2D SPL Midterms: Rules of Construction

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OF PENAL LAWS ● Even in the appreciation of evidentiary matters, the liberal

Pro reo doctrine rule (pro reo) holds true. Where the evidence is equipoise,
All laws must be interpreted liberally in favor of the accused and that is, the evidence of the prosecution and of the defense
strictly against the state. It applies only when a penal law is are equally balanced, the scale should be tilted in favor of
susceptible of two interpretations, one consistent with acquittal, and the accused in view of the constitutional presumption of
the other with conviction, and in such case, the offender is entitled to evidence.
acquittal as a matter of right. ● Burden of proving guilt lies on the prosecution which must
rely on the strength of its own evidence and not on the
In case of repeal or amendment of laws, the beneficial provisions of weakness of the defense.
the amendatory law shall be given retroactive application as an
exception to the ex post facto rule. OF QUANTUM OF PROOF
● Every criminal conviction requires the prosecution to prove
Absolute repeal - Act or omission is decriminalized, thus: two things:
● If a case is pending - case shall be terminated as 1. Presence of all the elements of the crime
there’s no more crime to be tried 2. The fact that the accused is the perpetrator of the
● If already convicted/serving sentence - released if he crime.
is not a habitual delinquent unless the law provides ● Reasonable doubt as basis of acquittal means that the
that detention is to continue evidence of the prosecution was not sufficient to sustain the
Partial repeal guilt of accused beyond the point of moral certainty.
● First law will govern if accused is a habitual ○ Burden is particular to the prosecution
delinquent or if the favorable second law prohibits ○ It does not apply to exculpatory facts as may be
retroactivity. raised by the defense
● Second law will govern if it is favorable to the ● For circumstantial evidence to convict, the Rules of Court
offender who is not a habitual delinquent or the law require that:
is silent as to its retroactivity. 1. There is more than one circumstance;
2. The facts from which the inferences are derived are
Although enacted as an SPL, when it uses the nomenclature of proven; and
penalties of the RPC, by force of Art. 10 thereof, the beneficial 3. The combination of all the circumstances is such as
provisions of Art. 22 applies to and shall be given retroactive effect to to produce a conviction beyond reasonable doubt.
crimes punished thereunder. ● The circumstantial evidence presented and proved must
constitute an unbroken chain which leads to one fair
Penal laws in Art. 22 should apply to all such laws whether under the reasonable conclusion pointing to accused, to the exclusion
RPC or SPL, and whether the crime is malum in se or malum of all others, as the guilty person.

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● An acquitted defendant is entitled to the right of repose as a

direct consequence of the finality of his acquittal No room for applying RPC when:
● Right of repose - once acquitted, cannot be charged 1. There is a legal or physical impossibility or a prohibition in
the special law against such supplementary application.
OF ESTOPPEL, LACHES, AND WAIVER 2. Special law expressly grants the court the discretion in
● Public offenses like violation of the Anti-Graft Law and applying the penalty prescribed for the offense.
Murder cannot be waived or condoned, much less barred by
the rules of estoppel. Social and public interests demand the ● Suppletory application of the RPC to special laws, by virtue
punishment of the offender. of Art. 10, finds relevance only when the provisions of the
● Criminal liability cannot be the subject of a compromise special law are silent on a particular matter.
because the offended party is the State and the private
offended party is reduced to a mere complaining witness. ON SYSTEM OF PENALTIES
  ● Special Penal Laws at times adopt the system of penalties
under the RPC when the nomenclature of the penalties
unique to the latter are used in penalizing offenders.
Applicability of the RPC on SPL ​(Art. 10, RPC) ● When SPL uses the nomenclature of penalties in the RPC,
1. “Special laws are not subject to the provisions of this Code” the rules of the RPC shall be followed in imposing the
Special laws are controlling with regard to offenses therein penalty.
specifically punished following the rule that special legal ● Life imprisonment does not have any definite extent or
provisions prevail over general ones duration nor does it carry accessory penalties. It is imposed
as a penalty for serious offenses penalized by special laws.
2. “This code shall be supplementary to such laws” ● Reclusion perpetua is not synonymous with life
The main idea and purpose of the article is that the “Code imprisonment. Life imprisonment is nowhere in the scheme
shall be supplementary” to the special laws, unless the latter of penalties in the RPC nor is it a penalty similar to reclusion
should specifically provide the contrary. perpetua.

General Rule: Special Laws are not subject to the provisions of the
Life Imprisonment Reclusion Perpetua
● Circumstances affecting criminal liability under Art. 11-15 is
Violation of SPL Violation of RPC
not applicable to SPL because their purpose is to calibrate
the penalty in proportion to the accused’s perversity or lack With no fixed duration Fixed duration of 20y1d to 40y
of it.
● Lowering of penalties under Art. 50-57 likewise do not apply Without accessory penalties With accessory penalties under
because violators of special laws are all punished as Art. 27
principals unless the law specifies otherwise.
XPN: RPC shall have a supplementary application to the special
laws when the law uses the nomenclature of RPC penalties and
necessarily, with its duration, correlation and legal effects under the
system of penalties therein.
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○ deprivation of rights and reparations which the civil

law may establish in penal form
● Article 70 of the RPC allows simultaneous service of two or
ON MATTER OF REPEAL OF PENAL LAWS more penalties if the nature of the penalties so permit.
● Beneficial provisions of the amendatory law shall be given ○ These penalties, ​except destierro, can be served
retroactive application as an exception to the ex post facto simultaneously with imprisonment.
law. ■ perpetual absolute disqualification
○ Absolute/total/express repeal ■ perpetual special disqualification
■ the act or omission is decriminalized so that ■ temporary absolute disqualification
if a case is pending it shall be dismissed ■ temporary special disqualification
■ whether the accused is a habitual delinquent ■ suspension
or not because there is no more crime for ■ destierro
which he should be tried ■ public censure
■ if already convicted and/or serving sentence, ■ fine and bond to keep the peace
he shall be released if he is not a habitual ■ civil interdiction
delinquent unless the law provides that ■ confiscation and payment of costs
detention is to continue ○ The penalties of deprivation of liberty cannot be
○ Partial/relative/implied repeal or repeal by served simultaneously by reason of the nature of
re-enactment, such penalties. Two or more terms of imprisonment
■ first law will govern if the accused is a should be served simultaneously
habitual delinquent or if the favorable ● SC Circular No. 39-97 limits the authority to issue ​hold
second law prohibits retroactivity departure orders to the Regional Trial Courts in criminal
■ second law will govern if favorable to the cases within their exclusive jurisdiction. This is so because
offender who Is not a habitual delinquent or the issuance of a hold departure order is tantamount to an
the law is silent as to it retroactivity infringement on the right and liberty of an individual to travel.
● Art 24 of the RPC enumerates ​measures of prevention or ○ RTCs issuing the HDO shall furnish the DFA and the
safety which are not considered as penalties (preventive Bureau of immigration of the DOJ with a copy each
remedies/ measures) of the HDO issued within 24 hours from the time of
○ arrest and temporary detention of accused persons issuance and through the fastest available means of
○ detention by reason of insanity or imbecility, or transmittal.
illness requiring their confinement in a hospital ○ Whenever the accused has been acquitted or the
○ commitment of a minor to any of the institutions for case has been dismissed, the judgment of acquittal
minors or the order of dismissal shall include therein the
○ suspension from the employment or public office cancellation of the HDO issued.
during the trial or in order to institute proceedings ● Section 8 of Rule 124 of the Revised Rules of Criminal
○ fines and other corrective measures which in the Procedure enumerates the grounds for dismissal of ​appeals​.
exercise of their administrative disciplinary powers Acts that are subject to outright dismissal, subject to
○ superior officials may impose upon their exceptions:
subordinates ○ escape from prison or confinement
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○ jumping bail
○ fleeing to a foreign country of the appellant results in
the outright dismissal of his appeal
○ appeal taken by one or more of several accused
shall not affect those who did not appeal
■ except insofar as the judgment of the
appellate court is favorable and applicable
■ i.e. as when they will benefit from the more
beneficial indeterminate sentence imposed
● Civil liabilities shall be settled in following order:
○ Monetary liabilities
■ 1st - reparation (if restitution is not available)
■ 2nd - indemnification
■ 3rd - fine
■ 4th - costs of proceedings
○ Conditions for moral damages
■ injury, whether physical, mental or
psychological, clearly sustained by the
■ culpable act or omission factually
■ wrongful act or omission of the defendant is
the proximate cause of the injury sustained
■ award of damages is predicated on Art 2219
of the Civil Code (quasi-delicts)

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Non-imposition of cruel and unusual punishment or excessive
fines (CONST Art III, Sec 19) Child in conflict with the law
The employment of physical, psychological, or degrading refers to a child who is alleged as, accused of, or adjudged as having
punishment against any prisoner or detainee or the use of committed an offense under Philippine laws.
substandard or inadequate penal facilities under subhuman The child in conflict with the law shall be credited in the services of
conditions shall be dealt with by law. his/her sentence with the full time spent in actual commitment and
detention under this Act (Sec 41)
No more imposition of death penalty (Sec 2)
in lieu of the death penalty, the following shall be imposed Probation as alternative to imprisonment (Sec 42)
○ reclusion perpetua, when the law violated makes use of the Court may, after it shall have convicted and sentenced a child in
nomenclature of the penalties of the Revised Penal Code conflict with the law, and upon application at any time, place the child
○ life imprisonment, when the law violated does not make use on probation in lieu of service of his/her sentence taking into account
of the nomenclature of the penalties of the Revised Penal the best interest of the child. For this purpose, Section 4 PD 968,
Code. otherwise known as the "Probation Law of 1976”.

