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Connecting Social Media To e-commerce: Cold-Start Product

Prof .Prajwal Gaikwad, Priyanka Hajare, Rutuja Nigade, Gayatri Kapadi, Priyanka Retwade,,,,
Department of computer

ABSTRACT preference to the newly login purchase user’s than the old
In the recent years, social networking websites are not much users on e-commerce websites.
in used for taking benefits for e-commerce websites. Many e-
commerce related or product purchase websites uses the
concept of login with social networking sites. In e-commerce 2. Literature Survey
there is a webpage called microblogs in which e-commerce’s 1] sui,Li,Yulan He[1], ], In this paper, we study the problem
users add the purchase this paper, the purchase of recommendation to newly login users on e-commerce
system gives solution to the newly login user on e-commerce websites which has not historical data about their purchases.
which does not having any microblog related information at In this paper we study how to make use of user’s features on
all. Such users or problem called as cross-site cold start one website as features on one website as features on another
product recommendation our purpose system, the and use it to give proper recommendation to the user.
product recommendation is given as per the user’s
do this ,their is need to extract such a knowledge from social 2] J. Wang & Y. Zhang [2],in this paper we study that giving
networking site which gives you knowledge about interest of recommendation to the user is important but at the same time
the user’s such as profile information, demographic recommendation at proper time is also important .suppose a
information, their network related information and many user just purchased a laptop .after 2 years,her laptop’s battery
more. And this knowledge is used to give relevant get fail,she may purchase new replacement battery or new
recommendation to newly login users. This propose system laptop .recommendation of product is giving after she
also having one more feature is that ,to link the users from e- purchased the new laptop is not the right way.this will hurt the
commerce & social networking websites as bridge between user’ssatisfaction of the recommender system.hence proper
them, to map users feature to another feature representation.. recommendation along with at right time is also important.

3] M. Giering [3], this paper gives an idea about how product

is recommended in retail sales hence this model make an use
General Terms of demographic attributes for accurately modelling the sales
E-commerce, social network, LDA and Sentimental Analysis,
Clustering. of each customer type .in this attribute various factors of
user’s like age,gender,interestfeild and many more help to
Keywords recommend the product . in this papar ,details of system
E-commerce, demographic attribute, recommendation implementation and issues that arising are also discussed.
system, micro blogging data
4]G.Linden ,B.Smith,&J.York[4],in this paper
,recommendation algorithms are used to provide relevant
recommendation to the users as per provided input of
1. INTRODUCTION customer’s many e-commmercesites,we use
In most of the field,the recommendation system is used which
recommendation algorithms to personalise the online store for
is having an aim to provide relevant recommendation to the
each customer.there are three common approaches to solving
respective user from the available information about that user
the recommendation problem like traditional collaborative
.this system mainly used in e-commerce whether prediction
filtering ,cluster models,search-based methods comparative
,healthcare system etc. In traditional system,users preferred
study of these methods are given in this paper.
offline shopping instead of online shopping ,newly
recommendation system giving importance to the user’s
5]V.A.Zeithaml[5],in this paper,we study that more
interest accordingly relevant recommendation is giving to the
importance is giving on demographics attributes in which
users on online shopping this,proposesystem,giving
large document split into number of fragment for grocery

Volume: 3 Issue: 2 April - 2018 70

products for providing proper recommendation .it split
documents and considering age,maritalstatus,gender and
relation between them,such like different aspects at
demographic attributes.

6]W.X.Zhao,Y.Guo,Y.He,H.Jiang,Y.Wu and X.Li[6],in this

paper ,we study that system develop the great product
recommendation system called METIS,a merchant
intelligence recommender system ,which extracted user
related demographic attributes ,user profile and online review
.hence as interactivity of e-commerce user’s are increasing
more and more recommendation system is working.

7]Jinpeng Wang1,Wayne Xin Zhao [7], from the paper

,product related information is extracted .the review about
productsfrom review document is extracted ,for this purpose
Fig 1: Architecture of Proposed Work
different approaches like bootstrap ,weighted matrix
factorization method is used.

8]Aurania Seroussi,FabianBohneft[8],in recent paper personal 4. Implementation

recommendation plays vital role in recommendation Module Description:
system,for this purpose rating prediction algorithm based on
matrix facterization is used,this algorithm provide easy and 1.Product Recommendation Module
accurate functionality for rating prediction ,user account and
their related attributes are also taken into consideration. 2.Product Embedding Module

9]TomasMikolov[9],in this paper,machin learning algorithms 3.User Embedding Module

plays vital role ,as input to this algorithm is document .here e-
4.Heterogenous Representation Mapping Module
commerce related product words used with text classification
methods and sentimental analysis for proper recommendation
Product Recommendation Module:
in many applications.
The problem in which newly login users on e-commerce
website who do not gets proper recommendation to social
3. Proposed System networking websites is called cross-site cold-start
The system proposes to connect the social media to e- recommendation problem. Although recommendation is
commerce websites to map the users on social network
feature to developed e-commerce websites for product provided to the e-commerce users is mainly used in many
recommendation. In specific, the data is gathered from the cases, but on historical basis is the main utility of e-commerce
e-commerce websites using neural networks. By using websites.Also linked users between social networking and e-
demographic attributes, network attributes, text attributes
commerce websites, bridging between them is the new
and temporal attributes, etc. social media recommend the
specific product to specific user. concept to get feature maps between them. In specific, system
take both users and product related recurrent neural network
related data and then apply a boosting method to transfer
features between them. We then develop a featured based
which extract important feature or leverage information to
solve a given problem.

