And Escalation:: Arms Races Closer Look

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Arms Races and Escalation:

A Closer Look*
Correlates of War Project, University of Michigan

The relationship between arms races and war is a critical consideration in both peace research and strategic
planning. This study reconsiders the work of Michael Wallace which has postulated that arms races
significantly increase the probability of a serious dispute escalating to war. A critique of Wallace’s coding
procedures and arms race index precedes an attempt to replicate his findings. In the replication, serious
disputes, taken from the Correlates of War Project, among major powers during the years 1816-1970 serve
as the population to be tested. Adjustments in coding and index construction from the Wallace work are
made. It was discovered that only 25% of those disputes preceded by a mutual military buildup escalated
to war, while almost 77% of the wars in this population were preceded by periods lacking armaments

competition. Controls for inter-century differences and unilateral military buildups failed to alter this
apparent lack of a relationship between arms races and dispute escalation. Differences with Wallace’s study
are analyzed and the implications for peace research discussed.

Conventional wisdom has always presupposed tended the pioneering ideas of Richardson
a link between rapid military buildups and (1960), studying the impact of arms races and
war. The old dictum ’if you want peace, military spending decisions on the outbreak
prepare for war’ offers one perspective on of war. The most interesting work in this
the inter-relationship of military spending area has been that of Michael Wallace. He
and the outbreak of conflict. The spiral model used early Correlates of War (COW) Project
is indicative of a more dangerous connection compilations on major power military ex-
between increasing weapons and war. Whether penditures and serious disputes to investigate
the effect is deterrence or provocation, a nation behavior in conflict generated sit-
nation’s decision to significantly increase uations. In a widely quoted article, Wallace
its military capability could be an important (1979) concluded that the presence or absence
factor in the understanding of interstate of an arms race between two rivals correctly
war. predicted war/no war outcomes in over 90%
Despite the central nature of military of the serious disputes studied. Those results
spending in national security decision-making, are summarized in Table I.
empirical researchers have generally ignored A later study by the same author (Wallace
its possible effect on the initiation of war. 1982), using the same data base, served to
This void in the academic literature noted by reinforce this strong association between arms
Singer (1979) in 1969 remains large today. races and war. The general paucity of alter-
Nevertheless, some recent efforts have ex- native investigations makes Wallace’s studies
the most definitive to date.
An earlier version of this paper was presented If Wallace’s findings are correct, the im-
at the Annual Meeting of the International plications for policymaking on arms limitation
Studies Association-South, Atlanta, 4-6 November are clear. The START negotiations must
The author would like to thank Michael proceed with all deliberate speed, lest a clash
Champion, Miroslav Nincic, Peter Wallensteen, between the superpowers should escalate to
J. David Singer, Bradley Martin and Bruce all-out war. However, certain methodological
Russett for their comments and suggestions. problems cast doubt on the validity of Wal-
In addition, gratitude is expressed to Mary
lace’s conclusions. It is the purpose of this
Macknick and Louis Erste for technical assistance
in this project. paper to detail these difficulties and retest

Table I
Wallace’s ’arms races and escalation’

the military buildup-war relationship with a in studying war-related disputes in this

modified set of assumptions and indicators. context. Wallace’s purpose was to assess
whether an arms race affected the probability
A closer look of a serious dispute escalating to war. However,
The Correlates of War treats multi-party in cases where one or both disputants are
serious disputes (three or more disputants) involved in a war, the probability of that
as one integrated dispute. Where there was war-related dispute escalating is greater
a clear informal/formal partnership among than that of a dispute independent of an
the disputants on one side and where the ongoing war. An inference about the effect
subject matter of the dispute was the same of an arms race on a war-related dispute
for each partner, the dispute classification must be considered tentative at best. In
scheme served to reflect the interconnection Wallace’s work, the arms race impact (if any)
of events and interests for all those involved. on dispute escalation is indiscernible from
Wallace chose to code each dispute participant the effects of the ongoing war. Nevertheless,
dyadically against those nations in opposition. it is these cases of war-related disputes which
Thus, the original 1914 dispute which escalated enhance the confirmation of the hypothesis
to World War I is analyzed as if it were six that arms races lead to war.
separate disputes and consequently six indi- Wallace’s results indicate the U.S.S.R.-
vidual wars. Overall, 26 distinct wars are Japan dispute of 1945 to be an instance of
created where only 7 or 8 integrated ones an arms race leading to the escalation of a

