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For AICTE Diploma Courses D–1

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education

Academic Year: Semester: Course Code:
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Chapter Co UO Plan Actual Teaching
No. (Mention (Mention (from – Execution Method /
(Allowed only Only Title / Details To & No. (From-To Media Remarks
Hrs.) Number) Number of & No. of
) Lectures.) Lectures.)

2)Antiseptics And Disinfectants

2.1Define Antiseptics And Disinfectants.
2.2Classification of Antiseptics And Disinfectants.
2.3Related Drugs *Proflavin , Benzalkonium chloride, Cetrimide, *Chloro
cresol, Chloxylene, Formaldehyde Solution, Hexachlorophene, Liquified phenol
,Nitro furantoin.
3)Antimycobacterial Agents
3.1Define Antitubercular and Antileprotic agents.
3.2Classifacation of Antitubercular and Antileprotic agents.
3.3 Antitubercular Drugs-*Isoniazid,PAS,Streptomycin, Rifampicin,*
Ethambutol, Thiacetazone, Ethonamide, Cycloserine,*Pyrazinamide.
3.4 Antileprotic Drugs-
Clofazimine,Thiambutosine,*Dapsone, Solapsone.

4.1Defination and classification of Antibiotics.
4.2Related Drugs-*Benzyl Penicillin,*Phenoxy methyl Penicilline,Benzathine
hromycin,Tetracycline, Cephalexin, Cephaloridine, Cephalothin Griselulvin,
5)Antiamoebic and Anthelmintic Drugs
5.1)Defination and Classification of Antiamoebic and Anthelmintic Drugs.
5.2)Related Drugs-Emetine,*Metronidazole, Halogenated hydroxyquinolines,
Diloxanide furoate,*Paromomycin Piperazine,Mebenndazole,*D.C.E.

6)Antimalarial Drugs
6.1History of malaria and life cycle of plasmodium.
6.2Defination and classification Antimalarial Drugs.
6.3 Antimalarial Drugs*Chloroquine, Amidoquine, Primaquine, Proguanil,
*Pyrimethamine, Quinine, Trimethoprime.

7)Antiamoebics and Anthelmintics

7.1Introduction of Antiamoebics and Anthelmintics .
7.2classification of Antiamoebics and Anthelmintics drugs.
7.3Related Drugs Emetine, *Metronidazole, Halogenated hydroxyquinolines,
Diloxanide furoate, Paromomycin Piperazine, Mebendazole,* D.E.C..

Antineoplastic Drugs
1Defination and classification of Antineoplastic Drugs
8.2Related Drugs Actinomycins, Azathioprne, Busulphan,
Chlorambusil, Cisplatin, Cyclophosphamide,
Daunorubicin,Hydrochloride, Fluorouracil, Mercaptopurine,
Methotrexate, Mytomycin.
8)Antifungal Agents
8.1Defination and classification of Antifungal Agents.
8.2Related DrugsUndecylenic acid, Tolnaftate, Nystatin, Amphoterecin,

9)Drug Acting On C.N.S

CNS Stimulants: Analeptics
Definition and classification CNS Stimulant Analeptics.
Related Drugs Thephylline, *Caffeine, *Coramine, Dextroamphetamine.
General Anaesthetics
Introduction and Classification of General Anaesthetics
Related drugs *Halothane, *Cyclopropane, *Diethylether, Meth-hexital sodium,
Trichloro ethylene.

Hypnotics and Sedatives

Definition and classification of Hypnotics and Sedatives
Related drugs *Phenobarbitone, Butobatbitone, Cyclobarbitone, *Nitrazepam
Glutethimide, Methyprylon, Paraldehyde, Triclofos sodium.
Introduction and classification Anticonvulsants
Related drugs phenobarbitone, mephobarbital, phenytoin, ethotoin,
Ethosuccimide, Phensuccimide, Trimethadione, Paramethdione, perimidone.
Introduction and classification Trinquillisers
Related drugs *Chlorpromazine, prochlor perazine, Triflulo, Perazine,
Thiothixene,* Haloperidol, Triperodol Oxypertine, chlordiazepoxide,
*diazepam, lorazepam, meprobamate.
Defination and classification Antidepressants
Related drugs Amitriptyline, Nortryptyline, *Imipramine, Phenelzine, Tranyl

Drug Acting On A.N.S.

