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KeyFigures for Supply Plan

Tuesday, August 7, 2018 6:03 PM

KF Technical Name Name Base Planning Level Operational Meaning Special Comments

CAPASUPPLY Capacity Supply WKRESLOC Resource capacity, Depending upon the type A resource can be either prod/stor/hand
type. So the KF displays corresponding
DEPENDENTPRO Outbound Product-Location-
DUCTIONDEMAN Production Component-Source
D Demand
UTILIZATIONPCT Capacity WKRESLOC Total capacity demand(=total capacity required to This is not in % by default
Utilization fullfil the net production demand)/total capacity
ALRTCAPACITYOVE Alert: Capacity WKRESLOC Alert If production capacity utilization > capacity What about storage capacity and handling
RLOAD Overload threshold(KF) capacity utlization?
A: There is no alerts for them.
CAPASUPPLYEXPA Capacity WKRESLOC Resource Capacity expansion Cost rate per unit Available after 1608

COSTPERUNIT Standard Unit WKPRODLOCCURR Variable cost per unit manufactured or purchased at Need Validation
Cost each defined location This is an input KeyFigure. Calculated by
costing team.

The key figures delivered with the system are shown in the table below along with their mandatory technical IDs (Key Figure IDcolumn). We recommend using the
descriptions shown in the table (Description column) as these are used in the product documentation, but you can change them to suit your own requirements.
The following table lists all input and output key figures used by the time-series-based supply planning algorithms (heuristics and optimizer):

Key Figure ID Description Base Planning Input (I) / Time Split Policy More Information Notes
Level Output
ADDITIONALLOTSIZEDEMAND Additional Product – O PeriodWeight Shows how many additional units of a
Lot-Sizing- Location product have to be kept in stock to satisfy
Procedure the demand generated by using certain
Demand lot-sizing procedures.
ADJDEPENDENTCUSTOMERDEMAND Adjusted Customer – I PeriodWeight Manual adjustment that enables you to Can be output
Outbound Product – overrule the outbound customer demand key figure if
Customer Location calculated by the heuristic algorithms parameterRESET
Demand according to the quota of the _ADJUSTED_KEY
corresponding customer source of _FIGURESis set
supply. With the optimizer, a value to YES.
entered in this key figure impacts the
dependent demand pushed to an entire
ADJDEPENDENTCUSTOMERDEMANDDS Adjusted Customer – I PeriodWeight Downstream key figure corresponding to
Dependent Product – the upstream key figure Adjusted
Customer Location Outbound Customer Demand.
ADJUSTEDCONSTRAINEDDEMAND Adjusted Customer – I PeriodWeight Manual adjustment that enables you to
Customer Product – fix the values of customer receipts. You
Receipts Location can fix the calculated supply for one or
several periods.
ADJUSTEDCONSTRAINEDDEMANDDS Adjusted Customer – I PeriodWeight Downstream key figure corresponding to
Customer Product – the upstream key figure Adjusted
Supply Location Customer Receipts.
ADJUSTEDDEMAND Adjusted Product – I PeriodWeight Manual adjustment that enables you to
Demand Location fix the values of the dependent demand
calculated by the heuristic algorithms for
a location product. Not relevant for the
ADJUSTEDPRODUCTION Adjusted Product – I PeriodWeight Manual adjustment that enables you to
Production Location – fix the values of production receipts
Receipts Source ID calculated by the heuristic algorithms or
the optimizer.

