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Adolescence Metabolic Syndrome or Adiposity

and Early Adult Metabolic Syndrome

Article in The Journal of pediatrics · September 2013

Impact Factor: 3.79 · DOI: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2013.07.032 · Source: PubMed


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5 authors, including:

Farhad Hosseinpanah Golaleh Asghari

Research Institute for Endocrine Sciences Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Scie…


Maryam Barzin
Research Institute for Endocrine Sciences


All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate, Available from: Golaleh Asghari
letting you access and read them immediately. Retrieved on: 26 May 2016
Adolescence Metabolic Syndrome or Adiposity and Early Adult
Metabolic Syndrome
Farhad Hosseinpanah, MD1, Golaleh Asghari, MS1, Maryam Barzin, MD, MPH1, Sahar Ghareh, MD2, and Fereidoun Azizi, MD3

Objective To investigate the predictive role of adolescent metabolic syndrome (MetS) in development of early
adult MetS, independent of adult body mass index (BMI).
Study design 1424 adolescents (639 boys), participants of the Tehran Lipid and Glucose Study, followed for 10.4
years, were analyzed and logistic regression models were developed. Using the areas under the receiver operating
characteristic curve, the discriminatory ability of adolescent MetS and overweight or obesity was evaluated. Net
reclassification improvement was calculated to determine the accuracy of classification by adolescent MetS in
place of overweight or obesity.
Results The mean  SD of age and BMI were 14.6  2.2 years and 20.3  4.2 kg/m2, respectively. The
prevalence of MetS was 13.3% and 14.6% at baseline and after follow-up, respectively. The risk of devel-
oping early adult MetS among subjects who were overweight or obese in adolescence but nonobese as
adults (OR: 1.65) was lower than the risk among subjects who were obese as adults but nonobese as
adolescents (OR: 8.45). After adjustment for adult BMI, adolescent MetS and overweight or obesity did
not show any association with the risk of adult MetS. Area under the receiver operating characteristic curve
was higher for obesity (0.619) than MetS (0.589) and the net reclassification improvement value for MetS was
1.5% (P = .398).
Conclusion Adolescent MetS or adiposity did not predict early adult MetS independent of adult BMI. The
addition of adolescent MetS to obesity does not improve the predictive power for early adult MetS. (J Pediatr

etabolic syndrome (MetS) is a complex disorder defined by a cluster of interconnected factors including dyslipidemia,
elevated blood pressure, and dysregulated glucose homeostasis, with abdominal obesity and/or insulin resistance as
the core manifestations of the syndrome in both children and adults.1,2 Different proposed definitions of pediatric
MetS are modified from adult criteria with use of sex- and age-specific national curves; therefore, different prevalence of
MetS has been reported in different studies of children and adolescents.3
The clinical utility of pediatric MetS for identifying who develops MetS in adulthood is controversial.4-6 There is
substantial evidence on the predictive value of childhood MetS and increased risk of MetS, type 2 diabetes, and surrogates
of cardiovascular disease such as carotid intima-media thickness in adulthood.7 To date, the contribution of childhood MetS
to long-term MetS risk, independent of adult body mass index (BMI), has not been clearly established. Furthermore, some
studies report that some simpler screening tools such as BMI in pediatric settings seem to be equally useful compared with
pediatric MetS in identifying adolescents at risk of developing adult MetS.7 Moreover, the majority of studies addressing role
of childhood or adolescent BMI for prediction of adult MetS also failed to adjust for adult BMI.6,8 Interestingly, the findings
of 2 recent systematic reviews challenged the independent role of pediatric obesity for adult MetS and cardiovascular
Therefore, it seems important to explore predictive factors in childhood or adolescents for prediction of early adult MetS.
Tracking of adiposity between childhood and adulthood would be important. In the current study, we aimed to investigate the
possible role of adolescent MetS on development of early adult MetS, independent of adult BMI among the Tehran Lipid and
Glucose Study (TLGS) during a mean follow-up of 10.4 years.