occurred.’ As a result, the strength of the dispute. Yet, it is difficult to believe that
arms race-war relationship stems not from an this brief war was anything but a result of
abundance of distinct cases of dispute the hostilities associated with World War II.
escalation, but merely is a function of To suggest that an arms race in the late 1930s
a coding decision. Wallace’s (1980) response exercised any influence on the outbreak of
to this problem was to re-evaluate his results war in this dispute five years later is premature

using only formal alliance patterns to combine without additional research and runs contrary
certain sets of disputes. This only partly to accumulated historical opinion on the
solved the difficulty of numerical inflation subject.22
of disputes and wars. The follow-up analysis Wallace (1979:8) justifies his choice of cases
failed to consider situations which share and the dyadic coding method by stating:
similar characteristics to those involving
formal alliances, but merely lack a signed ’In the case of those wars which involved more

instrument between the parties. than two powers, each dyad is coded separately.
A related problem is Wallace’s inclusion Thus, for example, World War II is coded as an
initiation of Franco-German and Anglo-German
in his population of serious disputes those hostilities in 1939, an Anglo-Italian and Franco-
cases which were not independent of ongoing Italian outbreak in 1940 and a Russo-German and
wars. In some ways, this explains the fact Japanese-American conflict initiated in 1941. This
was done to avoid the practical and conceptual
that the two World Wars account for over
difficulties of aggregating military capabilities
80% of the explanatory capability in his study of nations entering the conflict at different times.’
(Weede 1980). Serious problems are inherent

This explanation is open to criticism as the weakened if the threshold is lowered to 50.00.
disputes involving different actors in different Then, ten additional cases would be contrary
years are coded as separate disputes anyway to the escalation model, while its strength
according to COW criteria. If the disputants would not be enhanced by even a single case.
entered the dispute in the same year (thereby While Wallace’s striking findings have
determining the same data points for military dominated this topic area over the past few
expenditures the ten years prior to that year

years, it seems that criticisms associated

in the Wallace study), it is irrelevant if the with his work are sufficient to warrant a
disputants entered the war emanating from the re-examination of the relationship between
dispute at different times. Furthermore, Wal- rapid military buildups and war.
lace’s explanation provides no justification for
separating a dispute (such as the 1939 Poland A re-evaluation
crisis) in which all parties entered the dispute In retesting Wallace’s conclusions, a number
and the war at the same time. of modifications are made. The temporal
Wallace’s method of determining an arms domain is extended five years, now 1816-1970,
race is not without conceptual problems. An to reflect the most complete listing of COW
arms race is conventionally described as a serious disputes. Since Wallace used only a
process involving competitive interaction, preliminary draft of this same compilation, the
manifested by rapid increases in military dispute populations are not identical across
spending and weaponry. In Wallace’s analysis, studies. The addition of newly discovered
it is only determined whether or not the disputes and the correction of coding errors
disputants are rapidly arming themselves; would suggest that the set of cases used by this
there is no determination if this spending is replication attempt is more accurate than that
directed against the dispute opponent(s). More employed by Wallace.
properly, the process described by Wallace is a Each serious dispute is treated as an inte-
‘mutual military buildup’ rather than an ’arms grated whole (non-dyadically) as is consistent
race’ per se. A determination of the latter must with the original COW coding scheme. For
await the completion of a more sensitive test of example, the dispute leading to the outbreak
military spending decisions. of the Crimean War is coded: Russia v. Great
Beyond the absence of definitional rigor, the Britain and France. Where it was clear that
mutuality of rapid spending increases cannot partnerships existed and the partners were
necessarily be deduced from Wallace’s arms inexorably tied up in the disposition of the
race index. By multiplying the products of each dispute, it seems reasonable to consider allies
side’s cardinal spline estimate of military together rather than separately in the dyadic
spending, a unilateral buildup by one side scheme. Surely, the military calculus of the
might be defined as an arms race. For ex- opposing side must consider the joint actions
ample, if country A had a score of 100 (high) of those partners. Moreover, good scientific
and country B had a score of 1 (low), the net practice requires that findings should be
index would be 100 and the situation classified reanalyzed under the most conservative, yet
as a Wallace arms race. Clearly, this instance is reasonable, set of cases. If Wallace’s results
neither a mutual military buildup nor an arms are conclusive, they should be able to be
race in any reasonable definition of the two reproduced under the conditions outlined
terms. here.
Wallace also chooses a seemingly arbitrary Certain factors dictated that some of the
threshold of a 90.00 index score to distinguish cases be eliminated from the study. Any
between arms races and their absence. No dispute which was related to an ongoing
justification is presented and experimentation major power war was dropped from the
with alternative thresholds is not evident. population.3 As discussed above in the critique
Wallace’s conclusions are substantially of Wallace, the escalatory effects of the ongoing