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the optimizer.
ADJUSTEDRECEIPT Adjusted Product – I PeriodWeight Manual adjustment that enables you to
External Location enter the quantities sourced via external
Receipts sources of supply to overwrite the
external supply calculated by a planning
ADJUSTEDTRANSPORT Adjusted Product – I PeriodWeight Manual adjustment that enables you to
Transport Location – Ship- fix the values of transport receipts
Receipts From Location calculated by a planning algorithm.
ADJUSTEDTRANSPORTDS Adjusted Product – Ship- I PeriodWeight Downstream key figure corresponding to
Transport To Location – the upstream key figure Adjusted
Supply Location Transport Receipts.
CAPACONSUMPTION Capacity Resource – I Copy Amount of capacity consumed on a
Consumption Location – handling or storage resource by the
Rate Product receipt of one unit of a location product.
CAPADEMAND Capacity Resource – O PeriodWeight Amount of capacity needed to handle or
Demand of Location – store the entire net demand of a location
Handling or Product product. This is calculated by multiplying
Storage the net demand by the capacity
Resource consumption rate of the handling or
storage resource.
CAPASUPPLY Capacity Resource – I PeriodWeight Amount of capacity of a resource
Supply Location available per period, for example, defined
in hours, tons, or pieces.
CAPASUPPLYEXPANSION Capacity Resource – I PeriodWeight Defines the capacity supply expansion
Supply Location per period.
CAPASUPPLYEXPANSIONCOSTRATE Capacity Resource – I Copy Defines the capacity supply expansion
Supply Location cost (per unit) per period that occur
Expansion when the additional capacity is actually
Cost Rate used.
CAPAUSAGE Capacity Resource – O PeriodWeight Amount of a resource’s capacity supply
Usage of Location – needed to handle or store a product. If
Handling or Product the capacity supply is sufficient to satisfy
Storage the capacity demand for all products, this
Resource equals the key figureCapacity Demand of
Production Resource(PCAPADEMAND).
COMPONENTCOEFFICIENT Component Product – I Copy Quantity of a component, relative to the
Coefficient Location – output product, needed to make one unit
Component – of a product. A component coefficient of
Source ID 2:3 means that three units of the
component are needed to produce two
units of the output product (assuming
that the output coefficient of the output
product is equal to 1).
COMPONENTWIP Work-In- Product – O Last Quantity of component assigned to
Process Location – ongoing production processes and not
Component Component – yet part of a finished product.
Usage Source ID
COMPONENTWIPDS Work-In- Output O Last Downstream key figure corresponding to
Process Product – the upstream key figure Work-In-Process
Component Location – Component Usage.
Supply Product –
Source ID
CONSDEMDELIVERED Total Customer - O PeriodWeight Total amount of the customer demand
Customer Product delivered on time or late.
CONSDEMDELIVEREDLATE Customer Customer - O PeriodWeight Total amount of customer demand that
Demand Product has been delivered late in a particular
Delivered period.
CONSDEMDELIVEREDLATEAVG Average Customer - O Last Average number of periods in which a
Delivery Product customer demand has been delivered
Delay of late.
CONSDEMLATEDELIVCOSTRATE Late-Delivery Customer - I Copy Cost rate for late delivery of customer
Cost Rate for Product demands. These costs arise for the
Customer amount delivered late in each late period.
CONSDEMLATEDELIVMAX Maximum Customer - I Last Maximum number of periods that a
Late-Delivery Product customer demand, or a portion of it, can
Periods for be delivered late.

