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S CH O L A R L Y R E V I E W British Journal of Dermatology

Haemangioma: clinical course, complications and

M. Luu and I.J. Frieden
Department of Dermatology, University of California San Francisco, 3rd floor, 1701 Divisidero Street, San Francisco, CA 94115,U.S.A.


Correspondence Despite their high incidence, most infantile haemangiomas (IH) do not require
Ilona J. Frieden. treatment as they regress spontaneously and most do not leave significant
sequelae. For the subset of haemangiomas that require treatment, indications
Accepted for publication for intervention can be divided into three main categories: ulceration, disfigure-
11 May 2013 ment and impairment of function or vital structures. In addition, certain IH
have a risk of associated structural anomalies. Given the wide heterogeneity of
Funding sources haemangiomas, deciding which haemangiomas need intervention and when to
None. intervene requires a detailed knowledge of natural history and clinical indicators
of increased risk.
Conflicts of interest
I.J.F. is a consultant for Pierre Fabre Dermatology

DOI 10.1111/bjd.12436

Infantile haemangiomas (IH) are the most common benign show that the most rapid growth actually occurs between 55
vascular tumour in infancy, occurring in approximately 4–5% and 75 weeks of age.5 A long-appreciated characteristic of
of the population.1 Higher risk is associated with several well- haemangioma growth is its tendency to mark out its territory
known factors, including female sex, white non-Hispanic early on, with growth proceeding volumetrically rather
background, prematurity and multiple gestation.2 Despite their than radially.6 Prospective cohort studies have helped
high incidence, most IH do not require treatment as they more precisely to characterize the proliferative phase, demon-
regress spontaneously and most do not leave significant seque- strating that haemangiomas, irrespective of subtype or
lae. For the subset of haemangiomas that require treatment, depth, reach 80% of their final size by 3 months.6 The early
indications for intervention can be divided into three main proliferative phase is followed by a period of slower growth
categories: ulceration, disfigurement and impairment of func- until age 6–9 months, the late proliferative phase, and finally
tion or vital structures. In addition, certain IH have a risk of by a period of involution that gradually takes place over
associated structural anomalies. Given the wide heterogeneity years.
of haemangiomas, deciding which haemangiomas need inter- Exceptions to this growth pattern are not rare, however. A
vention and when to intervene requires a detailed knowledge small but significant minority do not grow as expected. These
of natural history and clinical indicators of increased risk haemangiomas, so-called IH with minimal or arrested growth,
(Table 1). typically present as a patch of fine or coarsely reticulated tel-
angiectasias, often within a zone of vasoconstriction.7 By defi-
nition < 25% of their area proliferates. The growth trajectory
Clinical course
of deep and segmental haemangiomas also tends to differ
Infantile haemangiomas (IH) have predictable growth charac- from that of localized superficial IH. Deep haemangiomas
teristics, and an understanding of natural history is important show delayed onset of growth by about 1 month and con-
for anticipatory guidance for parents and planning of manage- tinue to grow about 1 month longer than their superficial
ment. At birth, IH are either absent or present as a precursor counterparts.6 Approximately 3% of haemangiomas have a dis-
lesion. Premonitory marks usually consist of a vasoconstricted tinctly prolonged growth phase beyond 9 months of age, and
patch, a bruise-like macule, or an erythematous telangiectatic the majority of these are deep or mixed haemangiomas and
patch.3,4 After birth, there is often an early proliferative phase segmental haemangiomas.6,8 This information on growth
characterized by rapid growth. In the case of those IH with underscores the importance of age in decision-making. For
substantial superficial growth, serial photographs of newborns high-risk IH, referral and consideration of treatment should be

20 British Journal of Dermatology (2013) 169, pp20–30 Ó 2013 British Association of Dermatologists
Haemangioma: clinical course, complications and management, M. Luu and I.J. Frieden 21

