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FECMA Magazine for European Credit Managers


Insolvencies, country risks
and export risks
Austria raises the bar
for Credit Managers

fully in (credit) control

QICM shares best


Back office duties crucial

for getting paid on time

New network links collectors

and creditors globally
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First Words


Welcome to the third issue of Cre- ed the value of people talking to each
ditManager Europe, the final issue other. The need for co-operation and contents
before the FECMA Pan European Cre- understanding, listening and hea-
dit Conference, which is being held ring, is fundamental to good credit CME Background
in Budapest on 16th and 17th May, management, and whatever the
2013. Issue 3 is packed with articles technology and gadgetry availab- Credit management in enterprises 14-15
and information, both practical and le in today’s high speed world, that
relevant to today’s credit managers fundamental remains. It is doubtful Creditreform queries practicability 22
working in Europe, as indeed is the that back in 1944 Mr. Dean would
Auriga: Find dept collection partners 29-30
forthcoming Conference. The ve- have called it networking, but that’s
nue, the Hungarian Academy, is a what we call it, and Internet and all
magnificent building, full of history that entails is just another method Country- and export risks in Europe, 34-35
and beauty, as is the Hungarian ca- to be utilised. It is not a replacement 2011/12
pital itself, and reminds us that even for face to face, but it is a valuable
though built in an age of empire and enhancement. CME Column
glory, it has survived war and revo-
lution to continue to be a valuable FECMA strives to bring the credit An Oscar for the leading part 6
contributor to the affairs of the 21st managers of Europe closer together
century. in knowledge, professionalism, un- Waterloo – are we there yet? 11-12
derstanding and trust, and the Hun-
It was announced on the 7th January, garian Academy, once a jewel in the CME Community
2013, that Britain’s oldest man, Tho- crown of the Austria-Hungary Em-
FECMA Council Meeting 13
mas Reginald Dean, had died at the pire, is now the focal point for credit on 9th November 2012 in Prague
age of 110 years and 63 days. Born managers across Europe to meet, ex-
the year after the death of Queen change and forge new links. A winning night for ICM 2013 awards 23
Victoria, Mr. Dean lived through two
world wars, a great depression (one FECMA Credit Management Congress 24-25
could argue, perhaps, two great de- Program
pressions), the fall of empires, and
the redrawing of the map of Europe. FECMA Lifetime Achievement Award 26-27
During his life, he was the subject of
five British monarchs (though one CME Interview
was never crowned) and in the same
Insolvencies in Europe 31-32
period, the House of Commons wit-
nessed 26 Prime Ministers. The pace CME Practice
of technological change during tho-
se 110 years and 63 days is stagge- Glen Bullivant FICM Quality in Credit Management 4-5
ring when one looks back and sees it
in the context of the lifetime of one Getting paid on time 8-9
man – it is no exaggeration to say
that practically everything we take Responding to customers 17-18
for granted in 2013 happened after individually
QICM best practice examples 20-21

On the other hand, some things do CME News/Calender 10, 36-37

not change. Mr. Dean would have
understood the value of trust, and CME Last Words 38
therefore credit, and as an army cha-
plain serving in Burma in the Second CME Editorial 39
World War, he would have recognis-


A Credit Managers Perspective

In these days of financial uncertainty Aimia as a business have demon-

and instability, there has never been strated their support for our pro-
a time when the role of the credit gress and development in various
department, in any organisation, ways, all team members are either
has been more necessary or critical AICM or MICM (grad) members
to the success of the business. of the Institute of Credit Manage-
ment and further study in this area
As Credit Manager for Aimia Foods is keenly encouraged. Investment in
Ltd, a family owned business with training, learning and development
a £60m turnover, extreme vigilance, continue to be supported and re-
focus and investment, all play a part cent nominations for the British ICM
in ensuring that good cash flow is Credit Awards, where we have been
paramount, aged debt is controlled shortlisted for three categories,
Sharon Adams MICM (Grad) and any bad debts are kept to an ab- Credit Professional of the Year, Com-
Credit Manager Aimia Foods UK solute minimum. mercial Credit Team of the Year and Credit Employer of the Year have all
Where does QICM feature in this? been sponsored and encouraged by
Aimia as a mark of their confidence
QICM is the accreditation that dem- and faith in our abilities. For the
onstrates credit departments have business, Aimia have also included
reached a standard, set down by our QICM accreditation in company
the Institute of Credit Management. presentations in order to demon-
Their policies and procedures are strate to potential clients that we
right for their business and that the know how to manage our cash flow
intangible, the attitude, motivation, and that credit is taken seriously
dedication and commitment from within our business.
the credit team, leaves no-one in any
doubt that the sales ledger, the most Most significantly though, in 2012,
important aspect of any business, is Aimia invested in a business in-
in exactly the right hands. formation tool called Qlik View,
originally designed as a sales tool,
What impact has gaining the QICM after we had achieved the QICM ac-
Accreditation had on my depart- creditation, they decided to invest
ment and Aimia Foods? further and dedicate a section spe-
cifically to credit management. This
We achieved the QICM Accreditation tool has enabled ‘at a glance’ report-
in 2011, at the time, we felt a great ing in every aspect of credit and the
deal of pride and confidence that our analysis of the information easier to
policies and procedures did, in fact, ascertain. It has made a difference
meet the high standards laid down in reporting, dispute resolution, pay-
by the Institute, but, more than that, ment performance and credit notes
it prompted me to look at ways I where re-occurrence of problem
could improve the department, to areas are easily identified and high-
really make a difference and to raise lighted for action.
our game further.


This has become a ‘Best Practice’ seek and give advice over various as- To belong to the QICM Accredited
tool which I am able to share with pects of credit is something that we, group of companies and subsequent
other QICM accredited companies. in the credit profession, have waited Credit Community, from all areas of
a long time for. industry, not only demonstrates the
For me, as Credit Man- drive, passion and determination we
ager, the develop- These days, we expect all feel in trying to make a differ-
ment of the QICM To share best more from our In- ence and assist our own businesses
accreditation, the practise tips stitute and QICM in surviving the difficult economic
Best Practice Net- with some of the best gives us that, the climate but, as a whole, in contribut-
working events credit brains support, the net- ing to the economic recovery of our
and the contacts working facility, country by displaying high stand-
in the profession,
within this group the workshops, ards, best practise and commitment
of accredited com- …is something that we the introduction of to do just that.
panies has been have waited the ‘White Papers’
invaluable. To share a long time for. and Best Practice
best practise tips with examples all assist in
some of the best credit raising the standards in
brains in the profession, to the credit departments of
be able to talk about credit and to Uk businesses.


An Oscar
for the leading part:
Credit Manager as the hero in an economic crisis!

It could be a scenario in an economic Credit management can, for examp-

thriller, but unfortunately it is bitter le, continually deliver reports to cor-
reality: The current economic crisis porate management, keeping them
affects enterprises worldwide. Fewer apprised of the current status of the
orders, more payment defaults, and company, thus enabling them to react
high losses in sales are a constant quickly if necessary. Another impor-
threat. To detect risks in business re- tant partner of credit management
lationships early and manage their fi- is the sales department. By means of
nances successfully, companies must integrated workflows both depart-
work ever more with key figures and ments should merge their know-how
early warning systems. This is whe- and manage risks and opportunities
re credit management may get the of a customer together. Only if a
chance to play a leading part worthy company develops a 360-degree view
Dr. Michael Sauter CCM of an Academy Award: As an interface of a customer can existing sales po-
Executive Board Member SHS VIVEON AG for all customer information it has im- tentials be tapped successfully.
and Managing Director GUARDEAN GmbH portant data at its disposal relevant to other departments and ultimately to Guaranteed success thanks to credit
the entire company. Whereas a credit management
manager used to have a supporting In order to become a central function
role as manager of accounts receivab- within a company, credit manage-
le, he should now finally come out of ment must take an active role, clearly
the shadows. As an internal consul- define processes, and automate stan-
tant he can steer his company suc- dard processes. The road to success
cessfully through the crisis. may be rocky, but it‘s worth it – only
an excellent cooperation between
Casting the parts properly all departments enables a company
First, though, the view of many enter- to celebrate successes on all stages
prises of their own risk management of the world even in economically
needs to change. To gain an overview difficult times. Thanks to credit ma-
of all risks and to ensure liquidity, risk nagement the thriller then turns into
management must begin with the a story with a happy ending!
identification of potential customers
in sales and then be part of the entire
customer lifecycle. Credit manage-
ment should play a central part here
by gathering internal and external
information on a potential customer
early on, and continuing this process
during the business relationship. Cre-
dit management must then regularly
prompt various fellow protagonists
with this information – most impor-
tantly corporate management and

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Getting Paid on Time

Doing business in highly competitive and saturated markets obliges businesses
to focus their resources on meeting the needs and expectations of their cus-
tomers even more. But firms may tend to emphasise on providing high quality
products augmented with good customer service in order to attract more busi-
ness and maintain market share whilst may perceive the administrative paper-
work as less important. Nonetheless, the back office duties are also critical for
the smooth running of the business itself and also to continue sustaining good
customer relationship.

