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Name :

I. Decide whether the verbs in bracket in present perfect or past simple!

1. Joshua ___________(write)his report last night.
2. Agi __________(see)the movie before.
3. Monica ___________(read) the newspaper already.
4. Mr Paul ____________(work) in the same place for thirty-five years
and he is planning not to retire yet.
5. We _____________( not begin) to study for the test yet.
6. William _____________(go) to the store at ten o’clock this morning.
7. Rita ___________(travel) around the world.
8. Maya ____________( write) a letter last night.
9. Jhon ____________(call) his employer yesterday.
10. We _________(not see) this movie yet.

II. Change the following sentences into their negative ( - ) and

interrogative( ? ) forms!
1. Ratu likes eating hamburger.
2. The students of SMP NCIPS love to go camping.
3. Everybody wants to be rich.
4. Susi usually helps his mother at home.
5. Ratu and prabu live in Kuningan.
6. The villagers plant rice for their staple food.
7. Mr. Nico understands the problem very well.
8. This book belongs to me.
9. The meggi’s family sell fruits at the traditional market.
10. Adam always plays with his sister in the afternoon.

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