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н" Q, Mftchell

Ма rileni Maltrogianni


А. Complete with capital or lower case letters. В. Gоrпр

1. eIeven

2. SeVe
3. fourteen

4. fifty-two

5. ninety
Ft *Е F
6, thirty-three

нI L

г,1 п Е
С. Complete the
ll ttl

i 2.
9 W


аl-' 23
аЬ d f 4.

45о {

gh_ _kI m_о l



ý *-*

.qý ъ"-,g Ё-

D. Complete the crossword.

Е. Label the pictures with the phrases iп the Ьох. Тhеп, write the negative as iп the example.

speak talk in pairs close уоur books stand uр write

ореп уоur books look at the board

1. Rеаd th"e text. 5,

fiоп't rеаd tlze tехt.

2. 6.

3. т

4. 8.



F. Look at the picture апd write as iп lhe example. "


_",.,;-f о
]i _.,' 1,
;f" .

ffi #

dm%, jffi
': :]]]@

=-& -".

two desks

G. Look at the рiсtчrеs апd complete the qчеstiопs with ffiý or that, Тhеп, апswеr them аý iп the ехаrпрlе.

1. What's this ? 4. What's ?

lt's ап аrапgе lt'S

2. What's ? 5, What's ?

lt'S lt's

3. What's ? 6. What's ?

lt's lt's


Н. Find 10 classroom obiects iп the grid

апd label the pictures.


с:,,] .
olc н А |R о Е U
воА R DaWD р Е
lTo Е с S R U р V 8.
DW Е Е L G Е в l N


4. 6,


l. Match the questions with the answers.

а. Рurрlе.

Ь. А ruЬЬеr.

3. What's уоur рhопе пumЬеr? с. l'm Stephen,

4. What's this? d. Yes, of course.

5. What соlоur is this? e.S-O-P-H-l-E

f. 0207040т777,

J. Complete the Ь]апks with the massaпg country 0r nataonalaty.

1" Аmеriсап 5. New Zealand

2. lreiand 6, Australia

3. UK 7. south African
4. Canadian



А. LOOk апd complete the sentences with the сочпtriеs апd the nationalities

1. l'm frоm 5. l'm from

|'m |'m

Poland Spain

2. l'm from 6. l'm

l'm |'m from

ltaly Egypt

3. l'm 7, l'm

|'m frоm |'m from


4. l'm frоm 8. l'm frоm

|'m |'m

Сhiпа Greece

В. Complete with / п, уOч'rе, mу or уOur.

Chris HiI (r) Chris! What's (z) паmе?

Dieg|o (3) name's Diego.

Chris (д) Brazilian, right?

Dieglo Yes. (s) frоm Brazil and I live in Rio de

Janeiro. Where аrе you frоm, Chris?

Chris (0) frоm Grеесе. l live in Athens

Diego Oh, so (z) Greek,

Ghris That's right.

С. Complete with the words iп the Ьох.

live country surпаmе from паmе student

Не[[о! М9 Jirst (r) 's Jцсп ond mg (z) is Gutiеrrеs. l'm (з)

Spoin and l (+) iп Modrid. l'm о (s) Неrе is mч (6)


a l]tod.

о l ,i : .,],,, a

о i,,..,i,.,. a
a соо.ryл t

ar... .]. ,l ].:]'.. псоa a


lý a

D. Match Е. Complete the form with your реrsoпаl iпlоrmаtiоп апd stick
а photo of yourself.
It rc

2. What's уоur surпаmе?

3. You're Canadian. right? first ýgmе:

4. Where аrе you frоm?

5. l live in Dublin. And you? Sшr*еmе:

а. No, l'm not. l'm from the USA.

Ь. Вrоwп. l'm Joan Вrоwп.

с. Beth ýve iB:

d. l live iп Rome
рhопЕ ýиmьеп
е. l'm from Eýypt

First day at school

А. Complete the crossword.



р tJLJiJtJL}t__Jп

В. Choose а or Ь.

1. Diane а teacher. She's а student! 5. John and l iп year 7

а. is
t Ь. isn't а, am Ь, are
2. This is John in уеаr 8 6. Roberto ltalian
а. He'S Ь. You're а. is Ь. are
3. Steve and |чапа are best friends 7. from England. l'm from Poland
classmates. а. l'm Ь. l'm not
а. They are Ь. We are 8. Maria and Frапk fifteen years oId
4, This is my bag пеW They're fourteen
а, lt's Ь, Не's а. isn't Ь. аrеп't

С. Пewrite the sепtепсеs replacing the words iп bold D. Write the negative lorm ol the sепtепсеs.
with the words iп the Ьох.

Не She lt We They 1. He's from Mexico

1. Jоhп and l аrе best friends
2. We're in year 7

2, Mary is 1З years old

З, l'm fine
З. The desk is grееп
4. This is your umЬrеllа.

4. Peter is from Australia

5. Yоu'rе my teacher.

5. Mr Doyle and Mr Johnson аrе mу teachers.

Е. Complete the diаlоguе using the phrases a-g.

Lee Hi, Jane! (r) ? Angie (s) Lee?

Jane Not bad. And you, Lee? Lee |'m in уеаr 8.

Lee (2) Апgiе Yеаr 8? So, how old аrе you? Thirteen?

Lee, this is my friend, Angie Lee No, See you later,

Jапе (в)

(з) girls.

Lee HelIo, Angie. (+) Jane Вуе!

I Angie Nice to meet you, too! Апgiе (z) , Lee

Whаt's уOчr fauourite subiect?

А. Fiпd 8 school subiects in the grid апd write them iп the spaces provided.



Lr А R U L Е G l SG
т D н А l R р в DS


В. Look at the pictures and answer the questions.


$\ý]oR! N
1. ls Топу а teacher? 4. ls Alice good at Science?

2. ls Beth fifteen years old? 5. Аrе Alex and Paul at school?

З. Аrе Patrick and Eileen lrish? 6, is Juanita from Poland?


с. put the words iп order апd make sепtепсеs. Е. Complete the dialogue with the questions а-е.
1. А: your / Geography / favourite / ls / subject / ?

В: Yes, it is,

2. А: What subject аrе you good at?

В: ýood / al / Science / |'m / ,

З. А: best / you and Jоhп / friends / Дrе /?

В: YeS, we аrе.

4. А: ls that Mr Gill? а. What's уоur favourite subject?

В: my / he's / teacher / пеw / Maths / . Ь. lS he а good tеасhеr?

YeS, с. Are you а new student?

d. Who's the Science tеасhеr?
е. Аrе you good at Science?
5.А: at / Тiпа / good / Дrl / ls / ?

Robert Hello, l'm Robert! (r)

В: No, she isn't but she's good at РЕ. РаЬ|о Yes, l am. l'm Pablo.
Robert Nice to meet you. Wе'rе classmates, right?
D. Complete the questions with ],Иfiо or Whаt.Тhеп,
апswеr the questions.
Pablo Yes. (z)

1. _'s уоur favourite subject? RоЬеЁ Maths,

pablo l like Maths, too. (з)

2 's уоur favourite teacher? Robert No, l'm not.

