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Name : Azzahra Salsabila P.

Class : XII IPA 3

Save Our Environment

Assalamualaikum W.W

Good morning, to my english teacher and my dear friends.

All prise and gratitude is due to Allah SWT, because of his grace we can all gather
here in good health, I stand here to make a speach about the environment. A healthy
environment makes life more comfortable. A clean environment also makes life healthier.
But, as we know the environment around us is getting worse. Many neighboorhoods are dirty
and saws illness. This is caused by many people who often throw garbage carelessly.
Increased waste can cause flooding in various areas.

For example, the flood which occured in Genuk during the rain is caused by the pile
of garbage. Therefore we as humans must maintain the cleanliness of the environment around
us. We should start by our self. After that we can tell others the importance of environment
cleanliness. Let’s keep our environment.

I think enough formy speach. If there is amuake in my speach. I am sorry. Thank you
for your attention. Good morning.

Wassalamualikum W.W

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