. The difference between this and macro-evolution is that micro-evolution only
deals with mutations within a species.
Macro-evolution, on the other hand, states that such adaptations and mutations allow new species to

This may sound complicated— because it is! Often, evolutionists cannot even agree on where the
lines of these particular disciplines start and stop. This has led to much confusion among the general
public on which research and evidence is related to which particular discipline of evolution.

There is no reason to indulge ourselves with the nitty-gritty details of this very confusing subject
except to focus on disputing the entire concept of evolution with evidence of hard fact.

The following excerpt in the colour ‘Violet’ is gratefully gleaned from the Believers News website:-
Believers International
P.O. Box 78270
Tucson, AZ 85703-8270
Phone (520) 297-9765 FAX (520) 297-7283

Editors: George & Rebekah Smith

is published monthly by Believers International Inc.,
a non-profit Christian ministry dedicated to the furtherance of
the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Message of His prophet,
William Marrion Branham.
All Things Are Possible, Only Believe

In 1857, Darwin came up with a story of creation that does not require a Creator. His ideas are
illogical, un-provable, and contain more wishful thinking than fact. Yet, for nearly 150 years, he
has been hailed as one of the greatest intellectuals of our century. How much longer will
Darwinists be able to deny the obvious?

The creed of the evolutionists reads thus: "I believe that life on Earth began by itself,
spontaneously, in a primordial chemical stew that contained the proper raw materials to produce
a living cell. Over millions of years, this primitive single-cell creature, by chance and random
mutation, grew more complex, becoming sponges, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and ultimately our
own hairy family, the mammals."

This is the philosophy of naturalistic evolution that is being taught as fact to students in our
educational system, regardless of whether they or their parents object. But the real fact is that new
scientific discoveries have Darwinists scrambling to find evidence to support the evolutionary
process. Many of the top biologists are now willing to concede that the "fact" of evolution is, in
reality, nothing more than an assumption.

Interestingly, at the very moment when creationists seem to be gaining ground in the evolution
debate, Pope John Paul II has chosen to officially extend his influence, and the influence of the
Catholic Church, to include the cause of Darwin. In a statement issued to his Pontifical Academy of
Science (a group of 80 academic advisors) a few weeks ago, he declared that "new knowledge leads
to recognition of the theory of evolution as more than a hypothesis." A "convergence" of
scientific evidence gathered in the past 50 years makes "a significant argument in favor of this
theory," he wrote.

For the Roman Catholic Church to take a stand in favor of evolution is no surprise. Since Pope Pius
XII called evolution a "serious hypothesis" in 1950, successive popes have attempted to reconcile
religion and science by embracing a theory that is known as "theistic evolution" (the theory that God
created living forms indirectly, through natural selection, and that nature by itself has the power to
bring forth life from non-life), a hybrid philosophy of compromise that is even more diabolical than
that of pure Darwinism.

But the real surprise in the pope's recent declaration was his statement regarding "new knowledge."
Is he talking about evidence? If so, then you can rest assured that he is bluffing, and that once again
Satan is trying to muddy the waters. There is evidence - real evidence - but it is far from being a
"significant argument in favor of this theory." It is evidence that even the most ardent Darwinists
cannot explain away.

A fact that is rarely, if ever, mentioned by the teachers of Darwin's doctrine is that Darwin himself
was never totally confident with his own theory! In his book, The Origin of Species, he noted: "The
number of intermediate varieties, which have formerly existed on the earth, [must] be truly
enormous. Why then is not every geological formation and every stratum full of such intermediate
links? Geology assuredly does not reveal any such graduated organic chain; and this, perhaps, is
the most obvious and gravest objection which can be urged against my theory." Darwin attributed
this lack of fossil evidence to the fact that paleontology was at that time a very new science. He
surmised that surely, with the passing of time, more fossils would be found to fill the gaps that he
could not account for.

Surprise! Paleontologists have certainly found more fossils, but they have only worsened Darwin's
dilemma. The scientific evidence proves that most fossil species appeared all at once, fully formed,
and they changed very little throughout their existence. These observations, referred to as sudden
appearance and stasis, have been rationalized by evolutionary theorists as being periods for which
the geological record had not yet been found. However, in 1987 major fossil beds were discovered in
Greenland, China, Siberia, and Namibia that prove that a period of biological creation occurred at
virtually the same instant in geologic time all around the world. This has been named the Cambrian
Explosion - an era that appears to have occurred approximately 530 million years ago, when almost
every animal phylum, (the major taxonomic group of animals and plants) seemingly popped into
existence from nowhere, sketching out the blueprints for virtually the whole animal kingdom!

The word phylum (phyla for plural) refers to the broadest classification of animals, as opposed to a
single species. For instance, the phylum that contains humans also includes every animal with a
backbone - from frogs to elephants. But as different as the creatures within a phylum are, even
greater are the differences between phyla. Just as the body architecture of a chimpanzee is very
different than that of a fish (same phylum), that difference is even more inherent when compared to a
slug or sea urchin (separate phylum). The most significant aspect of the Cambrian Explosion isn't
just the sudden appearance of new species. It is the simultaneous appearance of species that are so
different that they belong in different phyla. Such an occurrence directly contradicts Darwin's theory
that new phyla are produced as species slowly split off from each other, developing different body
plans according to their needs.

Last year, Time magazine titled their cover story on the Cambrian Explosion "When Life
Exploded,"2 and they posed the question: "Where did this extraordinary bestiary come from, and
why did it emerge so quickly?" Geologists, geochemists, and paleontologists have launched what is
being called an "unprecedented effort" to find what might have occurred to have put evolution into
sudden overdrive. They need to explain why "complex creatures with teeth and tentacles and claws
and jaws materialized with the suddenness of apparitions," otherwise, it will look too much like a
miracle. But even they are forced to admit that they must "delicately slide across data-thin ice,
suggesting scenarios that are based on intuition rather than solid evidence."

So, where is the "new knowledge" that supports Darwin's theory? It should be hard to tell where one
species ends and another begins, but that's not what the evidence shows. Science has been left with
not one, but thousands of missing links to account for. More than 100,000 species have been
identified from fossils (in Darwin's day, only a few hundred such fossil species were known). More
than a million living species have been identified by science today. But between the extinct fossil
species and the living species, only a very few could (arguably) be considered as a "link" between
the two (living and fossil).

The field of molecular biology has not been kind to Darwin's theories either. There is absolutely no
evidence to support the assumption that unintelligent material processes are capable of forming
living organisms by chemical evolution. Experiments with pre-biotic stews (warm ponds enriched
with life-building molecules) conducted in an attempt to show that a live, single-cell creature can be
created; have failed to produce anything even remotely resembling life! Dr. Hugh Ross, an
astronomer and the founder of Reasons to Believe, a Christian apologetics organization, writes in his
book, The Creator and the Cosmos, regarding a scientific principle known as irreducible

"Under natural circumstances, destructive chemical processes operate at least as frequently as

constructive chemical processes. The bottom line is [that] the odds for the assembly of the simplest
living entity actually grow worse as more details are figured into the calculation.... Minimum
complexity presents another problem. Organisms below a certain level of complexity cannot survive
independently." 3

In an irreducibly complex system, each and every part of that system must be in place and operating,
and if any one of the parts is removed or destroyed, all function ceases. This irreducible complexity
exists even at the level of a single cell. Since the invention of the electron microscope (in 1931,
seventy-five years after Darwin published his theory), science has been able to observe a level of
complexity in even the most simple bacterium that makes the most advanced microprocessor we can
produce seem primitive by comparison. And it's all or nothing, which cancels out any argument by
Darwinists that the complex functions of a single cell such as synthesis, repair, and communication
developed through a process of mutation and natural selection.

Also on the molecular level, science now knows that species have much the same structure that they
have always had, and biologically speaking, no reason can be found to assume that current species
descended from earlier species. Obviously, there is a similarity between some life forms, but
similarity not enough to prove a transition from one to another. As biologist Paul Nelson, editor of
Origins Research, a journal devoted to the creation/evolution controversy, explains: "There's no
biological mechanism we know of that can produce that kind of change." Of course, we aren't
surprised at the similarities between some species. Their existence merely shows that the Creator
combined certain features of His previous creations in His own evolutionary process. As God’s
prophet to this final age, William Marrion Branham illustrated regarding the design of man: "He
might have given him a hand like a monkey. He might have given him a face like a chimpanzee.
He might have given him a foot like a bear. But, God put a soul in a man. " 4

In the face of such evidence, you may ask, "Why won't Darwinism die?" The fact is that science
cannot allow it to die. For nearly 150 years, the Darwinian version of evolution has been presented
to the public as indisputable, scientific fact. Any belief in creation by intelligent design has been
characterized as superstition and religious bias. Darwinism is the only other theory science can come
up with so that the secularists can have a creation story of their own, so they can't possibly rule it
out. Therefore, Darwinism must be true, because nothing else (according to their thinking) will
work! Such intellectual arrogance cannot abide with Truth!

Just consider the amount of faith it actually takes to believe in a random-accident universe versus a
God designed, finely balanced universe. We stand with Brother Branham as he so candidly points
out, "That takes too much faith for me. I'd just rather believe what God said - that He created
man. That's all there was to it."5

1. Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species New York Avenel Books.

2. Madeline Nash, "When Life Exploded," Time, December 4, 1995.
3. Hugh Ross, The Creator and the Cosmos, Navpress, 1993. P. 141.
4. William Branham, "Resurrection of Lazarus, 51-0729a.
5. William Branham, "The Resurrection of Lazarus," 53-1122.

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was without form, and
void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.

1 ¶ In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And
the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

What events transpired between the first and the second verses of Genesis is unknown to man. But
something did occur during that "hundreds of billions of trillions of years -eons of time."' The fossil
evidence that remains in the crust of the earth provides a tantalizing glimpse of at least one life cycle
that began then ended before our civilization came into being. Perhaps this unknown interval
between the first two verses embraced several prehistoric ages. Scofield notes: "The first creative act
refers to the dateless past, and gives scope for all the geologic ages." Enlightened Christians believe
in an earth, (and yes, the universe also) which history and scientific research proves is eons old.

Bible scholars have long speculated regarding the possibility of a pre-Adam flood that covered the
earth, destroying all previous life. Isaiah 45:18, speaking of the creation of the earth, reads, "...he
created it not in vain (tohu)" a word meaning "to lie waste," showing that between Genesis 1:1 and
1:2 (where the earth has been rendered without form and void), there was a catastrophe, possibly
even several catastrophes. Exodus 20:11 tells us that "In six days the Lord made heaven and earth..."
The difference between creating (to call into existence something out of nothing) and making (to
form or fashion something out of materials already existing) adds Scriptural grounds to this
understanding of the creation story. Then in Genesis 1:28, we read God's command to the first man
and woman, "...multiply and replenish the earth," the same command given to Noah and his sons in
Genesis 9:1, after the deluvian destruction. GENESIS 9:1 And God blessed Noah and his sons, and
said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth. Definition – replenish = Fill
something that had previously been emptied; refill.

Signs of the Times

There are two passages in the Message of the Hour (that we presently know of), where Brother
Branham refers to a previous occupation of the Earth:

I believe every seed was laying right there, from some other civilization or something, and as
soon as the water lifted off and the light struck it, up come the trees and everything. THE

The natural man, by the knowledge, looks backward for his achievement (that's science, see),
to what God has done in a former creation. They go out and pick up clods, and get pieces of
rocks and fossils, and elements, and ties them together. COUNTDOWN 64-0209

As intriguing as this may sound, it is important that we remember also Brother Branham's warning
that all the fossils, and all the evidence that may be dug up from some "other civilization" has
nothing to do with this civilization, and (most importantly) it has no bearing on the Word of God.2

In this age, when the voices of the humanists are trying to drown out the Truth, it is satisfying to
know that the answers to the questions of creation and evolution have been provided for us in the
Word of God by the Message of the Hour. But let's not forget that we are God's creations, and the
part of His marvelous design that matter most. We matter so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, to us,
to redeem us unto Himself.

