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Regd. No.


Hur gu nu G suw nrnwt GuVrltt

Published by Authority
@ Govt. of Haryana
N". 15-201?lE.Lf C

6RqIq s*FT{
cr{fr TQrT-fi-q ftfl-q frqTrl
qrR dsr qrq silq]-sqr furTq-
qcqft, zotzz+
riqr (gq,fr.3Tn.) gu.d.q.-zosr,/ gfuqrolT qrR ftrm, erfufrqq, tgg+
(roo+ o.r 6RsTw orDftlq ro), of qr{i 346 of sq erliT (z) oer qq]q 3qqfrn qs4'fleT Flqh-d eta eift'qno
A- .FrJ-.-
tqq,t$ tiq-t]r .JltEltiqR
^.srA_ roo: (roos or q-qrq 3lBfr'qq +r), o1 qm s o1 sq-qT{I (z) agr ret q-hTq} or rqtl
ovd gv, osn pT6ft pffiq ftmTq frqrq der crR ner qrq sil+q-qT fr'tilrr- crfi=qrrT Tieqt-fi.{ ffirfreni)
gw.-ft.-zogrlf.f.T{./zor/zqo2 ff rs qcr{, zoro d effdrT d Efpr d nqqra, {s-d ErT
ERlnw q[qqa (crrt.ruTqr) ffi' rs ffrtlq, zotz t q-flRTf, eRqlqr rr{of{ Trfq nQ]LTT 3il-lto-iT frqr,
.tiltl{lqil -'-{.S.Gni.)
H(Ji.ll-(11.\-1, H-{ 15 ttrcfq, zo12 gt-{l
3rDqhd 5'wro-q6* 3rdi otq-+ffi d GIfuq frorfl *sqT, zost 9.9. d ery3 o" nQIT s d Rd w
fr-fi+rc) osdr qd {{trfl GIRq fr-oT-s' q}wfl. zosr q.S. fr ffifuT rjYiltfi o-{fr t, uvfq,-
6RsT"rT rflfrl{, Trrq darr q'Tq erqlcnr fr'qrq, qft-q"-iT i{cqr- {ft.{\-{.{frcm)/{.,/2012 / 3s41, ffi'
rs rqq{, zotz l,-
I. ergq-t1-o E Tfr sqq)rri oT fu{ilT si{ it,-
(i) 'r lM' sc-aft{ t- "ftf,rfl q)-sqT q rrflf{fl 1M H zso qfroq} d
o) cfu iqtql
qtwR--fi silq-o srf, d erBm w tl+es d ,fl-il{ rntTqTfuo. gRqrcn nen Q-qeil or
ctqtrn ord gv q-.d-fl wh w ffiro fu-qr qrq{n r" crd f,er 3io) d qerri.w 'f+orq q)-drr
t fu
T{flBd e}1} o} qTTflfu-{ ghqT3]\ cpn d-qrefi FI erqqrq o€ gv qg}.s, c-qfr
w ffiro fu-qT q.rt"rr I rcd-o M A-{cr Fr-i-.T q ErTffr Tg +€{ e-EFrdld ffif,
qrvTT eql g-s-d orftR-fi q-{ sd-qd olTarq-{ qrftffi (c g. 3T. v), em}-$G'a gq mb-$, gtffi-c
Gl}cs..E-g fr-f,K{ qrRrifr, zo ch'ffi qq ET6R{q oFtrr;e mffi i
qqfrtra €s-{f,r 3rrqffi-q e''-f,er
d ff or-f elfi t" crq, Cwf, orn 6ef qfu{€rTfua fuq q\.i;
(ii) 'z qrFrqo' sq-sid E qffi .ifu ii, "'rqr r" eT-d d qrs,
t ffifuT
yr< qarT fr-q{ qd
q'K.t, 3TQrfd:-
"gq ETu.fu,T, frf'o Tft wdFT derT eTd. A./3Tri A {. qfl. qMocrcn zh} Ffu-e enRqBs
fr-f,rs q-h d'fid-{rfl o) rilRt-d a-{i qld fr-fttrq crRm-di d G{fiq q-lq-f, fuqr E.ITJTT l";
HARYANA GOVT. GAZ. (EXTRA.), JAN. 24, 20t1 (MAGH.4, 1938 SAKA) 165