Pablo l'm very good at Science, lt's mу favourite

з year аrе you in?
subject, (+)

RоЬеft Mr Thompson
4 's уоur best friend?
Pablo (5)

5. 's уоur favourite colour? Robert Yes, he's very good

Pablo That's greatl

А. Match the clocks with the times. С. Соmрlеtе with the phrases in the ЬOх.

1, 2 Good аftеrпооп Good mоrпiпg

Good night Good evening
lI:ýtr Iý:ý ý
3 4

Ч:Ч ý ý:lý
5 6

lЧ:ý ý ý:tr#
а. |t's а quarter to five,
Ь. lt's е|ечеп o'clock,
с. lt's half past seven,
d. lt's midnight,
е. lt's five past опе.
t . lt'S а quarter past nine

В. LOOk at the clocks Ье]оw. What's the time?

1. , з

в Е

з 4.

тOр ýK|LLS

А. Complete the crossword.

f пп г п

пп п
f п
f п

rпппппппп ff п

п ]

п п

В. Complete the раrаgrарh with the words iп the Ьох.

fan year friends player good team swimming

Alberto and l аrе best (r) We are thirteen years old and we're iп (z) 8.

Alberto is in the school (з) team and l'm |п the basketball (+)

We аrе very (s) atsports'l'mаbigfootbаll(6)-,too.Мyfаvouritefootbаll

(z) is Rivaldo, He's great!

С. Add capitals where needed. D. Match.


1. Who's уоur favourite sports star? l
2. Where аrе уоu from?

hi, _-J

my name is celine rоugе апd i'm from 3. What's уоur favourite sport?
4. Аrе you good at Art?

canada, i live iп vancouver. i'm eleven

5. Аrе you iп the school volleyball team? t
years old and i'm in year six. my favourite -J
subject is geography. i'm good at english, а. New Zea|and,
too. mr johnson, the history teacher, is Ь. No, l'm not. Music is mу favourite subject.
my favourite teacher. my best friend, с. David Beckham, He's а great football рlауеr.

саrmеп, is spanish. she's in year six, too d. Yes, I am. l'm а great player.
е. Volleyball, |'m in the schooi volleyball team, too,

Revision С. Complete with the correct lorm of the verb 0е.

1. А: How you?

А. Write.
B:l fine, thanks,

1. four countries: 2. А: Who Мrs Jones?

В: She the пеw Maths teacher.

3. А: they good at English?

В: No, they They
2. four nationalities:
good at Music

4. Му best friend iп the football

team. He's iп the basketball team.
3. four school subjects:
5. А: swimming your favourite
В: No, it Му favourite sport
4. fоur sports:
6, А: уоu from New Zealand?
В: No, l


7. А: What the time?

it five o'clock?
в. circle the correct words.
В: No, it lt half
1. Му favourite (r) subject / past four
sport is tennis, l'm very
(z)good / not good D. Complete the blanks,

at tennis and mу 1. А: Where аrе you ?

(з) пеw / favourite player В: Brazil. l live Rio de Janeiro

is venus williams. she's 2. д: 's your favourite subject?

(+) American / USA. В: Geography,

2. IVly best (r) classmate / 3. А: How аrе you?

В: l'm twelve and l'm in 8
friend is from (z) China l

Chinese. He's fourteen and 4. А: What sport you good at?

В: Cricket, lt's а great sport!

he's good at (з) volleyba|l /
volleyball player. He's iп the 5. А: What's the ?
school (+) fan / tеаm. В: lt's quarter to опе,

Е. LOok at the clocks апd correct the sепtепсеs G. Add capitals where needed.

1. peter is good at history.

1. lt's half past two
2. mr jones is the пеw science teacher.

З. mу best friend, carlos, is spanish,

4. we're frоm italy.
2. lt's а quarter past ten
Н. Choose а, Ь or с,

1. Whеrе аrе you from?

з. lt'S eleven o'clock а. Brazil.
Ь. Yеаr 10,

с. Brazilian.
4. lt's five to ten
2. Hi! l'm Jane.

а. l'm fine, thanks,

Ь. That's riýht.
5. lt's twenty past three
с. Nice to meet уоu.

3. What's your favourite subject?

а. Мr Тауlоr.
F. Read the text апd write Т for Тruе or F for False
Ь. Volleyball.

с. History.

4. What's the time?

Му паmе is Мопiса а. l'm twelve.

and l'm from ltaly, Ь, l'm iп уеаr nine.
l'm 15 years old
с. lt's half past two.
and l live iп venice.
Му best friend is Maria. She's ltalian, too, and 5. What's уоur address?
we're classmates. We like gymnastics and we're
а. ЗЗ Ваrtоп Road.
in the school gymnastics team. We're good at РЕ
and Мr Fetini is а great РЕ teacher, Маriа is а ь. 02070407втз.
good student and she's very good at Maths and с. England.
History. l'm not very good at Maths and History
isn't my favourite subject. l like Music and Art. 6. SamI lt's 10 pml

а. Good mоrпiпg!
Ь, Good night!
1. Monica is ltalian. п с. Good afternoonI
2. Monica and Маriа аrе students. LJ
3. Мопiса and Maria аrеп't good at gymnastics. 7. See you laterl

4. Мr Fetini is а History teacher. а. HelloI

5. Monica is good at Maths. Ь. Вуе!
6. Monica's favourite subjects are Music and Art. LJ с. Thanksl

А. Complete the blanks with the correct word.

mап ..--_-__-*

Э girl

father ...--__-___-*

grandfather <---->
{--_-,_} aunt
€ cousin
Э sister

В. Look at the family tree Ьеlоw апd complete the sепtепоеs with the words in the Ьох.

grапdраrепts cousins sister uпсlе grandfather раrепts family brother

John Маriоп

+ €

Billy Kelly julia Don

Charles Rob
Chloe Lаrrу

This is Chloe's (r) Charles is Chloe's ЬаЬу (z) and their

(з) аrе Billy and Kelly. Julia is Kel|y's (+) Rob and Larry

are Chloe's (s) and Dоп is her (0) John and Маriоп аrе

Chloe's (z) Неr (в) John, is funny with his moustache.

с. circle the correct words. Е. LOOk апd answer.

1, Му sister's / sisters' names аrе Kate and


2. Му сочsiп's / cousins' favourite sport is

volleyball. He's а great player.

З, Му parent's / parents' best friends live iп


4. What's уоur Maths teacher's / teachers'


5. Му mother's / mothers' brothers are

football players.

D. Choose а or 0 апd complete the text.

1. Whose school bag is that?

Hello, l'm Linda and (r) 1З years

old. This is а picture of (z) family. 2. Whose rulеr is that?

Му dad's паmе is Paul and (з) а

РЕ teacher. Му mum is а РЕ teacher, too. 3. Whose ruЬЬеr is that?