Table 1 Risk features and rationale for intervention

Risk feature Rationale for intervention

High risk
Segmental > 5 cm – face Associated structural anomalies (PHACE) scarring, visual/airway compromise
Segmental > 5 cm – lumbosacral/perineal area Associated structural anomalies (LUMBAR), ulceration
Bulky lesion – face (prominent dermal thickening, Tissue distortion with risk of permanent scarring/disfigurement
steep ascent from normal to involved skin)
Early white discoloration Marker of ulceration
Central face High risk of disfigurement
Periorbital, perinasal, perioral Functional compromise, risk of disfigurement
Intermediate risk
Lateral face, scalp, hands, feet Risk of disfigurement; lower but possible risk of functional compromise
Body folds (neck, perineum, axillae) Higher risk of ulceration
Segmental > 5 cm – trunk, arms, legs Risk of ulceration and permanent residual skin changes
Low risk
Trunk, arms, legs (nonvisible) Low risk of disfigurement or functional compromise

as early as possible – ideally at 4 weeks of age or younger, so and functional impairment. The decision to initiate treatment
that treatment, if undertaken, can have optimum impact. is generally clear-cut when there is a primarily medical ratio-
Gradual involution of the IH takes place over the course nale, e.g. a threat to vision or airway. However, the decision-
of years but may leave permanent changes in the skin. The making process is often less straightforward if risk of perma-
incidence of residual lesions varies widely depending on the nent disfigurement is the major concern.
study and has been reported in 25–69% of untreated hae-
mangiomas9,10; however, these estimates are in a referral
population and thus do not reflect the rates of all haeman-
giomas. The most frequent residual lesions are telangiectasias, Ulceration, the most common complication of IH, occurs in
fibrofatty tissue, anetoderma, atrophy, erythema and hypo- approximately 15–25% of patients in a referral setting,12,13
pigmentation. When they occur, the residual lesions of deep with the highest risk between the ages of 4 and 6 months.12
nodular haemangiomas usually have a fibrofatty component. Ulceration is associated with large size, segmental morphol-
In addition, ulceration virtually always leads to atrophic scar- ogy, mixed superficial and deep morphology, and location on
ring.9 While previous studies predicted final involution at the neck, anogenital area or lower lip.12,14 In addition, early
approximately 10% per year, more recent studies indicate appearance of grey-white colour on the haemangioma surface
that involution ends at a median age of 3 years, and that at age 2–3 months is a sensitive indicator of impending ulcer-
most haemangiomas cease to improve after 35 years of ation.15 Other important factors are friction and moisture,
age.11 Based on the above data, if reconstruction is required, resulting in a higher incidence on the lower lip and intertrig-
this is often best initiated between the ages of 3 and 4 years inous sites. Ulceration virtually always results in scarring. In
as further involution is unlikely to occur beyond this time, addition it can result in significant pain and functional impair-
and delay of treatment may lead to unnecessary psychosocial ment, e.g. difficulty moving an affected limb or pain with
impact on the child.11 feeding if the lip is ulcerated. Bleeding occurs in 40% of
ulcerations. Although sometimes a source of great parental
anxiety, clinically significant bleeding is rare. Frank infection
Complications and management
of the wound is uncommon but colonization with bacteria is
The majority of haemangiomas do not require treatment as not uncommon.12
there is spontaneous involution without complications or sig- Treatment of ulceration is outlined in Table 2. An effective
nificant sequelae. For these, ‘active nonintervention’ is the wound care regimen with topical therapy is essential to
gold standard and consists of close observation, education and encourage wound healing, prevent infection and decrease
anticipatory guidance. In today’s age of technology, parents pain. Infection should be considered if there is purulent drain-
can easily find incorrect or alarming information, reinforcing age, erythema, induration of surrounding skin, or malodour.
the importance of parental education in the office. Serial pho- For recalcitrant ulcerations, becaplermin (topical platelet-
tography provides objective data when monitoring course and derived growth factor) gel was reported to be effective in
is enormously helpful in monitoring growth and involution. expediting healing.16,17 Of note, the U.S. Food and Drug
For the significant minority of haemangiomas requiring Administration has placed a boxed warning on becaplermin
intervention, the rationale for treatment is divided into three owing to reports of increased incidence of cancer-related
main indications: ulceration, disfigurement or risk thereof, deaths in adult patients with leg ulcer. The significance of this

