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October 2017
– Our Shared Beliefs Baillie Gifford

– We aim to add
value for clients,
support companies
and benefit society
through thoughtful
long-term investment.

October 2017



Our active investment management will add Our ownership structure is a key strength.
material value for clients over the long run. Being independent, private and wholly owned
Successful active investment management is not by working partners allows us to focus on
easy: it requires dedication, independent thought our clients and their investments. It helps our
and a long-term perspective. Our whole firm stability, motivation and culture and enables
should be built around this and we must remain us to take a long-term view in all that we do,
resolutely investment-driven in our outlook. including investing, client relationships and
staff development.
We put our clients’ interests ahead of our
own. Our firm must be an engaging and
Our actions must be honourable and beneficial progressive place to work.
for our clients, for the companies we invest in It is imperative that we attract and retain a
and for society. We aim for excellence in all diverse group of talented individuals. We need to
levels of client service and wish to be seen as a create opportunity and challenge while providing
trusted long-term partner and adviser. As they are support. We are committed to getting better at
important to our clients’ returns, we aim to keep everything that we do and remaining relevant to
costs low and transparent, including maintaining our clients’ needs as they evolve.
our fees at fair and reasonable levels.
Our actions and behaviours should support
We should be actively engaged shareholders society as a whole.
of the companies in which we invest. We seek to set a positive example as an
Our equity investment process is founded on investor, as an employer and within our own
the long-term ownership of growing businesses. communities. We aim to uphold and promote
We want to help these companies fulfil their the highest standards of service and professional
potential by encouraging them to invest in behaviours and to help enhance the reputation of
growth opportunities and to ignore the short- the investment industry.
term pressures of the stock market. We take the
responsibilities of ownership seriously, and will
be active stewards of our clients’ capital.

– Our Shared Beliefs

October 2017



Successful active investment management is not easy: it

requires dedication, independent thought and a long-term
perspective. Our whole firm should be built around this and
we must remain resolutely investment driven in our outlook.
It is disconcerting to find that active management, differentiated view of companies and then to
on which our entire firm is based, is currently on back that judgement and construct portfolios
the defensive, amidst accusations that it doesn’t which will inevitably and consciously diverge
work. We strongly disagree with this view significantly from benchmarks in the pursuit of
and fervently believe that we can add material superior returns. This will often result in periods
value for clients over the long term, as we have when our portfolios underperform relative to
demonstrated over several decades and across a other investors and benchmark indices, and we
wide range of investment strategies. While we must have the courage to back our process, our
shall step up our efforts to make the positive case individual investors and our teams through such
for active management in general, our first priority periods. Active investment is not only difficult
must be to continue to focus our efforts on our but at times it can also be stressful and lonely;
own investment capabilities and on meeting the the whole firm needs to be supportive and
expectations of our existing client base. understanding, especially when times are tough.

We readily acknowledge that successful active While we believe our firm has a number of
management is not easy and that many, perhaps structural and cultural advantages which we are
even the majority, will fail. But that does not determined to retain and strengthen, we cannot
mean that the challenge is futile, merely that it relax. Continued success is far from certain. In
is difficult. Our experience, together with that particular, we need to ensure that the broader
of other similar firms, suggests that if we focus firm continues to support our investment efforts
on the right issues, then we can address many and minimises distractions. Across the firm
of the more prevalent difficulties and continue we must all continue to improve in everything
to add significant value to our clients, even afterthat we do and we can never stop learning; this
charging a reasonable fee for our efforts. includes the search for new and different sources
of investment insight as well as ongoing personal
The keys to success, we believe, are development. We must also work hard to ensure
independence of thought and a long-term we remain relevant to our clients’ requirements,
perspective. Our partnership structure and culture through maintaining close relationships which
encourage both aspects within our investment 5
should help us to anticipate their future needs.
teams and right across the firm. Thoughtfulness, Our investment capabilities will undoubtedly
cooperation, and a focus on quality rather than need to evolve over time, as they have in the
quantity are the hallmarks of our research past, but should always play to our core belief
process which focuses on future upside. Active and skills in active investment management.
management requires a willingness to take a
– Our Shared Beliefs