From a marketing perspective, sa- 1. Timely

tisfying and exceeding customers’
needs is surely essential for the suc- No invoice, no payment! Funny and
cess of a business but proper admi- obvious as it may sound, some firms
nistration is of equal significance issue invoices late or by the end of
and cannot be held over until there is the month and then expect to get
time for doing it. This applies for the paid on time or according to the ag-
invoicing process in particular. reed credit terms. An invoice should
be issued and served to the custo-
Lacking an efficient and accurate in- mer upon the delivery of the goods
voicing process may lead to late pay- purchased, mainly for two main rea-
ment and disputes with customers sons:
with the consequence of thwarting
Josef Busuttil the hard earned good customer re- a. Prompt Payment:
Director General Malta Association lationship and also prompting cash Experience shows us that the longer
of Credit Management flow difficulties to the firm supply- the invoice takes to be issued and ing the goods or services. Therefore, served to the customer, the longer
businesses should recognise the im- the customer takes to pay that in-
portance of the invoicing process and voice. Firms should always keep in
must perceive it as part of the whole mind that their customers may have
business transaction to the benefit of other suppliers that are requesting
both the seller and the buyer. payment. Firms are competing not
only when they are selling but also
The invoice when they are getting paid. There-
fore, efficiency in the billing process
An invoice may serve as an official may help the supplier to get paid be-
record of the sale to a customer but fore his competitors.
from a credit management point of
view, the main and sole scope of an b. Sound Cash Flow Management:
invoice is to facilitate payment for When credit terms are involved and
the goods and services provided to the invoice is issued late, the supplier
the customer. This implies that an himself would be extending the ag-
invoice should specify clearly the reed credit terms unintentionally to
amount owed by the customer, by the detriment of his cash flow and
when it should be paid and to whom profit. For example, if 30-days credit
the payment should be made. terms are agreed between the seller
and the buyer and the goods are deli-
Good credit management practice vered in the beginning of the month
suggests that a firm supplying goods but the invoice is only served by the
or services to customers should as- end of that month, the credit terms
sist its clientele to complete the sale may well be extended to 60 days by
by paying their dues on time. This can the supplier with a negative effect
only be possible if the invoice served on the bottom line!
to the customer is:


2. Accuracy The invoice should describe precise- tising clutters for better effectiven-
ly the goods and services purchased ess. It should be simple to read and
Customers will only pay undisputed together with the number of units easy to follow by the customer recei-
invoices. If customers disagree with purchased. The contact details of the ving it. Any discounts granted should
any detail that features in the in- customer and the address of the de- be shown and clearly calculated for
voice, they just don’t pay. Disputed livery of the goods supplied should ease of reference.
invoices cause not only late payment also be illustrated. The correct VAT
and cash flow difficulties but also number of the customer should be Living in an electronic era, it is sug-
operational inefficiencies to both the provided and checked for its validity. gested to include the Bankers’ details
seller and the buyer because to resol- of the supplier, the supplier’s account
ve disputes takes time and requires Clauses referring to the agreed credit number, IBAN and the BIC in case the
more internal resources. terms and to late payment interest customer prefers to pay electronically.
and charges, including any action
3. Completeness taken by the supplier in case of late Issuing an invoice to customers may
payment are always commendab- seem to be trivial by some firms but
The invoice should include the le and MACM Members should also in actual fact it is an important docu-
supplier’s details with the correct VAT include the caveat provided by the ment for both the customer and the
number. All contact details should be Association to adhere to the Data supplier alike. Invoice customers late,
prominently provided and this in- Protection provisions. be inaccurate in the figures provided,
cludes the telephone number of the be incomplete with the required infor-
supplier. It is to be remembered that 4. Understandable mation and send invoices that cannot
some customers may still prefer to be understood and you will drive up
make contact with their suppliers by The invoice should be clearly printed the cost of doing business for your cus-
phone and not electronically! on good quality paper with no adver- tomer and your firm to say the least!



Businesses should consider alternative funding mechanisms

James Caan, the serial entrepreneur, not only protect you from the dam- mentor. Start Up Loans is chaired by
is urging smaller businesses to take aging impact of not getting paid, James Caan.
more responsibility for their own ac- but more positively in taking on new
tions in getting paid, and to consider customers and even new markets, In addition to the Managing Cash-
alternative funding mechanisms in safe in the knowledge that you are flow Guides, the ICM also manages
order to keep the cash flowing. better informed,” he adds. the Prompt Payment Code (PPC) on
behalf of BIS.
Writing the first in a new series Caan says that professional credit
of guest blogs for the Institute of managers, and Members of the ICM “There is a clear appetite to learn
Credit Management (ICM), Caan specifically, have a critical role to play, more about the benefits of prompt
suggests that small businesses need and that they are already actively payment and effective cashflow
to act to remove the barriers to pay- supporting the UK recovery: “As pro- management,” he concludes, “and
ment: “The basics are, of course, to fessionals, it is incumbent upon the we will continue to support busi-
invoice on time, promptly and ac- ICM and its Members throughout nesses to ensure they get access to
curately,” he says. “They are also to 2013 and beyond to ensure that the the best advice wherever we can
ensure that your quote has been ac- support is there for these companies provide it.”
cepted, the product or service deliv- when they need it most.”
ered, and the terms and conditions
of payment agreed in advance. Philip King, Chief Executive of the
ICM, agrees, and highlights the re- To view James Caan’s guest blog,
“If you do nothing else but stick to cent surge in demand for the ICM’s please visit:
these simple rules, then your busi- Managing Cashflow Guides, pro- home/ceos-blog
ness will not only survive, but it duced for the Department for Busi-
will actually have every prospect ness, Innovation and Skills (BIS), that
of growing and contributing to the have now exceeded 400,000 down-
economic recovery that we so dearly loads. The most popular of the 12
seek.” Guides is the one entitled ‘Payment
And he says that there is more small
business can do: “The Government “Demand for the ‘Payment Terms’
is keen on encouraging the banks to Guide has almost doubled in the last
lend but alternative funding mecha- year (from c23,000 to c43,000) and
nisms such as factoring and invoice in total represents almost a quarter
discounting rarely deserve the nega- of all of the Guides downloaded*,”
tive publicity they are inclined to at- he says. “This provides graphic proof
tract, and Supply Chain Finance – a that many businesses are already
particular favourite of Government focused on keeping the cash flow-
in 2012 – also has its place for cer- ing and seeking professional advice
tain companies at certain times.” wherever it is available.”

Knowing your customer, Caan ac- As well as being CEO of the ICM,
knowledges, is a particular mantra King is also on the board of Start Up
of the ICM, and again the tools at Loans – a new Government vision
a company’s disposal – from credit to provide young and emerging tal-
reference agencies to credit insur- ent with access to start-up capital
ance – all have a role to play: “They and the expertise of an experienced


Waterloo has three great claims to fame. The first is obvious, and proba-
bly the most famous of all, with a date which lives in history, and certainly
helped change the world in which we all live – 6th April, 1974. Singing in
English, two girls and two boys from Sweden calling themselves Abba won
the Eurovision Song Contest. The second is one of London’s great railway
stations, situated near the River Thames South Bank and serving southern
England. First established in 1848, the present buildings began life in 1922.
As for the third claim to fame, suffice it to say that on Sunday 18th June
1815, a combined British/Prussian force finally ended the domination ambi-
tions of Napoleon Bonaparte at a place in present day Belgium which we
now refer to as Waterloo.

That result (Wellington 1 – Bona- even further right wing politicians.

parte 0) also signalled the beginning The Prime Minister, David Cameron, Glen Bullivant FICM
for the United Kingdom of a period wants a “new” relationship, but this President FECMA
known as “Splendid Isolation” and is more to do with what national
for about eighty years thereafter issues Brussels should handle and
the feature of British foreign policy which would be better handled at
was to maintain that splendid iso- individual national level – in other
lation. The actions of one of Queen words, less in the way of unneces-
Victoria’s grandsons towards the sary and inappropriate European Di-
end of that century put paid to all rectives. The Dutch have the answer
that, but let’s not dwell on that (of course – they always can be re-
here. All that we need say is that lied upon to be calm and sensib-
for over a century, Britain and Euro- le) and that is that all 27 countries
pe have been inextricably involved should sit together and decide
with each other, and that for the last together what is “European”
forty years Britain and Europe have and what is “National”.
been the same thing – an island, yes,
but an island off the coast of Euro-
pe and therefore, European. Hang
on a minute – not so, if you listen
to some on the Right of the UK Con-
servative Party and the United King-
dom Independence Party (UKIP). Lis-
ten to their outpourings, and it may
be 2013, but you could be forgiven
for thinking that we were back in
the era of “Splendid Isolation” again.