Ó 2013 British Association of Dermatologists British Journal of Dermatology (2013) 169, pp20–30
22 Haemangioma: clinical course, complications and management, M. Luu and I.J. Frieden

Table 2 Treatment of ulcerated hemangioma

Treatmenta Comment
Wound care
Vaseline-impregnated gauze Cost-effective as it can be made at home by impregnating cotton gauze in petrolatum
Nonadherent dressing (e.g. Telfaâ) Helpful for areas with oozing or as secondary dressing on top of occlusive ointment
Thin hydrocolloid dressing (e.g. DuoDERMâ) Useful in areas of ulceration where the area can be adequately sealed to prevent
contamination with faeces and urine
White petrolatum, Aquaphorâ or zinc oxide paste Liberal use of emollient can help wound healing and decrease pain
Antimicrobials for ulcerated haemangioma
Metronidazole gel Anecdotally effective for perioral, neck, perineal ulcerations
Mupirocin or bacitracin ointment Sometimes used to prevent bacterial overgrowth of Gram-positive organisms
Cephalexin Observed by some authors to expedite healing even without clinically evident infection.96
If infection is suspected, choice of oral antibiotic should be directed by culture results
Pain control
Lidocaine 25–5% ointment Pea size to the area of ulceration up to 49 daily for temporary relief, useful to ease
bathing or diapering
Paracetamol (acetaminophen) For mild to moderate pain
Paracetamol (acetaminophen) For severe, recalcitrant pain
with codeine or with hydrocodone
Expedite healing
Becaplermin gel (Regranexâ) Second line due to expense, black box warning (in adults). Wound bed should be free
of crusting for maximal efficacy
Pulsed dye laser (PDL) Several reports of accelerated healing – usually treated with low fluences (5–6 J cm 2).
Response is not uniform. PDL can cause induction of new ulceration, especially in
segmental facial lesions.20,82 Typically 1–2 treatments required
Early excision Reasonable option for ulcerated haemangiomas that are likely to require eventual surgical
correction for scarring
Propranolol Appears to shorten healing time and cause improvement in several reports22–24
Telfaâ, Covidien, Mansfield, MA, U.S.A.; DuoDERMâ, ConvaTec, Skillman, NJ, U.S.A.; Aquaphorâ, Eucerinus, Wilton, CT, U.S.A.; Regra-
nexâ, Novartis, Basel, Switzerland.

finding in the paediatric population is unclear but reinforces require eventual surgical correction for scarring, early excision
becaplermin’s position as a second-line treatment.18 Pulsed can be considered.
dye laser (PDL) can also be helpful for relieving pain and
expediting healing in ulcerated haemangiomas.19–21 In recent
Disfigurement and scarring
years, the application of oral propranolol has been expanded
to treatment of ulcerated IH, and based on case series appears Over the past decade, the potential of permanent skin changes
promising.22–25 Rapid pain control within 2 weeks and com- and psychosocial impact of haemangioma residua, particularly
plete healing within 2–6 weeks at doses of 1–3 mg kg 1 daily those located on the face, has been increasingly appreciated.28
were observed in most cases.22–24 Another retrospective case- Disease-specific scores for haemangioma have been pro-
controlled study found more rapid healing time with propran- posed.29,30 As noted in the discussion on clinical course, the
olol compared with historically matched controls (87 weeks risk of disfigurement depends on location, morphological sub-
vs. 224 weeks).25 There has been little experience with topi- type, size, shape and growth phase of the haemangioma. A
cal b-blockers for ulceration, but timolol has recently been lower threshold for treatment is indicated for haemangiomas
reported to be well tolerated and effective in treating two located on the central face, nose and lips, sites which are not
patients with ulcerated perineal IH.26 Caution is advised given only readily visible, but have particular curves and textures
paucity of safety data and possibility of more systemic absorp- that may be permanently distorted by IH growth. Even
tion in this setting.27 Lastly, for ulcerated lesions likely to relatively small haemangiomas (e.g. ≤ 1 cm) can lead to

