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La scoala

Limba romana Limba Engleza

Ba am avut tema? Did I have the homework?
Da laptele si cornul! Give milk and horn
Ai mancare? Do you have food?
Ai apa? Do you have Water?
Care e raspunsul? WHAT IS THE ANSWER?

La cumaparaturi

Limba Romana Limba Engleza

Cat costa? How much does it cost
Unde sunt dulciurile? Where are the sweets
Platesc cu cardul I pay with the card
Vreau suc! I want juice
Vreau Mancare I Want Juice


Limba Romana Limba Engleza

Ce se intampla, doctore? What is happening
Ce boala am? what disease am I?
Nu inteleg scrisul I do not understand the
Teapa! impaled
Cat e spaga? how much is it?

In vacanta

Limba Romana
De unde iau un taxi Where do I get a taxi
Unde este mall Where is the mall
Unde este un fast-food Where is a fast food?
Hai la plaja
Come on to the beach
Viorico hai la muzeu Viorico go to the museum

La Restaurant

Limba Romana Limba Engleza

Un meniu, va rog A menu, please
Care e meniul zilei? Which is the menu of the
O masa libera? A table free?
Cat mai dureaza? How long is it taking?

In sfarsit Finally

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