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Subglottic Stenosis in Granulomatosis With

Polyangiitis: The Role of Laryngotracheal

Christina L. Costantino, MD, John L. Niles, MD, Cameron D. Wright, MD,
Douglas J. Mathisen, MD, and Ashok Muniappan, MD
Division of Thoracic Surgery, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston; and Division of Nephrology,
Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts

Background. Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA) were no major complications and no postoperative
is associated with development of subglottic stenosis in deaths. One patient (9%) failed surgical management and
about one-fourth of all patients. Although endoscopic had replacement of a permanent tracheostomy 4 months
management is the primary treatment method for after LTRR. Six patients (55%) required additional
tracheobronchial stenosis, some patients have refractory tracheal dilations after LTRR. Ten patients (91%) had
disease, and tracheostomy is required. It is unclear if durable control of symptoms and freedom from trache-
laryngotracheal resection and reconstruction (LTRR) can ostomy with a median follow-up of 9.7 years. Two pa-
be safely performed in patients with GPA. tients (18%) experienced subsequent lower airway
Methods. A retrospective review was performed of 11 stenoses.
patients with GPA undergoing LTRR. Conclusions. Surgical treatment of subglottic stenosis
Results. Eleven female patients with GPA and a me- in highly selected patients with GPA is effective and
dian age of 47 years underwent LTRR. Six patients were associated with minimal morbidity. Although long-term
diagnosed with GPA after LTRR and had not received outcomes are encouraging, additional procedures may
any induction immunosuppression regimen. Five pa- be necessary, and patients are at risk of experiencing
tients had received induction immunosuppression lower airway disease.
regimen and were in clinical remission before LTRR.
LTRR was performed with a protective tracheostomy in 3 (Ann Thorac Surg 2018;105:249–53)
patients, which was eventually removed in all. There Ó 2018 by The Society of Thoracic Surgeons

G ranulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA, formerly

Wegener’s granulomatosis) is a systemic disorder
characterized by necrotizing vasculitis of small arteries,
GPA was almost always fatal before the advent of
immunosuppression regimens that lead to remission in
most patients. Different regimens are chosen for inducing
necrotizing granulomatous inflammation of the upper and maintaining remission [3]. Airway complications
and lower respiratory tracts, and necrotizing glomerulo- such as symptomatic SGS are typically treated with
nephritis. GPA is a member of a family of small vessel bronchoscopic techniques, and they include dilation,
vasculitides referred to as antineutrophil cytoplasmic laser debridement, and corticosteroid injection. Patients
antibody (ANCA)-associated vasculitis [1]. Limited GPA with refractory SGS require tracheostomy placement.
is found in approximately one-fourth of GPA patients and Surgical resection, generally laryngotracheal resection
refers to disease that is restricted to the airways, but it can and reconstruction (LTRR), of SGS in patients with GPA
also be associated with ocular and sinus involvement. The is rarely performed because of the concern for anasto-
term “limited” is a misnomer because disease severity motic complications and questionable long-term efficacy.
can be considerable. Approximately 15% to 25% of all The aim of this study is to characterize patient selection,
GPA patients will experience subglottic stenosis (SGS) [2]. immunosuppressive management, and outcomes associ-
Pathologic assessment of airway disease often reveals ated with LTRR in patients with GPA.
nonspecific fibrosis and infiltration by neutrophils and
epitheliod histiocytes without overt vasculitis.
Patients and Methods
Accepted for publication July 17, 2017. This study was approved by the Institutional Review
Presented at the Poster Session of the Fifty-third Annual Meeting of The Board of the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH),
Society of Thoracic Surgeons, Houston, TX, Jan 21–25, 2017. who determined that patient consent was unnecessary.
Address correspondence to Dr Muniappan, 55 Fruit St, Blake 1570, Boston, The study population consisted of all patients undergoing
MA 02114; email: tracheal operation at MGH from January 1988 through

Ó 2018 by The Society of Thoracic Surgeons 0003-4975/$36.00

Published by Elsevier Inc.
250 COSTANTINO ET AL Ann Thorac Surg

December 2016. Patients were included in this study if complications and efficacy of surgical management.
they underwent tracheal resection for SGS and had a Long-term follow-up was achieved by reviewing the most
diagnosis of GPA. Six patients, all from 1988 to 2001, were recent clinical note or contacting the patient to determine
diagnosed with GPA when ANCA testing was found to be subsequent need for immunosuppression regimen,
positive after LTRR was performed. Five patients, all from additional airway interventions, and quality of breathing.
2002 and onward, had a preoperative diagnosis of GPA.