British Journal of Dermatology (2013) 169, pp20–30 Ó 2013 British Association of Dermatologists
Haemangioma: clinical course, complications and management, M. Luu and I.J. Frieden 23

stigmatizing and permanent skin changes if they involve the nasal tip haemangiomas. If permanent scarring has ensued,
central face. The greatest risk of these changes is in those with referral for consideration of early surgical excision is a reason-
marked dermal thickening, particularly thick superficial, sessile able option. PDL can be helpful in lightening any superficial
or pedunculated IH that have a steep ascent from normal to skin changes such as erythema or telangiectasias. Parents
involved skin. should always be offered the option of re-evaluation at age 3–
Once the risk for permanent disfigurement has been estab- 4 years to assess whether permanent skin changes have
lished, timing emerges as the single most important factor in occurred and if subsequent measures such as surgical correc-
deciding whether to intervene. Have permanent skin altera- tion or laser treatment are indicated.
tions already occurred at the time of presentation or will
intervention have the potential to change the ultimate out-
Impairment of function
come? The answer will depend in large part on the patient’s
age and growth kinetics of the particular haemangioma. Treat- Functional impairment may occur in a number of settings.
ment early in life (i.e. 0–8 weeks) has a greater chance of The best described is periocular haemangioma, but there are
impacting outcome; however, for many localized haemangio- other examples. A bulky haemangioma involving the neck can
mas, the risk for disfigurement is difficult to ascertain at this result in positional torticollis or plagiocephaly. Ulcerated lip
young age. In some cases the best strategy may be one of fre- haemangiomas, as mentioned above, can lead to poor oral
quent visits or weekly review of photographs to assess the intake. Intranasal haemangiomas can cause difficulties in nasal
haemangioma behaviour. If the patient presents after the early breathing.
proliferative phase, permanent skin changes may have already Periorbital haemangiomas most often result in astigmatism
occurred. In all cases, the benefit of treatment must be due to the mass effect of the haemangioma on the cornea.
weighed against the side-effect profile of treatment and the Other less common sequelae include visual axis obstruction
uncertainty that intervention will alter long-term outcome. and strabismus. If uncorrected, any of these can result in
Often, the parent’s tolerance of risk associated with interven- amblyopia and the risk of permanent vision loss.31,32 Infants
tion helps decide whether or not treatment is initiated. with periorbital haemangiomas should be referred for ophthal-
b-Blockers are now considered first-line treatment for high- mological evaluation early, and examinations should occur fre-
risk lesions. Propranolol has largely replaced oral corticoster- quently during the proliferative phase. If visual compromise is
oids for those IH requiring systemic therapy (Fig. 1). Timolol detected or suspected, therapy is indicated. Systemic and int-
solution (typically 05% gel-forming solution) may be useful ralesional corticosteroids, surgical excision and laser have been
in small superficial haemangiomas that do not warrant sys- used in the past,33–36 but propranolol has now become a first-
temic treatment (Fig. 2). When a facial haemangioma presents line treatment in this setting.31,32,36–39 For small superficial
early and the need for oral treatment is unclear, timolol solu- haemangiomas of the eyelid without associated visual compro-
tion may be started in conjunction with close follow-up, and mise, topical timolol maleate shows promise as a safe, new
therapy can be transitioned to oral propranolol if progression treatment based on case series and reports.40–43 Patching of
with high-risk features ensues. Intralesional corticosteroid is the good eye is often used as a way to diminish the risk of
still useful in select localized lesions, for example small lip or amblyopia.

