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Yoredale News

The Parish and Community

Magazine For
Masham, Healey, West Tanfield,
North Stainley and Well with Snape

November 2018

Masham, Healey, West Tanfield, North Stainley and Well with Snape.
November 2018
Volume 33 Number 11

Vicar: The Revd. David Cleeves, The Vicarage, Rodney Terrace, Masham,
HG4 4JA (01765 689255) email:
Curate: Revd. Nick Morgan 01765 635039 email:
Children & Youth Worker: contact Revd. David Cleeves

Masham Healey
Jim Hunter 01765 689828 Anne Ramsay 01765 689278
Irene Saunders 01765 688306 Delia Richmond 01765 658765
Cath Boshier 01765 688957
Nigel Bromhead 01677 460386 Well with Snape
John Knopp 01677 470204

West Tanfield North Stainley

David Bryant 01765 635206 Scilla Kealy 01765 635253
Christopher Bourne-Arton 01677 470385 Christine Waugh.01765 603802

Methodist Church: Minister: Rev. Dr. Pat Malham 01765 688556.

Leadership Team: Stewards:

Masham West Tanfield
Joy Rayden 01765 689310 Mr Simon Abel 01677 470297
Steve Laugher 01765 689559
Pauline Staton 01765 689175 Snape
Janet Newey 01765 689302 Graham Pentelow 01677 470904
Nigel Wright 01677 427249
Pete Hammond 688568.
Magazine Editor: Christine Greensit. 5 Chapman Lane, Masham HG4 4EE
Telephone: 01765 689711. Email:
Advertising. Lynn Simms.
or Telephone: 01765 689784
Material should either be posted or emailed to the editor who reserves the
right not to include items if space is limited.
Donations are always welcome. Please make cheques payable to
'Masham PCC' and sent to the editor. Thank you.
Closing Date for the December magazine is 10th November

From the Vicarage Learning From Remembrance
It has been called ‘The Great War’ and ‘The War To End All Wars’. Most
people today know it as the ‘First World War’. It began in 1914 and ended
with an armistice at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh
month in 1918. The total number of military and civilian casualties was
about 40 million: estimates range from 15 to 19 million deaths and about
23 million wounded military personnel, ranking it among the deadliest
conflicts in human history. The total number of deaths includes from 9 to 11
million military personnel. The civilian death toll was about 8 million,
including about 6 million due to war-related famine and disease and it’s
enduring legacy shaped the social, military and political fabric of the 20th
century. The human cost of war, from the First World War to the present,
is part of our remembering.
On the centenary of the Armistice which brought the fighting to an end, and
informed by the Christian faith, we will give thanks for peace, for those that
returned and those who died. We will remember all who suffered during
the First World War, those who returned scarred by warfare, those who
waited anxiously at home, and those who returned wounded, and
disillusioned; those who mourned and those communities that were
diminished and suffered loss. We will remember too those who acted with
kindly compassion, those who bravely risked their own lives for their
comrades, and those who in the aftermath of war, worked tirelessly for a
more peaceful world.
In each of the churches in the Masham group, for the last four years, as we
have marked the anniversary of the First World War, we have had
displayed a ‘A Credo For The Centenary Of World War One’. ‘Credo’
means ‘I believe’, it can also be defined as ‘a statement of the beliefs or
aims which guide someone's actions’.
The Credo contains the following statements:
Whilst some wars are necessary and just, war falls short of God’s will for
his children and his world.
Whilst wrong, wars bring out both the very best and very worst in people,
so we must both repent of the evil and celebrate the good.
Those who have died in war are gathered up into God’s eternal purposes,
so no human living and dying is in vain.
As we remember the fallen, so God remembers them for good.
Because all things will be reconciled in Christ, including ancient enemies,
we are under an obligation to work for reconciliation today.
The peoples of Europe and the world are interdependent on each other and
must celebrate and build on the fruits of peace.

Governments are obligated to defend the freedom and self-determination of
their own people and respect and honour those of other nations.
We have a duty and responsibility to care for the innocent victims of war.
It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.
Jesus says ‘Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called children of
On November 11th we will remember the victims of war, we will also pray
that God will grant us peace in our time and a longing for the day when
people of every language, race, and nation will be brought into the unity of
Christ’s kingdom.
David Cleeves

All Saints 10.45 a.m. North Stainley United Service of Holy

4th November Communion to say ‘goodbye’ to Nick Morgan

Remembrance 8.00 a.m. Masham Holy Communion

Sunday 10.45 a.m. Masham Service of Remembrance
11th November 10.45 a.m. West Tanfield Service of Remembrance
2.00 p.m. Healey Service at the Leeds Pals
4.00 p.m. North Stainley Service of Remembrance

Second Sunday 9.15 a.m. Healey Holy Communion

before Advent 9.15 a.m. North Stainley Holy Communion
18th November 10.45 a.m. Well Holy Communion
10.45 a.m. Masham Holy Communion
4.00 p.m. West Tanfield Evensong

Christ the King 8.00 a.m. Masham Holy Communion

25th November 10.45 a.m. West Tanfield Holy Communion
10.45 a.m. Masham Holy Communion
4.00 p.m. North Stainley Revive
4.00 p.m. Healey Evensong
4.00 p.m. Snape Evensong