BMI Body mass index

HDL-C High-density lipoprotein cholesterol From the 1Obesity Research Center, Research Institute
for Endocrine Science, Shahid Beheshti University of
MetS Metabolic syndrome Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran; 2Faculty of Medicine,
NPV Negative predictive value Islamic Azad University, Mashhad Medical Branch,
Mashhad, Iran; and 3Endocrine Research Center,
NRI Net reclassification improvement Research Institute for Endocrine Science, Shahid
PPV Positive predictive value Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
ROC Receiver operating characteristic Supported by Research Institute of Endocrine Sciences,
TG Triglyceride Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences (grant
098). The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
TLGS Tehran Lipid and Glucose Study
WC Waist circumference 0022-3476/$ - see front matter. Copyright ª 2013 Mosby Inc.
All rights reserved.


High-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) was measured

after precipitation of the apolipoprotein B–containing lipo-
proteins with phosphotungstic acid. These analyses were
This study was conducted within the framework of the TLGS,
performed using commercial kits (Pars Azmoon Inc, Tehran,
a prospective study of the prevalence of noncommunicable
Iran) and a Selectra 2 auto analyzer (Vital Scientific, Spanke-
diseases and their risk factors among Tehran’s urban popula-
ren, The Netherlands). Inter- and intra-assay coefficients of
tion.11,12 The participants were followed up every 3 years; the
variations at baseline were 2.2% for serum glucose, 2% and
baseline survey was a cross-sectional study conducted from
0.5% for HDL-C, and 1.6% and 0.6% for TG, respectively.
1999-2001, and surveys 2 (2002-2005), 3 (2006-2008), and
Because no universally accepted definition of the MetS
4 (2009-2011) were prospective follow-up surveys. Multi-
exists for children, the definition proposed by Cook et al
stage cluster sampling was used to randomly select people
was used.13 It defines MetS as 3 or more of the following: fast-
aged 3 years or older from district 13 of Tehran, the capital
ing TGs $110 mg/dL; HDL-C <40 mg/dL; WC $90th
of Iran. This population is served by 3 medical centers. The
percentile for age and sex, according to national reference
age distribution of the population in district 13 is representa-
curves14; systolic blood pressure and/or diastolic blood
tive of the overall population of Tehran (Iran National
pressure $90th percentile for sex, age, and height, from the
Census, 1996). Of the 15 005 subjects who participated in
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute’s recommended
baseline examination of the TLGS (1999-2001), 2688 subjects
cut-off points;15 and fasting blood glucose $100 mg/dL,
were children and adolescents, aged 11-18 years (mean age
according to the recent recommendations of American
14.5  2.2 years, 48% male). For the current study, after
Diabetes Association.16 The joint interim statement17
excluding those with missing anthropometric values and
defines MetS as the presence of any 3 of 5 risk factors of
biochemical data (n = 106), 2582 remained. Of 2582 children
the following: (1) abdominal obesity as WC $91 cm for
and adolescents, 1424 (639 boys and 785 girls) aged 18-31
women and $89 cm for men according to population- and
years, returned for follow-up with a mean of 10.2 years.
country-specific cut-off point for Iranians18; (2) fasting
The protocols of this study were approved by the institu-
plasma glucose $100 mg/dL or drug treatment; (3) fasting