Product Embedding Module:

Given a set of different symbols, with their fixed length of any

symbol are going to be embedded. This symbols are used to
learn latent space by exploiting much information for given
problem. In which similarity between symbols plays

Volume: 3 Issue: 2 April - 2018 71

important role. We can use product ID in word token and
historical purchase data in timestamp fashion plays important
role in recommendation on timely basis with learning product
embedding. Also user historical purchases can be naturally

User Embedding Module: for k = 0 K – 1 do

In user embedding we have to find out relationship between p(z=k|.)=(nd,k+αk)

user and there product purchased from e-commerce websites end
for product recommendation. Purchased history consist of
product ID in word token can be in sequence as per historical Topic  sample from p(z|.)
timestamp. User ID and product ID make as a combine z[i] topic.
sentence for learning process. In user embedding context, it nk,topic+=1;nword,topic+=1;ntopic+=1
shows user personalised products purchase preference,
secondly surrounding product purchase context is used to return z, nd,k ,nk,w ,nk
captured pattern among users. In traditional system, instead of end
user preference more weightage is given to sequential context }
for better recommendation result.
Heterogenous Representation Mapping Module: Algorithm Sentimental_Analysis(C,S)
To use microblogging features, vector au from microblog and Input:Preprocessed comment
Output: Comment categorized as positive negative or neutral.
vu of distributed representation of e-commerce websites is
overallPol: Polarity of the whole comment.
used. So, in cold-start product recommendation problem we sentPol: Polarity of the sentence within the comment.
only consider au microblog data, as e-commerce purchase POS: Part of Speech of the word.
history is absent for newly login users u. The key idea is to BEGIN
map the features of vector au to distributed representation vu. overallPol = 0
Specifically we construct a training set containing features of For each sentence in comment
both microblog vector and distributed e-commerce (au, vu) of {
sentPol = 0
user u. After this feature mapping problem is done, in which
For each word in sentence
input is microblogging data and output is recommended {
product with distributed features. If Polarity[word] == Positive
5. Algorithm If POS[word] == Adjective
5.1. Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) sentPol = sentPol + 4
Else if POS[word] == Adverb
Algorithm LDA (C, S){
sentPol = sentPol + 3
//Input: words w € documents d
Where, Else if POS[word] == Verb
w be the corpus of words.
d is the set of documents. sentPol = sentPol + 2
N be the count of words.
K be the number of words in the document. Else:
α and β are LDA constants.
//Output: topic assignments z and counts nd,k ,nk,w , and nk sentPol = sentPol + 1
nd,kthe number of words assigned to topic k where topic k }
belong to d.
nk,wcount of word w is assigned to topic k Else if Polarity[word] == Negative
Initialization of z and incrementing counter
for each loop do {
for i = 0 to N-1 do
If POS[word] == Adjective
word w[i]
topic z[i] sentPol = sentPol - 4

nd, topic - =1 ; nword, topic -=1 ; ntopic- =1 Else if POS[word] == Adverb

Volume: 3 Issue: 2 April - 2018 72

sentPol = sentPol - 3 In this system ,we have studied a cold start product
Else if POS[word] == Verb recommendation problem in which newly login users on e-
sentPol = sentPol - 2 commerce who do not having any historical data ,they get
proper relevant recommendation without their
sentPol = sentPol - 1
} making use of user’s social networking & e-commerce
Else if word is a Negation word account ,important document of words are extracted for
sentPol = - sentPol providing proper recommendation .also bridging between
} social networking and e-commerce websites concept is used
overallPol = overallPol + sentPol to give various features from one site to another site. The
} results show that our proposed framework is indeed effective
If overallPol>0
in addressing the cross –site product recommendation
Return Positive Comment
Else if overallPol<0 problem .we believe that our study will have profound impact
Return Negative Comment on both research and industry communities.
Return Neutral Comment 8. Acknowledgement
} We might want to thank the analysts and also distributers for
6. Result Obtained making their assets accessible. We additionally appreciative
to commentator for their significant recommendations
furthermore thank the college for giving the obliged base and
We obtained a extensive range of results. The methods were
implemented on a machine with quad core processor,4GB 9. References
ram, windows OS.In this paper we get proper
recommendation on demographic aatribute and network
attribute are as follows: [1] Sui Li, Yulan He, “Connecting Social Media To E-
Commerce: Cold-Start Product Recommendation Using
Microblogging information” in IEEE, 2016.
[2] J. Wang and Y. Zhang, “Opportunity model for e-
commerce recommendation: Right product; right time”,
in SIGIR, 2013.
[3] M. Giering , “Retail sales prediction and item
recommendations using customer demographics at store
level”, SIGKDD Explor. Newsl., vol. 10, no. 2, Dec.
[4] G. Linden, B. Smith, and J. York, “
recommendations: Item-to-item collaborative filtering” ,
IEEE Internet Computing, vol. 7, no. 1, Jan. 2003.
[5] V. A. Zeithaml, “The new demographics and market
fragmentation, Journal of Marketing", vol. 49, pp. 6475,
[6] W. X. Zhao, Y. Guo, Y. He, H. Jiang, Y. Wu, and X. Li,
“We know what you want to buy: a demographic-based
system for product recommendation on microblogs,” in
SIGKDD, 2014.
[7] Jinpeng Wang1, Wayne Xin Zhao,” Leveraging Product
Adopter Information from Online Reviews for Product
[8] Yanir Seroussi Fabian Bohnert,” Personalised Rating
Prediction for New Users Using Latent Factor Models,
Research” gate,2011
[9] Tomas Mikolov,” Distributed Representations of
Sentences and Documents”,NIPS,2013.

Fig2. Result of System

7. Conclusion

Volume: 3 Issue: 2 April - 2018 73

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