Masham’s Tribute To The Fallen 1918- 2018- A Land Fit For Heroes
A musical play by Jim Hunter. Musical Director Ann Rudd
St. Mary’s Church, Masham -Friday 9th November at 7.30 pm
Tickets £7, young people under 16 £2, will be available at church services
and the Community office. In aid of Service charities.
Singing for Fun
It does you good. We always leave the church with a smile on our faces
once we have spent an hour, singing songs from the shows, musicals and
popular music, men or women, any age, always, we have ‘FUN’. We meet
on the second Tuesday of the month at 1.15 pm until 2.15 pm and then
have a tea or coffee. The next date is Tuesday 13th November.
Pie & Pint
An opportunity to share a meal, have a chat and put the world to right. Join
us for a Pie & Pint at the Bay Horse pub, Silver Street, for more information
and details of the next dates, contact Jim Hunter on 01765 689828.
Burns supper – Friday 25th January 2019, 7 pm, Town Hall, an evening of
Traditional Scottish food, and Burns songs & poems. Reservations are
being taken now and tickets will be sold at Autumn Brunch. Payment
please by Sunday 16th December. Proceeds to the aisle development in
the church. For further information, contact Lesley 01765 689828

Remembrance Sunday Sunday 11th November

10.00 a.m. Act of Remembrance at the site of the Old White Bear, Masham
10.30 a.m. Wreath Laying at the War Memorial in the churchyard, Masham
10.45 a.m. Service of Remembrance, St. Mary’s Church, Masham
10.45 a.m. Service of Remembrance, St. Nicholas’ Church, West Tanfield
2.00 p.m. Service of Remembrance at the Leeds Pals’ Memorial,
Colsterdale, Healey
4.00 p.m. Service of Remembrance at St. Mary’s, North Stainley

Reverend Nick Morgan

Nick has been appointed as Priest-in-Charge of the Bramham Benefice in
the Diocese of York. If you wish to make a contribution towards a leaving
gift for Nick, please give it to any of the Church Wardens or send it to The
Vicarage, Rodney Terrace, Masham, Ripon, HG4 4JA. Cheques should be
made payable to ‘Masham PCC’.
Nick’s Last Service
Nick’s farewell service with us will be on Sunday 4 th November with a 10.45
a.m. Holy Communion Service at St. Mary’s, North Stainley. This will be the
only service in our group of parishes on that day.
This will be followed by drinks and ‘nibbles’ in the Village Hall. If you are
able to come and stay for refreshments afterwards please bring a plate of
‘finger food’ with you. Wine and soft drinks will be provided.
Nick's Licensing.
Monday 26th November at 7.30pm at St Mary's Church, Boston Spa.
Parking is available in the Church Fields car park next to St Mary's.
5 It would be useful to have an
indication of likely numbers for catering and wearing purposes.
St Mary's has toilets, has flat access for wheelchairs and has a hearing
Christmas Crafts Saturday 1st December.
10.00 a.m. - 12 noon. In Masham School.
A morning of crafts, art & fun organised by St. Mary’s Church, Masham
To book a place contact Kate Cleeves on 01765 689255
Please note that a consent form needs to be completed at the start of the
morning. or email
Pre-school children over the age of three are welcome but should be
accompanied by an adult. A donation of £1 per child towards costs would
be gratefully received on the day.


Sunday 4th 10.30 am Masham Heather Garbutt
10.30 am West Tanfield No service
10.30 am Snape Mrs K Lowrie
4.00 p.m. Mashan Thanksgiving Service
6.30 pm Maple Creek Joy Rayden
6.30 pm Snape Rev. K.Wood

Sunday11th 10.30 am West Tanfield Mrs P Roberts

10.30 am Snape Rev.Dr. Pat Malham
10.45 a.m. Masham Joint Remembrance Service
at St Mary's Church,.
6.30 pm Ellington Rev.Dr Malham-sacrament
6.30 pm Snape John Little

Sunday 18th 10.30 am Masham Own Arrangement

10.30 am West Tanfield Rev.Malham-scrament
10.30 am Snape Mr Henderson
3.30 pm Snape Family Time Special.

Sunday 25th 10.30 am Masham John Bailey

10.30 am West Tanfield Mr R Dent
10.30 am Snape Mrs J. Bailey
6.30 p.m. Masham Kings Praise

Methodist News
The annual ecumenical Thanksgiving Service is an opportunity for those
who have lost loved ones to remember them and celebrate their lives.
You are very welcome to join us for any of our services.
Saturday Coffee Morning is open in the chapel School Room each week
from 10.30am to 12noon. A good place to refresh yourself on your way to or
from your Saturday shop!
Knitting Group. The results of the Poppy Project will be in evidence this
month when the poppies knitted over the last few months will be decorating
the churches to commemorate the centenary of the end of World War I.
This is the last in a long line of projects undertaken by the group for the
benefit of others, many of which were on sale at their stall at the Sheep
Fair. We meet every Tuesday afternoon in the Methodist School Room from
2pm and 4pm. We are very lively and supportive group and welcome new
members whether experts or novices. There are plenty of experienced
knitters to teach beginners or give advice on tricky patterns! If you want to
know more, give Liz a call on (01765) 689378 or just turn up on the day!
We have all the equipment and materials you need to get you started.
Wednesday Drop-In is the place to go for a good cup of coffee (or tea!)
and a chat. Interestingly, we tend to have a majority of men – who just love
to put the world to rights! You’ll find us in the Methodist School Room from
10.30am to 12noon every week.
Thursday Club meets on the second and fourth Thursday of each month in
the residents’ lounge at Maple Creek from 2.30-4.00pm. Singalongs, talks,
demonstrations, celebrations – and always conversation, fun and
refreshments! The club is open to everyone who fancies a bit of company
and entertainment on a Thursday afternoon.
October programme:
November 8th Remembrance Singalong with Jenifer Bullen
November 22nd Ros & Bob Arnold talking about their work in Uganda
Contact Pauline on (01765) 689175 or Janet on (01765) 689302 for more
Sunday Afternoon Drop-in is open every week in the residents’ lounge at
Maple Creek from 3.00 – 4.00pm. If your Sunday afternoon needs cheering
up, you are welcome to join us for conversation, refreshments, and a good
Hope Community Garden. The garden is put to rest for the winter now –
time to make plans for next year. Are you going to book one of the small