(+) name is Denise. Му parents

like sports and (s) favourite sport
4. Whose mobile phone is that?

is swimminý. The ЬаЬу iп the picture is my

5. Whose репсil case is that?
brother. (о) name's Daniel, He's
опе уеаr old. (z) Iive iп London with

my grandparents, Топу and Natalie. t Look at the pictures aboue апd write sепtепсеs. What
(в) _ аrе my mother's parents. colour are the oblects?
1. Саrlа / school bag

cartrs'q сrhвп{ lэаа is rpd

1. а. my Ь. l'm
2. Теrrу / ruler
3. а. he'S Ь. his
3. Joaquin / rubber
4. а. She Ь. Неr

5. а. they Ь. their 4, Lucy / mobile рhопе

6. а. His Ь. He's

7. а. We Ь, оur 5, Susan / pencil case


8. а. They Ь. Their
I Fаmочý peOplB

А. Complete with the words in the Ьох. В. Complete with fiaye got or has got.

chubby old short fair yoUng r, Kathy а Ьrоthеr.

slim dark tall
2. Мr and МrS Briggs а ЬаЬу Ьоу.

З. Mike two best friends

oi 4. Му uпсlе а moustache
7.. а mап
й 5, Tim and Sandy grееп eyes
2 а man
6, 1 long dark hair.

С. Use the prompts to шritе sепtепсеs.

* 1, Mario

з.а Woman
Маriо's oot а sister.
4.а Не hasn't aot а brother.

5. ап man

6.а Ьоу 3

7. short hair

8. hair

D. Use the prompts to make questions. Тhеп, look at the Е. Complete with the words iп the Ьох.
pictures апd апswеr the questions, as iп the example
sllm got hair He's got
She's singer He's famous

1. she / dark hair? Му favourite actor is Leonardo

DiCaprio. He's from the USA,
_Has she aot dаrk hair?
(1) tall and
No, she hаsп't. Яhe's -*

(2) and he's ýot fair

aat fBir h.air"
hair. (з) beautiful
eyes. They're blue-green.

Му favourite (+) is
2. they / fair hair? Anastacia. (s) _ frоm the
USA. She's slim and she's
(о) long fair
(z) and Ьrоwп eyes.

3. he / short hair? F. Write аЬоut уочr tavourite aclor, actress or singer.

4. hе / brown eyes?

5.they / apel?

Му things

А. CornBlete the crossword.

W }
п L п пп
п п п ,ъ
п п ы
п ппп п пп
п п
--+ п п ппп
п п
пп п п

В. Write the рlчrаl of the words in the Ьох iп the correct соlumп.

foot Ьох country shelf child watch сар farTrily ЬаЬу rооm wоmап

"S -veS irre$ular

i; ! i:-+:.c

с. circle the correct words.

1. Who are these person / people?

2. Jennifer Aniston and Monica Be|lucci аrе my favourite actress / actresses.

3. l've got а pet mouse / miсе,
brother has got а shelf / shelves full of CDs.
5. This is my father's T-shirts / T-shirt.

D. Bewrite the sentences iп lhe plural. Е. Ма!сh

1. That child has got а nice watch 1. Whose bike is this? l

-J !
2. Аrе these уоur sunglasses?
2. Whose bike is this? З. How many watches have уоu got? *J
4, Has уоur brother got а mobile рhопе? Е

3. That's my scarf 5. Who's ýot my CDs? j

а. No, they're Наrrу's
4. This fish is grey and ye|low Ь. Тhrее,

с, lt's my brother's.
5. Who's that mап? d. Jane.
е, No. he hasn't,

F. Complete with the phrases a-d.

а. He's got а vеrу big collection of caps с. Whose rооm is this?

Ь. These red caps аrе coolI d. How rTlany has Пе got?


Alice (r)

Debbie Му Ьrоthеr's.
Alice WowI (z)
Debbie l know, He's crazy about caps
Alice (з)

Debbie Fifty, sixty. l don't know.

Alice (4)

Debbie Yes, he's got lots of rеd caps. \

-.ч j"*inr'r*rU-t_r,r.ý

l Рворlэ апd animals
А. Label. Use the words iп the Ьох

tail еаr tongue leg foot hand arm nose eyes teeth head face mouth neck

В. Match the people with their pets. Тhеп complete the sentences.

М9 pet's поmе is
Squick! He's got Jоur М9 pet hasn't got [e9s Оur pet's поmе
tegs ond а smo[[ tail. М9 pet [s чеrg or wings. lt's got о is Mistg. She's
He's a[so got [опg Ьеаutfu[. lt's ge[low [опg Ьоdg. lt's 9reen ьrоwп and white
ears] and it's got Ь[uе wlngs апd ge[[ow. and she's ЬесutiJull

L 2 з 4

1. Michael has got а

2. Jonathan has got а

3. Melissa has got а

4. Betty and Julie have got а

П/lу bвst lriвnd

А. Complete with алd or but.

1. l'm ýood at Art |'m not good at sport.

2. Gary's got Short hair brown eyes.

3. Donna's cat's name is Betsy hеr dog's паmе is Rocky

4. l've got two sisters l haven't got а brother

5. Му favourite actor is Brad Pitt my favourite singer is Kylie Minogue.

В. Complete with the phrases iп the Ьох.

а. good at Ь. He's crazy about с. He's got d. Му brother

(z skateboarding, right?
Who's that?

r) Steve

Yes, he [s. (з а new skateboard

Не [sn't чеrg
Вut. skoteboardlng

Вut what?

С. Write аЬоut уочr father or mother

Му father's/mother's паmе is...


He's/She's gоt,...,(арреаrапсе)
He's/She's good at.....

А. Write.

1. three family members:

2, three parts of the body:

3. three animals:

В. Read апd label the three girls.

Sophie's tall and slim, She

hasn't got fair hair. She's

got long dark hair. She's ча

beautiful. Diane's beautiful,

too, but she hasn't got

dark hair. She's got fair ,.}.

hair. Mary's talI and slim ,*


and she's got long hair. Неr

hair's fair.

с. circle the correct words. D. Choose а, Ь or с.

1, This is my best friend. Му / His паmе is 1. watch is this? ls it Kathy's?

Adam, а. Who Ь. Whose с. What

2. Natalie has got а dog. lt's / lts tail is long. 2. Ostriches very long necks.
а. have got Ь. has got с. hasn't got
3. Tony and Mike аrе brothers. Their / Yout
mother is ап actress. 3. Who аrе people очеr there?
Are they your grandparents?
4, Are these you / уочr sunýlasses? а. those Ь. that с. these
5, Му uncle is very funny. His / He's short and 4.Му children аrе mу cousins.
chubby. а. uпсlе Ь. uncle's с. uncles
6. Аппа is my best friend, She / Her is nice. 5. Those are my mUgS
а, parents' Ь, parent'S с. parents
Е. Put the почпs iп brackets into the рlшrаl fоrm. Н. Read апd write Т for Тrче or F for False.