It is not the Euro this time – that to-

pic in terms of UK membership
is about as dead as a dung
beetle that has been trod-
den on by a rhinoceros. This
time it is a frenzy of “in
or out” being whipped up
by right wing media and


Everyone is alarmed by this current sident Obama has weighed in – the get from the UK to Mainland Euro-
UK approach, with pressure for a US definitely wants to see a strong pe indirectly? My specific advice to
referendum coming from some just UK as part of a strong Europe – and Mr Cameron is do not make Brussels
adding inflammatory pieces to the Germany certainly sees the UK as a your Waterloo – you don’t have Wel-
already growing fire. The problem necessary counter balance to France. lington and Blucher with you this
with referendums is that there can time.
be a temptation to vote with the My advice to all is to keep calm and
heart rather than the head, and ano- carry on. Until someone fills in the
ther piece of inappropriate European English Channel (or La Manche, if
legislation might just be one step you prefer), Britain will always be
too far. Of course, as one of my Itali- an island and a little relic of “Splen-
an colleagues said to me some years did Isolation” remains in the British
ago – “the trouble with you British is DNA. Just look at British trucks next
that if you do not like it, you argue time you drive on the autoroute or
and argue, but if you lose, then you autobahn – the advertising on the
sign up and implement to the letter. wagons will invariably say “Daily
We, on the other hand, sign up to Services – UK & Europe”. Some even
keep the peace, but then ignore. It say “Europe Direct” – just how far
makes for a much quieter life”. Pre- out of my way do I have to go to

Fecma council meeting

on 9th November 2012 in prague
The décor of the Fecma Council meeting this Autumn was the historical town of Prague in Czech Republic. The Czech
Association was the host. This young Association did do their utmost to arrange everything in an excellent way. The day
before the Council meeting Mark Harrison of the Czech Association (CZICM) did organised the first Credit Management
Conference in Czech Republic. It was a big success.

The Council talked about several dif- These chapters are:

ferent issues on Credit Management
in Europe. New Credit Management Chapter 1: Credit Policy
Associations are being set up in Aus- Chapter 2: The Invoice
tria, Switzerland and Poland. The Fec- Chapter 3: Risk Assessment
ma members try to help them were Chapter 4: M
 easuring Performance
possible. in Credit Management
Chapter 5: Minimum Requirements
Jim Logue of the Irish Credit Manage- Chapter 6: C
 ustomer Focus on Credit
ment Association (IICM) gave a pres- Management
entation about their new initiative, Chapter 7 on E-billing is almost ready
called the Best Practise Initiative. The and will be published soon.
IICM encountered that credit manag-
ers disappeared as a member after Levente Bogdany of the Hungarian As-
they finished their educational pro- sociation (HCMA) informed the Fecma
gram. To keep them on board of the Council about CMI Europe which was
Association they developed an accred- launched a couple of months ago. The
itation called Best Practice Initiative. first round started on July 1st and was
The philosophy is to encourage com- a great success. Hungary, the Neth-
panies to keep on putting effort in the erlands, the UK, France, Italy, Ireland,
profession of Credit Management. Czech Republic, Belgium and Malta
contributed. CMI Index is a perfect
In the UK the QICM is introduced. The tool to make Fecma more visible.
principle is the same. Right after the
meeting Chris Sanders gave a lively And of course the Fecma Council talked
presentation on the QICM. about the first Fecma Pan European
Congress which offers a platform for
The Fecma Council discussed the con- the expert exchange about the current
tent of the Guide to Credit Manage- status as well as ongoing developments
ment Practise throughout Europe. This in the field of international Credit Man-
Guide in on our website www.fecma. agement that will update and inform
eu and contains now 6 Chapters. participants through not only focussed
presentations held by well experienced
guest speakers, but also discussion
rounds with the articipants and finally
the intensive exchange with colleagues
from all over Europe.

This first Pan-European FECMA Credit Management Congress is in Budapest from May 16 to 17, 2013.
The title is: “European Best Practices – Inspiration for Credit Managers”

All the practical information about the Congress can be found on the website

If you want to know more about it, do not hesitate to contact the Secretariat of Fecma
by telephone: 00 31/35 69 54 103 or by email:


Credit Management
in enterprises
We like to inform readers, that on basis of the „Minimum requirements for the
Credit Management in Austria MRCM“ (Mindestanforderungen an das Credit
Management in Österreich) the Austrian Standard Institute, Vienna, decided to
announce a Norm (ÖNORM D 1040) for the issuance of certificates to confirm
the good quality of the credit management of the company upon application.
Current studies confirm that inadequately performed management of debtor
risk is one of the main reasons for the bankruptcy of companies.

Contents of the MRCM the standards take into account the

needs of various sizes of company
The objective of this Norm is the im- from different industries. We would
provement of credit management gladly let you know how you can set
in enterprises by issuing recognised up an adequate system for structured
guidelines for credit management by credit management in your organiza-
companies. This Norm contains the tion, based on the MRCM standard.
services available internally as well
as the organisation and the underly-
ing processes, the staff involved with
their expertise, their authority and
their ethical guidelines. The ÖNORM
will cover requirements regarding
Mag. Alfred Schuler appraisal and monitoring of credit-
Vice President worthiness, segmentation of clients,
Regionaldirektor Region Süd invoicing, reminder mechanism as
Bundesverband Credit Management well as legal steps including filing
Österreich e.V. lawsuits. Standards are laid down regarding personnel, vocational trai-
ning, communication with custo-
mers, delays, dunning methods and
key performance indicators. Not in-
cluded is the standardization of servi-
ces rendered by contractual partners
of the company like banks, insurance
companies, lawyers, information
agencies, consultants and debt coll-
ection agencies.

Credit Management for Non-Banking

Industry Companies

Protect yourself effectively against

bad debt losses and late payments.
With the MRCM (Minimum Require-
ments for Credit Management) cer-
tification of your loans. Developed
by the Bundesverband Credit Ma-
nagement Österreich (Federal Asso-
ciation Credit Management Austria)
together with practitioners from the
financial sector and real economy,


Who is the Austrian Standard Institute With a certified credit management We supported the standardization
audit by the Austrian Standard Insti- of the credit management and have
The Austrian Standards Institute is the tute you can expect to: been working on this issue for more
neutral Austrian platform recognis- than 2 years. We hope that we are
ed worldwide for national, European  M
 inimize bad debt losses and right in the assumption that a certi-
and international standardization. It improve your solvency rating ficate on the quality of the credit ma-
coordinates and manages the work of nagement will become a positive sign
5.900 experts. The experts are delega-  I mprove net cash flow for banks and other providers of ser-
ted by enterprises, authorities, testing vices like credit insurers, bond insu-
centres, research institutes and special  R
 aise staff awareness for use of rers, factoring institutes, information
interest groups. The Austrian Standard credit management processes agencies etc. A certificate of this kind
Institute is a neutral and independent should help in negotiating favourable
service organisation, not an authority.  T
 ap potentials for improvement terms of credit.
As a non-profit, private association it in your organization, processes,
provides since 1920 the platform for or documentation The first audit for obtaining a certi-
the development of norms, standards ficate by the Austrian Standard Cer-
and basic rules.  O
 ptimize your existing credit tificate will start in February/March
management system – from credit 2013.
checks to invoicing to debt recovery

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responding to
customers individually
thanks to a professional credit management system!
International forwarder Schmidt-Gevelsberg has to deal with a large volume of
orders every day. To ensure that it is nevertheless able to respond to each and
every customer individually, the company relies on a professional and effective
credit management system with software support.

