Chapter I

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A. Background of The Study

Language is very important tool of communication used to communicate

between two or more people in carrying out their daily activities and hass main role to

make people understand. English is an international languange and the most important

language which is taught in the most countries in the world. In Indonesia it is treated

as the first foreign language, considered to br important for developing and applying

science and technology, ass well as for increasing International relationship and


There are four language skills that people need to comprehend English,

namely : speaking, reading, writing, and listening. Speaking is one of communication

learning tahat help students to communicate by using English language. By speaking

students can say everything that they have their mind. The goal of teaching speaking

in a language class shpuld encourage the acquisition of communication skill and real

communication out of calss.

According to Fulcher (2003:03) speaking is the verbal use of language to

communicate with other. In speaking, there is a process of communication between a

speaker and listener. The words talk about perception feeling. They want to

undrestand. Then listener turns words trying to reconstruct. The perceptions that they

are meant to understand.

Based on the my experience when teaching practice (PPL) in SMK Negeri 1

Percut Sei Tuan, many students were not able to speaking English well. The student

got difficulties in speaking English well and also feel bored during teaching and

learning process. It made them stress and lazy to learn English. Based on experience

above, students need creative and motivating teaching technique to increase their

attention and ability in learning English, especially speaking. There are many

techniques in teaching; one of them is Debate technique. In teaching learning process,

debate technique can attract students’ attention to study, speak up and be acctive in

the class by using debating technique.

Because by using debating technique the students will able to communicate

and give arguments in English well, and also by this technique the student know how

the manner to speak up and automatically they will be active in the class by giving the

motion that’s it relate with their life. Because this reason I make the title of my

research is “ Improving student’s speaking achievement through debating technique in

SMK N 1 Percut Sei Tuan.

B. The Problem of The Study

Based on the background of the problem above, the problem of study is formulated by

following : “ does students’ achievement in speaking significantly improved if they

are taught by appling debating technique?

C. The Objective of The Study

The objective of the study is to find out whether the debate technique improved

student’s achievement in speaking on third grade in SMK N 1 Percut Sei Tuan.

D. The Scope of The Study

The scope of this study is limited on the uses or function ojf debate technique as

strategy in improving student’s achievement on third grade in SMK N 1 Percut Sei


E. The significance of The Study

The result of this study will be hopefully useful for :

1. The teachers to gain information about debate technique and apply the strategy in

teaching speaking in the classroom.

2. The students to practice how to debate and understand how to improve their

achievement in speaking.

3. For readers who are interested in this study, it will be the basic information how to

improve the students’ ability in speaking.

F. Hypothesis

The hypothesis of this study was prepared as a tentative for the research problem

stated previously. In this case the alternative hypothesis as read follows :

Ha : The students’ achievement in speaking can improve through debate technique in

SMK N 1 Percut Sei Tuan.

Ho : The student’s achievement in speaking can not improve through debate

technique in SMK N 1 Percut Sei Tuan.



A. Theoretical Framework

In supporting the idea of the research, theories are needed to explain some

concepts or terms applied in the research, the terms must be clarified to avoid

confusion. In doing research theoriesare need to explain some concept and term to be

applied in research, concern which took from many sources to avoid

misunderstanding between the writer and the readers. In other words, the following

are considered to be important to discuss clarifying the concepts used, so that the

readers got the point clearly.

1. Students’Achievement in Speaking

Speaking achievement ( retrieved from : NSELS_36 comparing literacy

achievements.html) is the achievement of the student in their ability to speak and

to communicate orally which can be determined by the scoring of speaking

achievementit is not only to apply the grammatically correct sentences, but also to

know when, where, and to whom to use the sentences. The concept of fluency

reflects the assumption that the speaker set out to produce discourse that is

comprehensible, even though this goal is often doesn’t find due to processing and

production demands.

According to Hornby ( 1995 :10), achievement is a thing done successfully,

especially with effort and skill. Indeed, someone cannot achieve a proficiency

especially students in this study without a very strong exercise.

From the definition above, the writer concludes that the speaking achievement

is a success of students in expressing their understanding about the material orally

to the listener. A teacher can observe the studdent’s achievement based on the

observation of a performance that the student make in the classroom.

2. Speaking

Speaking is one of communication learning that helps students to

communicate by using English Language. Speaking also is an interactive process

of constructing meaning which involves producing, receiving and processing

information. By speaking students can say everything that they have in their mind.