(a) (b) (a) (b)

Fig 1. Thick sessile haemangioma on the face; this type of Fig 2. Small mixed superficial and deep haemangioma on the forehead.
haemangioma has a high risk for leaving anetoderma-type skin (a) Child at 2 months old, before timolol; (b) at 6 months old, after
changes. (a) Child at 6 months old, before propranolol treatment; (b) timolol treatment for 4 months with an excellent response to
at 9 months old, after propranolol treatment for 3 months with treatment. Haemangiomas with a more gradual slope from normal to
partial response highlighting the limitations of treatment when started involved skin are less likely to leave residual skin changes compared
late. with those with steep ascent.

Ó 2013 British Association of Dermatologists British Journal of Dermatology (2013) 169, pp20–30
24 Haemangioma: clinical course, complications and management, M. Luu and I.J. Frieden

asymptomatic and do not require treatment, but if detected

Impairment of vital structures
should be followed with serial ultrasounds to monitor for sta-
IH affecting the airway and liver may result in life-threatening bilization of growth.54 Multifocal disease can result in high
complications. Cutaneous haemangioma over the ‘beard distri- output congestive heart failure. Diffuse disease with virtual
bution’ (facial segment S3), especially when bilateral, marks replacement of the liver by haemangiomas is very rare but can
patients who are at high risk for airway involvement. Any result in abdominal compartment syndrome and consumptive
patient with bilateral mandibular distribution, even in the hypothyroidism.55–57 All infants with hepatic disease should
absence of overt respiratory symptoms, should be referred to have thyroid function tests, and repeat studies are needed if
an otolaryngologist for airway evaluation. If airway haemangi- the number of HH is increasing.
oma is visualized, prompt systemic therapy should be initi-
ated. Again, oral propranolol is becoming a first-line
Associated structural anomalies
treatment, although in some cases adjunctive treatment with
other therapeutic modalities such as oral steroids,44–48 surgical Segmental haemangiomas of the face and lumbosacral/perineal
debulking and laser ablation are used.49,50 Parents should be regions should alert the physician to the possibility of under-
educated on the signs and symptoms of airway haemangiomas lying structural anomalies (Figs 3–6). Large, facial segmental
such as hoarse cry, stridor or noisy breathing, which often (> 5 cm) haemangiomas may be associated with PHACE(s)
develop between 4 and 12 weeks of age. syndrome (posterior fossa malformations, haemangiomas,
The liver is the most common extracutaneous site of arterial anomalies, cardiac anomalies, eye abnormalities and
involvement. A recent prospective study of infants with multi- sternal/supraumbilical raphe).58,59 Up to 30% of patients with
ple cutaneous IH confirmed that patients with more than five large, facial segmental haemangiomas have PHACE. Haeman-
skin lesions are at significantly higher risk for hepatic haeman- giomas involving the frontotemporal (S1) or mandibular (S3)
giomas (HH)51 and should be screened using abdominal ultra- segments are at particularly high risk, although any segment
sound with Doppler flow.52 One retrospective study has may be involved, and rare cases of PHACE have been reported
recently suggested that the risk may be more significant in with segmental haemangiomas of the torso and extremities in
patients with 10 or more lesions.53 Most cases of HH are the absence of facial segmental IH.60,61 The most common ex-

Fig 3. Evaluation of segmental haemangioma

at risk for structural abnormalities. ENT, ear,
nose, throat (otolaryngology); eval,
evaluation; mo, months; MRA, magnetic
resonance angiogram; MRI, magnetic
resonance imaging; TFT, thyroid function
tests; U/S, ultrasound.

British Journal of Dermatology (2013) 169, pp20–30 Ó 2013 British Association of Dermatologists
Haemangioma: clinical course, complications and management, M. Luu and I.J. Frieden 25