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CONSENSUSDEMAND Customer Customer – I PeriodWeight Requested or forecasted demand of a
Demand Product customer for a certain product for each
period of the planning horizon.
CONSTRAINEDDEMAND Customer Customer – O PeriodWeight Quantity of the product supplied per
Receipts Product – period from a location to a customer, as
Location calculated by a planning algorithm.
CONSTRAINEDDEMANDDS Customer Customer – O PeriodWeight Downstream key figure corresponding
COVERAGE Projected Product – O Last Number of periods for which the
Periods of Location dependent demand can be satisfied by
Coverage the projected inventory of a period.
CUSTOMERRATIO Customer Customer – I Last Ratio for sourcing customer demand for a
Sourcing Product – product from various ship-from locations
Ratio Location connected to a customer source of
supply. Not relevant for the optimizer
CUSTOMERRATIOCOMP Computed Customer – O Last Ratios of customer sources of supply
Customer Product – calculated by the system based on the
Sourcing Location current supply plan of a planning session.
CUSTOMERTRANSPORTATIONCOSTRAT Customer Customer – I Copy All costs proportional to the transport
E Transportatio Product – quantity of a product from a location to a
n Cost Rate Location customer
The transportation costs are defined per
unit of product per period for customer
receipts. Used only by the optimizer.
DEFICIT Deficit (in Product – O Special: For Non-cumulative difference between the
what comes Location aggregation, the value net demand and receipts for a location
into location) of the last relevant product for each period
storage period is used. This is always zero or greater; no negative
Disaggregation is values are calculated. It is always equal to
recalculated for each zero when using the optimizer.
relevant storage
DEPENDENTCUSTOMERDEMAND Outbound Customer – O PeriodWeight Demand for a customer product
Customer Product – combination per period to be met by a
Demand Location ship-from location, as calculated by a
planning algorithm.
DEPENDENTCUSTOMERDEMANDDS Dependent Customer – O PeriodWeight Downstream key figure corresponding to
Customer Product – the upstream key figure Outbound
Demand Location Customer Demand.
DEPENDENTDEMAND Dependent Product – O PeriodWeight Sum of all dependent demands
Demand Location (dependent customer demand,
dependent location demand, and
dependent production demand) for the
location product
DEPENDENTLOCATIONDEMAND Outbound Product – O PeriodWeight Demand from a receiving location to a Can be input key
Location Location – Ship- ship-from location that is needed to figure if using
Demand From Location satisfy a fraction of or the entire net subnetworks.
demand of the receiving location. More
than one outbound location demand may
be required to meet the net demand.
DEPENDENTLOCATIONDEMANDDS Dependent Product – Ship- O PeriodWeight Downstream key figure corresponding to
Location To Location – the upstream key figure Outbound
Demand Location Location Demand.
DEPENDENTPRODUCTIONDEMAND Outbound Product – O PeriodWeight Demand for components (input products)
Production Location – derived from the net demand of a
Demand Component – finished or semi-finished product,
Source ID according to the defined component
PRDID – LOCID – coefficient.
DEPENDENTPRODUCTIONDEMANDDS Dependent Output O PeriodWeight Downstream key figure corresponding to
Production Product – the upstream key figure Outbound
Demand Location – Production Demand.
Product –
Source ID
DISCRETIONARYINVENTORY Discretionary Product – O Last Amount of inventory intended to satisfy
Inventory Location future demand, such as covering
shutdown periods. This is calculated after
running a planning algorithm.
EXTERNALRECEIPTCOSTRATE External- Product – I Copy Cost per unit of product per period for

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EXTERNALRECEIPTCOSTRATE External- Product – I Copy Cost per unit of product per period for
Receipt Cost Location external receipts for a location product
Rate External receipts are used to model the
purchase of products input to your supply
chain. Used only by the optimizer.
FIXEDCUSTOMERTRANSPORTATIONCOS Fixed Customer – I Copy Fixed cost per period for each period
T Customer Product – where customer receipts for a product,
Transportatio Location customer, and ship-from location are
n Cost non-zero. Used only by the optimizer.
FIXEDEXTERNALRECEIPTCOST Fixed Product – I Copy Fixed cost per period for each period
External- Location where external receipts for a location
Receipt Cost product are non-zero. Used only by the
FIXEDPRODUCTIONCOST Fixed Product – I Copy Fixed cost per period for each period
Production Location – where production receipts for a product
Cost Source ID in a location are non-zero. Used only by
the optimizer.
FIXEDTRANSPORTATIONCOST Fixed Product – Ship- I Copy Fixed cost per period for each period
Transportatio To Location – where transport receipts for a product,
n Cost Location location, and ship-from location are non-
zero. Used only by the optimizer.
INDEPDEMANDNONDELIVERYCOSTRAT Independent Product - I Copy Costs per unit of an independent demand
E Demand Location quantity per period that are not met by
Non-Delivery the supply plan. This can contain the lost
Cost Rate revenue per unit of product and, for
example, additional non-delivery costs.
Used only by the optimizer.
INDEPDEMDELIVEREDLATE Independent Product – O PeriodWeight The amount of independent demand that
Demand Location has been delivered late in a particular
Delivered period.
INDEPDEMDELIVEREDLATEAVG Average Product – O Last The average number of periods in which
Delivery Location an independent demand has been
Delay of delivered late. The key figure value is
Independent zero if no deliveries were late.
INDEPDEMLATEDELIVCOSTRATE Late-Delivery Product – I Copy Cost rate for late delivery of independent
Cost Rate for Location demands. These costs arise for the
Independent amount delivered late in each late period.
INDEPDEMLATEDELIVMAX Maximum Product – I Last Maximum number of periods that an
Late-Delivery Location independent demand, or part of an
Periods for independent demand, can be delivered
Independent late.
INDEPENDENTDEMAND Independent Product - I PeriodWeight Demand for a location product that is not
Demand Location derived from or is not dependent on
either a customer demand or the net
demand of a ship-to location.
INDEPENDENTDEMANDSUPPLY Total Product - O PeriodWeight The total independent demand that is
Independent Location delivered on time or late (that is, the
Demand current demand that is satisfied in the
Delivered current period or later). The independent
(Demand- demand supply could be less than, but is
Centric) not greater than its corresponding
independent demand.
INITIALINTRANSIT Initial In- Product – I PeriodWeight Quantity of the product in transit at the
Transit Location – Ship- beginning of the first period of the
Inventory From Location planning horizon. This relates only to the
first period and not to any subsequent
INITIALINVENTORY Stock on Product – I PeriodWeight Quantity of a product available at a
Hand Location location at the beginning of the first
period. This relates only to the period of
the planning horizon and not to any
future period.
INTRANSIT In-Transit Product – O Last Quantity of the product in transit from
Receipts Location – Ship- one location to another (not to the
From Location customer).
INTRANSITCUSTOMER In-Transit Customer – O Last Quantity of the product in transit from a
Customer Product – location to a customer.
Receipts Location
INTRANSITDS In-Transit Product – Ship- O Last Downstream key figure corresponding to
Supply To Location – the upstream key figure In-Transit
Location Receipts.
INVENTORYCORRECTION Inventory Product – I PeriodWeight Value that you add to, or subtract from,