The goal of teaching speaking in a languge class should encourage the acquisition

of communication skill and to foster real communication in out of the classroom.

According to Fulcher ( 2003:03) speaking is the verbal use of language to

communicate with other. In speaking, there is a process of communication

between a speaker and listener. Then listener turns words trying to reconstruct.

The perception that they are meant to understand. In addition hughes ( 2002:135)

states that :

a. Speaking fundamentally is an interview task

b. Speaking happens underreal – time process constraint

c. Speaking is more fundamentally linked to the individual who produces it than

the written form is

3. The Purpose of Speaking

Harmer (2003:40) says that communication occurs become there is

communicative purpose between speaker and listener. The communication

purpose for the speaker could be :

a. They want to say something

b. They have some communicative purpose: speaker say something because they

want something to happen as a result of what they say.

c. They select from their language store. Speaker have an inventive capacity l[to

creat new sentences. In order to achieve this communicativepurpose they will

select the language, they think it is appropriate for this purpose.

Student achievement in speaking is the student can speak English with their

own words mthat the other students know and understand what they say

especially in debate, they can say something and give arguments or ideas

based on the topic, so from it the writer can see the succes of the students in

speaking ability.

4. Speaking Assessment

Hughes (1989) states that the proper relationship between teaching and

assessment in partnership. Assessment process can also help the teacher know the

ability of each students. In debating technique, there are some points need to be

evaluated. Students should be able to speak English when they deliver their

arguments and ideas well and based on the topic or motion well.

Assessment in Asian Parliamentary Debate

Matter Manner Method Meaning

27 27 27 Very Poor

28-29 28-29 28-29 Below Average

30 30 30 Average

31-32 31-32 31-32 Above average-good

33 33 33 Very good

a. Matter is the content of speech. It is the arguments a speaker to further his or her case

and persuade the listener. For example : case study, facts and others material.

b. Manner is the presentation of the speech. It is style and structure a speaker uses to

further his or her case to persuade the listener.

c. Method is the response to dynamics of the debate and the observance of the debate

and the observance of the rules of debate.

5. Technique

According to ( is the manner and

ability with which an artist, writer, dancer, athhlete, or the like employ the

technical skills of a particular and art or field of endeavor. From the technique the

writer knew how far the technique increased the ability and the uses of this

technique itself.

6. Debate

Debate is basically, an argument. A debate is a contest, or perhaps, like a

game, where two or more speakers present their arguments intent on persuading

one onother. Snider & Schnurer (2002:19) a debate is communication event,

where the mode of operation is oral or written communication and serves as

performance as well as method of transmitting ideas and arguments.

Based onn Tremblay (2004); a debate is an arena where, usually, one person

presents a case and another tries to show that the case invalid. Dabate technique

involves a group of students informed a particular topic, and then the students

present this information and interact in discussion.

Thus true debate depends on the presence of four characteristic of arguments :

a. Development, through which arguments are advanced and supported

b. Clash, through which arguments are properly disputed

c. Extension, through which arhuments are defended against refutation; and

d. Perspective, through which individual arguments are rrelated to larger


7. Debate Technique

According Tremblay (2004); the technique of debating is an art of articulation

of thoughts and delivery of speech. Dynamics of debate and intensive interactions

between the debate teams challenge each debater to win an exciting competition.

Deabte can stimulate way to explore new ideas. Debate technique involves a

group of students informed a particular topic, and then the students present this

information and interact in discussion.

8. Types of Debate

a. Parliamentary Debate : this is the debating that goes on colleges and

universities. Parliamentary debates have relatively few rules; they features less

jargon and fewer theoretical arguments. The rules of parliamentary debating

are premarily designed to ensure that debates are evenly matched and


b. Lincoln-Douglas Debate (also called value debate) is modeled after the

namesake for the activity. In LD debate two contestants will debate topics

centered around moral issues or proposition of value or preference. Here are

some examples of topic appropriate for LD debate : capital punishment;

abortion; or euthanasia.

c. Cross Examination Debate ( also called policy debate or team debate) in this

type of debate two teams ( two students each), one representing the affirmative

position and one representing the negative position, will debate topic of public

or goverment policy.

d. Academic Debate. These are debates of a purely academic nature, an example

of this type of debate would be creation/evolution debates.