GPA Diagnosis Results

All patients met the Chapel Hill Consensus Guidelines Patient Characteristics
for ANCA-associated vasculitis based on ANCA serologic
There were 11 patients with GPA who underwent LTRR
or clinicopathologic findings [1]. Serologic testing of
at our institution in the period from 1988 to 2016 (Table 1).
ANCA antibody consisted of both indirect immunofluo-

The median age at onset of airway symptoms was 35

rescence detection of cytoplasmic staining (C-ANCA) and
years (range: 17 to 47 years), and the median age at
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) quantifi-
operation was 47 (range: 27 to 63 years). All patients were
cation of the titers of anti-proteinase 3 (PR3) and anti-
women. The primary symptoms related to upper airway
myeloperoxidase (MPO) antibodies [4].
disease were dyspnea on exertion (n ¼ 6, 55%) and stridor
(n ¼ 5, 45%).
Surgical Management Six patients (55%) were diagnosed with GPA after un-
All patients underwent a single-stage LTRR using a dergoing LTRR for a presumed diagnosis of idiopathic
technique previously described by our group for man- laryngotracheal stenosis. Five of these patients had posi-
agement of idiopathic laryngotracheal stenosis [5]. The tive ANCA antibody levels identified after operation. All
standard procedure involved removal of the anterior and tracheal resection specimens exhibited nonspecific
about one-half of the lateral cricoid cartilage in addition fibrosis or inflammation and were free of granulomatous
to resection of the involved proximal trachea to enlarge or vasculitic changes. A sixth patient did not have any
the subglottic lumen. Lateral heavy polyglactin 910 (2-0) ANCA testing available but underwent sleeve resection
stay sutures were placed, followed by interrupted for left main-stem stenosis 1 year after LTRR. The path-
circumferential fine polyglactin 910 (4-0) sutures, after ologic specimen revealed changes consistent with the
which time the airway was approximated and the sutures healed phase of GPA. Five other patients (45%) had a
were sequentially tied. The anastomosis was buttressed diagnosis of GPA before undergoing LTRR. They were all
with strap muscle or thyroid gland. A protective trache- considered to be in clinical remission before LTRR and
ostomy was performed at the time of LTRR in a minority had been weaned completely from immunosuppressive
of patients (3 of 11 patients) when there was concern drugs before operation. All patients with previous history
about edema at the level of the anastomosis or glottis. All of GPA had negative ANCA levels just before operation.
patients underwent routine surveillance bronchoscopy All but one patient in this series had limited GPA with a
approximately 1 week after the operation. primary clinical feature of SGS. The exception was a pa-
tient who had undergone kidney transplantation for GPA
Outcomes and Follow-Up glomerulonephritis and then experienced SGS. Of the 10
A retrospective electronic and paper chart review of all patients with limited GPA, 5 patients had additional
patients was performed to determine postoperative involvement of sinus, eye, or lung.

Table 1. Characteristics of 11 Patients With Granulomatous Polyangiitis Undergoing Surgical Treatment of Subglottic Stenosis at
Massachusetts General Hospital
Preoperative Age at Onset Age at
Diagnosis of Airway Operation,
Patient of GPA ANCA Other Organs Prior Interventions Symptoms, Years Years

1 No Positive Nasal septum, eye, joints Dilations, steroid injection 22 46

2 No Positive Lung Tracheal dilations Unknown 63
3 No Positive None None 43 45
4 No Positive None None 46 49
5 No Unknown None Laser debridement, tracheostomy 29 36
6 No Positive Sinus, joints Dilations 47 49
7 Yes Unknown None Dilations 35 50
8 Yes Unknown Lung, sinus, nasal septum Dilations, T-tube, stents 17 27
9 Yes Negative Kidney, sinus, joints Laser debridement, T-tube 27 47
10 Yes Positive Eye Dilations, tracheostomy 35 42
11 Yes Positive None Dilations 39 49

ANCA ¼ anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody; GPA ¼ granulomatous polyangiitis; T-tube ¼ tracheal T-tube.
Ann Thorac Surg COSTANTINO ET AL 251