tional ethics committee of the Research Institute for
TGs $150 mg/dL or drug treatment; (4) fasting HDL-C
Endocrine Sciences, affiliated with the Shahid Beheshti Uni-
<50 mg/dL for women and <40 mg/dL for men or drug treat-
versity of Medical Sciences.
ment; and (5) elevated blood pressure was defined as systolic
Anthropometric measurements including height, weight,
blood pressure $130 mm Hg, diastolic blood pressure $85
and waist circumference (WC) were measured by trained
mm Hg, or antihypertensive drug treatment.
examiners at baseline and at follow-up using standardized
Obesity, overweight, and normal BMI were defined based
protocols.11 Height was measured in a standing position,
on the standardized percentile curves of BMI suggested for
without shoes, using a measuring tape while the shoulders
Iranian children and adolescents as $95th, between $85th
were in a normal position. Weight was measured using digital
and <95th, and <85th percentiles of BMI for age and sex,
scales (Seca 707; Seca Corporation, Hanover, Maryland;
respectively.19 To observe tracking of BMI from adolescence
range 0.1-150 kg) and was recorded to the nearest 100 g while
into early adulthood, the participants were categorized into 4
the subjects were minimally clothed and without shoes. BMI
groups on the basis of adiposity status in adolescence and
(weight [kg]/square of height [m]) was calculated. WC was
adulthood. Group I were defined as subjects with normal
measured at the umbilicus, using a measuring tape without
BMI in adolescence who were nonobese as adults; group II,
pressure to body surfaces and was recorded to the nearest
those who were overweight or obese in adolescence but
0.5 cm. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure was measured
nonobese as adults; group III, those with normal BMI in
using a standard mercury sphygmomanometer (calibrated
adolescence who were obese as adults; and group IV, those
by the Iranian Institute of Standards and Industrial
who were overweight or obese in adolescence and obese as
Researches), in the right arm after 15-minute rest in a sitting
position. A qualified physician measured the blood pressure
of the seated subject twice; the mean of the 2 measurements
was used in the analysis. A blood sample was drawn into Statistical Analyses
vacutainer tubes from all subjects between 7:00 a.m. and Baseline and follow-up characteristics of subjects were
9:00 a.m. after 12-14 hours overnight fasting for measure- expressed as mean and SD or median and IQR for continuous
ment of glucose and lipid concentrations. The samples were variables and percentages for dichotomous variables. These
centrifuged 30-45 minutes after collection. All analyses were variables were compared among adiposity groups using the
done at the TLGS research laboratory on the day of blood one-way ANOVA for continuous variables and c2 test for
collection. Fasting plasma glucose was measured by the enzy- categorical variables. The variables without normal distribu-
matic colorimetric method using glucose oxidase. Serum tri- tion were log transformed. Multiple logistic regression anal-
glyceride (TG) was assayed using an enzymatic colorimetric ysis was used to evaluate the predictive power of adolescent
method with glycerol phosphate oxidase, and serum total MetS, overweight or obesity, and abdominal obesity for adult
cholesterol was assayed using an enzymatic colorimetric MetS. ORs and 95% CIs were calculated for boys and girls.
method with cholesterol esterase and cholesterol oxidase. Furthermore, the predictive power of adiposity groups for

