Choose The Best Answer To Complete The Sentence. Pilih Jawapan Yang Terbaik Untuk Melengkapkan Ayat Berikut

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[20 marks]

Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat berikut.

1. My mother buys groceries at the___________. 4. A caterpillar will turn into a __________.

A market C restaurant A butterfly

B bookshop D post office B mosquito

2. The leatherback turtle _________ back C dragonfly

into the sea after laying eggs. D grasshopper

A hops C crawls 5. The carpenter hits the nail into the

B flies D slithers wooden plank with a ____________.

3. When Mr .Ravi's house was robbed, he quickly A wrench

called the________________. B spanner

A doctor C hammer

B police D screwdriver

C ambulance

D firefighters

Choose the most suitable proverb.

Pilih peribahasa yang paling sesuai.

6. My neighbour fixed my bicycle so I helped him to point his house.

As the saying goes ________________________.

A look before you leap

B charity begins at home

C a stitch in time saves nine

D one good turn deserves another

Question 7 to 9

Choose the best answer for each blank

Pilih jawapan terbaik untuk setiap tempat kosong.

Tiara and her mother went to town yesterday. First, they went to the wet

market and (1) _________________ fresh fish, fruit, and vegetables. Then,

they had breakfast (2)______________ a cofffee shop. Both of them ordered

nasi lemak. Next to the coffee shop was a bookshop. Tiara needed some

stationery so they went into (3) ______________bookshop.

7. A buy B buys C bought D buying

8. A at B by C on D to

9. A -- B a C an D the

Question 10

Choose the word that has the same meaning as the underlined word.

10. That man is the creator of the latest smartphone.

A planner B director C inventor D contractor

Question 11

Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

Pilih ayat dengan tandabaca yang betul.

11. A The dictionary cost RM 15.00 after a discount.

B The dictionary cost RM 15.00 after a discount.

C The dictionary cost RM 15.00 after a discount.

D The Dictionary cost RM 15.00 after a discount.

Question 12 to 15

Look at the picture and choose the best answer.

Lihat gambar dan pilih jawapan yang terbaik.

It was the end-of-year school holiday. Nurin and her family had just come home from
avacation. They were shocked to see the front (12)______________of their house opened.
The living room was (13)_________________! Cushions were scattered and
(14)___________were pulled out. A few electricalitems such as the TV set, the radio, and the
computer were (15)______________. Nurin's father calledthe police to inform them about the

12 . A gate B door C roof D window

13 . A tidy B clean C messy D vacant

14. A drawers B shelves C curtains D cupboards

15. A sold B broken C missing D forgotten

Question 16-20

Read the dialogue and answer the questions that follows.

Baca dialog di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

Sameer : Wendy's house was broken into last weekend.

Eng Kiat : Really? How do you know?

Sameer : I called her to ask why she was absent yesterday, and she told me the

Aishah : I'm sorry to hear that! Was she or any of her family members hurt?

Sameer : Luckily, no. They were on a holiday during the long weekend. They were
terribly shocked, seeing the house in a mess when they came home

Eng Kiat : I wonder how the burglars got in.

Sameer : A few police officers came to her house yesterday to investigate. They
found that the kitchen door was damaged.

Aishah : Is there anything missing?

Sameer : Yes, the microwave oven, the TV set and her father's laptop. They also
went into the master bedroom and took all the jewellery.

Aishah : Let's collect donations from the rest of the class to help Wendy.

Eng Kiat : Yes, that's a good idea.

1. Whose house was broken into? 2. Whom did they inform about the break-in?

A Aishah A The police

B Sameer B The hospital

C Wendy C Their neighbour

D Eng Kiat D The fire brigade

3. How did the burglars get into the house?

A They climbed in through the roof.

B They went through the front door.

C They broke a window and climbed in.

D They broke the locks on the kitchen door.

4. Wendy's family was shocked when they came home after a holiday. Why?

A The front door was opened.

B The police was at their house.

C Their house was being ransacked.

D The kitchen was badly damaged.

5. Choose the correct statement about the burglary.

A The police managed to catch the burglars.

B The pupils will help out by collecting donations.

C Sameer witnessed the burglary and informed Wendy.

D Wendy's family was in the house during the burglary.


[30 marks]

Question 21

Based on the given pictures, give the correct answers in full sentences. Write your answers in
the space provided.

Berdasarkan gambar-gambar , berikan jawapan dalam ayat yang penuh. Tuliskan jawapan di
tempat yang disediakan.

(a) Answer :


(2 marks)

(b) Answer :



(2 marks)

(c) Answer :



(2 marks)

Question 22

Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

Baca cerita di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

A long, long time ago, there was a Chinese emperor who had no children. As he
was getting old, he decided to appoint a successor to the throne from his own people.

