Gait Analysis Report

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Gait Analysis

By: Jake Schmidt, Andrew Rice, Eliza Roesler, and Emma Reid

What is the relationship between the HEIGHT and
GAIT FREQUENCY for walking humans?


In our project, this is the question we answered. We had three test subjects: Jake, Eliza,
and Emma. All three subjects had different body types and leg lengths. For the measurements,
each subject measured from their heel to the top of their hip bone. Eliza measured 38 inches,
Emma 40 inches, and Jake 45 inches. We found through our data that the longer the legs the
smaller frequency value. The predictive model we created can estimate either the leg length from
heel to top of hip bone if given the walking frequency or vice-versa. The equation we created is
y=-0.122x+6.445. Here the “Y” is the walking frequency and the “X” is the leg length. We
created a linear predictive line since the R​2​ value was not as close to 1 to with the exponential,
quadratic and logarithmic equations. The closer the R​2​ value shows how accurate the line of best
fit is. There are some complications with a linear line, however. When you put in an “X” value
of 52.828 inches you get a walking frequency of 0 steps per second. When you put in a “Y”
value of 6.448 steps per second you get a leg length of 0 inches. In summary, the relationship is
the higher the frequency the shorter the leg length and the lower the frequency the longer the leg

These are the calculated frequencies we used to make the predictive model. We graphed the
X-axis to be the leg length in inches and the Y-axis the be the frequency of steps per second.

The frequency for a step per second:

Jake: 0.917 steps/second
Emma: 1.55 steps/second
Eliza: 1.77 steps/second

A.3 Table of Contents

I Gait Analysis

A. Introduction -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4
B. Methods --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4-5
C. Results ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6-9
D. Discussion ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9-10
E. References ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11
F. Appendices -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12


A.4 Introduction

Gait analysis is ​the study of human motion, using the eye and the brain of observers,
augmented by instrumentation for measuring body movements, body mechanics, and the activity
of the muscles. In other words, gait analysis helps us differentiate between peoples walking
patterns to determine height, age, or other variables.
The purpose of this lab was to record the walking patterns of three of our group members
with the app “ Physics Toolbox Accelerometer” and use google spreadsheets to create an
equation that is able to predict the height, gender, or another variable of the subject based on the
data presented to it. We first measured from the heel to the top of the hipbone of each groupmate,
recorded them walking for 16 seconds, uploaded the data to a google spreadsheet, and finally
compared the data patterns between each person.
The governing equations that we used for the gait analysis were “steps per second equals
the amount of steps taken during recording time divided by seconds walking.” Our group then
used this equation of frequency to help us find a predictive model for the data on spreadsheets.
The discovery question for this lab was “​What is the relationship between the height and
gait frequency for walking humans?” For this question, we had to use our predictive model to
demonstrate the relationship between height and walking frequency. We decided to use a linear
regression to form a line of best fit because the R​2 ​value was the closest to 1 meaning it best fit
our model.

A.5 Methods 
• Experiment Overview 
For this experiment, we first had to collect the data from each of the test subjects so we could 
compared them on google spreadsheets. We secured the iPhone with the Physics Toolbox 
Accelerometer to each person and recorded their gait analysis. The second part of the lab is to 
analyze the data that we collected to form a predictive model using an equation that determines 
length from hip bone to heel if the walking frequency is given or vice-versa. 
• Apparatus 
The main apparatus that we used during the analysis to record the data was the Physics Toolbox 
Accelerometer app. This app is able to record the gait data of a subject walking once the record 
button is clicked. After the data was recorded and collected we transferred it to google 
spreadsheets to form graphs for each walker. After the recording of data, we then used 

spreadsheets to make a predictive model that can determine limb measurements or walking 
frequency of subjects based on their gait analysis values.  
• Equipment Table 
The equipment that we used for this lab was duct tape, a meter stick, and an iPhone with the 
Physics Toolbox Accelerometer installed on it. We first used the meter stick to take 
measurements of our three test subjects. We then found an even surface of the back of each 
subject and secured the iPhone with the duct tape.  
• Procedures 
1) Download the Physics Toolbox App on an iPhone or Android 
2) Record measurements of the subject 
3) Secure the phone to the lower back of each test subject with duct tape 
4) Record their walking over a span of 15 seconds on a flat surface 
5) Collect the data and transfer it to a google spreadsheet 
Walking graphs: 
1) The gFx, gFy, gFz, and Total were put on a line graph 
2) Done by creating a macro that took all the data and inserted it into a graph 
Average graphs: 
1) The gFx, gFy, and gFz and Totals were averaged from making an equation in google 
2) The new values were then taken and put onto a bar graph 
Predictive graphs: 
1) The calculated frequency and leg length were plotted as points  
a) Calculated the frequency by finding the time the subject walk and # of steps they 
i) Then took the steps divided by the time 
b) Found the leg length by measuring from bottom heel the top of the hip bone 
2) The graph had an X-axis as leg length and a Y-axis as frequency 
3) A line of best fit was made from the three points 
a) By putting in the points in a calculator and the regression 
i) Shown in pictures below 
4) Three Predictive Points of 35, 48, and 50 inches were plugged into the equation and 
graphed with the found frequency  