Adrenergic drugs
Introduction and Classification Adrenergic drugs
Related Drugs *Andrenaline, *Noradrenaline isoprenaline, Phenylephrine,
Salbutamol, Terbutaline, *Ephedrine, Psedo Ephedrine.
Adrenergic Antigonists
Introduction and Classification Adrenergic Antagonistis
Related Drugs Tolazoline, Propranolol, Practalol.
Cholinergic Drugs
Defination and Classification of Cholinergic Drugs
Related Drugs *Neoatigmine, Pyridostigmine, Pralidoxine, Pilocarpine,
Cholinergic Antagonistis
Defination and Classification of Cholinergic Antagonistis
Related Drugs *Atropine, Hyoscine, Homatropine, *Propantheline, Benztropine,
Tropicamide, *Biperiden.

Defination and Classification of diuretic drugs
Related Drugs *Furosemide, Chlorothiazide, *Hydrochlorothiazide,
Benzthiazide, *Urea, *Mannitol, Ethacrynic acid.

Cardiovascular Drugs
Defination and Classification o Antiarrhythmic
Related Drugs Quinidine.
Defination and Classification Antihypertensives
Related Drugs Alpha methyldopa, Guanethidine.
Defination and Classification Vsodailators
Related Drugs*Ethyl nitrite, Glyceryl trinitrate
Lipid Lowering Agents
Defination and Classification Lipid lowering agents
Related Drugs, , Clofibrate.
Cardiac Glycosides
Defination and Classification Cardiac Glycosides
Related Drugs digitoxine, Digoxine, Gitoxine, Ouabain.

Hypoglycaemic Agents
Defination and Classification of Hypoglycaemic Agents .
Related Drugs Insuline, *Chlorpropamide, Tolbutamide Glibenclamide,
*Phenformin, Metformine.
Coagulants and Anti-Coagulants
Defination and Classification of Coagulants and Anti-Coagulants
Related Drugs Heparine,Thrombin ,*Menadione, Bishhydroxycoumarin, Warfarin

Local Anaesthetics
Defination and Classification of Coagulants and Anti-Coagulants
Related Drugs *Lignocaine, *Procaine, Benzocaine.

Histamine and anti Histaminic Agents

Defination and Classification of Histamine and anti Histaminic Agents
Related Drugs Histamine,* Diphenhydramine, Promethzine, Cyproheptadine,
Mepyramine, Rheniramine,* Chlorphenitramine.

Analgesics And Anti-pyritics

Defination and Classification of Analgesics And Anti-pyritics
Related Drugs Morphine,* Pethidine, Codeine, Methadone, *Aspirin, *Paracetamol,
Analgin Dextro-propoxyphene, Pentazocaine.

Non-Steroidal anti-inflammatory Agents

Defination and Classification of Non-Steroidal anti-inflammatory Agents.
Related Drugs*Indomethacine,*Phenylbutazone, Oxyphene butazone, Ibuprofen.

Thyroid Hormone And Antithymoid Drugs

Defination and Classification of Thyroid Hormone And Antithymoid Drugs
Related Drugs*Thyroxine, Methimazole, Methylthiouracil, Propylthiouracil.
Diagnostic Agents
Defination and Classification of Steroidal Drugs.
Related Drugs Iopanoic Acid Propylidone, Sulfobromophthlein, Sodium,
Indigotindisulfonate Sodium (Indigo Carmine), Evans blue, Congo Red, Fluoreseine

Steroidal Drugs
Defination and Classification of Steroidal Drugs.
Related Drugs Betamethazone, Cortisone, Hydrocortisone, Prednisolone,
Progesterone, Testoaterone, Oestradiol, Nandrolone.

Introduction and Classification of Vitamines.
Fat soluble vitamines
water soluble Vitamines

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