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Amputation Case -2
By A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy

DOB: 06-Jul-1907
TOB 8:30 AM
POB Coyoacan, Mexico
Lat: 19:19N
Lon: 99:09W
TZ 6
UT 15:06:40
ACTUAL TIME 9:06:40:

Nakshatra Krittika – 4
Thithy Krishna Dwadashi
Karana Varaha
Yoga Sula
Chandra Kriya One has left his birth place
Chandra Avastha Who is always having some disease
Chandra Vela krodhi
Hora Mars
Yama Saturn


Asc 111.23 21.23 Karkat ASLESHA 2 MER 112
Sun 80.47 20.47 Mithun PUNARVASU 1 JUP 72
Merc 103.46 13.46 Karkat Dir PUSHYA 4 SAT 102
Ven 61.45 1.45 Mithun Dir MRIGASIRAS 3 MAR 71
Mar 260.49 20.49 Dhanu Ret PURVASADA 3 VEN 242
Jup 87.52 27.52 Mithun Dir PUNARVASU 3 JUP 72
Sat 334.51 4.51 Meena Dir UTTARBADRA 1 SAT 345
Moo 36.5 6.5 Vrish KRITIKA 4 SUN 42
Rah 91.21 1.21 Karkat PUNARVASU 4 JUP 101
Ket 271.21 1.21 Makara UTTARASADA 2 SUN 282
Gul 92.23 2.23 Karkat PUNARVASU 4 JUP 102

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Asc Kumari Tiryangmukha Venus Mercury
Sun Kalushaa Tiryangmukha Mercury Mercury
Merc Nadee Urdwamukha Mercury Sun
Ven Balaa Tiryangmukha Saturn Saturn
Mar Kamala Adhomukha Jupiter Mercury
Jup Gadaharaa Tiryangmukha Mercury Lagna
Sat Nirvrithi Urdwamukha Venus Jupiter
Moo Achalaprabha Adhomukha Jupiter Jupiter
Rah Saumya Tiryangmukha Saturn Saturn
Ket Saumya Tiryangmukha Sun Saturn
Gul Manjuswana Tiryangmukha Saturn Saturn

PLANET RASI HORA D-3 D-7 D-9 D-10 D-12 D-16 D-30 D-60
Asc 4 |Moo Sun 12|Jup 2 |Ven 10|Sat 7 |Ven 12|Jup 12|Jup SAT Saumya
Sun 3 |Mer Moon 11|Sat 7 |Ven 1 |Mar 9 |Jup 11|Sat 8 |Mar MER Kroora
Merc 4 |Moo Moon 8 |Mar 1 |Mar 8 |Mar 4 |Moo 9 |Jup 8 |Mar JUP Kroora
Ven 3 |Mer Sun 3 |Mer 3 |Mer 7 |Ven 3 |Mer 3 |Mer 9 |Jup MAR Saumya
Mar 9 |Jup Moon 5 |Sun 1 |Mar 7 |Ven 3 |Mer 5 |Sun 8 |Mar MER Kroora
Jup 3 |Mer Moon 11|Sat 9 |Jup 3 |Mer 12|Jup 2 |Ven 11|Sat VEN Saumya
Sat 12|Jup Moon 12|Jup 7 |Ven 5 |Sun 9 |Jup 1 |Mar 11|Sat VEN Kroora
Moo 2 |Ven Moon 2 |Ven 9 |Jup 12|Jup 12|Jup 4 |Moo 8 |Mar MER Kroora
Rah 4 |Moo Moon 4 |Moo 10|Sat 4 |Moo 12|Jup 4 |Moo 1 |Mar VEN Saumya
Ket 10|Sat Moon 10|Sat 4 |Moo 10|Sat 6 |Mer 10|Sat 1 |Mar VEN Saumya
Ura 9 |Jup Moon 1 |Mar 1 |Mar 6 |Mer 3 |Mer 4 |Moo 6 |Mer MER Saumya
Nep 3 |Mer Moon 7 |Ven 7 |Ven 12|Jup 9 |Jup 10|Sat 7 |Ven MER Kroora
Plu 3 |Mer Sun 3 |Mer 3 |Mer 7 |Ven 3 |Mer 3 |Mer 9 |Jup MAR Saumya
Gul 4 |Moo Moon 4 |Moo 10|Sat 4 |Moo 12|Jup 4 |Moo 2 |Ven VEN Saumya


