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Diaphragm Analysis with Skew Walls

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Diaphragm Analysis with Skew Walls


The vast majority of published diaphragm design examples present rectangular buildings to
illustrate basic design methods and principles. However, many buildings contain skewed walls
with or without vertical appendages. “No vertical appendages” include buildings with included
angles other than 90 degrees between the shear wall and diaphragm chords. This document
provides methods to analyze such building configurations.
This document has four objectives:
1. Develop general solutions for the required resistance and stiffness per unit length of a
simple span diaphragm with a skew wall on one side. The diaphragm has constant stiffness
per unit length, G’, over the entire span. Two loading cases are included:
A). A uniform load over the entire span.
B). A single concentrated load at any point along the entire span.
The general solutions close on rectangular buildings.

2. Present a method to determine the required resistance and stiffness per unit length with a
skew wall on one side for any load function or variation in diaphragm stiffness.
The method includes suggested checks on the general solution.

3. Provide an example showing the use of a collector strut at the diaphragm’s transition. This
is required where the skew wall’s in-plane stiffness is minimal.
4. Provide a limited example for the required resistance with a skew wall on both sides of the
The limitations of the general solutions in this document and its examples are:
1. Side-wall and skew wall in-plane shear stiffness is very large relative to the diaphragm’s
shear stiffness.
In-plane deflection of wall is set to zero.
2. Stiffness’s normal to the side-wall and skew wall plane are negligible.
If this is not so, simple diaphragm action is not possible unless the wall base is hinged.
In the extreme as at a cantilevered wall, diaphragm shear action is not possible but strut
action in the diaphragm plane is possible.
3. Deflection compatibility at wall joints requires that skewed side-walls be able to warp.
The in-plane lengths must remain relatively constant due to large stiffness, and those
wall end joints then must be able to move normal to their plane.
Energy methods are required to determine diaphragm shears and reactions where diaphragm
stiffness, BxGx, is not constant over the diaphragm span. If the diaphragm depth, Bx, is constant
(rectangular building) and the load function and stiffness per unit length, Gx, distributions are
balanced, the shear area method can be used to determine deflection – Gx does not have to be
constant to be balanced over the diaphragm span. The energy method in the paper is
Castigliano’s Theorem and pragmatically is the same as Virtual Work. The paper’s results are
subject to the limitations of these methods where superposition must be possible and stiffness per
unit length must be relatively constant over a range of stresses.

Diaphragm Analysis with Skew Walls

Determination of shear caused by a concentrated load is required to determine the reaction and
deflection caused by a uniform load using the energy methods. Since shear is determined, the
analysis is completed in the paper by determining the deflection caused by concentrated loads.
The superposition of the two loading cases is adequate for many load functions.

This paper does not address cases with flexible lateral force resisting systems either at the side
walls or at interior reactions. However: 1) the method in this paper, 2) adequate details to
develop deflection compatibility between the diaphragm and the lateral force resisting system,
and 3) stiffness analytical methods will provide general solutions for such cases. If the
diaphragm is flexible relative to the defined stiffness of a lateral force resisting system, the
general solutions in this paper can be used. The diaphragm acts as a simple span between the
lateral force resisting system in such building configurations, but the calculated deflection will be
relative to the final base line deflection of the lateral force resisting systems (shear walls) and not
relative to zero deflection.

Diaphragm Analysis with Skew Walls

Table of Contents
Topic Page

Diaphragm with a Skew Wall on One Side

Determine Required Strength for a Uniform Load 1
1a General form of diaphragm shear above the skew wall 4
2b General form of diaphragm shear over the diaphragm’s rectangular portion 5
2c General form of reaction at the side wall in the rectangular portion of structure 5
3 General form of reaction at the vertical wall appendage to the skew wall 6
Parametric Study of the Impact of Diaphragm Dimensions on Reactions 12
Parametric Eq.
3 General form of reaction at the vertical wall appendage to the skew wall 12
2c General form of reaction at the side wall in the rectangular portion of structure
Parametric Figures Showing Reactions at Walls for Uniform Load
Across a Diaphragm Having Constant Stiffness, G’, and a Skew Wall
Along One Side
Skew Wall Angle
15o 14
30o 15
45o 16
60o 17
75o 18

Appendix A
Determine Diaphragm Deflection in x Range Over the Skew Wall 19
Due to a Uniform Load
Determine general solution for shear over all ranges of x due to a
concentrated load located over the skew wall
A1 General form of diaphragm shear for x range between the vertical wall 19
appendage to the skew wall and the concentrated load over the skew wall
A2 General form of diaphragm shear for x range between the concentrated load 20
over the skew wall and the transition to the rectangular portion of structure
A3 General form of diaphragm shear for x range between the transition and the 21
rectangular portion side wall due to a concentrated load over the skew wall
General form of reaction at side wall in the rectangular portion of
the structure due to a concentrated load over the skew wall
A5 General form of reaction at the vertical wall appendage to skew wall due 22
to a concentrated load over the skew wall

A8 General form of deflection at a distance x = α over the skew wall caused by a 26

uniform load over the entire span. Diaphragm has constant shear stiffness, G’

Diaphragm Analysis with Skew Walls

Table of Contents
Topic Page
Appendix B
Determine Diaphragm Deflection in x Range Over the Rectangular Portion of 27
the Structure Due to a Uniform Load
Determine general solution for shear over all ranges of x due to a 27
concentrated load located over the rectangular portion of structure
B1 General form of diaphragm shear for x range between the vertical wall 27
appendage to the skew wall and the transition to the rectangular portion
B2 General form of diaphragm shear for x range between the transition to the 27
rectangular portion of structure and the concentrated load over the
rectangular portion
B3 General form of diaphragm shear for x range between the concentrated load 28
over the rectangular portion of the structure and the side wall in the
rectangular portion
General form of reaction at side wall in the rectangular portion of
the structure due to a concentrated load over the rectangular portion
B5 General form of reaction at the vertical wall appendage to skew wall due 29
to a concentrated load over the rectangular portion of structure
B8 General form of deflection at a distance x = α over the rectangular portion of 32
the structure caused by a uniform load over the entire span. Diaphragm has
constant shear stiffness, G’
Appendix C
Determine Diaphragm Deflection Due to a Concentrated Load 35
Determine general solution for deflection over all ranges of x due to a
concentrated load located over the skew wall
C1 General form of reaction at the vertical wall appendage to the skew wall 35
due to a concentrated load over the skew wall at x = s
C2 General form of deflection at a distance = α in the x range between the 37
vertical wall appendage to the skew wall and the concentrated load over
the skew wall
C3 General form of deflection at a distance = α in the x range between the 39
concentrated load over the skew wall and the transition to the rectangular
portion of the structure
C4 General form of deflection at a distance = α in the x range between the 41
transition and the rectangular portion side wall due to a concentrated load
over the skew wall

Determine general solution for deflection over all ranges of x due to a

concentrated load located over the rectangular portion of the structure

Diaphragm Analysis with Skew Walls

Table of Contents

Eq. Topic Page

C5 General form of reaction at the vertical wall appendage to the skew wall due 42
to a concentrated load over the rectangular portion of the structure at x = s

C6 General form of deflection at a distance = α in the x range between the 43

vertical wall appendage to the skew wall and the transition to the
rectangular portion of the structure

C7 General form of deflection at a distance = α in the x range between the 45

transition to the rectangular portion of structure and the concentrated load
over the rectangular portion of the structure

C8 General form of deflection at a distance = α in the x range between the 47

concentrated load over the rectangular portion of the structure and the
side wall in the rectangular portion
Appendix D
Diaphragm Example with Skew Wall on One Side and Requiring a Collector Strut 48
Determine Required Strength and Deflection for a Uniform Load
Example 1 49-50
Modified Example 1 51-54
Appendix E
Diaphragm Example with Skew Wall on One Side and No Vertical Appendage
Determine Required Strength and Deflection for a Uniform Load 55-57

Diaphragm with a Skew Wall on Two Sides

Appendix F
Diaphragm Example with Balanced Skew Walls on Both Sides
Determine Required Strength for a Uniform Load 58-61

Diaphragm Analysis with Skew Walls

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Diaphragm Analysis with Skew Wall on One Side
Determine Required Strength for a Uniform Load

Example: w = 500 plf

Joists @
5 ft o.c.
Va lbs
A = 30 ft
Vb lbs B = 60 ft
Skew wall Deck
Vsw Span
B – A = 30 ft

θ = 60ο
Geometric Control
17.32 ft Ld = 3 @50 ft = 150 ft B−A
≤ Ld
Tan (θ )
A = vertical appendage to skew wall – (A> 0 ft)
B = overall depth of diaphragm
Ld = total diaphragm span between lateral force resisting systems (shear walls)
Va = shear reaction along A at shear wall
Vb = shear reaction along B at shear wall
Vsw = total shear force along skewed wall
θ = angle between base line and skew wall
Figure shows the probable shear flow directions, but diaphragm geometry can reverse
some vectors. The positive sign convention for shear flow is shown on page 3.

Consider forces in diaphragm above the skew wall:

diaphragm load function
1 BxS

Diaphragm element θ
lengths at circled cut
creating unit length at
Deformed Panel
S = Shear force per unit length
= Sx & S y
Sx = shear force per unit length along x axis
Sy = shear force per unit length along y axis

Diaphragm Analysis with Skew Wall on One Side
Determine Required Strength for a Uniform Load

Bx = depth of diaphragm at x – varies from 30 ft to 60 ft in example

Skew wall can only resist in-plane shear per unit length, v’sw, while out of plane resistance,
Csw, is minimal. A property of a diaphragm is that the resistance normal to the skew wall
= 0. When θ = 0, as at rectangular building chords, the longitudinal walls also only resist
in-plane shear loads along Ld. External load can create compression in the panels of the

Determine v’sw
ΣFx = 0 at bottom triangular element of width, dx, cut
x dx
along skew wall. Bottom element is part of full depth
strip cut at x along the diaphragm:
Bx v’sw ds cos(θ) = Sxdx
dx = ds cos(θ)

v sw = Sx
θ θ Shear per unit length along the skew wall at x equals
the shear per unit length at the top wall at x.
Determine the vertical component of skew wall
Forces on skew wall ΣFy at bottom element cut along skew wall:
element of length, ds
v’sw ds sin (θ) = Sx (dx/cos(θ)) sin (θ) = Tan(θ)Sxdx

Equivalent force system at bottom point: Sxdx

Result: The vertical component of v’sw ds adds to the external load to create the vertical unit
shear, Sx, along the vertical cut at location x over the skew wall.

Csw = 0
v’sw = skew wall shear per unit length
Csw = normal thrust per unit length along skew wall
v’sw = Sx

Forces per unit length

on skew wall

Diaphragm Analysis with Skew Wall on One Side
Determine Required Strength for a Uniform Load

Comment for Design:

The shear per unit length along the skew wall, v’sw, equals the shear per unit length along
the top wall, Sx, at the same x location. Require the same number of connections per ft,
N, along the skew wall that are required at transverse supports at butt joints.
However, connections are typically located in the bottom flats of flutes and the flute
spacing is greater along the skew wall. This will require either connections in more flutes
along the skew wall or more connections per flute along the skew wall. The optimum
location is to add connections in the flutes furthest from the centerline of each deck sheet.
Connections per sheet at butt - joint
Connections per sheet at skew wall =

In the example, θ = 60o. For a 36 in. wide deck sheet, a 36/4 pattern has connections at 12
in. o.c. measured perpendicular to the span so there are 3 connections per sheet with a
nestable side-lap. A 36/7 pattern has connections at 6 in. o.c. measured perpendicular to
the span so there are 6 connections per sheet with a nestable side-lap. If design requires a
36/4 pattern at typical supports, use a 36/7 pattern at the skew wall (6 in. o.c. measured
perpendicular to the span or 12 in. o.c. measured along the skew wall). Maintain the
required edge dimensions and connection spacing in the deck and the skew support.

Positive Shear flow in diaphragm:

Sign of Sx function will Sa Sx Sb
include the normal reversal
that is expected at the BSb reaction, Vb.
Sx, Sa, and Sb = shear per unit length
Sx BSb


Develop the General Solution for Vx above the

Vx above the Skew
Skew Wall:
B−A x
For 0 ≤ x ≤ ft
Tan (θ ) Sx∆x
Bx = A + Tan(θ)x A Vx =
∆Bx = Tan(θ)∆x Bx SxBx (Sx+∆Sx) Bx
Shear along skew wall is converted to
two equivalent components for Tan(θ) (Sx+∆Sx)∆x
equilibrium simplicity. ∆Bx
In example: A = 30 ft and θ = 60o Tan(θ) (Sx)∆x
Tan(θ) ∆x = 1.732 ∆x Sx∆x


Diaphragm Analysis with Skew Wall on One Side
Determine Required Strength for a Uniform Load

General equilibrium solution at strip of width, ∆x: ΣFy = 0

Sx B x = Sx B x + B x ΔSx + Tan (θ )Sx Δx + ΔSx Tan (θ )Δx + w∆x + Tan (θ )Sx Δx

Neglect: ∆SxTan(θ)∆x Will typically be product of two very small numbers.
As θ approaches 90o, Tan(θ) gets very large but model
becomes rectangle and normal diaphragm theory applies.
0 = Bx ΔSx + 2Tan (θ )Sx Δx + w∆x
Note: The 2Tan(θ)Sx term can be significant relative to w so it cannot be neglected.

Bx = A + Tan(θ)x Substitute and write as differential equation.