compromise), most infants with PHACE require systemic ther-

apy to treat their haemangioma(s).62 Propranolol has become
first-line therapy for IH (see discussion below) but in this set-
ting carries a theoretical potential for causing stroke in patients
with PHACE with significant arterial disease, as lowering of
blood pressure could create demand-related ischaemia.63 A
recent, retrospective study of 32 patients with PHACE receiv-
ing propranolol found no patients with stroke or other cata-
strophic neurological event during treatment; however,
worsened ulceration in the haemangioma and digital infarcts
occurred in two patients. Caution is advised when using pro-
pranolol in this setting. Criteria for risk stratification of cere-
brovascular findings have been proposed.64 Ideally, patients at
high risk for PHACE should have an MRI and MRA as well as
Fig 4. Multiple infantile haemangiomas on the back. This patient also
echocardiogram prior to or at the inception of propranolol
had additional lesions on the face and extremities. A liver ultrasound
at 2 months of age was negative for hepatic involvement.
initiation. Propranolol in this setting should be dosed three
times per day with slow upward titration, with the dosage
tracutaneous findings are arterial anomalies of the cerebral vas- kept at a minimum effective dose for the complications being
culature followed by coarctation of the aorta.60 Consensus cri- treated.64,65
teria for PHACE have been proposed.58 Patients with large, Similarly, large segmental IH over the lumbosacral or peri-
facial segmental haemangiomas should be evaluated with mag- neal regions may be associated with underlying lipomyelom-
netic resonance imaging (MRI) and a magnetic resonance eningocele, tethered cord and other structural anomalies.
angiogram (MRA) of the head and neck, echocardiogram and Various names have been used to describe these associations,
ophthalmological examination. including LUMBAR (lower body haemangioma and other
Because they are at high risk for haemangioma-related com- cutaneous defects, urogenital anomalies, ulceration, myelo-
plications (e.g. disfigurement, ulceration, visual or airway pathy, bony deformities, anorectal malformations, arterial anom-

(a) (b)

Fig 5. Severe perineal ulceration of a

segmental infantile haemangioma: (a) at
2 months old, pretreatment; note the presence
of early white discoloration at the periphery
(‘white haemangioma sign’); (b) at 4 months
old, healed ulcers treated with low-dose
propranolol (1 mg kg 1 daily) and
becaplermin gel.

(a) (b)

Fig 6. PHACE syndrome. This patient had

(a) bilateral S3 (mandibular) segmental
haemangioma with airway disease,
(b) abdominal raphe. More widespread
extrafacial haemangioma was present in this
case extending down to the chest, back and
right arm. Echocardiogram showed a tortuous
aortic arch.

Ó 2013 British Association of Dermatologists British Journal of Dermatology (2013) 169, pp20–30
26 Haemangioma: clinical course, complications and management, M. Luu and I.J. Frieden

