T5 Wk12 - Story 6 Answer

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Story 6 The Child Kṛṣṇa Releases the Sons of Kubera

of Kubera two sons proud two sons by Nārada cursed become

kuberSy pu]O givRtO « pu]O n|rden zPtO #vt: «

two sons by the curse two trees enter One day by Kṛṣṇa butter grabbed

pu]O z|pen vºáO p/ivzt: « ékd| ;X-en nvnItm\ gºhItm\ «

Yaśodā angry becomes she Kṛṣṇa in a large bowl binds

yzod| kuipt| #vit « s| ;X-m\ ÑlU,le b+n|it «

he in two trees middle goes the large bowl two trees cut become

s: vºáyo: m+ye gC¡it « ÑlU,len vºáO i¡NnO #vt: «

two trees fall of the two trees inside two people are

vºáO ptt: « vºáyo: aNt: pu®xO St: «

the two people of Kubera two sons by Kṛṣṇa two sons freed become

pu®xO kuberSy pu]O « ;X-en pu]O muÇO #vt: »

Kubera’s two sons are proud.

The sons become cursed by Nārada.
By the curse, the sons enter two trees.
One day some butter is grabbed by Kṛṣṇa.
Yaśodā becomes angry.
She binds Kṛṣṇa in a large bowl.
He goes in the middle of two trees.
The trees become cut (split) by the bowl.
The trees fall.
Inside the trees are two people.
The two people are the two sons of Kubera.
The two sons become freed by Kṛṣṇa.

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