gardens? Can you come up with any additional uses for this community
space? Hold an event there? Volunteer to be on the maintenance team?
If you want to discuss any of these ideas, Jim Hunter is the man to talk to –
he can be contacted at the number below.
The HOPE Community Garden is joint enterprise of Masham Allotment
Association and HOPE Community Support. If you would like to be part of
this exciting project, or want any other information about HOPE, please
contact Joy Rayden on (01765) 689310 or Jim Hunter on (01765) 689828
Open every Wednesday, 12.30-3.30pm
at Masham Methodist Church
All those who come to the Wednesday Welcome Centre agree that it is a
very happy place to be. Whether you pop in for half an hour for a quick cup
of tea and a chat, or go the whole hog, joining us from 12.30pm for a bowl
of soup and cake and staying on to take part in the activities through to
3.30pm, you are guaranteed to find someone to talk to and something to
occupy your time. We are always open to suggestion for further activities.
At least once a month we like to have something topical to celebrate – in
September we featured the Sheep Fair.
We are open to everyone, but offer additional information and support for
people living with dementia through our contacts with Dementia Support,
Carers Resource, Red Cross and others. The Carers’ Group is now
meeting every third week – and we have just been joined by Mind, the
mental health specialists, who will be joining us on the first week of each
month. See below for more details of both these groups.
Do call in and see for yourself what we get up to.
If you would like more information about the centre, or would like to
volunteer, please contact Joy Rayden on (01765) 689310.
We now have Carers Group, within the Wednesday Welcome Centre at the
Methodist Church, but run by Carers Resource. It meets every third
Wednesday of the month, from 2.00-3.00pm, at the front of the church and
this month’s meeting is on 21st November.
Carers Resource long ago recognised the essential work done by carers,
and all the implications regarding their own needs. They are able to offer
emotional support, information about resources available, and, where
necessary, put you in touch with other agencies who may be able to offer
more specialised support. Meeting up with other carers, sharing
experiences, and perhaps finding an understanding which is difficult to find
elsewhere, is invaluable.

Please feel free just to turn up, and if you would like to know more, please
phone Isobel Holmes, who will be leading the group, at Carers Resource
on 01423 500555, or call in at the Wednesday Welcome Centre and ask for
Harrogate Mind are bringing their new outreach service to Masham’s
Wednesday Welcome Centre. These monthly sessions will take place on
the first week of every month between 12pm and 2pm. Their experienced
staff will be available to provide advice and support on mental health
matters, as well as being able to signpost you to other organisations that
can offer support.

There will be a fair trade stall on Saturday 3rd November in the Methodist
Church Hall from 10.30 am until 12 noon. Fair trade products as well as
Christmas cards and gifts available.

Blue Light Gallery: A group of like-minded individuals calling themselves

Bound Together are exhibiting at the Blue Light Gallery until Friday 23 rd
November. They share an artistic philosophy with the desire to create
forms in a number of materials. The processes employed involves the
effects of dyes, paint, inks, stitch, print, rust and wax on paper and fabric.
As books makers, they choose to display their work in forms as diverse as
concertina to Coptic stitched, codex forms to boxes and slipcases. The
Blue Light Gallery is open the same time as the Community Office:
Monday-Saturday, 10am-3pm. For more information about future
exhibitions or if you would like to exhibit, please contact The Blue Light
Gallery at the Community Office, 7 Little Market Place, Masham, HG4 4DY
or call 01765 680200.
Movies in Masham: The Breadwinner (12A) on Tuesday 6th November.
This inspiring and beautiful film is based on the bestselling novel by
Deborah Ellis. Parvana is an 11-year-old girl growing up under the Taliban
in Afghanistan in 2001. When her father is wrongfully accused. On
Tuesday 20th November, come and see The Guernsey Literary and
Potato Peel Pie Society (12A). In the aftermath of World War II, a writer
forms an unexpected bond with the residents of Guernsey Island when she
decides to write a book about their experiences during the war. When she
visits the island, her life changes in many ways. This beautiful story of love,
friendship and the sadness of friends lost stars Lily James as the writer,
alongside Tom Courtenay, Katherine Parkinson and fellow Downton Abbey
stars Penelope Wilton, Jessica Brown Findlay and Matthew Goode. All
films start at 7.30pm at Masham Town Hall. Tickets £5 from Mashamshire
Community Office, Tel: 01765 680200 or on the door. Come and enjoy the
full cinema experience, wine and soft drinks, sweets from Bah Humbugs
and Brymor ice cream. Supported by the Black Sheep Brewery.