According the types of debate the writer choose the parliamentary

debate because it is debating that goes on in senior high school student and

also colleges universities.

9. The Advantages of Debate Technique

Based on debate technique gives advantages to the

teacher and the students. The advantages of debate technique in speaking class are

allow one to see a different point of view, learn from each other, develop

knowledge and opinions and make better informed arguments.

The others are that the students were shy became brave students to speak what

they want to say based on motions and the students who like speak up

uncontrollod became control and wise in speak especially in debate.

B. Conceptual Framework

English Speaking is one of English basic skill which is needed to be mastered

in teaching especially English teacher. It needs a good technique to motivate

students to speak english. One of the technique is debate technique.

Debating is one of technique that can help students in developing their

speaking and critical thinking skill. It is valuable learning activity for teaching

critical thinking and improving communication skills.

Debate is an excellent activity for language learning. The writer beleives that

debate technique is not only improve the student’s speaking achievement, but also

stimulate the students’ critical thinking. By using debate technique, student can

enhance their speaking profiency.

Therefore debating technique can improve the students’achievement in

speaking skill. They know how to discuss with debate technique well and know

how tospeak well the motion or topic that skill relate.



A. Research Design

The research conducted by applying Classroom Action Research. Ebbut was

quoted by Hopkins (1993:45) stated that action research is about the systematic study

of attempts to improve educational practice by groups of participants by means of

their own practical action and by means of their own refection upon the effects of

those actions.

Based on the experts’ statement above, it concluded that action research is a very

effective way of helping teachers to reflect on their teaching and to comr up with their

own alternative to improve their practice.

1. The researchers want to know more about our learners, and what they need in

motivating them.

2. The researchers want to learn more about ourselves as teachers and how effective

the research are, how we look to our students, and how we will look ourselves of

we are observing our own teaching.

3. The research can reflect on result of certain activities and plan well the next step

for achieving the goal of learning.

In addition, Wallace (1998:18) states that action research is different from

other conventionalor traditional or small group profession practice and it is not so

concerned with making general statement.

It is concluded that action research is used to improve professional practice.

The focus is the reflective process in teaching, finding the problems of teaching

process. Than can overcome the problems.

B. Location of the Research

The location of the research is at SMKN 1 Percut Sei Tuan. It is located at jl.

C. Subject of the Research

The subject of the research in this study is class XII that consist of 27 students.

Why the writer choose this class because that class where the writer has done the

teaching practice (PPL) so the writer wants to increase more their ability in speaking

and how to speak english well.

D. The Instrument for Collecting Data

In collecting data, the instrument were :

1. Oral Test, it is utilized to assess the student’s speaking achievement. In this case,

oral test interviewed. The students interviewed by the teacher about controversial

issue by using debate gambits that they learn.

2. Interview. The writer interview the English teacher about his problem in teaching

speaking and some students about their difficulties in mastering speaking.

Moreover, the writer also interview teacher and student to know their opinion

about debating technique.

3. Diary note, this instrument has function to record events in terms. Diary note

desribed general impression of the classroom and its climate.

From three of the instruments above the writer wants to know how far the ability

of the students about speaking and from that points it makes easy to the writer by

interview the teacher how far the students’ achievement in speaking.

E. Procedure of Data Collection

According to New South Wales : Department of Education and Training (2010:2-3),

there are 4 steps in Action Research, they are : planning, action, observation, and

reflection for this research, the writer conduct two cycle. Each cycle conduct in three

meetings. If the writer not succes in cycle one, it continued to cycle two.

Cycle 1

plan revised

reflect action reflect action

observ observe

Figure 2. Simple Action Research Model (from Mac Isaac, 1995)

The steps in conducting the research are :

1. First Cycle ( cycle 1)

a. Planning

After knowing the problem that students faced, the writer decide that they

have difficulty to speak with good pronounciation and to graps another

speaker’s vocabulary. There, the writer plans a solution in order to solve the

problem. The solution is debate technique. The writer also prepared some

motion and reading materials that are related to them. Tape recorder will be

used to record students’ oral test. Furthermore, the writer also prepare diary

note to observe the students’ behaviour during the teaching learning process.

b. Action

The writer divided the students into some groups, some group are affirmative

groups and rest are opposite (negative) groups. Then the writer will teach the

student about some useful debate gambits and how to speak in debate.


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