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’ —= ‘AIDA JIAODA KAIDA NEW TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. Add: 8A Dongxing Building, Xincheng Sci-Tech Park, Xian China Tel: +86 29 8833 9500 Fax: +86 29 8844 3488 E-mail: Technical Data Sheet To: COMERCIAL ANDINA INDUSTRIAL S.A.C. Reference No.: 11KD-GRU-0224-K95 Date: 2011-07-25 Page: 1 Product Name: K-Humate 95 powder Manufacturer / Supplier: Xi'an jiaoda kaida new technology Co.,Ltd, 8A Dongxing Building, Xincheng Sci-Tech Park, Xi'an, 710043 China Tel: +86-29-8833 9500 Fax: +86-29-8844 3488, * General Information K-Humate 95 powder is a concentrated potassium humate, 2 high polymer heterogeneous aromatic hydroxyl carboxylic acid salt, It is black powder solid with slight gloss appearance. Soluble in water and week alkaline features. It comprises active groups hydroxyl carboxylic acid salt and nitro and so on, * Application 'K-Humate 95 is widely applied as organic fertilizer and non-pollution fertilizer for organic farming. * As Foliar Application Reinforce photosynthesis Stimulate plant growth Increase nutrient uptake through leaves Increase yield and improve quality of plant Improve the effectiveness of pesticides and fertilizers * As Soil Application Enhance in exchange & water holding capacity of soil Improve soil structure and reduce nutrient losses Improve nutrient uptake by root system Promote root development and seed germination Improve microbiological activity of soil Prevent leaching of chemical fertilizers | = Direction for use Seeds soaking:3-Skg for 1000kg seeds. Foliar spray:dilute 4-6kg to 100 liters water. Fertigation:add 50-70kg/ha into irrigation water. * Package and storage” Available in 100 gm, 150gm, 200gm. 250m, 500 gm, 1 kg, 5 kg, 10 kg, 25 kg SO kg and 750 kg bag. To be stored in a dry, clean, dark, well ventilated moisture proof place. When stored under normal condition in original unopened containers, no change of its physical, chemical and biological properties will occur in a minimum of 2 years. XI'AN JIAODA KAIDA NEW TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD

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