Pidato Bahasa Indonesia Dini

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Pidato Bahasa Inggris

Isro Mi’raj


Alhamdulillahirobbi alamin wabbihi nasta’inu ala umuridunya waddin.

Wassalamu ala asrofil ambiya’I wal murssalin wa’ala alihi, wasohbihi
rosullahi,ajma’in amma ba’du

Fist of all, let us praise to Allah swt, who has give us a fresh , health body so
we can attend in this ceremony. And unforgettable sholawat also salam, let’s us
praise to Nabi Muhammad saw. For his family, his best friend ,auliya,shuhasa and
for us the confessor.

Ladies and gentlemen,girls and boys

On this occasion I would bring a theme. It is, isro mi’raj let me briefly talk
about the notion of isro.isro is the journey of masjidil haram to the aqso mosque
mi’raj lifted from prophet Muhammad saw aqso morque to the seventh heaven is to

Girls and boys !

What is produced from isro mi’raj it? Who know? That players times a day.
In the beginning it was not a player five times but fifthy times. The gravity of the
Islamic ummah when praying so times in a day and night but, with the policier of
Allah swt then, prayer was adjudged to 5 hour in the day overnight but there are
still some wo don’t what to pray

Such is the description of me, sorry if the are short comings

Billahitaufik walhidayah wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb

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