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Pljosnati zasuni - visokopritisni su High pressure sluice valves are the units
ure|aji koji slu`e kao zaporni organi u cevovodima.
that serve the purpose of shutoff bodies in the
[iroku primenu nalaze u komunalnim objektima
pipelines. They are widely applied in communal
vodovoda i grejanja, u energetskim objektima za
proizvodnju pare, tople vode i komprimiranog facilities-waterworks and district heating systems,
vazduha. in power plants for steam, hot water and
Primena zasuna naro~ito se preporu~uje u compressed air generation.
cevovodima u kojima su oni u toku rada potpuno The application of sluice valves is
otvoreni ili potpuno zatvoreni, a strujanje radnog recommended for fitting into the pipelines, where
fluida mo`e da bude u oba smera. Pljosnati zasuni - they are fully open or closed, and where operating
visokopritisni se ne preporu~uju za ugradnju u fluid flow is in both directions. They are not
cevovodima gde je u~estanost zatvaranja i recommended for fitting in the pipelines where the
otvaranja velika, a nisu pogodni ni kao regulatori opening and closing frequency is high, nor as the
protoka radnog fluida. operating fluid flow regulators.

Pljosnate zasune - viskopritisne High pressure sluice valves are fabricated

izra|ujemo sa ugradbenim du`inama ovalnih with in built lengths of oval slide valves
zasuna (L= DN + 200 mm) koje odgovaraju (L=DN+200mm) that correspond to JUS
standardu JUS M.C5.005-F5 i DIN 3202-F5, M.C5.005-F5 and DIN 3202-F5 standard,
priklju~nim merama prirubnica prema JUS connecting measures of flanges according to JUS
M.B6.011 i DIN 2501, najve}eg nazivnog pre~nika M.B6.011 and DIN 2501, of the largest nominal
DN 1000 za NP 16 i NP 25 (bar) i temperature 200
diameter DN=1000 for NP 16 and NP 25 (bar) and
Pogoni koje isporu~ujemo su ru~ni ili temperature of 200 (°C).
elektro-mehani~ki, a na zahtev kupca pljosnate The supplied drives are manual or electro-
zasune isporu~ujemo i sa drugim vrstama pogona. mechanical and upon the request of the customer
Zasune izra|ujemo sa aksijalno we deliver sluice valves with other drive types, as
nepomi~nim vretenom, a na zahtev kupca sa well.
pomi~nim vretenom. We produce sluice valves with axially
immobile spindle and if requested by customer,
with mobile spindle, as well.
Ku}i{te i zaporne diskove izra|ujemo od MATERIAL
konstrukcionih ~elika, stim da su zaptivne povr{ine
na njima od ner|aju}ih ~elika odgovaraju}e The housing and shutoff disks are made of
tvrdo}e. Trapezno vreteno izra|ujemo od structural steel, the sealing surfaces on them being
odgovaraju}eg ner|aju}eg ~elika, a klizne le`ajeve made of corresponding hardness stainless steel.
od sivog liva. Taper sided spindle is made of corresponding
NARU^IVANJE stainless steel and slide bearings of grey iron cast.
Naru~ivanje se vr{i opisno kao {to je dato
u op{tim napomenama ili popunjavanjem upitnog You can order as described in general notes
lista. or by filling in the Questionary.

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