Let's join our voices with that of King David, as he cried out more than 3,000 years ago to the
Creator: "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and
that my soul knoweth right well." Psalm 139:14

1. "The Spoken Word Is The Original Seed," 62-03 1 8.

2. "Resurrection of Lazarus," 51-0729a.

Is Anybody Out There?

Life on Mars, and Beyond

Earth, this infinitesimal ball of rock on which we live, circles the sun once a year. Our entire solar
system rotates around the core of the Milky Way Galaxy once every 250 million years. Our sun is
one of 100 billion stars in our galaxy, and our galaxy is one of 100 billion (estimated) galaxies in the
observable universe. Andromeda our closest neighbor, is two million light years away. The two of us
- Andromeda and the MilkyWay - are members the Local Group, a bunch of galaxies on the edge of
a large spiral of galaxies known as the Virgo supercluster. Beyond that lie so many clusters and

superclusters of galaxies that it takes volumes just to catalog them. The entirety of the universe is of
a magnitude totally incomprehensible to the mortal mind. So, to limit God's creativeness to our
planet alone would certainly be narrow-minded of us, wouldn't it?

I once asked my father the direct question, "Are there men on Mars?"

With a chuckle he replied, "No, there are no men on Mars, or on any other planet in our galaxy.
There is life on other planets in the universe, but they are not free moral agents, as we are." (That
would make them angels, which answered some of the questions I had regarding the UFO's being
"investigating angels!")

Recently, NASA called a press conference to announce that scientists have determined that there
was, at one time, life on Mars. Pinpoint-sized flecks (a hundredth the width of a human hair)
containing hydrocarbons, discovered on a 13,000-year-old meteorite that was found 12 years ago in
Antarctica, have been identified as the fossilized remains of Martian bacteria.

Beginning with the Viking Project in 1976, science has actively been looking for the possibility of
life on Mars. According to biologist Harold Klein, who led the project, "the existence of life on Mars
might help explain the origins of life here." Science reasons that if they can prove that life arose on
Mars and Earth independently (and therefore spontaneously), that would strongly indicate that life is
not something rare and special, but an ordinary event that occurs wherever there is enough water and

However, research also indicates that every year, two tons of Martian material rain down on Earth.
Conversely, two tons or so of Earth's material bombard Mars material that has been en-route for an
estimated 10 million years.2 If we are to believe that this exchange of material is as abundant as
science claims, then who can say when (100 million years ago?) or how many times a piece of debris
may have made a journey among the planets since the beginning of creation?

Once again, science is chasing shadows, dreaming of the day when they will be able to prove that
life can be created without Intelligent Design. Unable to prove their theories on Earth, with typical
bravado they have now moved on to Mars.

1. Stephen Goode, "A Giant Totters: Can Darwin Survive?" Insight, December 21,1992.
2. Madeline Nash, "Was the Cosmos Seeded With Life," ~me, August 19,1996.

A Creationist's Challenge To Evolutionists Author: Robert Congelliere

In Time Magazine, August 23, 1999, evolutionist Stephen Jay Gould asserted that "evolution is as well
documented as any phenomenon in science" and "we can call evolution a 'fact'". This is typical of
the stratagem used by evolutionists: If you make a statement strong enough and repeat it often enough,
you may be able to convince yourself and others that it may be true. I would like to remind evolutionists
that, despite their dogmatism, there are many knowledgeable people who do not believe that the evidence
supports the theory of evolution.

One of the most-powerful pieces of evidence against evolution is the fossil record. If evolution occurred by
slow, minute changes in living creatures, there would be thousands of times more transitional forms of
these creatures in the fossil beds than complete forms. Since the billions of fossils that have been found
are all complete forms, the obvious conclusion is: Evolution has never occurred! Though evolutionists have
stated that there are many transitional forms, this is simply not true. What evolutionists claim to be
transitional forms all have fully functional parts. A true transitional form would have non-functioning parts
or appendages, such as the nub of a leg or wing.

(1) Where are the trillions of fossils of such true transitional forms?

Critics of creationism often say that creationism is simply religion, whereas evolutionism is based on
science. The Bible says in Genesis 1 that all creatures reproduce "after their kind" (no change to another
kind, i.e., no transitional forms). So the complete absence of transitional forms in the fossil record
supports creationism.

(2) Is this scientific evidence for creationism, or isn't it?

I have also noted that evolutionists only discuss this subject in the broadest terms. If evolution is true,
why don't they give us answers to questions such as these:

(3)Where did all the 90-plus elements come from (iron, barium, calcium, silver, nickel, neon,
chlorine, etc)?

4) How do you explain the precision in the design of the elements, with increasing numbers of
electrons in orbit around the nucleus?

(5) Where did the thousands of compounds we find in the world come from: carbon dioxide, sodium
chloride, calcium hydroxide, hydrochloric acid, oxalic acid, chlorophyll, sucrose, hydrogen sulfide,
benzene, aluminum silicate, mercaptans, propane, silicon dioxide, boric acid, etc.?

How was it determined how many bonds each element would have for combining with other elements?
When did these compounds develop from the elements (before the big bang, during the big bang, after
the big bang)? When evolutionists use the term "matter", which of the thousands of compounds are
included? When evolutionists use the term "primordial soup", which of the elements and compounds are
included? Why do books on evolution, including grade-school, high-school and college textbooks not
include such important, basic information? Evolutionists are masters of speculation. Why don't they
speculate about this?

(6) How did life develop from non-life?

(7) Where did the human emotions, such as love, hate, and jealousy come from?

(8) What are the odds that the evolutionary process, proceeding by random changes, would produce
human beings, plus millions of species of animals, birds, fish, and insects, all with symmetrical

features, i.e., one side being a mirror image of the other? We take symmetry in all these creatures
for granted, but is that a reasonable outcome for a random process?

(9) What are the odds that of the millions of species of animals, birds, fish, and insects, a male of
each species developed at the same time and in the same place as a female of the same species, so
that the species could propagate?

(10) Why are there 2 sexes anyhow? This is not foreordained in the evolutionary framework. Is there
some sort of plan here?

(11) If the first generation of mating species didn't have parents, how did the mating pair get to that
point anyhow? Isn't evolution supposed to progress when an offspring of a mating pair has a
beneficial mutation?

Conclusion: No parents, no evolution. A species would have to jump from a primitive form to a fully
developed male and female, each with the ability and instinct to mate.

(12) How did the heart, lungs, brain, stomach, veins, blood, kidneys, etc. develop in the first animal
by slow, minute steps and the animal survive while these changes were occurring?

For example, did the first animal develop 10% of complete veins, then 20%, and on up to 100%, with
veins throughout its entire body and brain? Then how did the heart slowly develop in the animal and get
attached to the veins in the right spot? How did the blood enter the system? The blood could not enter
before the veins were complete or it would spill out. Where did the blood come from? Did the blood have
red corpuscles, white corpuscles, platelets, and plasma? At what point in this process of development did
the heart start beating?

Did the animal develop a partial stomach, then a complete stomach? After the stomach was formed, how
did the digestive juices enter the stomach? Where did the hydrochloric acid as part of the digestive juices
come from? What about its kidney and bladder? The animal better not eat anything prior to this. How did
the animal survive during these changes? (And over thousands of years?) Of course, at the same time the
animal's eyes must be fully developed so it can see its food and his brain must be fully developed so the
animal can control its body to get to the food.

Like the heart, brain, veins, and stomach, all of the organs and systems in the first animal's body must be
fully functional in the first moments of life. This indicates that evolution couldn't occur, and the fossil
record indicates that it didn't occur!!! In other words, if you cannot come up with a detailed, feasible
scenario of how the first animal developed, the whole evolutionary theory goes out the window, because it
never could have even gotten started! Or is your attitude going to be: "Don't bother me with such details.
My mind is made up."?

(13) Why do books on evolution, including biology textbooks, always start with a fully developed
animal when attempting to explain how one species developed into another species? Why don't
evolutionists first explain how the first animal developed? (An animal with a heart, lungs, brain,
stomach, etc.)

(14) What are the odds that the evolutionary process, proceeding by random changes, would
produce a system in human reproduction whereby exactly 50% of offspring are male and 50% are
female (based on 50% X-chromosomes and 50% Y-chromosomes)? Again – is there some sort of a
plan here?

To a creationist, the incredible complexity of human life, animal life, plant life, and the universe is
absolutely overwhelming evidence that there must have been a designer.

Evidence for a designer: The law of gravity is basic to an understanding of the universe.

(15) Where did the law of gravity come from? Did it have a beginning? Isn't it reasonable to assume
that when matter was created, the law of gravity was established at the same time to regulate

Further evidence: The earth receives an incredible amount of energy from the sun, even though the sun is
93,000,000 miles away. Yet the earth only receives one part in 2 trillion of the sun's total energy. And
since the sun is only an average star among the 100 trillion billion stars in the universe, the total energy
in all these stars is absolutely beyond human comprehension. (I have read that the number of stars is
greater than the number of grains of sand in every beach and desert in the world!)

(16) Where did this energy come from? Isn’t the only reasonable answer that it was the result of a
creative act by an almighty designer/creator?

(17) Why do evolutionists summarily dismiss the evidence from design without any serious

Professor D.M.S. Watson, zoologist and Chair of Evolution at University College London has given us some
insight as to why this is so. He said, "Evolution [is] a theory universally accepted not because it

can be proved by logically coherent evidence to be true, but because the only
alternative, special creation, is clearly incredible". This of course is an admission that
the foundation of evolution is not science, but a rejection of the supernatural. Evolution then is simply the
best alternative anyone has been able to come up with. This also means that evolution is the only field in
science where one decides on the answer first, and then looks for evidence to support that predetermined

(18) Other than rejection of the supernatural, how else can one explain the steadfast adherence of
evolutionists to this theory even though they do not know the origin of the 3 main bases of
evolution: the origin of matter, the origin of energy, and the origin of life?

If you believe in evolution:

(19) Can you give us just one coercive proof of evolution, i.e., a proof that absolutely eliminates any
other possible explanation for the origin of the universe, the material world, and human life?

(20) Isn't it true that rather than proofs of evolution, all that evolutionists can come up with are
evidences for evolution to someone who already believes in evolution?

Let's see some answers to important questions such as these, rather than a discussion of what is science
and what is religion. That type of discussion is entirely irrelevant. What we seek is the truth, and
creationism is a far more reasonable and logical explanation of the origin of the universe, the material
world, and human life.

Students: Make a copy of this CHALLENGE TO EVOLUTIONISTS and ask your teacher or professor to give
you answers to these questions. If they cannot, you have a right to be skeptical that what they are
teaching you about evolution is true. Also, give copies to your fellow students so that they too will be
aware that there are huge flaws in the theory of evolution. And of course it is still a theory, not a "fact".

Robert H. Congelliere

Big Problems With The Big Bang

Author: Bruce Malone

It has been demonstrated both mathematically and experimentally that time is not a constant, but is
dependent on the gravitational pull at the location where time is being measured. This concept was first
proposed by Albert Einstein and is called gravitational time dilation.

This article is one of many found within Mr. Malone's excellent book, Search for the Truth.

Numerous experiments seem to indicate that this strange concept is true. For instance, time moves 5
microseconds per year slower at the Royal Greenwich Observatory (which is located at sea level) than it
does at the National Bureau of Standards in Boulder, Colorado (which is 1 mile above sea level). Atomic
clocks flown around the world in different directions seem to vary by the amount predicted by Einstein’s
equations. The direct result of this gravitational time dilation is that seemingly strange things happen to
time near areas of space known as black holes.