Citizens Advice Drop-In Advice Session (Craven & Harrogate

Districts): at Mashamshire Community Office on Thursday 1st November
(and every first Thursday of the month). Drop-in session from 10am-noon.
Free, confidential, independent, impartial advice covering Debt, Benefits,
Housing, Employment and Consumer. Advice line 03444 111444
(standard rate) Email:
Email enquiry form:
Crafted by Hand: at Masham Town Hall on Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th
November from 10.00am-4.00pm. Showcasing the best makers and artists
from the North. Delicious homemade refreshments. £2.00 adults 50p
under 16’s. For more info
Cooking for Wellbeing: at Masham Methodist Church Hall on Monday 5th
November 1.30-3.30pm. This FREE 10 week course will help you
understand the principles of healthy eating and give you ideas of meals to
cook. To enrol onto this course or for more information, please contact
North Yorkshire County Council’s Customer Service Centre on 01609
780780 and ask for ‘adult learning in Harrogate’ or email

Mental Health First Aid England (FREE): at Masham Town Hall on

Monday 5th November from 1-4pm and the following 3 Monday afternoons.
Accredited four module training package exploring signs and symptoms of
mental health conditions. The course covers topics such as depression,
suicide, anxiety disorders and psychosis. This will provide help on a first
aid basis and lifesaving intervention resources. All sessions must be
attended. A detailed manual and work book. Book/More information call
Dave Pickard 0121 565 5605 or email

Dominoes: at Masham Golf Club on Thursday 8 th & 22nd November at

7.30pm. All members and guests welcome. £2 entry includes tea and
biscuits. Bar available throughout the evening. Prizes include £10 Rogers
Butchers voucher, wine and/or chocolates. For more information contact
Pauline or Richard Howard 01765 688649.
SYD Quiz Night: on Thursday 8th November at Masham Town Hall from
7.30pm. Entry £7 per head to include Pie & Pea Supper (veggie option
available). Get your team together (max 6) and please book in advance by
calling 07922 071266 or email Space
is limited and we need to know numbers for the supper. Bring your own
drinks and glasses. In aid of SYD Dog Rescue Kennels near Masham (All
proceeds go to the dogs in our care).
Masham Community Bonfire: Saturday 10th November at Masham
recreation ground (on the Holme). Fire lit at 6.30pm fireworks at 7.00pm.
The committee need help so if you can help setting up during the day,
and /or help on the night, please contact Arthur Plumpton on 01765

Motel California – Tribute to the Eagles: at Masham Town Hall on

Saturday 10th November at 7.30pm. Motel California return after their sell-
out appearance on Tour de Yorkshire day! One of the most respected
Eagles tribute bands around, they will take you on a musical journey
through 40 years of memorable melodies. A six-piece live band faithfully
reproducing the glorious harmonies and complex guitar parts of iconic
Eagles songs along with top ten solo hits from Glenn Frey, Don Henley and
Joe Walsh. Featuring three guitarists, bass, keyboards and a sax-playing
drummer, with every musician singing, Motel California deliver all the
timeless hits from each era of the Eagles catalogue. Tickets £12 from
Masham Community Office on 01765-680200 or email:

The Hut People: at Masham Town Hall on Saturday 17 th November at

7.30pm. Taking the audience on a musical journey around the world,
English instrumental duo The Hut People (Sam Pirt and Gary Hammond)
have firmly established themselves as one of the most unique, entertaining
and best-loved acts on the UK folk scene today. Mixing global rhythms with
folk tunes from Quebec to Spain, Scandinavia to Sussex and everywhere in
between, Tickets £10.00 available from Mashamshire Community Office
01765 680200 or email:
Slimming World: Every Monday, either from 5-6.30pm or 7-8.30pm at
Masham Town Hall. Just £9.95 on your first night then £4.95 a week.
Contact Cate, Slimming World Consultant on 07834 897533.
Keep Moving: For gentler exercise and movement at a steadier pace for
those of us challenged by age, weight, injury or indolence. Good company.
Every Monday at 10am at Masham Town Hall. Just turn up.

Karate: A new group starts meeting weekly from Tuesday 6 th November at
Masham Town Hall from 4-5pm. Open to all ages. For more information
contact James on 07870 409 846.

Pilates: is easy on your joints, improves flexibility, can ease back pain and
is great for toning muscles. It helps with concentration and improves focus
as well as re-educating your spine to improve posture. Tuesday evenings
from 7.30-8.30pm at Masham Methodist Hall and two classes on Thursday
mornings from 10am-noon at Fearby Village Hall. Classes have a
maximum of ten places and cost £36 for six sessions (six weeks). First
taster session costs £3. Please book your place by contacting Sue
at or call 07776 195694 for more information.
Please bring a mat, clothing that allows you to move freely and a water

Moo Music: Every Wednesday morning at Masham Town Hall from 10-
10.45am for 0-5year old children and their parents, grandparents or carers.
Great fun and interactive regular music session where the children sing,
dance and play. The sessions will help your child gain confidence and
develop memory, language and coordination skills in an exciting, enjoyable
and multi-sensory way. For more information, please contact Chantelle on
07841 939722 or email

Karumba Dance Fitness and Chart Hit Workout: every Wednesday

evening from 7.30-8.30pm at Masham Town Hall. Get fit and have fun with
easy to follow dance routines for all ages and levels of fitness. £4.50 per
class or buy 5 and get one free. For more details contact Karen: 07827
994936 or email:
Badminton Club: at Fearby & Healey Village Hall every Wednesday from
8-9pm. We’re always looking for new or more experienced players.
Rackets available to borrow. Pay as you go – £2.50 per week. Call 0780
8919541 for more information.