(iii) '3 3rtqlFm' Bc-cfl{ fi, ei< fr, ffifon eTq de qn-,T, oTarfd-
(iv) "Uq ETsRi,T, qrFrfu-f, ner ftf*fl TF wqtl cM-qfl3ii oi frfue 3rlRqe-s fr--oi-fl fr{ d
fr--fl-*r e) eTrfud o-qi qrfi frBtrq cifufu--qt d
Hfgrrl ;"-
eieft-c ergqo fu-qT
(v) '+ qR-{Eq oedr r{sx' w-:ft{ n, " fu-€ rttr otd rrso t dd gq EfDpfr cfuftu qFf e-o q-.arqr
qrlr c-{flh-fl B t" q-<t d sedrq s{, qd qilfu-f, nw qwd fiq--{ so o1 EfM cR$rq a-T qFT sc
ffii qfr ERpfr cRftq qFf .fr arltrd t ao rrl"w oN rrso fr qTQr-Hru qdrrrT qt-qT e-rflF{d
t t crq cRrerTR-fl ftq q'ryi ;
(vi) '6 wffif, (QIT 3{ffllfqF-o' w-sft{ fr, ei< d qq6p. q-e< e.w f,d-fl d_t qrqi, 3{erfq,-
"W 6ts-Rf{, qfufuo oen R.f*o TF w+t nQrT Gil-g8,/er{.4.{.r-s. cffiqqrcit o-r
ilfuc anRqfus ft-fiT-$ qt{ d fuf,rs' ei qrfud o-{i qrfr frfrH€ mfuRrql d erefl-q 3njra
fu-qr qvry t",
II sr-gqiq q q,

(l) 'u qfomrS' sq-si{ d,

(o) uuc (o) d qern w, Ftefufun rru-s qfr-{qrfr-a fuq qlrn, iirdq,-
'(o) 1t 3rRcrq t, nerq nffi sM cr-Jdftn ' -

(s) uu-s (rt) d ql-E, FIqfufua E;o-s {sI q.Krrf, erqfq'-

'(.I-o) ERqw qrq{ r{Fflr, 2016;' ;
d clftcrq B,
(rT) q-s (q) d qqrc qq, Ftqfufufl q-w cfu{erR-a fu-qi q|qm, sT?dq
'6n) ".ncf A-d '-
€ 3lftn-q t, s{,ft qfr|d\ d wre ei' sm qd 3il6Tfua eir d
i{rrm-{ gtiT crw fu-qr rrqr gFlrh-fl, e{Qlla :-
^---------a- ^\-
qd eir crJskr = -
,.\ , -lq? .G'-- ...'-.- .\!-\ c\,, ^------A A-
^ ,,,, \ cplCc4lq\,
---J ^\- \tl5\{lA -,4
L|r<l (12 rlul'11 -+
q?l --- q? yql\tl'l lc'l\, UA \tl3nl'11 qg+Jlfl lc'lt{C ----_
qqA, 6-qr, ilg-sri qR qfr{.T, *a
d-qni cil-i list-{ur, r*d-c (gaD qift{rr nen
q-{f, qrfr wm, gaft €rE d f{rT), Grgrd silinrq or ge.r cil.Tq d sqqtT d
ftd, .Drf *"a ei-gqTd i ft{r qS wgrr.'.
(s) uo-s (s) d ffifuT ew qfu{arfu-a fu-qr qrf'm, sTerfq:-
qern qq,
'(q) "C enqrs"' t crFqq B, lM e-q)q-{ d fuq ft-sd d rq d ffi nQrT
ffirf, ftti.d q{q sT o.f enqm oT Grgqrfr ai{ qqq.'-
(s) er-e (u) qsrn qq, Frqfufua sw sftsqfi-a fu-fl w\'{TT, cterJq:-
'(.1) "Grcft" orfuqrq Enr, ertrf,crq r.s fteq ol
t fu
r{trd or-qRrw {€rFr qq d {M
d'fr-s or qtqqff r€rel e"elr d-s-d q-€T{ur c*q{ ig frffid @1 G eTersT 3il-{r{ T{
(4 =* tO d ffifua cw shqenfi-f, fu-qr qrgqT, eTQrk :-
s€na qq,
'C "!-{ufi nc" t 3rfterq t, frE qfu-a or 1/2 Frw) no frfro da qrFo oeTr
;{l-dq'd-qr$ z.s fr-e{ rltrf, d qffi d fr-s e)-{ ftq-q-ff {Fdd 3i-i u.cfr qfu-fl K{ 2.3
frc{ d znq qS etqr;';
(s) eus (u o) {, qqr (e) d qfsrl q)-.S qrgrft, eivlq-
er<, FrqfufuT
"(+) sv+tr fr 'Ti ftrfr qro d *d gs ,fr, frfrtrw mfrr-tfr +S l-{ qol-qn qflq-{
crffi, d 3TEft{ 3T-Jdtfud qffi-crq @q-d ett ol qqrq qsf e|e eiSvro oQr $"El-TflI
ffidr d iltu.. tfr;';
(2) 'vII rr{orfr ssd d' ffiu.q d ffiT frrd qri srd d-flc{' rfld d {arT;T s{, ftrrfufutr ei{
cfu{€flBf, fo-q qVqt, 3TQfq :-
"vrr qrmrfr $q.qT d qrqq r) ftrn qii qrd ++eq
ffird :