Our actions must be honourable and beneficial for our

clients, for the companies we invest in and for society. We
aim for excellence in all levels of client service and wish to
be seen as a trusted long-term partner and adviser. As they
are important to our clients’ returns: we aim to keep costs low
and transparent, including maintaining our fees at fair and
reasonable levels.
We have long held as our core principle that we jerk reaction to recent pressures as we have been
should always put our clients’ interests ahead consistently reviewing fees for a wide variety of
of our own, but recent years have produced far client types over several years. Nor is it wholly
too many examples of financial companies, in altruistic: we believe that lower fees enhance
particular banks, doing the opposite. As a result, returns for clients and help strengthen the case
regulators are increasing scrutiny of us all, adding for Baillie Gifford specifically and for active
burdens and regulations to our processes and management in general.
demanding increased transparency around all
possible conflicts of interest. This greater focus Behaving honourably may seem a somewhat old
should give us an opportunity to more clearly fashioned aim but we believe it supports the sort
demonstrate our own high standards in this area of trust-based relationships we wish to establish
and to help lead our industry back towards the with our clients. We aspire to be seen as more
position of trust it formerly enjoyed. than merely the ‘hired help’, but rather as a trusted
long-term partner, who can be relied on to give
For example, we have repeatedly demonstrated honest and objective advice at all times. This is
a willingness to close successful strategies in as true for the companies in which we invest as
order to ensure that existing investors are not for our clients themselves, and we believe we
disadvantaged by rapid inflows or excessive can provide valuable perspective and insights
funds under management. For more than 20 years across a wide range of issues. The Operations,
we have avoided paying any third party soft Administration, Systems and Client Service
commissions and we were among the very first functions can all help support our internal efforts
firms to absorb the full costs of external research. while also contributing towards delivery of a
More recently we have been taking a lead in first-class service to external clients. The more
helping to establish new industry guidelines value we can add in different ways for our clients,
for transparency of costs and in pre-emptively including through excellence in all elements of
sharing economies of scale with larger clients service, the more secure our own future prospects
through lowering fee scales. This is not a knee- should be.
October 2017

– Our Shared Beliefs



Our equity investment process is founded on the long-term

ownership of growing businesses. We want to help these
companies fulfil their potential by encouraging them to invest
in growth opportunities and to ignore the short-term pressures
of the stock market. We take the responsibilities of ownership
seriously, and will be active stewards of our clients’ capital.
Over recent years, as our funds have grown, the advice of the incumbent management team in
we have become increasingly aware of both the process. Voting is an important and integral
the responsibilities and the opportunities that part of our investment process and we would
our ownership affords. This is an integral part like to remove any obstacles to the thoughtful
of active management; the careful selection of exercise of our clients’ votes, including client
investments, chosen for their long-term potential specific voting policies and stock lending.
and our own part in supporting growth and
promoting good decision making. We believe that our long-term perspective
We tend to run relatively concentrated portfolios and growth focus are increasingly unusual
and to own substantial stakes in companies amongst institutional investors and make us
for several years; this gives us a position of attractive and helpful shareholders for many
significant influence which we should use for our companies, particularly when investors with
clients’ and society’s broader good. shorter-term priorities are applying pressure.
We see our role as helping companies to realise
Most often, this influence is exercised quietly, in their full potential, often through supporting
private discussion between our fund managers high levels of investment for the future and by
and senior management (or their advisors), while encouraging them to avoid shorter-term targets
our Corporate Governance team also liaise with and distractions (such as detailed quarterly
management on specific issues and vote all of guidance and reporting). We have recently seen
our clients’ holdings at public ballots, wherever examples of a positive feedback loop emerging,
we have the authority to do so. Occasionally we with successful long-term growth companies
are required to vote on major strategic issues introducing us to other similar companies where
such as takeovers or mergers and here we will we are not shareholders; this is true of both
always try to take the longer-term view; in the public and private companies and is another
past we have helped defend companies from benefit of constructive and sensible stewardship.
unwanted takeovers and used our influence to Our reputation is strong and is becoming more
secure higher offers, sometimes voting against widely appreciated.
October 2017



