Rarissimam Laudem Et Nulli Adhuc Principum Concessam Concupisti Innocentiam

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What is the intention of Seneca’s De Clementia?

-More than in any other work of Seneca, the circumstances in which De Clementia was composed
have been regarded as one of the most important matters that contribute to the proper
understanding of the work.

-In this sense, there is a pronounced tendency to restrict the analysis of the work to its composition
context and historical background.

-This perspective considers that the main intention of the work was merely political: to understand
and evaluate the deeds of a sovereign from a certain morale.

-Considering that the concept of clementia served a purely practical purpose, all the research
centered its attention on the rhetorical and historical aspects of the text, disregarding any possible
philosophical intention.

The dialogue situation

- Scheerlinck considers that the dialogue situation, i.e. the way it is threated a political problem with
certain structural and rethorical elements, is important to dilucidate the intention of the text.

-Why the clementia? Is it a particularly important virtue for sovereigns?

Two types of treatises περὶ βασιλείας: construction of an ideal image of a given sovereign in
particular / construction of an ideal image of the universal notion of sovereign. Functions of the
panegyrical features of the text.

-Even though it is directly addressed to Nero, the writing is not a private letter. Possible purposes of
reaching a wider audience through the figure of Nero.

-The function of Nero’s image in the dialogue. The praise of the innocentia.

What is the difference between clementia and innocentia? What is Nero praised for?

Differences between clementia and innocentia.

“Rarissimam laudem et nulli adhuc principum concessam concupisti innocentiam”

“…nec est quisquam, cui tam valde innocentia sua placeat, ut non stare in conspectu clementiam
paratam humanis erroribus gaudeat.”

The clementia as a virtue that can only prosper in a government in which the sovereign is above the
laws (“Clementia liberum arbitrium habet; non sub formula, sed ex aequo et bono iudicat; et
absolvere illi licet et, quanti vult, taxare litem”.)
Differences between clementia and misericordia.

“Ignoscere autem est, quem iudices puniendum, non punire; venia debitae poenae remissio est.
Clementia hoc primum praestat, ut, quos dimittit, nihil aliud illos pati debuisse pronuntiet; plenior est
quam venia, honestior est“

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