2 Hosseinpanah et al

adult MetS was reported. Areas under the receiver operating The risk of developing early adult MetS among subjects who
characteristic (ROC) curve were estimated to compare the were overweight or obese in adolescence but nonobese as
prediction power of adolescent MetS, overweight or obesity, adults (group II) was not significantly increased compared
and abdominal obesity for adult MetS. Sensitivity, specificity, with subjects who had normal BMI in adolescence but nonob-
positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value ese as adults (group I). Subjects who were obese as adults, irre-
(NPV) were calculated. The increased discriminative value of spective of their adolescent adiposity status (groups III and IV)
adding adolescent MetS and abdominal obesity to adolescent had increased risks of developing early adult MetS (Table III).
overweight or obesity model was further tested with net The risk of early adult MetS tended to increase as the num-
reclassification improvement (NRI). NRI examined how ber of youth MetS components increased (P for trend <.001).
many individuals changed the status of adolescent over- However, after adjustment for adult BMI, all associations
weight or obesity after addition of adolescent MetS or were not significant, except for boys who had 2 (2.52, 95%
abdominal obesity reporting the proportion of individuals CI: 1.37-4.64) or 3 (2.35, 95% CI: 1.12-4.93) MetS compo-
correctly reclassified across risk categories minus the propor- nents. The most frequent combination of unfavorable cardi-
tion of individuals incorrectly reclassified. The percentiles of ometabolic risk factors for boys with 2 or 3 MetS components
systolic and diastolic blood pressure were calculated accord- were low HDL-C and high TGs. Adolescent MetS, overweight
ing to the fourth report on the diagnosis, evaluation, and or obese, and abdominal obesity had independent associa-
treatment of high blood pressure.20 tions with early adult MetS. However, after adjustment of
The mean follow-up time was 10.4 years. Data analyses adult BMI, all associations were not significant, except for
were carried out by SPSS software package (v. 15; SPSS Inc, adolescent abdominal obesity in boys (0.57, 95% CI: 0.33-
Chicago, Illinois) and SAS software (v. 9.1; SAS Institute, 0.96), which was protective (Table IV).
Cary, North Carolina) The statistical significance of differ- All predictors had high NPV, indicating that normal BMI
ences between ROC curves was assessed using STATA soft- or WC and lack of MetS in adolescence can accurately predict
ware package v. 10.0 (Stata Corporation, College Station, lack of MetS in early adulthood. Also, all predictors had low
Texas) according to the algorithm developed by Delong PPV, indicating that majority of adolescents with overweight
et al21 and significance was set at P < .05. obesity, abdominal obesity, and MetS do not necessarily
develop MetS in early adulthood. Prediction of early adult
Results MetS by adolescent overweight or obesity using ROC analysis
was superior to the prediction provided by adolescent
The study cohort consisted of 1424 subjects (639 boys and abdominal obesity (P = .003). Additionally, compared with
785 girls) with a mean (SD) age of 14.6  2.2 years at base- adolescent MetS, borderline significance (P = .07) was
line. The mean length of follow-up was 10.4  1.0 years. observed. As evidenced by net reclassification index values,
There were no significant differences in mean baseline the accuracy of classification was not improved by adding
anthropometric measurements and biochemical assessments either adolescent MetS or abdominal obesity to adolescent
between the subgroups of the cohort that provided follow-up overweight or obesity for prediction of early adult MetS (all
assessments and those lost at baseline (Table I; available at P > .05, Table V).
Among 1121 subjects who had had normal weight as Discussion
children, 60 (5.3%) were obese as adults. Among 303 subjects
who had been obese as children, 141 (46.5%) were obese as This study demonstrates the predictive power of adolescence
adults. The prevalence of abdominal obesity, MetS, and over- MetS or obesity for early adult MetS and the tracking of
weight or obesity among children were 15.3% (15.5% of boys adiposity between adolescence and adulthood for adult MetS
and 15.1% of girls), 13.3% (14.4% of boys and 12.4% of prediction. We found that adolescent MetS or excess weight
girls), and 21.3% (23.3% of boys and 19.6% of girls), respec- did not predict early adult MetS, independent of adult BMI
tively. After a 10-year follow-up, the prevalence of MetS was during a mean follow-up of 10.4 years. Also, the risk of devel-
14.6% (29.7% and 2.4% for adult males and females, respec- oping MetS in early adulthood was lower among subjects who
tively). Adolescence and early adult characteristics of the were overweight or obese during adolescence but nonobese as
participants according to adiposity groups are displayed in adults than among subjects who were consistently obese or
Table II. Compared with subjects in group I, those in who became obese as adults. Furthermore, our analysis re-
group IV had unfavorable cardiometabolic characteristics, vealed no marked change for the future MetS stratification
both during adolescence and adulthood (P < .05). by adolescent MetS beyond adolescent obesity.
Adolescents in group II had higher adolescent weight, BMI, MetS is a subject of controversy in adolescence, which rai-
WC, and TGs compared with those in group III (P < .05). ses questions about the utility of the MetS as a diagnostic
The prevalence of adolescent MetS was higher in group II category in a clinical setting. Barriers of using MetS are the
in comparison with group III (38.3% vs 11.7%, P < .05); lack of consistent, accepted definition, the physiological
however, the prevalence of early adult MetS was higher occurrence of insulin resistance in puberty, and the low sta-
in group III in comparison with group II (45.0% vs 13.0%, bility of the MetS in children and adolescents.2,22 Moreover,
P < .05). there is not enough evidence in favor of the independent role
Adolescence Metabolic Syndrome or Adiposity and Early Adult Metabolic Syndrome 3

