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Wayan Sugiritama

Learning Tasks

Trigger Case 1

A 22-year-old male had a severe, traumatic injury on his head and lower back after a motorcycle accident. He referred to the
hospital in unconscious state. There was large hematoma on his head and abrasion on lower back. A CT-Scan was done and
found subdural hematoma and brain edema. The surgical was done to safe his life. When the patient conscious he cannot feel
and move both of his leg. Neurological examination found there was decreased of motoric and sensory function on his leg.


1. Differentiate the histological structure of the cerebellum with the cerebrum ! ABSEN 1
2. Describe the structure of connective tissue that covered the brain! ABSEN 3
3. Why subdural space considered as “potential space” and what are it’s clinical importance ! ABSEN 4
4. Decreased of motoric and sensory function on patient’s leg may caused by spinal cord injury, please explain its
structure ! ABSEN 5
5. On the accident, peripheral nerve system (PNS) may have injured, explain the microscopic structure of Peripheral
Nervous system (PNS), and its classification! ABSEN 6
6. Explain the regeneration of the brain and nerve after the injury ! ABSEN 7

Trigger Case 2:

A one-year-old boy referred to the neurologist with enlargement of the head, vomiting and fatigue. On examination the
doctor found decreased of muscular function. A lumbar puncture was done to measure the intracranial pressure and collect
the sample of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). There was an increase of intracranial pressure and the composition of CSF was
normal. He was diagnosed with hydrocephalus.


1. Explain the structure of plexus choroideus which is produce the CSF! ABSEN 8
2. Explain the production and absorption of CSF (cerebrospinal fluid)! ABSEN 9
3. Explain the role of the blood-CSF barrier in maintained the chemical stability of the CSF! ABSEN 10
4. Describe the structure of neuroglial cell which is have a role in circulation of CSF! ABSEN 11

Trigger Case 3

A two-year-old girl admitted to the hospital with high body temperature followed by seizures and decrease of consciousness. A
CSF examination found a sign of infection and the working diagnosis is encephalitis.


1. Explain the structure of high selective barrier between blood borne substances and neural tissue of CNS! ABSEN 12
2. How this barrier can protect the neural tissue of CNS from dangerous substances (e.g. microorganism) on the blood,
explain your answer! ABSEN 1-6
3. What is the clinical importance this barrier in treatment of disease in CNS, explain your answer! ABSEN 6-12

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