1. l've got three pet (fish)

2. Those (child) аrе iп year 7,

3. Jane'S got ten (watch) and

fifteen (scarf)!

4,Му (tooth) are чеrу white

5. Open those (Ьох), please

F. Complete with апd gr but,

1. l'm crazy about History l'm not good

at it.

2. l like animals l haven't got а pet,

3. Lucy's got Short hair blue eyes.

4. Му dad is very tal| my mum lS

very short. This is Brad. He's my пеw classmate and
my best friend. Не looks really cool, eh?
G. Choose а, bor с. Brad is very good at РЕ and his favourite sport
1. What does уоur aunt look like? is skateboarding, He's а great skateboarder!
а. She's ап actress. Brad is crazy about music, too. He's got а
Ь. She's З5 years old. collection of cDs in his room. His favourite
с. She's tall and slim. singer is Robbie Williams.

2. Whose toy giraffe is this? Brad's from а big family, He's got six sisters

а. lt's my grandmother. but he hasn't got апу brothers. His parents

Ь. lt's my ЬаЬу sister's. аrе teachers. They're nice people. Brad's got

с. lt's my pet. another best friend - his pet. Не hasn't ýot а

dog оr а cat but а monkey. lts name is Wiz and
з. HoW many mugs has Danny got?
it's very funny.
а. Blue.
Ь. Danny's.
с. Thirty. 1. Brad is really good at skateboarding.

2. Brad's got а CD collection. lE
4. Has Маriа got fair hair?
а. No, she isn't. She's tall. 3. Brad's got SiX brothers.

Ь. Yes, she has. She's got short dark hair. 4. Brad's got two pets.

G. No, she hasn't. She's got long dark hair. 5. Wiz is а monkey,

А. Fiпd the seven days of the wееk iп the grid. Тhеп, write the days iп order

т н URSDAYWX 1. *f$,tllЭ.дУ

в R с о а А U JD о
U Е D Е т N V N N
с D Y F D н D z Е D
S А т u R D А Y S А
F Y G L к Y D Y
G н N N к А о
т U Е А Y Y р

В. Match to make phrases. с. circle the correct words.

1. watch а. to the park 1, On Fridays Joshua gоеs / go to а fast food

2. do Ь. computer games restaurant,

2. l fly / flies my model plane on Sundays.
3, play с. comics
3. We watches / watch ТV every day.
4. ride d. а model plane 4. They fide / rides their bikes in the park at the
5. take е. TV weekend,

6,90 f. my bike
5. Steve dоеs / do his homework every day,
6. Му cousin р/,ау / plays table tennis оп Mondays.
7. make g. my homework
7. Му brother gоеs / go out with his friends
8. read h. my dog for а wa|k оп Saturdays.

D. Use the verbs iп bold iп the speech bubbles to complete the sentences

l ride mg bike on Sundogs I do mg homework ечеrц dац

1, Dave 2. Sue hеr

his bike оп Sundays, homework every day

l ptag basketball oJter school. l wotch DVDs оп Тhшrsdоgs.

З. Philip 4. Му friend
basketball after school DVDs оп Thursdays


Е. Read Lara's schedu]e. Тhеп, write уочr schedule.

Оп Мопdацs l...
Ow ГДоwdаиs { talce Lhе aog
fоr а vlaLk-. €&dа




Сw Тицrsd,а,]4s иl"u sLster пwd l


Cv" FУvflбgg l go ta чэ,,_ц

dawce cLпss.
thе wee?-ewd l ide чv,g
bLLe Lw thе рлrlс.
l Dо уOч go to the сiпеmа?

А. What kind of films are these? Label the pictures.

1. _а_ z. l_ з, А

4" -d- _ 5._ j_ 6,_ _ _t_

В. Complete the second sепtепсе with the negalive form С. Complete with the Рrеsепt ýimple of the verbs iп
of the verbs iп the first sentence. brackets.

1. Jordan Iives iп LoS АпgеlеS. Не doesn't 1. Каrеп (not like) science-fiction

ýg iп New Yоrk. films. She (think) they're boring

2. Tony and lsabel like comedies. They 2. Му parents аrе crazy about films, They
hоrrоr films. (go) to the cinema ечеrу
3. l go to а fast food restaurant on Saturdays Saturday and Sunday. They

to the cinema (watch) all kinds of films.

4, Му parents watch science-fiction films, They 3. А: (Jessie / watch)

rоmапtiс films romantic films?

5. Natalie reads comics at the weekend В: No, she (not like) romantic

She cornics films at all.

on weekdays. 4. Му favourite animated film is Shrek 2. l really
6. Му sister goes to а dance class оп Saturdays (like) it.

She toa 5. (you / like) comedies? l've

dance class on Sundays got frее tickets for the cinema tonight!

D. Complete the sentences with adjectives. Е. Match

1. А: Do you like romantic films? 1. Неrе are уоur tickets. t


В: No, l don't, Тhеу'rе really _ _о _ i _ _. 2. Сап l ask you а few questions?

2. А: Do you watch adventure films? 3, Do уоu like rоrпапtiс films? J

B:Yes, ldo. lthinkthey're е ___L__L 4. What kind of films do yoLlr parents watch? J
3, А: What kind of films do you watch? а. No way! Тhеу'rе boring

В: Animated films, Тhеу'rе _ л _ _ _}L. Ь. They like hоrrоr films.

4. А: Do you like science-fiction films? с. Thanks а |ot.

В: Yes, very much. l think thеу'rе

d. ОК! Why not?

| ___q__e but my F. Answer the questions about yourse]f

brother thinks they're Ьоriпg.

1. Do уоu go to the cinema?

2. What kind of films do you watch?

3, Do you like adventure films?

4, Do you watch animated films?

5. What's уоur favourite fiIm? What kind of film is it?



*ý. *# #}

Do уOч еп!оу listвning to music?
А. Complete the crossword.





В. Complete the sentences with the correct lorm of the С. Match the questions with the answers.
verbs in brackets.

1. Маriа loves
park with hеr friends.
(go) to the 1. When do you go to your dance class?
2. Do you like watching science-fiction films? *J
2. Daniel and Natalie hate 3. What do you do at the weekend?
(listen) lo jazz music.
4. Does Jane go to the park with her friends? _J
3. Jordan enjoys (play) the guitar
5. Do you play а musical instrument? _l

4. А: Do you like

В: No, l don't, but l rеаllу like

(watch) TV?
6, What kind of music do you like?
(read) comics. а. l go out with mу friends.
5, David and l enjoy (fly) оur model Ь. No, I don't, but l love adventure films
planes in the park.
с. 0n Tuesdays and Thursdays.
6. Anthony doesn't like (take) the
d. Yes, l do. l play the drums.
dog for а walk every day after school
е. Yes, she does, They go every day.
7. l hate (sing) but l Iove
f. l like hip hop.