A black hole is an area where matter is so concentrated that its gravity prevents even light from escaping.
Indirect observations seem to indicate that several areas of our universe do indeed contain black holes.
Black holes are so dense that they actually "bend" the fabric of space. In addition, time moves
exceedingly slow at the boundary of the black hole. Thus, if you could move from the center of a black
hole outward, while observing what was happening far away, it would appear that clocks and all natural
processes were proceeding in rapid fast-forward. Although one has never been observed, Einstein’s
equations also predict the existence of "white holes". Instead of collapsing inward, matter (and space
itself) would expand outward from a "white hole". When matter inside the white hole moves past the
boundary, the boundary begins to shrink inward. Eventually the radius shrinks to zero and the white hole
disappears, leaving behind all of the matter which it originally contained. However, the first material out
would have aged millions or billions of years while the last material out may only have aged a matter of

Dr. Russell Humphreys has proposed that this expansion of a "white hole" rather than the standard "big
bang" theory is the method God used to create the universe we live in. Three effects should be apparent if
this is how our universe formed. First, the expansion of space would have left a very uniform background
radiation throughout the universe. Second, as space itself expanded, the light coming from stars (which
formed as the matter moved out of the white hole) would be shifted toward the red end of the spectrum.
Third, if the earth was close to the center of our universe, it would have been one of the last things to
have emerged from the white hole. Billions of years would have elapsed for distant stars giving plenty of
time for light from those stars to have reached the earth. These three observations are exactly what we
find as we observe our universe!

From the moment that all the matter of the universe was created (day one of creation), until the earth
emerged from near the center of the white hole (at which point stars would have appeared), it is quite
mathematically feasible that only four 24-hour-days had passed on earth. Although this theory is quite
controversial (and rejected out of hand by those who are committed to evolutionary development
theories), this type of work demonstrates that there is not necessarily a contradiction between a six day
creation and modern science.

Evolution Is Based On Modern Myths

Author: Alpha Omega Institute

There is a preponderance of scientific evidence to support creation as the correct explanation for our
existence. The misconception that evolution is science while creation is religion is propagated by a variety
of "myths" surrounding the ‘so-called evidence’ for evolution in total disregard of the archaeological
discoveries in evidence of support of Intelligent Creation.

Myth: Our universe is the result of explosive expansion of the "Cosmic Egg" billions of years ago.
Reality: This just ignores the bigger question-who laid the "cosmic egg"? The first law of thermodynamics
proves that matter and energy cannot just appear. Evolutionists must ignore the most basic law of
science at the very start of their belief system. Furthermore, explosions do not result in increased
organization of matter. Has an explosion ever created ordered complexity?
Myth: The fossil record proves evolution.
Reality: There are no transitions between vastly different types of animals in either the living world or the
fossil record. Lining up three objects by size or shape does not prove that one turned into the
Myth: Structural and biochemical similarities prove common ancestry.
Reality: The lack of fossil transition strongly refute this myth. Common ancestry is only one of two
possible explanations for similarities. Purposeful design can explain the same features in a more
direct way. In addition, totally different organisms often display similar features. This supports the
existence of a common designer.
Myth: The rock layers of the earth form the pages of earth's history showing million of years of
evolutionary progression.
Reality: The fossil record does not show a clear "simple-to-complex" progression of life forms. Life is
complex and well developed wherever it is found in the fossil record. Major groups of plants and
animals appear suddenly in the fossil record, with nothing leading up to them. Most rock layers
and the fossils they contain can be explained better by a worldwide flood and subsequent events.
Myth: Radiometric dating methods are "absolute." They are accurate and reliable.
Reality: Although radiometric dating methods seem to show a trend of great age, these methods depend
upon numerous other assumptions. When used to date events of known age, such as lava flow in
Hawaii or the Grand Canyon, they have been wrong by orders of magnitude. How can we be sure
they are accurate for events of unknown age? Furthermore, the vast majority of dating method
indicate a very young earth.
Myth: The human body contains many "vestigial organs" , leftovers from our evolutionary
Reality: Although at one time there were dozens of features of the human body listed as vestigial, most
have been shown to have important functions. After all, even if a few parts have lost their original
function that does not prove evolution. To demonstrate evolution, you need to show the
development of completely new structures, not the loss and degeneration of previous
Myth: The fossil record for human evolution is complete and clear.
Reality: All too often the propagandists for evolution present their story with statements such as, "Every
knowing person believes that man descended from apes. Today there is no such thing as the
theory of evolution, it is the fact of evolution." (Ernst Mayr) The evidence for human evolution is
fragmentary and reconstruction involves artistic license. Many competent scientists totally reject
evolution. They acknowledge that it is not even a good scientific theory, much less a fact.

This is a condensation of an article by Dave Nutting of Alpha Omega Institute. Alpha Omega is a non-profit
creation education organization in Colorado and can be reached at

A complete set of articles examining science and reality from a Christian perspective can be found at

Fictitious 'Ape Men'

Author: James Perloff

© 2001

Time magazine's new ape-man

Publication's latest evolution contention less-than-believable

In 1999, following the controversial de-emphasis of evolution in Kansas schools, Time magazine struck in
its August 23 issue with an editorial denouncing creationists and a huge cover story called "How Man
Evolved." The latter displayed man's supposed oldest ancestor –Ardipithecus ramidus – while neglecting to
tell readers that its fragments had been found scattered over an area of about one mile, and put together
to form a "missing link."

Time's cover was of a reconstructed ape-man skull, yet well less than half the skull consisted of actual
fossil fragments – the rest was plaster, molded by imagination. The most recent issue of Time, dated July
23, takes no less liberty. On the cover is a painting of an ape-man called Ardipithecus ramidus kadabba
with the headline "How Apes Became Human." Inside, the article begins: "Meet your newfound ancestor."
The painting is based on some fragmentary bones recently found in Ethiopia by a graduate student named
Yohannes Haile-Selassie.

Time assures its readers that the creature walked upright. The evidence for this? A single toe bone. Time
displays the bone with the unequivocal caption: "THIS TOE BONE PROVES THE CREATURE WALKED ON
TWO LEGS." But not until the last page of the eight-page article do readers learn that the toe bone was
actually found some ten miles from the other bones. What evidence exists that the toe bone belonged to
Haile-Selassie's other specimens? None, other than speculation!

There is great danger in basing conclusions on a single bone. In 1922, paleontologist Henry Fairfield
Osborn, an ardent evolutionist, was shown a single tooth found in Nebraska by geologist Harold Cook.
After examining it, Osborn declared it belonged to an early ape-man, whom he named Hesperopithecus
haroldcookii in Cook's honor. Popularly, it became known as "Nebraska Man." Osborn hailed the tooth as
"the herald of anthropoid apes in America." At the American Museum of Natural History, William K.
Gregory and Milo Hellman, specialists in teeth, said after careful study that the tooth was from a species
closer to man than ape. Harris Hawthorne Wilder, a zoology professor at Smith College, wrote: "Judging
from the tooth alone the animal seems to have been about halfway between Pithecanthropus [Java Man]
and the man of the present day, or perhaps better between Pithecanthropus and the man of the
Neanderthal type. ..." In England, evolutionist Grafton Elliot Smith convinced the Illustrated London News
to publish an artist's rendering of Nebraska Man. The picture, which appeared in a two-page spread and
received wide distribution, showed two brutish, naked ape-persons, the male with a club, the female
gathering roots. All this from one tooth! However, further excavations at Cook's site revealed that the
tooth belonged neither to ape nor man, but to a peccary, a close relative of the pig.

Or take the Piltdown Man. It was declared an ape-man, 500,000 years old, and validated by many of
Britain's leading scientists, including Grafton Elliot Smith, anatomist Sir Arthur Keith and British Museum
geologist Arthur Smith Woodward. At the time the discovery was announced (1912), the New York Times
ran this headline: "Darwin Theory Proved True." For the next four decades, Piltdown Man was evolution's
greatest showcase, featured in textbooks and encyclopedias. But what did the Piltdown Man actually
consist of? A very recent orangutan jaw, which had been stained to look old, with its teeth filed down to
make them more human-looking, planted together with a human skull bone, also stained to create an
appearance of age.

Those who think such mistakes no longer occur need only consider the Archaeoraptor, promoted in a 10-
page color spread in the November 1999 National Geographic as the "true missing link" between dinosaurs
and birds. The fossil was displayed at National Geographic's Explorers Hall and viewed by over 100,000
people. However, it too turned out to be a fake – someone had simply glued together fragments of bird
and dinosaur fossils. Even if Time turns out to be correct, and Ardipithecus ramidus kadabba walked on
two feet, would it prove he was our "newfound ancestor"?

This assertion is based on a long-standing evolutionary assumption, usually stated something like this:
"Humans are the only creatures that have evolved to the point where they can walk on two feet;
therefore, if we can find the fossil of an animal that could walk on two feet, such a creature was our
ancestor." However, the assumption that two-footed mobility establishes human kinship is groundless.
Gorillas occasionally walk bipedally; Tanzanian chimpanzees are seen standing on two legs when
gathering fruit from small trees; Zaire's pygmy chimpanzee walks upright so often that it has been dubbed
"a living link." Science News reports of the latter: "Like modern gorillas they tend to be knuckle-walkers
on the ground, yet they seem to be natural bipeds, too, frequently walking upright both on the ground
and in the trees." So even if a fossil creature did have some limited ability to stand on two feet, it doesn't
make it man's ancestor any more than these modern apes.

And man is not the only bipedal creature. Birds are bipedal; so was the T.-rex. Therefore, are they human
ancestors? Time refers to "fossil discoveries as far back as Java Man in the 1890s" as validating the
relationship between man and ape. But Time does not relate much of what is known about those finds.
The Java Man story began with Ernst Haeckel, the German zoologist who has become notorious for using
fraudulent drawings of embryos to prove the theory of evolution (See the July issue of WorldNet
Magazine). Haeckel was convinced that an ape-man must have existed, and he named it Pithecanthropus
alalus: ape-man without speech.

One of Haeckel's students, Eugene Dubois, became determined to find Pithecanthropus. Haeckel believed
men might have separated from apes somewhere in Southern Asia. So in 1887, Dubois signed up as a
doctor with the Dutch medical corps in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia), intending to hunt for fossils
during all his spare time. Dubois, it should be noted, had no formal training in geology or paleontology at
the time, and his "archaeological team" consisted of prison convicts with two army corporals as
supervisors. Years of excavation produced little of significance. Then, in 1891, along Java's Solo River, the
laborers dug up a skullcap that appeared rather apelike, with a low forehead and large eyebrow ridges.
Dubois initially considered it from a chimpanzee, even though there is no evidence that this ape ever lived
in Asia. However, the following year, the diggers unearthed a thigh bone that was clearly human. Dubois,
like Piltdown's discoverers, presumed that an apelike bone somewhere near a human bone meant the two
belonged to the same creature, constituting Darwin's missing link. Haeckel, who had not even seen the
bones, telegraphed Dubois: "From the inventor of Pithecanthropus to his happy discoverer!"

In 1895, Dubois returned to Europe and displayed his fossils. The response from experts was mixed,
however. Rudolph Virchow, who had once been Haeckel's professor and is regarded as the father of
modern pathology, said: "In my opinion, this creature was an animal, a giant gibbon, in fact. The thigh
bone has not the slightest connection with the skull." The circumstances of Dubois' find were unorthodox.

He had apparently been absent when the convicts dug up his fossils. Maps and diagrams of the site were
not made until after the excavation. Under such conditions, a modern dig would be disregarded. In 1907,
an expedition of German scientists from various disciplines, led by Professor M. Lenore Selenka, traveled
to Java seeking more clues to man's ancestry in the region of Dubois' discovery. However, no evidence for
Pithecanthropus was found. In the stratum of Dubois' find, the scientists found hearths and flora and
fauna that looked rather modern. The expedition's report also noted a nearby volcano that caused periodic
flooding in the area. Java Man had been found in volcanic sediments. The report observed that the
chemical nature of those sediments, not ancient age, probably caused the fossilization of Pithecanthropus.
Nevertheless, the Selenka findings and various deficiencies of Dubois' work were largely ignored, and Java
Man became one of evolution's undisputed "facts."