 2Tan (θ )Sx dx  w
dSx +   = - dx
 A + Tan (θ )x  A + Tan(θ )x

 x 2 
(A + Tan (θ )x ) Sx + w  Ax + Tan (θ )  + C1 = 0
2 
 2 
At x = 0: Sx = Sa so C1 = - A2Sa
General form of diaphragm shear per unit length above skew wall:

Sx =
A 2S a

2Ax + Tan(θ )x 2 w ) Eq. 1
(A + Tan(θ)x )2 2(A + Tan(θ)x )2
Eq. 1 can be rewritten as a function of total shear at a cut along x
Where: Va = ASa
Vx = BxSx = (A+Tan(θ)x)Sx

General form of diaphragm shear above skew wall:

A 2Ax + Tan(θ )x 2
Vx = Va − w Eq. 1a
A + Tan(θ )x 2(A + Tan(θ )x )

At x = (Transition from skew to flat longitudinal wall)
Tan (θ )
A B −A 2 2
S trans =   S a − w Eq. 1b
B 2B 2 Tan(θ )
A B2 − A2
Vtrans = Va − w
B 2BTan (θ )

In the example: A = 30 ft, B (total diaphragm depth) = 60 ft, and θ = 60o.

x at end of skew wall = 17.32 ft
S17.32 ft = 0.250Sa - 0.217w at transition to flat longitudinal wall
S8.66 ft = 0.444Sa - 0.160w at middle of skew wall

Diaphragm Analysis with Skew Wall on One Side
Determine Required Strength for a Uniform Load

S0 ft = Sa along side wall of length, A

Develop the General Solution for Vx above the Rectangular Portion of Diaphragm:

General form of diaphragm shear per unit length over diaphragm rectangular portion:
For ≤ x ≤ Ld
Tan (θ )
A B2 − A 2  B−A  w
Sx =   Sa − w − x − 
 Tan (θ )  B
B 2B2Tan (θ ) 
2  (B − A )2 x
Sx =   Sa +  − w Eq. 2
 
 2B Tan(θ ) B 

2  (B − A )2 L 
Sb =   Sa +  2 − d w At B wall, x = Ld Eq. 2a
B  2B Tan(θ ) B 
 

In the example:
Sb = 0.25Sa − 2.43w

Eq. 2 can be rewritten as a function of shear: Vx = BSx and:Va = ASa

General form of diaphragm shear over diaphragm rectangular portion:
A  (B - A )2 
Vx = Va +  - x w Eq. 2b
B  2BTan (θ ) 
 
A  (B - A )2 
Vb = Va +  - Ld w Eq. 2c
B  2BTan (θ ) 

Note: When Sb is negative, Vb will be opposite in direction to assumed positive direction of

Sb. The shear gradient above the skew wall, dVx dx , is changed relative to a rectangle
by the building shape but the gradient, dVx dx = − w , is unchanged over the
rectangular part. The impact of shape on end shears, Va and Vb, has to be determined.

Since Sxdx at top is equal and opposite to the Sxdx component at the bottom at each
strip, global ΣFx = 0 for shear flow.

Use Castigliano’s Theorem to determine Va, Sa, Vb, and Sb:

L Vx ∂Vx
Castigliano’s Theorem as applies to diaphragms: δQ = ∫ dx
0 G x Bx ∂Q
Deflection at shear wall along A = 0 so locate Q at Va. Q physically = 0.
G’x is constant in this case and = G’. If not, the same process works but each x range
must include the appropriate G’x.

Diaphragm Analysis with Skew Wall on One Side
Determine Required Strength for a Uniform Load

Note: δA = 0 must be possible for the solution to apply.


A Va + Q
Vb B
Skew wall Deck
Vsw Span

Figure consistent
B−A Ld with positive sign
Tan (θ ) convention

δQ = 0 (deflection at location of Q in direction of Q)

0≤x≤ ft Vx From Eq. 1a:
Tan (θ )

(Va + Q ) − 2Ax + Tan (θ )x w ∂Vx

Vx = =
A + Tan (θ )x 2(A + Tan (θ )x ) ∂Q A + Tan (θ )x
Bx = A+Tan(θ)x Q =0

≤ x ≤ Ld Vx From Eq. 2b:
Tan (θ )

(Va + Q) +  (B - A ) - x w
A  2  ∂Vx A
Vx = =
B  2BTan (θ )  ∂Q B
Bx = B Q =0

Castigliano’s theorem application (for simplicity the Vx fraction is broken into parts):
B− A
Tan (θ )  
 A 2Va Axw A 2 xw dx +
0= ∫ − −
 ' 3
 G (A + Tan (θ )x ) 2G (A + Tan (θ )x ) 2G (A + Tan (θ )x ) 
3 ' 2 '

 A 2V 
a +  (B - A ) - x  A w dx
L 2

∫   2BTan (θ )  ' 2 
B − A  G ' B3  GB 
Tan (θ )

Diaphragm Analysis with Skew Wall on One Side
Determine Required Strength for a Uniform Load

Solving for Va (G’ factors out): Eq. 3

 1   A 2  A 2  B − A 
 1 −    +  L −  Va =
 2Tan (θ )   B   B3  ( )
  Tan θ 

   A 2  2 
   + 2ln B  − 1 − 1  ALd (B - A ) − A(B - A ) − ALd + A (B − A )  w
A  2 3 2

 4Tan 2 (θ )   B   A   2  B3Tan (θ ) B3Tan 2 (θ ) B2 B2 Tan 2 (θ ) 
 

In example: 0.769 Va = 89.3(ft) w

Va = 116(500) = 58000 lbs Sa = 1933 plf
From Eq. 2a Vb = 60 (-732) = - 43920 lbs∴ Sb = 0.25(1933) -2.43(500) = - 732 plf ∴
From Eq. 1a S17.32 ft = 0.25Sa – 0.217w = 375 plf
From Eq. 1 S 8.66 ft = 0.444Sa - 0.160w = 778 plf

Determine the total shear along the top chord, Vswt, above the skew wall, and the total shear
along the skew wall, Vsw, so that the skew shear wall diaphragm can be designed:
Note: Vswt is required to check rotational equilibrium, ΣM = 0.
For 0 ≤ x ≤ ft Sx is from Eq. 1
Tan (θ )
B− A

Vswt =
Tan (θ ) 
 A 2Sa ( )
2Ax + Tan (θ )x 2 w 
∫  (A + Tan (θ )x )2 − 2(A + Tan (θ )x )2 dx
0  

Total Shear Force along the Top Chord over the Skewed Wall, Vswt:
A B-A   A 
(B − A ) 1 − B  w
Vswt =  Sa − Eq. 4
Tan(θ )  B  2Tan (θ ) 
 

Total Shear Force along the Skewed Wall, Vsw:

Vsw = swt From ΣFx = 0 at strip on pages 2 and 3
cos(θ )

Vsw =
A B-A
 Sa −
1 
 (B − A ) 1 − A  w Eq. 5
Sin(θ )  B  2Sin(θ )Tan(θ )   B 
' :
Average Shear per unit length along the Skewed Shear Wall, Vsw
' = sin(θ )Vsw =  A S −
1  A
1 − w Eq. 5a
(θ ) 
B 2Tan  B

In example: Vswt = 8.66(ft )Sa − 2.5(ft )w = 8.66(1933) − 2.5(500 ) = 15490 lbs

Vsw = 17.32(ft )Sa − 5.0(ft )w = 17.32(1933) − 5.0(500) = 30980 lbs
Vsw = 0.5Sa − 0.144w = 0.5(1933) − 0.144(500) = 895 plf

Maximum v sw = 1933 plf Minimum v’sw = 375 plf
Vertical component of Vsw = sin(θ)Vsw = 0.866(30980) = 26829 lbs

Diaphragm Analysis with Skew Wall on One Side
Determine Required Strength for a Uniform Load

Check Equilibrium in example based on ΣFy:

Sum of Reactions: = 58000 lbs + 43920 lbs = 101920 lbs
Sum of load and vertical component of Vsw: = 75000 lbs + 26829 lbs = 101829 lbs
Result = OK closes (Round off error due to 3 significant figures)

Determine the total shear along the top chord, VswL, above the rectangular portion of
Note: VswL is required to check rotational equilibrium, ΣM = 0.

For ≤ x ≤ Ld Sx is from Eq. 2
Tan (θ )
  A 2
d  (B − A )2 x 
VswL = ∫    Sa +  2 −  w dx

B− A   B   2B Tan (θ ) B  
  
Tan (θ )

Total Shear Force along the Top Chord over the Rectangular Portion, VswL:
  2 2 

 A  2  B − A   (B − A )2  B − A   Ld (B − A ) 
VswL =    L −  Sa +  Ld − − −  w Eq. 6
 B   d Tan (θ )  
   
 2Tan (θ )B
 Tan (θ )   2B 2BTan (θ ) 
  
In example:
 lb   lb 
VswL = 33.17(ft )Sa − 175.42(ft )w = 33.17ft 1933  − 175.42ft  500  = −23592 lbs
 ft   ft 
Check rotational equilibrium in example based on ΣMa = 0:

Clockwise due to external load and perimeter shear flow:

= 150 ft (500 plf)(75 ft) + 60 ft (23592 lbs) = + 7040520 ft lbs
Counter Clockwise due to perimeter shear flow:
= 150 ft (43920 lbs) + 30 ft (15490 lbs) = - 7052700 ft lbs
Result = OK closes & ΣMa = 0 (Round off error due to 3 significant figures)
w = 500 plf Note the negative
signs above. Actual
direction is as shown
Vswt = 15490 lbs VswL = 23592 lbs

A Va =
58000 lbs Vb =
43920 lbs

Vsw = 30980 lbs VswL = 23592 lbs

Diaphragm Analysis with Skew Wall on One Side
Determine Required Strength for a Uniform Load

Shear diagram for this example: Eqs. 1a and 2b

Shear Diagram

Shear kips

-10.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150
Location Along Diapragm - ft

Shear / unit length diagram for this example: Eqs. 1 and 2

Shear per Unit Length Diagram

Shear per Unit Length - kips / ft

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150
Location Along Diapragm - ft

Comments on example result:

The reaction, Vb, at the right side is increased by 17% relative to a rectangular diaphragm
(Vb = 75 ft x 500 plf = 37500 lbs). The reaction, Va, at the left side is increased by 55 %
relative to a rectangular diaphragm. The impact of the skew wall is significant. The shear
along the top chord does not go to zero (15490 - 23592 = - 8102 lbs) – building wants to
twist. The shear flow along the skew wall adds significant vertical load that adds to the
external load and increases the side reactions particularly at Va, which is closest.

Diaphragm Analysis with Skew Wall on One Side
Determine Required Strength for a Uniform Load

The shear per unit length drops rapidly over the skew wall – less shear and increasing depth.
Modify Example:
The shear per unit length at A is relatively large for deck: 1933 plf. Say the designer
decides to include a braced bent or rigid frame at the first 50 ft location along Ld and the
stiffness of that frame is significantly greater than the diaphragm.

Now: Ld = 50 ft, A = 30 ft, B = 60 ft, and θ = 60o. Eq. 3 and Eq. 2a can be used.
0.353 Va = 9.58(ft) w Eq. 3
Va = 27.1ft(500 plf) = 13550 lbs Sa = 452 plf
Vb = -32.1ft(500 plf) = -16050 lbs∴ Sb = - 268 plf ∴ Eq. 2a
Vswt = 8.66 ft (452 plf ) − 2.5ft (500 plf ) = 2664 lbs Eq. 4
Vsw = 17.32 ft (452 plf ) − 5.0ft (500 plf ) = 5329 lbs Eq. 5
VswL = 8.17 ft (452 plf ) − 15.97 ft (500 plf ) = − 4292 lbs Eq. 6
The right side rectangular (100 ft x 60 ft) portion of the building has:
Va = Vb = 50 ft(500 plf) = 25000 lbs Sa = Sb = 25000 lbs/60 ft = 417 plf
The rigid frame and connections between the diaphragm and frame must
resist a line load of (268 + 417) = 685 plf.
External load, w,
Modified VswL = 4292 lbs
is not shown for
Example Vb =
Vswt = 2664 lbs 16050 lbs

Va =
13550 lbs Vb =
Va = B
25000 lbs
ΣMa 25000 lbs

Vsw = 5329 lbs

VswL = 4292 lbs

Check rotational equilibrium in first 50 ft of modified example based on ΣMa = 0:

Clockwise due to external load and perimeter shear flow:
= 50 ft (500 plf) (25 ft) + 60 ft (4292 lbs) = + 882520 ft lbs
Counter Clockwise due to perimeter shear flow:
= 50 ft (16050 lbs) + 30 ft (2664 lbs) = - 882420 ft. lbs

Result = OK closes & ΣMa = 0 (Round off error due to 3 significant figures)

Diaphragm Analysis with Skew Wall on One Side
Determine Required Strength for a Uniform Load

Shear diagram for 50 ft zone containing skew wall in modified example: Eqs. 1a and 2b

Shear Diagram

Shear kips

-2.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Location Along Diapragm - ft

Shear / unit length diagram for 50 ft zone containing skew wall in modified example:
Eqs. 1 and 2

Shear per Unit Length Diagram


Shear per Unit Length - kips / ft




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50


Location Along Diapragm - ft

When Ld is reduced to 50 ft while everything else remains constant, the reaction at the right
side, Vb = 16050 lbs, is increased by 28% relative to a rectangular diaphragm, Vb = 25 x
500 = 12500 lbs. The reaction, Va, at the left side is increased by 8 % relative to a
rectangular diaphragm. The impact of the skew wall on the analysis is significant. The
impact of Ld also shows up since the dominant wall receiving the shear shifts from the left

Diaphragm Analysis with Skew Wall on One Side
Determine Required Strength for a Uniform Load

wall to the right wall when Ld is changed from 150 ft to 50 ft. The balance point where
Va = Vb is Ld = 73 ft.

The selection of the rigid frame balances shear in the diaphragm deck (417 plf vs. 452 plf)
and brings the design value to a reasonable number (452 vs. 1933 plf) for deck resistance.
The bottom chord member should be designed to provide continuity at the transition
between the skew wall and the long wall in both cases. A strut also might be required at
the transition to resist the vertical component in the skew chord and transfer it to the
diaphragm similarly to web stiffeners in beams at sloped flange transitions. See
Appendix D.

Perform a Parametric Study to Investigate Reaction Impact of Diaphragm Dimensions

When should Equations 3 and 2c be used for uniform loads over the entire diaphragm span
to calculate the shear wall reactions, Va and Vb, in lieu of a rectangular diaphragm analysis
method (where Va = Vb = 0.5 wLd)?

