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A General Constant Power Generation Algorit hm

For Photovoltaic Systems


This paper presents Photovoltaic power plants (PVPPs) typically operateby tracking the
maximum power point in order to maximizeconversion efficiency. However, with the continuous
increase ofinstalled grid-connect ed PVPPs, power system operators havebeen e xperiencing new
challenges, like overloading, overvoltagesand operation during grid voltage disturbances.
Consequently,constant power ge neration (CPG) is imposed by grid codes. An algorithm for the
calculation of the photovoltaic panel voltagereference, which generates a cons tant power from
the PVPP,is introduced in this pa per.
Existing method:

The existing method describes the extraction of maximum p ower from PV

panels,however, there are several cases in which the control of thePV panel out put active power
to a certain power referenceis n ecessary. The active power control of the PV panel isreferred as
constant power generation (CP G) in this study.One of these cases is the adap tation of PVPPs
with new gridcode regulations in which a constant power injection to thegrid is requested. The
grid codes aim to avoid the adverseeffects of the high penetration of install ed PVPPs in the
powersystem, like overloading thhe power grid.
Proposed method:

The proposed method pr oposes a new andgeneral algorithm for the calc ulation of the PV
panel voltagereference, which l eads to generation of a constant power fromthe PV panel. The
proposed algorithm is an adaptation of theP&O algorithm, based on the characteristics of the P-V
curveof the PV panel. During the CPG operation, the typical MPPTalgorithm is replaced with the
proposed algorithm to calculatet he voltage reference based on the required po wer referenceand as a
result no modification is m ade in the controller of thedc-dc converter. Unlike the presented studies in
the literature,the prop osed algorithm is flexible to move the operation pointof the PV panel to the
right- or left-side of the MPP and is alsoapplicable in both sing le- or two-stage
PVPPs. A hysteresisband controller is proposed to change the execution frequencyof the
algorithm (time-step) and voltage increments betweenconsecutive operating poi nts (voltage-
step) in order to achievea fast dyna mic response and low power oscillation during thesteady-
state operation of the controller.
Block diagram of propose d method:

Various topologies of photovoltaic power plants: (a) Single-stagepower convers ion structureand
(b) t wo-stage power conversion structure
Drawbacks of existing met hod:

1.The operation during voltage sags with the requirementof simultaneous injection of active
and reactive power to thegrid with the aim of enhancing the voltage of the point ofco mmon
coupling (PCC).
Advantages of proposed m ethod:

1.A new andgeneral algorithm f or the calculation of the PV panel voltagereferen ce, which
leads to generation of a constant power fromthe PV panel.
Maximumpower point tracking (MPPT) applications.


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