A.6 Results 
The predictive equation that we found was ​y=-0.122x+6.445, with y being the
frequency and x being the length of the subject’s leg, in inches. For example, when you
plug in Eliza’s information, this happens: y=(-0.122)*(38 inches) + 6.445, which equals
about 1.809 steps/second, which is very close to our previously calculated value, 1.77
One uncertainty of our investigation that we were worried about was Emma’s
walk. She had a limp at the time, and we feared that this would negatively affect the
data. Luckily, we were still able to obtain data that was useful to our project and
conclude it with an efficient predictive equation.
The final result of our project created the equation y=-0.122x+6.445. It also
showed the relationship between leg length and walking frequency. The relationship
shows that the longer the leg length: the smaller the walking frequency, and the higher
the walking frequency: the smaller leg length.

Below are all our data and graphs.

Jake walking: This shows the information from the accelerometer giving Jakes gFx, gFy, gFz,
and total measurements of his walking

Emma Walking: This graph shows Emma’s gFx, gFy, gFz, and total measurements when
walking from the accelerometer

Eliza walking: This graph shows Eliza’s measurements when walking from the accelerometer
given in gFx, gFy, gFz, and total

Average: This is the average of Jake, Eliza, and Emma’s gFx, gFy, gFz, and totals for the data
collected in our accelerometer app.

Leg Length Frequency: This graph displays the correlation between a person’s leg length and
the frequency of their walking pattern. There is a clear connection that the longer your legs are,
the smaller the frequency you exhibit (fewer steps, longer strides). On the graph, there are the
three points from our test subjects and three points from predictions.

A.7 Discussion 
We were able to answer the discovery question through our predictive model created on 
google sheets, and conclude that leg length directly correlates with gait frequency. We found that 
the longer one’s legs, the smaller the frequency they will have. This means that a taller person 
would take fewer steps in the same amount of time because they would take longer strides. A 
shorter person would need to make faster, smaller strides to go the same distance, therefore 
making their frequency of steps per second larger. 
A theoretical comparison that we can make for this lab to describe the relationship 
between height and walking frequency is through our predictive model. In the graph above 
regarding leg length and frequency, Jake added 3 theoretical test subjects alongside the group 
members to see if the correlations between leg length and frequency exists. The test subjects had 
leg lengths of 35, 48, and 50 inches. The graph shows that as the leg length of test subjects 
increases the frequency of walking decreases. The theoretical subject with a leg length of 35 had 
the highest walking frequency whereas the subject with a leg length of 50 inches had the lowest 
walking frequency.   

An error we might have encountered was Emma’s data. She had a limp at the time that 
we took data, but it proved to not have a huge impact. We still were able to come up with a 
model that predicted our data set and were able to understand that even though a limp may be a 
visible aspect of one’s gait, it is not noticeable numerically. 
Another error that we encountered was the creation of the line of best fit. Through google 
sheets, you are able to create lines of best fit through the programs, however, the line of best fit 
that was created was not accurate. We had to go to a calculator and find the line of best fit. This 
gave us a completely different equation that was accurate.  
Our formal conclusion of this project is that the greater one’s leg length, the smaller their 
frequency, and vice-versa. We found through data and a predictive model that height correlates 
inversely in a linear function, with frequency decreasing as height increases. 
For future work, we can further test our model, create more data, and make more 
predictive models. For this, we would need more time and more resources since it took us quite a 
few weeks to obtain these results and conclusions. However, with this strong basis of evidence 
and predictions, we would be able to efficiently build off of this to go on to predict a person’s 
gait by not only leg length, but could possibly factor in their weight or age to determine it.


A.8 References  
1) Mr. Tronconi’s Website

2) Science Direct Gait Analysis

3) Google Sheets Full Tutorial Pt. 1

4) Google Sheets Full Tutorial Pt. 2

5) How to make a predictive model 
6) Physics Toolbox App
7) Raw Data and Google Sheets

A.9 Appendices – Raw Data, Sample Calcs, Lab Notebook, etc.


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