D. Look at the table апd tiok (/). Тhеп, write sепtепсеs аЬоut yoursell. Use some ot the words iп the Ьох.

Ьоriпg interestlng amazing funny

exciting great fun
пllirtп Е
ride my bike е.е. l lave going to the сiпеmа. lt's exciting,
watch animated films 1. l love
listen to рор music
2, l don't like
piay the рiапо
З. l hate
4. l enjoy

Е. Read the text and write Т lor True or F for False iп the boxes.


Are you а music fan? Тhеп, the Music Fап the drums. Оп Wednesdays some students
Club is the place for you! listen lo jazz and classical music and some
Тhrее bands play at the МFС; а rock, а play the violin, the piano and the saxophone
classical and а jazz Ьапd. The МFС is ореп On Saturdays they all have а party at the
оп Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. club. They love singiný, dancing and playing
On Mondays some students listen to рор their favourite music.
and rосk music and some play the guitar and

1. The МFС hasn't got а рор band.

2. Students go to the МFС every day,
3. Students play jazz оп Mondays.
4. The students have а party оп weekdays

Daily routines

А, ComPlete the sеПtеПСеs with the phrases in the hox. В. Bewrite the sепtепсеs using the words iп brackets.

talks оп the
1. l have breakfast in the morning. (always)

2. l stay up late at the weekend. (sometimes)

3. l am late for school. (печеr)

4. l talk to my friends on the phone, (usually)

The children Sandy 5. I walk to school on Mondays and Tuesdays. (often)

at 7:З0. late on Mondays

с. put the words iп order апd make sentences.

L.go / usua|ly / l / lo bed / al L1-:OO /,

2. печеr / Реtеr / on weekdays / visits / his friends /.

to his friends for hours. every day,
3. at 7 o'cjock 7' Maria / always / gets up /.

4. always / Му father / is / tired / iп the аftеrпооп /.

Joe D. Апswеr the questions аЬочt yourself.

Му sister and l always
at 8:00 1. What time do you usually get up оп weekdays?

2. What time do you get up at the weekend?

3. Do you walk to school or take the bus?

Му parents We еаrlу оп 4. What time do уоu get home from school?

at the weekend. weekdays

ln mу free time

А. Complete with the words/phrases iп the Ьох. В. Choose а or Ь.

magazines pictures 1. l read comics mу free time

skateboarding rock climbing а. iп Ь. on
the Net pictures
shopping rollerblading 2 Friday afternoons Jane ýoes out
with her friends.
а. оп Ь. At

3. the weekend they go to the park

with their friends,
а, lп Ь. At

4. Му mother gets up еаrlу _ weekdays

а. on Ь. at
1.go 2. take
the evening we usually watch TV
а. оп Ь. lп

6. Sue stays up late niýht

а а. at Ь. in

7. Му father likes going rock climbing very еаrlу

the morning,
а. iп Ь. оп
3.go 4. Surf 8._ Saturday mornings l stay at home
and surf the Net.
а, оп Ь. lп

С. Complete the text with the prepositions iп the Ьох.

iп оп at for with to
5" draw 6. collect
At the weekend l always have а great time.
l Eet up (r) _ _ 9 o'clock (z)
mornings and take my dog (з)_ а walk.
(ц)_ the afternoons l ýо to the сiпеmа.
Sundays аrе good, too. l go (s)_ the park
and l go ro|lerblading (6)_ my friends. lп

the evenings l watch DVDs. Ноrrоr films are my

7. go 8.go favou rite.

А. Look at the pictures апd complete the sentences. В. Write.
1. three days of the week

2. three kinds of films

1. Before l ýо to bed, l always

3. three kinds of music:

2. Maria usually 4. three musical instruments

school, but sometimes her
take father does, too. G. Look at the table below. Write sentences about
what Billy does at the wееkепd.

3. Every Thursday afternoon, WEEKEND

4. ln his free time Martin

Вillч аlwацs qets uр {ate at the wееkепd.

His brother hates it.

5. l always
with Mark
on Saturdays. D. Circle the correct words.

1. А: Who / What plays the saxophone?

В: Му mother.
6, Joshua has got а пеw 2. А: What / When time do you get up?
computer and he В: At 7 o'clock.
- after school З. А: Who / Whal kind of films do you like?
В: Comedies.
4. А: When / What do you go to the сiпеmа?

7. Do you В: At the weekend.

for the school 5. А: Where / When do уоu go оп Saturdays?

magazine? В: То the park.

Е. Complete the sепtепсеs with do, dпes, doп't or G. Match the questions wath the апswеrs.

1. Linda stay up late. She's very

instrument? J
with his Barents? *J
young. She goes to bed at 9 o'clock
listen to?


2. А: you like watching

science-fiction fi lms?
В: Yes, l l think they're

3, А: Jane and Jack ride their

bikes in the park оп Fridays?
В: No, they They go
Н. Read the text апd апswеr the questions.
rollerblading оп Fridays

4. А: your brother feed the dog? Julie Darcy is а very famous music star. She
sings, she plays the saxophone and she's а
В: No, he great dancer, too. Julie is an amazing
performer and she's only 16 years old!
5. We like listening to classical
ln her free time Julie likes going out
music. We hate it. We love рор. with hеr friends, but she hasn't got
much free time. Every day she goes
to school and then she's got after-
school activities.
F. Choose а or Ь.
"| get up at 7:15 on weekdays, have breakfast
and go to school. l've got classes after school,
1. Do you enjoy pictures in уоur free time?
too. l go to my dance class, play the saxophone
а. drawing Ь. drаw
апd sing. Му favourite day of the week is Sunday.
l always get up late. lп the afternoon l like going
2, Sue watching animated films. She
to а fast food restaurant with my friends. We talk
thinks they're boring! and it's great fun!"
а. hates Ь. hate
1. Who's Julie Darcy?
З. We always have dinner _ 8 o'clock.
а. at Ь. on 2. What musical instrument does she р|ау?

4. l always visit my grandparents _ Sunday

3. What time does she get up оп weekdays?
а. in Ь. оп
4. Does she go to а dance class after schoo|?
5. James doesn't like _ model planes. Не
thinks it's difficult. 5. What does she like doing оп Sundays with her friends?
а. make Ь. making

Мочiпg hочsе
А. Fiпd 7 pieces ot frrrniture iп the grid апd write them iп the spaoes provided.

1". 7.



В. Look at the pietures and complete the sепtепсеs with the prepositions lп the Ьох.

iп uпdеr betlveen
0п next to itr ftont of 4. The cats аrе

the sofa.

1. The сооkеr is 5. The chair is

the washing machine. the bed.

2. The fridge is 6. The sunglasses аrе

the door. the armchair.

7. Му red T-shirt is
3. The lаmр is the
table and the wardrobe. the washing machine.

i ],.: ::]]",:' -f j.!::.I,i,:ti-:]ia'{j':

,ч l ,ý *Elýiýý gl*ф{в

С. Look at the picture above апd correct the sепtепсеs. D. Look at the picture above and апswеr the questions.

1, The sunglasses аrе under the table. 1, Where's the cat?

