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Mangosuthu University of technology

Date: 5 OCTOBER 2018

Names Student No Signature

Maphumulo MK 21631808
Mbatha LE 21632046
Blose SN 21632844
Ndhlovu SG 21708802
Nsele SE 21708793
Mapeyi LN 21531575
Mapeyi L 21531574

Table of Content

AIM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

INTRODUCTION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

THEORATICAL BACKGROUND-------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------3

APPARATUS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4


RESULTS-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5

DISCUSSION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8

CONCLUSION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9

REFERENCES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9


 To determine the heat absorbed by the evaporator and the heat rejected at the condenser.
 To determine the coefficient of performance (COP) of R633 Refrigeration Cycle
Demonstration Unit for a fixed mass flow rate of water entering condenser and the

The Refrigeration is a popular household appliance that consists of thermally insulated
compartment. It is the process of keeping an item below room temperature by storing the item
in the system or substance designed to cool or freeze. The most common form of refrigeration
is provided by system (i.e. refrigerators) that uses a refrigerant chemical to remove heat from
items stored inside a system.
It is a well-known fact that heat flows in the direction of decreasing temperature, i.e. from
higher temperature region to a lower temperature region. But the reverse process (i.e. heat
transfer from low to high) cannot occur on itself. This requires a special device called a
The refrigeration lab was conducted to gain a better understanding of the vapour compression
refrigeration cycle, and to compare the ideal with a real cycle. In this lab1.1 –dichloro-1-
fluoroethane (141b) was used as refrigerant and the mass flow rate of water coming into the
evaporator and to the condenser was varied. This variation data was obtained and analysed.


By selective design of the components, the cycle may be optimised either for heat pump
applications or for refrigeration applications. Indeed, under certain application, both useful
functions may be performed by one machine where circumstances permit. As refrigeration
implies the maintenance of a temperature below that of the surroundings, this requires
continuous absorption of heat at a low temperature level usually accomplished by evaporation
of a liquid in a steady – state process.

The work input to the vapour compression cycle derives a compressor which maintains a low
pressure on an evaporator and a higher pressure in a condenser. The temperature at which a
liquid will evaporate is dependent on pressure, thus if a suitable fluid is introduced it will
evaporate at a low temperature in the low temperature evaporator and will condense at a
higher temperature in the high-pressure condenser.


Figure 1: The refrigeration unit

The above refrigeration cycle is made of the following parts:

 Condenser
 Evaporator
 Refrigerant
 Two pressure gauges
 Seven thermometers
 Two flow meters
 Temperature indicator
 Three Flowmeter


 The unit for the normal operation was started and it was ensured that the unit is air free by
venting air from the condenser.
 The water flow in the evaporator was set approximately to 39 g/s, and units were allowed
to run for approximately 10 minutes.
 The readings of all the system parameters were recorded.
 The condenser cooling water flow rate was reduced until the condenser pressure increases
by approximately 5-10 kN/𝑚2 .
 The above procedure was repeated until the pressure in a condenser is minimum or until it
reaches 200kN/𝑚2 gauge pressure.


Table 1: Results obtained

Evaporator gauge pressure (kPa) -70Kpa
Evaporator absolute pressure (kPa) 32.6Kpa
Evaporator temperature (℃) 6.3℃
Evaporator water flow rate (g/s) 39 𝑠
Evaporator water inlet temperature (℃) 18.1℃
Evaporator water outlet temperature (℃) 17.5℃
Condenser gauge pressure (kPa) 51 Kpa
Condenser absolute pressure (kPa) 153.6Kpa
Condenser temperature (℃) 31.1℃
Condenser water flow rate (g/s) 11 𝑠
Condenser water inlet temperature (℃) 22.4℃
Condenser water outlet temperature (℃) 18.5℃
Compressor inlet Power (W) 170W
Compressor discharge temperature (℃) 66.9℃

Figure 2: Forane 141b chart, (P-h) diagram

Cp=4.187 kJ/kg.K
COp1 =

Q̇ev= ṁcp(T2− T1)
Q̇ev= (0.039)(4.187 × 103 )(18.1 – 17.5)
Q̇ev= 97.976J. s−1

Q̇cond= ṁcp(T4−T3)
Q̇cond= (0.011)(4.18× 103 )(22.4 - 18.5)