Non-eligibility for Parole (Sec 3) Liberal Construction (Sec 3)

Person convicted of offenses punished with reclusion perpetua, or In case of doubt, this act including its IRRs shall be construed
whose sentences will be reduced to reclusion perpetua shall not be liberally in favor of the child in conflict with the law.
eligible for parole the Indeterminate Sentence Law
Definition of terms (Sec 4)
The Board of Pardons and Parole shall cause the publication Child at risk ​refers to a child who is vulnerable to and at the risk of
(Sec 4) committing criminal offenses because of personal, family and social
● at least one a week for three consecutive weeks in a circumstances, such as, but not limited to, the following:
newspaper of general circulation of the names of persons ● abused by any person through sexual, physical,
convicted of offenses punished with reclusion perpetua or psychological, mental, economic or any other means and the
life imprisonment parents or guardian refuse, are unwilling, or unable to
● who are being considered or recommend for commutation or provide protection for the child
pardon ● exploited sexually or economically
● nothing shall limit the power of the President to grant ● abandoned or neglected, and after diligent search and
executive clemency under Section 19, Article VII of the inquiry, the parent or guardian cannot be found
Constitutions ● coming from a dysfunctional or broken family or without a
parent or guardian
● out of school
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● streetchild offender and the community. It seeks to obtain reparation for the
● being a member of a gang victim; reconciliation of the offender, the offended and the
● living in a community with a high level of criminality or drug community; and reassurance to the offender that he/she can be
abuse reintegrated into society. It also enhances public safety by activating
● living in situations of armed conflict. the offender, the victim and the community in prevention strategies.

Diversion refers to an alternative, child-appropriate process of Status Offenses refers to offenses which discriminate only against a
determining the responsibility and treatment of a child in conflict with child, while an adult does not suffer any penalty for committing
the law on the basis of his/her social, cultural, economic, similar acts. These shall include curfew violations; truancy, parental
psychological or educational background without resorting to formal disobedience and the like.
court proceedings. ● Any conduct not considered an offense or not penalized if
committed by an adult shall not be considered an offense
Diversion Program refers to the program that the child in conflict and shall not be punished if committed by a child (Sec 57)
with the law is required to undergo after he/she is found responsible ● Persons below 18 years of age shall be exempt from (Sec
for an offense without resorting to formal court proceedings. 58)
○ prosecution for the crime of vagrancy and
Initial Contact With the Child refers to the apprehension or taking prostitution under the Revised Penal Code
into custody of a child in conflict with the law by law enforcement ○ mendicancy under PD 1563
officers or private citizens. It includes the time when the child alleged ○ sniffing of rugby under PD 1619, such prosecution
to be in conflict with the law receives a subpoena or summons in being inconsistent with the United Nations
cases that do not require preliminary investigation or where there is Convention on the Rights of the Child
no necessity to place the child alleged to be in conflict with the law ○ Provided these persons shall undergo appropriate
under immediate custody. counseling and treatment program.

Juvenile Justice and Welfare System refers to a system dealing Bahay Pag-asa refers to a 24-hour child-caring institution
with children at risk and children in conflict with the law, which established, funded and managed by local government units (LGUs)
provides child-appropriate proceedings, including programs and and licensed and/or accredited nongovernment organizations
services for prevention, diversion, rehabilitation, re-integration and (NGOs) providing short-term residential care for children in conflict
aftercare to ensure their normal growth and development. with the law who are above fifteen (15) but below eighteen (18) years
of age who are awaiting court disposition of their cases or transfer to
Intervention refers to a series of activities which are designed to other agencies or jurisdiction.
address issues that caused the child to commit an offense. It may
take the form of an individualized treatment program which may Rights of the Child in Conflict with the law
include counseling, skills training, education, and other activities that Fundamental rights in court proceedings:
will enhance his/her psychological, emotional and psycho-social ● not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or
well-being. degrading treatment or punishment
● not to be imposed a sentence of capital punishment or life
Restorative Justice refers to a principle which requires a process of imprisonment, without the possibility of release
resolving conflicts with the maximum involvement of the victim, the
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● not to be deprived, unlawfully or arbitrarily, of his/her liberty; ○ where discretion is given by law to the judge to
detention or imprisonment being a disposition of last resort, determine whether to impose fine or imprisonment,
and which shall be for the shortest appropriate period of time the imposition of fine being preferred as the more
● to be treated with humanity and respect, for the inherent appropriate penalty
dignity of the person, and in a manner which takes into ● Generally, the right to automatic suspension of sentence
account the needs of a person of his/her age. ● to probation as an alternative to imprisonment, if qualified
○ a child deprived of liberty shall be separated from under the Probation Law
adult offenders at all times ● to be free from liability for perjury, concealment or
○ no child shall be detained together with adult misrepresentation
offenders. ● rights as provided for under existing laws, rules and
○ shall be conveyed separately to or from court. regulations.
○ shall await hearing of his/her own case in a separate
holding area. Other rights further adopted
○ child in conflict with the law shall have the right to ● United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the
maintain contact with his/her family through Administration of Juvenile Justice or "Beijing Rules", United
correspondence and visits, save in exceptional Nations Guidelines for the Prevention of Juvenile
circumstances Delinquency or the "Riyadh Guidelines"
○ to prompt access to legal and other appropriate ● United Nations Rules for the Protection of Juveniles
assistance, as well as the right to challenge the Deprived of Liberty.
legality of the deprivation of his/her liberty before a
court or other competent, independent and impartial Minimum age of criminal responsibility (Sec 3 of amended law)
authority, and to a prompt decision on such action
Age Criminal Liability Civil Liability
● to bail and recognizance, in appropriate cases
● to testify as a witness in hid/her own behalf under the rule on 15 years of age or Exempt but shall Subject to civil liability
examination of a child witness under at the time of undergo intervention
● to have his/her privacy respected fully at all stages of the commission of the program
proceedings offense
● to diversion if he/she is qualified and voluntarily avails of the
same Above 15 years but Exempt but shall Subject to civil liability
below 18 years of age undergo intervention
without discernment program
Rights as to imposable punishment and its alternatives
● to be imposed a judgment in proportion to the gravity of the Above 15 years but Subject to criminal Subject to civil liability
offense where his/her best interests below 18 years of age liability but shall
○ rights of the victim and the needs of society are all with discernment undergo diversion
taken into consideration by the court program
○ under the principle of restorative justice
● to have restrictions on his/her personal liberty limited to the At least 18 years of Subject to criminal Subject to civil liability
minimum age liability
○ judge’s discretion
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○ authority shall give notice to the local social welfare