Sun Parijatha(3) Devadarshana
Merc (0) Namskara
Ven Paravatha(6) Taamasasheela
Mar Paravatha(6) Aaradhana
Jup Uthama(2) Surata
Sat Uthama(2) Namskara
Moo Parijatha(3) Devadarshana
Rah RahasyaVaartha
Ket Taamasasheela

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Upa Grihas Long Rashi Nakshatra
Dhooma 214.08 Vrischika Anuradha
Vyatipata 145.52 Simha Purva.Phal
Parivesha 325.52 Kumbha Purvashada
Indra Chapa 34.08 Vrishabha Krittika
Upa Ketu 50.47 Vrishabha Rohini
Yamakantaka 213.29 Vrischika Anuradha
Tri Sputa 240.38 Dhanu Moola
Chatu Sputa 321.26 Kumbha Purva Badra
Pancha Sputa 52.48 Vrishabha Rohini
Prana Sputa 289.23 Makara Sravana
Deha Sputa 27.11 Mesha Krittika
Mrityu Sputa 7.35 Mesha Asvini
PDM 324.1 Kumbha Purva Badra

Drekana Hora of Sun Hora of Moon

1 Ven Sat, Moon, Rahu, Ket, Gul
2 Merc
3 Asc Sun, Mar, Jup

Sat Moo Sun, Ven, Moo Sun Jup


Asc, Mer, Rah, Gul

Rah, Gul

Rashi Navamsa
Ket Asc, Ket Sat

(Mar) Mer Ven, Mar

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Asc, Sat Moo Ven Asc Sat Jup Ven

Sun, Jup Rah, Gul Sun Rah, Gul,


Drekana Dwadasamsa
Ket Mar Ket Mar

Mer Mer

Jup, Ket

Rah, Moo

Transit on
17-Sep-1925 Transit on
7:30AM 13-Jul-1954, 7:30 AM
Ket Sun, Ven
Pushya Day of death
Day of Accident

(Jup), Gul Sat Ven (Mar), Moo Sat, Gul


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Rah Jup Ven Moo, Ket (jup), Gul


Transit on Transit on
21-Aug-1929 08-Dec-1940
7:30 AM 7:30 AM
Sun, Mer
Satabhshek Uttrabadra
Marriage Re-Marriage

(Sat) Ket, Gul Mar Sun, Mer Ven, Mar Rah

Vimshottari Dasa
MARS MOON VENUS 7-Oct-25 Car Accident injuring leg 18
RAHU JUPITER KETU 4-Sep-29 Marriage 22
RAHU SUN MERCURY 17-Jan-41 Re-Marriage 33
JUPITER SUN RAHU 8-Aug-54 Death 47




Dasa Bhukthi Chidra End Date

Lagna is Karkata Rashi, Stree rashi with Navamsa in Makara, another stree rashi. Moon is also
similarly placed in stree rashi (Vrishabha with navamsa in Meena). Hence we can safely confirm
that the chart belongs to a female, which we already know.

Lagna rashi is having Mercury, Rahu & Gulika.

dehSy saEòv< SvaSWy< iSwit> ïeyae yz> suo<

jyae vpuí tTsv¡ icNtnIy< ivl¶t>.

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Gulika in Lagna :
raegaÄR> stt< kamI papaTmaixgt> zQ>

tnuSwe guilke jat> olÉavae=itÊ>iot>.

raegI ]ta<gae gui¦ke tnuSwe


Zzu³e[ àmdak«tamyhtae nIca<gnav‘É>.

A second case with lagna afflicted with Gulika, Rahu and Mercury (Tridosha karaka).
Mercury in Lagna as per Brighu Maharshi.
æ!gu sUÇm!,

iv*avan! ivvahaid b÷ïutvan! Anekdeze savRÉaEm>

mNÔvadI ipzacaeDafn smwR>

m&ÊÉa;I ivXvan! ]mI dyavan!

sÝivMzitv;eR tIwRyaÇayaeg>

b÷ laÉvan! b÷ ivXyavan!

papyute pap]eÇe dehe raeg> ipÄpa{furaeg>

zuÉyute zuÉ]eÇe deharaeGy< Sv[RkaiNddeh>

Jyaeit>zaôpiQt> ANghIn> s¾nÖe;I neÇraegI..

Papa yute paapakshetre dehe rogaH. Meaning if the said mercury is associated with malefic or is
in malefic house, the native shall suffer physical illness. Here Mercury is with rahu + Gulika in
Moon house and aspected by Mars which is retrograde and near to its exaltation house (hence the
characteristics of neecha) with Ashtama Drishti.