Rewrite Eqs. 3 and 2c as parametric functions:

Parametric Eq. 3
 1 − C2 1 − C 2 
 2 + C2  C −  Va =
2 1
 2Tan (θ )  Tan (θ ) 
 1  2       
  C + 2ln 1  − 1 − 1  (1 - C )2  C1 + C 2  − C 2  C 2 wL
C   2
 Tan (θ ) Tan (θ ) 
2   1
 4Tan 2 (θ )  d
2 2 
  2     C1

 (1 − C 2 ) 2 
Vb = C 2 Va +  − 1 wL d Parametric Eq. 2c
 2C1Tan (θ ) 
 
Ld A Skew Wall Appendage to
C1 = Diaphragm Aspect Ratio C2 =
B B Diaphragm Depth Ratio

Geometric Control for model to apply

≤ L d or 1 - C2 < C1 Tan(θ)
Tan (θ )

Answer to Question:
Eqs. 3 and 2c should always be used for A > 0 and θ > 0o.
A simplification (Va = Vb = 0.5wL) could be justified for A/B > 0.95 based on 5%
acceptable variation. At A = 0 substitute a fictitiously small C2 or A/B, say = .00001.
See Appendix F for Example of A = 0.

Diaphragm Analysis with Skew Wall on One Side
Determine Required Strength for a Uniform Load

Result Parametric Study:

The general solution closes on a rectangular analysis at: C2 = 1, θ = 90o. The parametric
study results are shown in the Figures below.
The curves do not become asymptotic to 0.5wLd over all ranges of A/B, but the trend is
clearly that direction at larger angles or A/B ratios. This conclusion is more pronounced at
the B depth wall than the A depth wall. Depending on diaphragm geometry, the dominant
wall can be near the skew wall or away from the skew wall. The skew wall side is
normally dominant as L/B and/or A/B, and/ or θ get larger. Implicit is that some L/B ratio
will create a balanced condition for each A/B and angle combination. The shear per unit
length normally increases at one or both walls relative to a rectangular diaphragm because
A < B and more load is thrown to a wall (coefficient on wLd can be greater than 0.5).

The curves approach 0.5wLd at very large A/B ratios and intersect 0.5 when A/B =1 (the
general solution correctly predicts the rectangular condition). A maximum coefficient
occurs at a particular A/B ratio for each Ld/B ratio. The particular A/B ratio decreases as
L/B increases. However, the maximum coefficient increases as Ld/ B increases or as the
angle increases.
At A/B = 0, Va = 0 – simplistically what is not there cannot resist load. The reaction is
along the skew wall; the vector for Vsw will reverse direction relative to the positive sign
convention on page 3. (Let C2 = 0.00001 in parametric Eq. 3).

The positive sign in the Figures for the reactions at both A and B indicates an upward
direction for a downward load, w. When the equation is applied at B, the sign is normally
negative but this also indicates an upward Vb – See page 1 for parameters and page 3 for
the equation sign convention.

Parametric Study Figures showing:

Reactions at Walls of Length A & B for uniform load across a Diaphragm
having constant Stiffness, G’, and a Skew Wall along one side

The skew wall angle, θ, and dimension parameters are shown on page 1.
Curve sets vary θ from 15o through 75 o in 15 o increments.

At θ = 0o and 90o, A/ B can only be 1 and the rectangular building reactions apply:
Va = Vb = 0.5wLd.

Diaphragm Analysis with Skew Wall on One Side
Determine Required Strength for a Uniform Load

Reactions at Walls of Length A & B

Skew Wall Angle=15 Degrees

Skew Wall Reaction at A 0.50
Coefficient on wL 0.45
0.10 L/B=4
0.05 L/B=5
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
A/B Ratio

Skew Wall Angle=15 Degrees

Shear Wall Reaction at B

Coefficient on wL

0.65 L/B=5



0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
A/B Ratio

The drop off of reactions at A and B for Ld/B = 1, 2, and 3 at A/B < 0.8, 0.5, and 0.2
respectively indicates that the geometric control does not allow these configuration

Diaphragm Analysis with Skew Wall on One Side
Determine Required Strength for a Uniform Load

Reactions at Walls of Length A & B

Skew Wall Angle=30 Degrees

Skew Wall Reaction at A 0.60
Coefficient on wL

0.25 L/B=2
0.20 L/B=3
0.05 L/B=5
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
A/B Ratio

Skew Wall Angle=30 Degrees


0.80 L/B=1
Shear Wall Reaction at B

Coefficient on wL

0.70 L/B=4

0.65 L/B=5



0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
A/B Ratio

The drop off of reactions at A and B for Ld/B = 1 at A/B < 0.5 indicates that the
geometric control does not allow these configuration combinations.

Diaphragm Analysis with Skew Wall on One Side
Determine Required Strength for a Uniform Load

Reactions at Walls of Length A & B

Skew Wall Angle=45 Degrees



Skew Wall Reaction at A
Coefficient on wL


0.4 L/B=1
0.3 L/B=2
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
A/B Ratio

Skew Wall Angle=45 Degrees


Shear Wall Reaction at B


Coefficient on WL




0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
A/B Ratio

Diaphragm Analysis with Skew Wall on One Side
Determine Required Strength for a Uniform Load

Reactions at Walls of Length A & B

Skew Wall Angle=60 Degrees



Skew Wall Reaction at A
Coefficient on wL 0.8




0.4 L/B=1
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
A/B Ratio

Skew Wall Angle=60 Degrees

Shear Wall Reaction at B

0.85 L/B=2
Coefficient on WL

0.80 L/B=3
0.75 L/B=4
0.70 L/B=5
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
A/B Ratio

Diaphragm Analysis with Skew Wall on One Side
Determine Required Strength for a Uniform Load

Reactions at Walls of Length A & B

Skew Wall Angle=75 Degrees

1.3 L/B=2
1.2 L/B=3
Skew Wall Reaction at A

Coefficient on wL

0.9 L/B=5
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

A/B Ratio

Skew Wall Angle=75 Degrees


0.9 L/B=2
Shear Wall Reaction at B
Coefficient on WL

0.8 L/B=4


0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
A/B Ratio

Appendix A
Determine Diaphragm Deflection in x Range Over the Skew Wall Due to Uniform Load

Develop General Solution for Deflection, δα, at Distance, α, Over Skew Wall:
Applicable to 0 ≤ α ≤ Deflection, δα, is along the y axis.
Tan (θ)

Application of Castigiliano’s theorem to determine the deflection at each point, α, due to a

uniform load requires that the shear caused by a concentrated load located at α be defined for
each point x along the diaphragm span. The concentrated load is designated Q in the theorem.
Develop general solution for shear over all ranges of x due to a concentrated load on
the diaphragm located at x = α over the skew wall:
α P

Sx Sb
For range 0 ≤ x ≤ L d Sa

Where: ASa
P = concentrated load Sx BSb
α = a pseudo variable along x in
the x field and the location of P
General form of diaphragm shear per unit length and shear above skew wall:
For x < α From Eq. 1 and 1a, derivation is the same but w = 0.

A 2Sa
Sx =
(A + Tan(θ)x )2
Eq. can be rewritten as a function of total shear at a cut along x
Vx = Va Eq. A1
A + Tan(θ )x

On left side of load, P, at x = α:

VαL = Va
A + Tan (θ )α
A 2Sa
SαL =
(A + Tan (θ )α )2
On right side of load at say x = α + dx:
For convenience consider P is over a minuscule width, dx = 0 – See Figure below.
VαR = Va − P − Tan (θ )SαL dx
A + Tan (θ )α
A 2Sa P
SαR = −
(A + Tan (θ )α ) A + Tan (θ )α

Appendix A
Determine Diaphragm Deflection in x Range Over the Skew Wall Due to Uniform Load

For α ≤ x ≤ ft
Tan(θ )
0 α Sx∆x

VαL VαR Bα Vx =
SxBx (Sx+∆Sx) Bx

dx Tan(θ) (Sx+∆Sx)∆x

Tan(θ) (Sx)∆x
Bα = A+Tan(θ)α
Bx = A+Tan(θ)x Full depth strip at x to right of P

General equilibrium solution at strip of width, ∆x: ΣFy = 0 See derivation at Eq. 1:
Sx B x = Sx B x + B x ΔSx + Tan (θ )Sx Δx + ΔSx Tan (θ )Δx + Tan (θ )Sx Δx
 2Tan (θ )Sx dx 
dSx +   = 0
 A + Tan (θ )x 
(A + Tan (θ )x )2 Sx + C1 = 0
At x = α: Sx = SαR so C1 = -A 2Sa + (A + Tan (θ )α )P

α≤x≤ ft :
Tan(θ )

General form of diaphragm shear per unit length above skew wall:

Sx =
A 2Sa

(A + Tan(θ)α )P
(A + Tan(θ)x ) (A + Tan(θ)x )2

Eq. can be rewritten as a function of total shear at a cut along x

General form of diaphragm shear above skew wall:
Vx =

(A + Tan(θ)α )P Closes with VαR when x = α Eq. A2
(A + Tan(θ)x ) (A + Tan(θ)x )

For x= (Transition from skew to flat longitudinal wall)
Tan (θ )

Appendix A
Determine Diaphragm Deflection in x Range Over the Skew Wall Due to Uniform Load

A + Tan(θ )α
S trans =   Sa − P
B B2
A A + Tan(θ )α
Vtrans = Va − P
At α = (Concentrated load at transition)
Tan (θ )
A P A
Strans =   Sa − Vtrans = V −P
B B B a

General form of diaphragm shear per unit length over diaphragm rectangular portion:
For ≤ x ≤ L d (No intervening loads since α is over skew wall.)
Tan(θ )
A + Tan(θ )α
Sx =   Sa − P
B B2
A A + Tan(θ )α
Vx = Va − P Eq. A3
For x = Ld
A + Tan(θ )α
Sb =   Sa − P
B B2
A A + Tan(θ )α
Vb = Va − P

Use Castigliano’s Theorem to determine Va, Sa, Vb, and Sb for concentrated load over the
skew wall at α:
L V ∂Vx
Castigliano’s Theorem as applies to diaphragms: δQ = ∫ ' x dx
0 G x B x ∂Q
Deflection at shear wall along A = 0 so locate Q at Va. Q physically = 0.
δQ = 0 (deflection at location of Q in direction of Q)
Note: δA = 0 must be possible for the solution to apply.

0≤x≤α Vx from Eq. A1

A ∂Vx A
Vx = (Va + Q ) =
A + Tan (θ )x ∂Q A + Tan (θ )x
Bx = A+Tan(θ)x Q =0

α≤x≤ Vx from Eq. A2
Tan (θ)
A(Va + Q ) (A + Tan (θ )α )P ∂Vx A
Vx = − =
(A + Tan (θ )x ) (A + Tan (θ )x ) ∂Q A + Tan (θ )x
Bx = A+Tan(θ)x Q =0

Appendix A
Determine Diaphragm Deflection in x Range Over the Skew Wall Due to Uniform Load

≤ x ≤ Ld Vx from Eq. A3
Tan (θ)
A A + Tan (θ )α ∂Vx A
Vx = (Va + Q ) − P =
B B ∂Q B
Bx = B Q =0

Castigliano’s theorem application G’ factors out:

B− A
Tan (θ ) 
α A 2 Va 
 A 2 (Va ) A(A + Tan (θ )α )P 
0 = ∫ dx +
∫  G ' (A + Tan (θ )x )3
− dx +
 3
0  G (A + Tan (θ )x ) 
α G ' (A + Tan (θ )x )3 
 

a − A (A + Tan (θ )α ) P dx
d A 2V 

B − A  G 'B3 G ' B3 

Tan (θ )

Result: Eq. A4
 1  A 3 
2 2
1 3 A  A  Ld
 −   +  +    Va =
 2Tan (θ ) 2Tan (θ )  B   B  B Tan (θ )  B  
 3A(A + Tan (θ ) α ) A A(A + Tan (θ )α )  A 
− + +  L d +  P
 2B2Tan (θ ) 2Tan (θ )(A + Tan (θ )α ) B3  Tan (θ ) 

Let VaPα = C3P Eq. A5

 3A(A + Tan (θ ) α ) A(A + Tan (θ )α )
 − +
+ (Tan (θ )Ld + A )
2 2(A + Tan (θ )α ) 3
C3 =  
2B B
 1 3  A 2  A 2 Ld 3
Tan (θ ) +   
 −   +  A
2 2B B B  B  

VaPα = Reaction at wall of length A caused by a concentrated load, P, at
x = α over the skew wall.

Using example geometry: VaPα = 1.437 P when α = 17.32 ft From Eq. A5

VaPα = 1.187 P when α = 8.66 ft
VaPα = 1.000 P when α = 0.00 ft (load over wall of length A)

Check for Static Admissibility:

Determine the total shear along the top chord, Vswt, caused by a concentrated load above the
skew wall, and the total shear along the skew wall, Vsw, so the skew shear wall diaphragm
can be designed:
Note: Vswt is required to check rotational equilibrium, ΣM = 0.

Sx is from Eq. A1 and A2 for total x range over skew wall.

Appendix A
Determine Diaphragm Deflection in x Range Over the Skew Wall Due to Uniform Load

Tan (θ)
B− A
α A Sa dx2 Tan (θ ) 
A 2Sa (A + Tan (θ )α )P dx
Vswt = ∫ +  −
∫ 
0 (A + Tan (θ )x ) α  (A + Tan (θ )x ) (A + Tan (θ )x )2 
2 2

AS a  A   P  (A + Tan(θ)α ) 
Vswt =  1 −  −   1 −  Eq. A6
Tan(θ )  
B   Tan(θ )   B 
Vsw = From ΣFx = 0 at strip on page 2 and 3
cos(θ )
AS a  A   P  (A + Tan(θ)α ) 
Vsw =  1 −  −   1 − 
sin(θ )  B   sin(θ )  
 B 

Determine the total shear along the top chord, VswL, above the rectangular portion of
building caused by a concentrated load above the skew wall:
Note: VswL is required to check rotational equilibrium, ΣM = 0.