Determination of Age (Sec 7) and development officer who will
The child in conflict with the law shall enjoy the presumption of ● authority shall give notice to the local social welfare and
minority until he/she is proven to be eighteen (18) years old or older. development officer who will determine the appropriate
● Documents programs
○ child's birth certificate ○ in consultation with the child and to the person
○ baptismal certificate having custody over the child
○ any other pertinent documents. ○ if the parents, guardians or nearest relatives cannot
● In the absence of these documents, age may be based on be located, or if they refuse to take custody, the child
information may be released to any of the ff:
○ from the child himself/herself ■ a duly registered nongovernmental or
○ testimonies of other persons religious organization
○ the physical appearance of the child and other ■ barangay official
relevant evidence. ■ a member of the Barangay Council for the
● Any person contesting the age of the child in conflict with the Protection of Children
law prior to the filing of the information in any appropriate ■ local social welfare and development officer
court may file a case in a summary proceeding for the ■ when and where appropriate, the DSWD.
determination of age before the Family Court which shall ● Petition for involuntary commitment under PD 603 shall be
decide the case within 24 hours from receipt of the filed by the DSWD when the child is:
appropriate pleadings of all interested parties. ○ abandoned
○ neglected
○ abused by his parents
● If a case has been filed against the child in conflict with the ○ parents will not comply with the prevention program
law and is pending in the appropriate court
○ ile a motion to determine the age of the child in the Prohibited acts
same court where the case is pending ● Labeling and shaming (Sec 60)
○ pending hearing on the said motion, proceedings on ○ in the conduct of the proceedings beginning from the
the main case shall be suspended. initial contact with the child, the competent
● In all proceedings, law enforcement officers, prosecutors, authorities must refrain from branding or labeling
judges and other government officials concerned shall exert children as
all efforts at determining the age of the child in conflict with ■ young criminals
the law. ■ juvenile delinquents
■ prostitutes
Treatment of the child below age of criminal responsibility (Sec ■ or attaching to them in any manner any
20) other derogatory names.
● authority which will have an initial contact with the child has ■ remarks and practices that do not respect
the duty to immediately release child's class or ethnic origin
○ to the custody of his/her parents or guardian ● Employment of threats of whatever kind and nature
○ in the absence thereof, the child's nearest relative.
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● Employment of abusive, coercive and punitive measures charge to report to the parents the absences of the child the moment
such as cursing, beating, stripping, and solitary confinement these exceed five schooldays.
● Employment of degrading, inhuman and cruel forms of (7) Improperly exploits the child by using him, directly or
punishment indirectly, such as for purposes of begging and other acts
○ having the heads which are inimical to his interest and welfare.
○ pouring irritating (8) Inflicts cruel and unusual punishment upon the child or
○ corrosive or harmful substances over the body of the deliberately subjects him to indignitions and other excessive
child chastisement that embarrass or humiliate him.
○ forcing him/her to walk around the community (9) Causes or encourages the child to lead an immoral or
wearing signs which embarrass, humiliate, and dissolute life.
degrade his/her personality and dignity (10) Permits the child to possess, handle or carry a deadly
● Compelling the child to perform involuntary servitude in any weapon, regardless of its ownership.
and all forms under any and all instances (Sec 61) (11) Allows or requires the child to drive without a license or
with a license which the parent knows to have been illegally
procured. If the motor vehicle driven by the child belongs to
the parent, it shall be presumed that he permitted or ordered
“Child” or “minor” or “youth” - a person below twenty-one years of the child to drive.
age except those emancipated in accordance with law Parents - include the guardian and the head of the institution
or foster home which has custody of the child.
Liabilities Of Parents Penalty: punishable with imprisonment from two or six
Parents and guardians are responsible for the damage caused by months / fine not exceeding five hundred pesos / or both / at
the child under their parental authority in accordance with the Civil the discretion of the Court / unless a higher penalty is
Code. provided for in the Revised Penal Code or special laws,
Criminal liability shall attach to any parent who: without prejudice to actions for the involuntary commitment
(1) Conceals or abandons the child with intent to make such of the child
child lose his civil status.
(2) Abandons the child under such circumstances as to Youthful Offenders (YO)
deprive him of the love, care and protection he needs. Youthful Offender - one who is over nine years but under twenty-one
(3) Sells or abandons the child to another person for years of age at the time of the commission of the offense
valuable consideration. *It is the duty of the law-enforcement agency concerned to take the
(4) Neglects the child by not giving him the education which youthful offender, immediately after his apprehension, to the proper
the family’s station in life and financial conditions permit. medical or health officer for a thorough physical and mental
(5) Fails or refuses, without justifiable grounds, to enroll the examination
child as required by Article 72.
(6) Causes, abates, or permits the truancy of the child from Child nine years of age or under AND child over nine years and
the school where he is enrolled. under fifteen years of age who acted without discernment (Both
Truancy - absence without cause for more than twenty schooldays, at the time of the commission of the offense)
not necessarily consecutive. It shall be the duty of the teacher in

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exempt from criminal liability and shall be committed to the care of YO may be released on ​recognizance ​to the custody of:
his or her father or mother, or nearest relative or family friend in the · ​his parents​ or
discretion of the court and subject to its supervision · ​other suitable person
who shall be responsible for his appearance whenever required by
Child over nine years and under fifteen years of age (at the time the Court
of the commission of the offense) who acted with discernment
- proceeded against in accordance with Article 192 Report on Conduct of Child
- If after hearing, YO is guilty: ● submitted every four months or oftener as may be required
(1) the court shall determine the imposable penalty, in special cases
including any civil liability chargeable against him ● written report on the conduct of said youthful offender as well
(2) instead of pronouncing judgment of conviction, the as the intellectual, physical, moral, social and emotional
court shall suspend all further proceedings and commit such progress made by him
minor to the custody or care of the:
a. DSWD, Appeal
b. any training institution operated by the appeal from the order of the court in the same manner as appeals in
government, criminal cases
c. duly licensed agencies or
d. any other responsible person, Care and Maintenance of Youthful Offender
*until he shall have reached twenty-one years of age or, for a shorter Expenses for the care and maintenance of the YO borne by:
period as the court may deem proper after considering the reports ● his parents or
and recommendations of the DSWD or the agency or responsible ● those persons liable to support him
individual under whose care he has been committed
*subject to visitation and supervision by a representative of the In case his parents or those persons liable to support him cannot pay
Department of Social Welfare or any duly licensed agency or such all or part of said expenses:
other officer as the Court may designate If municipality:
· municipality in which the offense was committed - pays
Care of Youthful Offender Held for Examination or Trial one-third
If unable to furnish bail, YO shall be committed to the care of the: · province to which the municipality belongs - pays one-third
- DSWD · National Government – remaining 1/3
- the local rehabilitation center or
- a detention home in the province or city, If chartered city:
which shall be responsible for his appearance in court whenever · Chartered cities – pay two-thirds
required · National government – 1/3

In the ​absence​ of any such center or agency: If chartered city cannot pay:
provincial, city and municipal jail shall provide quarters for YOs part of the internal revenue allotments applicable to the unpaid
separate from other detainees portion shall be withheld and applied to the settlement of said
Upon recommendation of DSWD or authorized agency,
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Records - include those which may be in the files of the National

Dismissal of the Case Bureau of Investigation and with any police department, or any other
Upon recommendation of DSWD, the court can dismiss case and government agency which may have been involved in the case
order the discharge of YO:
● If YO has behaved properly Where charges against YO have been ordered dropped
● has shown his capability to be a useful member of the - all the records of the case shall be destroyed immediately
community, even before reaching the age of majority
Court acquits YO,
Return of the Youth Offender to Court Dismisses the case or
YO returned to the committing court if YO: commits YO to an institution and subsequently releases him:
● has been found incorrigible - all the records of his case shall be destroyed immediately
● willfully failed to comply with the conditions of his unless​ civil liability has also been imposed in the criminal action
rehabilitation programs - records shall be destroyed after satisfaction of such civil liability
● should his continued stay in the training institution be
inadvisable The YO concerned shall not be held to be guilty of the ff:
● when YO has reached the age of twenty-one while in ● Perjury
commitment, the court shall determine whether ● Concealment
○ to dismiss the case ● Misrepresentation
○ to pronounce the judgment of conviction by reason of his failure to acknowledge the case or recite any fact
related thereto in response to any inquiry made of him for any
*The YO shall be credited in the service of his sentence with the full purpose
time spent in actual commitment and detention
Effect of Release of Child Based on Good Conduct Civil Liability of Youthful Offenders assumed by (in order of
- shall not obliterate YO’s civil liability priority – in case of death or incapacity):
Living Quarters for Youthful Offenders Sentence 1. Offender’s father
2. Mother
When a judgment of conviction is pronounced AND 3. Guardian
at the time of said pronouncement the YO is still under twenty-one: 4. Civil liability may also be voluntarily assumed by a relative
YO shall be committed to the proper penal institution to serve the or family friend of the YO
remaining period of his sentence, PROVIDED
· Penal institutions shall provide youthful offenders with Rehabilitation Centers
separate quarters and, DSWD – establish regional rehabilitation centers for YO
· as far as practicable, group them according to appropriate Local govt and other non-govtal entities – contribute support for
age levels or other criteria as will insure their speedy rehabilitation maintenance of these facilities
· The Bureau of Prisons shall maintain agricultural and Detention Homes
forestry camps where youthful offenders may serve their sentence in - shall be established by Department of Local Government and
lieu of confinement in regular penitentiaries. Community Development in cities and provinces distinct and
separate from jails pending the disposition of cases of juvenile
Records of Proceedings offenders
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Parents or Guardian or Any Person in the Commission of

1 agg RT max PM any
Delinquent Acts by Their Children or Wards are also liable
2 mit PM med PC any
(1) Aids, causes, abets or connives with the commission by a child
2 ordinary mit = privileged (jurisprudence);
of a delinquency, or
which will lower penalty by a
(2) Does any act producing, promoting, or contributing to a child’s
degree or PM min (​correct
being or becoming a juvenile delinquent
interpretation of ISL​ -
penalty next lower to
- fine not exceeding five hundred pesos or
- imprisonment for a period not exceeding two years or 1 mit + 1 agg RT med PM any
- both such fine and imprisonment, at the discretion of the court
2 mit + 1 agg RT min PM any
3 mit + 1 agg RT min PM any
= regardless of the no. of
RULES for crimes punishable under RPC: mitigating (ordinary), if there
1. Determine if ISL is applicable such as when the penalty to is an aggravating, they will
be imposed is imprisonment and the case does not fall under not become privileged
Sec.2 of ISL. mitigating
2. If the ISL is applicable, fix the ISL Maximum and the ISL = ordinary mit cannot lower
Minimum. by a degree - only by period
3. The ISL Maximum shall be within the prescribed penalty
under the RPC for the offense taking into consideration all 1 min + 2 agg RT max PM any
modifying circumstances.
4. The ISL Minimum shall be within the range of the penalty 1 min + 3 agg RT max PM any
next lower to that prescribed by the RPC for the offense = agg cannot increase by
without considering the modifying circumstances. degree, only by period
5. If the ISL Maximum is lower than the ISL Minimum, do not
apply the ISL and impose instead a straight penalty. ISL should not be applied if it will result to absurdity

2 privileged mit or PC med PM any

Homicide: Reclusion Max Min
1 priv mit + 2 ordinary mit (min > max)
(lower penalty by 2 - ​court should
degrees) impose a straight
No attending RT med PM any
1 mit RT min PM any