Rhythm Time: Fun music classes for your baby or toddler at Masham
Methodist Church Hall on Thursdays from 12.30-2.30pm. A chance to
develop your child’s confidence, creativity, listening skills, language,
numeracy and co-ordination. Free trial. Call Ami 07340 048804 for more
St Mary’s Church Youth Group: Open to children in years 5-8, runs every
Thursday during term time, in the small hall at Masham Town Hall, sessions
run from 6pm-7.15pm. A variety of activities that include baking, disco,
crafts and sports to name a few. Fruit and squash provided during the
session. Please contact Annie or Tim on 07786035243
or for more information. Adult volunteers also
needed, would you have a couple of hours to spare to help the young
people in Masham? Please contact Anne or Rev Cleeves on 01765
689255 for further information.
Litter Action: Please help to keep Mashamshire free of unsightly and
polluting litter by joining the newly-formed Greener Masham Action Group.
Visit to find out more and register to

Wondering how to get to an event, job interview or next week’s

appointment? Drivers can you help? You might already offer lifts and
share car journeys with your friends and family. Many of us travel with an
empty passenger seat because we don’t know of anyone who needs a lift,
while others struggle because they’ve got no wheels. In your community,
there is now a way that passengers and drivers can meet and share a lift,
no obligation, and no fuss and a great way to help and make a difference!
Regular and/or adhoc journeys welcomed. Please register your
journey today as either a driver or a passenger
Liftshare Registration Drop-in Sessions: for drivers and passengers
every Tuesday from 1-2.50pm and Thursdays from 11am-1pm throughout
November and December at Mashamshire Community Office. For more
information, please call 01765 680200 or

“Then & Now” Masham Calendar: A perfect Christmas present for those
that know Masham and those that don’t! Well-known local photographer
Steve Christian has helped us produce a stunning 2019 calendar, using old
pictures of well-known shops and buildings from the Making of
Mashamshire collection and blending them into current images. The
calendars are for sale at the Community Office for £9.00. All profits will be
split between Mashamshire Community Office and Making of Mashamshire.
For more information, please call 01765 680200 or come and see a sample
Christmas cards: We are also selling our very popular recycled
Community Office Christmas cards. £2.50 for a pack of 5 themed cards,
recycled by the people of Masham and sold in aid of the Community Office,
7 Little Market Place, Masham. Tel: 01765 680 200. Debit and credit cards
Masham Cricket Club
Well that’s stumps for the 2018 season! As we reflect upon another fun
filled, exciting summer of cricket our thoughts turn to preparations for the
2019 season. We are looking for new players to join our senior teams, new
junior coaches to run junior teams and helpers to assist with the
organisation of these teams, ladies to continue the growth of our ladies
team and of course we welcome children aged 5-16 years old to lour club.
If you are interested in becoming part of our club or would like some further
information please contact club Chairman, Mark Ellis on 07841 481785 or

Masham Local History Group

Tuesday 13th November- Ypres Bells and the WW1 Lorry-John Marshall.
Tuesday 27th November-The ancient Knaresborough Forest - past,
present and future- David Rhodes.
Meetings held in Masham Town Hall at 7.30pm. Non members are charged
£3 All are Welcome. Any enquiries to Roger Sarjeant - 01765 689396 -

Masham WI
Our next meeting will be held on Monday 12th November 2018 at Masham
Town Hall 7.15.Come and join in the fun with a practical workshop by
Carole Marriott. Who is an expert with CAZZERCERAMICS.. You will have
a chance to learn new techniques and paint your own special pot.
There will be an additional charge of £5 made payable on the evening
We hope all our members will come, visitor most welcome for £5 for
decorating and the usual £3.50. Refreshments will be served. Jean Jones

Amanda Chandler who is the Warden at Maple Creek, Masham has been
awarded 'Employee of the Year' by Harrogate Borough Council for her work
as Warden at Masham's sheltered housing. This is an annual award and
was made in June 2018. Congratulations to Amanda.

Masham Players
Masham Players presentation of a lovely northern comedy `Neville’s
Island ` is on November 23rd to 24 at Masham Town Hall Tickets £8 and £7
( under 16 over 65) Available from Masham Community Office 01765

Battle’s Over - A Nations Tribute- Sunday November 11th 2018West
Tanfield is playing it’s part in Battle’s Over, a nationwide day of
commemorative events marking the centenary of the end of World War 1,
with the following events;

6.00am Battle’s O’er

A floodlit lone piper, on the roof of St Nicholas church bell tower, will
commence the day’s commemorations with the traditional Scottish tune
played at the end of battle ‘Battle’s O’er’
Half-muffled church bells will be rung out.
10.45am Remembrance Service
A Remembrance Service will be held at St Nicholas church.
6.55pm The Last Post
The Last Post will sound from the roof of St Nicholas church bell tower.
7.00pm Beacon of Light
The West Tanfield Beacon will be lit signifying the light of peace that
emerged from the dreadful darkness of war
7.05pm Ringing Out for Peace
St Nicholas church bells will ring out in ‘Ringing Out for Peace’.