≤ x ≤ Ld Sx is from Eq. A3.
Tan (θ)
(A + Tan (θ )α )P dx
L 2
VswL = ∫   Sa dx −
B− A  B  B2
Tan ( θ )

  A 2 (A + Tan(θ)α )P  L − B − A 
VswL =    Sa - Eq. A7
 B2  d Tan(θ ) 
 B   

Using example geometry: B = 60 ft A = 30 ft Ld = 150 ft θ = 60o

where α = 17.32 ft VaPα = 1.437 P SaPα = 0.0479 P From Eq. A5
Vb = - 0.2815 P∴ From Eq. A3
Vswt = 0.4148 P From Eq. A6
Vsw = 0.8296 P
VswL = - 0.6225 P From Eq. A7

where α = 8.66 ft VaPα = 1.187 P SaPα = 0.0396 P From Eq. A5

(Mid point over Vb = - 0.1565 P∴ From Eq. A3
Skew Wall) Vswt = 0.1983 P From Eq. A6
Vsw = 0.3966 P
VswL = - 0.3450 P From Eq. A7

Check rotational equilibrium in example based on ΣMa = 0:

Check α = 8.66 ft

Appendix A
Determine Diaphragm Deflection in x Range Over the Skew Wall Due to Uniform Load

Note the negative sign

above. Actual
direction is as shown
Vswt = 0.1983 P VswL = 0.3450 P

A Va =
1.187 P Vb =
0.1565 P

Vsw = 0.3966 P VswL = 0.3450 P


Clockwise due to external load and perimeter shear flow:

= 8.66 ft (P) + 60 ft (0.3450 P) = + 29.36 P ft lbs
Counter Clockwise due to perimeter shear flow:
= 150 ft (0.1565 P) + 30 ft (0.1983 P) = - 29.42 P ft. lbs
Result = OK closes & ΣMa = 0 at α = 8.66 (mid point over skew wall)

Check static equilibrium in example based on ΣFy = 0: Check α = 8.66 ft

Reactions: 1.187 P + 0.1565 P = 1.3435 P
Loads: 1.0 P + sin(60) x 0.3966 = 1.3435 P OK

Result: Shear and reaction equations for a concentrated load on diaphragm and above the
skew wall are statically admissible. Check may not be required in design.

Use Castigliano’s Theorem to determine δα of diaphragm above the skew wall for load,
w, over the entire diaphragm span. Deflection, δα, is along the y axis:
L Vx ∂Vx
Castigliano’s Theorem as applies to diaphragms: δQ = ∫ dx
0 G x Bx ∂Q

Locate Q at α so δQ = δα Va for w from Eq. 3 VaPα and C3 from Eq. A5

0 ≤ x ≤ α ft Vx from Eqs. 1a and A1 (w/ Va = VaQα from Eq. A5)

A 2Ax + Tan (θ )x 2 AC3Q ∂Vx AC3
Vx = Va − w + =
A + Tan (θ )x 2(A + Tan (θ )x ) (A + Tan (θ )x ) ∂Q A + Tan (θ )x
Bx = A+Tan(θ)x Q =0

Appendix A
Determine Diaphragm Deflection in x Range Over the Skew Wall Due to Uniform Load

α≤x≤ Vx from Eqs. 1a and A2 (w/ Va = VaQα from Eq. A5)
Tan (θ)
A 2Ax + Tan (θ )x 2 AC3Q (A + Tan (θ )α )Q
Vx = Va − w+ −
A + Tan (θ )x 2(A + Tan (θ )x ) (A + Tan (θ )x ) (A + Tan (θ )x )
∂Vx AC3 − A − Tan (θ )α
∂Q A + Tan (θ )x
Bx = A+Tan(θ)x Q =0

≤ x ≤ Ld Vx from Eqs. 2b and A3 (w/ Va = VaQα from Eq. A5)
Tan (θ)
A  (B - A )2  A A + Tan (θ )α ∂Vx AC3 − A − Tan (θ )α
Vx = Va +  - x  w + C3Q − Q =
B 
 2BTan (θ ) 
 B B ∂Q B
Bx = B Q =0

Calculate δα: Va from Eq. 3 C3 from Eq. A5

α A 2Ax + Tan (θ )x 2 
G 'δα = AC3 ∫  V − w dx +
0  (A + Tan (θ )x ) 2(A + Tan (θ )x )3 
 3 a

B− A
Tan (θ ) 
A 2Ax + Tan (θ )x 2 
(AC3 − A − Tan (θ )α ) ∫  V − w dx
 (A + Tan (θ )x )3 a 2(A + Tan (θ )x )3 
α  
L  A
d  (B - A )2 x  
(AC3 − A − Tan (θ )α ) ∫

 3
V + 
 3
- w dx
2 
 2B Tan (θ ) B  
B- A  B
Tan (θ )

General form of deflection, δα, at a distance, α, over the skew wall and caused by a
uniform load over the entire span. Deflection, δα, is along the y axis.
Diaphragm has constant shear stiffness, G’ (e.g. kips/ in):

Applicable to: 0 ≤ α ≤ Va for load, w, from Eq. 3
Tan(θ )
C3 from Eq. A5 unit-less but a function of α

Rewriting Eq. A5:

 3A(A + Tan (θ) α ) A(A + Tan (θ)α )
 − +
+ (Tan (θ)Ld + A )
2 2(A + Tan (θ)α ) 3
C3 =  
2B B
 1 3  A 2  A 2 Ld 3
Tan (θ) +   
 −   +  A
2 2B B B  B  

Appendix A
Determine Diaphragm Deflection in x Range Over the Skew Wall Due to Uniform Load

Result Appendix A: Eq. A8

 C   
AC3 − A − Tan (θ )α  A 
   +
G δα = 
' 3 1 −  
 − 2  +
 2Tan (θ )   A + Tan (θ ) α   2Tan (θ )  (A + Tan (θ )α )
B 
  
A B − A  
(AC3 − A − Tan (θ )α ) 
 L −   Va +

 B 3

Tan (θ )  
C3A  ATan (θ )α Tan (θ )α 

A 

 + + 2ln  A + Tan (θ )α  w +
4Tan 2 (θ )  (A + Tan (θ )α )2 A + Tan (θ )α  
AC3 − A − Tan (θ )α  2(B - A )  A + Tan (θ )α  A + 2Tan (θ )α
 + 2ln − +
4Tan (θ ) 2
 B  B  A + Tan (θ )α
A(2B - A ) ATan (θ )α 
− w +
B 2
(A + Tan (θ )α )2 
(AC3 − A − Tan (θ ) α ) (B3− A )  Ld − (B − A )  − 1 2  L2d − (B − 2A )  w
 2    2 

 2B Tan (θ )  Tan (θ )  2B  Tan (θ ) 

Note: At this point, x can be substituted for α since they are the same thing.
α is a bookkeeping necessity to evaluate a concentrated load.

Investigate limits as a check on general solution closure vs. the result over the
rectangular portion of the structure (Appendix B):
 A
 A  A  2 
 B2
Tan (θ )L d − +  
B−A 
B B 
At α = ft C3 =
Tan (θ )  1 3  A 2  A 2 L 3
 −   +   d Tan (θ ) +  A  
2 2B B B B 
 

Using example: B = 60 ft A = 30 ft Ld = 150 ft θ = 60o w = 0.50 klf

α = 17.32 ft C3 = 1.437 G’δα = 23.54 kips From Eq. A8

α = 8.66 ft: C3 = 1.187 G’δα = 13.48 kips From Eq. A8

If G’ = 100 k/in: δ17.32 = 0.24 in.

δ 8.66 = 0.13 in.

Appendix B
Determine Diaphragm Deflection in x Range Over the Rectangular Portion Due to Uniform Load

Develop General Solution for Deflection, δα, at distance, α, over rectangular portion:
Applicable to ≤ α ≤ L d ft Deflection, δα, is along the y axis.
Tan (θ)

Develop general solution for shear over all ranges of x due to a concentrated load on
the diaphragm located at x = α over the rectangular portion of the structure:

α P
For range 0 ≤ x ≤ L d ft
Sx Sb

P = concentrated load Sx BSb
α = a pseudo variable along x in
the x field and the location of P.
General form of diaphragm shear per unit length and shear above skew wall:
x≤ From Eq. A1 (Derivation is the same with no intervening loads)
Tan (θ)
A 2S a
Sx =
(A + Tan(θ)x )2
Vx = Va Eq. B1
A + Tan(θ )x

For x = (Transition from skew to flat longitudinal wall)
Tan (θ)
A 2S a
S trans =
Vtrans = Va
General form of diaphragm shear per unit length and shear along rectangular portion of
≤x<α Same as transition (no intervening loads)
Tan (θ)
A 2S a
Sx =
Vx = Va Eq. B2

Appendix B
Determine Diaphragm Deflection in x Range Over the Rectangular Portion Due to Uniform Load

α ≤ x ≤ Ld On right side of load:

A 2Sa P
Sx = −
B2 B
Vx = Va − P Eq. B3

Use Castigliano’s Theorem to determine Va, Sa, Vb, and Sb for concentrated load over the
rectangular portion at α:
L V ∂Vx
Castigliano’s Theorem as applies to diaphragms: δQ = ∫ ' x dx
0 G x B x ∂Q
Deflection at shear wall along A = 0 so locate Q at Va. Q physically = 0.
δQ = 0 (deflection at location of Q in direction of Q)
Note: δA = 0 must be possible for the solution to apply.

0≤x≤ Vx from Eq. B1
Tan (θ)
A ∂Vx A
Vx = (Va + Q ) =
A + Tan (θ )x ∂Q A + Tan (θ )x
Bx = A+Tan(θ)x Q =0

≤ x ≤α Vx from Eq. B2
Tan (θ)
A(Va + Q ) ∂Vx A
Vx = =
B ∂Q B
Bx = B Q =0

α ≤ x ≤ Ld Vx from Eq. B3

Vx = (Va + Q ) − P
A ∂Vx A
B ∂Q B
Bx = B Q =0

Castigliano’s theorem application (G’ factors out):

B− A
Tan (θ )  A 2 Va  α  A 2 (V )  Ld  A 2
(Va ) − ABP dx
 dx 
0= ∫  ' 3 dx
a + ∫
∫  G ' (A + Tan (θ )x )3 
+  
0   B− A  G B  α  G ' B3 
Tan (θ )

 1   A 2  A 2  B − A  A 
 1 −    + 
 L − 
 V =  (L − α )P Eq. B4
 2Tan (θ )   B   B3  ( )
d a d
  Tan θ    B 2

 

Appendix B
Determine Diaphragm Deflection in x Range Over the Rectangular Portion Due to Uniform Load

Let VaPα = C4P

(Ld − α )Tan (θ)
C4 = B unit-less but a function of α Eq. B5
1 3  A  2 A 2 L d Tan (θ)  A 3
−   + + 
2 2B B3 B
VaPα = Reaction at wall of length A caused by a concentrated load, P, at
x = α over the rectangular portion of building.
Note: VaPα = C3P at α ≤ ft See Eq. A5
Tan (θ )

Using example: B = 60 ft A = 30 ft Ld = 150 ft θ = 60o

VaPα = 1.437 P when α = 17.32 ft From Eq. B5
VaPα = 0.8124 P when α = 75.00 ft
VaPα = 0.000 P when α = 150.00 ft
Note: VaPα closes when α = 17.32 ft using Eq. A5.
Load over B wall correctly creates no reaction at A.

Check for Static Admissibility:

Determine the total shear along the top chord above the skew wall, Vswt, caused by a
concentrated load along the rectangular wall. Determine the total shear along the skew wall,
Vsw, so that the skew shear wall diaphragm can be designed:
Note: Vswt is required to check rotational equilibrium, ΣM = 0. Sx from Eq. B1
B− A
Tan (θ )
A 2Sa dx AS a  A
Vswt = ∫ = 1 −  Eq. B6
0 (A + Tan (θ )x ) Tan(θ)  B 

Vsw = From ΣFx = 0 at strip on page 3 or 20
cos(θ )
AS a  A
Vsw = 1 − 
sin(θ )  B 

Determine the total shear along the top chord, VswL, above the rectangular portion of
building caused by a concentrated load along the rectangular wall:
Note: VswL is required to check rotational equilibrium, ΣM = 0.

≤ x ≤ Ld Sx from Eq. B2 and B3 Eq. B7
Tan(θ )
d A 2 P
α 2 L 2
 B−A  P
VswL = ∫   Sa dx + ∫    Sa − dx =   S a  L d −
A A
 − (L − α )
B− A  B  
α  B  B  B  Tan(θ )  B d
Tan ( θ )

Appendix B
Determine Diaphragm Deflection in x Range Over the Rectangular Portion Due to Uniform Load

Using example: B = 60 ft A = 30 ft Ld = 150 ft θ = 60o

when α = 17.32 ft Va = 1.437 P Sa = 0.0479 P/ ft From Eq. B5
Note: Reactions close at Vb = - 0.2815 P∴ From Eq. B3
transition. Ref: Vswt = 0.4148 P From Eq. B6
Appendix A Eq. A5 Vsw = 0.8296 P
page 23 VswL = - 0.6225 P From Eq. B7

when α = 75 ft Va = 0.8124 P Sa = 0.0271 P/ ft From Eq. B5

Vb = - 0.5938 P∴ From Eq. B3
Vswt = 0.2345 P From Eq. B6
Vsw = 0.4690 P
VswL = - 0.3511 P From Eq. B7

Check rotational equilibrium in example based on ΣMa = 0:

Check α = 75 ft P Note the negative signs

above. Actual
direction is as shown
Vswt = 0.2345 P VswL = 0.3511 P

A Va =
0.8124 P Vb =
0.5938 P

Vsw = 0.4690 P VswL = 0.3511 P


Clockwise due to external load and perimeter shear flow:

= 75 ft (P) + 60 ft (0.3511 P) = + 96.066 P ft lbs
Counter Clockwise due to perimeter shear flow:
= 150 ft (0.5938 P) + 30 ft (0.2345 P) = - 96.105 P ft lbs
Result = OK closes & ΣMa = 0 at α = 75 ft (mid point of building)

Check static equilibrium in example based on ΣFy = 0: Check α = 75 ft

Reactions: 0.8124 P + 0.5938 P = 1.4062 P
Loads: 1.0 P + sin(60) x 0.4690 P = 1.4062 P OK

Result: Shear and reaction equations for a concentrated load on diaphragm and above the
rectangular portion of the building are statically admissible.