Bulatao Casama Capacite Chang Cruz Faderguya Infante Navarro Reyes Ybañez​ 12 

Concubinage: PC Min to PC Med

PC min to PC med

Prision Correccional Min 6m 1d to 20m 20d

Min 6m 1d to 2y 4m Med 20m 21d to 35m 10d

Med 2y 4m 1d to 4y 2m Max 35m 10d to 50m

= 28m 1d to 50m

Max 4y 2m 1d to 6y
Concubinage: PC Max Min
Min to PC Med
Since the penalty prescribed for concubinage is ​PC min to PC med
(unlike in homicide which is only RT), it is necessary to compute for
No attending 20m 21d to 35m AM med to AM max
the medium term of PC min to PC med.
10d (1 period lower for
PC min to PC med)
Medium term of PC min to PC med:
1. To divide PC min to PC med into 3 (to know its minimum, 1 mit 6m 1d to 20m 20d AM med to AM max
medium and maximum), subtract the lower point of PC min from
the higher point of PC med, then divide by 3. ISL does not apply when max does not exceed 1 year

x = ​PC med (high) - PC min (low)​ ​ ​is the extent of each term
so x 2 mit Med of AM min to AM med to AM max
3 (​straight penalty AM med
= ​50m - 6m​ = ​44m​ = 14 ⅔ or ​14m 20d instead​, no more (AM = 1m 1d to
3 3 max and min) 6m)

2. To determine the minimum term of PC min to PC med, add x

to the lower point of PC min (then that would be the higher point Punished by any other law
of the minimum term): Max: not exceed the maximum fixed by said law
Min: not less than the minimum term prescribed by said law
Higher point of PC min to PC med = PC min (low) + x
= 6m 1d + 14m 20d Sec. 2 - Not applicable to:
= 20m 20d 1. Punished with death penalty or life-imprisonment;
2. Convicted of treason, conspiracy, or proposal to commit
PC min to PC med (min) = 6m 1d to 20m 20d treason;
3. For the medium term of PC min to PC med, add x to the 3. Convicted of misprision of treason, rebellion, sedition or
higher point of the minimum term. Do the same for the espionage;
maximum. 4. Convicted of piracy;
5. Habitual delinquents;

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6. Escaped from confinement or evaded sentence; ● Board may order for his re-arrest
7. Violated the terms of conditional pardon granted by the Chief ○ May be served in any part of the Phils
Executive; ○ By any police officer
8. Maximum term of imprisonment does not exceed one year; ● Re-arrested prisoner shall serve the remaining unexpired
9. Already sentenced by final judgment at the approval of this portion of the maximum sentence for which he was originally
act; committed to prison
○ Unless the Board in its discretion shall grant a new
Board of Pardons and Parole/ Board of Indeterminate Sentence parole
● Look into the physical, mental, and moral record of prisoners
who shall be eligible to parole
● Determine the proper time of release of such prisoners
PROBATION LAW (P.D. 968; P.D. 1257) 
● In its discretion, authorize the release of a prisoner on
parole: Probation
○ Prisoner has served the minimum penalty imposed; It is a disposition under which a defendant, after conviction and
○ Appears from the records and investigation that: sentence, is released subject to conditions imposed by the court and
■ Prisoner is fitted by his training for release to the supervision of a probation officer. (sec. 3(a))
■ Reasonable probability that he will live and
remain at liberty without violating the law Probationer
■ Release will not be incompatible with the A person placed on probation
welfare of society
● Sec. 7 - File with the court which passed judgment on the Probation Officer
case, and with the Chief of Constabulary, a certified copy of One who investigates for the court a referral for probation or
each order of condition or final release and discharge supervises a probationer or both.

Prisoners released on parole Purpose of probation

Report personally to the Board or other parole officers at times 1. To promote correction and rehabilitation of an offender by
required by the conditions of parole providing him with individualized treatment;
2. To provide an opportunity for the reformation of a penitent
Limits of residence of paroled prisoner offender which might be less probable if he were to serve a
May be fixed and changed from time to time by the Board in its prison sentence; and
discretion 3. To prevent the commission of offenses. (Sec.2)

If during period of surveillance, paroled prisoner shall show

himself to be a law-abiding citizen and shall not violate any law Grant of Probation (Sec. 4)
Board may issue a final certificate of release which entitles him to Court may, after it shall have convicted and sentenced a defendant
final release and discharge and upon application at any time of said defendant
1. Suspend the execution of said sentence; and
Prisoner released on parole violates any of the conditions of his 2. Place the defendant on probation for such period and upon
parole during the period of surveillance such terms and conditions as it may deem best.
Bulatao Casama Capacite Chang Cruz Faderguya Infante Navarro Reyes Ybañez​ 14 

● Pending resolution of the petition, the defendant may

Probation may be granted even if the sentence is fine only but with be allowed on temporary liberty under his bail filed in
subsidiary imprisonment in case of insolvency. the criminal case/release on recognizance
3. A probation order shall take effect upon its issuance
An application for probation shall be filed with the trial court, with 4. At any time during probation, the court may issue a warrant
notice to the appellate court if an appeal has been taken from the for the arrest of a probationer for serious violation of any of
sentence of conviction. the conditions of probation.
● The probationer, once arrested and detained, shall
Effect of filing of an application for probation and its Grant or immediately be brought before the court for a
Denial hearing, which may be informal and summary, of the
The filing of the application shall be deemed: violation charged. If the violation is established, the
1. A waiver of the right to appeal; or court may revoke or continue his probation and
2. The automatic withdrawal of a pending appeal modify the conditions thereof. If revoked, the court
3. Order granting or denying probation shall not be appealable shall order the probationer to serve the sentence
4. Accessory penalties are deemed suspended once probation originally imposed.
is granted 5. After the period of probation and upon consideration of the
5. Waiver of the right to appeal the criminal liability DOES NOT report and recommendation of the probation officer, the court
affect the right the right to appeal the Civil liability ex delicto may order the final discharge of the probationer upon finding
(Each liability is independent of each other) that he has fulfilled the terms and conditions of his probation
and thereupon the case is deemed terminated.
By perfecting an appeal, petitioner ipso facto relinquished the ● The final discharge of the probationer shall operate
alternative remedy of availing the Probation Law (Francisco v. CA, to restore to him all civil rights lost or suspend as a
G.R. No. 108747) result of his conviction and to fully discharge his
liability for any fine imposed as to the offense for
Exception to the Rule, Colinares Doctrine; Erroneous which probation was granted.
Even if the accused has perfected his appeal, he may still apply for Investigation Report (Sec. 7)
probation, if on appeal, the court finds that he was convicted of the Probation officer shall submit to the court the investigation report on
wrong offense in the first instance. (First penalty imposed was not a a defendant not later than 60 days from receipt of the order of said
probationable penalty, but on appeal a new penalty was imposed court to conduct the investigation.
which is cognizable by the Probation Law)
Court shall resolve the petition for probation not later than 15 days
Process of Applying for probation after receipt of said report.
1. Application
2. Investigation by the probation officer and a determination by Grounds for denial of application
the court that the ends of justice and the best interest of the 1. Offender is in need of Correctional treatment that can be
public as well as that of the defendant will be served thereby. provided most effectively by his commitment to an institution.
(Sec. 5) 2. Undue risk that during the period of probation, the offender
will commit another crime.
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3. Probation will depreciate the seriousness of the offense ● Devote himself to a specific employment and not to
committed. change said employment without the prior written
approval of the probation officer;
Disqualified Offenders ● Undergo medical, psychological or psychiatric
1. Sentenced to serve a maximum term of imprisonment of examination and treatment and enter and remain in
more than six years; a specified institution, when required for that
2. Convicted of any offense against the National Security of the purpose;
State; ● Pursue a prescribed secular study or vocational
3. Those who have previously been convicted by final judgment training;
of an offense punished by imprisonment of more than 6m 1d ● Attend or reside in a facility established for
and/or a fine of more than P1,000. instruction, recreation or residence of persons on
4. Those who have been once on probation probation;
5. Those who are already serving sentence at the time the ● Refrain from visiting houses of ill-repute;
probation law became applicable ● Abstain from drinking intoxicating beverages to
6. Those who have perfected an appeal excess;
7. Convicted of Drug trafficking or drug pushing ● Permit to probation officer or an authorized social
8. Convicted of Election Offenses under the Omnibus Election worker to visit his home and place or work;
Code ● Reside at premises approved by it and not to change
9. Placing offender on probation will not serve the end of justice his residence without its prior written approval; or
(Sec. 8) ● Satisfy any other condition related to the
10. Malicious reporting of money laundering transaction rehabilitation of the defendant and not unduly
11. Those guilty of the crime of torture restrictive of his liberty or incompatible with his
freedom of conscience.
Conditions of Probation
1. Mandatory Modification
● Present himself to the probation officer designated to During probation, the court may, upon application of either the
undertake his supervision at such place as may be probationer or the probation officer, revise or modify the conditions or
specified in the order within seventy-two (72) hours period of probation. Court shall notify parties so as to give them an
from receipt of said order; opportunity to be heard thereon. The court shall inform in writing the
● Report to the probation officer at least once a month probation officer and the probationer of any change in the period or
at such time and place as specified by said officer. conditions of probation.
2. Discretionary
They are the additional conditions which the courts may Period of Probation
impose on the probationer. It is allowed as long as the
Period of Imprisonment Period of Probation
probationer’s constitutional rights are not jeopardized.
● Cooperate with a program of supervision;
Not more than 1 year Not exceeding 2 years
● Meet his family responsibilities;
1 year to 6 years Not exceeding six years