Table II. Participant characteristics during adolescence and adulthood according to adiposity groups
Group I: BMI <85th at Group II: BMI ‡85th at Group III: BMI <85th at Group IV: BMI ‡ 85th
adolescence and <30 adolescence and <30 adolescence and ‡30 at adolescence and ‡30
kg/m2 at adulthood kg/m2 at adulthood kg/m2 at adulthood kg/m2 at adulthood
(n = 1061) (n = 162) (n = 60) (n = 141) P value*
Age (y) 14.4  2.2x 14.4  2.2x 15.5  2.1 14.9  2.2x .001
Male (%) 42.9 43.2 58.3 56.0 .004
Family history of diabetes 9.6 12.4 15.0 17.3 .029
BMI (kg/m2) 18.5  2.4z,x,{ 25.4  2.7x,{ 21.2  3.4{ 27.5  3.9 <.001
WC (cm) 65.5  7.0z,x,{ 80.3  8.4x,{ 72.8  6.3{ 85.9  10.4 <.001
Abdominal obesity (%) 3.3 50.3 8.5 68.1 < .001
Systolic blood pressure 102.9  10.8z,x,{ 110.4  10.5{ 108.4  9.9{ 114.4  12.6 <.001
(mm Hg)
Percentile 31.1  24.7z,{ 48.8  26.5x 35.2  25.7{ 55.0  28.7 <.001
Diastolic blood pressure 69.6  9.0z,{ 74.1  7.9{ 72.3  7.3{ 75.5  9.4 <.001
(mm Hg)
Percentile 65.6  26.4z,{ 78.0  21.7 69.7  22.8 79.1  23.8 <.001
Elevated blood pressure 13.9 30.0 21.7 38.1 <.001
HDL-C (mg/dL) 43.6  10.3{ 41.4  10.6 42.3  11.0 39.8  8.5 <.001
TGs (mg/dL)† 94.0 (71.0-126.0)z,{ 120 (88.0-162.2)x 94.0 (69.0-131.0){ 133.0 (93.5-188.5) <.001
Fasting plasma glucose 88.2  8.0z 90.6  7.9{ 87.6  8.8 87.9  7.7 .004
MetS (%) 5.2 38.3 11.7 46.1 <.001
Early adulthood
Age (y) 24.9  2.5x,{ 24.9  2.4x 26.2  2.3 25.5  2.6 <.001
BMI (kg/m2) 23.2  3.1z,x,{ 26.5  3.1x,{ 32.5  2.6{ 34.5  3.9 <.001
WC (cm) 81.6  9.2z,x,{ 89.0  9.2x,{ 103.2  8.4 106.1  12.7 <.001
Abdominal obesity (%) 21.7 45.1 93.3 91.5 <.001
Systolic blood pressure 105.0  11.7x,{ 107.6  11.8x,{ 116.1  12.2 118.6  13.3 <.001
(mm Hg)
Diastolic blood pressure 70.2  9.0x,{ 71.5  9.0x,{ 79.7  9.6 78.6  10.7 <.001
(mm Hg)
Elevated blood pressure 1.8 3.1 18.3 18.7 <.001
HDL-C (mg/dL) 49.7  11.6x,{ 49.6  11.7x,{ 41.7  8.6 43.2  9.6 <.001
TGs (mg/dL)† 84.0 (64.5-115.0)x,{ 82.0 (64.7-117.2)x,{ 127.0 (103.0-172.5) 123.0 (90.0-169.5) <.001
Fasting plasma glucose 88.9  15.2 89.1  7.7 90.4  6.3 91.9  15.7 .106
MetS (%) 9.0 13.0 45.0 46.8 <.001

Data are mean  SD or median (IQ 25-75) unless otherwise noted.