Then there was Peking Man, worked on and validated by a number of Piltdown alumni, including Davidson
Black, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and Smith. In seeing textbook portrayals of Peking Man, few students
learned that the skulls had been found in scattered little fragments, and that the reconstructions were
actually composites taken from various individuals. Where fragments were missing, plaster substituted,
and the famous final images of Peking Man were the creations of a sculptress named Lucille Swann. Later,
all of the Peking Man fossils mysteriously vanished, except for a couple of teeth, preventing Peking Man
from being subjected to the kind of checking that doomed Piltdown Man.

Neanderthals were long portrayed as ape-men, stooped over. This misconception was largely the result of
a faulty reconstruction by French paleontologist Marcellin Boule, who mistook the skeleton of a man with
kyphosis (hunchback) for an ape-man in the process of becoming upright. Another snag: Neanderthal
skulls are larger than those of modern humans. This flies in the face of evolutionary tradition, which says
that man evolved progressively from creatures with smaller brains and skulls. In any event, Neanderthals
are no longer classed as "ape-men," and some evolutionists have even discarded them as human
ancestors; which basically leaves us with australopithecines, currently in vogue as man's ancestor.
However, australopithecine fossils show that they had long forearms and short hind legs, like today's
apes. They also had long curved fingers and toes, like those apes use for tree-swinging. This may pose a
problem for Time's thesis, since it claims the toe bone of Ardipithecus ramidus kadabba was over 5 million
years old, yet relatively human-like – implying that it was more evolved than the toes of
australopithecines, who supposedly came 2 million years later. The main substance to the claim that
australopithecines are our ancestors is some evidence suggesting that the famed "Lucy" and her peers
may have walked upright. But as noted, limited bipedality does not prove human ancestry, and a number
of scientists – contrary to the impression created in Time – have disagreed that australopithecines are
man's relatives. Britain's Lord Solly Zuckerman, who was raised to peerage for his scientific achievements,
was a leading authority on australopithecines, having subjected them to years of biometric testing. He

For my own part, the anatomical basis for the claim that the australopithecines walked and ran upright
like man is so much more flimsy than the evidence which points to the conclusion that their gait was some
variant of what one sees in subhuman primates, that it remains unacceptable.

Charles Oxnard, former director of graduate studies and professor of anatomy at the University of
Southern California Medical School, subjected australopithecine fossils to extensive computer analysis.
Stephen Jay Gould called him "our leading expert on the quantitative study of skeletons." Oxnard

[T]he australopithecines known over the last several decades are now irrevocably removed from a place in
the evolution of human bipedalism, possibly from a place in a group any closer to humans than to African
apes and certainly from any place in the direct human lineage. All of this should make us wonder about
the usual presentation of human evolution in introductory textbooks, in encyclopedias and in popular
publications. In such volumes not only are australopithecines described as being of known bodily size and
shape, but as possessing such abilities as bipedality and tool-using and -making and such developments
as the use of fire and specific social structures. Even facial features are happily (and non-scientifically)

The July 23 Time includes a graphic showing the evolution of man, starting with the supposed Ardipithecus
ramidus kadabba, with progressively more human figures culminating in man. However, it is very easy to
arrange bones to demonstrate "evolutionary progress." In 1927, Osborn, along with other evolutionists,
created a diagram of man's evolution. Skulls were displayed in progressive order. No. 1 in the sequence
was the fraudulent Piltdown Man. No. 4 was a Neanderthal; No. 6 Cro-Magnon Man. No. 8 was labeled
"Australian" (aborigine). No. 9? "Negro." No. 10? "Chinese." No. 11 (and last)? "Caucasian."

Because 99 percent of an organism's biology resides in its soft anatomy, it is very easy to invest a bone
with imagination. For this reason – despite the protests of Darwinists – evolutionary anthropology is not a
science like physics or chemistry. The laws of physics and chemistry can be demonstrated in a high school
laboratory. Evolutionary anthropology, on the other hand, consists of speculations about unobserved
events that supposedly occurred millions of years ago. Science cannot observe the past with the same
authority as the present. As Lowenstein and Zihlman noted in New Scientist: "The subjective element in
this approach to building evolutionary trees, which many paleontologists advocate with almost religious
fervor, is demonstrated by the outcome: There is no single family tree on which they agree."

There was a wealth of evidence concerning the assassination of John F. Kennedy: hundreds of
eyewitnesses interviewed by the Warren Commission; the Zapruder movie that caught the actual slaying;
the autopsy; fingerprint evidence; ballistics evidence. Nevertheless, controversy has never stopped raging
about what actually took place. Scores of books challenged the evidence, offering widely differing
explanations as to who killed Kennedy, from what angle(s) he was shot, etc. Even the autopsy results
were challenged in a best-selling book.

Granted, the Kennedy assassination was a politically charged event. Nonetheless, if that much
disagreement can occur over something that happened just 38 years ago, how can a paleontologist pick
up a fragment of bone, supposedly 5 million years old, and declare its meaning with a high degree of
certainty? Unlike the Kennedy assassination, there are no eyewitnesses who saw this creature, no
Zapruder movie of it, no soft tissues to examine.

Other weaknesses permeate the Time article. It states that Haile-Selassie's bones are known to be 5.6-5.8
million years old, because this "can be accurately gauged by a technique known as argon-argon dating." It
says the result was "confirmed by a second dating method." However, argon-argon dating has been
demonstrated in various studies to be unreliable, and Time doesn't mention what the second method was.

Time refers to the "astonishingly complete skeleton of Lucy"– but those words belie the fact that about 60
percent of Lucy's skeleton, including most of the skull, was missing.

In explaining why apes began to walk upright, Time quotes anthropologist C. Owen Lovejoy: "To walk
upright you have to do so in synchrony. If the ligaments and muscles are out of synch, that leads to
injuries. And then you'd be cheetah meat." But even fully coordinated, healthy human beings cannot
outrun a cheetah! Time also neglects the fact that species vary widely within themselves. Darwinian
anthropologists use cranial capacity, (skull size) to judge the evolutionary status of our supposed
ancestors, disregarding the fact that even in modern humans, cranial capacity ranges from 700 to 2200
cubic centimeters, and has no bearing on intelligence. People's bone structure varies greatly, based on
heredity, age, sex, health and climate. Some are big-boned, some small-boned. There are sumo wrestlers
and pygmies. Doubtless, our ancient forebears were also diverse in their looks. How, then, can one assign
a single fossil bone to a distinct place in human history? Apes vary widely, too; australopithecines may
simply be a type that became extinct. Science journalist Roger Lewin, though an outspoken evolutionist,
has noted:

It is an unfortunate truth that fossils do not emerge from the ground with labels already attached to them.
And it is bad enough that much of the labeling was done in the name of egoism and a naive lack of
appreciation of variation between individuals; each nuance in shape was taken to indicate a difference in
type rather than natural variation within a population.

Another oddity surfaces in Time's diagram of the evolution of humans, chimps and gorillas. Human
ancestors are shown going back almost 6 million years. But no chimpanzee or gorilla ancestors are
depicted before a million years ago. If chimps and humans really diverged about 7 million years ago, as
Time asserts, then where are all the fossils of chimpanzee and gorilla ancestors? Why does every bone
fragment turn out to be a human ancestor? Perhaps that question was answered by Dr. Tim White,
anthropologist at the University of California, Berkeley. Though quoted in Time, and noted as Haile-
Selassie's thesis adviser, he has previously stated: "The problem with a lot of anthropologists is that they
want so much to find a hominid that any scrap of bone becomes a hominid bone."

As creationist Marvin Lubenow notes, "No one will care if you discover the oldest fossil broccoli, but if you
are fortunate enough to discover the oldest fossil human, the world will beat a path to your door."

Fossils Do Not Prove Evolution

Author: Bruce Malone

Fossils! The very name brings to mind images of untold ages past . . . dinosaurs roaming ancient
swamps . . . slow but steady progression as simple sea life was transformed into today's complex variety.

Is this an accurate reconstruction of the past or is ‘a worldwide flood’ the correct explanation of the fossil

Fossils are the preserved evidence of past life. They are found in every part of the world, including the
tops of the highest mountains. They may be as simple as a seashell which has left a permanent
impression in sandstone or as grandiose as a giant plesiosaur whose bones have turned to rock after rapid
burial. The fossils themselves tell us neither their age nor how they became encased in the rock layers.
Rather, they must be interpreted within some view of earth history. Many people have been led to believe
that the existence of fossils proves that millions of years have passed. In reality, fossils can form quite
rapidly. Heat and pressure from rapid burial can accelerate the fossilization process. Geologic conditions
following a worldwide flood would have exceeded anything imaginable today and must have led to the
rapid fossilization of the plants and animals on a massive scale.

Fossilization can happen rapidly under the right conditions, but it is a rare event today. Yet there are mass
burial sites throughout the world that are tightly packed with millions of fossils. Apparently, billions of
organisms were washed together by the mass destruction of the worldwide flood, completely buried, and
rapidly fossilized. These massive and extensive fossil graveyards would be the predictable result of a
worldwide flood, but would hardly fit the slow accumulation model which continues to be taught as the
primary explanation of the fossil record. Something dramatically different must have happened in the past
to have caused the wide spread fossilization which we find all over our planet. Noah's flood would have
been this event.

Geologists and paleontologists operating from a Christian worldview acknowledge the possibility that a
worldwide catastrophe buried unimaginable amounts of plants and animals. This was the disaster
documented in the first book of the Bible. It lasted at least one year and had reverberations which lasted
for centuries. Sea creatures would have been buried first (the salinity and temperature of the oceans
would have changed during the catastrophe, wiping out massive numbers of these sea creatures). Even
after the flood, plant and animal extinction would have been common as many types of creatures failed to
adapt to dramatically changing conditions.

Although any order of burial in a flood would be possible, the general tendency would be for sea life to be
buried in the lower rock layers and land animals to be buried in different rock layers corresponding to their
ecological niche. This tendency is generally found.

Creation geologists (and there are many of them) believe that the majority of the geologic record is a
result of geologic activity during and subsequent to the year-long worldwide flood. This flood would have
been an incredible complex event.

Geologist and paleontologists operating from an evolutionary world view acknowledge local catastrophes,
but do not allow consideration of a worldwide flood. This would wipe out the "slow change over eons of
time" interpretation of the fossils which is needed to continue believing in evolution.

Only one interpretation of the evidence can be correct and only one interpretation of the evidence agrees
with what the Bible claims is the history of our planet.

The answer to the Question

Contemporary philosophy doesn’t answer this question. Should any of the scholars of ancient and/or
modern philosophy dare to attempt to answer this question, (providing substantive evidence and not
thumb-sucked assumptions; but provable fact), they will undoubtedly debate the subject among
themselves forever; and without conclusive resolution. Having established that there are only two
avenues of ‘philosophy’ which modernists consider aptly attempt to deliver ‘an’ answer to this
dilemma, and after having disparaged conclusively the one, that is the theory of evolution, we will
now proceed with answering the question on the meaning of life based upon the only remaining
source of proven truth; the Word of God… the Bible. And here I refer strictly to the 1633 ‘Textus
Receptus’, the original and only uncorrupted text of scripture… the Authorised King James Version
of the Bible and especially not the modern ‘revised’ version of the same; since it is the only Bible,
which any scholar worth his salt, is able to make sense of. It is the only source of information which
enlightens man regarding where he came from, where and who he is; and where he is heading.