war are indistinguishable from those of arms induced spending. Dispute spending patterns
increases. To include those cases might yield tend to reflect significant spending increases
a false indication of the real effects military whether war results or not. This is not sur-
buildups have on the initiation of war. prising as nations seek to ensure security in
It is all but impossible to accurately estimate a crisis situation.
war-time military expenditures for a nation Furthermore, the index measures only
whose whole economy is devoted to the war spending trends in the immediate past of the
effort. Accordingly, COW treats expenditures dispute. Military expenditures tend to show
during the two World Wars as missing data. greater variation as one moves farther back
Due to this data limitation and the nature in a time-series. Too often, studying a time
of the arms race indicator, cases independent period of five or ten years will cause an
of ongoing wars from 1915-1920 and 1940- overlap into a war period or time frame in
1947 are necessarily eliminated.4 Idiosyncrasies which other disputes influenced expenditure
in the data set resulted in the elimination of patterns. Focusing on the three years prior
another caste.5 Overall, the analysis here to the dispute allows consideration of behavior
considers 86 separate disputes.66 which is more perceptually important than
A measure of mutual arms buildup must comparable spending decisions ten years
reflect significant military increases for both before. Rapid changes in military expenditures
sides in a dispute and yet be able to detect are warning signals not only for peace
instances where only a unilateral buildup is researchers, but are perhaps one of the
present. In addition, an appropriate threshold indicators used by foreign policy elites to
point must be chosen to differentiate between ascertain a large scale military buildup by
incremental spending patterns and those which an opponent.
are abnormally high. These two considerations In this study, I have chosen to designate
were judged to be lacking in the original any instance of both dispute sides increasing
Wallace article. their military expenditures at a rate of 8%
With this in mind, an index of military or greater for the three years before the

growth for each side in a dispute will be dispute as a ’mutual military buildup’. This
constructed from the newly revised COW threshold was chosen because it most perfectly
file on military expenditures (an earlier captured the dividing line between incremental
version was used by Wallace in his work). increases in military outlays and abnormal
This index is the mean rate of change in spending increases. This coding decision allows
military expenditures (expressed in common the World War I dispute to be classified as
currency and controlled for price fluctuations) a mutual military buildup as is the concerted
for each side in the three years prior to the opinion of most historians. In no case,
initiation of the disputes7 however, are both sides in such a buildup
Only expenditures prior to the initiation of below a 1007o threshold often cited as an
the dispute are analyzed. This precludes indicator of high level military spending
consideration of military spending which increases.88
was reactive to the dispute itself. In this The operational definitions of a ’major
way, the index is able to isolate the effects power’, ’serious dispute’, and ’war’ developed
of an arms buildup from the bias of dispute- by Singer & Small (1972) and used by Wallace
are retained in this study.

Table II
Mutual military buildup and escalation

Results this time period. Other scholars have noted

The determination of a mutual military inter-century differences in studying inter-
buildup or its absence for each dispute was national conflict. Therefore, the results were
combined with the outcome of that dispute disaggregated, divided into 19th and 20th
and the aggregated results are presented groups and the hypothesis retested. The
in Table II. findings were quite similar to the original
No meaningful covariation exists here results. Although the association was stronger
between mutual military buildups and dispute in the 20th century, neither relationship
escalation. Only 25 % of the disputes which was significant at the .10 level.9 It is also
were preceded by a mutual military buildup important to consider the effect of an uni-
escalated to war, while almost 7707o of the lateral arms buildup on the outbreak of war.
major power wars constituting this sample It may be that the absence of mutuality
population were preceded by periods in which in arms increases causes one side or the other
there was no incidence of joint and rapid to consider war a more viable means of
spending increases by the protagonists. competition. In testing this possibility, cases
Of the three disputes which fit the escalation in which there was no mutual military
hypothesis, one is World War I and the buildup are considered (N = 74). The pro-
other two led to the Second World War. position that a unilateral buildup (constituting
However, even these cases raise questions a 10% or more increase in military ex-

about the impact of mutual arms buildup penditures by one and only one side using
on the outbreak of war. There were five the same index construction as before) affects
other disputes prior to World War II which the probability of a dispute escalating to
were preceded by this type of buildup and war is considered in Table III.