It all started in 1893 with 18 horses that customer-oriented decisions are

and one heavy goods cart. In those particularly needed, as are speed and
days, the number of customers was flexibility. In order to be able to gua-
still manageable and individual sup- rantee ongoing high levels of quality
port and personal contact with cus- in this respect, the company set itself
tomers were both standard practice. the goal of enhancing its credit ma-
Today, almost 120 years later, inter- nagement system by degrees.
national forwarder Schmidt-Gevels- Klaus P. Böhme
berg has 20,000 m² of warehousing The opening shot was fired in au- Head of Finance and Controlling,
space, a transport fleet of 180 vehic- tumn 2010 with the introduction Schmidt-Gevelsberg GmbH
les and 120 swap bodies, and looks of GUARDEAN's DebiTEX credit ma-
after some 16,000 customers world- nagement software. The software
wide – 5,000 of whom are regular bundles all risk-related information
customers. This makes for a large from internal and external data sour-
volume of orders every day – from ces, such as information agencies for
both new and existing customers – example, and uses this to automa-
which isn't only a challenge for the tically derive a personalized credit
entire logistics process but also for limit for each individual customer.
the company's credit management The company additionally developed
system: decisions need to be made its own credit guidelines and evalu-
fast, whilst keeping one eye on all ated appropriate internal and exter-
the risks. nal information gathered for risk as-
sessment purposes. "The possibility
Just as it did in 1893, the company of consolidating a wide range of data About Schmidt-Gevelsberg
today places great importance on through the system as a basis for Schmidt-Gevelsberg GmbH is one
maintaining personal contact with decision-making, thus enabling swif- of the oldest established traditi-
its customers and looking after them ter and better decisions to be made, onal Transport and Logistics busi-
individually. Initially therefore, it att- was the main driver in convincing us nesses in Germany. The company’s
empted to continue administering to adopt DebiTEX. Furthermore, we performance has enabled it to
new applications and existing cus- are now able to factor in each of our grow continuously. The new Dis-
tomers manually, even in the field customers' individual circumstances. tribution Terminal in Schwelm
of credit management. The effort Instead of declining supposedly risky was completed in summer 2005.
was enormous, and led to a high risk contracts, we can instead select sui- Measuring 8,000 m² and with al-
of unsafe credit decisions. "What's table payment scenarios, for examp- most 90 bays, it means that the
more, we barely had any time left le. This creates trust on both sides, company is perfectly equipped for
to respond to customers individu- and lays the foundations for a loyal worldwide door-to-door services.
ally and take account of their overall and long-term relationship with our Schmidt-Gevelsberg GmbH now
situation when making decisions", customers”, commented Böhme. employs over 300 people and has
explained Klaus P. Böhme, Head of 20,000 m² of warehouse space, a
Finance and Controlling at Schmidt- The company's credit management fleet of 180 vehicles and 120 swap
Gevelsberg. But it's in precisely such personnel no longer have to deal body units.
a constantly changing and intensely with routine tasks as part of their
competitive market environment as day-to-day business, meaning that
the forwarding and logistics sector they can spend more time on cus-


tomer-oriented decisions. If a custo- product manager at TÜV Rheinland.

mer changes his payment habits, for "Our certification process gives com-
example, the credit manager will be panies' credit management depart-
informed via a list updated by the ments the opportunity to provide
system on a daily basis. As a result, transparent evidence that they have
the company can react quickly and achieved a given level of process qua-
can approach customers personally, lity."
where required. "We can ask them
where they're having difficulties "This certification enabled us to not
and then work out a joint solution only substantiate the quality of our
together. This goes down well with credit management system inter-
customers too", commented Böhme, nally, but also to deploy this to our ad-
recalling a case where a customer of vantage vis-à-vis external interested
several decades asked that his pay- parties, such as auditors and credit
ment deadline be extended for a par- insurers", added Böhme. Optimizing
ticular order. The team at Schmidt- its credit management system has
Gevelsberg dropped in to see him enabled the international forwarder
personally as a result. "Based on the to manage its risks better, and hence
data from DebiTEX we could see that to guarantee its own liquidity. "And
this customer had always paid his that is also important for our custo-
bills extremely punctually. He then mers, after all", concluded Böhme.
also explained to us the reasons for As a result, Schmidt-Gevelsberg can
his temporary liquidity squeeze and carry on offering the same excellent,
we worked out a solution together", personalized service that it always
said Böhme. "The customer was de- used to when it was first starting out
lighted and has remained loyal to us with its 18 horses.
ever since."

These positive experiences, together

with improved business ratios, have
borne out the company's decision:
a professional credit management
system not only reduces the risk
of bad debts, but also fosters long-
term, sustainable customer relati-
onships. As a result, Schmidt-Gevels-
berg is continuously enhancing its
credit management system – and
with success: in November 2011,
the company received official cer-
tification from TÜV Rheinland. This
confirms that Schmidt-Gevelsberg's
credit management system meets
the minimum requirements for cor-
porate credit management (CCM) as
defined by the Bundesverband Cre-
dit Management e.V. (German Asso-
ciation for Credit Management). “In
today’s environment, the success of
both major and mid-tier companies
depends on developing and profes-
sionalizing their credit management
systems", commented Horst Döller,

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QICM Best Practice

I believe that I have one of the best jobs in Credit Management as I spend my
time visiting credit management teams and talking to enthusiastic and passion-
ate people about credit management, from Directors of Credit to apprentices,
from experienced professionals to those who have just started their careers in
our industry. The one thing they have in common is a hunger for knowledge and a
desire to do better, as Brian Morgan the Credit Manager from Veolia Environmen-
tal Services says ‘We want to be better tomorrow than we are today.’

This one simple statement sets the Team Communication & Recognition
tone and the culture in everything
his department does, and like the For this I go back to Brian Morgan
best inventions and statements the and Veolia Environmental Services
simple ones are always the best. Team. Every morning at the start of
Chris Sanders MICM Like the ICM’s Quality in Credit Ma- the day they have session called ‘The
Head of Accreditation-QiCM nagement (QICM) accreditation, the Morning Boards’. There are around
Institute of Credit Management idea started with a simple question 6 different teams in the credit de- at the ICM2008 Conference from partment each with a notice board
Philip King (CEO ICM) ‘What does on wheels (2m x 1m) which has tar-
good look like?’ and 4 years later we gets, issues, meetings, absence and
have what we think are the right cri- objectives listed on it. The team lea-
teria to answer that question and ders run through their ‘board’ with
at the time of writing this we have their team including any systems
29 companies from many different problems, who is in and out of the
industries who have achieved the office, delegating work around the
QICM Accreditation. However, like department arranging holiday co-
all things one size doesn’t fit all and ver etc. Targets are reviewed and
one company’s Best Practice is diffe- discussed and actions noted. This in
rent from the next but the one thing itself is good but if an individual has
that all 29 have in common is a desi- achieved a good result, for example
re to be better tomorrow that they collecting an old debt or resolving a
are today and a willingness to share difficult dispute, the individual will
their ‘Best Practice’ with others, write this on a ‘post-it’ note and
and this fits in with the objective place this on the board. The next
of QICM to ‘Improve standards in morning the Team Leader gathers
Credit Management’. So I thought these up and in front of the team
that I would share some of the best the success is recognised and cele-
practice I have seen on my travels, as brated in front of the whole team.
you can appreciate there are a great A simple low cost idea which boosts
deal of interesting and innovative morale, recognises those who have
methods and procedures out there, done a good job and keeps the team
but I have picked 3 of the most inte- up to date on what is going on in
resting operational examples which the business.
are simple and low cost which can
be implemented anywhere and in
any organisation regardless of size,
complexity or industry.


DSO Drivers and Measurement increase awareness in credit ma- Best Practice in Credit Management
nagement within the business, the is everywhere and the characteris-
I saw this approach about 2 years credit team need to communicate tics of QICM Accredited Companies
ago at an ICM Masterclass Event in what they are doing and their plans is one of a constant desire to impro-
London, but understood it better for the future, so we added this to ve whilst sharing what they do well
when I went to meet Frank Ander- the QICM Accreditation Criteria. with others and for that I am very
son at AB Agri in the UK to comple- This has been a very successful int- grateful, as it makes my job interes-
te their QICM Renewal Assessment roduction and I have seen some ex- ting and I am always learning so-
last year. This is how Frank under- cellent ‘roadmaps’ and stakeholder mething, so many thanks to Brian,
stands the ‘content’ of his DSO and management plans on my travels, Frank and the other 27 QICM Com-
as a result where to focus time and from large companies like Siemens, panies for this.
effort on improving it. He shared Veolia and Shell to smaller organi-
this approach at the QICM Best sations and teams. The format and
Practice Conference in last year and contents of these plans may all be
got some very positive feedback. If different but the one thing they have
you understand what a DSO day is in common, like the credit manage-
worth to your business in terms of ment teams themselves, is a desire
debt then you can start doing this to share information with the
for yourself, for example if your DSO business and demonstrate
day is worth €2m and your debt in the benefits of good credit
query is €6m then simply put you management. The Cre-
have 3 DSO days tied up in dispu- dit Management teams
tes, this may then be something you who do this well, like
would want to discuss with the ma- those mentioned,
nager of the team responsible for become integrated
the resolution of disputes, sales or into the business
customer services. Frank has taken and form part of
this further, measuring in this sim- the management
ple way all aspects of his debtors team which de-
ledger, what is current, overdue, dis- termines the direction of
puted debt and type of disputes and the company and sales
the DSO for specific contracts and and marketing strate-
customers which may be outside gies. These ‘Credit Stra-
standard terms. This not only helps tegies’ are an approach
him to focus action but also ensures that some QICM Ac-
that ownership of the DSO measure credited Companies do
not only rests with the credit team extremely well and are
but also with others in the business perhaps a subject for
as well. another article!