Just for the record and for the provision of literary credence, I recognize and refer to the Creator as
‘Him’ since Elohiym considered Himself as a man and manifested such when He created Adam, the
father of mankind; in ‘His own’ image, and later planted the seed of a man-child in the womb of the
virgin; which manifested the perceived image of Himself in the Man Jesus the Christ.

It is incomprehensible for the human mind to even imagine the emotions experienced by the Creator
before the foundation of the world before anything was created. To perceive the thoughts, emotions
and thus the sensations felt by Him, without trying to comprehend His origin, which we’ll never
understand, we can resolve that ‘the’ all-mighty power that He was and still is; had feelings. He was
and is a sensitive yet just being. As much as He is a loving creator, He is also wrathful toward the
wicked but always just toward the unbeliever, the make-believer and the believer alike.

The creator set His statutes in place whereby reward was to be reaped by the obedient and
punishment for the disobedient. He is a just God who honours His Word only and He never changes.
He is not a respecter of persons. He respects and honors His Word only. Even Jesus’ life and
ministry reflected that in many ways and it was this that brought Jesus into total obedience to the
Word and will of God; never doing anything except first it was shown Him by His Father…
Elohiym! Never forget that Jesus was the manifestation of the Creator in flesh.

ACTS 10:34 Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter
of persons:
HEBREWS 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

The perceptive among the readers would already have grasped the answer to the question, “What is
the meaning of life?” We, His elected Bride, were created for the purpose of uniting in our mortal
state with the Word of God. This is achieved through the baptism of the Holy Ghost which brings us
into a state equivalent to the state in which Jesus was after His Baptism by John the Baptist. The
reader may consider that statement a little over the top, but it isn’t. While Jesus was born as the
prophet messiah and received the fullness of the Spirit of God, (The Logos) at His baptism which
manifested God on the earth; we receive that same Spirit but in measure and o add, the Bride also
experiences a ‘public transfiguration’ just as Jesus does. This ceremony is performed by God
Himself and is one of the events still lying in the future. It is a ceremony whereby the Holy Spirit
within the Bride member presents the elect Bride-to-be to the Father who receives her, anoints her
with all power subjecting Her to His guidance in total obedience being one in Spirit with the Creator.
This event will occur just before the soon second coming of Jesus to fetch His Bride. We will still be
in a mortal state but that will soon change lest there be no flesh to save for the ecumenical councils
which form the World Council of (affiliated dominated) Churches, (WCC) will hunt down this tiny
Bride, restrict Her worship and persecute Her. You may well ask why this would occur! The reason
is simple. The Bride will be the only surviving body of true believers of ‘all the Word of God’ as it
was delivered to the World by the appointed prophet of God in this the seventh and final church age.

The disappointed members and the hierarchy of the churches affiliated to the WCC will realise that
they have been duped by Roman Catholicism. They may well realise that Satan has in fact, and as
the prophet foretold, occupied the office of the ‘False prophet’, the culmination of the White, Red
and the Black and at that point in time, (even currently) the Grey Horse Riders of Revelations 6:1-8
as He seduced each and every Pope throughout the seven church ages of Christendom. Some will
run to and fro seeking the truth and the oil, (the Holy Spirit) which only the Bride will possess at that
time and according to the scripture, the Bride will be approached by these foolish virgins with
requests to share their Holy Spirit with these people. Naturally the Bride hasn’t the ability to
dispense the Holy Ghost for it is a gift to the faithful by God; thus it is that the Bride will direct them
to the revealed Word and to petition the Lord but while they are seeking It, the Lord Jesus returns to
rapture His Bride. Matthew 25:1-13

ROMANS 8:29-30
29 ¶ For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his
Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.
30 Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also
justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.

20 For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus
21 Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body,
according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.

Prior to the rapture, the Bride is first immortalized to meet Her Bridegroom in a body just like his,
(Philippians 3:20-21) and raptured to be united with deity, ‘the creator’ Jesus; in matrimony… to be
one; united with Him throughout eternity. All that He is, we will be. Doth not the Psalmist David
write stating that the believers are gods? PSALM 82:6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are
children of the most High. God, Elohiym, the self existing one set a statute in place determining that
each seed must bring forth of it’s own kind - GENESIS 1:11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth
grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself,
upon the earth: and it was so. Thus it is evidenced that man, through his seed being sown in the
garden in the midst of the woman shall bring for fruit of his own seed. God brought forth Adam who
was the image of Himself thus it is that Adam was a product of the seed of Elohiym, God
determining that Adam was a god. He had dominion over all creation. And we read in the book of
Isaiah, that the King of Jacob, (the creator, the God of Jacob – Elohiym, Jehovah) spoke through the
prophet saying, “Shew the things that are to come hereafter, that we may know that ye are gods:
yea, do good, or do evil, that we may be dismayed, and behold it together.” ISAIAH 41:23. You may
well think that that is absurd! But the Creator Himself referred to these scriptures when being
questioned by the Jews of His claim to being the Son of God when in the office of His son Jesus, the
anointed one… anointed of the creative spirit God. COLOSSIANS 2:8 & 9 Beware lest any man
spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the
world, and not after Christ. For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily… and JOHN
10:30 I and my Father are one.
JOHN 10:33-37
33 The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy;
and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God.
34 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?
35 If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be
36 Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou
blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God?
37 If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not.

4 According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should
be holy and without blame before him in love:
5 Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself,
according to the good pleasure of his will,
6 To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.
7 In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the
riches of his grace;
8 Wherein he hath abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence;
9 Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which
he hath purposed in himself:
10 That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things
in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him:
11 In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the
purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will:
12 That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ.
13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation:
in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,
14 Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession,
unto the praise of his glory.

21 To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame,
and am set down with my Father in his throne.

7 Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come,
and his wife hath made herself ready.
8 And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the
fine linen is the righteousness of saints.
9 And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of
the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God.

24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and
wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

II JOHN 1:1-11
1 ¶ The elder unto the elect lady and her children, whom I love in the truth; and not I only,
but also all they that have known the truth;
2 For the truth's sake, which dwelleth in us, and shall be with us for ever.
3 Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ,
the Son of the Father, in truth and love.
4 I rejoiced greatly that I found of thy children walking in truth, as we have received a
commandment from the Father.
5 ¶ And now I beseech thee, lady, not as though I wrote a new commandment unto thee, but
that which we had from the beginning, that we love one another.
6 And this is love, that we walk after his commandments. This is the commandment, That, as
ye have heard from the beginning, ye should walk in it.
7 ¶ For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in
the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.
8 Look to yourselves, that we lose not those things which we have wrought, but that we receive a
full reward.
9 Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that
abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.
10 ¶ If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house,
neither bid him God speed:
11 For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.

The original plan of God for man was to be eternal, immortal beings. Adam was initially created as a
spirit being in the image of the Logos. Then God created for Adam a corporal body wherein he
dwelled. It was the eternal life of God, by which the spirit Adam was created, that gave immortality
to the corporal body. The fall interrupted that by the execution of the just law of God’s Word; His
statute demanded that he die. Because of the act of procreation exercised by Adam, the ‘children’ or
should I say heirs of God conveyed the eternal life in the blood from seed to seed. All life comes
from God while Satan perverts that life in any of many ways. The eternal life that gave the corporal
body of Adam immortality was forfeited at the fall; thus, when Adam’s days were over, his body,
having aged tremendously, eventually died and the elements by which his body was created returned
to the earth.

All men – were born to be given an opportunity to choose eternal life over separation from God. The
fact that man fell from the grace of God at the very beginning has nothing to do with it except that,
in each dispensation since then, those living at whatsoever time, accept the provided way of
redemption for their particular age. God provided a sacrifice for fallen man by which the original sin
of man could be covered. The moment that Adam confessed his sin to His Father, He slaughtered an
innocent animal and took it’s skin with which to cover the sin of Adam and Eve from His sight for
the pure holiness of God cannot abide in the presence of sin and iniquity. Innocent blood needed to
be shed for the covering of the sin of man then and still today we accept the once forever sacrifice
which God made for mankind through Jesus. Thus it is that there is only access to salvation by one
name and that is Jesus. Not by the name of Mohammed, not Buddha, not by the Pope or any church
– but by the name of Jesus the Christ only.
ACTS 4:10
10 Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of
Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man
stand here before you whole.
11 This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the
12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given
among men, whereby we must be saved.

This statute of shedding innocent blood to redeem the sinner continued throughout time. It applies
even today! Jesus was the innocent slaughtered Lamb of God at the end of the Old Testament
dispensation. The crucifixion of Jesus, the Son of God, ended that age with Israel again rejecting the
Word of God for their final age of redemption prior to the Christian dispensation. They will have
another chance during the Tribulation period The dispensation for redemption turned toward the
Gentiles and as typed by the life of Joseph, Jesus chooses a Gentile Bride who would believe in Him
and put all her trust in Him; loving Him unconditionally.

Everything the occurred unto this dispensation led to this one epoch. God had foreseen all that would
transpire and who would believe His Word, and do it faithfully, without question; and love Him
unconditionally in return for His loving them first. He wrote their names in the Lamb’s Book of Life
before the foundation of the world.

5 He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his
name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his

8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the
book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

8 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go
into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written
in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was,
and is not, and yet is.

12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and
another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those
things which were written in the books, according to their works.
13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead
which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.
14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.
15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

27 And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh
abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life.

18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man
shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:
19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take
away his part out of the book of life , and out of the holy city, and from the things which are
written in this book.


3 And I intreat thee also, true yokefellow, help those women which laboured with me in the
gospel, with Clement also, and with other my fellowlabourers, whose names are in the book
of life.

AMOS 3:7
7 Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the

John saw in vision, while on the Isle of Patmos, the Bride of God before the throne in heaven.

9 After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and
kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with
white robes, and palms in their hands;

ACTS 15:13
13 And after they had held their peace, James answered, saying, Men and brethren, hearken
unto me:
14 Simeon hath declared how God at the first did visit the Gentiles, to take out of them a
people for his name.
15 And to this agree the words of the prophets; as it is written,
16 After this I will return, and will build again the tabernacle of David, which is fallen down;
and I will build again the ruins thereof, and I will set it up:
17 That the residue of men might seek after the Lord, and all the Gentiles, upon whom my
name is called, saith the Lord, who doeth all these things.
18 Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world.
19 Wherefore my sentence is, that we trouble not them, which from among the Gentiles are
turned to God:

‘The seven churches which are addressed by John are in Asia Minor and are all Gentile churches. He
does not speak to the church at Jerusalem which was mostly Jewish with perhaps just a few Gentiles
in it. The reason is that God had turned from the Jews to the Gentiles. Thus the whole of the church
ages reflects God’s dealings with the Gentiles, and calling out a Gentile Bride to Himself. That
makes the 'Church Ages' and 'The Fullness of the Gentiles' the one and the same thing.’ – William
Marrion Branham (Prophet of God)

Romans 11:25-29,
"For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be
wise in your own conceits, that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the Fullness
of the Gentiles be come in.
And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer,
and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob;
For this is My covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins.
As concerning the Gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election,
they are beloved for the fathers' sakes.
For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance."

‘These seven churches located in Asia Minor contained certain characteristics within them, at that
ancient date, which became the mature fruit of later ages. What were just seed plants back there
came out later in a mature harvest, even as Jesus said, "For if they do these things in a green tree,
what shall be done in the dry?" Luke 23:31.’ – William Marrion Branham (Prophet of God)
There is the answer which you seek! It is simple and true. The meaning of life was perceived by the
creator in His mind’s eye from before the foundation of the world for the single purpose of
producing a Gentile Bride. Not because God had a preference toward the Gentiles, all men were
simply men of the world, related to one another; until the birth of Jacob, a son of Isaac, whose name
was changed to Israel; but because the descendants of Israel proved to be a wayward, ungodly, sinful
and wicked people perpetually; persistently rejecting the truth and the statutes of God… even after
all that God had done in their midst… thus He turned His attention toward the Gentile people.

