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Asking for and Giving Directions

Asking for directions

Excuse me.

Can you tell me the way to the castle/ the cinema/ etc.? Yes, certainly. / Sure.
Do you know the way to the railway station/ etc.? Well, I’m afraid I don’t know.
Is there a hotel near here? Yes, there is. / No, not near here I’m afraid.
How do I get to the river from here?


Giving directions

Go straight on. / Turn right. Go past the bank. Cross the street. Go over the bridge.
Go across the square.
Just keep going.
It’s about 10 minutes.

Go along here and It’s the third turning on the right. Go along here and turn left. Turn right at the café,
then left into
take the second turning There’s a cinema on the corner. The bookshop is opposite Abbey Road
and the bank is
on the left. the Hotel Plaza. on your right.

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