ryf w c\ ln{fir< ei.ri gmr qT sr{ftl \-Sfud ilT fdor-ir d fuq d{ n--qe{ 3rBr1En znr rro-fr
*, Q-d q-q-d { td d TF sc+T d qMq u ergafu e<rn @-{i d fu ciln @t{ ,fr
3rgqfr ergno r€i of qn'ft t"
166 HARYANA GOVT. GAZ. (EXTRA.), JAN.24, 20t7 (MAGH. 4, 1938 SAKA)
(3) 'vIII gcq cR{f,{ rntffii d ft\ TR .nqeTol sid q, sq q-{ (g) d cr< ffifu( qrr
TqI qKtTT, 3Tfi:-
"k) qrcTq qtq Frf eia ergqro o-f drq frfrtre mfrf$ d 3T-$Tii d-E-cs trsf,, fi-f,fr
S+eq srsf, (zq/ft fieq) q 6Rd c.-A npdr qcT etd ffi d 3Tsftl 3il-i sTfr Tfr d
frq q-{F o1 'd 3r3-a d fts-d 3r3-at-d fu-fl qr e-d-ar t r";
(4) 'xIV frF-q y-+x d q-q-d d d or q+f,q 3ilcnR' ctd E qiT (2) cir (3) d qenq w,
ffifun i-{r cR-€rfi-d frtd wq,t, GTqlo :-
"(2) fW ei-q orfufu-o fr-ortr d ftid c,f oTrors offifr, wltr-s 1:W oT-dtfr 3ik
qFifu-o oT-d-fr d frq elt fl;rqu-€ w efwo qrfufudi d er5vm eti r

nerfr, qR C sTrqtrj l:+lq ERiluTr ertft fr=ol{r yrDo-iur qT frrifr erq rrEorft t-d-S air
qffi at qffi t, a) c,f erqs {erFT e-f 3Trorq Fftq i qqr-frfrffe dqr l";
(s) 'xv f4ft-q q-frrr d q-qri d 3m.fd 3ratka et'rzd-q{ eil'q sTmR' sq fiS d seil.a w,
Ftqfrfun w rft{ cfrrqftf, fu-fl qNrn, 3Tatiq :-
"xv fuF;q s-flq d .E-iT d ffn eraiFo ele/,fu e*s Gilor{ frFte d-e7rem w
eit, ssf fia ergqo o?rT fu M-d{, rrq{ €F{ar,/ Frqd nerilqr tc\
wrc,/elr d dFi'T qq d qer erMtro frtrd mfurft griT yrR{a e}-fr t ";
(6) 'xvl q-q-rl qfi GilA efi ffi Gtri f,?rT U\ilr of efi rr"rl qfu' w rft{ d w6 *,
ffifud w eftS cfu{ertn-d fuq q\'qr, 3TQrJq:-
"xvr rrq-df sfi er.r"fr GrYi M 3I}s ner gw afr Gili qir{ iifu
t rl-+q e.trf,r/ffi d ergwn aelT/qT t0 efr d dhq wrc d qQr srMfa Bc-{Rrf,
*fr r",