God demands obedience to His Word. In order to be obedient to the Word, one must first believe it
to be the Word of God which holds the keys to the mysteries of life. Then ask Him for the answers!
Take little steps, believing with all your heart, never doubting; and He will reveal to you that which
you need… in due season. MARK 9:23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are
possible to him that believeth…

Before we continue, allow me to clarify my view of the numbered resurrections. The first
resurrection took place when Jesus descended into paradise and quickened the souls of the Old
Testament saints. The second resurrection will take place just before the rapture at the second
coming of the Lord Jesus and the third resurrection will be the final resurrection at the end of the
millennium when all that lived, and didn’t partake in either the first or the second resurrection, and
still ‘sleep’ will be resurrected unto judgement

Just seventeen days before the Prophet William Branham preached his final sermon, he preached
The sermon entitled ‘The Invisible Union or the Bride’ wherein he elaborated on the ‘books’ spoken
of in the Bible. I refer to the Book of Life wherein the name of every soul that lived is recorded. And
then there is a book within the Book of Life called ‘The Lamb’s Book of Life’ which contains the
names of the members of the predestinated Bride. These names can never be removed. Then there
are the names of those who are part of the third resurrection who come to the throne of Judgment
and are judged by Jesus and His Bride. These names can be removed from the ‘Book of Life’ at any


303 God had to open up those Seven Seals, not in a denomination. I've always been against it.
But, out of denomination, He might take a Bride, not a denominational bride. He couldn't do it. It's
against His Own Word. He opened those seven mysteries in there. That shows forth, brings forth
those things that's been hid since the foundation of the world, might be revealed in the last days, to
sons of God. They brought That forth now before the people, that they see It there, you now, to this
undenominational Bride. Oh, my!
304 There is your two books. One of them is the Lamb's Book of Life. Your name on There is
predestinated on There. It can't go, because you can no more take that away than nothing, see,
because it was foreordained to be on There. But the regular book of life, can take that off at
any time. See? You don't repent, it's off, anyhow, 'cause you're going to stand the Judgment.
The Bride don't even stand the Judgment; goes in the Rapture.

Plainly put, both those books exist in the Book of Life. Recorded in the Book of Life are the names
of the wicked who are destined never come to repentance and will burn in the lake of fire such as the
Pharaoh whose heart was hardened by God Himself and those whose names were taken out of the
Book of Life because of a failure to repent. And then there are the predestinated elect of God, whose
names were written in the segment of the Book of Life entitled, ‘The Lamb’s Book of Life’. These
names cannot be removed or erased. These are the names of the eternal Bride who the Creator saw
remained faithful to His Word and overcame unto the end ‘in His mind’s eye’ before the foundations
of the world. These are the souls around which this whole life revolves. These are the essence or the
focal point of the meaning of life.

ROMANS 9:14-24
14 ¶ What shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness with God? God forbid.
15 For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have
compassion on whom I will have compassion.
16 So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy.
17 For the scripture saith unto Pharaoh, Even for this same purpose have I raised thee up, that I
might shew my power in thee, and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth.
18 Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth.
19 Thou wilt say then unto me, Why doth he yet find fault? For who hath resisted his will?
20 Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him
that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus?
21 Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour,
and another unto dishonour?
22 What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much
longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction:
23 And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had
afore prepared unto glory,
24 Even us, whom he hath called, not of the Jews only, but also of the Gentiles?


291-7 {90} Now, remember the Bible says that in the last day that this antichrist would deceive
the whole world. There'd only be a small number whose names were put on the Lamb's Book of Life
before the foundation of the world. And when that true vindication of the revealed Truth of God's
Word strikes that heart, he will strike the water, and out yonder with the Holy Ghost, just as hard as
he can, and you can't stop him from doing it, because the new Life worked forth.


292-1 {92} I was talking to a person not long ago. He was trying to discuss with me and saying,
"Aren't you ashamed to say that God created the heavens and earth in three days--or in six days?"
I said, "That's what the Bible said."
Said, "Well, we've got evidence and can prove that the world is millions of years old."
I said, "That didn't have anything to do with it. In Genesis 1:1, it said, 'In the beginning God created
heavens and earth' period. See? That's all. Now, the world was without form and void." And I said,
"I believe every seed was laying right there from some other civilization or something, and as soon
as the water lifted off and the light struck it, up come the trees and everything."
The same thing with the human being; it's a type. When all the--the--the mist is moved away, and the
revealed Truth to that real seed laying there still germitized, and the Light of the Gospel can strike it
by true a-vindication of the Word, it'll live; it's got Life in it...?... Outside of that it can't live. It hasn't
got no Life in it.


292-4 {96} Them names were put on the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the
world, will come forth just as certain as anything. That's why Jesus sets right there and waits with
His mediatorial work until that last seed. He will know exactly when to strikes.


20 The sun is the king of all lights on this earth, in the natural lights. No matter how much
artificial light that we can have, and how many great electric rays we can produce; when that sun
rises, all the rest of them dim out.
21 That's the same thing it is with the Word of God. When the Word of God rises, all superstitions,
denominational fanaticisms and things, spread away, and it shows it just exactly what it is. God, in
the beginning, said, "Let there be light." The Light only comes, the true Light, the king Light, comes
by the Word of God. God separated the light from the darkness, in the beginning. And the Word of
God, made manifest, always separates the Light from the darkness.
22 People can rise up with this, that, or the other; isms can rise, communism, facism, and all other
isms can rise; superstitions, cults, whatever it might be, might rise. But when that king Light of the
Bible raises up, all superstitions and things... But, you see, we know it's there, but until It's a
vindicated, proves Its Light; then we have no right to argue against That, because It shuts all other
light out. Jesus said, "Let every man's word be a lie, and Mine be the Truth." His Word is superior
over all man's words, over all, anything. His Word is Light.


23 And we know that in the beginning it must have been foggy and dismal and dark, as the
world was turning, and when God knowed that He had a need of light. Now, His seed was already in
the earth, because He had planted it there. Now He needed light to bring forth that seed, to make that
seed live, because the seed was already there.
24 Just like it is in each age, God has foretold us what would take place in each age. The only thing
He needs is the manifestation of the Light of God upon that Scripture, to make it live for that age.
Just...?... And it will do it as long as the Light can get to the Word. If the Word is germitized, It'll
make it live if it's a promise for that day.
25 You might plant wheat at one time, or grain at another time. Some come slower than anothers,
because it depends on the season.
26 God's Word comes in season, the law and the grace, and so forth, as we've went on down
through the ages. And, each time, it's lit up by the manifestation of the Light spreading forth the--the
Life that's in the Seed.


27 By the Word of God, the sun shines today, because the very sun that we're enjoying is God's
Word made manifest. This very sunlight that we see outside is nothing but God's Word, when He
said, "Let there be light."
28 And what if He had said, "Let there be light," and there was no light? Then it wasn't God spoke.
When God says, "Let there be," there will be. And so we find out that the sun that we now are
enjoying is the manifestation of God's Word spoken in Genesis.
29 And we realize that God's Light of the day is His Son. The one was s-u-n; this one is S-o-n. S-
o-n is the Bible. He was... "In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word
was God." Hebrews 13:8, "He is the same yesterday, today, and forever." It's the Word of God,
always. It was Christ in Noah. It was Christ in Moses. It was Christ in David that looked up, as a
rejected king, upon the city; where, eight hundred years later, Christ set there weeping over a city,
being a rejected King, just like David was. It's always the Spirit of Christ. And the full manifestation
of God's Word was made known through Jesus Christ, the Spirit of God.


30 No life can come outside of light. Light produces; light produces life. There can be no life--
life outside of light, natural or spiritual. There must be.
31 And only Light can come by the Word of God. God's Word is the Light when It's manifested.
It's just a Seed laying here, as God planted all the seeds.

32 Our bodies was on the earth before the... well, well, before there was any light here, any life
here, or anything; the calcium, potash, petroleum, and cosmic light, whatever, it was here--was here
when God created the earth. It only taken His spoken Word to bring it into existence, just like it did
botany life, or tree life, what, or whatever life there is to be.


33 Nothing can live, natural or spiritual, without His Light, and His Word is Light and Life.
34 But when He sends His Light and makes It known to the people, and then It is rejected, then
what about that? That's what we want to talk about this morning, is: rejecting this Light, by them It's
sent to, rejects just like it was then. "Behold My servant, Whom I have delighted in." He's the Light
to the Gentiles. He's the Light to the world. He was the Light of the world, but He was rejected.
That's the sad part.
35 And it meets that condition every time that God manifests His Light, the world itself rejects that
light. Why? It's written right in the Bible. Each age, God has lotted so much of His Word for each
age, and He always sends somebody to manifest that Word.


36 Jesus had been prophesied for four thousand years, that He would come, Messiah. And when
He come, He manifested every promise of Messiah. But yet the people of the world, the churches,
and so forth, knowed nothing about Him, so, 'cause they had done got in some other thing that kept
them away from knowing This. Now what if a--a man just...
37 We'll take the natural part. What if a man, that is born here to walk in the light of that sun, what
God has created for him, and, the first thing you know, he shuts his eyes, runs into the basement,
closes the door, pulls down the shade, and just refuses to recognize the sun is a shining? He denies
its privileges. He denies its warming rays, its life-giving resource. He denies the light that it spreads
so he can see where he is going, where he come from. He denies that. What would you say to a man
that pulled down the shades, or run into the basement and closed all the light off, everywhere, and
just simply refused to recognize the sun was shining? There is something mentally wrong with that
person. Anyone knows that. A natural mind will tell you there is something wrong with that person,
that he is, he's--he's... Something has happened to him. He has lost his reasons.
38 Well, so is it in the hours that we live, when a man will cover himself up with some kind of a--
of a excuse, to actually recognize the Gospel Light as It's shining forth as It is today. When a man
deliberately turns away from It, goes into something and pulls down the curtain, say, "I don't believe
It," there is something wrong with that person. There is just no way of getting around it. There is
something wrong. Something has happened to him. And we find out that there is so, so much of that


78 And Einstein said, "There's only one sensible thing to say about the world. By faith we
understand that God framed the world together." See?
79 And the world, standing there in space, it had to come from somewhere. The science says it's a
piece of the sun. Then where did the sun come? See, you keep breaking it down, till finally you
come to a place that you have to find out, it had to have a beginning. See? "God created the heavens
and the earth," we're taught in the Bible. And how does it stand there in its space? It never moves.
You ain't...
80 You can't take an instrument... I have wore, from my Finnish, my meetings overseas, and
Switzerland, one of their best watches that was give me, while I was there. It's a really... I think, in
American money, it costs a hundred-fifty, two hundred dollars, maybe more. And yet that watch will
gain and lose, just in a few days. I took it to a jeweler. He said, "Well, we have nothing that keeps
perfect." See?

81 But the world does, perfectly, at its time. They can tell the eclipse of the sun and the moon,
many, many years apart, just to the minute. How it turns, and yet nothing holding it up.
82 Which is up and which is down? We don't know. Is the North Pole up, or the South Pole up?
We're in space. That's a paradox, isn't it? It cannot be explained. Anything that--that cannot be
explained like that, is simply a paradox. So we find out that it was a paradox for the world to--to be
in space. All right.
83 And time and seasons, how does it cross its seasons just the same time? How that, summer and
winter... How it leans, it's leaning backward. If it was up straight...