Mars is also aspecting Venus + Sun + Jupiter in the Vyaya sthana. Venus is also the 4th house
representing vehicles. 12th house also represent the feet of the native as per bhava chakra.

The drekana of Lagna is third and physical classification of the bhavas are the lower part of the

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Samanya Suthram----------Roga Suthra
Prithvi - Earth - Mercury- legs
Flesh, Bones, Skin, Veins and Hair, Land, Bronse
Past events - 9th house to Lagna
Adhipathy Suthram----------Mrithyu Sutra
Adhipathy - Jalam - Venus - vasthi
Sweat,Blood, Urine, Saliva, Semen
Present events - 1st house to 5th house
Nakshatra Suthram----------Mrithyu Suthra
Nakshtra - Vayu - Saturn - vaksasu
Movements of the body
Present events - 1st house to 5th house
Maha Suthram----------Jeeva Suthra
Maha - Akash - Jupiter - sirasu
Dwesha, Raga, Moha, Bheethi(Fear), Jara(aging)
Future events - 5th house to 9th house
Amsaka Suthram----------Roga Suthra
Amsaka - Agni - Mars - udaram
Appetite, Thirst, weekness, body lusture
Future events - 5th house to the 9th house

In the above we find that every Sutra of Pancha Sutra except that of Jupiter is either roga sutra or
Mrithyu sutra. Special attention should be given to Samanya Sutra of Mercury, which is roga
sutra and legs is specifically mentioned.

This is confirms what is mentioned by Chandra Avastha in the beginning of this article.
Let us compare the rashi chart with Bhava Chart.

Sat Moo Sun, Ven, Ven, Moo Sun, Jup,

Jup Rah, Gul

Asc, Mer, Sat Asc, Mer

Rah, Gul

Rashi With lagna as
Madhyama Sputa

(Mar) Mar, Ket

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ÉUimò< iSwrc³< crit twakaz @v crc³<

c³iÖtyen )l< àîadaE p&CDta< vaCy<.

As per above verse, two type of chakras are mentioned. (1) One which is on the earth
(bhoomiShTaM) , (2) One which is in space (AakashaM). Though this verse has many meanings,
let us take what is relevant here in Birth Chart.

BhoomiShtam indicates the Rashi Chakra since Rashi’s are also called KshetraM. Note that we
live on earth and hence Bhoomi is very important. This makes the Rashi chakra the prime source
of information.

What is Aakasha chakra in this perspective?. We know that the Lagna is the ascension point in
space. That is why we require such factors as Declination etc of Sun for computing this
Ascension point that we call as lagna. In simple words, lagna is nothing but the rising point in
space. Going with this logic, the chakra that is formed from the lagna is nothing but the
Aakaasha chakra, which we call as Bhava Chakra.

Hence, Rashi chakra is the Bhoomi Chakra were we live and carry on our activities and Bhava
Chakra is the Aakasha Chakra and related with the Sun (Sun is the central point in Astrology).

In Bharateeya Jyotish, both are important, But slightly more weighteage could be given to the
rashi chakra due to our inhabitance on earth. It should be noted that persons dwelling in each
area do develop certain traits and characteristics peculiar to that land which strongly suggests the
influence of land and Rashi Chakra.
Most of the confusions in Astrology is due to mixing of these chakras with the underlying
Rashi’s. In fact the best way to view Bhava chakra is to use a circular chart that will totally
obliterate the use of rashis.

That said,

In the above charts and comparing with the Vimshottari dasa : Chidra of Venus which is
the 4th lord and Karaka for vehicles, Rashi chakra indicates the accident in a better way. In
the Bhava, Venus does not come in the aspect of Mars and its is with Moon, lagna lord. These
are why Rashi chakra was given prime importance by Acharyas. This statement does not mean
Bhava Chara should not be used or is less important. In this example Venus is with Moon (Mind
and love) together, which is a strong indicator of love life and marriages. So we cannot discount
the use of Bhava chakra either.

Like wise, Mercury is alone in the Bhava chakra and hence devoid of all ill effects as stated
earlier, which is very strong and relevant in actual life of the native. Hence this also points to the
importance of Rashi Chakra.

Off course we can always TRY to explain with others indicators like Saturn moving to the 8th or
with “Divisional Charts” or their Vimshottari dasa on research mode. But them isn’t better to
learn to identify what is glaring on your face first?

