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Please find the case below :

Business Opportunities in Indonesian Protein Landscape, Your team has been appointed to handle a client,
a multi-business conglomerate, looking to invest in Indonesia’s Protein Industry. As a part of the team, you
have been asked to make an analysis, including but not limited to:

Industry analysis of Protein in Indonesia, including its opportunities and challenges.

1) Who are the top four players in the industry?
2) What are their strengths and weaknesses?
3) If your client wants to penetrate the protein market in Indonesia, how will you formulate a strategy for
them, given your previous analysis?

-------------------------------------------------------End of Case----------------------------------------------------------

Please make a PowerPoint Presentation explaining your recommendations for the case. Several issues
regarding the presentation:

Please assume the role of a consultant when doing this case, and assume that this presentation is what you
are about to present towards your client Max 6 slides. We would highly encourage you to make it in this
particular model Please do not put any excessive animations. You will only be granted 20 minutes for your
presentation (excluding Q & A session), so please make and time your presentation efficiently Please use
the language that you feel will maximize your presentation (you may use English or Bahasa)

Please submit the document to at the latest Thursday, November 16th 2017, at
23.59 WIB.

Important note : Please brings CV, Laptop, Stationary, and then prepare yourself.

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