2. The table is behind the sofa. 2. Whеrе are the magazines?
3. The wardrobe is behind the sofa
3, Whеrе аrе tlre penci|s?

4, The rеd lamp is in front of the yellow lamp.

4. Where's the clock?
5, The goldfish is uпdеr the chair.

Е. Read the bubbles and complete the sentences with the correct паmе, Oarylar Mark.

Mg ncme's Dargl cnd l live in а big М9 nome's Mcrk ond l [iче in о smo[[
house in Sti,rting. lt's с Ьеашtful house. hоцsе [n London. l don't like it at c[t.
М9 rооm is big and l [ike it чеrg muсh. Мg rооm is sma[[, too. l'че got о bed
М9 desk is in Jront oJ mч bed. lt's verg апd а sma[[ desk Ьut l hoven't got а
big cnd l've got с соmрutеr and а [аmр ТV. We've оп[q got one ТV in the hоusе
on it. Му ТV is on а smo[[ tab[e пеоr and it's iп the llving rооm. l haven't
mg desk. l'че olso got а bLg ormchoir in got а sofo or on аrmсhоlr in mg rооm,
m9 rооm. lt's next to the wardrobe. l slt onlg о choir. l rеа[[9 wcnt to mоvе
there and read comics at the weekend. house Ьut l think it's dfJicult.

1, likes his house,

2. has got а small desk.
3. has got а TV in his rооm,
ж, 4, has got ап аrmсhаir in his

5. 's house isn't biý.

6. wants to move house

Му пеighЬочrhood

А. Match the words 1-4 with the words a-d. Тhеп, label the pictures

1, post
2. shopping

3, fire
4. fast food J
а. centre rl
Ь. station

с, restaurant
d, office

з 4

В. Look at the map and complete the text Ьеlоw with the words iп the Ьох

a;i.:'ii ] .'



сл о
hospital &
зо Grееп street 3
neighbourhood cal Ф
There are

l |ive in а vеrу nice (r) Му house is (z) вrоwп street,

next to the school, There's а liЬrаrу пеаr mу house and l sometimes go there after

school, The liЬrаrу is between the supermarket and the (з) station.

(+) also two parks in mу neighbourhood. (s) а biý раrk

iп Yellow (о) lt's next to the (z) The small park is

behind the shopping (в) l usually go to the biý park with my friends

Оп Saturdays l ýо to the fast food (э) iп Вrоwп street. lt's next to the

petrol (r0)
С. Complete the questions with the correct lorm of there islare. Тhеп, look at the pictures and апswеr the questions,

А: ls there а А:

supermarket next to three books оп the

the bank? desk?
В: No, r&еre ддt В: YeS,

There's в baaksh.op
пехt ta hппk

А: А:

а shopping сепtrе in three cats uпdеr the

гАýт FоQъ
Blossom Street? table?
В: No, В: No,


а реtrоl station А:

between the post а chemist's пеаr

office and the library? уоur house?
В: YeS, В: No,

D. Complete the sentences with а, ап or the. Е. Choose а, Ь ol с.

1.Тhеrе's ltalian restaurant iп my 1. Неу, what's up?

neighbourhood. lt's next to __ police

а. Not rеаllу. Ь. Not much с. Неrе we comel

station. 2. Аrе you hungry?

а. Not rеаllу. Ь. Come on. с. YeS, there is.
2,There's bookshop iп Rose Street, lt's
biý bookshop and it's пеаr 3. ls there а bank near hеrе?
fire station. а. ОК, then. Ь. Yes, с, No, there
there is. aren't.
З.ls there liЬrаrу пеаr here?
4. Where's Peter?
4. There аrе five school bags iп the classroom. а. He's at the Ь. l don't с. lt's in Walkley
blue Ьаý is Mlary's. bank. understand. Road.

tшп places

А. Label the picturBs with the words iп the Ьох. В. Write questions чsiпg the prornpts giчеп. Тhеп, look
Тhеп, comp|ete the sentences. at the pictures апd апswеr the questions.

rollerblade paint use а computer

have а partil сlеап buy

1,. Сап she siпа well?

sing / we|l No, slзе crln't-

j-. 2

t \t ,lit
1i z


.1 4.




1. Julie and Kim rollBrblade in the park every day

2. Let's оп Saturday evening.

lt's my birthday! ride / bike

3. Let's tickets for the

сiпеmа tonight.

4, 1 the house every week.

5. l want to my bike green

6. Му sister can and she's 5.

only four years oldl use / computer

ý. tVlatch.

1. Мum, сап l go out with mу friends? ffi а. Sorryl l can't,

2. Сап l use уоur pencil, please? Ь. l сап piay the Biano.
3. Сап you help mе paint mу tэike? с. Of course. Неrе уоu are.
4. What сап уоu do? d. No, you сап't. You've got lots of homework

D. Use the prompts to mаkе sепtепсеs with [еtЗ...

L.go / swimming pool 2, ask / that Ьоу

l'm bored. l wcnt to go swimmlng rе's the iеisurе сепtrе?

Let's ао to the l don't know

swimmiпа aool.

l'm huпgrg
3. gо / fast food restaurant 4. сlеап / оur room
lt's с mess ln here

Е. Complete the dialogue with the phrases iп the Ьох

l сап dance сап you sing l cun't you can't

вriап! Ссп l Ье PIease!

in gоur band? о

No. ок. ?

No, l con't
1 2
Соп gоu рtаg
on lпstrumепt? Ф
We[t, what сап
gоu do?


l ýее the sights

А. Look at the рiсturе below апd write 1-11 пехt to the words iп the Ьох

square.castle.stadium,tower queen i market ]

palace l bridýe : mUSeUm theatre....j .

7 8

lltl. lll l l! 2

В. Read the letter. Write Т for Тrче or F for False

Dear Маrthа,
l'm цоur пеw репJriепd, Rosa. l live iп а ЬеаutiJul house iп the соuпtrц.
There's а big castle пеаr mц house. tt looks like а palace, The view
frоm its tower
is great. l sоmеtimеs go there with mц Jriends aJter school.
At the weekends, t usuallц visit mу соusiпs. Тhец live iп the сitц. We all
like апimаls very muсh, so We оftеп go to the zoo. We sometimes visit dilJerent
musеums оr art galleries. Мц аuпt is ап art
Jап so she likes gоiпg to these places.
l tike the сitц, Ьut the соuпtrц is mц Javourite place iп the world.
What аЬоцt you? Do цоч live iп the соuпtrц оr iп the city?
Best wishes,

1. Martha lives in а beautifuI house in the соuпtrу.

2. There is а palace пеаr Rosa's house.
3. Rosa goes to the castle with hеr friends.
4. оп saturdays and sundays Rosa stays with hеr cousins г-л

5. Rosa and hеr cousins visit the zoo at the weekends.


:::t \ j. .

.::ii'' -'.

,l. ,
ноmеs and housвs
А. Look at the pictures and write whеrе the people are. Use the words iп the Ьох.

living rооm €ym dining rооm kitchen lift

t.Sle's iп the ааrdеп. 2 з 4.