Appendix B
Determine Diaphragm Deflection in x Range Over the Rectangular Portion Due to Uniform Load

Use Castigliano’s Theorem to determine δα of diaphragm over the rectangular portion of

structure and due to uniform load, w, over the entire span:
L V ∂V
Castigliano’s Theorem as applies to diaphragms: δQ = ∫ ' x x dx
0 x x ∂Q

Locate Q at α so δQ = δα Va for w from Eq. 3 VaPα and C4 from Eq. B5

0≤x≤ ft Vx from Eq. 1a and Eq. B1 (where Va= VaQα at Eq. B5)
Tan (θ )
A 2Ax + Tan (θ )x 2 AC4Q ∂Vx AC4
Vx = Va − w + =
A + Tan (θ )x 2(A + Tan (θ )x ) (A + Tan (θ )x ) ∂Q A + Tan (θ )x
Bx = A+Tan(θ)x Q =0

≤ x ≤α Vx from Eq. 2b and Eq. B2 (where Va = VaPα at Eq. B5)
Tan (θ )
A  (B - A )2  A ∂Vx AC4
Vx = Va +  - x  w + C 4Q =
 2BTan (θ ) 
B   B ∂Q B
Bx = B Q =0

a ≤ x ≤ Ld Vx from Eq. 2b and Eq. B3 (where Va = VaQα at Eq. B5)

A  (B - A )2  A ∂Vx AC4
Vx = Va +  - x  w + C 4Q − Q = −1
B  2BTan (θ )  B ∂Q B
 
Bx = B Q =0

Calculate δα: Va for load, w, from Eq. 3 C4 from Eq. B5

B− A
Tan (θ )  A 2Ax + Tan (θ )x 2 
G 'δα = AC4  −
∫ V w dx
 (A + Tan (θ )x )3 a 2(A + Tan (θ )x )3 
0  
A 
 V +  (B - A ) - x  w dx
AC4 α 2
∫ a   
 2BTan (θ )  
B2 
B- A  B
Tan (θ )

 AC4 − B  d  A  (B - A )2  
  ∫ V +  
 B
 α  B
a  2BTan (θ )  w dx
- x
  

General form of deflection, δα, at a distance, α, over the rectangular portion of the
structure and measured from the wall of depth A. δα is caused by a uniform load over the
entire span. Deflection, δα, is along the y axis. Diaphragm has constant stiffness, G’ (e.g.
units = kips/ in):

Appendix B
Determine Diaphragm Deflection in x Range Over the Rectangular Portion Due to Uniform Load

Applicable for ≤ α ≤ Ld : Va for load, w, from Eq. 3
Tan(θ )
C4 from Eq. B5 unit-less but a function of α

Result Appendix B:

G 'δα = Eq. B8
 C   A  2  AC4  A   
 4 1 −    +   α - B - A   + AC4 − B  A (L - α ) V +
 2Tan (θ )   B   2   Tan (θ )  
   B B B2  B
 C  2 
 4  (2B − A ) A  − A  − AC4  A − B + ln B   +
 4Tan 2 (θ )  B  2Tan 2 (θ )  B  A 

  
AC4  (B - A )2 
 α -
B-A  α2
 - +
(B - A )2  + AC4 − B  (B - A )2 (L - α ) - L2d + α 2  w
B2  2BTan (θ )  Tan (θ )  2 2Tan 2 (θ )  B2  2BTan (θ ) 2 

Using example: B = 60 ft A = 30 ft Ld = 150 ft θ = 60o w = 0.50 klf

Applying: Eq. B8 for the range over the rectangular portion, and
Eq. A8 for the range over the skew wall.
Note: Both Eqs. close at the transition.

α = 17.32 ft C4 = 1.437 G’δα = 23.54 kips From Eq. B8

α = 62.40 ft C4 = 0.949 G’δα = 32.00 kips From Eq. B8

If G’ = 100 k/in: δ17.32 = 0.24 in.

δ62.40 = 0.32 in. (maximum deflection)

Maximum deflection was determined by varying x = α in Eqs. A8 and B8, but since
Vx = 0 is in rectangular portion of building and symmetric loading (See page 9):
V 43920 lb
x = L d − b = 150 ft − = 62.2 ft close enough and round off error.
w 500 plf

Check using shear diagram: G 'δ max =

(43.92)2 kips 2 = 32.1 kips close enough
2Bw 2(60 ft )(0.50 klf )

Using modified example:

B = 60 ft A = 30 ft Ld = 50 ft θ = 60o w = 0.50 klf

α = 17.32 ft C4 = 0.722 G’δα = 4.29 kips From Eq. B8

α = 17.90 ft C4 = 0.759 G’δα = 4.29 kips From Eq. B8

Maximum deflection at x = 17.9 ft

Appendix B
Determine Diaphragm Deflection in x Range Over the Rectangular Portion Due to Uniform Load

If G’ = 100 k/in: δα max = 0.043 in.

Maximum deflection was determined by varying x = α in Eqs. A8 and B8, but since
Vx = 0 is in rectangular portion of building and symmetric loading (See pg. 11):

Vb 16050 lb
x = Ld − = 50 ft − = 17.9 ft Agrees.
w 500 plf

Check using shear diagram: G 'δ max =

(16.05)2 kips 2 = 4.29 kips Agrees
2Bw 2(60 ft )(0.50 klf )

The deflection, δα, over the skew wall is along the y axis. The deflection normal to the wall

Δ n = cos(θ )δ α e.g. in the original example

at transition G’∆n = 0.5(23.54) kips
∆n δα
= 11.77 kips
For G’ = 100 k/in., ∆n = 0.12 in.

The deflection (along y axis) gradient (along x axis) is shown in the Figures below for the
example and the modified example.

Example 1 Ld = 150 ft

Appendix B
Determine Diaphragm Deflection in x Range Over the Rectangular Portion Due to Uniform Load

Modified Example 1 Ld = 50 ft

Appendix C
Determine Diaphragm Deflection Due to a Concentrated Load

Develop General Solution for Deflection, δα, at Distance, α, Along Diaphragm Span:

Note: Appendices A and B develop general solutions for shear over all ranges of x due to a
concentrated load at any point along the diaphragm span. General solutions for reactions
also are determined. Calculation of deflection due to concentrated loads completes the
analysis. The concentrated load location is designated, α, in Appendices A and B. For
bookkeeping convenience, that location is, s, in Appendix C.
Case 1:
Use Castigliano’s Theorem to determine δα of diaphragm over all ranges of x and due to
a concentrated load, P, at a fixed point over the skew wall. δα, is along the y axis.

For range 0 ≤ x ≤ L d This requires that investigate three ranges of x = α.

x ∂Vx dx
Castigliano’s Theorem as applies to diaphragms: δQ = ∫
0 G x B x ∂Q

Locate Q at α so δQ = δα
s P
Applicable to: 0 ≤ s ≤ Q
Tan(θ ) α
Sa Sx Sb
P = concentrated load
s = location of P in the x field ASa
α = a pseudo variable along x in the Sx BSb
x field and the location of Q and δα

From Eq. A5 (where α = fixed point, s) Sx

Let VaPs = C5P Eq. C1
 
  − 3A(A + Tan (θ ) s ) + A
A(A + Tan (θ ) s ) 
(Tan (θ )Ld + A )
  2B2 2(A + Tan (θ ) s ) B3 
C5 =  
 1 3  A  2  A  2 Ld 3
  −   +   A 
Tan (θ ) +    
 2 2B B B B   
  
VaPs = Reaction at wall of length, A, caused by a concentrated load, P, at
x = s over the skew wall.

Case 1 Range 1: Find δα at a distance, α, within the x range between the wall of length,
A, and the load point. (Above Figure shows Range 1.)
Applicable to 0 < α < s:
For 0 < x < α Vx from Eq. A1 with Va = C5P from Eq. C1 &
from Eq. A1 with Va = VaQα = C3Q from Eq. A5

Appendix C
Determine Diaphragm Deflection Due to a Concentrated Load

A A ∂Vx AC3
Vx = C5 P + C3Q =
A + Tan (θ)x A + Tan (θ)x ∂Q A + Tan (θ )x
Bx = A + Tan(θ)x Q =0

For α < x < s Vx from Eq. A1 with Va = C5P from Eq. C1 &
from Eq. A2 with Va = VaQα = C3Q from Eq. A5
A A(C 3 − 1) − αTan(θ ) ∂Vx A(C3 − 1) − αTan (θ)
Vx = C5 P + Q =
A + Tan(θ )x A + Tan(θ )x ∂Q A + Tan (θ)x
Bx = A + Tan(θ)x Q =0

B−A Vx from Eq. A2 (α = s) with Va = C5P from Eq. C1 &

For s ≤ x ≤
Tan (θ) from Eq. A2 with Va = VaQα = C3Q from Eq. A5
A A + sTan(θ ) A(C 3 − 1) − αTan(θ )
Vx = C5 P − P+ Q
A + Tan(θ )x A + Tan(θ )x A + Tan(θ )x
∂Vx A(C3 − 1) − αTan (θ)
= Bx = A + Tan(θ)x Q =0
∂Q A + Tan (θ)x

B−A Vx from Eq. A3 (α = s) with Va = C5P from Eq. C1 &

For ≤ x ≤ Ld
Tan (θ) from Eq. A3 with Va = VaQα = C3Q from Eq. A5
A(C5 − 1) − sTan(θ ) A(C 3 − 1) − αTan(θ ) ∂Vx A(C3 − 1) − αTan (θ)
Vx = P+ Q =
B B ∂Q B
Bx = B Q =0

Applying Castigliano’s theorem:

α s
+ AC5 [A(C3 − 1) − αTan (θ)]P ∫
dx dx
G 'δ α = A 2 C 5 C 3 P ∫ +
0 (A + Tan (θ )x ) α (A + Tan (θ )x )
3 3

B− A
Tan (θ )
AC5 [A(C3 − 1) − αTan (θ)]P ∫
s (A + Tan (θ )x )3
B- A
Tan (θ )
(A + sTan (θ ))[A(C3 − 1) − αTan (θ)]P ∫ dx
s (A + Tan (θ )x )3
AC5 [A(C3 − 1) − αTan (θ)]P ∫
d dx
B− A B3
Tan (θ )
(A + sTan (θ ))[A(C3 − 1) − αTan (θ)]P ∫
d dx
B- A B3
Tan (θ )

Appendix C
Determine Diaphragm Deflection Due to a Concentrated Load

Result Case 1 Range 1:

General form of deflection, δα, due to a concentrated load, P, at a point over the
diaphragm’s skew wall. δα is at a distance, α, within the x range between the wall of
length A and the load point. Diaphragm has constant stiffness, G’ (e.g. kips/ in):
Applicable to: 0 ≤ s ≤ and 0 < α < s
Tan(θ )
Eq. C2
C3C5  A 2 
G 'δ α = 1 − P +
2Tan (θ)  (A + αTan (θ)) 

[A(C3 − 1) − αTan (θ)]  AC5 A(C5 − 1) − sTan (θ) 1 

 − − P +
2Tan (θ)  (A + αTan (θ))
B2 A + sTan (θ) 
[A(C3 − 1) − αTan (θ)] [A(C − 1) − sTan (θ)]L − B − A  P
 d 
Tan (θ) 
B3 

C5 = from Eq. C1 – unit-less but a function of fixed point, s, over skew wall
C3 = from Eq. A5 – unit-less but function of α
s = location of P in the x field over the skew wall
δα = deflection at location α in the x field over the skew wall

Special cases, a and b, in Range 1 (0 < α < s ) covered by Eq. C2:

Case a: Deflection at point of load For α = s C3 = C5 Eq. C2a
C52  A 2 
G 'δ s = 1 − P +
2Tan (θ)  (A + s Tan (θ))2 
(A(C5 − 1) − sTan (θ ))  AC5


(A(C5 − 1) − sTan (θ )) P
  +
2Tan (θ)  (A + sTan (θ))
2 A + sTan (θ) B2 

(A(C5 − 1) − sTan (θ )) (A(C5 − 1) −3 sTan (θ )) Ld − B−A 

 B  Tan (θ) 

Case b: Deflection at point of load with load at transition For α = s =
Tan (θ)
C52   A  
1 −    P +
(AC5 − B)2 L B-A 
G δs =  d − Tan (θ)  P
Eq. C2b
2Tan (θ)   B   B 3
 
 

Calculate deflection beneath concentrated load at transition:

Using example: B = 60 ft A = 30 ft Ld = 150 ft θ = 60o
(C3 = C5) C5 = 1.437 From Eq. C1 at s = 17.32 ft

G 'δ s = 0.622P From Eq. C2 or C2b

Appendix C
Determine Diaphragm Deflection Due to a Concentrated Load

Using modified example: B = 60 ft A = 30 ft Ld = 50 ft θ = 60o

C5 = 0.772 From Eq. C1 at s = 17.32 ft
G 'δ s = 0.334P From Eq. C2 or C2b

Case 1 Range 2: Find δα at a distance, α, within the x range between the load point and
the transition to the rectangular portion.
Applicable to s ≤ α ≤ :
Tan(θ )

For 0 < x < s Vx from Eq. A1 with Va = C5P from Eq. C1 &
from Eq. A1 with Va = VaQα = C3Q from Eq. A5
A A ∂Vx AC3
Vx = C5 P + C 3Q =
A + Tan(θ )x A + Tan(θ )x ∂Q A + Tan (θ )x
Bx = A + Tan(θ)x Q =0

For s < x < α Vx from Eq. A2 (α = s) with Va = C5P from Eq. C1 &
from Eq. A1 with Va = VaQα = C3Q from Eq. A5
A A + sTan(θ ) AC 3 ∂Vx AC3
Vx = C5 P − P+ Q =
A + Tan(θ )x A + Tan(θ )x A + Tan(θ )x ∂Q A + Tan (θ )x
Bx = A + Tan(θ)x Q =0

B−A Vx from Eq. A2 (α = s) with Va = C5P from Eq. C1 &

For α ≤ x ≤
Tan (θ) from Eq. A2 with Va = VaQα = C3Q from Eq. A5
A A + sTan(θ ) A(C 3 − 1) − αTan(θ )
Vx = C5 P − P+ Q
A + Tan(θ )x A + Tan(θ )x A + Tan(θ )x
∂Vx A(C3 − 1) − αTan (θ)
= Bx = A + Tan(θ)x Q =0
∂Q A + Tan (θ)x

B−A Vx from Eq. A3 (α = s) with Va = C5P from Eq. C1 &

For ≤ x ≤ Ld
Tan (θ) from Eq. A3 with Va = VaQα = C3Q from Eq. A5
A(C5 − 1) − sTan(θ ) A(C 3 − 1) − αTan(θ ) ∂Vx A(C3 − 1) − αTan (θ)
Vx = P+ Q =
B B ∂Q B
Bx = B Q =0

Applying Castigliano’s theorem:

s α
G 'δα = A 2C5C3P ∫
+ AC [A (C − 1) − sTan (θ )]P ∫
0 (A + Tan (θ )x ) s (A + Tan (θ )x )
3 3 5 3

B− A
Tan (θ )
[A(C5 − 1) − sTan (θ)][A(C3 − 1) − αTan (θ)]P ∫
α (A + Tan (θ )x )3

Appendix C
Determine Diaphragm Deflection Due to a Concentrated Load

[A(C5 − 1) − sTan (θ)][A(C3 − 1) − αTan (θ)]P
d dx

B− A B3
Tan (θ )

Result Case 1 Range 2:

General form of deflection, δα, due to a concentrated load, P, at a point over the
diaphragm’s skew wall. δα is at a distance, α, within the x range between the load point
and the transition to the rectangular portion. Diaphragm has constant stiffness, G’,
(e.g. units = kips/ in):
Applicable to 0 ≤ s ≤ and s ≤ α ≤
Tan(θ ) Tan(θ )
Eq. C3
CC  A 2 
G 'δα = 3 5 1 − P +
2Tan (θ)  (A + sTan (θ))2 
[A(C5 − 1) − sTan (θ)]  AC3


A(C3 − 1) − αTan (θ) 
 P +
2Tan (θ)  (A + sTan (θ))
2 (A + αTan (θ)) B2 

[A(C5 − 1) − sTan (θ)] [A(C3 − 1) −3 αTan (θ)] Ld − B − A  P

 
B  Tan (θ) 

C5 = from Eq. C1 – unit-less but a function of fixed point, s, over skew wall
C3 = from Eq. A5 – unit-less but function of α
s = location of P in the x field over the skew wall
δα = deflection at location α in the x field over the skew wall

Calculate deflection at transition due to concentrated load, P, in middle of skew wall.