yet did not escalate to war. This suggests There seems to be no basis for concluding
that the cases which support the escalation that a unilateral military buildup prior to a
model might only be the product of a spurious dispute increases the chances of war. A Yule’s
association. Q value of -.35 suggests a possible negative
Overall, it appears that most serious association between unilateral buildups and
disputes do not involve previous dual military war but the Chi-square value indicates that

spending increases and most serious disputes the association is not statistically significant.
do not escalate to war; but there does not
seem to be any connection between these Towards a convergence of findings
facts. The Yule’s Q value is .36 indicating The findings presented here are quite contrary
a much weaker positive relationship than to Wallace (1979). This lends itself to a
Wallace reported. However, the more con- number of possible explanations. Immediately
servative 0 coefficient is only .11 and the the differences in arms indices come to mind.
Chi-square value is not significant at any However, Wallace’s cardinal spline function
meaningful level. is heavily weighted toward changes in military
It is possible that this analysis, aggregated expenditures in the three or four years prior
over a two-century period, may hide a relation- to the dispute, much as the index used in
ship that is present in only a portion of this study. In applying the Wallace measure
Table 111
Unilateral buildup and escalation*

Table includes only those cases which fail to meet the criteria for a mutual military buildup.

to the data set used in this study, similar finds no significant joint arms increases
findings canbe reported where coding rules occurring.
between the studies were not in conflict. Where Differences in military expenditure figures
differences did exist, the variation can be might account for opposite conclusions in a
explained by reference to other factors beside few cases. Wallace replaced some interpolated
index construction. Thus, I conclude that the data points with his own estimates of military
differences in findings are not attributable appropriations. This may explain why dif-
to differences in the military spending indices. ferent results are obtained in the 1866 dispute/
Another hypothesis is that differences war between Germany, Italy and Austria.lo
between the two studies’ data sets led to While revision of research files is to some
divergent findings. Wallace’s list of disputes degree a continuing process, it is presumed
was only in its early stages of completion (pending comparison) that the data used in
when his article first appeared. The population this study are more complete and accurate
of serious disputes used in this replication than previous compilations.
attempt represents a more recent and complete Most of the remaining conflict in the aggre-
version of that list. In comparing the two gate findings of the two studies can be traced
versions (prior to any coding decisons), the to differences in coding procedures. Ten
disparities do not seem to be extraordinary, cases which were not independent of ongoing
at least not to suggest radically different wars, yet exhibited covariation of spending
conclusions. The newer data set includes a increases and escalation, were eliminated in
few more cases of pre-World War II disputes this study. In addition, the non-dyadic coding
which were preceded by dual arms increases method used here resulted in the collapse of
but did not escalate to war. The Korean ten cases, which fit the escalation hypothesis,
War, actually preceded by spending cutbacks, into three integrated disputes. In each case,
is another instance of a dispute not covered the two World Wars account for almost all
by Wallace. Most of the other changes in the instances. In effect, the strength of the
the new file are additions or deletions of arms race-war relationship cited by Wallace
’no buildup-no war’ disputes. As a whole, rests heavily on the two World Wars. The
the empirical validity of the escalation relationship seems absent in any other cir-
hypothesis is weakened when tested with the cumstance and gains statistical significance
updated file, but the changes alone are in- only through an artificial division of an
sufficient to reject Wallace’s conclusions. integrated situation.
Beyond simple changes in the number of
cases, the new file contains some corrections. Conclusions
The Russo-Japanese War of 1904 had its This study retested Wallace’s (1979) findings
dispute beginning in 1903 according to the latest that a mutual military buildup between major
file. This is an update from the Wallace powers increased the probability of a serious
report that the dispute began in 1904. Wallace dispute escalating to war. Using a modified
considers spending increases in this dispute set of assumptions and indicators, it was
through the actual first year of the dispute discovered that only one-fourth of the disputes
(1903). It is not surprising then that he con- preceded by mutual military buildups resulted
cludes that an arms race took place before the in war, while ten of thirteen wars occurred
war. However, according to the corrected in the absence of joint arms increases by the
files, one might infer that spending in 1903 dispute participants. Therefore, it was con-
was reactive to the dispute and that the cluded that mutual military buildups did not
Wallace index would yield a false indication exercise any general impact on the initiation
of prior military competition. Looking only of war under the limited conditions studied.
at military spending patterns prior to the This lack of a relationship between military
beginning of the dispute (pre-1903), this study spending and dispute escalation remained