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INVENTORYCORRECTION Inventory Product – I PeriodWeight Value that you add to, or subtract from,
Correction Location the calculated projected stock key figure
to reflect actual stock. This value can be
positive or negative. A negative inventory
correction is a fictive supply. A positive
inventory correction is a fictive receipt.
INVENTORYCORRECTIONVIOLATED Inventory Product – O PeriodWeight Amount of a quantity defined by an
Correction Location inventory correction that could not be
Violated added to or subtracted from projected
stock. For example, if a maximum
inventory level prevents a planning
algorithm from adding a positive
inventory correction, or if not enough
supply is available to fulfill a negative
inventory correction.
INVENTORYHOLDINGCOSTRATE Inventory Product – O Copy Cost for inventory holding per unit of
Holding Cost Location product per period and per location.
Rate Used only by the optimizer when
calculating the total cost of having the
projected amount of products on stock.
INVENTORYTARGET Inventory Product – I Last Target inventory of a location product for
Target Location the end of a period
INVENTORYTARGETVIOLATIONCOSTRAT Inventory Product – I Copy Costs per unit of a product per period for
E Target Location which the projected stock is below the
Violation safety stock. These costs are typically not
Cost Rate directly related to real costs but are
entered as penalty costs. Used only by
the optimizer.
IPUDEPENDENTLOCATIONDEMANDDS Inter- Product – Ship- I PeriodWeight For subnetworks only
Subnetwork To Location – You can enter values here to overrule the
Dependent Location dependent location demand values. The
Location planning algorithms use this value as
Demand input for a subnetwork when calculating
its dependent demand.
IPUNONDELIVERYCOSTRATE Inter- Product – Ship- I Copy For subnetworks only
Subnetwork To Location Internal company price per unit for goods
Non-Delivery sold and bought between subnetwork.
Cost Rate Used only by the optimizer.
IPUPRODUCTION Inter- Product - I/O PeriodWeight For subnetworks only
Subnetwork Location -
Production Source ID
IPUPRODUCTIONCOMPONENTDS Inter- Output Product - I/O PeriodWeight For subnetworks only
Subnetwork Location -
Production Product - Source
Component ID
IPURECEIPTCOSTRATE Inter- Product – I Copy For subnetworks only
Subnetwork Location Internal company procurement costs for
Receipts Cost goods supplied by another upstream
Rate subnetwork. Used only by the optimizer.
IPUTRANSPORT Inter- Product – I/O PeriodWeight For subnetworks only
Subnetwork Location – Ship- You can enter values here to overrule the
Transport From Location transport receipts/adjusted transport
Receipts receipts values. This decouples a
subnetwork and it takes the supply
defined here instead of that in transport
receipts/adjusted transport receipts.
LOCATIONRATIO Location Product – I Last Ratio for sourcing the net demand for a
Sourcing Location – Ship- location product from various locations
Ratio From Location by means of stock transfers. Not relevant
for the optimizer.
LOCATIONRATIOCOMP Computed Location – O Last Ratios of location sources of supply that
Location Product – Ship- are calculated by the system based on
Sourcing From-Location the current supply plan of a planning
Ratio session.
MAXAGGDEMAND Maximum Period – I not applicable Maximum demand in a defined period for
Aggregate Product – any combination of product, location,
Customer Location – and customer.
Receipts Customer Used only by the optimizer.
MAXAGGDEMANDDS Maximum Period – I not applicable Downstream key figure corresponding to
Aggregate Product – the upstream key figure Maximum
Customer Location – Aggregate Customer Receipts.
Supply Customer
MAXAGGPRODUCTION Maximum Period – I not applicable Maximum production receipts in a