.i1 ::

ь. 6 7 8.

В. Choose aor Ь.

1. Му uncle lives in the city centre. He's got а 5. Don't use the you can take the lift.

in Blyton Avenue. а. stairs Ь. upstairs

а. furniture Ь. flat 6, Му brother |oves sitting on the living rооm

2. Му bike is in the basement.

а. upstairs ь, downstairs а. wall Ь. f|oor

3. lп my bedroom а big desk пеаr the 7. l've got а TV iп my rооm. There's а TV in the

window. living room,

а. there's Ь. have got 'а. also Ь. too

4. Jack works at the post office. His is 8. Му sisters а big bedroom next to

very small. the bathroom.

а. building ь. office а. there are Ь. have got


А. Put the words uпdеr the correct heading.

sofa bookshop bathroom chemist's armchair bed dining rооm bookcase

hospital kitohen bank living rооm wаrdrоЬе liЬrаrу Ьеdrоопi

flý*ж re ý

в. circle the correct words.

Sophie lives in Baxton Street. There (1) is / are five rооms iп hеr house. Тhеrе tzl is / are (з) а / the
living rооm and (+) а / the kitchen downstairs and there (5) is / are two bedrooms and (о) а / the
bathroomupstairs, ол/ Thebathroomisbetween в,)а/ thetwobedrooms. lnfrontof (э)а / the
house there (1о) is / arc (11) а / the big garden. lt's beautiful!

С. Look at the picture апd answer the questions.

3-, Whеrе's the clock?

2, What's under the table?

З. Where's the skateboard?

4. Whеrе's the cooker?


5. What's iп front of the fridge?

6. ls the washing machine between the сооkеr

and the fridýe?

7. What's оп the table?

8. Where are the apples?

D. Complete the dialogue with сап ar сап't. F. Match.

Matthew Dad, (r) l ask you а question? j

Dad Of course Matthew. What's up?

Matthew (2) l go to the leisure

centre with AIex?


Dad No, you (з) You've got ___J



Matthew l (+) do my homework and

then go to the leisure сепtrе.
Dad Matthew, you usually go to bed late and
in the morning you (s)
get Up.

Matthew Yes, l (0)

; Dad Matthew, stop it! l'm sorry but you G. Rеаd the text апd write Т lor Тruе or F for False.

(z) go to the leisure centre!

Hi! l'm Luca and l'm from Rome, ltaly. l live ы

Е. Choose а, Ь or с.
in а fIat пеаr the city centre" Тhеrе is а
1. Let's have а party, shopping centre пеаr mу house, lt's
а. Yes! Here we соmе! reaIly biý. There are two fast food
Ь. Good idea! restaurants and а cinema in the
с. Not much, shopping centre, At the weekend l go
there with my friends and we have а
2. Where's the living room?
great time.
а. lt's downstairs, next to the kitchen,
Оп Sunday mornings, when we're bored, we
Ь. lt's behind the TV.
sometimes ride оur bikes in the square пеаr
с. lt's on the floor.
my house. Of course, оп Sunday afternoons
3. ls there а post office near here? We go to the О|угпрiс Stadium and watch our
а. Not really. favourite footba|l team, Lazio! Rome is great!
Ь. Yes, it's between the bank and the

1. Luca lives in а house пеаr the city centre.
с, YeS, there аrе.
2. The shopping сепtrе is big.

4. Can l use your computer, dad? 3. There are Мо cinemas iп the shopping centre.
а. No, l can't. lt's late, 4. Luca and his friends watch football оп
Ь. No, l'm bored with computer games Saturdays. п
G. YeS, of course, 5. Luca's favourite team is Lazio.



} Н. Q.Mitchell
Маrilепi Malkogianni



ý i:_
,). What's уоur favourite subject? Е

.},What grade аrе уоu in? е

Hil Мg nome's Lluda and l'm frогп

+" chools iп ukraine
Ukroine. l tive in Kyiv and l go to |'Шпl,лц,,,,м,,

usually teach iп й
middte sесопdоrg schoo[. SchooI
у staгts еvеrg morning at 8.00 о,m. ukrainian, but some
**"t schools also teach in *L*
Luckilg, mg schoot is чеrg c[ose to
mg hоusе. М9 Javouri,te teocher is
Russian, English оr French. 9

Мr Рочlцсhkоп he's greot. тhеrе аrе five оr six school

l days every week and school
statts at В оr 9 iп the
i mоrпiпg. Each lesson is 45 ъ
пliпutеs, Children have to go
to school for 1-1- years. The
first 9 years аrе рrimаry and
& middle secondary school,
The last two years аrе called
sепiоr secondary school and
they рrераrе students for

uп iversity,


А. Rеаd the terrt апd write Т for Тrче or F for False.

I. Yоч сап speak different languages iп 4. Children have to go to school for 9 уеаrs. fu

some ukrainian schools. {э 5. Sепiоr sесопdаrу school is for опе уеаr. {

2. Children go to school ечеrу day. flЪ 6. Liuda starts school at 9.ОО а.m. {
3. Each lesson is half ап hour. trЪ 7. Liuda's school is near hеr house. {


@ Ttrevetbhaveta
В. Use ftaye fo oиtaý fo and the words/phrases in the
have to study

Ьох to complete the sentences.


hurrу take а taxi ýLr t0 ihe suреrrriагkеt

She i has to study
stLtdy Ье quiet do а iot af hоusеwоrk lti
Yоu have to study
t. The tеасhеr is giving the students а test tоmоrrоw l@1 They
The students have
2. Соппеr doesn't have а саr and there аrе по buses оr
to ехрrеsý obiigation, Ф
trains today.
two things уоu have to do at school.
З. Neil and Margaret аrе hчпgrу, but thеrе isn't апу food iп

the fridge.

4. We аrе а big family and we live iп а чеrу big house

очr mum two things уоч have to do at home

5.1t's 8.оо a.m. апd school starts at 8.1о


6. The children аrе talking in the liЬrаrу



tb LooK at the pictures. Which eagle
of the animals do you recognise?

i* WПаt do you know about them?

, deer ;


squirrel bear
А. Read the text апd find оцt mоrе аьочt the animals below.

Ab*aяt Зýý kinds of hirdsч mФrе thап tr$ý kiпds ýf ]ýarnrýalg апd ýýýrе tharT
2ýý kinds в{ fish liye iп Ukrаýпе, ltrЁtаt do уош kftgrg аЬgцt these аззýrcаls?