Being independent, private and wholly owned by working partners allows

us to focus on our clients and their investments. It helps our stability,
motivation and culture and enables us to take a long-term view in all that
we do, including investing, client relationships and staff development.
Our ownership structure has long benchmarks and to take a long-term It is interesting that most hedge funds
been seen as a key strength and attitude in everything we do, from and recent fund management start-
differentiator. Partnership is often the staff and business development, ups have established themselves as
ideal structure for asset-light people through to investment research and partnerships but for most of the larger
businesses such as ours, even if it is performance measurement. Our and long-established fund management
increasingly uncommon these days. growth has all been organic and we companies this is impossible,
Many professions including law, have shunned corporate activity while, though some tried unsuccessfully
accounting, advertising, estate agency likewise, our preference for internal to replicate the structure. Collective
and even merchant banking were promotion wherever possible supports internal ownership and control of
once dominated by partnerships but stability and staff loyalty. our own destiny are clearly strong
sadly most have disappeared, often differentiators relative to most of our
driven by inter-generational issues The lack of any short-term financial main competitors and we believe the
when the founders retired or sought targets makes it easier to put the privacy provided by our structure is
to capitalise their ownership through interests of our clients first and always a great positive and avoids many
sale or flotation. We have a well- to take a longer-term view when potential distractions.
established process for transferring thinking about recruitment, internal
ownership between generations and investment or the development of new While believing that our partnership
all the current partners recognise the capabilities: consistent investment structure is a key strength, we
importance of our structure to our past over time is better than stop-start. must also be aware that it can have
and future success: we would be loath We intentionally do not analyse downsides. Unlimited liability could
to see any material change. divisional or departmental profitability make us excessively cautious and risk
or financial contribution, with all averse. A partnership of over 40 can
Partnership and our Edinburgh partners and staff being rewarded from be vulnerable to slow and consensual
location are helpful because we are the same profit pool. This one-firm decision making as well as a lack
answerable to no-one except our attitude reduces unhelpful internal of accountability, particularly for
clients and we are located ‘far from rivalries and haggling over resources unpopular decisions. While we believe
the madding crowd’ of markets, both and encourages partners and senior that the lack of external scrutiny and
of which contribute to a culture of staff to put narrow self interest aside, pressure is an advantage, it could
staff loyalty and continuity. This in for example, when it comes to moving lead to complacency or a lack of
turn allows us to take a thoughtful into new roles or in taking decisions energy. We should guard against such
approach, to do things in our own for the longer-term best interests of the weaknesses and continually challenge
way, to ignore fads, markets and business as a whole. ourselves and each other.
– Our Shared Beliefs

October 2017



It is imperative that we attract and retain a diverse group

of talented individuals. We need to create opportunity and
challenge, while providing support. We are committed to
getting better at everything that we do and remaining relevant
to our clients’ needs as they evolve.
Our ability to attract and especially to retain or prejudice of any sort. In this, as in everything
high quality staff is vital to our future success. we do, we can of course improve; current efforts
The opportunity to become a partner is clearly to increase diversity and flexibility should be
a motivating factor for some, but we need to seen in this light. We are also strong advocates
create opportunity and challenge for all, so that of teamwork and our remuneration schemes are
ambitions can be achieved without the need designed to align individual rewards with client
to move elsewhere. This is why it is important satisfaction and with the long-term success of the
that the firm continues to develop and to grow firm as a whole.
over time, creating new opportunities and more
positions of responsibility, though growth is not While focusing on excellence and high service
levels across the firm, we must also ensure that
an end in itself. It is also important that the firm
remains profitable, so that we can attract and we continue to evolve, both as individuals and in
reward the best talent, even if markets turn down the capabilities we possess. To do so, we need to
or profitability comes under short-term pressure. be forward looking and always open to change,
We must be long-term in our staff policies while encouraging enterprise and innovation.
and put appropriate focus on development and This is perhaps most obviously true in the
constructive feedback, so that people learn and Information Systems and Communications areas,
improve through experience. where technology is continually improving but it
also impacts on the investment requirements of
We aspire for all employees to feel valued and our clients: if we don’t remain relevant to their
for their work to count. We aim to treat all staff needs, we risk becoming redundant. New skills,
with dignity and respect and this means we should new capabilities and new routes to market will
always be objective and fair. We see ourselves all require forethought and development; we
as a true meritocracy, rewarding and promoting cannot afford any complacency.
people solely on their contribution, without bias

– Our Shared Beliefs



We seek to set a positive example as an investor, as an employer and within

our own communities. We aim to uphold and promote the highest standards
of service and professional behaviours and to help enhance the reputation
of the investment industry.
For many years Baillie Gifford best for our clients and to put their has the potential to add significant
consciously shunned the limelight and interests ahead of our own at all times; value for end clients, be they pension
kept as low a profile as possible and to be a fair and progressive employer. funds, foundations or individuals.
simply concentrated on looking after Within our investment activities we It would be wrong to deny future
our clients to the best of our abilities. should invest wisely, for the benefit generations the clear benefits arising
We have always tried to adhere to of society as a whole, as well as for from superior returns. At a broader
the highest possible standards of our own clients; we believe we can be level, active management fulfils an
professionalism, integrity and courtesy useful and help contribute to economic essential economic role by allocating
and we believe that positive client and advancement. capital to those companies with the
staff feedback backed up by excellent best prospects of adding most to long-
retention rates of both suggest that In all of this, our scale brings a profile term prosperity; this is too important
we have succeeded. But we need to and visibility which can be used for and complex a task to be left to
recognise that not all in the financial positive rather than vainglorious passive investment flows and index
services industry have behaved so purposes. We should be more prepared providers. This is why fundamental
professionally or honourably, as than in the past to speak out for what forward-looking research and active
became clear during and after the we believe in, whether through the engagement are so important: directing
financial crisis. This has damaged media or at conferences, industry capital towards productive and
public and regulatory perceptions of forums and external meetings. While responsible investments is good for
our industry and those who work in continuing to encourage modesty, all of society as well as for individual
it, as being self-interested, uncaring thoughtfulness and teamwork, we can investors.
and unhelpful. The assault on active set a positive example and try to help
management and increasingly intrusive rebuild and enhance the reputation Being clearer internally about our
regulations are the direct result. Trust of our industry as well as our firm. beliefs and core purpose should be
has been damaged and will take a long Increasing our sponsorship and helpful in binding us together around
time to be restored. charitable activities is one way; driving a common cause. But it is vital that
for lower fees and greater transparency we then work together to live up to
We have now become a significant around costs is another; continuing them. No one likes a hypocrite, and if
firm, managing large sums for well- to focus on adding significant value we want respect we will need to earn
known clients around the world and through active management is the most it. If our work really matters and has
we are one of Edinburgh’s largest important. significance then it will bring its own
employers. We have influence and rewards, beyond the merely financial. It
increased responsibilities: to promote It is important that we recognise will be something we can be proud of.
the highest professional and personal the broader significance of our task.
behaviours; to strive to do the very Active management, done properly,
October 2017