(7) 'XVu qn€a-cir rr-q* fuToT' sc-Pft{ d sern qq, ffifoT w-rfrS onremn fu-qt
ia$lT, 3{gIkI:-
"xvII $-qft fuTtr

q-di ?F-€i qlrdodT €qq ftzre.cT Glcmifo wqflr iflral d a\ !-C-ff rr+q 6RqTw r1ai.€B-ar,
zoro d sus 2e d Gfd-ro cfld w qtqgodT o-q6 ft-qalT d eqwv *qr t";
(8) 'xx s{'s=|al' tsc cftS d s€lTq w, ffifun sc yfl{ cfr{effi=f, fu-qr olvqr, 3iQrld.-
!-.$-f, 3lrqlftq Q-fli{ FdT d ErTf$ .d d--qe{ rrEr{di fr ffifi fu-qr urqrn nerT {*rd
3rRR-da C
\-ol-qn oqsr-c-{ mftRfr (rvei.v) srqtdts-d gc ETsRirT mftffi, Ffu-c
onfuEs fr_ofs crRrifr oqr 20 qfryrd qq ar-g.RTq ?Frqtre frRrifr qprftR-o qEFrdl
3ilsni-q d-q-i q fi cn atfr r";
(rn) qRRrc t- s
(i) 't M fr{' yft{ d, sc teu-€ (viii) d qtq, ffifuT ss srs frcr ERlr,
eierfq ,-
"(viii-o) etd A,zed E. { gfl. cRq}-sET3it o} ilfuc ar}Rq-E-s ftf,rs fi d
fdmT-*l o} fl-Rn @-{i arfr frfrtrw crhtrq} d cT$-{ 3i-grf, fuqT qrgql t".

(ii) TI qFffuf,
"il{' std d, sq
qw (viii) d {gTFI q{, Frqftfud ss qo-s e-R-iertR-d
fuil qgqT, e{QltE :-
"(viii) {er fr-trHse frfYd XF sqqtrr cffiq-rrcit ti eirsrr{";
(iii) 'III citatFro fr{' €ft{ t w eo-€ (vi) d qrs, FFTRfutr Bs rqrs {qr q]-qqT,
GTerfu ,-
HARYANA GOVT. GAZ. (EXTRA.), JAN. 24,2017 (MAGH.4, 1938 SAKA) r67

"(vio) qq fls-Rfq, qrFrfuf, f,?TT frflfa Tfr slqt'T cRq)u-rrq flfu-c anfuft-s
A-c].)t\-l \||-t -:
cD A-_ crrl ,,.-A- cD(-l qlc'll C\C\N. ,}?r.,r},,,\ -:
lqq?ltl --+ qllc'll$ql --q
^-A._ ^'..-'--
tq {lll{1fl lql-llqcc o.fiElli.fi1+lc cDl


(iv) 'y1 flffir-f, neil G{tffi{o wq}.r Giaf,' sid E ve ur€ (vii) d etq,
Fmfufun ss qw qqr qTgfi, sTerfe'.-
"(vii o) Uc ETs-ft.r, qftFvTo, frfld Tfr sqq)lT nan 3Td8,zeil{.d.{.q-q,
qMo-cr3it C Ffu-c enRqtrs fr-ors fr{ d fr-f,rs o) eTrfun 6{i qrfr f,qfrtr€
mfuRr-ql d eisfrc ergq-d fu-qT qrTrr-r t" I

3m-ur €qri gKT, 3ilr-( +f,{ q-fi.

qeTn {{fu-s, ERqrqr srf,r{, gqrr. l].Hq, ERqrry Tflqtr-q,
crfT nelT qrq 3il-qtwqT fu'+Tt-rT I
q-$ TaTrfi-q F-orq iarrTrr t