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MAXAGGPRODUCTION Maximum Period – I not applicable Maximum production receipts in a
Aggregate Product – defined period for any combination of
Production Location – product, location, and production source.
Receipts Source ID Used only by the optimizer.
MAXAGGTRANSPORT Maximum Period – I not applicable Maximum quantity to be transported in a
Aggregate Product – defined period for any combination of
Transport Location – Ship- product, location, and ship-from location.
Receipts From Location Used only by the optimizer.
MAXAGGTRANSPORTDS Maximum Period – I not applicable Downstream key figure corresponding to
Aggregate Product – the upstream key figure Maximum
Transport Location – Ship- Aggregate Transport Receipts.
Supply From Location
MAXCONSTRAINEDDEMAND Maximum Customer – I PeriodWeight Limit for customer receipts, that is, the
Customer Product – supply of a customer demand
Receipt Location Used only by the optimizer.
MAXCONSTRAINEDDEMANDDS Maximum Customer – I PeriodWeight Downstream key figure corresponding to
Customer Product – the upstream key figure Maximum
Supply Location Customer Receipts.
MAXINVENTORY Maximum Product – I Last Maximum inventory level for a location
Inventory Location product
Limits production, external, and transport
receipts, and positive inventory
correction of a location product so that
the projected inventory remains at or
below the value stored in the key figure
in each period. Used only by the
MAXINVENTORYVIOLATIONCOSTRATE Maximum Product – I Copy Costs per unit of product per period that
Inventory Location the projected stock is above the
Violation maximum inventory defined in the
Cost Rate master data. These costs are typically not
directly related to real costs, but are
penalty costs. Used only by the optimizer.
MAXPRODUCTION Maximum Product – I PeriodWeight Limit for production receipts
Production Location – Used only by the optimizer.
Receipts Source ID
MAXRECEIPT Maximum Product – I PeriodWeight Limit for external receipts
External Location Used only by the optimizer.
MAXTRANSPORT Maximum Product – I PeriodWeight Limit for transport receipts
Transport Location – Ship- Used only by the optimizer.
Receipts From Location
MAXTRANSPORTDS Maximum Product – I PeriodWeight Downstream key figure corresponding to
Transport Location – Ship- the upstream key figure Maximum
Supply To Location Transport Receipts.
MINAGGDEMAND Minimum Period – I not applicable Minimum demand in a defined period for
Aggregate Product – any combination of product, location,
Customer Location – and customer.
Receipts Customer Used only by the optimizer.
MINAGGDEMANDDS Minimum Period – I not applicable Downstream key figure corresponding to
Aggregate Product – the upstream key figure Minimum
Customer Location – Aggregate Customer Receipts.
Supply Customer
MINAGGPRODUCTION Minimum Period – I not applicable Minimum production receipts in a
Aggregate Product – defined period for any combination of
Production Location – product, location, and productions
Receipts Source ID source.
Aggregation Used only by the optimizer.
MINAGGTRANSPORT Minimum Period – I not applicable Minimum quantity to be transported in a
Aggregate Product – defined period for any combination of
Transport Location – Ship- product, location, and ship-from location.
Receipts From Location Used only by the optimizer.
MINAGGTRANSPORTDS Minimum Period – I not applicable Downstream key figure corresponding to
Aggregate Product – the upstream key figure Minimum
Transport Location – Ship- Aggregate Transport Receipts.
Supply From Location
MINCAPAUSAGE Minimum Resource – I PeriodWeight Specifies the minimum consumption for a
Resource Location resource in a defined period at a
Capacity specified location.
Usage This key figure is not supported for
handling and storage resources.
MINCAPAUSAGEVIOLCOSTRATE Minimum Resource – I Copy Specifies the cost per unit that applies if
Resource Location the actual consumption is below the