84 Now, we proved that, one time, it was up straight, as God said it was. Up, the British ice
fields, they can blast five-hundred-foot through that ice, there is palms, ferns, that showed it was
once a tropic. And now, see, it leans back. From the antediluvian destruction, it leaned it back. And I
believe, the very thing that they throwed it out of its cycle then, is ready to throw it back in its cycle


85 Man destroys himself by his knowledge. See? He never... God destroys nothing. Man... And
you... We can't. No matter what we--we can liquidate, we cannot annihilate. There's nothing. And
even far as the closest we have to annihilation, but you can't annihilate. When fires are burning,
that's gases breaking apart. It goes right back to its original condition again. You can't annihilate
nothing. Some people get so guilty till they want to--to take their body and have it burned, and blow
it to the seven winds of the seas. But that doesn't make any difference. Your... It isn't annihilated.
You can't annihilate. God created it. You can't tear down... You can--you can pervert or carry on, or
do other things, but you can't annihilate. God's the only One Who can annihilate. He's the creator.
He's the only One has a right to do it.


86 How it stands in space! So much we could say to that, take hours upon it. But we find out
here that Joshua, stopping the sun, now, that's a paradox.
87 I remember the time that my old father, he had no education, and I... He could just hardly sign
his name. But he used to say to me, he said, "You know, I never could believe that--that, but what
the sun turns, to the world."
And I said, "Well, I don't know, dad."
88 One day in high school, I know I was talking to the high school teacher there, of--of the Bible,
and--and I asked him this question about Joshua. He said, "The turning of the earth made the
gravitation, and the gravitation held the--the world up."
89 And I said, "Then, why then, (you teach the Bible), did Joshua command the--the sun to stand
90 He said, "God winked at his ignorance, see, and stopped the world."
91 I said, "You just got through telling me..." Now, he didn't believe in the miracles of God. See?
And he said... "You just got through telling me, 'If the world ever stopped, it would stop its
gravitation, then it would shoot like a comet through the air.' I said, "The Bible said that the world
stood still here for twenty-four hours." See? See?


92 It's a paradox. But, God did it, anyhow, (what?) by a man; not a god, not some great Angel
coming down from Heaven; a man, with faith in the mission that he was given, to take that land. The
Word of God was behind it, "I give you this land. And everywhere the soles of your foot shall set
upon, that I give you. It's yours." Footsteps meant possession. And the sun is what...
93 The--the achievement he was trying to do! See? His enemy was routed, and he knew, if the sun
ever set, them kings would get together and they'd come back upon him with double forces. So, the
sun was going down, and Joshua, a man, commanded to do this. Said, "Sun, stand still."


94 Whatever God did, I don't know. But the sun stood still, the moon over Ajalon, because a
man, a human being, a human being was in the line of duty. In the line of duty, he commanded the
sun to stand still. And if we're Christians, we have to believe This to be the infallible Word of God,
everywhere. He stopped the world, stopped the sun. Whatever He did, it stood still for twenty-four
hours. I believe it.
95 Jesus said, in Saint Mark 11:22, "If you say to this mountain, 'Be moved,' and don't doubt in
your heart, but believe that what you said will come to pass, you can have what you said."

After this current life scenario is over, there will be a continuation of this life which will
undoubtedly raise another question, “What is the meaning of this life?” for this life as we know it
now will be erased from our memory totally lest we remember and pine the loss of our loved ones
who didn’t repent and overcome; whose names were not among the number saved.

JEFF.IN V-3 N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0802
295 Just as God created the earth in six days, made the earth in six days, or six thousand years.
As he said, "Be not ignorant," we read in the Scripture, "one thousand years is one day."
296 And Christ has gone and is preparing a Place, that's been on its construction for many, many
thousands of years, preparing a Place. "And if I go and prepare a Place, I will come again, and
receive you; that wherever I am, there you may be also." Notice the Redeemer and the Redeemed!

JEFF.IN V-3 N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0802
297 Wish we had time now. I got marked here, Solomon quoting, "this girl, the Bride." Oh, we
just have to omit it; it's getting too late, see. I'll get it, again. "When he tries to get her, but she's
engaged to a shepherd boy." Some probably thought that was a song he sang. Oh, no. Solomon was
the throne inherit of David, on earth, but showed that kingdom had to pass away. It was a type of
Christ in love with the Bride. See?

JEFF.IN V-3 N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0802
298 Notice that Jesus said, John 14 now, "go and prepare a Place."
299 Oh, what will it look like? Did you ever think now, Bride, what it will look like? It is prepared
and designed by the Divine Architect. What will that City look like? Now, we're going to talk about
it for a few minutes. The Divine Architect has prepared it, designed it. And, look, He has designed it
with tender hands, for His beloved Bride. What's it going to look like?
300 Could you imagine a man marrying a wife, that's able, how he builds and puts every little
thing just exactly to her touch, just what she would like? Amen.

JEFF.IN V-3 N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0802
301 Now, the Divine Architect has designed the New City, where He will live with His Bride,
just to Her touch. No wonder the apostle said, "Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, or neither has
ever entered the heart of man." Let's see if we can probe into it just for a moment, see what it's going
to look like.

302 The Divine Architect has designed this for His Beloved. See? Oh, what a place it must be,
when, Divine Nature, a Divine Architect has designed it for a Divine attribute that's been Divinely
predestinated by a Divine God Who--Who is the author of Divine Life! What will that City look
like! Think of it.

JEFF.IN V-3 N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0802
303 Remember, it's not Heaven. John say, "I saw it coming down out of Heaven." It's to be on
earth. See?
304 Not this earth is going to pass away; it's a redeemed earth. God didn't say He was going to
raise up a new generation; He is going to redeem the one that's here. He ain't going to raise up a new
generation; He redeems the one that's already here. He ain't going to make no new world; it's this one
right here. He's just going to burn it off, cleanse it, like He did you. His plans must forever remain.
Now, look, it's going to be.

JEFF.IN V-3 N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0802
305 Remember, it's going not to be Heaven. "It comes down from Heaven." It's a dwelling
Place, a Place to dwell in, to take up His abode. Like, it was John, on the isle of Patmos, here in
Revelation 21, he saw it "descending." John saw the City, "descending from Heaven," like a dove,
like he seen.
306 Here come God, down upon His earthly tabernacle, Jesus, in the... "descending out of
Heaven." Jesus was baptized, went straightway...
307 When He met the prophet! "The Word comes to the prophet." And He was the Word. And the
prophet was standing there, denying all their denomination, everything. And, when he seen the
Word, the Word come right to him.
308 And the prophet was so shocked, he said, "I have need to be baptized of Thee. Why comest
Thou to me?"
309 He said, "Suffer it to be so, for thus it is becoming to us (we know the message) to fulfill all
righteousness. I am the Sacrifice; It must be washed." He suffered him.

JEFF.IN V-3 N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0802
310 When He went up out of the water, he said, "I saw heavens open." The prophet saw it. He
saw the heavens open.
311 And here come, descending out of Heaven, a form of a Dove; and a Voice, saying, "This is
My part of the earth that I have redeemed, and from this part of the earth I will redeem the rest of it,
for He is My Word made manifest." "And the whole world, I spoke it into existence by My Word,"
Hebrews 11. "And Satan has held it all this time, but I've come to redeem it. So much of it has made
His body, and I'm coming to dwell in it."

JEFF.IN V-3 N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0802
312 John said, "I saw the holy City, the New Jerusalem descending out of Heaven, as a Bride
adorned for her Husband." And where did it settle on? Just exactly like it did on there; upon the
313 Jesus was part of that earth that the Holy Ghost descended upon, (is that right?) and remained
upon Him forever. It never can leave Him. It's always there. He and God are One. Always has to
314 And so John saw the holy City, the New Jerusalem, descending like a comet, or a--a dove,
coming down out of Heaven and settling upon a redeemed, entire earth, (to do what?) to claim every
attribute that He made the earth for. Every man that was represented in the Eternity, and every
woman, is redeemed then. She has been scoured and burned by Fire.
315 Jesus, in His fiery temptations in the wilderness, for forty days. After that, notice, it was ready
for His ministry then.

JEFF.IN V-3 N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0802
316 Think of it, the Holy Ghost descending upon earth, Jesus, and that holy Blood! Now watch,
and I hope I don't go too deep for you, see. The holy Blood that was created by God; the Blood, the
Life, the creation of God. "Jesus was the beginning of the creation of God." Oh! You see it? God,
made in creation. He was Spirit. The Bible said, "He is the beginning of the creation of God." How
did He begin? In the wombs of a woman. Which is what? The woman is not...
317 Like how them blind people can't see the serpent's "seed" right here. See? Eve was put here on
the earth, and, before Satan ever touched her, or anything else, God said to them, "Multiply and
replenish the earth." That's right, but Satan comes in here. And, if that was Adam's son, then where...
318 Adam was a direct descent from God. And you only take the nature of your parent.
319 And when you're born again, you take the Nature of your Parent, of Heaven. And your Parent
of Heaven is the attribute of the Word... Or, the Word is the attribute of your Parent. Then, how can
you deny It, for a denomination? My!
I hope you don't miss this. I know it's from God.

JEFF.IN V-3 N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0802
320 Jesus. Here He comes, descending; and there was Jesus, the attribute of God.
321 Now, "the woman," she. Watch. God said, "Because they did this," said, "I'll put enmity
between your Seed and the serpent's seed." Is that right? And the woman don't have any seed. Did
you ever think of that? She has a field, not a seed. See, the serpent had already placed his "seed"
322 Then, if the woman doesn't have a seed, she has to remain to have a Seed.

JEFF.IN V-3 N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0802
323 You see, through the sexual intercourse here, had brought from Satan, the serpent, which
was not a reptile; had legs, 'cause his legs went off of him. He was the most subtle, the only beast
that would--would co-ordinate with the woman.
324 A beast's seed won't do it now, and nothing else. They've tried. It won't work. See, the seed
life out of a male won't go into a female woman. It won't do it.

JEFF.IN V-3 N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0802
325 But that was the closest thing. See, they can't find that specie between a chimpanzee and a
man. See, each one, as it's evoluted up, from the birds, and on up to monkeys, and so forth, up to
chimpanzee, then there's a "lost." That was the serpent, not a snake; every form is lost from him,
because he was cursed.
326 Now, God didn't curse Adam; he might have done the same thing, but He cursed the earth,
"thorns and thistles."
327 He didn't curse Eve, but said Adam would be her "ruler." From now on, she ain't trying any
preaching or anything, Adam is her ruler. "And all the days of your life, and in sorrow, and you'll
bring your life into the earth." But He said, "I'll put enmity between your Seed..."
328 Now, she didn't have any seed, she never did have, so, she had to receive a Seed from some
way. God gave her a Seed, not by sexual intercourse, but by creation.
329 Can't you blind people see that's the "seed" of the serpent? Oh, my! Satan got there before
Adam; that was the "seed."
330 But she received a Seed. What was it? God Himself. "He was the beginning of the creation of

JEFF.IN V-3 N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0802
331 Now look when Seth was born, or Abel, he was a just man, from his father. Seth is the same
332 Where did that evil fellow come from; murderer, liar? See, see where it come from? It had to
be a "seed," because he was a seed; Cain was a man.
333 Oh, where is them blind people at? "God of this world has blinded them." Well, no wonder,
Jesus said no man can see it. You see?
You say, "Why don't they see it?"
334 Jesus said one time, to His disciple, "It's given to you to know the Kingdom of God, but not to

JEFF.IN V-3 N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0802
335 And that's the reason you come from fifteen hundred miles square, see, "It's given to you to
know the Kingdom." Look, fellows come even from South Africa and around, this late hour when
the Bride is made up to go into the Kingdom.
I just don't have enough time. Notice. Watch now, see.
336 Now can you see the serpent's "seed" there, see how he done it? It's perfect, see. Now some of
them said...
337 Now, like that guy in Tucson the other day, trying... Ah, he may listen to this tape. But, if it is,
man, I want to tell you something.
338 When he said, "Eve said," here is where they go to, "'I have gotten a son from the Lord, or a
man from the Lord.'" Why, certainly. God has a law.