unchanged when controls were instituted for NOTES

inter-century differences and when retested 1. The number of separate wars in that study is
to ascertain the influence of a unilateral
variable, depending on how the analyst would
military buildup. treat the interrelationship of the European and
In considering the differences in findings Pacific theatres in World War II.
between this study and Wallace’s work, the 2. In cases which involved war-time disputes,
Wallace studied the disputant’s military expenditures
importance of assumptions, coding decisions in the nearest pre-war year instead of the year
and data manipulation techniques in empirical before the dispute.
research should be highlighted. Apparently 3. The cases dropped are mainly those which
insignificant research choices can collectively occurred after the outbreak of World War I and
influence results in a profound way. We owe World War II. Other cases eliminated were those
associated with the Crimean War, and the 1866
it to our colleagues and those in policymaking war involving Germany, Italy and Austria. The
circles to be explicit and reveal all relevant Russo-Japanese conflicts in the 1930s are included
information that impinges on the conduct of as both temporally preceded the Polish crisis and
were distinct from tensions in Europe and elsewhere
the study. This is not to imply that academics
in Asia.
should retreat to merely debating semantics
4. The most notable absence necessitated by data
or methodological approaches. Rather, it unavailability is the U.S.-Japan dispute of 1941.
means we must give greater attention to Unlike other disputes surrounding the World War
the research design of a study and consider II, this dispute could justifiably be considered
the study and its utility in light of the validity separate from the European War. There was also
of that design. The operative message is that missing data for one side in two disputes: U.S.S.R.-
Great Britain in 1923 and the dispute over Korea
creativity and rigor must coexist in research. in 1950. However, calculation of a military buildup
Neither is a substitute for the other. index for the side for which data was available
This paper does not in any way lay to rest indicated an absence of a mutual military buildup
the debate over the danger of rapid military according to the criteria used in this study.
Consequently, these cases remain included in the
spending increases. What is apparent, analysis. In addition, a 1948 dispute involving
however, is that they do not constitute an the Soviet Union and the three Allied Powers
was not excluded despite the inclusion of only
explanation by themselves for the escalation
two (instead of three) years of military expenditure
of disputes. Future research should expand
data in the military buildup indicator. Missing
the scope of past studies to consider arms data for the war year 1945 were responsible for
buildups in their contexts of the national this alteration.
attributes of the participants as well as the 5. The dispute between France and Italy in 1860
is not considered. Prior to the dispute, Italy’s
systemic conditions prevailing at that point
in time. There is also a need to study outcomes military expenditures were coded as those only
of Sardinia. With the advent of Italian unification,
of military buildups beyond those which end expenditure figures were derived from all of Italy.
in war. Incidences of compromise and Consequently, an artificial jump in military spending
occurs in the data set. This changeover occurs in
capitulation resulting from arms acquisition
one of the years under study for this case and to
may be just as significant as war outcomes. avoid misconceptions, this dispute is eliminated
The relative mix of mutual and self-stimulatory from the sample.
processes driving each nation’s spending 6. Some wars which resulted from a major power
increases may be an important key in pre- serious dispute, but did not involve major power
dicting those outcomes. participation on both sides are included in this
A careful examination of the relationship study. These are: the 1863 war between Denmark
on one side and Germany and Austria on the other;
of the arms races and war might yet provide Italy’s invasion of Ethiopia in 1934; and the
guidance to foreign policy elites, such that Sino-Indian border war of 1962.
at a minimum, those decision makers can 7. The formula for the index is:
avoid mistakes which could have unintended % Δ (M
t-2 t-1 + % Δ (M
→ )
M → )/2
t-3 t-2
where t is the year of the dispute and M m
1 + m 2
but disastrous consequences. ...

where i m represents the military expenditures of REFERENCES

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