RESTLESS - Not Calm, Can Not Sit Still, Nemiran, Neizdrz, Restless Leg Sindrom

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FIT – In good shape.
I met her and she said that she had watched the play Kafa i cigarete, pozdrav iz Beograda.
She recommended watching/seeing the play to me.
She recommended (that) I watch/see the play.
The play is highly recomended you watch/see play
It is highly likely – vrlo je verovatno
It is highly unlikely – malo je verovatno

RESTLESS – not calm, can not sit still, nemiran, neizdrz, restless leg sindrom
I’m getting restless – I need changes, treba mi promena.
I’m not restless any more, I want to settle down.

She is eavesdropping.
EAVESDROPP – to listen secretly to conversation, prisluskivati
OVERHEAR – nacuti, cuti usput
CHUBBY – fat
STAMINA – kondicija e.g. My stamina is excellent – I won a marathon. / I have a good stamina.

I have an idea.
I’m going to suggest visiting the club where Andrew plays
I’m going to suggest my class mates we visit the club where Andrew plays
I’m going to suggest my class mates we go out together.

PRESCRIPTION – nalaz lekara

RECIPE – kolac
RECEIPT – racun, priznanica

My wardrobe is in a mess. I need to declutter it.

She tends to move, she usually moves....She takes half the stuff with her.
I doubt I will go anywhere. I am likely to stay in Belgrade.
She didn’t carry on, continue, go on – nije nastavila
She gave up – odustala

Once you go black you never go back. – Who tries black never comes back.
Take the initiative, make the first move ......I don’t have a prospective candidate
I was chosen
I was the one who chose....
I let him believe he chose / or had chosen me
Knee-length – do kolena
Shoulder-length – do ramena
Her butterflies got dead / or Her butterflies died.

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