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Prefix Meaning Added to example

Un- the opposite of Adjectives Unfair
Non- Not Various classes Non-smoker
In- As for un- Adjective Insane
de- To reverse action Verbs Deforest
dis- To reverse action Verbs Disconnect
Mis- Wrongly Participles Misleading
Pre- Before Pregame
Re- Again Verbs rebuild

Ada yang kurang tentang ini


Im- belum…


Verb => Noun

a. Adding Suffixes –tion, -sion.

Add Addition
Connect Connection
Direct Direction
Compile Compilation
b. Adding Suffixes –al, -se, -ment, -ance, inture
Refuse Refusal
Propose Proposal
Govern Government
Pay Payment
Confide Confidence
Depend Dependence
Expend Expense
c. Adding Suffixes –er, -or, -ant, -ent. Who does the action
Teach Teacher
Manage Manager
Operate Operator
Facilitate Facilitator
Expedite Expedient
Supply Supplicant

Adjective => Verb

Adding Suffixes –ize, -en, -fy

Fertile Fertilize
General Generalize
Sharpe Sharpen
Strength Strengthen
Wide Wined
Simple Simplify
Just Justify
Ample Amplify
Beauty Beautify

Verb => Adjective

Adding Suffixes –able, -ible, -ive

Reverse Reversible
Sense Sensible
Include Inclusive
Protect Protective
Perish Perishable
Repair Repairable
Adverb => Adjective

a. Adding Suffixes –ly

Angry Angrily
False Falsely
Quick Quickly
b. Adding Suffixes –wise
Like Likewise
Side Sidewise
Clock Clockwise
c. Adding Suffixes –ward
Back Backward
Out Outward

Non => Verb

a. Adding suffixes ize and ate

Terror Terrorize
Rational Rationalize
Motive Motivate
Difference differentiate
b. Adding prefixes en, in and a-
Danger Endanger
Joy Enjoy
Force Inforce
Grain Ingrain
Sure Assure
Certain Ascertain

Noun => Adjectives

a. Adding Suffixes –ful, -less, ious, -cy, -y

Hope Hopeful
End Endless
Fame Famous
Efficient Efficiency
Wind Windy
b. Adding Suffixes –al, -ic, -ish, -ary, ed, an
Nature Natural
Practice Practical
Idea Ideal
Critic Critical
Imagination Imaginary
Acrobat Acrobatic
Artist Artistic

Adjective => Noun

a. Adding Suffixes –ness, -ity, -ce, -cy

Lazy Laziness
Happy Happiness
Romantic Romance
Fragant Fragance
Popular Popularity
Rapid Rapidity
Active Activity
Legal Legality

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