Homework B.Inggris: Name: Dian Herdianti Class: X.5

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TP. 2012/2013
Long time ago in a small village, near the forest there
was a girl whose name was snow white. She is beautiful but
she lived with her aunt and the uncle,because her parents
were dead and the aunt and the uncle don’t like her. And
the uncle very jealous with the beautiful her .
One day she heard that her aunt and uncle wanted to
go to America. They did not have enough money to take
snow white with them. They planned to leave in the castle.
Snow white didn’t want her aunt and uncle to do this.
She decided to run away. The next morning she ran away
into the woods and she was very tird and hungry. Then she
was a little cottage , she knocked but no one answer. So she
went inside and fell asked.
Meanwhile,the seven dwarfs were coming home from
word. They went inside , there they found snow white. She
was sleeping, the snow white woke up she saw the dwarfs.
And the dwarfs said “what is your name?” and snow white
answer “my name is snow white”.
And finally the dwarfs said “if you wish you may live
here with us?”. And snow white answer “could I ? Thank
you so much”. Then snow white told the dwarfs the whole
story. Snow white and the seven dwarfs lived happy ever
Long time ago was two tails turtle lived in the forest. They
do not have parents but they really get along fellow brothers.
One day pipo wanted to follow a competition run but
popo not allow it but pipo didn’t listen to he remain in the rase.
When pipo went to the race the woods next and pipo with
monkey are very arrogant. He said with his “cocky basic slow
and I will prevail against you.
When the race is being run live monkey superior from
pipo, but pipo keep the spirit of running. When pipo are resting
briefly turns a hunter came to arrest her and the monkey saw
the incident but he just laugh and say “you are to sad turtle
pachers caught and running slow now.
When at home the hunters, turtle were given food very
muchby the hunter and the pipo and monkey come to eat and
say “glad you are given a turtle and lost of delicious food but do
not ignore it and the turtle still eat foods and fruits are very
tasty that turtle and the monkey said “if you don’t remember
how worried you popo at home?”. After pipo think of the words
and then I have answer how the monkey,the monkey answer “I
remove your rope and I will replace you here and after taking a
turtle go and say thank you to the monkey.but monkey replied
distant stupied like I cheated. Pipo continue the rase and he
winner of the rase.
When the rood back home pipo,pipo struck by popo and
forgive me to popo , because he not listening to his words
erlier. They go home together and lived happy while the
monkey brought to the market to the sale.
Exercise :
Text 1

1. Who mind the character in the story . . . . . . .

= snow white,her uncle,her aunt and the seven dwarfs
2. What the complication in the story . . . . . . .
= . her aunt jealous with the beautiful snow white
. her aunt and her uncle wanted to go to America
. snow white run into the forest
3. What the resolution in the story . . . . . . . .
= . snow white go to the forest , she meet the seven dwarfs and lived with
they and happy ever after
4. What the purpose in the text . . . . . . .
= to entertain or amuse the reader about story
5. What the moral value in the text . . . .
= we don’t jealous to the pople

Text 2

1. What mind the character in the story . . . . . .

= pipo,popo or two turtle,the monkey and the hunter
2. What the complication in the story . . . . . . .
= . pipo want to join the race and popo don’t know allow it
. the hunter came to arrest him
3. What the resolution in the story . . . . . .
= . the monkey replace pipo in the home the hunter and pipo win the run
4. What the purpose in the text . . . . . .
= to entertain the reader about story
5. What the moral value in the text . . . . . . .
= . don’t be arrogant and jealous
. listen the talk the brother or loisten to his words earlier
. always spirit

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