Most patients (n ¼ 9, 82%) had undergone bronchoscopic severe GPA (eye enucleation, SGS leading to tracheos-
tracheal interventions before LTRR. Interventions included tomy) that was refractory to induction immunosuppres-
tracheal dilation (n ¼ 7 patients, 64%), steroid injection (n ¼ sion regimen with cyclophosphamide and abatacept but
1, 9%), laser debridement (n ¼ 2, 18%), and tracheal stenting ultimately responded to rituximab. She was decannulated
(n ¼ 1, 9%). Most patients had multiple interventions, and 4 before operation, and the ANCA antibody titer resolved
patients (36%) had undergone more than 15 dilations before after rituximab treatment. She was the only patient with a
LTRR. Three patients (27%) had prior tracheostomies, one of history of PR3 antibody, whereas all other patients had
which was in place at the time of LTRR. MPO antibodies. Her SGS recurred without an obvious
anastomotic complication and despite perioperative
Operative Management immunosuppression regimen, including rituximab.
All patients underwent LTRR to correct SGS and any Additional tracheal dilations were necessary for 6 pa-
stricture related to prior tracheal interventions. A single- tients (55%) after LTRR. The median number of dilations

stage laryngotracheal resection with primary anastomosis in these 6 patients was two (range: 1 to 8 dilations). One
was used in all patients, and 3 patients (27%) had a pro- patient presented with left main-stem bronchial
tective tracheostomy placed distal to the anastomosis obstruction 1 year after LTRR and underwent successful
to manage anticipated airway and laryngeal edema sleeve reconstruction. This patient was free from recur-
(Table 2). All patients were decannulated before rent tracheal stenosis. Four patients (36%) had no further
discharge, one with a tracheal button in place that was airway interventions after LTRR. Two of these 4 patients
subsequently removed as an outpatient. had a positive ANCA antibody test after LTRR and did
not receive any immunosuppressive drugs. One patient
Complications died 16 years after LTRR with progressive pulmonary and
There were no major postoperative complications and no lower airway GPA. This patient required multiple
postoperative deaths (Table 2). Two patients were re- tracheal dilations for 2 years after LTRR but did not have
intubated to manage transient airway swelling and were recurrent SGS before death.
promptly extubated. One patient required tube thor- Seven patients (64%) received immunosuppression
acostomy for pneumothorax. One patient required regimen after LTRR. Immunosuppression regimens
bronchoscopy and debridement of anastomotic granula- included prednisone, adalimumab, azathioprine, tacroli-
tion tissue. Another patient was re-admitted for a wound mus, and rituximab. Rituximab was used to manage
infection that required incision and drainage. suspected recrudescence of GPA in 2 patients and to
prevent reactivation of GPA in 1 patient. One patient
Long-Term Outcomes received tacrolimus after undergoing a second renal
The median follow-up was 10.9 years (range: 4 months to
28 years) after LTRR (Table 2). Ten of 11 patients (91%)
were considered to have a good airway outcome, with
control of symptoms related to their prior SGS and
avoidance of tracheostomy. One patient (9%) was In an earlier review of our experience with LTRR, we
considered an operative failure, because a tracheostomy concluded that open surgical treatment of SGS in patients
tube was replaced 2 months after LTRR. She remained with rheumatologic disease such as GPA should be
cannulated 8 months later. This patient had relatively avoided [5]. The primary concerns were disease relapse,

Table 2. Outcomes Associated With Laryngotracheal Resection in Patients With Granulomatous Polyangiitis
Follow-Up Status of Immunosuppression
Patient Operation Complications Period (Years) Delayed Interventions Airway Regimen

1 LTRR Reintubation 27.9 Dilations (n ¼ 8) Good Adalimumab, methotrexate

2 LTRR None 16 Dilations (n ¼ 4) Gooda Prednisone
3 LTRR Wound infection 18.5 None Good None
4 LTRRb Anastomotic granulation 21.8 None Good None
5 LTRRb Pneumothorax 1 LMSB sleeve resection Good None
6 LTRR Reintubation 15.9 Dilations (n ¼ 2) Good Rituximab
7 LTRR None 10.9 Dilations (unknown number) Good Unknown
8 LTRR Vocal cord paresis 9.7 None Good Azathioprine
9 LTRR None 8.8 Dilation (n ¼ 1) Good Tacrolimus, prednisone
10 LTRRb None 0.9 Dilation (n ¼ 1) Failure Rituximab, azathioprine
11 LTRR None 0.3 None Good Rituximab
a b
Deceased with left main-stem bronchial stenosis and pulmonary disease. Protective tracheostomy.
LMSB ¼ left main-stem bronchus; LTRR ¼ laryngotracheal resection and reconstruction.
252 COSTANTINO ET AL Ann Thorac Surg

