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Focus on Physical Skills


Jana, I’m still a new teacher here at An-nur, I have been observing
completing all sorts of activities so I can learn about you.
Jana, what I noticed is that no matter what task you set yourself
you are purposeful, focussed, deliberate, independent and deter-
You are a goal setter & achiever!
What a valuable advantage in your learning journey.

The walker stilts were your goal today. You quietly waited till no one was
using them (were you watching and learning from other children?) and
then took the opportunity to master it. As I stood back to observe you I
noticed that it was a challenge for you. You took hold of the handles
and looked down to your feet. You were able to step up but quickly lost
your balance, as the movement started. Over & over you stepped up
and pushed forward to move, but lost your balance. You were not de-
terred. I could have stepped in to help you however, I choose not to as I
had already seen your focus and achievement in other tasks. You per-
sisted until you felt comfortable and kept pushing the pedals forward,
but OH NO! every time you stepped you lost your balance. Still looking at
your feet your focus was intense! And again you did not give up! Over &
over you took the handles and stepped up on the peddles found your bal-
ance and pushed forward. I watched over the day, every opportunity to
be outside your were practicing on the walker.
Sure enough by the end of the day you were able to walk quite a distance
on the walker. What an achievement Jana! You should be so proud of
yourself. Most children let the teachers know when they master a new
skill, interestingly you didn't. you were still so focused on your feet and
practicing. You seemed content that learning a new skill and achieving
your own goal was reward enough (intrinsic motivation), you didn't need a
teacher to watch you, praise you or congratulate you. You quietly and
confidently practiced then moved on to your next experience. you always
finish every task today that you set yourself. (Montessori)

Jana you have a independent and calm disposition, you are determined
and methodical in your approach. Your focus on the task is totally amaz-
ing! What an awesome super power to have.

Kai Pai Jana

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