alies and renal anomalies), PELVIS (perineal haemangioma, therapies, intralesional injection is effective in deeper or bulk-
external genitalia malformations, lipomyelomeningocele, ve- ier lesions. Treatment should be initiated early for maximal
sicorenal abnormalities, imperforate anus and skin tag syn- efficacy and is usually repeated every 3–4 weeks until the
drome) and SACRAL syndrome (spinal dysraphism, growth phase is past. Usually, triamcinolone 10 mg mL 1 is
anogenital, cutaneous, renal and urological anomalies, associ- employed, and doses should not exceed 1–2 mg kg 1 per
ated with an angioma of lumbosacral localization), with all of injection. Possible side-effects include bleeding, skin atrophy
these acronyms referring to the same group of associated and adrenal suppression from systemic absorption.
anomalies.66–68 MRI with contrast of the spine is the modality The flash lamp pumped PDL, usually at 595 nm, is the
of choice for imaging at-risk infants. In patients with no evi- most common laser used for treatment of IH. PDL is generally
dence of sinus tract, ulceration of skin or neurological symp- accepted as being useful in lightening erythema and telangiec-
toms, this can be deferred until 4–6 months of age. For tasias after involution and in accelerating healing of ulcerated
infants aged < 3 months, ultrasound may be used as an initial PDL (see Table 2). Some authors also advocate using PDL to
screening tool; however, for high-risk lesions, this should be treat proliferating haemangiomas,78,79 but this strategy
followed by an MRI at 4–6 months of age as false negatives remains controversial.80,81 PDL can result in ulceration at flu-
occur with ultrasound.68,69 ences generally considered safe for port-wine stains so caution
is recommended in treating IH with PDL.82 Recently, ablative
fractional carbon dioxide laser has been reported useful in
ameliorating residual scarring.83
When treatment of IH is needed, the initial decision is
whether to treat with topical/local or systemic therapy.
Systemic therapies
Unfortunately, there has been a paucity of well-designed stud-
ies to provide evidence for the many proposed treatments of
IH.70 In general, topical/local agents are best employed for
small, superficial and localized haemangiomas or during early Since its efficacy in shrinking IH was first reported by Leaute-
proliferation when it may not be possible to determine Labreze et al.84 5 years ago, propranolol has dramatically
whether a deeper component is present. Systemic therapy is altered the treatment landscape of haemangiomas. It is now
reserved for larger IH, those with more aggressive growth considered by most experts to be the first-line therapy when
characteristics or high threat of functional impairment, and systemic treatment is indicated. Over 200 articles including
those not responding to local measures where treatment is more than 1200 treated patients have since reported its effi-
deemed necessary. cacy, although the vast majority of these have been retrospec-
tive cohort studies.85 Results from a large, international,
randomized controlled trial should help to clarify further both
Topical/local therapies
the efficacy and toxicity of propranolol. Systematic reviews
Several topical agents have been proposed for use in IH. Since have shown response rates in approximately 97% of cases
the first report in 2010, studies have supported the efficacy of with better efficacy and less toxicity than the previous ‘gold
timolol maleate 05% solution for treatment of small, superfi- standard’, systemic corticosteroids.86 It seems to be effective
cial IH, including those of the periorbital region,41,42,71,72 in halting growth and diminishing size of haemangiomas not
although randomized placebo-controlled double-blind studies only during the proliferative phase but also, to a lesser extent,
are lacking at this time. The gel-forming solution vehicle is once growth has been completed.87 Studies of propranolol use
preferred for haemangioma treatment as it has been shown to in ulcerated haemangiomas, periocular haemangiomas, airway
have less systemic bioavailability than solution form.27 Theo- haemangiomas and liver haemangiomas support its use in
retical complications may include hypoglycaemia, hypoten- these specific clinical settings.24,38,88,89
sion, wheezing and bradycardia secondary to systemic The majority of patients tolerate the doses used to treat IH
absorption. Thus far, such complications have not been (1–3 mg kg 1 daily) with minimal adverse events. In a recent
reported in infants treated for IH. Until more is known, systematic review, there were 371 total adverse events
restricting use to 1–2 drops per application on intact (nonul- reported in 1189 patients. The most common adverse events
cerated) skin has been advocated.27 Clobetasol has also been are sleep disturbance and cold hands and feet. Hypotension
shown to have some benefit in superficial IH, particularly in was seen in 44 patients, although only five were reported
periorbital lesions.73 Topical imiquimod cream may also be symptomatic. Bradycardia occurred in nine patients, one of
considered in early IH of the head and neck.74–77 Possible which was symptomatic, and respiratory events (infections,
complications include irritation, crusting and ulceration. wheezing, stridor, etc.) in 35 patients. The most concerning
Intralesional steroids maintain a useful role as a local treat- side-effect of propranolol is symptomatic hypoglycaemia,
ment for select cases, particularly for early, localized haeman- which was noted in four patients, one of whom developed
giomas of the lip or nasal tip. Intralesional steroids may hypoglycaemic seizures.90 Patients on propranolol are at risk
stabilize growth or decrease the size of the haemangioma, thus for hypoglycaemia during prolonged periods of fasting or
helping to avoid systemic therapy or surgery. Unlike topical poor oral intake, e.g. during an acute illness. Frequent feed-