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1. If the principal penalty imposed be ​prision correccional or

Fine with subsidiary Twice the period
arresto and fine, he shall ​remain under confinement until his fine
referred in the preceding paragraph is satisfied, but his subsidiary
imprisonment shall n​ot exceed one-third of the term of the
Notes: sentence​, and in ​no case shall it ​continue for more than one year,
- Probation is a privilege, not a right and no fraction or part of a day shall be counted against the prisoner.
- Probation suspends sentence including the accessory 2. When the principal penalty imposed be ​only a fine​, the subsidiary
penalties. imprisonment shall ​not exceed six months​, if the culprit shall have
been prosecuted for a ​grave or less grave felony​, and shall ​not
exceed fifteen days​, if for a ​light felony​.
Probation Parole (ISL)
3. When the principal penalty imposed is ​higher than prision
Sentence Must not be more than Must be more than 1 year correccional​, ​no subsidiary imprisonment shall be imposed upon
6 years the culprit.
4. If the principal penalty imposed is ​not to be executed by
Penalty Imprisonment or Fine Imprisonment only confinement in a penal institution​, but such penalty is of fixed
duration, the convict, during the period of time established in the
Disposition Sentence is suspended Imprisonment for at least the preceding rules, shall continue to suffer the ​same deprivations as
minimum those of which the ​principal penalty consists​.
5. The subsidiary personal liability which the convict may have
Effect of Entire sentence is to be Unexpired portion shall be
suffered by reason of his insolvency shall ​not relieve him from the
Violation of served served
Condition fine in case his financial circumstances should improve​.

Appeal Forecloses Probation No effect SUMMARY:

- Law applies if the convict has no property with which to meet
Availability Only Once Anytime as long as offender imposed fine, he shall be subject to a subsidiary personal
is not disqualified liability.
- Rate: 1 day = minimum wage (highest prevailing in the
Character Grant of Privilege; must Mandatory; application not PH at the time of the rendition of judgment of
be applied for necessary
- Subsidiary personal liability which the convict may have
suffered by reason of insolvency shall not relieve him from
the fine in case his financial circumstances should improve.
Subsidiary Penalty (Sec. 1)
-If the convict has no property with which to meet the fine, he shall
be subject to a subsidiary personal liability at the rate of ​one day for
each amount equivalent to the highest minimum wage rate
prevailing in the Philippines at the time of the rendition of judgment
of conviction by the trial court.

Bulatao Casama Capacite Chang Cruz Faderguya Infante Navarro Reyes Ybañez​ 17 

undergone preventive imprisonment only will be credited (in

writing and with counsel)
Principal Penalty Subsidiary Penalty
● Credit for preventive imprisonment for the ​penalty of RP
Higher than Prision Correccional No Subsidiary Penalty shall ​be deducted from 30 yrs
● Whenever an accused has undergone ​preventive
Prision Correccional / Arresto and Shall not exceed 1/3 of the term, imprisonment for a period equal to the possible
fine maximum of 1 year maximum imprisonment of the offense charged to which
he may be sentenced and his ​case is not yet terminated​,
Fine only Grave or Less Grave Felony​ - he shall be ​released immediately without prejudice to the
Max 6 months continuation of the trial thereof or the proceeding on
Light Felony​ - Max 15 days appeal​, if the same is under review.
● Computation of preventive imprisonment for purposes of
Fixed duration, but no confinement Penalty is continuance of principal
in prison (Ex. Destierro) penalty immediate release – ​actual period of detention + good
conduct time allowance ​PROVIDED HOWEVER,
- if accused is absent at any stage of trial, court can
PREVENTIVE IMPRISONMENT (R.A. 10592)  motu proprio order the rearrest
- Recidivists, habitual delinquents, escapees and
Art. 29 – Period of preventive imprisonment deducted term of persons charged with heinous crimes are excluded
imprisonment from the coverage of this act
● Offenders or accused who have undergone preventive - If maximum penalty is destierro, he shall be released
imprisonment shall be credited in the service of their after 30 days of preventive imprisonment.
sentence consisting of deprivation of liberty, with the full time
during which they have undergone preventive imprisonment Partial extinction of criminal liability (Art. 94)
if Criminal liability is extinguished partially by:
● Detention prisoner agrees ​voluntarily in writing after being 1. Conditional pardon
informed of the effects thereof and with the ​assistance of 2. Commutation of the sentence
counsel 3. For good conduct allowances which the culprit may earn
● To abide by the same disciplinary rules imposed upon while he is undergoing preventive imprisonment or serving
convicted prisoners his sentence
1. Recidivist or convicted twice or more time previously of any
2. When upon being summoned for the execution of their ALLOWANCES (R.A. 10592) 
sentence they have failed to surrender voluntarily ● The good conduct of any offender qualified for credit for
preventive imprisonment pursuant to Art. 29 of this Code, or
● If the detention prisoner ​does not agree to abide by the of any convicted prisoner in any penal institution,
same disciplinary rules imposed upon convicted prisoners rehabilitation, or detention center or any other local jail shall
-> ​FOUR-FIFTHS (4/5) of the time during which he has entitle him to the following deductions from the period of his
Bulatao Casama Capacite Chang Cruz Faderguya Infante Navarro Reyes Ybañez​ 18 

2. Chief of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology

Deductions for good conduct: 3. Warden of provincial, district, municipal or city jail
First 2 years of imprisonment 20 days / month
Such allowances once granted ​shall not revoked
3rd - 5th year 23 days / month
Penal Clause
6th - 10th year 25 days / month 1 year imprisonment, 100k fine, AND perpetual disqualification to
hold office shall be imposed against any public officer or employee
11th - Successive years 30 days / month who violates the provisions of this Act

● At any time during the period of imprisonment = another 15 OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE (P.D. 1829) 
days in addition to numbers 1 – 4 hereof, for each month of: Obstruction of Justice (Sec. 1)
a. Study any person who knowingly or willfully obstructs, impedes, frustrates
b. Teaching or or delays the ​apprehension of suspects and the ​investigation and
c. Mentoring prosecution of criminal cases
● An appeal by the accused shall not deprive him of
entitlement to the above allowances for good conduct Committed through:
a. preventing witnesses ​from testifying in any criminal
Special time allowance for loyalty (Art. 98) proceeding or from reporting the commission of any offense
● Deduction of ​ONE FIFTH (1/5​) of his sentence – prisoner or the identity of any offender/s by means of ​bribery,
who, having ​evaded his preventive imprisonment or the misrepresentation, deceit, intimidation, force or threats​;
service of his sentence under the circumstance b. altering, destroying, suppressing or concealing any
mentioned in Art. 158 of RPC, gives himself up to the paper, record, document, or object, with i​ntent to impair its
authorities within 48 hours ​following the issuance of a verity, authenticity, legibility, availability, or admissibility as
proclamation announcing the passing away of the calamity evidence in any investigation of or official proceedings in,
or catastrophe referred to in said article criminal cases, or to be used in the investigation of, or official
● Deduction of ​TWO-FIFTHS (2/5) ​– prisoner who ​chose to proceedings in, criminal cases;
stay in the place of his confinement, notwithstanding the c. harboring or concealing, or facilitating the escape of, any
existence of a calamity or catastrophe enumerated in Art. person he knows, or has reasonable ground to believe or
158 of RPC suspect, has committed any offense under existing penal
● This article shall apply to any prisoner whether ​undergoing laws in order to prevent his arrest prosecution and
preventive imprisonment​ or ​serving sentence conviction;
● Art. 158 - “​on the occasion of disorder resulting from a d. publicly using a fictitious name for the purpose of
conflagration, earthquake, explosion, or similar catastrophe, concealing a crime​, evading prosecution or the execution
or during a mutiny in which he has not participated” of a judgment, or concealing his true name and other
personal circumstances for the same purpose or purposes;
Who Grants Time Allowances e. delaying the prosecution of criminal cases by
1. Director of the Bureau of Corrections obstructing the service of process or court orders or
Bulatao Casama Capacite Chang Cruz Faderguya Infante Navarro Reyes Ybañez​ 19 

disturbing proceedings in the fiscal's offices, in Tanodbayan, Obstruction v. Accessory

or in the courts;
Obstruction of Justice Accessory (Arts. 19 and 20
f. making, presenting or using any record, document,
paper or object with knowledge of its falsity and with
intent to affect the course or outcome of the investigation of,
Separate Crime Part of Original Crime
or official proceedings in, criminal cases;
g. soliciting, accepting, or agreeing to accept any ​benefit in Punished as Principa As Accessory (If accessory is a:
consideration of ​abstaining from, ​discounting​, or ​impeding (benefits of Art. 20 RPC are not 1. Spouse
the ​prosecution​ of a criminal offender; available in Obstruction of 2. Ascendant,
h. threatening directly or indirectl​y another with the Justice Act)l 3. Descendant,
infliction of any wrong upon his p​erson, honor or property 4. Legitimate/adopted/nat
or that of any immediate member or ​members of his family ural sibling or relative
in order to prevent such person from appearing in the by affinity within the
investigation of, or official proceedings in, criminal cases, or same degree
imposing a condition, whether lawful or unlawful, in order to of the principal = exempt from
prevent a person from appearing in the investigation of or in criminal liability)
official proceedings in, criminal cases;
i. giving of false or fabricated information to mislead or Prohibited Mentioned in Harboring, Concealing, or
prevent the law enforcement agencies from apprehending Apprehension, Investigation, Assisting in the Escape of the
the offender or from protecting the life or property of the and Prosecution of a Crime Principal Crime
victim; or fabricating information from the data gathered in
confidence by investigating authorities for purposes of Punishes both public (w/ addtl Punishes Public Officials who
background information and not for publication and penalty) and private individuals abused public functions and
publishing or disseminating the same to mislead the Private Persons only in
investigator or to the court. connection to treason, attempt
in the life of the president,
If any of the acts mentioned herein is penalized by any other murder, parricide, or to a
law with a higher penalty, the higher penalty shall be principal known to be habitually
imposed. guilty of some other crime.

