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Theoretical competition. Marking scheme.

Problem 1 1/1
Marking scheme for Problem 1

Part Content Points Total

A Correct derived formula (A.8) mu  2Mv 1.4
mu 2 Mv2 I  2
Conservation of the total energy, formula (A.9) mgR    0.2
2 2 2
Formula (A.10)   v / R 0.1
Final velocities of the puck and the cylinder, 0.6
Understanding that the relative velocity matters, formula (A.13) v rel  u  v 0.2 3.0
mv 2rel
Newton’s law for the circular motion of the puck, F  mg  0.2
 m 
Final result for the pressure force, formula (A.15) F  3mg  1   0.3
 3M 

B The first law of thermodynamics for the gas in the bubble,  Q   CV dT  pdV 0.1
1 Q p dV
Definition of the molar heat capacity, formula (B.2) C   CV  0.2
 dT  dT
Laplace formula the gas pressure in the bubble, formula (B.3) p  0.2
Understanding that formula (B3) describes a gas process, p V  const
Equation of state for ideal gas, formula (B.5) pV   RT 0.1
Correct rewriting of formula (B.4) with the help of (B.5), T 3V 2  const 0.2
dV 3V
Taking derivative correctly, formula (B.7)  0.2
dT 2T
The molar heat capacity of the diatomic gas at constant volume, CV  R 0.1
The molar heat capacity of the gas at polytrophic process, formula (B.9) 3.0
3 0.2
C  CV  R  4 R  33.2 Дж / ( моль  К )
A small segment of the bubble surface is considered, formula (B.10) 0.1
The mass of the small segment is correctly found, formula (B.11) m   Sh 0.1
Newton’s law for the small segment, formula (B.12) 𝑚𝑥 = 𝑝′ 𝑆̈ ′ − 𝐹 0.1
The equation for small oscillations is correctly found, formula (B.16) 1.0
Correct expression for the oscillation frequency,    5.39с 1 0.1
 hr 2

Correct numerical answer for the oscillation frequency in formula (B.17)

  5.39с 1 with 3 significant digits – одузима се 0.1 поен за 0.1
 hr 2
ентачан број значајних цифара

C The expression for I0 obtained 0.5

The expression for J1 obtained 0.5
The expression for J2 obtained 0.5
The expression for I1(t) obtained 0.5
The expression for I2(t) obtained 0.5
The expression for I obtained 0.5
Theoretical competition. Marking scheme. Problem 1 2/1

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