One day, he announced that there would be a great contest for all the young men
in the kingdom; in which the winner would become the new emperor. As the emperor
loved gardening, he decided to give flower seeds to the young men throughout the
kingdom. The person who could grow the most beautiful plant would replace him.

After that, seeds were given to all the young men in the kingdom. They went
home and began to plant their seeds. They watered and nurtured the seeds with great
care. When the day of the deadline arrived, all the contestants lined up to show the
emperor the flowers that had grown from the seeds they were given.

The emperor walked from one man to another, and frowned. Then, he stopped at
a young man with an empty pot. The man hung his head low, ashamed of himself for not
having been able to grow even a single leaf. But the emperor smiled broadly and
announced, This is your new emperor!"

Everybody was shocked when they heard this. They began to question the
emperor's decision. "On the first day of the contest, all of you were actually given boiled
seeds. It is impossible to grow flowers from boiled seeds. This young man is the only
honest person in China, and therefore worthy of becoming the next emperor."

Tick ( √ ) the correct answer.

(a) The person who could_would be chosen as the new emperor.

make the most beautiful pot

grow the most beautiful flower
present the most expensive flower

[ 1 mark ]

(b) The most suitable proverb for the story is ____________________.

Practice makes perfect
Honesty is the best policy
Two wrongs don't make a right

[ 1 mark ]

Write your answer in the space provided.

(c) Why did the emperor choose the yc/ung man with the empty pot as the new emperor?



[ 2 marks ]

(d) In your opinion, how did the other contestants manage to grow flowers from the seeds

given by the emperor?



[ 2 marks ]

(e) Do you think it was correct for the young man to present an empty pot to the king? Why?

Give reasons for your answer.



The Pangolin
[ 2 marks ]
Malay name : Pengguling

Habitat : In swamps and rainforest of Southeast Asia

Question 23 : Yellowish brown

Food : Termites and ants

Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.
Baca petikan di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan berikutnya.

Descriptions :
Scaly armour along the back, fur and underbelly
Long, slippery tongue
Has four paws with five toes
The forelegs have three claws on each paw
Can run fast and swim
Curls up when attacked

Question 22

Tick (  ) the correct answer.

(a) Where can the pangolin be found?

The treetops of the Malaysian and Indonesian rainforest

Pahang National Forest Reserve
In swamps and rainforest of Southeast Asia

[1 mark]
(b) The pangolin eats……………………………………

Termites and ants

Fruits and various parts of plants
Canned food

[1 mark]

Write your answers in the spaces provided.

(c) How does a pangolin get its food?


[2 marks]

(d) Where does the pangolin sleep?



[2 marks]

( e ) Why does the pangolin curl up when attacked?



[2 marks]

Date : 5 March

Time : 8.30 a.m. - 6.30 p.m.

Place : School compound

Items on sale:

• Nuggets and fries • Fruit juices

• Sandwiches and puffs • Flavoured milkshakes

• Burgers and hot dogs • Fresh cut fruit

Question 24cupcakes,
• Cookies, and 25 tarts • Ice cream in cones and popsicles

• All proceeds
the noticewill
the dialogue
to Sri Melati
Then, answer the questions that follow.

• All pengumuman
Baca kinds of donations are welcomed
dan baca - clothes,
dialog di bawah danbooks,
jawab stationery, toys,yang
soalan-soalan foodberikutnya.
items, etc

Your support in making this event a success is highly appreciated. Thank you.

Madam Tham SK Taman Sri Melati

Fund-raising Fair
The Headmistress
SK Taman Sri Melati
Emily : Mum, my school will be having a fund-raising fair this Sunday. The school wants to
raise funds for the community's orphanage.

Mother: That's a good cause, dear. Does your class have to sell anything on that day?

Emily : Yes, Mum. We've decided to sell cookies, cupcakes, and cheese tarts. Shahir's mother
has a bakery in town. She has agreed to help us out.

Mother: That's very kind of Puan Marina. Her cookies and cupcakes are delicious.

Emily : Mum, I was thinking of donating some of my unused clothes to the orphanage.

Mother: Yes, that's a good idea!

Tick ( √ ) the correct answer.

24. (a) What is the main purpose of the fund-raising fair?

To spend time with the orphans

To raise funds for an orphanage
To collect items for an orphanage

[ 2 marks ]
(b) What will Emily and her classmates sell at the fund-raising fair?


[ 2 marks ]

25. Write your answer in the space provided.

(a) List two other things that you can donate to the orphanage.

(i) ______________________________________________________________

(ii) ______________________________________________________________

[ 2 marks ]

(c) Besides donating things, what else can we do to help the orphans?

Suggest what you would do and give reasons to support your suggestion.



[ 2 marks ]


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