Roadmap & Stakeholder


We formally introduced this new

QICM Criteria in May 2012 but had
piloted this in a number of assess-
ments prior to its introduction. We
had what I call the ‘technical’ crite-
ria in place like Credit Policy, Com-
pliance, Professional and Personal
Development, Performance Measu-
rement etc. from the beginning of
the QICM Accreditation Programme
but we recognised that in order to


Creditreform queries
of the European Small Claims Procedure. No significant improvement, inconsistent implementation across countries

Creditreform, founded 1879 in Ger- Creditreform, one of the largest procedures specifics. Thus, the ap-
many, is today the leading provider Euro­pean collection agencies with plication of witness statements can
of comprehensive credit manage- offices in 22 European countries be made at any time by either party,
ment solutions and services in Eu- and in China, considered the Euro- which means that the process must
rope and China. 4,500 skilled em- pean Small Claims Procedure (ESCP) be conducted in a nationwide com-
ployees in 169 offices in 22 countries substantially failed four years after mon adversary proceeding.
serve more than 150,000 clients. The its introduction. By ESCP procedures
group turnover in 2011 reached EUR like the realization of cross-border Taken as a whole, the procedure is
543 m. loans to small claims were supposed very complicated, and especially
to be simplified and speeded up. It small claims are often not economi-
In cooperation with nationally lead- is available to litigants as an alter- cal. “This is aggravated by the fact
ing partners Creditreform offers native to the national procedures that even four years after its offi-
expert credit reports on all active of the individual Member States is cial launch the ESCP is still not im-
companies worldwide. Creditre- available. The Regulation applies in plemented in all EU countries, and
form’s business information prod- all Member States of the European in some courts it is still largely un-
ucts permit a detailed insight into a Union except Denmark. known”, said Keusgen.
company’s solvency situation, such
as payment behaviour and financial For all practical purposes, the ESCP Generally, this procedure is only
status, including balance sheets and proves to be largely ineffective. “In for completely documentable and
profit and loss accounts. Through its countries where the implementa- “uncomplicated” demands – ideally
comprehensive database they offer tion chances were good even with- receivables from goods with proof
their clients online access to credit out the European Small Claims Pro- of chain from ordering to delivery
reports of more than 24 million cedure, the ratings we achieve with verification. However, it is not rec-
companies in 26 European countries. the procedure remain good – how- ommended for the enforcement of
Creditreform also assist its clients ever, in countries with low rates, claims for damages or cancellation
to collect their overdue accounts the chances of implementation us- fees.
receivable. Their local experts know ing this procedure remain low”, said
the language, business mentality Wolfgang Keusgen, Head of Depart- Based on the experience in the first
and legal particularities of each re- ment of International Services at four years since the introduction of
spective country. Handling the case Creditreform. the procedure, Creditreform has de-
locally often brings the debtor to cided to not consider ESCP within
agree to an amicable solu- In addition, the ESCP process the international debt collection
tion and so avoids the has often not led to the process. Instead, the court of small
hassle and cost of a desired simplifica- claims will be enforced only on the
court procedure. Creditreform’s tions. In most cases, proven ways as part of national debt
clients commissioned the process time collection procedures.
Cre di tre form’s the agency last year still exceeds one
clients commis- year. Besides, in
sioned the agency
to collect more than some countries,
last year to collect 2 million open claims enforcement costs
more than 2 mil- with a total volume are in no reason-
lion open claims of more than able proportion to
with a total volume EUR 1.2 bn. the amount receiv-
of more than EUR 1.2 able. This fact is also
bn. favored by complicated


A winning night
for ICM 2013 Awards
MORE than 400 guests donned black tie and evening gowns to attend the all-new
ICM British Credit Awards 2013 at London’s Hilton Park Lane earlier this month, and
recognise some of the very best from the world of commercial and consumer credit.

The winners included a broad range of there can only be one winner in each
businesses, including big names such category,” he said. “Everyone, whe­
as Britvic (Best Use of Credit Techno­ ther a winner or runner up, should be Sean Feast
logy), Experian (Credit Information proud of what they have achieved and Managing Editor
Provider for the Year) and Schenker recognise how well they have done.” Credit Management magazine
(Collections Team of the Year).
The ICM British Credit Awards 2013
It also included arguably perhaps less- were organised for the ICM by Incisive
er-known and more niche firms such Media, and presented by rugby legend
as SmartSearch (Fraud/AML Initiative Martin Bayfield. A full list of winners
of the Year), MarketInvoice (Commer- can be found in the supplement in the
cial Finance Provider of the Year) and middle of this issue.
Eaton – UK Electrical Division (Com-
mercial Credit Team of the Year).

Sharon Adams of AIMIA FOODS won

the title of Credit Professional of the
Year, with the judges – chaired by ICM
President Stephen Baister – describing
her work as simply ‘Outstanding’. The
biggest winner on the night, however,
was undoubtedly Veolia Environmen-
tal Services (UK). It scooped not only
Credit Employer of the Year but also
an individual prize for Charlotte Ash-
ford as the credit profession’s Best
Newcomer. Brian Morgan of Veolia
also won the ICM Achievement Award
for his acknowledged contribution to
best practice. Rugby legend Martin Bayfield

The Sir Roger Cork Prize, awarded to

the ICM student who achieves the
highest aggregate marks for ICM ex-
aminations within a calendar year,
went to Mark Tylar.

Speaking on the night, ICM Chief Ex-

ecutive Philip King said that the jud­
ges had some tough decisions to make
owing to the quality of entries: “The
judges reviewed some amazing sub- Philip King speaking at the all-new ICM British The Three Waiters entertain the audience
missions, and my one big regret is that Credit Awards 2013


PAN-European FECMA Credit Management Congress

Program | 16th May 2013
13:00 – 14:00 Registration

14:00 – 14:20 Welcome and Opening by FECMA

Glen Bullivant FICM, FECMA, United Kingdom

Welcome by Hungarian Credit Management Association

Péter Szentirmay, HCMA, Hungary

Dr. Erzsébet Antal 14:20 – 14:50 International Credit Management:

How to survive in today´s changing business environment
Claes Jacobsson, Scania Financial Services, Sweden

14:50 – 15:20 Credit Management Best Practices: What we can learn from each other
Willibrord Van Leeuwen, Wolters Kluwer, Netherlands

15:20 – 16:00 Networking coffee break

Alberto Bottoni 16:00 – 16:30 Global Economic Forecast & Risk Outlook:
What´s driving Credit Management?
Júlia Király, Magyar Nemzeti Bank / Central Bank of the Republic of Hungary,

16:30 – 17:00 Credit Management in Hungary: Status, Challenges and Outlook

Dr. Erzsébet Antal, Waberer’s International, Hungary

17:00 – 18:00 Panel discussion

Valérie Collot FICM Credit Management Strategies and Execution: a European Perspective

Philip King FICM, Institute of Credit Management, United Kingdom

Valérie Collot FICM, Sagem Defense Securite, France
Alberto Cotti, Donna Karan, Italy
Andrea Kelchen, Sapa Group, Hungary
Frederic Wittmans, Ingram Micro, Belgium

Alberto Cotti
18:00 – 19:30 Hotel Check-In

19:30 – 20:00 Registration for the Dinner

From 20:00 Dinner (with musical entertainment), opening speech and presentation
of “FECMA Lifetime Achievement Award”.
This event is also available for spouses at the price of € 49,00.