Peace Legacy
It is proposed that we form a Peace Trail in West Tanfield to celebrate
Peace and link the culture and community of the region.
A public meeting will be called to discuss the plan, details will be posted on
the village notice board. More information on Battle’s Over – A Nation’s
Tribute 11th November 2018 can also be found at

West Tanfield Flower Club

The next meeting will be on November 15th in West Tanfield Memorial Hall
at 7.30pm when there will be a workshop for Ladies and Members entitled
'Christmas is Coming'. There will be refreshments including mince pies.
Visitors are very welcome at a fee of £4.

West Tanfield Tennis Club

The final of the club tournament was held on Sunday 16th September
Winners Ladies Singles Judith Abel. Mens Singles . Tim Simpson
Ladies Doubles. Judith Abel and Charlotte Ash. Mens Doubles. Sam Cullen
and Steve Jones. Mixed Doubles. Jackie Cameron and Barrie Cole .

The Homemakers will meet in the school room at 7.30 pm on Monday 19th
November. Jennifer Bullen will speak on her visit to Rwanda.

St Nicholas CE Primary School, West Tanfield

We have had a great start to a new school year with lots of exciting
developments ahead. We look forward to welcoming Seedlings
Montessori who will be joining us shortly, offering childcare and education
places for children aged 2 years to 5+. After half-term, a new specialist
forest schools provider will be working in collaboration with our school staff
to provide outdoor learning opportunities for all our children in our fantastic
woodland area. If you would like to find out more about what our school
has to offer, please do give us a call on 01677 470329 or visit our website
The children continue to benefit from close links with our churches here in
West Tanfield, taking part in monthly Family Worship and half-termly Messy
Church sessions. Many thanks to the clergy of both churches and all the
volunteers, who give up their time to support our children. We always
welcome volunteers from the community to help in school, for example
reading with children, helping with art and craft activities, forest schools
activities, etc. Do get in touch if this sort of voluntary work appeals to you.
This term we have supported a range of charities, including Jeans for
Genes and the Aquabox appeal which is providing clean water following the
disaster in Indonesia. Through our Harvest appeal, we have also raised
money for the Farming Community Network and Compass Buzz, North
Lastly, a date for your diary: Everyone is welcome to our Christmas Fayre
on Saturday 10th November 10am – 2pm in West Tanfield Memorial Hall.
There will be lots of stalls, refreshments and a chance to win a Kindle Fire
in our raffle.


Reverse Advent Calendar
As a way of thinking of those less fortunate than ourselves this Christmas,
how about donating food to Hambleton Foodshare?
We will have boxes for food, Christmas goodies, toiletries etc in both
churches on Sunday 2nd December to Sunday 9th December and will
deliver to the Foodshare that week in time for Christmas.
Small gifts welcome....but no baked beans please! Feel free to leave at
Lyme Brook, Snape, or bring to the coffee morning on 30th November.
This was generously supported last year, let's do the same this year.
Alison Knopp for Well and Snape PCC

Wellies Craft Group –Tuesday 6th November at Antje Ream’s house,

everyone welcome, you don’t have to be ‘crafty’ to join in. Just come and
listen if you don’t have anything you particularly want to do. Phone 470426
for venue or ask to be added to the email list for the group if interested
Gift Aid Declaration - For St. Michael’s Church, Well, North Yorkshire
If you pay Income Tax completing this declaration means that St. Michael’s
Church can claim an extra 25% on your giving – at no cost to you.
Gift Aid is reclaimed by St. Mary’s Church from the tax you pay for the
current tax year.
Your address is needed to identify you as a current UK taxpayer.
I want to Gift Aid my donation of £................................. to Well P.C.C.
I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and or
Capital Gains Tax in the current tax year than the amount of Gift Aid
claimed on all my donations it is my responsibility to pay any difference.
Well Book Group - Meet on the second Tuesday in the month, 7.30 pm at
the Milbank Arms, everyone welcome
Well Ladies Coffee – Wednesday 14th November, 2.30 pm, Janet Bate’s
house, Fern Cottage, Church Street
Well Walkers – Longer walks of up to about 7 miles – Mondays 5th & 19th
November. Telephone 470305 for more information
Shorter, easier walks of up to 4 miles to take place on Mondays 12th & 26th
November, Tele 470426 for more information if you want to come along or
know of any shorter walks we could do or that you want to suggest.
All walks meet 10.00 am from Orchard House or meet at the start of the
walk, everyone welcome. There is an email group for the walkers and walk
information is emailed out to the group a few days before the walk happens
Well Oiled Fuel Club – This is now managed by Roger Hamby, tele
470426 or email Geoff and Liz Ross moved out
of the village in October, we wish them good luck in their new home and
thank them for everything they did during their time in the village.
Anyone who has not been contacted by Roger re ordering heating oil and
wants to be included, please get in touch to added to the email contact list.
Oil is ordered around three times a year in bulk which attracts a
considerable saving over ordering individually.
Well Parish Council – The next meeting of the Parish Council will be on
Monday 10th December, 7.00 pm at The Institute. Anything anyone wishes
to raise before then, please email the Clerk on
Well Village Website –, or email
Tree Planting Scheme In Well Churchyard
Following a report by a qualified arboriculturalist it has been found
necessary to fell some trees in the churchyard and to carry out remedial
work on others. However the Church Council would like to carry out a
planting scheme to replace the tress that have to be felled and to improve
the appearance of the churchyard. On the recommendation of the
arboriculturalist it is proposed to plant the rear boundary of the churchyard
with a line of English oak and silver birch. Other trees to be planted will
include lime, cedar and copper beech. The total cost of this work will be in
the region of £3,600. The planting scheme should beautify not only the
churchyard but the village of Well.
Donations may be sent to The Reverend David Cleeves, The Vicarage,
Rodney Terrace, Masham, Ripon, HG4 4JA. Please make cheques
payable to “St Michael’s Church Well PCC”.
If you pay tax you can make your donation even larger with Gift Aid (details
on the form below).