JEFF.IN V-3 N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0802
339 Look, you take a seed and plant it out here in a field where there's wheat, and you plant
briars out there. I don't care, the same sun and the same rain brings that seed to life. God has a law,
and that law cannot be broken.
340 I don't care if a--if a... the orneriest woman in the town and the orneriest man, and unmarried
and everything, would have an--an affair, and live together and bring forth a child; that child would
have to come by the law of God, 'cause there's no other way. If you don't, you make Satan a creator,
and then he's a god. Oh, how blind can you be! See, God's law, certainly.
341 If you ever got a baby, I don't care if it was Esau, Jacob, whoever it was, or any ill-famed
person, if it was Judas, it had to come by God. God has a law.

JEFF.IN V-3 N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0802
342 The Bible said, "The sun shines on the just and the unjust; the rain falls on the just and
un-..." Hebrews the 6th chapter, and it says that, "The--the rain cometh oft upon the earth, to water it,
and prepare it for what it's dressed, you know, to make living; but thorns and thistles live by the
same water, same sunshine." For, it's a law of God, to ripen every seed, to make every seed produce
343 So, it had to produce the serpent's "seed." And it never--never hindered God; it fulfilled His
complete plan, it made Him a Redeemer. Any blind ought almost see that, unless it's hid. "The god
of the world" has hid it from you. It's just as plain as anything you can see. There you are. There is
your serpent's "seed." Now notice.
But, "Jesus was the beginning of the creation of God."

JEFF.IN V-3 N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0802
344 Now what does the woman do? When, the germ comes from the male sex. Now deny that?
The woman has no life in her, at all. She only has a little egg, which is a field out here.
345 Like you took a field and disc it all up, and--and put a spray on it, and spray all the germs out
of it. And not--not even grass or nothing could grow in it; and then you fertilize again, sow some
good seed in there. If the enemy comes and sows some other seed, the same law of God will ripen
both seeds.
346 Well, God wasn't intending for that to be, see. But what happened?

JEFF.IN V-3 N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0802
347 See, the sperm from the male carries the hemoglobin, which is the blood. In the blood is the
life. And if you ever... I've watched it, in hybreeding cattle and things like that. Brother Shakarian
and I taken it through, and the doctors and so forth, watching how it goes through, the chemists. See?
Then here comes the sperm from the female, which is a bunch of eggs. Here comes the sperm from
the male, which is a bunch of germs.
348 This hasn't got a bit of germ in it. It's only a by-product of the man. That's how she got here, in
the first place, and she's only a field. There's a egg; it's got the fertile ground for this life. And this
life moves in and crawls. There is a mystery, how that...

JEFF.IN V-3 N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0802
349 "Maybe," you say, "well, the first one meets. The rest of them dies." Well, how, who
determines it? "Well, the first one." Will it be the one in front; the first egg in front, and the first
germ? No, no.
350 It might be one egg; plumb back, in the back, in the middle of the sperm, will come up a germ
and go meet it. Shows that some intelligence determines whether it's going to be red-headed, black-
headed; whether it's going to be little, big; male or female. See? You can't, you can't do nothing else
about it; it won't work. You can mix them together, and everything, it won't make a bit of difference.
God determines it. And after a while, one little germ will crawl into that field, egg. What has a little
tail, like, on it, twisting around; drops off, and there starts the spine of the baby.

JEFF.IN V-3 N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0802
351 What is she then? She has no seed. She has a field to receive the seed. So the...
352 See, the enemy went forth. While the good sower went forth, sowing good Seed; and the
enemy come behind him, sowing corrupt seed. "But the rain falls on the just and the unjust; the sun."
It all has to grow.
353 Jesus said, "Let them grow together. At that day they'll be bundled, the tares." And they're
bundling now, in big organizations; going to the big bundle, World Council of Churches. And what
was the end? Is to be burned. But the grain is to be take to the garner. See? Where, they both live by
the same thing, the same water, the same rain.

JEFF.IN V-3 N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0802

354 A citrus tree, that's a--that's a orange tree, will bear, will have to; will bring forth on it, if it's
grafted into it, a pomegranate. It'll bring forth a lemon. It'll bring forth a grapefruit. See? But it won't
be an orange, but it's living off the same life that the orange tree is producing.
355 Denominations have been injected into the Vine. Because, if they claim "Christians," they live
by it. Caiaphas was; you know what he was, and yet he even prophesied. See? See, they live by it.
356 Oh, I wish we could have a week, that we could just study this thing out, and make it so clear
you--you can't miss seeing it. Now I'm going to omit some of these things.

JEFF.IN V-3 N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0802
357 Now watch. Look, them hands designed this for His Beloved Bride, designs in tenderly love
for His Bride.
358 Remember that the Holy Ghost descended on Jesus, which, Jesus was a part of the earth.
Why? The germ of God, the Life of God, was designed in the womb of a woman (that right?), which
was the earth. All right. And then the Life of God came in, so, "He was the beginning of the creation
of God." See? And then that Blood of God, that was there by that germ; when it was shed at Calvary,
dropped back upon the earth. What for? To redeem the earth. Now, it's been justified; it's been
sanctified; called, and claimed; and now it's to receive its baptism of Fire, and be cleansed for Jesus
and His Bride.
359 And you are these other parts that's drawed out of this earth. The earth, you're a part of the
earth; your body. Your soul is part of God, a attribute of God, displayed here on earth in a body. The
body is to be redeemed.
360 Now, the soul is redeemed, because it was in sin. So God come down, by a process of
justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost, and redeemed your soul.

JEFF.IN V-3 N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0802
361 And you, being part of the earth, it's redeemed by it. You're in the process now. It's growing
on. Your body was justified under Noah's baptism. Amen! And, your flesh, when It dropped upon
there. And the earth is to be cleansed by Fire, the place where you'll live, with the baptism of the
Holy Ghost; a dwelling Place for Christ and His Bride, the New Jerusalem.

JEFF.IN V-3 N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0802
362 Watch this City; earth, take up its abode on earth. Now you can plainly see as I said, the...
this change, the earth must be changed. It cannot have It like this. The church could not go... Or, the
world could not go right on, after the Millennium, without being changed. See? To have such a Place
in it, it'll have to be changed.
363 Just like, we must be changed by His holy Fire, to condition and make a place for Him to be
contained within us; that is, the Holy Ghost.

JEFF.IN V-3 N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0802
364 Notice now, there will be plenty of room in the New Earth. Uh-huh. See, plenty of room!
It'll be renovated, that's true, by Fire, but there'll be no more sea. Notice, the City is fifteen hundred
miles square.
365 Now listen real close while we draw these dimensions. I want to erase the blackboard, just a
moment. [Brother Branham erases his previous illustrations--Ed.]
366 Here is a deep revelation from God. Here, I'll just stop here. None of these other... I'll bring the
rest of this up, the Lord willing.

JEFF.IN V-3 N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0802
367 Notice now the earth is... Well, you turn over into the Book of Revelations, you can see how
he measured it by the cubits and by the furlongs. Twenty-three hundred... So now we find out that
the--the City is measured, "fifteen hundred miles" square.
368 You know how far that would reach? I measured it off, this week. It would reach from Maine
to Florida, and from the eastern seaboard to six hundred miles apast, west of the Mississippi. In other
words, half of the United States, just for the City.
You say, "There ain't no room."

JEFF.IN V-3 N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0802
369 When the sea is gone there will be, 'cause pretty near four fifths of it's in water. That right?
The explosion dries up the sea, erupts the earth. Oh, my! Remember, fifteen hundred miles square,
what a City! And, but, remember, the sea is gone.

370 "And the breadth and the height are the same." That would make it fifteen hundred miles this
way, fifteen hundred miles that way; fifteen hundred miles; the length by the breadth by the height.
Fifteen hundred miles, think of it, transparent gold. And the City had a wall around it.

JEFF.IN V-3 N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0802
371 Now, now, that doesn't necessary mean, by being equal... It said, "And the walls and the
foundation were equal," that doesn't necessary mean that it's a cube or square. There is another
geographical measure, that the dimensions are the same, that is, a pyramid. Foursquare, "lieth
foursquare," and the walls were the same.

JEFF.IN V-3 N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0802
372 Let me draw it. [Brother Branham draws illustrations on the blackboard--Ed.] See: length,
breadth, height. We're going to get into something, as sure as the world. See? Notice, the dimensions
of this angle is exactly the same, all of them, length by the--by the height. There is another measure,
the pyramid, that proves it.
373 This, being this a way, would answer exactly Enoch's sign in Egypt, the pyramid. Would it?
Enoch, before the antediluvian destruction, when justification was coming in, he brought forth a
sign, and in this pyramid is seven steps going to the king's chamber. Watch on the seventh step, if
you ever studied the dimensions of the pyramid, what comes out to take the oncomer, to introduce to
the king. Watch whose station that is standing there, and you'll see the day you're living, in the

JEFF.IN V-3 N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0802
374 Now, God made three Bibles. Now, there's a pyramid teaching that's nonsense, but there's a
genuine pyramid. See? Notice. Now, God, first Bible... He made three. There have to be everything
in a three.
375 Jesus comes three times. Come, once, to redeem His Bride; next time, to get His Bride; next
time, with His Bride. See?

JEFF.IN V-3 N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0802

376 Now notice how beautiful. See? And in this pyramid was seven steps, and then the king's
chamber. And we're in the seventh church age, before the King takes His Throne. And, remember,
the pyramid never did have a capstone on it.

JEFF.IN V-3 N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0802
377 God's first Bible was in the skies, the Zodiac; it starts off and runs every age. The first,
beginning of the Zodiac, is a virgin; that's how He come, first. The last figure in the Zodiac is Leo
the lion; the Second Coming. Just before there is a crossed fishes, which is the cancer age; that we're
living in now.
378 There was a pyramid after that, Enoch, which testified exactly. We wouldn't have time to go
into it, but, someday, by God's help, I'll show you, just exactly draws the dimension of the hour
we're living. See?
379 Notice, but this geographical measure now that we have, who dimensions are the same, doesn't
necessary mean that it has to be a--a cube. Notice, this would answer Egypt's... or the Enoch's sign in

JEFF.IN V-3 N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0802
380 In the earth's time of purifying, by its baptism of Fire, there will be volcanic, such as this
earth exploding, and will push up a pyramid-like Mountain. See? Plenty of room to do it! This whole
thing will be changed. The whole surface will be changed. You got it? It'll push up a pyramid-like

The testimony of a Christian in his journey


1 ¶ There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk
not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.
2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin
and death.
3 For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his
own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh:
4 That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh,
but after the Spirit.
5 For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after
the Spirit the things of the Spirit.
6 For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God,
neither indeed can be.
8 So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.
9 But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you.
Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.
10 ¶ And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because
of righteousness.
11 But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up
Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in
12 Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh.

13 For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds
of the body, ye shall live.
14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
15 For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the
Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.
16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:
17 ¶ And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we
suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.
18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with
the glory which shall be revealed in us.
19 For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of

20 For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who
hath subjected the same in hope,

21 Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into
the glorious liberty of the children of God.
22 For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.
23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we
ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our
24 For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why
doth he yet hope for?
25 But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.
26 ¶ Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray
for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which
cannot be uttered.
27 And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he
maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.
28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who
are the called according to his purpose.
29 ¶ For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of
his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.
30 Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he
also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.
31 ¶ What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?
32 He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with
him also freely give us all things?
33 Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect? It is God that justifieth.
34 Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is
even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.
35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or
persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?
36 As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for
the slaughter.
37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.
38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor
powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love
of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
I hope that you understood what I was trying to express and that it made sense to you. I dare say you
will certainly find worse answers to the question I have attempted to answer. Should you require
further discourse on this or another subject, please feel free to contact me. All I ask is that you
remain sincere, polite and respect my views as I will yours. I CORINTHIANS 11:16 But if any man
seem to be contentious, we have no such custom, neither the churches of God. The Word is my
absolute alone. Contact me via [].


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