Ё .,
: ] a aa, "] ::

'gэ]. ._.i_ _.,.- : , -:); :!]j{aЁ'

: ji" 1 1]:, j: : ij: _,

] 1 .r ];7_!_i _; i
.ait :J а1 а. . 1'
' ]:'

The Ечrаsiап beaver is а very

interesting апimаl. Eurasian
beavers like living close to
rivers апd iп forests. А beaver
сап Iive iп water and оп land.
Beave]s, like people, live iп
groups of five to eight. These
groupý are called families or
colonies. А beaver's ЬаЬу is
called а kitten о] а рчр.
The moose is like а deer, but it's
very big. lt сап Ье 2.З metres
The Eurasian Ьrоwп bear tall. lt is а fast animal and it сап
сап Ье 1.7 metres - 2.5 ruп up to 5З kilometres ап hour.
metres tall апd 15о-3оо Moose can't see very well but
kilograms. lt eats meat апd they сап hеаr very well. А ЬаЬу
vegetables апd it сап live moose is called а calf. А Ьоу
2$3О years. А ЬаЬу bear is moose is а buIl and а girl moose
called а счь. is а cow.

В. Read the text again апd write Т for Тrце

or F fоr False.

!. Веачеrs аrе like people iп опе way

2. Тhеrе is mоrе than опе паmе fоr

the beaver's babies.

3. Bears eat опlу meat.

4. А Ьеаr сап Ье very heavy.

5. Moose сап ruп fast.

6. Moose can't see оr hear very well.


А day in the life of Апdriу



Hi! М9 псmе's Andrig ond l1'i:


l'm from Кgiц Ukrcine-


l usually wake up at 7 in the mоrпiпg. l get dressed After school, l often go to the park
with mу friends and play football. |
and then l have breakfast. l usually have роrridgе. ]

lt's mу favourite. Today is Saturday and l'm going love football and mу favourite team
to sleep lопgеr. l'm also going to meet mу friends is Dупаmо Куiц of сочrsе. They аrе great!
at the сiпеmа tonight. Тhеу'rе going to play against Liverpool
l usually walk to school because it's пеаr mу
house. l go to the 42nd Middle Sесопdаrу School Iп the ечепiпg, l always have diппеr with
of Kyiv. l'm fourteen уеаrs o|d and |'m in grade 8. mу family. Then l go to mу rооm апd do mу
homework. l go to bed at about half past ten

В. Rеаd the text апd answer the qцestions.

l. What does Andriy do Ьеfоrе he has breakfast? 5. What does Andriy do after school?
2. Where is Апdriу going to meet his friends tonight? 6. What is Andriy's favourite football team?
З. How does Апdriу get to school? 7.When does Апdriу do his homework?
4. What schoo| does Апdriу go to? 8. What time does Апdriу usually go to bed?

Ф F'чtчrе begaingto ф
We use the Futчrе Ье going to
for something we iпtепd to do tomorrow / tonight next month/year/week/Tuesday, etc.
iп the futurе. in ап hour/year, etc. sооп

l'm going to travel ; |'m not going to travel Аm I going to trачеl? ; Yes, I аm, No, |'m not.
Yоu'rе going to travel ,
You аrеп't gоiпg to travel Аrе уоu going to trave|? i Yes, you аrе No, you aren't
He's Не he ;;* he
She's going to trачеl , She isn't going to travel ls she going to travel? : Yes she lS. No, she isn't.
" 1_1':_ lt it
Wе'rе We We
Yоu'rе going to travel Yоu аrеп't going to travel Аrе you gоiпg to travel? i Yes уоu аrе N о, aren't.
Тhеу'rе They they they

чl ч/

С. Iilrite:
two things уоч аrе going to do today two things уочr mчm isn't going to do today

D. Рцt the words in the correct оrdеr to mаkе sentences.

l. you / rооm / going / сlеап l аrе lto / уочr /?

2. and / пеw / Sue/ саr l buy l to/ going /аrеп't / а / Robert

3. have / lesson / going / the / isn't / to / а / class / history

4. to l is / lчпсh / tоmоrrоw / Jеппу / make l going l ?

5. to / is /Sunday/ Luke / оп / visit / going / Jason

6. work / to / is / going / drive / Наrrу l to l ?

А. Look at the pictures. Do уоч kпоw Шese places? Шrat do уоч lrnow аЬоцt Шеm?
В. Read the text and match pictures 1,6 with the places А-F.


ffi 9\


А, Тhе castle in Kamyanэtý-Podilýky D. National Dendrological Раrk Sofyivka

This is а really pretty castle with е}ечеп This park is поt just а lovely sight. People can gо on trips
towers. А high r,чаll аrоuпd the castleioins hеrе and have а picnic, try horse riding оr ride in а gondola
thetowers, оп the lake. There are also mоrе than З,ЗОО kinds of plants

B.Iýiv-Pechersk tavra
The wоrd'Lavra mеапs great'or'big'and mапу tourists This is а fantastii: istrand оп the B,iver
have vlsited Kyiv to see this amazing sight. It is а group of Dпiрrо апd ii is а чеr1, important part of
ninebeautiful сhчrсhеs and otherbuildings. They аrе оп the }:.istory of ti:e country. Ii is aiso riсh it:
the hills close to the River Dnipro. plant and animai life.

Е Khotyn fortress
This ls а vеrу lэig Byzantin,e сtзurсh This beautiful historical place is оп the Riчеr Dniester. The
in the centre of Kyiv,lt took tиient_v fortress is а very popular place for Hollywood filmmakers.
years ta buiid. Its walls are filled bvith They have used it in mапу films,like The Three Musketeers,
wопdеrfшl paintings" The Arrows of RоЬiп Haodand.lyanhoe.

С. Read the text again апd write what each пцmЬеr refers to.

1.2o 4. з,зоо
2.11 5.3

Ф Present Perfect Sirпрlе Ф
YJe usе the Ргеsепt Регfесt Sirnpie fоr ап action that happened iп the past but we cion't know whеп.

Fчll Fоrms Short Fоrms Fчll Fоrms Short Fоrms

I have played |'ve played l have поt played l haven't played
Yоu have played You've played You have поt played You haven't played
Не He's Не Не
She has played She's pIayed She has not played She hasn't played
lt lt's lt lt
We We've We We
Yоч have played You've played Yоч have not played Yоu haven't played
They They've They They

н ave I pIayed? Yes, have. No, haven't.

н ave уоu Yes, уоu have. No, уоu haven't. ever: Have you ever
he he he p!ayed sqчаsh?
Has she played? Yes, she has. No, she hasn't, печвr: sfiез пеуеr
it it it
travelled abroad.
We We We
Have уоu played? Yes, уоu have, No, уоu haven't.
they they they

D. Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect Simple of the чеrЬs in Е. Discms the lollowing questions:
Ф Have уоч ечеr visited апу
l. Ве quiet! The film (start).
of the places mentioned оп
2. уоч ечеr (try) Chinese food? page 7? Which of them?
3. The boys печеr (see) ап * Wtricn places wou|d уоu like
to visit and why?
adventure film
4. Маrk (do) his homework

IЬ the Тор lA
rмith Сultчrе time for ukraine
Н. Q. Mitchell - Marileni Malkogianni
Published Ьу: ММ Publications
UK Cyprus Frапсе Grеесе Poland Turkey USA
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ISBN: 978-61 8-05-09 18-2 N1607006042-1,1932


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