*P values are for the comparisons across groups, with the use of ANOVA for continuous and c2 test for categorical variables.
†Log transformed values were used for comparison.
zSignificantly different from group II, using post hoc Scheffe analysis test.
xSignificantly different from group III, using post hoc Scheffe analysis test.
{Significantly different from group IV, using post hoc Scheffe analysis test.

of adolescent MetS for future MetS prediction. For example, observed except for some combinations of cardiometabolic
the Bogalusa Heart Study did not consider the adult BMI risk factors.
in evaluating the association between adolescent and Interestingly, combinations of 2 or 3 elements of MetS
adult MetS.7 Similarly, our unadjusted analysis indicated an remained significant after adjustment for adult BMI. Further
association between adolescent MetS and early adult MetS; analysis revealed that combination of low HDL-C and high
however, after adjusting the adult BMI, no association was TGs or the combination of low HDL-C, high TGs, and

Table III. ORs and 95% CI of developing early adulthood MetS in adiposity groups
Boys Girls Total
OR* P OR* P OR †
(95% CI) value (95% CI) value (95% CI) value
Group I: BMI <85th at adolescence and <30 kg/m2 at adulthood (n = 1061) 1.00 1.00
Group II: BMI $85th at adolescence and <30 kg/m2 at adulthood (n = 162) 1.62 (0.92-2.86) .095 1.32 (0.15-11.43) .800 1.59 (0.92-2.74) .094
Group III: BMI <85 at adolescence and $30 kg/m at adulthood (n = 60)
th 2
8.45 (4.18-18.73) <.001 16.39 (3.68-72.96) <.001 9.66 (4.93-18.91) <.001
Group IV: BMI $ 85th at adolescence and $30 kg/m2 at adulthood (n = 141) 9.87 (5.77-16.90) <.001 23.11 (7.62-70.16) <.001 11.82 (7.27-19.23) <.001
P for trend <.001 <.001 <.001
†Adjusted for sex.

4 Hosseinpanah et al

Table IV. OR (95% CI) of developing MetS in early adulthood based on metabolic and obesity characteristics in 639 boys
and 785 girls
Boys (n = 639) Girls (n = 785) Total (n = 1424)
Adjusted for Adjusted for Adjusted Adjusted for sex
Unadjusted adult BMI Unadjusted adult BMI Unadjusted for sex and adult BMI
No. of MetS
0 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
1 1.74 (1.05-2.89) 1.35 (0.77-2.38) 3.05 (0.63-14.83) 4.02 (0.70-23.2) 1.88 (1.19-2.98) 1.85 (1.14-3.00) 1.54 (0.91-2.62)
.03 .29 .17 .12 .007 .012 .11
2 3.85 (2.25-6.58) 2.52 (1.37-4.64) 2.13 (0.39-11.77) 1.58 (0.24-10.21) 2.60 (1.62-4.17) 3.55 (2.14-5.89) 2.33 (1.32-4.11)
<.001 .003 .38 .63 <.001 <.001 .003
3 7.26 (3.90-13.54) 2.35 (1.12-4.93) 6.19 (1.11-34.52) 2.93 (0.44-19.28) 5.52 (3.29-9.26) 7.05 (3.95-12.56) 2.44 (1.25-4.76)
<.001 .024 .037 .26 <.001 <.001 .009
$4 7.88 (3.18-19.56) 0.43 (0.13-1.41) 11.74 (1.56-88.05) 2.84 (0.28-28.46) 7.13 (3.48-14.62) 8.58 (3.73-19.76) 0.67 (0.23-1.95)
<.001 .16 .017 .38 <.001 <.001 .48
P for trend <.001 .069 <.001 .57 <.001 <.001 .047
Adolescence MetS 3.96 (2.53-6.21) 1.08 (0.61-1.93) 3.49 (1.29-9.41) 1.39 (0.45-4.26) 3.32 (2.34-4.71) 3.88 (2.58-5.83) 1.16 (0.70-1.94)
<.001 .78 .014 .56 <.001 <.001 .56
Adolescence 3.17 (2.05-4.89) 0.47 (0.26-0.85) 4.41 (1.74-11.21) 1.00 (0.33-3.05) 2.74 (1.95-3.86) 3.36 (2.26-4.98) 0.57 (0.33-0.96)
abdominal <.001 .013 .002 .996 <.001 <.001 .035
Adolescence 3.40 (2.32-4-98) 0.60 (0.35-1.01) 6.01 (2.38-15.21) 0.98 (0.30-3.20) 3.30 (2.42-4.50) 3.70 (2.60-5.26) 0.67 (0.41-1.07)
overweight or <.001 .056 <.001 .98 <.001 <.001 .096