The 24th January, 2017
No. CCP(NCR)/FDP-203UGGN/20171 304,- In exercise of the powers conferred by Sub-section (7) of
Section 346 of the Haryana Municipal Corporation Act, 1994 (16 of 1994) and Sub-section (7) of Section 5
of the Punjab Scheduled Roads and Controlled Areas Restriction of Unregulated Development Act, 1963
(Punjab Act. 4l of 1963) and with reference to Haryana Government, Urban Local Bodies Department and Town &
Country Planning Department notification No.CCP(NCR)/FDP-203liGGN/2016/2402, dated the 15th July,2016 the
Governor of Haryana hereby makes the following amendment in the Final Development Plan 203 I AD, Gurgaon-
Manesar Urban Complex, notified vide Haryana Government, Town and Country Planning Department notification
No. CCP(NCR)/FDP-20311GGN/2012/3541, dated the 15th November, 2012 and published in the Haryana
Government Gazette( Extra ordinary), dated the l5th November, 2012 for Gurgaon-Manesar Urban Complex
alongwith restrictions and conditions, given in Annexure A and B proposed to be made applicable to the controlled
area specified in Annexure B, namely:-
In the Haryana Government, Town and Country Planning Department, notification No. CCP(NCR)/FDP-
203 | I GGN I 20 12/ 3 5 4 l, dated the I 5 th Novemb er, 20 12,-
L In Annexure- A, under the heading Description of Land Uses,-
(i) under Sub Head (1)-" Residential"
(a) after the words "community facilities and services", the sign "." shall be inserted; and
(b) for the words "within the sectors on an average net residential density of 250 persons per
hectare", the following words, sign and figure shall be substituted, namely:-
"Every residential sector shall be developed to the sector density indicated in the drawing with
20Vo variation on either side and in addition to it, the density as prescribed in the New Integrated
Licensing Policy (NILP), Affordable Group Housing policy, Transit Oriented Development
Policy (TOD). 207c' Group Housing component policy will also be applicable in a residential
(ii) under Sub-Head (2) - "Commercial", after the words, " to cater to the needs of surrounding areas" the
following words shall be inserted; namely:-
"Group Housing, Mixed Land Use and IT/ ITES projects shall be allowed under specified policies
governing development of Transit Oriented Development Zone" :
168 HARYANA GOVT. GAZ. (EXTRA.), JAN.24, 2017 (MAGH. 4, 1938 SAKA)
(iii) under Sub-Head (3) - "Industrial" after the words "Modern Township Manesar", the following words
shall be inserted; namely:-
"Group Housing, Commercial and Mixed Land Use projects will be allowed under specified policies
governing development of Transit Oriented Development Zone" ;

(iv) under Sub-Head (4) - "Transport and Communication";- in the existing para three, for the words "upto
SPR through Golf Course Road", the following words and sign shall be substituted, namely:-
"along Golf Course Road upto SPR and including the portion of SPR forming Southern periphery of
sector 56";
(v) under Sub-Head (6) - "Public and Semi- Public", the following words shall be added at the end,
"Group Housing, Commercial, Mixed Land Use and IT/ ITES projects will be allowed under specified
policies governing development of Transit Oriented Development Zone."
II. In Annexure- B,
(l) under the heading "Zoning Regulations", under Sub Head II- "Definitions";-
(i) for clause (a), the following clause shall be substituted, namely:-
(a) "approved" means approved by the competent authority;
(ii) after clause (c), the following clause shall be inserted, namely:-
(c-a) "Building Code" means, the Haryana Building Code 2016;".
(iii) for clause (h), the following clause shall be substituted, namely:-
'(h) "Floor Area Ratio (FAR)"means a quotient obtained by dividing the total covered area of
all floors, by the area of plot i.e.
total covered area
plot area
For the purpose of calculating FAR, cantilevered permitted roof projections, lift room,
mumty, balcony, basement if used for parking, services and storage, stilt area
(unenclosed) proposed to be used for parking and pedestrian plaza only, open staircase
(without mumty), open court yard of permitted size shall not be counted towards FAR;';
(iv) for clause (), the following clause shall be substituted, namely:-
'0) "Group Housing" means a building designed and developed in the form of flats for
residential purpose or any building ancillary to group housing;';
(v) for clause (q), the following clause shall be substituted, namely:-
'(q) "Loft" means an intermediate space between two floors on a residual space with maximum
height of 1.5 metres and which is constructed or adopted for storage purposes only;';
(vi) for clause (0, the following clause shall be substituted, namely:-
'(t) "Mezzanine Floor" means an intermediate floor, between two floors, with area restricted to
% (half) of the lower floor and with a minimum height of 2.3 metres and shall not be
lower than 2.3 metres above floor level:':
(vii) in clause (za), after Explanation (3), the following explanation shall be inserted; namely:-
"(4) Notwithstanding above, the projects approved under specific policy like New Integrated
Licensing Policy, Floor Area Ratio and density shall be the governing parameters instead
of plotable area;";
(2) under Sub Head VII "Sectors to be developed exclusively through Government Enterprises", for the
existing clause (l) following clause shall be substituted, namely:-
and (2), the
" Government may notify any sector for development exclusively by it or by its agencies, in which
case, no further permission for change of land use or grant of licence shall be permitted in such
(3) under Sub Head VIII, "Land reservations for major transport corridor", in sub-para (3), after the words
"whichever is less shall be allowed" existing at the end, the following words shall be added, namely:-
"Benefit of tradable FAR, may be allowed against licences granted for the land falling under sector
road, internal sectoral plan roads(24l18 m) or green belt and open space zones in accordance with
specified policy";
HARYANA GOVT. GAZ. (EXTRA.), JAN. 24,2017 (MAGH. , 1938 SAKA) 169