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Resource Location the actual consumption is below the
Capacity value specified in Minimum Resource
Violation Capacity Usage(MINCAPAUSAGE).
Cost Rate
MINCONSTRAINEDDEMAND Minimum Customer – I PeriodWeight Minimum for customer receipts
Customer Product – The planning algorithms try to compute
Receipts Location supply plans in which customer receipts
are equal to or higher than the value you
enter here.
MINCONSTRAINEDDEMANDDS Minimum Customer – I PeriodWeight Downstream key figure corresponding to
Customer Product – the upstream key figure Minimum
Supply Location Customer Receipts.
MINPRODUCTION Minimum Product – I PeriodWeight Minimum for production receipts
Production Location – The planning algorithms try to compute
Receipts Source ID supply plans in which production receipts
are equal to or higher than the value you
enter here.
MINRECEIPT Minimum Product – I PeriodWeight Minimum for external receipts
External Location The planning algorithms try to compute
Receipts supply plans in which external receipts
are equal to or higher than the value you
enter here.
MINTRANSPORT Minimum Product – I PeriodWeight Minimum for transport receipts
Transport Location – Ship- The planning algorithms try to compute
Receipts From Location supply plans in which transport receipts
are equal to or higher than the value you
enter here.
MINTRANSPORTDS Minimum Product – Ship- I PeriodWeight Minimum for transport supply
Transport To Location – Downstream key figure corresponding to
Supply Location the upstream key figure Minimum
Transport Receipts.
NETDEMAND Net Demand Product – O PeriodWeight Demand that needs to be sourced for a
Location location product. This is calculated by the
planning algorithms using other key
figures (primarily Dependent
Demand, Stock on Hand/Projected
Stock of the previous period) and lot-size
NONDELIVERYCOSTRATE Non-Delivery Customer – I Copy Costs per unit of a customer demand
Cost Rate for Product quantity per period that are not met by
Customer the supply plan stored in total customer
Demand receipts. This contains the lost revenue
per unit of product and possibly other
costs, for example, additional non-
delivery costs. Used only by the
OUTPUTCOEFFICIENT Output Product – I Copy Relative quantity of output products of a
Coefficient Location – production source of supply. If there are
Source ID several output products (co-products),
the output coefficients define the ratios
in which the output products are
PCAPACONSUMPTION Capacity Resource – I Copy Amount of capacity consumed per unit of
Consumption Product – product produced according to a
Rate of Location – production source of supply.
Production Source ID
PCAPADEMAND Capacity Resource – O PeriodWeight Amount of capacity needed to produce
Demand of Product – the portion of the net demand of a
Production Location – location product that is sourced via a
Resource Source ID production source of supply to a
production source. This is calculated by
multiplying the net demand (sourced via
this production source) by the capacity
consumption rate of production
PCAPAUSAGE Capacity Resource – O PeriodWeight Amount of a resource’s capacity supply
Usage of Product – consumed by the production of a
Production Location – product. If the capacity supply is
Resource Source ID sufficient to satisfy the capacity demand
for all products, this equals the key
figureCapacity Demand of Production
PRODUCTION Production Product – O PeriodWeight Receipts of an output product according Can be input key
Receipts Location – to a production source of supply. figure if using
Source ID subnetworks.
PRODUCTIONCOMPONENT Component Product – O PeriodWeight Quantity of a component produced and