Claes Jacobsson


PAN-European FECMA Credit Management Congress

Program | 17th May 2013
8:30 – 9:00 Registration

9:00 – 9:10 Welcome and Opening by FECMA

Glen Bullivant FICM, FECMA, United Kingdom

9:10 – 9:45 Trends & Best Practices in Credit Management:

A Journey through Recent Findings
Prof. ir. Ludo Theunissen, University Gent, Belgium

Philip King FICM

9:45 – 10:20 Credit Management Building Blocks: How to manage Credit effectively
Dr. Michael Sauter CCM, SHS VIVEON, Germany

10:20 – 11:00 Networking coffee break

11:00 – 11:45 Credit Management Frameworks:

International Credit Policy and Credit Management KPIs
Maarit Siijärvi, UPM – The Biofore Company, Finland

Júlia Király 11:45 – 12:30 Credit Management Processes: Organisation, Automation

and Software Support
Andreas Wenzel, Agfa Graphics, Belgium

12:30 – 14:00 Networking lunch

14:00 – 14:45 Credit Management Principles: Quality and Excellence as Driving Forces
Brian Morgan FICM, Veolia Environmental Services, United Kingdom

14:45 – 15:30 International Credit Management:

Joerg Peter Kowalewski Organisational Models for Local and International Players
Alberto Bottoni, ABB Schweiz, Switzerland

15:30 – 16:00 Networking coffee break

16:00 – 16:30 Credit Management as a Profit Centre and the Role of the Credit Manager:
how to add Value to your business
Joerg Peter Kowalewski, km credit consulting, Germany

Brian Morgan FICM

16:30 – 17:00 Final get together with drinks and finger food

Andreas Wenzel


FECMA lifetime
achievement award
Determination – Stableness – Farsightedness – Eagerness – Motivation. Five
positive characteristics – united in one small bronze sculpture. The artist
Dieter von Levetzow, living in the Lower Rhine town Kranenburg – by the way
a great-grandnephew of Goethe´s last love Ulrike von Levetzow – has created
this sculpture exclusively for the FECMA (Federation of European Credit
Management Associations). “The decision was made last year”, the chairman
of the Bundesverband Credit Management e.V., Jan Schneider-Maessen empha-
sizes: “With this sculpture we want to honour a personality from the Credit
Management for her lifework,” Schneider-Maessen announces.

The awards ceremony is a premiere.

The person who will be awarded this
price remains a secret. At least up to
the FECMA congress that takes place
on May 16 and 17 in Budapest. It is
not a secret that the award is unique.
Dieter von Levetzow, who already at
the age of 16 became student of the
university of fine arts in Weimar, is a
philanthropist. His figural sculptures
that are not only visible in several
Low Rhine cities, express vivid ges-
tures and represent the orientation
towards life. His FECMA sculpture
shows a young man with his index wanted to express that the figure
finger raised: „With this gesture I looks towards the future“, Dieter


von Levetzow emphasizes. Levetzow

shows a young man – the artists´
preferred subject. For the 88-year old
juvenility symbolizes the relief from
this world upwards – to higher ambi-
tions: „With my sculptures, I attempt
to express the positive.“ Once more
he succeeded in doing so. Since this
sculpture stands for everything that
characterizes the personality that
will be awarded at the FECMA con-

„FECMA Best Practices – Inspiration

for the Credit Manager“ is the topic
of this congress. Based on the fact
that in the last months the econo-
my and commercial relations were
characterized by FECMA and global
turbulences, two exciting and in-
formative days are expected. As the
cross-border exchange of goods, ser-
vices and capital for a certain period
of time is characterized by unrivalled
dynamics. How does this affect the
practice of the Credit Managers
and how should be reacted? This
will be one of the topics. Apart from
speeches of renowned speakers the
congress offers a platform for pro-
fessional discussions on the current
status as well as on developments
within the international Credit Man-

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Auriga: Find debt collection

partners worldwide
According to data from the European Commission, European companies write
off 600 million euros every year in legitimate claims against foreign debtors.
The reason for this is that they do not have the expertise or ability to carry
their interests through effectively abroad. The new Auriga Credit Network
web portal offers a solution.

International debts management and took charge of distributing it. In

presents creditors with serious chal- 2003 he became Managing Director
lenges. Luigi Di Cerbo knows this. of Score Control AG.
The 48-year-old is one of the two
founders of Auriga Credit Network, A marketplace for open claims
a new web portal that makes it pos-
sible for creditors and debt collec- Auriga sees itself as “the gate to
tion companies to exchange collec- international credit management”:
tion jobs across borders. “Payment Creditors register open claims in an
deadlines, debts limitation rules online marketplace. Reputable debt
and jurisdiction differ between in- collection partners in the claims’
dividual countries, sometimes to a target countries make their services
considerable extent. On top of that, available. If both are in agreement,
Olaf Pauls there are cultural differences when they make a deal. All of this requires
Director addressing debtors. The process of- only a few clicks of the mouse. The
Auriga Credit Network ten fails because the creditor does principle even works if creditor and not know the debtor’s language and contractor speak different languag-
cannot effectively address difficul- es. The back-end software assists
ties with payment.” communication in the user’s own
language. “This solution is valuable
This is where the business idea to all creditors without an interna-
thought up by Luigi Di Cerbo and tional network,” says Pauls. No pre-
Olaf Pauls comes into play. They are vious knowledge of the software is
both experts in debts management required, continues the 45-year-old
and have more than two decades of IT expert. The portal is set up so
comprehensive and practical experi- practically and clearly that any cli-
ence. Di Cerbo, a lawyer, began his ent can use it without any problems.
career in Switzerland in the 80s at
Intrum Justitia AG. In 1993 he found- They start by logging into the web-
ed the debt collection company C&S site
Credit Management AG as a joint Clients register as “creditors”. In the
partner. After several stints in other “debtor” field, they then enter infor-
businesses in the industry, includ- mation on the claim, including the
ing Deltavista AG, in 2009 he began name and address of the debtor and
to work with the Swiss company information on the type of claim
Scorecontrol AG, which he still does and due date. As well as data on
today as Chairman of the Board of the main claim, details of second-
Directors and majority shareholder. ary claims can also be requested,
His business partner Olaf Pauls, also for example on fees and creditors’
trained in law, is a debts manage- expenses. There is also a calculator
ment IT expert. In Germany in the function to determine the accrued
90s, he developed a software pack- interest.
age for debt collection companies


Once this information has been gress reports. Partners are required tract, and again by receiving a share
provided, Auriga presents the client to update this area regularly. All of our turnover.”
with a list of available debt collec- documents needed to collect the
tion partners in the claim’s target debt, such as delivery notes or cop- What happens next? Auriga’s fig-
country, including debt collection ies of invoices, can easily be upload- ures clearly point to growth. “We
companies, credit bureaus, credit ed here by the creditor and made are getting more and more enquir-
management agencies, factoring available to the contractor. “In this ies,” says Di Cerbo. Even now, as the
businesses, lawyers or investigators way we can ensure that communi- business is starting out, they al-
offering their services through the cation takes place in a unified man- ready have more than 500 partners
portal. Symbols mark companies ner,” says Pauls, “and in the selected in over 100 countries. The portal is
that are members of associations language, of course.” When the pro- well networked internationally, and
which monitor the collection of cess is completed, the partner can a member of the European FENCA
debts. “That ensures reputability,” send the invoice to the creditor, also and of the globally present Associa-
says Di Cerbo. “Partners who reg- by upload. The parties transfer the tion of Credit and Collection Profes-
ister with Auriga automati- collected funds to each other sionals ACA.
cally agree to abide by directly.
the Code of Conduct The web portal Auriga is used by creditors from the
of the Federation of “The web portal finance, insurance, logistics and
functions as an
European National functions as an in- export industries. The portal is ul-
Collection Associa- in-house solution, house solution, timately valuable for companies in
tions, FENCA.” through which the through which all sectors. “Studies show that only
entire collection the entire collec- a third of all companies worldwide
Fast, secure and process can be tion process can use external debt collectors. There is
easy be managed from enormous potential here,” says the
managed from the
the creditor’s own IT expert Pauls.
The appropriate creditor’s own desk,” explains IT
partner can be se- desk expert Pauls. It pro- Since February, there has also been
lected from this list, and vides businesses with an interface available for transfer-
a contract can be awarded interfaces to the most com- ring large debt packages. This allows
directly. Alternatively, there is an monly used ERP systems. The portal mass debt collection contracts to be
“obtain a quote” field available. If is password-protected and secured assigned conveniently and securely.
the creditor clicks on it, all the part- with the latest encryption methods. “The whole thing works with do-
ners in the list are asked to pro- All data is saved securely in an ex- mestic claims too, of course, which
vide a quote for the claim supplied. ternal data centre. In the event of can be offered through Auriga to
“Within a few days the creditor will any problems, a telephone hotline is various debt collection companies
receive a number of offers to choose available. in a national pitch,” explains Pauls.
from,” explains Pauls. Communica- The quality and user-friendliness of
tion takes place through a mailbox Free to creditors the portal is also constantly being
system in the personal section of tested. “Auriga is continually being
the website. The system provides a As well as debt collection contracts, expanded and improved in the in-
convenient way for the creditor to there are also supporting functions terests of the users,” affirms Pauls.
distribute contracts simply by click- available such as address searches “For example, it will soon be possi-
ing the mouse. As one might imag- or debt financing products. “And the ble to use the web client to evaluate
ine, this requires very little time. All most important thing is that using partners’ quality, reply times and
the details of the offer remain in Auriga poses no financial risk to the trustworthiness. This builds trust,
the messaging system and can be creditor. Registration is absolutely which is indispensable for lasting
brought up again at any time. free of charge, as is setting con- success in an area as sensitive as
tracts.” The only costs are to debt debts management.”
The debt collection partners in the collection partners. These are 1 per
target countries can accept offers cent of the amount of the claim – a
that they receive through Auriga di- minimum of CHF 2.50 and a maxi-
rectly through the web portal. The mum of CHF 50. “A creditor also re-
debt’s collection package is filed ceives a bonus premium of 10 per
internally in the debt collection pro- cent of the partner’s acceptance fee,
cess area, through which the debt is paid by us, for each accepted collec-
now processed. Creditors can keep tion and search contract – so they
themselves informed on the collec- profit from it twice: once by award-
tion process here through live pro- ing an international collection con-