(4) under Sub Head XIII, "Minimum size of plots for various types of buildings", for the existing clauses
(2) and (3), the following clause shall be substituted, namely:-
"(2) The area norms for group housing colony, plotted residential colony and commercial colony
shall be in the accordance with the policies specified from time to time for residential and
commercial development. However, in a case group housing scheme is floated by Haryana
Urban Development Authority or any other Government Agency, the size of group housing site
shall be as specified in the scheme.";
- (5) under Sub Head XV "Site coverage, Height and bulk of building under various types of buildings", in
the table, against serial number I, against Group housing, under column "Maximum ground floor
coverage and Maximum floor area ratio, for the existing clause, the following clause shall be
substituted, namely:-
"The site coverage, Floor Area Ratio and height permitted on a specific plot/site shall be governed by
the prescribed policy parameters, building code/rules and /or as laid down in the zoning plan of such
(6) under Sub Head XVI - "Building lines in front and rear of buildings", for the existing clause, the
following clause shall be substituted, namely:-
"These shall be provided in accordance with Building Code/rules and /or as laid down in the zoning
plan of such site.";
(7) under Sub Head XVII- "Architectural Control", for the existing clause, the following clause shall be
substituted, namely:-
"Wherever architectural control is considered necessary, every building shall conform to architectural
control prepared under clause 29 of Haryana Building Code 2016.";
(8) under Sub Head XlX-"Density";- for the existing clause, the following clause shall be substituted,
"Every residential sector shall be developed to the sector density indicated in the drawing with 2OVo
variation on either side and in addition to it, the density as prescribed in the New integrated Licensing
Policy (NILP), Affordable Group Housing policy, Transit Oriented Development Policy (TOD) and
2OVo of Group Housing component policy will also be applicable in a residential sector.";
I[ In Appendix- B,-
(i) under heading I -Residential Zone; after sub clause (viii), the following sub-clause shall be
inserted, namely:-
"(viii-a) IT/ ITES projects shall be allowed under specified policies governing development of
Transit Oriented Development Zone" .
(ii) under the Heading II- "Commercial zone"l for sub-clause (viii), the following sub-clause shall
be substituted, namely:-
"(viii) Residences in mixed land use projects as specified";
(iii) under Heading III- "Industrial Zone"; after sub-clause (vi), the following sub-clause shall be
inserted, namely:-
"(vi-a) Group Housing, Commercial and Mixed Land Use projects shall be allowed under
specified policies governing development of Transit Oriented DevelopmentZone".
(iv) under Heading VI - "Public and Semi Public uses zone", after sub-clause (viii), the following
sub-clause shall be inserted, namely:-
"(viii-a) Group Housing, Commercial, Mixed Land Use and IT/ ITES projects will be allowed
under specified policies governing development of Transit Oriented DevelopmentZone."


Principal Secretary to Government, Haryana, Principal Secretary to Government, Haryana,
Town and Country Planning Department. Urban Local Bodies Department.

54960-C.S.-H.C.P., Chd.

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