Experiment No. - 04: AIM:-Apparatus: - Theory

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– 04
AIM :- Representation of the Gradient of a scalar field, Divergence
and Curl of Vector Fields.

APPARATUS :- Scilab simulation software , Desktop.

Gradient of a scalar Field :- The gradient of a scalar field V is a vccior
thai represents both the magnitude and the direction of the maximum space rale
of increase of V if the vector is resolved , its components represent the rate of
change of the scalar field with respect to each directional component.

Divergence of a vector field :- The divergence of A at a given point P

is ihc outward lux per unii volume as the volume shrinks about P. the net
outflow of the flux of a vector field A from a closed surface S is obtained from
the integral § A • dS. We now define the divergence of A as the net outward
flow of flux per unit volume over a closed incremental surface.

Curl of a vector field :- The curl of A is an axial (or rotational)

vector whose magnitude is the maximum circulation of A per unit
area as the area lends to zero and whose direction is the normal
direction of the area when the area is oriented so as to make the
circulation maximum.''
Gradient of scalar field

Example 1 :-

Gradient of vector scalar

Space varying scalar field

Example 2 :-
Program :-
Gradient of vector scalar :-

Space varying scalar field :-

Divergence of a vector field
Example 1:-
Program :-

2D vector field :-
Divergence of vector field :-

Example 2 :-
Program :-
2D vector field :-

Divergence of vector field :-

Curl of a vector field
Example 1:-
Program :-

Curl of the vector field :-

Example 2:-
Program :-

Curl of the vector field :-

RESULT :- The Following programs are executed and


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