Additional Penalty for Public Official/Employee

Perpetual disqualification from holding office

Prision Correccional (max) or Fine 1k-6k, or both

Bulatao Casama Capacite Chang Cruz Faderguya Infante Navarro Reyes Ybañez​ 20 

Start of Prescription (Sec. 2)

Prescription (Act No. 3326) 
Prescription begins from:
1. The day of the commission of the crime.
Prescription Table 2. If unknown, from the discovery thereof and the institution of
judicial proceedings for its investigation and punishment.
2 Months For violations penalized by Municipal
Ordinances Interruption of Prescription (Sec. 2)
It shall be interrupted when proceedings are instituted against the
1 Year Offenses Punishable by a Fine or by guilty party, and ​shall begin to run again if the proceedings are
Imprisonment for NOT MORE than 1 month dismissed for reasons not constituting jeopardy.
or both
Steps to determine whether or not this law will apply
4 Years Punishable by Imprisonment for MORE than 1. Determine if the law violated is a Special Penal Law or not.
1 month but LESS than 2 years 2. If it is a SPL, apply this law based on the maximum
imposable penalty UNLESS specifically provided in the law.
3. If not, then apply Article 90 and 91 of the Revised Penal
8 Years Punishable by imprisonment for 2 years OR
MORE but LESS than 6 years
Art. 90. Prescription of crime. —​ Crimes punishable by death, reclusion
12 years For any other offense punishable by perpetua or reclusion temporal shall prescribe in twenty years
imprisonment of 6 years OR MORE Crimes punishable by other afflictive penalties shall prescribe in fifteen
*except the crime of Treason, which shall
Those punishable by a correctional penalty shall prescribe in ten years; with
prescribe after 20 Years
the exception of those punishable by arresto mayor, which shall prescribe in
five years.
*Violations of BIR Laws – 5 years​.
The crime of libel or other similar offenses shall prescribe in one year.

Prescription where offenders are not in the Philippines The crime of oral defamation and slander by deed shall prescribe in six
The running of the prescription of an offense punished by a special months.
law is not tolled by the absence of the offender from Philippine Soil.
Sec. 2 of Act. No. 3326 is ​conspicuously silent as to whether Light offenses prescribe in two months.
absence of the offender from the Philippines bars the running of
When the penalty fixed by law is a compound one, the highest penalty shall
the prescriptive period. The silence of the law can only be
be made the basis of the application of the rules contained in the first,
interpreted to mean that Sec. 2 did not intend such a interruption of second and third paragraphs of this article. (As amended by RA 4661,
prescription unlike the explicit mandate of Art. 91 (​Romualdez v. approved June 19, 1966).
Marcelo​, G.R. No. 165510-33)

Bulatao Casama Capacite Chang Cruz Faderguya Infante Navarro Reyes Ybañez​ 21 

Art. 91. Computation of prescription of offenses. — The period of

prescription shall commence to run from the day on which the crime is
discovered by the offended party, the authorities, or their agents, and shall
be interrupted by the filing of the complaint or information, and shall
commence to run again when such proceedings terminate without the
accused being convicted or acquitted, or are unjustifiably stopped for any
reason not imputable to him.

The term of prescription shall not run when the offender is absent from the
Philippine Archipelago.

Bulatao Casama Capacite Chang Cruz Faderguya Infante Navarro Reyes Ybañez​ 22 


6. Being tied or forced to assume fixed and stressful bodily
7. Rape and sexual abuse, including the insertion of foreign
Definition of Torture (Sec. 3) objects into the sex organ or rectum, or electrical torture of
Act by which: the genitals;
● Severe pain or suffering whether physical or mental is 8. Mutilation or amputation of the essential parts of the body
INTENTIONALLY inflicted on a person; and such as the genitalia, ear, tongue, etc.;
9. Dental torture or the forced extraction of the teeth;
● When such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the
10. Pulling out of fingernails;
instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a 11. Harmful exposure to the elements such as sunlight and
person in authority for such purposes as: extreme cold;
○ Obtaining from him or a third person, information or 12. The use of plastic bag and other materials placed over the
confession head to the point of asphyxiation;
○ Punishing for an act committed or is suspected of 13. The use of psychoactive drugs to change the perception,
committing memory. alertness or will of a person, such as:
○ Discrimination-based a. The administration or drugs to induce confession and/or
reduce mental competency; or
b. The use of drugs to induce extreme pain or certain
Acts of Torture (Sec. 4)
symptoms of a disease; and
Physical torture is a form of treatment or punishment inflicted by a
14. Other analogous acts of physical torture; and
person in authority or agent of a person in authority upon another in
his/her custody that causes severe pain, exhaustion, disability or
"Mental/Psychological Torture" refers to acts committed by a
dysfunction of one or more parts of the body, such as:
person in authority or agent of a person in authority which are
calculated to affect or confuse the mind and/or undermine a person's
1. Systematic beating, headbanging, punching, kicking, striking
dignity and morale, such as:
with truncheon or rifle butt or other similar objects, and
jumping on the stomach;
1. Blindfolding;
2. Food deprivation or forcible feeding with spoiled food, animal
2. Threatening a person(s) or his/fher relative(s) with bodily
or human excreta and other stuff or substances not normally
harm, execution or other wrongful acts;
3. Confinement in solitary cells or secret detention places;
3. Electric shock;
4. Prolonged interrogation;
4. Cigarette burning; burning by electrically heated rods, hot oil,
5. Preparing a prisoner for a "show trial", public display or
acid; by the rubbing of pepper or other chemical substances
public humiliation of a detainee or prisoner;
on mucous membranes, or acids or spices directly on the
6. Causing unscheduled transfer of a person deprived of liberty
from one place to another, creating the belief that he/she
5. The submersion of the head in water or water polluted with
shall be summarily executed;
excrement, urine, vomit and/or blood until the brink of
7. Maltreating a member/s of a person's family;

Bulatao Casama Capacite Chang Cruz Faderguya Infante Navarro Reyes Ybañez​ 23 

8. Causing the torture sessions to be witnessed by the person's b. Induced another OR

family, relatives or any third party; c. Cooperated
9. Denial of sleep/rest; 2. ANY superior military, police or law enforcement officer or senior
10. Shame infliction such as stripping the person naked, government official who issued an order
parading him/her in public places, shaving the victim's head
3. Immediate commanding officer of the unit concerned of the AFP or
or putting marks on his/her body against his/her will;
11. Deliberately prohibiting the victim to communicate with any the immediate senior public official of the PNP and other law
member of his/her family; and enforcement agencies through:
12. Other analogous acts of mental/psychological torture. a. Act or omission or negligence that led or abetted the
Other Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment b. Acquiescence → silence/did not take any measure
(Sec. 5) even though with knowledge of torture
● Those not included in sec. 4. Accessories
● Attains a level of severity sufficient to cause suffering, gross
ANY public officer or employee → takes part ​subsequent to its
humiliation or debasement
● Depend on all the circumstances of the case, including the commission in any of the following manner provided done with
duration of the treatment or punishment, its physical and ABUSE of official’s public functions:
mental effects and, in some cases, the sex, religion, age and a. Profiting or assisting offender to profit
state of health of the victim. b. Concealing acts and/or destroying effects or
● Example: Making the victim play with his penis which is instruments
against his religion c. Harboring, concealing or assisting escape

Prohibited Detention (Sec. 7) Penalties (Sec. 14)

Secret detention places, solitary confinement, incommunicado or RP - Torture with:
other similar forms of detention, where torture may be carried out a. Death
with impunity are hereby prohibited. b. Mutilation
c. Rape
Applicability of the Exclusionary Rule; Exception​ ​(Sec. 8) d. Sexual Abuse resulting to imbecility, insanity, impotence,
Any confession, admission or statement obtained as a result of blindness or maimed for life
torture shall be inadmissible in evidence in any proceedings, e. Against children
● EXCEPT if the same is used as evidence against a person
or persons accused of committing torture. Torture as a Separate and Independent Crime (Sec. 15)
● Torture shall NOT absorb or shall be absorbed by any other
Persons Liable (Sec. 13)
Principals ● Treated as separate and independent criminal act without
1. ANY person who: prejudice to other criminal liabilities provided by domestic
a. Actually participated OR and int’l laws

