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The Implementattion Of Teaching Writing By Using Short Story Strategy To

Eleventh Grade Student At Man Krecek , Kediri in Academic year 2014-2015




The aim of study is a describe the teaching writing by using short story strategy .Those are including of
teachers preparation in teaching writtung , implementation of teaching writing using short story strategy ,
evaluation used, problem of teaching writing short story and also problem faced in teaching writing by
using short story strategy.This research used descriptive qualitative as a research design.The methods sed
in collecting data were observation , interview , and documentation . Observation used for collecting data
were on the teachers’ implementation in teaching writing English that is consistof teachers preparation ,
lesson plan and evaluation used, and the problem by English teacher.The results this study are the
teacher preparation in teaching writing using short story is providing lesson plan,lesson materials formed
and used for teaching and learning activity and the last is providing attendance.The point of this
procedure every student worked individually making short story

Keyword: implementation , teaching writing , short story strategy.


Harmer (1983:14) states that “The applying our knowledge about grammar ,
writing composition is task which involves the vocabulary , and mecanics. Strategy is very
students in manipulating word in grammatically important to use in teaching and learning
correct sentence from a piece of continuous process,especially is learning a language.
writing which successfully communicate the According to Suleiman ( 1985: 13)” in Fuadatik
contents through any ideas on a certain topic”. (2006). Judging that visual media is only time
Writing is very interesting to be learned , consumsing and playful strategy wise.
because many learners considered that writing as
the most difficult as other skills. El-Arabia (1974:2) states the teaching
teaching-aids are designed to help the teacher
The approach is called process approach save time effort. It means that teacher will give
and its theoretical development has reached material to the student easier and
established framework for teaching understandable.In, addition , El-Arabia (1974:2)
writing.According Heaton ( 2004:135)” writing said that field or language teaching,teaching-aids
skills are complex and difficult to teach have contributed a great deal to make learning
requiring mastery not only for grammatical and more enjoyable and more efficient in the
theoretical devices but also of the contectual and classroom.
judgement elements. ( Meaton and Washington
1992:31) along the process of writing we are

The design of this research was to use

descriptive qualitative to investigate the
implementation of using short story method in
teaching writing. Descriptive method is the
effort to observe, notify, analyze, and interpret
the condition happening. Descriptive qulitative
will be used to get the aims and answers for the
statement of problems in introduction chapter.
There four keys characteristic of qualitative
research. behavior as it occurs naturally within
the setting. A natural setting is one that the
researcher does not manipulate or control. The
setting is the physical education classrooms.

The research was carried out at eleventh grade

student of science class 3 of MAN Krecek
Kediri.The amount of the student in class is 29
girls and 8 boys.

Some instruments were used in finding and

collecting data. The use of instruments is
depending on the data sources and the research
focus. Here is the description of the research
focus in this research. This research has used
three kinds of instruments, i.e.: observational
guide; interview guide; documentation.. Both of
the observational guide and interview guide are
intended to get the data of teaching and learning
process, especially in the implementation of

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