Using example: B = 60 ft A = 30 ft Ld = 150 ft θ = 60o
C5 = 1.187 From Eq. C1 at s = 8.66 ft
C3 = 1.437 From Eq. A5 at α = 17.32 ft
G 'δ17.32 = 0.346 P From Eq. C3

Case 1 Range 3: Use Castigliano’s Theorem to determine δα of diaphragm over the

rectangular portion and due to concentrated load, P, at a point over the
skew wall (Figure below shows Range 3.):
Applicable to ≤ α ≤ Ld
Tan(θ )

Appendix C
Determine Diaphragm Deflection Due to a Concentrated Load

s P
Where: α
P = concentrated load at fixed location
Sx Sb
s = location of P in the x field Sa
α = a pseudo variable along x in the
x field and the location of Q and δα ASa
Sx BSb


For 0 < x < s Vx from Eq. A1 with Va = C5P from Eq. C1 &
from Eq. B1 with Va = VaQα = C4Q from Eq. B5
A A ∂Vx AC4
Vx = C5 P + C 4Q =
A + Tan(θ )x A + Tan(θ )x ∂Q A + Tan (θ )x
Bx = A + Tan(θ)x Q =0

B−A Vx from Eq. A2 (α = s) with Va = C5P from Eq. C1 &

For s ≤ x ≤
Tan (θ) from Eq. B1 with Va = VaQα = C4Q from Eq. B5
A A + sTan(θ ) AC4 ∂Vx AC4
Vx = C5 P − P+ Q =
A + Tan(θ )x A + Tan(θ )x A + Tan(θ )x ∂Q A + Tan (θ )x
Bx = A + Tan(θ)x Q =0

B−A Vx from Eq. A3 (α = s) with Va = C5P from Eq. C1 &

For ≤ x ≤α
Tan (θ) from Eq. B2 with Va = VaQα = C4Q from Eq. B5
A A + sTan(θ ) AC4 ∂Vx AC4
Vx = C5 P − P+ Q =
B B B ∂Q B
Bx = B Q =0

For a ≤ x ≤ L d Vx from Eq. A3 (α = s) with Va = C5P from Eq. C1 &

from Eq. B3 with Va = VaQα = C4Q from Eq. B5

A A + sTan(θ ) AC4 ∂Vx AC4 − B

Vx = C5 P − P+ Q-Q =
B B B ∂Q B
Bx = B Q =0

Applying Castigliano’s theorem:

Appendix C
Determine Diaphragm Deflection Due to a Concentrated Load

B− A
s Tan (θ )
+ [AC4 ][A(C5 − 1) − sTan (θ)]P ∫
dx dx
G 'δα = A 2C5C 4 P ∫ +
0 (A + Tan (θ )x )
s (A + Tan (θ )x )3
α Ld
AC4 [A(C5 − 1) − sTan (θ)]P ∫ [ ( ) ]
dx dx
+ (AC 4 − B ) A C 5 − 1 − sTan (θ ) P ∫
B− A B3 α B

Tan (θ )

Result Case 1 Range 3:

General form of deflection, δα, due to a concentrated load, P, at a point over the
diaphragm’s skew wall. δα is at a distance, α, within the x range over the rectangular
portion. Diaphragm has constant stiffness, G’ (e.g. kips/ in):
Applicable to 0 ≤ s ≤ and ≤ α ≤ Ld
Tan(θ ) Tan(θ )
Eq. C4
C 4 C5  A 2  [A(C5 − 1) − sTan (θ)]  AC4

AC4 
G 'δα = 1 − P +  P +
2Tan (θ)  (A + sTan (θ)) 
2 2Tan (θ)  (A + sTan (θ))
B2 
  B − A  Ld − α 
(A(C5 − 1) − sTan (θ )) AC34  Ld − − P
 B  Tan (θ)  B2 

C5 = from Eq. C1 – unit-less but a function of fixed point, s, over skew wall
C4 = from Eq. B5 – unit-less but function of α
s = location of P in the x field over the skew wall
δα = deflection at location α in the x field over the rectangular portion of structure

Calculate deflection at middle of diaphragm (x = α = 75 ft) due to concentrated load, P, at

skew wall transition (x = s = 17.32 ft).
Using example: B = 60 ft A = 30 ft Ld = 150 ft θ = 60o
C5 = 1.437 From Eq. C1 at s = 17.32 ft
C4 = 0.812 From Eq. B5 at α = 75 ft
G 'δ 75 = 0.352 P From Eq. C4

Case 2:
Use Castigliano’s Theorem to determine δα of a diaphragm over all ranges of x and due
to a concentrated load, P, at a point over the rectangular portion. δα, is along the y axis:
For range 0 ≤ x ≤ L d This requires that investigate three ranges of x = α.
L Vx ∂Vx
Castigliano’s Theorem as applies to diaphragms: δQ = ∫ dx
0 G x Bx ∂Q
Locate Q at α so δQ = δα

Appendix C
Determine Diaphragm Deflection Due to a Concentrated Load

α Q
Applicable to: ≤ s ≤ Ld s
Tan(θ ) P
Sx Sb
Where: Sa
P = concentrated load
s = location of P in the x field ASa
Sx BSb
α = a pseudo variable along x in the
x field and the location of Q and δα

From Eq. B5 (where α = fixed point, s)
Let VaPs = C6P Eq. C5
(Ld − s )Tan(θ)
C6 = B unit-less but a function of s
A 2L d Tan(θ )  A 
2 3
1 3A
−   + +  
2 2B B3 B

VaPs = Reaction at wall of length, A, caused by a concentrated load, P, at
x = s over the rectangular portion of the building.

Case 2 Range 1: Find δα at a distance, α, within the x range between the wall of
length, A, and the transition. (Figure above shows Range 1.)
Applicable to 0 ≤ α ≤
Tan(θ )
For 0 < x < α Vx from Eq. B1 with Va = C6P from Eq. C5 &
from Eq. A1 with Va = VaQα = C3Q from Eq. A5

A A ∂Vx AC3
Vx = C6 P + C 3Q =
A + Tan(θ )x A + Tan(θ )x ∂Q A + Tan (θ )x
Bx = A + Tan(θ)x Q =0

B−A Vx from Eq. B1 with Va = C6P from Eq. C5 &

For α ≤ x ≤
Tan (θ) from Eq. A2 with Va = VaQα = C3Q from Eq. A5
A A(C 3 − 1) − αTan(θ ) ∂Vx A(C3 − 1) − αTan (θ)
Vx = C6 P + Q =
A + Tan(θ )x A + Tan(θ )x ∂Q A + Tan (θ)x
Bx = A + Tan(θ)x Q =0

B−A Vx from Eq. B2 with Va = C6P from Eq. C5 &

For ≤ x ≤s
Tan (θ) from Eq. A3 with Va = VaQα = C3Q from Eq. A5

Appendix C
Determine Diaphragm Deflection Due to a Concentrated Load

A A(C3 − 1) − αTan(θ ) ∂Vx A(C3 − 1) − αTan (θ)

Vx = C6 P + Q =
B B ∂Q B
Bx = B Q =0

For s ≤ x ≤ L d Vx from Eq. B3 with Va = C6P from Eq. C5 &

from Eq. A3 with Va = VaQα = C3Q from Eq. A5

A A(C 3 − 1) - αTan(θ ) ∂Vx A(C3 − 1) − αTan (θ)

Vx = C6 P − P + Q =
B B ∂Q B
Bx = B Q =0

Applying Castigliano’s theorem:

B− A
α Tan (θ )
+ [AC6 ][A(C3 − 1) − αTan (θ)]P ∫
dx dx
G 'δ α = A 2 C 6 C 3 P ∫ +
0 (A + Tan (θ )x ) (A + Tan (θ )x )3
s L
AC6 [A(C3 − 1) − αTan (θ)]P ∫ [ ][ ]
dx d dx
+ AC 6 − B A (C 3 − 1) − α Tan (θ ) P ∫
B− A B3 s B

Tan (θ )

Result Case 2 Range 1:

General form of deflection, δα, due to a concentrated load, P, at a point over the
diaphragm’s rectangular portion. δα is at a distance, α, within the x range over the
skew wall. Diaphragm has constant stiffness, G’, (e.g. units = kips/ in):
Applicable to ≤ s ≤ Ld and 0 ≤ α ≤
Tan(θ ) Tan(θ )
Eq. C6
C 3C 6  2   1   AC 6  
G 'δα = 1 −
 P + [A (C − 1) − α Tan (θ )]  − 1 L + s  P +
2Tan (θ)  (A + αTan (θ))2  3 
 B 2   B 
d 
[A(C 3 − 1) − αTan (θ )]  AC 6
(2A 2 - 3AB)C 6 
2Tan (θ )  (A + αTan (θ))2 B3 

C6 = from Eq. C5 – unit-less but a function of fixed point, s
C3 = from Eq. A5 – unit-less but a function of α
s = location of P in the x field over the rectangular portion of building
δα = deflection at location α in the specified x field over the skew wall

Calculate deflection at transition (x = α = 17.32 ft) due to concentrated load, P, in middle

of diaphragm (x = s = 75 ft).
Using example: B = 60 ft A = 30 ft Ld = 150 ft θ = 60o
C6 = 0.812 From Eq. C5 at s = 75 ft
C3 = 1.437 From Eq. A5 at α = 17.32 ft

Appendix C
Determine Diaphragm Deflection Due to a Concentrated Load

G 'δ17.32 = 0.352 P From Eq. C6

Eq. C6 allows direct calculation over specified ranges of A, B, θ, Ld, x, and s, but this
example just confirms Maxwell’s law of reciprocal deflections, i.e. from above:

G 'δ 75 = 0.352 P From Eq. C4 Deflection at middle of diaphragm (x = α = 75 ft)

due to a concentrated load, P, at transition (x = s =
17.32 ft).

Case 2 Range 2: Find δα at a distance, α, within the x range between the transition and
the load. (Figure shows Range 2.)
Applicable to ≤ α ≤s α
Tan(θ ) Q
Where: Sx Sb
P = concentrated load at fixed location
s = location of P in the x field ASa
α = a pseudo variable along x in the Sx BSb
x field and the location of Q and δα


B−A Vx from Eq. B1 with Va = C6P from Eq. C5 &

For 0 ≤ x ≤
Tan (θ) from Eq. B1 with Va = VaQα = C4Q from Eq. B5
A A ∂Vx AC4
Vx = C6 P + C4Q =
A + Tan(θ )x A + Tan(θ )x ∂Q A + Tan (θ )x
Bx = A + Tan(θ)x Q =0

B−A Vx from Eq. B2 with Va = C6P from Eq. C5 &

For ≤ x ≤α
Tan (θ) from Eq. B2 with Va = VaQα = C4Q from Eq. B5

A A ∂Vx AC 4
Vx = C6 P + C4Q =
B B ∂Q B
Bx = B Q =0

For α ≤ x ≤ s Vx from Eq. B2 with Va = C6P from Eq. C5 &

from Eq. B3 with Va = VaQα = C4Q from Eq. B5

A AC 4 ∂Vx AC4 − B
Vx = C6 P + Q-Q =
B B ∂Q B
Bx = B Q =0

Appendix C
Determine Diaphragm Deflection Due to a Concentrated Load

For s ≤ x ≤ L d Vx from Eq. B3 with Va = C6P from Eq. C5 &

from Eq. B3 with Va = VaQα = C4Q from Eq. B5

A AC 4 ∂Vx AC4 − B
Vx = C6 P - P + Q-Q =
B B ∂Q B
Bx = B Q =0

Applying Castigliano’s theorem:

B− A
Tan (θ ) α s
dx dx  AC − B  P dx +
G 'δα = A 2 C 6 C 4 P ∫ + A 2
C C P ∫ + AC  ∫ 3
(A + Tan (θ )x )3
4 6 3 6 4
0 B− A B αB
Tan (θ )
(AC6 − B)(AC4 − B)P ∫
s B3

Result Case 2 Range 2:

General form of deflection, δα, due to a concentrated load, P, at a point over the
diaphragm’s rectangular portion. δα is at a distance, α, within the x range between the
transition and the load point. Diaphragm has constant stiffness, G’,
(e.g. units = kips/ in):
Applicable to ≤ s ≤ Ld and ≤ α ≤s
Tan(θ ) Tan(θ )
Eq. C7
C 4C6   A   2 2
A C 4C6  B-A  AC6
G 'δα = 1 −    P +  L -  P - P[L d − α ]P
2Tan (θ )   B   Tan (θ) 
B3  B2