insolvencies in Europe
Inteview with Richard Dey, Managing Director at Verband der Verein Credit­
reform e.V., about Insolvencies in Europe, year 2011/12.

CM Magazine: Mr. Dey, do you think solvent services company has de-
that the economic situation of a clined. However, one in every three
country – marked by the dramatic business bankruptcies is in the ser-
crisis of the global economy – is vice sector and still has the largest
reflected in its bankruptcies? share of the insolvencies. About 10.0
percent of the bankruptcies were
Dey: There is a difference between registered in the manufacturing sec-
Central European and peripheral tor. In the other sectors, the number
countries. Most of all, the precarious of insolvencies has increased. The
situation of the economies of south- number of bankruptcies in the retail
ern Europe is reflected in insolvency: and hospitality industry is increasing
Greece, Spain, Italy, and Portugal are to almost 32.0 percent, followed by
among the countries with signifi- the share of the construction sector,
Richard Dey cant increases in the number of cor- which is increasing as well.
Managing Director Marketing, Sales porate insolvencies. Thanks to the
and International Services at relatively good performance in the CM Magazine: Mr. Dey, would you
Verband der Vereine Creditreform Central European countries like Ger- describe the insolvency situation in many, France, Austria and the Neth- Eastern Europe as tense?
erlands, the insolvency situation has
adopted no more dramatic extent. Dey: The economic environment in
Eastern European states was deter-
CM Magazine: So would you say that mined in large part by the debt cri-
peripheral countries are in the sha­ sis and the resulting consequences
dow of the debt crisis? in the Western European countries.
And overall, the situation in the face
Dey: Well, the number of corporate of the looming difficult credit situ-
insolvencies in the EU-15 countries ation for companies is tense. Thus,
plus Norway and Switzerland has ris- the increase in the number of busi-
en in the past year to about 180,000. ness fai­lures in Eastern Europe has
Thus, a slight increase compared increased. The largest increases
to the previous year was recorded were reported in Bulgaria, Slovenia
amongst the number of companies and Czech Republic. But on the other
affected by a bankruptcy. By histori- hand, a significant decline is regis-
cal standards, since the beginning tered in Latvia and Estonia.
of the financial crisis in 2008/09, Most bankruptcy cases in Eastern Eu-
the number of bankruptcy cases re- rope – more than on in every three –
mains at a high level. were attributable to the retail trade
and hospitality industry, followed by
CM Magazine: And do you think the share of the service sector. Al-
there is an increase in job losses of most one in five bankruptcies were
companies at risk of becoming insol- among the manufacturing sector.
vent? In Central and Eastern Europe, more
than 200,000 jobs are likely to be en-
Dey: Unfortunately, the aggravation dangered by insolvencies.
of the situation among European
insolvencies has impacted on the CM Magazine: And is a geographic
insolvency-related unemployment. difference in payment experiences
Thus, the number of impending job or, in other words, do companies
losses rose by about 7.0 percent. In in certain regions overdraw longer
Western Europe, the number of in- than in other regions?


Dey: Well, the tendency of last year’s CM Magazine: And, Mr. Dey, as a last
figures shows that companies in point, what trend do U.S. bankrupt-
the Mediterranean region overdraw cy figures show?
the longest. The poor payment his-
tories made by export-oriented Dey: In the U.S., the year 2011 was
German companies do not seem marked by debt reduction. The num-
to be promising for liquidity of the ber of personal bankruptcies de-
Southern Companies. So one in four clined. The insolvency situation in
German companies experienced a the corporate sector was equally en-
default in payment of more than a couraging. Since 2011, the number
month when it exported goods to of companies which had to declare
Italy. Equally, Spanish and Portu- insolvency is decreasing.
guese companies were considered
poor debtors. Almost a fourth of CM Magazine: Thank you very much
German exporting companies com- for the interview!
plained about customers from Spain
and Portugal, which were above the
agreed terms by 30 days. Business
relationships to Eastern Europe were
affected by similar problems. Only
one in ten German exporters had no
objection to payment default if de-
livering goods in countries such as
Romania, Croatia, the Czech Repub-
lic or Hungary.

In the Central European economies,

the situation seemed more posi-
tive. In more than three out of ten
cases, German companies export-
ing to Austria and Switzerland
were completely spared from
a late payment. The Bene­lux
countries appeared as rela-
tively good debtors. Nearly
one in four German compa-
nies which delivered goods
in these economies did not
suffer from late payments.

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Country- and export risks

in Europe, 2011/12
The German economy has recovered completely from the worldwide recession of 2008/2009 and has done so more
quickly than virtually any other economy in Europe. A key role in this rebound has been played by export business,
which has acted as a powerful driving force. Export-oriented companies report full order books and good turnover
figures, and they have stepped up the export-related proportion of their overall sales revenues. At present, more
than a quarter of all exporters (about 27.0 percent) achieve over half of their turnover with cross-border trade. In
the case of manufacturing firms, larger companies and those with lengthy export experience this proportion is
even higher.

“The economic upswing has led to a Currently, German exporters see po- for example, highlight default risks
further rise in the export ratio of Ger- tential for increasing their foreign and lengthy accounts outstanding.
man companies”, said Richard Dey, trade turnover above all in Russia/ The problem of very long payment
managing director at Verband der Ukraine, the Benelux countries and periods is also encountered by firms
Vereine Creditreform. This is shown Scandinavia, and then also in Roma- dealing with business partners in
in last year’s figures, where almost nia, Bulgaria and the Balkan states. Russia/Ukraine. Exporters experi-
half of the firms surveyed increased The specific focus depends on how ence bureaucratic obstacles above all
the export-generated share of their long a company has been in the ex- in the Baltic region, and in Romania,
sales revenues, while only few reg- port business. “For instance, German Bulgaria, Poland, Russia/Ukraine, but
istered lower year-on-year figures. firms with more than 25 years of ex- also in Italy and the Iberian Peninsula.
In particular, firms whose foreign port experience see growth oppor- A frequent additional factor in some
partners are in the wholesale/re- tunities above all in Eastern Europe of these countries is corruption.
tail sector have benefited from the and Russia. Firms with more limited
export boom, while above-average experience in the field of exports “The length of typical payment peri-
improvements in export business will next year tend to target Germa- ods varies substantially within the
are also reported by companies sup- ny’s immediate neighbours and the continent as a whole. The best per-
plying goods or services to Turkey, eurozone in general”, so Dey. formers in this respect are the Scan-
Spain/Portugal and the United King- dinavian countries, Austria, Switzer-
dom/Ireland. The biggest risks seen by German land and the Benelux states”, so Dey.
exporters are bad debts or customer Figures show that invoices sent to
Plans for further expansion in the insolvencies, and, more generally, these firms in these countries are
export field remain ambitious. In the the poor payment conduct of their generally paid within 30 days.
coming year, more than half of the European business partners. Round-
firms surveyed will seek to ing out the list of major risks On the other hand, when German
increase the export-gen- are possible exchange firms export goods or services to any
erated share of their rate fluctuations in of the countries suffering particu-
turnover. However, Expansion transactions with larly from the euro crisis, they have
this means that the of this kind will partners outside to reckon on waiting considerably
proportion of opti- the eurozone, the longer before their invoices are set-
also create more jobs:
mists has declined lack of reliable tled. The same applies to parts of
slightly. Further one firm in every business contacts, Eastern Europe. Only 20-25 percent
expansion in the four is now planning and the specific of those surveyed reported receipt
field of exports is to recruit more legal and tax con- of payment within 30 days. In the
planned especially personnel. ditions in the coun- case of Russia, Poland and the Baltic
by industrial compa- tries dealt with. In states, though, the spectrum of pay-
nies and construction this respect, there are ment conduct is very broad: whereas
firms. Expansion of this differences depending on some German exporters experience
kind will also create more jobs: the particular region being ad- comparatively short DSO (days sales
one firm in every four is now plan- dressed. An above-average number outstanding), others have to accept
ning to recruit more personnel. of companies exporting to the Bal- very long payment terms of more
tic states, Turkey or Eastern Europe, than 60 days.