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PRODUCTIONCOMPONENT Component Product – O PeriodWeight Quantity of a component produced and
Usage Location – supplied for a production or assembly
Product From – process.
Source ID
PRODUCTIONCOMPONENTDS Component Output O PeriodWeight Downstream key figure corresponding to
Supply Product – the upstream key figure Component
Location – Usage.
Product –
Source ID
PRODUCTIONCOSTRATE Production Product – I Copy Cost per unit of product per period for
Cost Rate Location – production receipts
Source ID This should not include the cost for
components input material consumed by
the production source because the
optimizer calculates the value of the
components consumed separately. Used
only by the optimizer.
PRODUCTIONRATIO Production Product – I Last Ratio in which the net demand for a
Sourcing Location – location product is sent to a production
Ratio Source ID source. Not relevant for the optimizer
PRODUCTIONRATIOCOMP Computed Product – O Last Ratios of production sources of supply
Production Location – that are calculated by the system based
Sourcing Source ID on the current supply plan of a planning
Ratio session.
PROJECTEDINVENTORY Projected Product – O Special: For Stock balance of a product in a certain
Stock Location aggregation, the value location per period
of the last relevant The projected stock of a product is the
storage period is used. stock at a location that is expected to
Disaggregation is exist at the end of a period, if all receipts
recalculated for each and supplies arrive as planned.
relevant storage
RECEIPT External Product – O PeriodWeight Amount received at a location product
Receipts Location via an external source of supply. This
means that the net demand is satisfied
without defining where corresponding
receipts come from. If no external source
of supply is specified, there is no supply.
RECEIPTRATIOCOMP Computed Product – O Last Ratios of external sources of supply that
External Location are computed by the system based on
Receipts the current supply plan of a planning
Ratio session.
SHORTAGE Shortage (of Product – O Special: For Non-cumulative difference between the
what goes Location aggregation, the value dependent demand and supply for a
out of of the last relevant location product
location) storage period is used. Shortage is always equal to zero when
Disaggregation is the optimizer or the supply planning
recalculated for each heuristic is used. It is equal to zero or
relevant storage greater, if the supply propagation
period. heuristic is used to compute a supply
SUBPERIODFIRSTPRODUCTION First Product – I/O Last First subperiod of the planning horizon
Production Location – with a production event. Used only with
Subperiod Source ID the periods of coverage lot-size
SUBPERIODNUM Number of Product – I Last Number of subperiods in a period
Subperiods Location
SUBPERIODSOFMAXCOVERAGE Maximum Product – I Last Maximum number of future subperiods
Subperiods of Location during which any quantity of received
Coverage product (transport or production
receipts) can be kept in stock at a
Used only by the optimizer.
SUBPERIODSOFSUPPLY Target Product – I Last Number of future subperiods in each
Subperiods of Location period for which the dependent demand
Supply should be built. Used only with the
periods of supply lot-size procedure.
SUPPLY Supply Product – O PeriodWeight Sum of all supplies, that is, everything
Location that leaves a location. It comprises
quantities transported (in a downstream
direction) to another location,
transported to a customer, or consumed
in a production process.
TOTALCONSTRAINEDDEMAND Total Customer – O PeriodWeight Total amount delivered for customer
Customer Product demand both on time and late. Late
Receipts deliveries may fulfil demand of previous

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TOTALINDEPDEMANDSUPPLY Total Supply Product – O PeriodWeight Total amount used to satisfy independent
for Location demand in a specific period. The amount
Independent can fulfill this specific period’s demand. It
Demand can also be used as late deliveries for
(Location- demand of prior periods.
TOTALRECEIPT Receipts Product – O PeriodWeight For each period, the sum of all receipts;
Location that is, everything received at a location
for a product. It comprises production
receipts, transport receipts, and external
TRANSPORT Transport Product – O PeriodWeight Quantity transported from a ship-from Can be input key
Receipts Location – Ship- location to another location in a figure if using
From Location particular period. It reflects the supply subnetworks or
from this location, as calculated by a ifINITIALIZE_LEA
planning algorithm. DTIME_HORIZO
N<> YES.
TRANSPORTATIONCOSTRATE Transportatio Product – Ship- I Copy Cost per unit of product per period for
n Cost Rate To Location – transport receipts between two locations
Location Used only by the optimizer.
TRANSPORTDS Transport Product – Ship- O PeriodWeight Downstream key figure corresponding to Can be input key
Supply To Location – the upstream key figure Transport figure if using
Location Receipts. subnetworks or
TRANSPORTRECEIPTSHIPTO Transport Product – Ship- O PeriodWeight Quantity transported from one location
Ship-To To Location – to another location in a particular period.
Receipts Location Used with subnetworks, this is the same
quantity as transport receipts but is
based on delivery times at the ship-to
Related Information

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