[Ld − s]P + Ld − s P
C6 = from Eq. C5 – unit-less but a function of fixed point, s
C4 = from Eq. B5 – unit-less but a function of α
s = location of P in the x field over the rectangular portion of building
δα = deflection at location α in the specified x field over the rectangular portion

Calculate deflection at x = α = 50 ft due to concentrated load, P, in middle of diaphragm

(x = s = 75 ft).
Using example: B = 60 ft A = 30 ft Ld = 150 ft θ = 60o
C6 = 0.812 From Eq. C5 at s = 75 ft
C4 = 1.083 From Eq. B5 at α = 50 ft
G 'δ 50 = 0.573 P From Eq. C7

Appendix C
Determine Diaphragm Deflection Due to a Concentrated Load

Case 2 Range 3: Find δα at a distance, α, within the x range between the load point and
the wall of length, B, (x = Ld).
. Applicable to s < α < Ld:

B−A Vx from Eq. B1 with Va = C6P from Eq. C5 &

For 0 ≤ x ≤
Tan(θ ) from Eq. B1 with Va = VaQα = C4Q from Eq. B5

A A ∂Vx AC4
Vx = C6 P + C4Q =
A + Tan(θ )x A + Tan(θ )x ∂Q A + Tan (θ )x
Bx = A + Tan(θ)x Q =0

B−A Vx from Eq. B2 with Va = C6P from Eq. C5 &

For ≤ x ≤s
Tan(θ ) from Eq. B2 with Va = VaQα = C4Q from Eq. B5

A A ∂Vx AC 4
Vx = C6 P + C4Q =
B B ∂Q B
Bx = B Q =0

For s ≤ x ≤ α Vx from Eq. B3 with Va = C6P from Eq. C5 &

from Eq. B2 with Va = VaQα = C4Q from Eq. B5
A AC4 ∂Vx AC4
Vx = C6 P - P + Q =
B B ∂Q B
Bx = B Q =0

For α ≤ x ≤ Ld Vx from Eq. B3 with Va = C6P from Eq. C5 &

from Eq. B3 with Va = VaQα = C4Q from Eq. B5
A AC 4 ∂Vx AC4 − B
Vx = C6 P - P + Q-Q =
B B ∂Q B
Bx = B Q =0

Applying Castigliano’s theorem:

B− A
Tan (θ ) s α
dx dx  AC − B  P dx
G 'δα = A 2 C 6 C 4 P ∫ + A 2
C C P ∫ + AC  ∫ 3
(A + Tan (θ )x )3
4 6 3 4  6
0 B− A B sB
Tan (θ )
(AC6 − B)(AC4 − B)P ∫ dx
α B3

Appendix C
Determine Diaphragm Deflection Due to a Concentrated Load

Result Case 2 Range 3:

General form of deflection, δα, due to a concentrated load, P, at a point over the
diaphragm’s rectangular portion. δα is at a distance, α, within the x range between the
load point and the wall of length, B. Diaphragm has constant stiffness, G’,
(e.g. units = kips/ in):
Applicable to ≤ s ≤ Ld and s ≤ α ≤ Ld
Tan(θ )
Eq. C8
C 4C6   A  2  A 2C 4C6  B-A  AC4
G 'δα = 1 −    P +  Ld -  P - P[L d − s]P
2Tan (θ)   B   B3
 Tan (θ)  B2
AC L − α
+ 1 − 6  d P
 B  B

C6 = from Eq. C5 – unit-less but a function of fixed point, s
C4 = from Eq. B5 – unit-less but a function of α
s = location of P in the x field over the rectangular portion of building
δα = deflection at location α in the specified x field over the rectangular portion

Calculate deflection at x = α = 75 ft (middle of diaphragm) due to a concentrated load, P, at

x = s = 50 ft.
Using example: B = 60 ft A = 30 ft Ld = 150 ft θ = 60o
C6 = 0.812 From Eq. C5 at s = 50 ft
C4 = 1.083 From Eq. B5 at α = 75 ft
G 'δ 75 = 0.573 P From Eq. C8

Eq. C8 allows direct calculation over specified ranges of A, B, θ, Ld, x, and s, but this
example once again confirms Maxwell’s law of reciprocal deflections, i.e. from above:

G 'δ 50 = 0.573 P From Eq. C7 Deflection at (x = α = 50 ft.) due to a concentrated

load, P, at middle of diaphragm (x = s = 75 ft).

Appendix D
Diaphragm Example with Skew Wall on One Side and Requiring a Collector Strut

A collector strut is provided at the transition to take the vertical component of Vsw in the chords.
This might be required where the skew wall cannot take in-plane shear as at a window wall
without an in-line rigid frame. The diaphragm is connected along the collector strut and the strut
will deliver a point load back into the diaphragm.
Direction of total shear is
w = 500 plf
the probable direction.
See page 3 for shear flow
Vswt VswL sign convention.

A Va
Vb B
B-A strut

θ Vsw VswL


Skew wall P
in strut P
Load on diaphragm.
Tension Strut pushes against
in chord Tension diaphragm at
in chord transition.

Shear Flow on Diaphragm Chords

The diaphragm delivers Va to the sidewall angle. The detail at the length A sidewall to
skew wall transition does not allow development along that sidewall angle of additional
vertical load from the skew wall chord. The vertical collector strut resists the entire
vertical component from the skew wall. With a full connection tie at both ends of the skew
wall chord, one might argue that ½ of P is thrown to the strut but this requires a method to
resist the horizontal component of Vsw / 2 at wall A. The large in-plane stiffness along Ld
(wall resisting VswL) normally overcomes this sharing so requiring the vertical strut to
resist the entire vertical component from the skew wall is rational for design.

Appendix D
Diaphragm Example with Skew Wall on One Side and Requiring a Collector Strut

Let P = sin (θ )Vsw from ΣFx = 0 Eq. D1

In this example, the skew wall cannot resist in-plane shear. The example’s wall of length,
132.68 ft, resists the vector sum of VswL and cos(θ)Vsw (normally VswL – cos(θ) Vsw). The
shears in the diaphragm remain VswL and Vsw.

Appendix A develops the impact of a concentrated load, P, in the field of the skew wall and
this result will be used to solve this problem. P is up so negative. The examples in the text
and Appendix A develop the pertinent reactions and shears.

Using example: B = 60 ft A = 30 ft Ld = 150 ft θ = 60o

w = 0.50 klf x = 17.32 ft at transition
From Eqs. 3 and A5: Va = 58.00 kips – 1.437 P Ref: pages 6 and 23
From Eqs. 2c and A3 Vb = – 43.92 kips + 0.2815 P
From Eqs. 5 Vsw = 30.98 kips – 0.8296 P pages 7 and 23
From Eqs. 4 and A6 Vswt = 15.49 kips – 0.4148 P
From Eqs. 6 and A7 VswL = – 23.59 kips + 0.6225 P

From Eq. D1 P = sin(60)(30.98 kips – 0.8296 P) = 26.83 kips – 0.7185 P

P = 15.61 kips
wLd = 75 kips
Va = 58.00 kips - 1.437 (15.61) kips = 35.57 kips = 0.474 wLd
Vb = - 43.92 kips + 0.2815(15.61) kips = - 39.53 kips ∴ = 0.527 wLd
Vsw = 30.98 kips - 0.8296(15.61) kips = 18.03 kips
Vswt = 15.49 kips - 0.4148(15.61) kips = 9.01 kips ∴ at the top
VswL = - 23.59 kips + 0.6225(15.61) kips = - 13.87 kips ∴ at the top

From Eq. 1b (No intervening additional loads relative to derivation):

Vtrans (to left of strut) = 0.5(35.57 kips) – 12.99 ft(0.50 klf) = 11.29 kips

Using Figure on page 20 that defines VαR at transition (but P) :

Vtrans (to right of strut) = 11.29 + 15.61 kips = 26.9 kips
Strans = 0.448 klf

Using Vb (shear diagram) as a check:

Vtrans (to right of strut) = -39.53 k + 132.68 ft(0.5 klf) = 26.81 k OK

Check rotational equilibrium in example based on ΣMa = 0 - See Figure below:

Clockwise due to external load and perimeter shear flow:
= 150 ft (0.50 klf)(75 ft) + 60 ft (13.87 kips) = + 6457 ft kips
Counter Clockwise due to external load and perimeter shear flow:
= 150 ft (39.53 kips) + 30 ft (9.01 kips) + 17.32 ft (15.61 kips) = - 6470 ft. kips

Appendix D
Diaphragm Example with Skew Wall on One Side and Requiring a Collector Strut

Result = OK closes & ΣMa = 0 (Round off error due to 3 significant figures)

w =0.50 klf Note the negative sign

above. Actual
direction is as shown
Vswt = 9.01 kips VswL = 13.87 kips

A Va =
35.57 kips Vb =
P= 39.53 kips
ΣMa 15.61 kips

Vsw = 18.03 kips

VswL = 13.87 kips

Check ΣFy =0
Reactions: 35.57 + 39.53 – sin(60) (18.03) kips = 59.49 kips
Loads: -150 ft(0.50 klf) + 15.61 kips = - 59.39 kips
Result = OK closes & ΣFy = 0

Result: Reactions and shear flow are statically admissible. Total shear flow in top chord
does not go to zero (9.01 - 13.87 = - 4.86 kips), and this helps create the vertical
reaction imbalance – 39.53 kips vs. 35.57 kips. The insertion of the collector strut
does nearly bring the vertical reactions to that of a rectangular diaphragm so the
skew wall has minimal effect in this configuration – 0.527 wLd /0.5 wLd = 1.054.

The unit shear is still relatively high for roof deck – 35.57 kips/30 ft = 1.19 klf.
Deflection can be determined using the same energy methods previously discussed. The
General solutions of Appendices A, B, and C can be superimposed to determine deflection
at all points along the diaphragm span. However:
39.53 kips
Point of zero shear = = 79.06 ft from sidewall of length 60 ft.
0.50 klf
G’ is constant and the point is in the rectangular portion of the building.

Using the shear area method to determine maximum δα:

79.06 ft(39.53 kips)

Maximum G' δ α ≈ = 26.0 kips
2(60 ft )

Note: Energy methods should be used when stiffness (G’Bx) is not constant and
diaphragm load is not symmetric.

Appendix D
Diaphragm Example with Skew Wall on One Side and Requiring a Collector Strut

Using modified example: B = 60 ft A = 30 ft Ld = 50 ft θ = 60o

w = 0.50 klf x = 17.32 ft at transition
From Eqs. 3 and A5: Va = 13.55 kips – 0.7722 P Ref: page 9 (without strut)
From Eqs. 2a and A3 Vb = - 16.05 kips + 0.6139 P
From Eqs. 5 and A6 Vsw = 5.33 kips – 0.4458 P
From Eqs. 4 and A6 Vswt = 2.66 kips – 0.2229 P
From Eqs. 6 and A7 VswL = - 4.29 kips + 0.3344 P

From Eq. D1 P = sin(60)(5.33 kips – 0.4458 P) = 4.62 kips – 0.386 P

P = 3.33 kips
wLd = 50 ft(0.50 klf) = 25 kips
Va = 13.55 kips – 0.7722(3.33 kips) = 10.98 kips = 0.439 wL
Vb = - 16.05 kips + 0.6139(3.33 kips) = - 14.01 kips = 0.560 wL
Vsw = 5.33 kips – 0.4458(3.33 kips) = 3.85 kips
Vswt = 2.66 kips – 0.2229(3.33 kips) = 1.92 kips
VswL = - 4.29 kips + 0.3344(3.33 kips) = - 3.18 kips

From Eq. 1b (No intervening additional loads relative to derivation):

Vtrans (to left of strut) = 0.5(10.98 kips) – 12.99 ft(0.50 klf) = -1.01 kips

Using Figure on page 20 that defines VαR at transition (but P) :

Vtrans (to right of strut) = -1.01 kips + 3.33 kips = 2.32 kips

Using Vb (shear diagram) as a check:

50 ft – 17.32 ft = 32.68 ft distance between transition and wall of length B
Vtrans (to right of strut) = -14.01k + 32.68 ft(0.5 klf) = 2.33 k OK

Vb = w = 0.50 klf Note the negative signs

above. Actual
direction is as shown
Vswt = 1.92 k VswL = 3.18 k

Va = Va =
10.98 k 25 kips Vb = 25 k
ΣMa 3.33 kips

Vsw = 3.85 k
VswL = 3.18 k

Appendix D
Diaphragm Example with Skew Wall on One Side and Requiring a Collector Strut

Maximum shear/ ft, Sx = 10.98 k / 30 ft = 0.366 klf over skew wall portion
14.01 k / 60 ft = 0.234 klf
25 k / 60 ft = 0.417 klf over rectangular portion
2.32 k/ 60 ft = 0.039 klf at transition strut
Note: The rigid frame and connections between the diaphragm and frame must resist a
line load of (0.234 + 0. 417) = 0.651 klf.
Connections at collector strut must develop 3.33 kips. Figure indicates strut length is
30 ft so 0.111 klf.

Check rotational equilibrium in first 50 ft of modified example based on ΣMa = 0:

Clockwise due to external load and perimeter shear flow:
= 50 ft (0.50 klf)(25 ft) + 60 ft (3.18 kips) = + 816 ft kips
Counter Clockwise due to external load and perimeter shear flow:
= 50 ft (14.01 kips) + 30 ft (1.92 kips) + 17.32 ft (3.33 kips) = - 816 ft. kips
Result = OK closes & ΣMa = 0

Check ΣFy = 0
Reactions: 14.01 + 10.98 – sin(60) (3.85) kips = 21.66 kips
Loads: -50 ft(0.50 klf) + 3.33 kips = - 21.67 kips
Result = OK closes & ΣFy = 0

Shear and shear per unit length diagram in first 50 ft of modified example with strut
at the transition between the skew wall and longitudinal wall chord

Shear Diagram

Shear kips

-2.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Location Along Diapragm - ft

Appendix D
Diaphragm Example with Skew Wall on One Side and Requiring a Collector Strut

Shear per Unit Length Diagram


Shear per Unit Length kips / ft

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Location Along Diapragm - ft

Check deflection:
Point of zero shear in rectangular portion = 14.01 kips/ 0.50 klf = 28.02 ft from sidewall of
length 60 ft, G’ is constant and the point is in the rectangular portion of the building:
50 ft - 28.02 ft = 21.98 ft > 17.32 ft.