My Details

Title .................................................................

First name or initial(s) .........................................................

Surname .........................................................

Full Home
address .........................................................................................................



Postcode............................ Date ..............................................................

Signature ......................................................................................................
Data will only be kept for Gift Aid purposes as required by HMRC.
NOTE: Village Email Contact Group – I inadvertently removed all
programme files from my computer which resulted in me losing all my email
contacts. I have managed to input most of them for the village group,
however, if you are not receiving emails from me now and were before
early October, please contact me so that I can add you back onto my list or
include you if you haven’t been included before -
Your email address will not be disclosed to any other parties and kept

Defibrillator Code – the code for the defibrillator machine which is situated
on the side of the porch at The Milbank Arms is C147. It is also is on the
notice on the notice board across the road next to the bus shelter. Please
let the Clerk know in the event of it being used so that new pads can be

Christmas Fair
There will be Christmas Fair Coffee Morning on Saturday 24th November
with cake stall, tombola, bric-a-brac, hamper raffle and bacon rolls in Snape
Institute 10am to 1pm. Admission by donation, free coffee/tea and mince
pie. If you would like a stall to sell your own produce, please call Alison
Knopp 470204, £5 a table. Donations of cakes, jams etc welcome.
This is in aid of St Michael's Church, Well and Snape Castle Chapel and
will replace the normal monthly coffee morning in the schoolroom.


Methodist News
Craft and chat........held on Tuesday , 6th & 20th November, from 2-4 pm.
This friendly, welcoming, group enjoy their own crafts or a joint 1 over a
Under 5's........held each Wednesday from 10-12 for mums, dads, grans,
carers and their under 5's . This friendly group enjoy different activities as
well as fun and play.
Youth Club......held on Thursday, 8th &22nd November from 7-9 in the
Institute. They have a very varied of fun activities for all 11yr olds and over.
Sunshine Corner......held after school until 5pm on the 9th &23rd
November, for all primary school aged children. At the moment our
sessions of games, craft and quizzes etc are based around the story of
Monthly FREE coffee morning, ...........Saturday, 24th November, from 10-
12. Why not drop in for a coffee and chat.
Family Time Special
This is held in the institute on SUNDAY 18TH, from 3.30-5pm. This happy
family time is based around a bible story, with lots of crafts/games etc
connected to it. Followed by tea.

Act of Special Remembrance

This will be held as usual on the 11th, at 10.45 am at the Institute War
Memorial. Everyone is invited to come along and partake in this special
time, commemorating 100years. It will be led by Rev Pat Malham.
Refreshments will be provided in the chapel, afterwards.

Flower Festival
THANKYOU SO MUCH, to all the people who contributed in planning and
arranging the flowers and producing the wonderful displays representing at
least 15 groups from the village, as well as various other beautiful
arrangements, even including a cloud of flowers, all representing different
gifts. The thought ,talent and time that people gave to this idea has been
overwhelming, and much appreciated by so many. Thank you to all who
volunteered as stewards and serving refreshments.

Christmas Posada
Leading up to Christmas would you like to host part of a nativity scene that
is going to be passed from house to house in the village for people to
display visibly in their window or porch for a day or so, if they wish. Please
contact, Graham, or Joy if you would like to. This will then be displayed in
the chapel on the 23rd December.
Guild meetings.
These are being held in the schoolroom most Fridays at 7.30pm, leading
up to Christmas. They are evenings where we enjoy casually meeting and
learning together from others. Please feel free to come along. The
speakers for November are........
(Thursday !) 1st......Deacon Nigel Perrott.
Friday 9th...............New songs, singalong.
Friday 16th............Horizon Training from Killinghall.
Friday 23rd.............Claire Nelson, from the charity, Compassion.
Friday 30th.............Lister Baynes.
Christmas Choir practices
These will be held in November and December for the service at 6pm on
Sunday 23rd December. More details will follow soon. We'd love to have
you join us, whether for the 1st or 21st time.

Christmas Social
There will be a Christmas Social on Saturday 8th December from 7.30pm in
Snape Institute. There will be mulled wine, finger buffet, mini panto, table
quiz, carols sing-a-long and more. This is organised by St Mary's Church,
Snape in aid of Herriot Hospice Homecare. All are welcome so do come
along. Tickets £8 from David and Elizabeth Lickess at Bridge House,
telephone 01677 470077 or the Knopps, telephone 01677 470204.

