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Pearson Correlation test of significance

Steps: 1. Obtain an estimate of the sample correlation coefficient (r) using

2. Type in the sample size below.
3. Type in the sample correlation coefficient (r) below.
4. Enter the hypothesized population correlation coefficient (
5. Enter the desired significance (alpha) level for the test.

Test of Significance (t-test) for Pearson's r

Sample size: 148
Sample correlation coefficient (r): 0.717258
Hypothesized population correlation coefficient (r): 0
Alpha level: 0.05

sample t: 12.43767
degrees of freedom: 148
critical t: 1.97612249
p-value: 9.2052E-25
critical t: 1.65521451
p-value: 4.6026E-25
ion coefficient (r) using Excel

ation coefficient (r) value.

el for the test.

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