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If we look at the transit chart, we find that Saturn is transiting in the Trikona of Venus in Rashi
chart, Drekana varga, navamsa varga of Venus (4th lord).

tÄÑavaòmeza<zÔe:ka[e Öadza<zke

S)…qyaeg< gte mNde tÄÑavivnaznm!

S)…qa<zk< gte jIve tÄÑavemht! )lm!

ÉavaiÉv&iÏmaßaeit yaejyet! kalivÄm>.

Meaning: Compute the Dreshkaana, Navamsa & Dwadasamsa position of the 8th lord from any
bhava. When Saturn transits through these signs, the bhava shall be destroyed. When Jupiter
transits through them, the bhava shall florish.

Here Venus is also the 8th lord from the 4th house. Hence as per this, the result could be

Let us see the timing of Marriage now. I am not sure whether the word marriage is valid in the
strictest of Indian contest, since the values and relationships maintained by the society are
different and most of these people shall / may have long term very intimate relationship even
before marriage. The marriage is only a ritual conducted to provide official status to the
relationship. But in Indian contest, this is not entirely so.

Any way the marriage is supposed to have happened in Rahu-Jupiter-Ketu dasa. It is funny that
the marriage did not last long and she got divorced some time later. Ketu’s chidra as Kanda
Karaka is some thing very important since the relationship had to be broken.

Here also we can see a simple relationship: Rahu & Ketu are in the Lagna – 7th axis and Jupiter
is with Venus : kalatra karaka.

It is well known that Marriage shall happen in the dasa of 7th lord, planets in the 7th, planets
aspecting the 7th, planets having navamsa in the 7th, Venus & moon. There are many classical
citing to this effect. It not surprising that this simple rules is fully effective in the chart.

yae=Ste itòit yí pZyit tyaerSteiztuvaRw te-

naêfa<zÉnawyaeéznsStaraixnawSy va

yÖa l¶ps<iïta<zkpteyRiSmn! dza vapha-

rae=iSmn! SyaTsmye ivvah"qna rahaeí keic¾gu>.

The re-Marriage happened in Rahu-Sun-Mercury. This is also same as above as Mercury is the
lagna, thus aspecting the 7th house and sun is with Kalatra karaka Venus just like Jupiter Bhukti
during the first marriage.

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//Following the amputation of her leg in 1953, Frida became deeply depressed, losing her will to live.
Several times, she tried to kill herself, by hanging or overdose. All signs point to her death as a suicide by
overdose on 7/13/1954 in Mexico City. The last words in her diary are a list of people she thanked, and
the lines "I hope the leaving is joyful - and I hope never to return."//

l¶adœòmraze> SvÉavdae;aeÑva< m&tI— iv*at!

inxnezSy nva<ziSwtraizinimÄdae;jinta< va.

The death could happen due to reasons / humor belonging to the 8th house or the Navamsa rashi
of the 8th lord.

k…<Ée k…<Éa<ze va papyute VyaºzôÉujga*E>

kasJvryúmk«tEmRr[< äUyaTsmuiÎòm!.

If the 8th is Kumbha rashi or Navamsa of the 8th lord (as stated above), the death could happen
due to tigers, weapons, snakes, couph, fever and anemia etc. Note that Snakes indicates poison.
If we apply “desha, kaal, paritasthity”, one should think of snake poison instead of live snakes if
the land doesn’t have snakes.

S)aeqkivzôa*EJvre[ is<hiSwte va
If the said navamsa is that of Leo, the death could happen due to Tumors, poison, weapons and

So it is very clear that the indication of death is clearly available through the understanding of
simple classical texts.

In fact the chidra of Rahu is very clear coinciding with the Kumbha rashi.

Further if you look at the transit Saturn, It is at the same position of Thula when the accident
happened at the age of 18. So in the next round it killed the native. It is also in the Trikona of
Jupiter (8th lord from Moon), Venus – 8th lord from the 8th house (3rd house lord).

Dhanu rashu is having Tri-Puta and afflicted by retro mars, which is also 8th house from Moon.
Meena rashi is having Prana sputa and Karkata off course is afflicted by Rahu+Gulika+Mercury
and at the time of death, Saturn is aspecting the dhanu rashi as well as Karkata rashi.

So there are many factors that lead to the suicide of the native.

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zÇaejRy> i]itpmannkIiÄRlaÉ-

SSya½{fta nrtur<gmvahnaiÝ>


zô]t< ðe:mkaep< xnnaz< mhaÉy<

rajkaep< mnaeÊ>o< ivdzaya< rveStm>.

Need I point out more on the dasa factors and transit?

` tt! st!

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