© Neil Hanna.

– Our Shared Beliefs

October 2017


Please remember that the value of a stock market Important Information Hong Kong
investment, and any income from it, can fall as well as rise
and investors may not get back the full amount invested. Baillie Gifford Asia (Hong Kong) Limited
百利亞洲(香港)有限公司 is wholly owned by
This document is intended to provide an overview of Baillie Gifford Overseas Limited and holds a Type 1
the firm and our philosophy. It does not constitute an licence from the Securities & Futures Commission of
offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of securities Hong Kong to market and distribute Baillie Gifford’s
or provision of any investment services. Nothing in the range of UCITS funds to professional investors in
document should be construed as investment advice or a Hong Kong. Baillie Gifford Asia (Hong Kong) Limited
recommendation to buy sell or hold shares. 百利亞洲(香港)有限公司 can be contacted at 30/F,
One International Finance Centre, 1 Harbour View Street,
Baillie Gifford & Co and Baillie Gifford & Co Limited Central, Hong Kong. Telephone +852 3756 5700.
are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct
Authority (FCA). Baillie Gifford Life Limited is authorised Important Information South Korea
by the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) and regulated
by the FCA and the PRA. Baillie Gifford & Co Limited is a Baillie Gifford Overseas Limited is licensed with the
unit trust management company and the OEICs’ Authorised Financial Services Commission in South Korea as a
Corporate Director. cross border Discretionary Investment Manager and
Non-discretionary Investment Adviser.
Baillie Gifford Overseas Limited provides investment
management and advisory services to non-UK Professional/ Important Information Japan
Institutional clients only. Baillie Gifford Overseas Limited
Mitsubishi UFJ Baillie Gifford Asset Management Limited
is wholly owned by Baillie Gifford & Co. Baillie Gifford &
(‘MUBGAM’) is a joint venture company between
Co and Baillie Gifford Overseas Limited are authorised and
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust & Banking Corporation and Baillie
regulated by the FCA in the UK.
Gifford Overseas Limited. MUBGAM is authorised and
Persons resident or domiciled outwith the UK should regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
consult with their professional advisers as to whether they
Important Information Australia
require any governmental or other consents in order to
enable them to invest, and with their tax advisers for advice This material is provided on the basis that you are
relevant to their own particular circumstances. a wholesale client as defined within s761G of the
Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). Baillie Gifford Overseas
Important Information – North America
Limited (ARBN 118 567 178) is registered as a foreign
Baillie Gifford International LLC is wholly owned by company under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). It
Baillie Gifford Overseas Limited; it was formed in is exempt from the requirement to hold an Australian
Delaware in 2005. It is the legal entity through which Financial Services License under the Corporations Act
Baillie Gifford Overseas Limited provides client service 2001 (Cth) in respect of these financial services provided
and marketing functions in America as well as some to Australian wholesale clients. Baillie Gifford Overseas
marketing functions in Canada. Baillie Gifford Overseas Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial
Limited is registered as an Investment Adviser with the Conduct Authority under UK laws which differ from those
Securities & Exchange Commission in the United States applicable in Australia.
of America.
Important Information – South Africa 15

Baillie Gifford Overseas Limited is registered as a Foreign

Financial Services Provider with the Financial Services
Board in South Africa.

Calton Square, 1 Greenside Row, Edinburgh EH1 3AN

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2015.2000 /

Our Shared Beliefs 28156 WP EXT RISK 1017.indd

Copyright © Baillie Gifford & Co 2015. Ref: 28156 •••••

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