Using the shear area method to determine maximum δα over rectangular portion:
28.02 ft(14.01 kips)
Maximum G' δα ≈ = 3.27 kips
2(60 ft )

From Eq. 1a with Va = 10.98 kips, the point of zero shear over skew wall is at x = 15.25 ft.
By inspection, the area of the shear per unit length diagram between 15.25 ft and 21.98 ft
will not make the deflection at 15.25 ft dominant:

Approximate ∆δα: - 0.5(0.039)(21.98 -17.32) + 0.5(.017)(17.32-15.25) = -0.07 kips

Maximum G' δα over skew wall ≈ 3.27 kips − 0.07 kips = 3.2 kips
G' δα at transition ≈ 3.27 kips - 0.5(0.039)(21.98 - 17.32) = 3.18 kips

In 100 ft long rectangular portion of building:

50 ft(25.0 kips)
Maximum G' δ α = = 10.42 kips > > 3.27 kips > 3.2 kips
2(60 ft )
If G’ = 100 k/in δmax = 0.10 in

Since 10.42 kips dominates, further analysis is not required. However, a rigorous solution
uses Eqs. A8 and B8 without the strut – Figure on page 34, and then superimposes the
deflection due to a concentrated load = -3.33 kips at the transition - using Eqs. C2 and C4.
The Table below shows the result.
Shear diagram area method works over the rectangular portion (both 3.27 and 3.18 agree
with rigorous solution) but not the skew wall (3.2 vs. 3).

Appendix D
Diaphragm Example with Skew Wall on One Side and Requiring a Collector Strut

Rigorous Solution G’δα kips

α 15.25 ft 17.32 ft 21.98 ft
Uniform Load 4.00 4.29 4.22
Conc. Load at Transition -1.00 -1.11 -0.95
Combined 3.00 3.18 3.27

Deflection along Ld

G'δ α (kips)

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
α /Ld Ratio
Ld = 50 ft. Deflection due to uniform load over
the entire span and with a strut at the transition.

Comments on modified example:

Reactions and shear flow are statically admissible. Total shear flow in top chord does not
go to zero (1.92 - 3.18 = - 1.26 kips) and this helps create the vertical reaction imbalance –
14.01 kips vs. 10.98 kips. The insertion of the collector strut doesn’t bring the vertical
0.56 wL
reactions to those of a rectangular diaphragm – = 1.12 but there is improvement
0.50 wL
relative to the no strut condition on page 11 (1.28).
The design shear over the skew portion is reduced from 452 plf to 366 plf by inserting the
strut and the roof configuration is still relatively balanced 366 vs. 417 plf. The strut is
required because the skew wall in this configuration cannot resist in-plane shear. A design
load of 417 plf is reasonable for deck.

Appendix E
Determine Required Strength for Diaphragm with Skew Walls
on One Side with No Vertical Appendage

A = 0 ft -- See page 1 w = 500 plf

Joists @
5 ft o.c.

B – A = 60 ft
Vb lbs
Skew wall Deck
B = 60 ft Vsw
θ = 50.19o

50 ft

Ld = 3 @50 ft = 150 ft

Let A = 0.00001 ft in Eqs. Tan(θ) = 1.2 & Sin(θ) = 0.7682:

From Eq. 3 0.417 Va = 0 (ft) w Va = 0 k Sa = 0 klf
From Eq. 2c Vb = -125ft(0.5klf) = - 62.5 k∴ Sb = 0 - 2.08(0.5) = - 1.04 klf ∴
From Eq. 1b V50 ft = - 25ft(0.5klf) = - 12.5 k∴ S50 ft = 0 - 0.417(0.5) = - 0.208 klf ∴
From Eq. 1 V0.5ft = - 0.25ft(0.5klf) = - 0.13 k∴ S0.5 ft = 0 - 0.417(0.5) = - 0.208 klf ∴
When A = 0, Eq. 1 verifies what the above numbers indicate:
Sx = − Constant over skew wall: As Vx increases (-), the Bx
2Tan(θ ) increase balances the effect.
From Eq. 4 Vswt = - 20.83ft(0.5klf) = - 10.4 k ∴ at top over skew wall
Checks constant shear = - 0.208 klf(50 ft) = - 10.4 k OK
From Eq. 5 Vsw = - 32.54ft(0.5 klf) = - 16.27 k ∴
Comment: Skew wall is a prop for the top long wall
From Eq. 6 VswL = - 25.0ft(0.5 klf) = - 62.5 k ∴ at top over rectangular portion

Results: w = 0.5 klf 62.5 kips

10.4 kips

60 ft 62.5 kips
Skew wall
16.27 kips

θ = 50.19o

62.5 kips

Ld = 3 @50 ft = 150 ft

Appendix E
Determine Required Strength for Diaphragm with Skew Walls
on One Side with No Vertical Appendage
Check rotational equilibrium based on ΣMa = 0:
Clockwise due to external load and perimeter shear flow:
= 150 ft (0.50 klf)(75 ft) + 60 ft (62.5 kips) = + 9375 ft kips
Counter Clockwise due to external load and perimeter shear flow:
= 150 ft (62.5 kips) = - 9375 ft. kips
Result = OK closes & ΣMa = 0

Check ΣFy = 0
Reactions: 62.5 + sin(50.19) (16.27) kips = 75 kips
Loads: -150 ft (0.50 klf) = - 75 kips
Result = OK closes & ΣFy = 0

Vb = 0.833wLd (62.5 k/ 75 k) Vertical component of Vsw = 0.167wLd (12.5 k/75k )

From Parametric Graphs on page 16 - For Ld/B = 2.5 & A/B = 0: At 45o: Vb = 0.79wLd
on page 17 - For Ld/B = 2.5 & A/B = 0: At 60o: Vb = 0.88wLd
Interpolating to 50.2o, Vb = 0.82wLd So relatively close for quick design vs. 0.833.
(Using graph interpolation) Vertical component of Vsw = (1- 0.82) wLd
= 0.18 wLd vs. 0.167 wLd.

The required shear per unit length value of 1.04 klf is very large for roof deck without
concrete fill.
Shear (from Eqs. 1a and 2b) and shear/ unit length (from Eqs. 1 and 2) diagrams
for this example are below:

Shear Diagram



Shear kips





0 25 50 75 100 125 150
Location Along Diapragm - ft

Appendix E
Determine Required Strength for Diaphragm with Skew Walls
on One Side with No Vertical Appendage

Shear per Unit Length Diagram


Shear per Unit Length kips / ft

0 25 50 75 100 125 150
Location Along Diapragm - ft

Calculate deflection:
Applying: Eq. B8 for the range over the rectangular portion - C4 = 0, and
Eq. A8 for the range over the skew wall - C3 = 0.

G 'δα = 62.5 kips At transition between skew and rectangle - x = 50 ft

If G’ = 100 k/in, δmax = 0.63 in. and might not be acceptable for service.

Check using shear diagram over rectangular portion. Cannot use change is shear area
approach over the skew wall.
G 'δ = 0.5(1.04 klf + 0.208 klf)100 ft = 62.4 kips Close enough at transition.

The (y axis) deflection gradient along x axis is shown in the Figure below:
Deflection along Ld

G'δ α (kips)

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
α /Ld Ratio

Example Ld = 150 ft

Appendix F
Determine Required Strength for Diaphragm with Skew Wall
on One Side with No Vertical Appendage
w = 500 plf
Joists @
5 ft o.c.
A = 30 ft Vb = Va
Skew wall B = 60 ft
Vsw Span
B – A = 30 ft Vsw

θ = 60o
17.32 ft Geometric Control
Ld = 3 @50 ft = 150 ft
B − A Ld

Tan (θ ) 2

Sa Sx Sb

Positive Shear flow in diaphragm: BSb

Sign of Sx function will Sx
include the normal reversal
that is expected at the BSb reaction, Vb.
Sx, Sa, and Sb = shear per unit length
General form of diaphragm shear above skew wall:
Derivation of Eq. 1 (page3) applies but symmetry provides a new boundary condition
0≤x≤ ft
Tan (θ )
A 2Ax + Tan(θ )x 2
Vx = Va − w Eq. F1
A + Tan(θ )x 2(A + Tan(θ )x )
A 2Sa 2Ax + Tan(θ )x 2
Sx = − w
(A + Tan(θ )x )2 2(A + Tan(θ )x )2
At x = (Transition from skew to flat longitudinal wall)
Tan (θ )
A B2 − A2
Vtrans = Va − w Eq. F1a
B 2BTan (θ )

Appendix F
Determine Required Strength for Diaphragm with Skew Wall
on One Side with No Vertical Appendage
General form of diaphragm shear per unit length over diaphragm rectangular portion:
≤ x ≤ Ld −
Tan (θ ) Tan (θ )
A  (B - A )2 
Vx = Va +  - x w Eq. F2
B  2BTan (θ ) 
 
2  (B - A )2 x
S x =   Sa +  - w
B  2B 2Tan(θ ) B 
 
General form of reaction at vertical appendage to the skew wall:

Boundary condition: Vx = 0 at x = in the Eq. F2 x field (symmetry)

Va =
B 
Ld −
(B - A )2 w Eq. F3
2A  BTan(θ ) 

Sa =
B 
L −
(B - A )2 w
2A 2  BTan (θ ) 

Determine the total shear along the top chord, Vswt, above the skew wall, and the total shear
along the skew wall, Vsw, so that the skew shear wall diaphragm can be designed:
Note: Vswt is required to check rotational equilibrium, ΣM = 0.
For 0 ≤ x ≤ ft Sx from Eq. F1 and Sa from Eq. F3
Tan (θ )
B− A

Vswt =
Tan (θ ) 

 A 2Sa (

2Ax + Tan (θ )x 2 w 
 (A + Tan (θ )x )2 2(A + Tan (θ )x )2 
0  
Solution is the same as Eq. 4 but Sa is not the same.

Total Shear Force along the Top Chord over the Skewed Wall, Vswt:
A B-A   A 
(B − A ) 1 − B  w
Vswt =  Sa − Eq. F4
Tan(θ )  B  2Tan (θ ) 
 

Total Shear Force along the Skewed Wall, Vsw:

Vsw = swt From ΣFx = 0 at strip on page 3
cos(θ )

Vsw =
A B-A
 Sa −
1 
 (B − A ) 1 − A  w Eq. F5
Sin(θ )  B  2Sin(θ )Tan(θ )   B 

Determine the total shear along the top chord, VswL/2, above the rectangular portion of
building between the skew transition and mid span:

Appendix F
Determine Required Strength for Diaphragm with Skew Wall
on One Side with No Vertical Appendage
Note: VswL/2 is required to check rotational equilibrium, ΣM = 0.
≤ x ≤ Ld − Sx from Eq. F2
Tan (θ ) Tan (θ )
   S +  (B − A ) − x  w dx
2   A 2  2  
VswL/2 = ∫  a   
 2B Tan (θ ) B  
B− A   B 
Tan (θ )

Total Shear Force to Mid Span along the Top Chord over the Rectangular Portion of
the Structure, VswL/2:
Eq. F6
 A  2  L B−A    (B − A )  Ld − B − A  −  Ld − (B − A )  w
2 2 2
VswL/2 =    d − S a + 
 B   2 Tan(θ )   2B 2Tan(θ )  2 Tan(θ )   8B 2BTan 2 (θ ) 

Using example: B = 60 ft A = 30 ft Ld = 150 ft θ = 60o

w = 0.50 klf x = 17.32 ft at transition
From Eq. F3 Va = 141.34 ft(w) = 141.34 ft(0.50 klf) = 70.67 kips
Sa = 70.67 kips/ 30 ft = 2.36 klf
By symmetry Vb = 70.67 kips ∴ Sb = 2.36 klf
From Eq. F1a Vtrans = 0.5 Va – 12.99 ft w = 0.5(70.67) – 12.99(0.5) = 28.84 kips
From Eq. F2 VL/2 = 0.5 Va – 70.67 ft w = 0.5(70.67) – 70.67(0.5) = 0 kips OK
From Eq. F5 Vsw = 17.32 ft Sa - 5.00 ft w = 17.32(2.36) – 5.0(0.5) = 38.38 kips
From Eq. F4 Vswt = 8.66 ft Sa - 2.50 ft w = 8.66(2.36) – 2.5(0.5) = 19.19 kips
From Eq. F6 VswL/2 = 14.42 ft Sa - 40.21 ft w = 14.42(2.36) – 40.21(0.5) = 13.93 kips

w = 0.50 klf
19.19 k 19.19 k

70.67 k 13.93 k 70.67 k

A = 30 ft
ΣMa Skew wall B = 60 ft

B - A= 30 ft 38.38 k 38.38 k

θ = 60o
13.93 k
17.32 ft
Ld = 3 @50 ft = 150 ft

Appendix F
Determine Required Strength for Diaphragm with Skew Wall
on One Side with No Vertical Appendage
Check rotational equilibrium over ½ span of example based on ΣMa = 0:
Clockwise due to external load and perimeter shear flow:
= 75 ft (0.50 klf)(37.5 ft) + 75 ft (0.0 kips) = + 1406 ft kips
Counter Clockwise due to external load and perimeter shear flow:
= 30 ft (19.19 kips) + 60 ft (13.93 kips) = - 1412 ft kips
Result = OK closes & ΣMa = 0

Check ΣFy = 0
Reactions: 70.67 + 70.67 – 2(sin(60))(38.38) kips = 74.86 kips
Loads: -150 ft(0.50 klf) = - 75.00 kips
Result = OK closes & ΣFy = 0

Shear and reaction equations for a uniform load on a diaphragm with balanced skew
walls on either side are statically admissible.
The reactions at the side walls are 1.88 times the reaction of a rectangular diaphragm
having the same size as this configuration. This is caused by the vertical component of
the skew wall shear. The reactions at the side walls are 1.22 times the maximum reaction
of a diaphragm with a skew wall on one side and the same size as this configuration (See
page 8). The shear along the skew wall is 1.24 times that at the configuration with one
skew wall.
Because of symmetry, the chord forces go to zero along the long walls. The required
shear per unit length is very large for deck – 2.36 klf.


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