Q̇cond= 179.6223 J. s −1

Q̇cond = Q̇ev+ Ẇ
= 97.976 + 170
= 267.976 J. s −1

Qev 97.976
COP1 = ẇ
= = 0.58

To find COP2

Atmospheric pressure at Umlazi=102.6kPa

Pev(abs) = Pg + Patm
= −70 + 102.6
= 32.6kpa
= 0.326 bar

Pcond = Pg + Patm
= 51 + 102.6
= 153.6 kp
= 1.536bar

h1 = 448 kJ/kg
h2 = 486 kJ/kg
h3 = h4 = 238kJ/kg

Q̇ev= ṁr (h1 − h4 )

= 8 × 10−4 (448 − 238)
= 0.168kJ/s
= 168 J/s

Q̇cond= ṁr (h2 − h3 )
= 8 × 10−4 (486 − 238)
= 0.1984kJ/s
= 198.4J/s

Ẇ = ṁr (h2 − h1 )
= 8 × 10−4 (486 − 448)
= 0.0304kJ/s
= 30.4 J/s

COP2 =

COP2 = = 5.53

∴ COP2 > COP1

Since a coefficient of performance (COP) depends primarily on the temperature of the
evaporator and the condenser, the closer the two temperatures are, the higher the COP. The
COP also depends on the refrigerant gas and the model of compressor used. The coefficient
of the performance (COP) it about the amount of heat transferred for the amount of the power
used. When two points are closed together in temperature, the lot of heat can be moved using
less energy.

The objectives of this experiment were achieved, because the heat rejected at the condenser,
the heat absorbed at the evaporator and the coefficient of performance of the R633
Refrigeration Cycle Demonstration Unit was calculated successfully

From the results obtained, it can be said that the values of 𝐶𝑂𝑃1 and𝐶𝑂𝑃2 are not the same.
The first COP was obtained using the mass flow rate of water (𝑚̇𝑤 ), specific heat capacity of
water and the temperature while the second COP was found using the mass flow rate of the
refrigerant, enthalpies which were obtained from the Forane 141b chart i.e. (P-h) diagram.
Practically the value of COP1 and COP2 were supposed to be the same. However, it was found
that there is difference between them.

It was observed from the experimental values calculated that the coefficient of performance
(COP) is 0.58 and theoretically it was found to be 0.51. From this it can be concluded that the
COP obtained from the experiment is more accurate and it is more efficient to use practical
values to find the performance of the fridge. The refrigeration cycle observed in the lab had a
number of variables that gives a deviation when calculating COP.

There are possible factors which influenced the results not to be the same which are:
 Human errors
 While taking measurements from the gauges it requires one to stand in front of the gauges
for more accuracy.
 During calculations significant figures may play a role in obtaining these kinds of results.
 Human errors also played a role while reading enthalpies from the 141b chart and there
were some assumptions made in order to obtain those enthalpies.

 Heat transferred from the surroundings

 This is another factor which can lead to 𝐶𝑂𝑃1and 𝐶𝑂𝑃2 not to be the same.
 Although the pipes were insulated to prevent this factor but the evaporator and the
condenser were not insulated and that could lead to desired values not to be obtained.


 It is very essential that the enthalpies are taken carefully and accurately from the
 The experiment would be more accurate if it was repeatedly done.
 The SI, units must be carefully converted during calculations.


From the results obtained it can be concluded that:

 The values of heat rejected at the condenser and heat absorbed at the evaporator were
obtained using flow rate of water, temperature and again using flow rate of refrigerant
and enthalpies.
 The values of COP1 and COP2 were calculated and expected to be the same practically
but according to the calculations they were not.
 A relevant source of error involves the accuracy of the measurements values and the
method used in obtaining these measured values
 A relevant source of error involves the accuracy of the measuring equipment and of
the methods used in obtaining the measured values. The actual cycle would greatly
approximate that of the ideal cycle if the assumptions could be reached, such as
constant pressure heat transfer across heat exchangers, and the reduction of heat
transfer to and from the environment due to insinuated devices.


 htt://www.scrbd. com/doc?14332508/study-of-a-Refrigeration-Unit-R633.
 Thermodynamics book (Third Edition).


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