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Exclusion from the Coverage of Special Amnesty Law​ ​(Sec. 16) Order of Battle
Not benefit from any special amnesty law or similar measures that ● A document made by the military, police or any law enforcement
will have the effect of exempting them from any criminal proceedings agency of the government, listing the names of persons and
and sanctions. organizations that it perceives to be enemies of the State. (Sec. 3)
● Cannot be invoked as a justifying or exempting circumstance. Any
Applicability of the Revised Penal Code (Section 22) person receiving such an order shall have the right to disobey it.
● RPC is Suppletory (Sec. 5)
● If the commission of any crime punishable under Title Eight
(Crimes Against Persons) and Title Nine (Crimes Against Nonderogability of the Right Against Enforced or Involuntary
Personal Liberty and Security) of the Revised Penal Code is Disappearance
attended by crimes under this Act, the penalty to be imposed The right against enforced or involuntary disappearance ​shall not be
shall be in its ​maximum period. suspended ​under any circumstance including political instability,
threat of war, state of war or other public emergencies. (Sec. 4)
Anti-Enforced or Involuntary Disappearance Act (RA 
10353)  Official Up-to-Date Register of All Persons Detained or Confined
All persons detained or confined shall be placed ​solely in officially
recognized and controlled places of detention or confinement
Enforced or Involuntary Disappearance​ refers to the: (Sec. 3)
where an official up-to-date register of such persons shall be
1. Arrest, detention, abduction or any other form of deprivation
maintained. (Sec 10) ​(If they are placed in a detention center that is
of liberty
NOT officially recognized, this law is violated.)
2. Committed by agents of the State or by persons or groups of
persons acting with the authorization, support or
The following details, among others, shall be recorded, in the
acquiescence​ of the State,
register:​ (Sec. 10)
3. Followed by a ​refusal to acknowledge ​the deprivation of
1. The identity or name, description and address of the person
liberty or by concealment of the fate or whereabouts of the
deprived of liberty;
disappeared person,
2. The date, time and location where the person was deprived of
4. Which, places such person ​outside the protection​ of the law.
liberty and the identity of the person who made such deprivation;
3. The ​authority who decided the deprivation of liberty ​and the
Agents of the State
reasons for the deprivation of liberty or the crime or offense
Persons who, by direct provision of the law, popular election or
committed; ​(check questions, not sure if sir was talking about #3
appointment by competent authority, shall take part in the
or #4)
performance of public functions in the government, or shall perform
in the government or in any of its branches public duties as an
employee, agent or subordinate official, of any rank or class. (Sec. 3)

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4. The ​authority controlling the deprivation of liberty; The place Liability of Commanding Officer or Superior​ (Sec 14)
date and time of admission to the detention facility and the ● The ​immediate commanding officer ​of the unit concerned of the
authority responsible; AFP or the ​immediate senior official of the PNP and other law
5. Records of physical, mental and psychological condition of the enforcement agencies ​shall be held liable as a principal ​to the
detained or confined person before and after the deprivation and crime of enforced or involuntary disappearance for acts
the name and address of the physician who examined him or her committed by him or her that shall have led, assisted, abetted or
physically, mentally and medically; allowed, ​whether directly or indirectly​, the commission thereof
6. The date and time of release or transfer of the detained or by his or her subordinates.
confined person to another place of detention; ● If such commanding officer ​has knowledge of or should have
7. The date and time of each removal of the detainee from his or her known that an enforced or involuntary disappearance is being
cell, the reason or purpose for such removal and the date and committed, or has been committed by subordinates or by others
time of his or her return to his or her cell; within the officer’s area of responsibility and, despite such
8. A summary of the physical, mental and medical findings of the knowledge, did not take preventive or coercive action either
detained or confined person after each interrogation; before, during or immediately after its commission, when he or
9. The names and addresses of the persons who visit the detainee she has the authority to prevent or investigate allegations of
and the date and time of such visits; enforced or involuntary disappearance but failed to prevent or
10. In the event of death during the deprivation of liberty, the identity, investigate such allegations, ​whether deliberately or due to
the circumstances and cause of death of the victim as well as the negligence,​ shall also be held liable as principal.
destination of the human remains; and
11. All other important events bearing on and all relevant details Acts Punished by Reclusion Perpetua​ (Sec. 15)
regarding the treatment of the detained or confined person. 1. Those who directly committed the act of enforced or involuntary
Provided, t​ hat the details required in the ​first six shall be entered 2. Those who directly forced, instigated, encouraged or induced
immediately in the register upon arrest and/or detention. ​(check others to commit the act of enforced or involuntary
questions) disappearance;
3. Those who cooperated in the act of enforced or involuntary
Officially Recognized Government Detention Facilities disappearance by committing another act without which the act of
All government agencies concerned ​shall submit an updated enforced or involuntary disappearance would not have been
inventory or ​list ​of all ​officially recognized and controlled detention or consummated;
confinement facilities, ​and the list of detainees or persons deprived 4. Those officials who allowed the act or abetted in the
of liberty under their respective jurisdictions to the CHR. (Sec. 11) consummation of enforced or involuntary disappearance when it
(Atty. Chua said that this law mandates the Government to submit a is within their power to stop or uncover the commission thereof;
list of official detention facilities.) 5. Those who cooperated in the execution of the act of enforced or
involuntary disappearance by previous or simultaneous acts.

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As long as the perpetrators continue to conceal the fate and

Acts Punished by Reclusion Temporal​ (Sec. 15) whereabouts of the disappeared person and such circumstances
1. Those who shall commit the act of enforced or involuntary have not been determined with certainty.
disappearance in the attempted stage as provided for and defined
under Article 6 of the Revised Penal Code. Imprescriptibility of the Prosecution of Persons Liable under
2. Those persons who, having knowledge of the act of enforced or this Act ​ ​GR: Prosecution shall not prescribe.
involuntary disappearance and without having participated EXP: When the victim surfaces alive, the prescriptive period shall be
therein, either as principals or accomplices, took part subsequent 25 years from the date of such reappearance. (Sec. 22)
to its commission in any of the following manner:
a. By themselves profiting from or assisting the offender to Refouler Rule is Applicable ​ (Sec 25)
profit from the effects of the act of enforced or involuntary If there is a strong possibility that an extraditee will be subjected to
disappearance; enforced or involuntary disappearance, then the government shall
b. By concealing the act of enforced or involuntary not send him to the requesting State. The secretaries of the DOJ and
disappearance and/or destroying the effects or instruments DFA shall take into account the circumstances to ascertain the
thereof in order to prevent its discovery; or possibility.
c. By harboring, concealing or assisting in the escape of the
principal/s in the act of enforced or involuntary Rights of the Victims under this Act:
disappearance, provided such accessory acts are done 1. They have the right to ​monetary compensation, rehabilitation
with the abuse of official functions. and restitution of honor and reputation. (Sec. 26)
2. The immediate relatives of a victim within the 4th civil degree
Acts Punished by Prision Correccional​ (Sec. 15) of consanguinity or affinity, may also claim for compensation.
Those who ​defy, ignore or unduly delay compliance with any order (Sec. 26)
duly issued or promulgated pursuant to the writs of ​habeas corpus, 3. Victims who have surfaced alive and/or their immediate
amparo ​and ​habeas data ​or their respective proceedings. relatives may be effectively reintegrated into the mainstream
of society and in the process of development, the State,
Nonexclusivity or Double Jeopardy Under International Law through the CHR, DOH and DSWD shall provide them with
(Sec 19) appropriate medical care and rehabilitation free of charge.
Any investigation, trial and decision (ITD) in any Philippine court shall (Sec. 27)
be without prejudice to any ITD before any appropriate international
court under applicable international human rights and humanitarian Questions asked by Atty. Chua during class (Sept 28, 2018)
law. 1. Why is there a need for the ​first 6 to be recorded
SIMULTANEOUSLY in the moment of detention?
Violation of this law is a Continuing Offense​ (Sec 21) Answer: To prevent the “hiding” of the detainees. For
example, if the records were NOT updated, the person

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detaining the individual could just claim NOT to know of the