anastomotic complications, and the need for immuno- renal involvement, must be thoroughly investigated. Two
suppressive drugs that could impair healing. The patients in our early experience with LTRR had positive
cornerstone of management of SGS developing in pa- ANCA tests shortly after operation and have had excel-
tients with GPA remains bronchoscopic intervention, lent long-term outcomes (18 and 21 years of follow-up)
whereas refractory disease might require tracheostomy. without any immunosuppression regimen. We consider
Although clinical remission rates and overall outcomes these patients to be the exception to the rule and have
are markedly improved with newer immunosuppression adhered to the standard that all patients with GPA un-
regimens, SGS may prove refractory to pharmacologic dergoing LTRR must have negative ANCA testing at the
management alone [3, 6, 7]. time of operation. There is likely a role for serial moni-
In a highly selected group of patients with GPA and toring of ANCA antibody levels with PR3 and MPO
SGS, 91% of patients achieved a good airway outcome ELISA to guide maintenance immunosuppression
after LTRR and avoided tracheostomy during long-term regimen, as explained by Han and colleagues [13]. It re-

follow-up. Four patients (36%) required no further dila- mains to be seen if this contemporary strategy for man-
tion or airway intervention and had an excellent outcome. aging postoperative immunosuppression regimen will
Seven patients (64%) required additional bronchoscopic improve long-term outcomes.
airway intervention, only one (9%) of which did not Because ANCA levels do not absolutely correlate with
resolve or stabilize, necessitating a tracheostomy. These disease activity in GPA, bronchoscopic examination to
outcomes were achieved without major complications rule out active inflammation is recommended before
and with no postoperative deaths. LTRR. In our experience, all patients were free of bron-
One of the earliest reports suggesting that LTRR could choscopic signs of inflammation such as airway edema
be safely performed in patients with GPA was by Her- and hyperemia (Fig 1). In our 1 patient who was an
ridge and colleagues [8], who described their experience operative failure, there was an early recurrence of SGS
with 3 patients. Although long-term follow-up was only that necessitated a tracheostomy and was likely related to
available for one of the patients, the investigators reactivation of her GPA. Her ANCA/PR3 levels rose
concluded that the operation could be performed safely several weeks after LTRR and did not decline with
as long as patients were in remission and received peri- resumption of rituximab. PR3 antibody was only detected
operative immunosuppression regimen. A more recent in this 1 patient, whereas all other patients had MPO
report by Wester and colleagues [9], who had a series of 8 antibody. Han and colleagues [13] noted that the presence
GPA patients undergoing open surgical management, of PR3 antibody is associated with increased risk of
observed that 75% of these patients required additional relapse and disease severity. An intriguing report on the
tracheal dilation and only 1 patient (13%) required per- utility of magnetic resonance imaging in assessing for
manent tracheostomy, which is similar to our observed granulomatous involvement of the airway and
rates of 55% and 9%, respectively. These rates are clearly
higher than observed for patients undergoing LTRR for
idiopathic laryngotracheal stenosis and suggests that
even with GPA remission and maintenance immuno-
suppression regimen, there is likely a chronic phase of
the disease that affects long-term outcomes.
In addition to concern about recurrent SGS, a small
proportion of GPA patients appear to be also susceptible
to lower airway stenosis. In our experience, 2 patients
(18%) went on to experience left main-stem stenosis 1 and
9 years after LTRR, respectively. Guardiani and col-
leagues [10] also noted that 18% of their patients with
GPA and SGS experienced lower airway disease. The risk
of developing lower airway disease in GPA patients after
LTRR mandates long-term clinical follow-up to ensure
early diagnosis and effective management. Although
bronchoscopic management of lower airway stenosis is
the mainstay of treatment, on occasion sleeve resection
may be successfully performed, as in our experience with
1 patient and the report by Soo and colleagues [11].
The precise role of ANCA antibody testing in man-
agement of SGS in GPA has yet to be defined. Patients
who experience SGS seem to represent a distinct subset
of all patients with GPA and are known to have a higher
incidence of negative ANCA testing [12]. A high index of
suspicion needs to be maintained in patients undergoing Fig 1. Bronchoscopic image of subglottic stenosis in patient with
evaluation for SGS, and clinical manifestations of rheu- granulomatosis with polyangiitis before laryngotracheal resection.
matologic disease, such as sinus, ocular, pulmonary, or The stenosis is mature and free of inflammation.
Ann Thorac Surg COSTANTINO ET AL 253

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