British Journal of Dermatology (2013) 169, pp20–30 Ó 2013 British Association of Dermatologists
Haemangioma: clinical course, complications and management, M. Luu and I.J. Frieden 27

ings, administration of the medication following feeds and with structural anomalies. For high-risk lesions, referral or
avoidance of long periods of sleep help to minimize this risk. active invention is recommended, ideally as early as 4–6 weeks
Protocols for initiation and monitoring of propranolol may of age.
vary between centres. Consensus guidelines from a multidisci-
plinary expert panel have recently been published65; however,
these are based on expert opinion rather than rigorous con- References
trolled studies, and as more data are rapidly accruing, these 1 Kilcline C, Frieden IJ. Infantile hemangiomas: how common are
recommendations are likely to evolve over time. For infants they? A systematic review of the medical literature. Pediatr Dermatol
younger than 2 months of age, these guidelines propose brief 2008; 25:168–73.
inpatient hospitalization for monitoring during induction of 2 Haggstrom AN, Drolet BA, Baselga E et al. Prospective study of
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treatment. Initial dosing of propranolol starts at 05 mg kg 1
acteristics. J Pediatr 2007; 150:291–4.
daily divided three times daily, increasing slowly to the 3 Payne MM, Moyer F, Marcks KM et al. The precursor to the hem-
desired dose.65 Although protocols for administration vary angioma. Plastic Reconstr Surg 1966; 38:64–7.
widely, propranolol is usually administered at 1–3 mg kg 1 4 Hidano A, Nakajima S. Earliest features of the strawberry mark in
daily, with many practitioners favouring 2 mg kg 1 daily.65,91 the newborn. Br J Dermatol 1972; 87:138–44.
Heart rate and blood pressure are monitored before treatment, 5 Tollefson MM, Frieden IJ. Early growth of infantile hemangiomas:
at 1 and 2 h following the initial dose, and after any increased what parents’ photographs tell us. Pediatrics 2012; 130:e314–20.
6 Chang LC, Haggstrom AN, Drolet BA et al. Growth characteristics
dose over 05 mg kg 1 daily. Infants should be fed every
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Ó 2013 British Association of Dermatologists British Journal of Dermatology (2013) 169, pp20–30
30 Haemangioma: clinical course, complications and management, M. Luu and I.J. Frieden

Minnelly Luu, M.D. completed her undergraduate stu- I.J. Frieden is a Professor of Pediatrics and Dermatol-
dies at Stanford University and subsequently attended medi- ogy, Vice-Chair of Dermatology, and Chief of the Division
cal school at Northwestern University in Chicago, IL, of Pediatric Dermatology at the University of California,
where she first developed an interest in pediatric dermatol- San Francisco. She received her medical degree from the
ogy. She trained in Dermatology at the State University of University of California, San Francisco, where she also
New York Downstate in Brooklyn, NY and is currently completed a paediatric internship and residency as well as a
completing her pediatric dermatology fellowship at the University of Cali- dermatology residency. She has been President of the Society for Pediatric
fornia San Francisco under the mentorship of Dr. Ilona Frieden and her Dermatology, President of the American Board of Dermatology and currently
department. In fall 2013, Minnelly will start her career as Assistant Pro- serves as a member of the Board of Directors of the American Academy of
fessor of Dermatology at the University of Southern California, where she will Dermatology. She is currently co-editor-in-chief of the journal Pediatric Der-
practice pediatric dermatology at the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. Her matology and Secretary of the International Society for the Study of Vascular
interests include atopic dermatitis and vascular birthmarks and anomalies. Anomalies. She is also on the steering committee of the Leadership Institute of
the American Academy of Dermatology.
Her particular interest in haemangiomas and other vascular birthmarks dates
back to her dermatology residency at UCSF and to her “mini-fellowship”
with Dr. Esterly in 1983. In 1991 she founded the Birthmarks and Vascu-
lar Anomalies Center at UCSF, which continues to meet on a monthly basis.
In 2001 she helped found the Hemangioma Investigator group. She is the
author of over 200 articles, numerous book chapters and is co-editor of the
textbook, Neonatal Dermatology, now in its 2nd edition.

British Journal of Dermatology (2013) 169, pp20–30 Ó 2013 British Association of Dermatologists

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