Snape CF Care Charity- Great North Run - Thanks

Huge thank you to everyone who sponsored Pat Kilpatrick who ran the
Great North Run 13.1 miles in 3 hrs 8 mins on 9 September and is director
of the Cystic Fibrosis Care charity raising over £2000 so far, but it’s not too
late to still sponsor at
kilpatrickgreatnorthrun These funds will help patients at CF Units at
James Cook, the LGI and the RVI to help towards buying E- Flow
nebuilsers costing £700, provide individual patient grants for those
struggling in emergency situations such as a travel grant for patients
receiving a lifesaving lung transplant, Activity Packs costing £5 for both
children and young adults while staying in hospital. The charity also funds
nurses with the EDUCATECF training course for practitioner nurses to
become specialist nurses providing future care for CF patients. There is no
cure for CF and the average life expectancy is still in the late 30’s.
Contact CF Care, Westgarth, Snape, Bedale North Yorkshire DL8 2TJ
07857508900 Registered charity No.


Poppies for North Stainley?

Could you help us? Could you knit or crochet a few poppies??
Perhaps you have seen the amazing displays of knitted and crocheted
poppies which are going up around Ripon at the moment in preparation for
the 100th Anniversary of the end of World War 1 on 11th November.
Although we have left it a bit late, St Mary’s Church would like to do
something similar in North Stainley – we have plenty of railings etc which
we could decorate!
There are lots of simple patterns available on the internet. We have been
given some red wool, but any shade of red is OK. A few balls of wool and
patterns will be available in the back of the church.
It would be great if you could help us!

For further information please contact Jane Mansell (07801 253458 or Please pop any completed poppies in the
basket at the back of the church. THANK YOU!

North Stainley Christmas Coffee Morning

Saturday 24th November in The Village Hall
10.00 a.m. – 12 noon
In aid of the church and the school
Bacon sandwiches & other refreshments
Father Christmas
Raffle prizes to the school - marked as a prize please.

Safety and Security Event

A free safety and security event supported by NSSRT and open to all
residents was held in North Stainley Village Hall on the evening of
Thursday 20th September. Amid rain and blustery winds, around 40
residents did make the effort and were rewarded with some interesting
facts and ideas for the safety and security in their home surroundings. The
agencies who gave presentations were North Yorkshire Police, North
Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service, Yorkshire Ambulance Service & North
Yorkshire Trading Standards. Topics covered included cyber fraud, fraud in
general, the Neighbourhood Watch scheme, fire prevention, home security
visits and carbon monoxide & smoke alarms, dealing with Door-to-door
selling, community first responders and a defibrillator demonstration.
The presenters were enthusiastic and knowledgeable and after the
presentations there was a question and answer session and the opportunity
to ask specific questions one-to-one . It is hoped to organise similar events
later this year and into 2019 which will look at how we can protect
ourselves and our family and neighbours as they age.

North Stainley Arts Society with Rural Arts

North Stainley Village Hall Pocket Panto production of: Dick Whittington
Join our hero Dick Whittington as he seeks fame and fortune on the street
of old London Town. Fun and laughter at this lovely Panto .
North Stainley Village Hall : Sunday 16th of December from 1.30pm to
3.00pm: Tickets £6 from 01765 635236. email
Bar : Ice Creams, Soft Drinks, Sweets plus a little tipple of Christmas
Cheer for the adults.

North Stainley Arts Society are busy planning a ` Revue` to include
Song, Dance, Sketches to be presented early April 2019. If you have any
ideas for the show let us know We will be asking people who may be
interested to come to a get together in November. All ages young and not
so young keep your eyes peeled for the date and time. Ring 01765 635236
for more details
Post Office Van
The Post Office Van now comes on Mondays only, 1100 - 1200.
It's still at the former garage on the main road but no longer comes on

Bacon Church – St. Mary’s Church, North Stainley

Bacon rolls & real coffee. With a short time of prayer for the village
Thursdays 9.00 – 10.00 a.m.
18th October, 15th November, 6th December & 20th


St Paul's Church, Healey

A Coffee Morning will be held in Masham Town Hall on Saturday 17th
November from 9.30am until 1.00pm. Teas/Coffee, Bacon Butties, Cakes,
Produce,Bric a Brac, Books, Quiz, Tombola and much more.
Donations needed for cakes on the day please, Produce and Bric a Brac to
Anne Ramsay or Delia Richmond. Tombola prizes to Basil Sturdy. In aid of
St Paul's Church. All welcome.

Kell Bank Church of England Primary School

We would like to welcome pre-school children with their parents and carers
to Come and meet the staff and take a look at our school rated as
Outstanding by OFSTED.
If you would like to make an appointment or have any questions please
email or call on 01765 689410.

By the Cairn
On a Burn Valley day
As lads they marched away
Comrades, brothers, pals,
Leaving many a young belle
Who would remember them well

Into battles bitter fray

Soldiers gave those lads away,
to run the gunners prey.
Who knows how many fell
those left, silently remembered them well.

On an autumn day
By memorial they aren't far away
Those lads, soldiers, sons of Leeds.
Each of us bid our own farewell
as once again, we remember them well


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