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Stuart's Trip to Mesopotamia ‘Anarchaeologist named Stuart has learned how to go back in time. Archaeologist Stuart has decided to travel back to 8000 BC. He knows nothing about the Mesopotamian civilization, other than itis very different compared to his life in Michigan. Your task is to create a document that Stuart can take with him when he travels back in time, Itneeds to be easy to read and informative so that Stuart does not get im trouble, information that will be important for Stuart to know includes: (Choose 8 only) ate What artifacts there are to find in Mesopotamia, (list & explain 5) (include picture for each) Climate in the region of the world (explain & use pictures) What people do with their free time ~-> in the Paleolithic and Neolithic (3 examples) What are living conditions like? (3-4 examples) ‘Amap of the area including the different civilizations (he has to know where he is going) ‘Things to see when he is visiting the civilizations (list & explain 3-4 include picture for each) Churches / Beliefs he will be exposed to (list & explain 2 include 2 pictures) Where to stay Expectations of men and women (list & explain at least 3 examples, include 2 pictures) Inventions to investigate, examples of them and what they are today (3 examples & 3 pictu Government leaders he might run into and laws he should follow (Which civilization mighthe meet each leader) (List 2, picture of each leader) > Different civilizations (empires) to visit - what makes each one different? (List 3) > Warnings Stuart should know before going? (list & explain 3, include 2 pictures) } Suggestions for something he should not miss during his visit. (ist and explain 2 & 2 pictures) vvvvy HEEL While all of this information is really important Stuart has to leave very soon so it is not possible to give him all the information before he leaves. For this reason v6! ccd oi e & ies above, that you think are the most important Create a Power Point presentation to use as a “Guide Book” for Stuart. Power Point Presentation Your power point presentation must have a minimum of9 slides and a maximum of 10 slides. The first slide should be titled and include your full name and hour. You must print your presentation out, ONE. slide per page. Each slide must contain sufficient pictures to illustrate the slide. Color would be great, but biack & white printis acceptable, *Flash drives will not be accepted. Project must be printed. and ready to turn in for full credit. 01 Please note: We are currently studying the Mesopotamia unit in class, and will continue to over the next two weeks, This project should be completed at home during this time. 1 will provide helpful links on my webpage under the “games & cool info” tab, under the title Mesopotamia, as well as under the World History Units tab, Ancieitt Egypt & Kush, Additionally, | will provide daily information, through in class activities that may also be used for project completion. This project is due on Wednesday, November 7. This allows 2 weeks for completion, as well as two weekends for those families needing public library access. CLASS WEBPAGE: Mrs. Golfin Project Requirements & Grading Rubric _ Name: | Exceeds Meets Partially Does Not No ! Rbat eins Meets 2 Meet Attempt Points 1 Point, 0 Points Mesopotamia Has atleast 8 or more Has atleast 7 Has less than 6 Haas less than 4 Does not have Information categories of information | categories of categories of categories of any of the thatarewellexplained | information thatare | information thatis | informationthat are | required and defined wellexplained and _| either well not well explained Information defined explained or defined | and defined Understand Accurately describes ‘Accurately With help has Workis attempted but | Has not 5 and provides describes the completed level 3 not yet attempted to different customs | examples ofthe customsand beliefs | content finished meet the and belief customs and beliefs systems of people in requirements systems of people | systems of people in Mesopotamia and societies Mesopotamia I Understands ‘Accurately ‘Accurately With help has Workis attempted | Hasnot describes and provides _| describeshow completelevel3 | butnot yet attempted | how technology | examples of how technology and content finished tomeet the and innovation technology and ‘innovation impacts Hi requirements | impacts societal _ } innovation impacts societal change | societal change change. Graphics | Each category is Atleast6 Atleast 3 ‘Atleast i category | There are no illustrated with a clear categories are categories are is illustrated witha graphics graphicandeach oneis | illustrated with a clear | illustrated witha _| clear graphic and is | clearly labeled graphicand each one is | clear graphicand or | clearly labeled clearly labeled each one is clearly | labeled | Grammar / There are no There area few , There are some There are alot of There isno Spell | spelling or grammar spelling or grammar _| spelling or grammar | spelling or grammar _| text pelling : mistakes mistakes mistakes mistakes A= 18 - 20 points B= 16-17 points C=14~15 points D = 12 - 13 points F= 11 pts & Below Student Signature: Parent Signature: ISA; project Due on: Wednesday, November 7. STAPLE THIS TO YOUR PROJECT! Date:,

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