Crimes against International Humanitarian Law (RA 9851) 
whereabouts of the detainee. And afterwards, they can just
update the records, thereby circumventing the law. Where after A. War Crimes
an interested individual, like a relative, asks the authorities if During Armed Conflict
such detainee was in a detention facility, updating the record ● Willful killing
can expedite the process of locating the individual. ● Torture or inhuman treatment, including biological
2. Is there such a thing as COMMAND RESPONSIBILITY in this experiments
law? ● Willfully causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or
Answer: ​YES. Section 14 of this Act demonstrates the liability health
of a commanding or superior officer. They shall be held ● Extensive destruction and appropriation of property not
principally liable in the following circumstances: justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and
1. If he committed, assisted, abetted or allowed, ​whether wantonly
directly or indirectly​, the commission of the offense by ● Willfully depriving a prisoner of war or other protected person
his or her subordinates. of the rights of fair and regular trial; · Arbitrary deportation or
2. If such commanding officer ​has knowledge ​of or ​should forcible transfer of population or unlawful confinement
have known ​that an offense is being committed, or has ● Taking of hostages
been committed by subordinates ● Compelling a prisoner a prisoner of war or other protected
3. If the commanding officer has the ​authority to prevent person to serve in the forces of a hostile power
or investigate allegations ​of an offense but failed to ● Unjustifiable delay in the repatriation of prisoners of war or
prevent or investigate such allegations, ​whether other protected persons.
deliberately or due to negligence​. During Non-International Armed Conflict
3. T/F: The superior officer will only be liable IF he committed an ● Violence to life and person, in particular, willful killings,
act contrary to this law/ had the knowledge? mutilation, cruel treatment and torture
Answer: ​FALSE. Even through negligence, the commanding officer ● Committing outrages upon personal dignity, in particular,
may be held principally liable. humiliating and degrading treatment
● Taking of hostages
4. What does “​authority who decided the deprivation of liberty” ● Passing of sentences and the carrying out of executions
mean in Section 10 of this Act? without previous judgment pronounced by a regularly
Answer: ​This means that there must be an order, like a valid warrant constituted court, affording all judicial guarantees which are
of arrest, or if there is no warrant of arrest, then the warrantless generally recognized as indispensable.
arrest must be valid. B. Genocide
● Killing members of the group
● Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the

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● Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life D. Individual Criminal Responsibilities

calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or Principal
in part ● Commits such a crime, whether as an individual, jointly with
● Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the another or through another person, regardless of whether
group that other person is criminally responsible
● Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. ● Orders, solicits or induces the commission of such a crime
NOTE: It is unlawful for any person to directly and publicly incite which in fact occurs or is attempted
others to commit genocide. ● In any other way contributes to the commission or attempted
C. Other Crimes Against Humanity commission of such a crime by a group of person acting with
● Willful killing a common purpose.
● Extermination
● Enslavement Accomplice
● Arbitrary deportation or forcible transfer of population If he/she aids, abets or otherwise assists in its commission or
● Imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty attempted commission, including providing the means for its
in violation of fundamental rules of international law commission.
● Torture
● Rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced NOTE: A person shall be criminally liable for a crime defined and
pregnancy, enforced sterilization, or any other form of sexual penalized in this Act if he/she attempts to commit such a crime by
violence of comparable gravity taking action that commences its execution by means of a
● Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on substantial step, but the crime does not occur because of
political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender, circumstances independent of the person's intention.
sexual orientation or other grounds that are universally However ​a person who abandons the effort to commit the crime or
recognized as impermissible under international law, in otherwise prevents the completion of the crime shall not be liable for
connection with any act referred to in this paragraph or any punishment under this Act for the attempt to commit the same if
crime defined in this Act he/she completely and voluntarily gave up the criminal purpose.
● Enforced or involuntary disappearance of persons
● Apartheid E. Irrelevance of Official Capacity
● Other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally ● shall apply equally to all persons without any distinction
causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental based on official capacity
or physical health. ● In particular, official capacity as a head of state or
government, a member of a government or parliament, an
elected representative or a government official shall in no
case exempt a person from criminal responsibility under this

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Act, nor shall it, in and of itself, constitute a ground for ● order was not manifestly unlawful.
reduction of sentence. NOTE: Orders to commit genocide or other crimes against humanity
are manifestly unlawful.
However: H. Jurisdiction
● Immunities or special procedural rules that may be attached The State shall exercise jurisdiction over persons, whether military or
to the official capacity of a person under Philippine law other civilian, suspected or accused of a crime defined and penalized in
than the established constitutional immunity from suit of the this Act, regardless of where the crime is committed, provided, any
Philippine President during his/her tenure, shall not bar the one of the following conditions is met:
court from exercising jurisdiction over such a person ● accused is a Filipino citizen;
● Immunities that may be attached to the official capacity of a ● accused, regardless of citizenship or residence, is present in
person under international law may limit the application of the Philippines; or
this Act, not only within the bounds established under ● accused has committed the said crime against a Filipino
international law. citizen.
F. Responsibility of Superiors
A superior shall be criminally responsible as a principal for such NOTE: In the interest of justice, the relevant Philippine authorities
crimes committed by subordinates under his/her effective command may dispense with the investigation or prosecution of a crime
and control, or effective authority and control as the case may be, as punishable under this Act if another court or international tribunal is
a result of his/her failure to properly exercise control over such already conducting the investigation or undertaking the prosecution
subordinates. of such crime.
● if he either knew or, owing to the circumstances at the time, Instead, the authorities may surrender or extradite suspected or
have or should have known that the subordinates were accused persons in the Philippines to the appropriate international
committing or about to commit such crimes court, if any, or to another State pursuant to the applicable
● if he failed to take all necessary and reasonable measures extradition laws and treaties.
within his/her power to prevent or repress their commission
or to submit the matter to the competent authorities for NOTE: No criminal proceedings shall be initiated against foreign
investigation and prosecution. nationals suspected or accused of having committed the crimes
G. Orders from a Superior defined and penalized in this Act if they have been tried by a
The fact that a crime defined and penalized under this Act has been competent court outside the Philippines in respect of the same
committed by a person pursuant to an order of a government or a offense and acquitted, or having been convicted, already served their
superior, whether military or civilian, shall not relieve that person of sentence.
criminal responsibility unless all of the following elements occur:
● person was under a legal obligation to obey orders of the
government or the superior in question;
● person did not know that the order was unlawful; and

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I. Philippine Courts, Prosecutors and Investigators competent and independent counsel, preferably of
Regional Trial Court his own choice
·Has original and exclusive jurisdiction over the crimes punishable ○ who shall at all times be allowed to confer privately
under this Act. with the person arrested, detained or under custodial
· Their judgments may be appealed or elevated to the Court of investigation
Appeals and to the Supreme Court as provided by law. ○ if such person cannot afford the services of his own
counsel, he must be provided with a competent and
Supreme Court independent counsel by the investigating officer.
· Shall designate special courts to try cases involving crimes ● The custodial investigation report shall be reduced to writing
punishable under this Act. by the investigating officer
· For these cases, the Commission on Human Rights, the ○ provided that before such report is signed, or
Department of Justice, the Philippine National Police or other thumbmarked if the person arrested or detained
concerned law enforcement agencies shall designate prosecutors or does not know how to read and write, it shall be read
investigators as the case may be. and adequately explained to him
○ by his counsel or by the assisting counsel provided
NOTE: The State shall ensure that judges, prosecutors and by the investigating officer in the language or dialect
investigators, especially those designated for purposes of this Act, known to such arrested or detained person.
receive effective training in human rights, International Humanitarian ○ otherwise, such investigation report shall be null and
Law and International Criminal Law. void.
● Any extrajudicial confession made by a person arrested,
Miranda Rights Law (RA 7438)  detained or under custodial investigation shall be in writing
and signed by such person in the presence of his counsel or
NOTE: ​A person is under “Custodial Investigation” when: in the latter's absence
● He is put or already under the custody of the law and ○ upon a valid waiver
● The general line of questioning ceases and questions which ○ in the presence of any of the parents, elder brothers
elicit incriminating statements are asked by the authorities and sisters, his spouse, the municipal mayor, the
municipal judge, district school supervisor, or priest
A. Rights of Persons Arrested, Detained or Under Custodial or minister of the gospel as chosen by him
Investigation; Duties of Public Officers ○ otherwise, such extrajudicial confession shall be
● all times be assisted by counsel. inadmissible as evidence.
● Any public officer or employee, or anyone acting under his NOTE: Atty. Chua finds this provision problematic. It should be the
order or his place, who arrests, detains or investigates any counsel, and the counsel only since he is the one armed with the
person for the commission of an offense knowledge of the law.
○ Inform, in a language known to and understood by
him, of his rights to remain silent and to have
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● Any waiver by a person arrested or detained under the investigating officer in accordance with the provisions of Article 125
provisions of Article 125 of the Revised Penal Code, or of the Revised Penal Code.
under custodial investigation, shall be in writing and signed
by such person in the presence of his counsel. Otherwise
the waiver shall be null and void.
● Any person arrested or detained or under custodial
investigation shall be allowed visits by or conferences with
any member of his immediate family, or any medical doctor
or priest or religious minister chosen by him or by any
member of his immediate family or by his counsel, or by any
national non-governmental organization duly accredited by
the CHR of by any international non-governmental
organization duly accredited by the Office of the President.
○ spouse, fiancé or fiancée
○ parent or child
○ brother or sister
○ grandparent or grandchild
○ uncle or aunt
○ nephew or niece
○ guardian or ward.
NOTE: "Custodial Investigation" includes the practice of issuing an
"invitation" to a person who is investigated in connection with an
offense he is suspected to have committed, without prejudice to the
liability of the "inviting" officer for any violation of law.

B. Assisting Counsel
“Assisting Counsel”
· Any lawyer, except those directly affected by the case, those
charged with conducting preliminary investigation or those charged
with the prosecution of crimes.

NOTE: In the absence of any lawyer, no custodial investigation shall

be conducted and the suspected person can only be detained by the

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