In addition to
actual payment
periods, delayed pay-
ments represent another indicator
of a country’s payment conduct.
German exporters report that in The pro-
transactions with Austria, Switzer- portion of export-
land and the Scandinavian countries, ers suffering sizeable losses
payment deadlines are exceeded in the field of receivables – losses
only to a limited extent, with more of more than one percent of their
than one third of the relevant firms aggregate export-related sales rev-
receiving payment within the agreed enues – is only about 7.5 percent of
period and delays of more than 30 all the companies surveyed. At the
days representing rare exceptions. same time, only one firm in every
In Southern Europe (Italy, Spain and five suffered no uncollectable re-
Portugal), on the other hand, the ceivables at all. One factor leading
agreed term of payment is usually to the reduction in the scale of bad
exceeded. Around one German ex- debts has been the increasing pro-
porter in every four has to be pre- fessionalization of risk management
pared for payment to be delayed by and receivables management in
at least 30 days. Tardy payments are German companies.
also a frequent occurrence in trade
with Eastern Europe, but here the “To avoid having to write off losses,
length of the delay is less severe. German firms depend extensively
In fact, German firms report that on credit checks and commercial
compared with the prior year, the reports”, so Dey. Other frequently
payment conduct of their Eastern employed protective measures are
European partners has tended to demanding cash in advance, setting
improve, whereas there has been a credit limits and responding rapidly
year-on-year increase in payment to payment delays with the help of
delays in transactions with France, an efficient dunning system.
Spain/Portugal, and also the Benelux



Czech Republic: The CMI® – Credit Management Index
The institute of Credit Management – reflects the collective opinions and
in the Czech Republic have sought last expectations of German credit manag-
year a few national languages native ers. It is calculated quarterly based on
speaker for trainings in the Czech Re- assessments of economic trends deliv-
public. The benefit to the participants ered by the participating companies.
is that a native speaker knows the res-
pective market very well. The first trai-
ning started in October 2012 in ger- United Kingdom:
man language and were well received ICM and BIS monthly cashflow ‘tip’ to
by the participants and were continu- small businesses
ed in 2013 already successfully. The (January 2013) The Institute of Credit
next trainings are already planned. Management (ICM) and the Minister
of State for Business and Enterprise
The CMI® – Credit Management Index Michael Fallon have published their
– reflects the collective opinions and ex- monthly ‘tip’ for small businesses to
pectations of German credit managers. better manage their cashflow.
It is calculated quarterly based on as-
sessments of economic trends delivered “Supplying customers without the
by the participating companies. certainty of getting paid is crazy. Use
credit reference information sources
to find out all you can – it could save
Germany: you a bad debt.”
In January 2013 the CMI® – Credit
Management Index of BvCM e.V. The cashflow ‘tips’ are derived from
Deutschland – was launched. It is a the series of Managing Cashflow
key figure reflecting the risk expecta- Guides published by the ICM for BIS,
tions of experts specialising in credit of which there have now been more
management such as Certified Credit than 400,000 downloads.
Manager (CCM®) or Controller (CCC®).
The know-how of these occupational For further information, log on to
groups is an ideal basis for the early
detection of changes in liquidity-ori- uk/bisguides.htm
ented risk assessments, future eco-
nomic developments and trends.



26th March 2013 Risk management in SMEs, Vienna

25th April 2013 International Credit Management – Best practice, Gunskirchen/Wels

CALENDER germany

22nd March 2013 Kick off Certified Credit Manager®, Bochum

4th April 2013 Kick off Certified Credit Controller®, Hamburg
9th April 2013 Working Group International
11th April 2013 Kick off Certified Credit Controller®, Ingolstadt
17th April 2013 Regional Event, Wolfsburg
7th May 2013 Working Group Insolvence
15th May 2013 Certified Credit Manager Award 2013, Mainz

Calender Netherlands

21th March 2013 Credit Manager of the year congress, Houten
22th May 2013 General meeting of members, Nieuwegein
4th April 2013 Meet & Learn (no subject yet), Woerden
13th June 2013 Meet & Learn (no subject yet), Woerden
3th October 2013 Meet & Learn (no subject yet), Woerden
7th November 2013 Credit Expo, Niewegein

19th March 2013 Change Management Masterclass, Birmingham
21st March 2013 Credit Risk & Compliance Masterclass, Leeds
17th April 2013 Regional Roadshow, Newcastle
14th May 2013 Credit Risk & Compliance Masterclass, Manchester
22nd May 2013 Technology Masterclass, Birmingham
6th June 2013 Regional Roadshow, Southampton
11th June 2013 Technology Masterclass, Leeds
14th June 2013 Fellow’s Lunch, London
20th June 2013 ICM Education Conference, Birmingham

last words

Bank regulations –
it’s now or never!
Earlier this month The Netherlands was shocked by another bank nationalisa-
tion. Four years ago the disastrous attempted takeover of ABN AMRO led to the
nationalisation of not only ABN AMRO itself, but also of the remains of Fortis
Bank (the projected buyer of ABN AMRO).

At the same time ING Bank had to be How did we get into this mess, and,
bailed out by the Dutch government even more important, how do we get
after being affected badly by the glo- out? To answer this, we can look at
bal financial crisis. Now it’s the turn the conclusions of “Inside Job”, the
of SNS Reaal, a banking and insu- brilliant documentary about the glo-
rance conglomerate, which always bal financial crisis. This teaches us
had the profile of a friendly, “small the following lessons. First of all, the
Pieter Postmus town”, midsize financial institution, banking sector has to be regulated
Manager Global Unit, but went totally off the rails after ta- again, and regulated strictly. Second,
The Netherlands at Atradius king over the real estate arm of ABN the banks should be split into smal- AMRO (called “Bouwfonds”) in 2006. ler, manageable entities. Investment
In the mean time we have seen one banks and savings banks should be
of the biggest fraud cases in the his- separated. Third, the “old boys net-
tory of The Netherlands, where the work” of government officials, ban-
directors of Bouwfonds turned out kers, lawyers and scientists, who
to have cheated amongst others the simply had the freedom to do what
pension fund of Philips for tens of they wanted at the expense of the
millions of Euro’s. At the same time customers of the banks, should
Bouwfonds real estate investments, be cleaned away, and new people
like the building of a whole new city should be appointed to make sure
10 kilometres outside of Luxem- we make a fresh start. So far, not
bourg city, have gone astray, leaving a lot has changed, and it will take
SNS Reaal in a position where its cus- strong international leadership to re-
tomers took away their savings at a ally make progress. Hopefully Minis-
rate of half a billion euro’s a day (yes, ter Dijsselbloem, who has recently
another good old fashioned bank been appointed as chairman of the
run), and the Dutch Minister of Fi- Eurogroup, the forum of the Finance
nance Dijsselbloem saw no other op- Ministers of the European Union,
tion but to take over the bank. This can make the necessary changes on
decision costs the Dutch tax payer European level, and by doing so, lead
another 3.7 billion euro’s, at a time the way to a new and improved glo-
when the Dutch government has bal financial system.
just announced that it will imple-
ment cut backs for a total amount
of euro 18 billion in the coming 12 Pieter Postmus


Guidelines for Authors –

publishing information CreditManager Europe / FECMA Magazine for European Credit Managers

The “CreditManager Europe / CME” has one goal: to be the source of the best new ideas for pro-
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March 2013, 3rd Issue nagement Associations (FECMA) has built permanent links between national Credit Management
institutes and organisations and promoted co-operation, debate and discussion on all credit related
Herausgeber: topics. It has also allowed credit managers across Europe to talk to each other in a professional net-
Credit & Finance Verlag work, share advice and experience and develop closer understanding.
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CME's articles cover a wide range of topics within Credit Management that are relevant to different
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