Abdominal obesity was defined as WC $90th national percentile.

Overweight or obesity was defined as BMI $85th national percentile.

abdominal obesity are the more prevalent patterns. These find- different components. Unexpectedly, abdominal obesity
ings are in agreement with a previous cross-sectional report remained as a protective variable in the final model (0.57,
from the TLGS, suggesting the hypertriglyceridemic waist 95% CI: 0.33-0.96). One explanation behind this observation
phenotype as a simple marker of identifying adolescents at is the high occurrence of normal adult BMI (53%) in those
risk of MetS and other metabolic abnormalities.23 More impor- adolescents with abdominal obesity, which probably reversed
tantly, these findings indicate that some combinations of the expected association of abdominal obesity.
individual components included in the definitions of the adoles- Giving the importance of tracking BMI from adolescence
cent MetS would be more predictive than the whole syndrome to adulthood and similar to the findings of Juonala et al,24
and could provide evidence in favor of unequal weight of we found that subjects, who had normal BMI in adolescence

Table V. Sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV, AUC, and NRI values for adolescence MetS, overweight or obesity, and
abdominal obesity in predicting early adulthood MetS
Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) PPV (%) NPV (%) AUC 95% CI NRI (%) P value
Overweight 42 82 29 89 0.619*,† 0.576-0.663 - -
or obesity
MetS 28 89 31 88 0.589 0.544-0.633 1.51% .398
Abdominal 29 87 28 88 0.580 0.536-0.624 <0.1% .399
Overweight 40 84 51 77 0.618z 0.569-0.668 - -
or obesity
MetS 28 91 57 75 0.596 0.545-.646 3.05% .397
Abdominal 52 75 28 89 0.584 0.534-0.634 <0.1% .399
Overweight 58 81 7 99 0.696 0.564-0.829 - -
or obesity
MetS 32 88 6 98 0.599 0.457-0.742 <0.1% .399
Abdominal 42 86 7 98 0.640 0.498-0.781 <0.1% .399

AUC, area under the curve.

*P =.07 in comparison to MetS using c2 test.
†P = .003 in comparison to abdominal obesity using c2 test.
zP = .02 in comparison to abdominal obesity using c2 test.

Adolescence Metabolic Syndrome or Adiposity and Early Adult Metabolic Syndrome 5


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Reprint requests: Farhad Hosseinpanah, MD, Obesity Research Center,
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Adolescence Metabolic Syndrome or Adiposity and Early Adult Metabolic Syndrome 7


Table I. Comparison of baseline characteristics between

subjects followed-up and missed to follow-up
Follow-up to follow-up P
(n = 1424) (n = 1264) value
Age (y) 14.5  2.2 14.5  2.3 .163
Weight (kg) 51.4  14.4 51.3  15.0 .159
Height (cm) 158.0  11.3 158.0  11.7 .108
BMI (kg/m2) 20.3  4.2 20.2  4.3 .223
WC (cm) 69.5  10.5 69.7  10.8 .211
Fasting blood glucose (mg/dL) 88.4  8.0 89.0  12.5 .578
HDL-C (mg/dL) 42.9  10.3 42.9  10.2 .849
TGs (mg/dL) 112.7  57.8 109.2  65.3 .603
Systolic blood pressure (mm Hg) 105.1  11.6 105.5  12.2 .030
Diastolic blood pressure (mm Hg) 70.8  9.1 71.3  9.3 .808

7.e1 Hosseinpanah et al

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