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leg " Whe,n using the Driller's Method, what will happen to the casing pressure when pumping

kill mud to the bit (No influx in the an:rulus)?

,,A-. Ttwitl increase.

'@ lrwill reznain constant
C. It is impossr'ble to saY..
- r: It will decrease. .

150' ![hea circrrlating out a ]ock in a deep well, with a deep casing shoe, the choke pressure
approaches the lr{AASP while tlie influr( is still in the open hola IVhich is the MOST
IMPORTANT action to take?

\Minimise any extra Pre.lsure in the annulus u,ithout allowing bottom hole pressure to
,fall below pore pressure.
@ pressure ar N,TAAS? by operating the choke.
C. "*-i;;;;;
Start P'-iing drilling mu( with a higher deasity than needed to kiii the weli, dosn
the drill shinE.

t3l '\4&at happens to the casing shoe preszure during the period while the inflpq is passing
the shoe?

d*"casing shoe pressrrre will decrease.

B. The casing shoe pressuie will increase.
C, The casing shoe pressure wiil re.main unchaage{,,

172'Duri:lg a kill epsrstion, small mud losses are noticed. Wlat action couid be taken to
rpduce the pressure at the loss zone?

**uce the mud pump qpge4 keqping bottom hole presswe as close to formation
@ pressue
as possible.
B. Reduce drilling mud viscosity
C. Stop circulation and shut in the well. AIIow ihe inflpl to migrate to surface, wirije
contolling the bottom hole pressure using the volumebic method

l7a '., A kick has been'taken with a potential lost circulation zone in the open hole. What are
Mcorrect actiols that can be takeo to n?j',im;-e prcrr*, in the *rulu, Jt"*t,th. kiX
operation? (Iwo Answers)

' {CUoose a lowff circulating rate. l

B. -Maintain extra back-presflue on the choke for safety.
tffUie the Wait and V/&gbt Method.
D. Choose a higher circuiating rate.
l5lp, Slhich on of thp foliowing describes the objective of the volumetric.method?
L To maintain ttre preszure at the shoe'constaot '-' as
hole and oasing annulus. I gas migrates through the open
- the
A:.T: maintain
the pressure within fts influx constant. as it rises
in the weli bore.
tW the bottom hole pressure close to the formation
tr.**.;hiil L" ioaux
D. To maintain the casingpreisme ponstanl


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