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PENXXX10.1177/0148607114525210Journal of Parenteral and Enteral NutritionTappenden

Invited Review
Journal of Parenteral and Enteral
Intestinal Adaptation Following Resection Volume 38 Supplement 1
May 2014 23S­–31S
© 2014 American Society
for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
DOI: 10.1177/0148607114525210
Kelly A. Tappenden, PhD, RD, FASPEN1 hosted at

Intestinal adaptation is a natural compensatory process that occurs following extensive intestinal resection, whereby structural and functional
changes in the intestine improve nutrient and fluid absorption in the remnant bowel. In animal studies, postresection structural adaptations
include bowel lengthening and thickening and increases in villus height and crypt depth. Functional changes include increased nutrient
transporter expression, accelerated crypt cell differentiation, and slowed transit time. In adult humans, data regarding adaptive changes are
sparse, and the mechanisms underlying intestinal adaptation remain to be fully elucidated. Several factors influence the degree of intestinal
adaptation that occurs post resection, including site and extent of resection, luminal stimulation with enteral nutrients, and intestinotrophic
factors. Two intestinotrophic growth factors, the glucagon-like peptide 2 analog teduglutide and recombinant growth hormone (somatropin),
are now approved for clinical use in patients with short bowel syndrome (SBS). Both agents enhance fluid absorption and decrease requirements
for parenteral nutrition (PN) and/or intravenous fluid. Intestinal adaptation has been thought to be limited to the first 1–2 years following
resection in humans. However, recent data suggest that a significant proportion of adult patients with SBS can achieve enteral autonomy,
even after many years of PN dependence, particularly with trophic stimulation. (JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2014;38(suppl 1):23S-31S)

short bowel syndrome; intestinal resection; intestinal adaptation; malabsorption

Intestinal adaptation is a natural compensatory process that differentiation into specialized mucosal cells (ie, enterocytes,
occurs following extensive intestinal resection, whereby struc- enteroendocrine cells, goblet cells, or Paneth cells).5 At the end
tural and functional changes in the intestine improve nutrient of their life cycles, the differentiated epithelial cells undergo
and fluid absorption in the remnant bowel.1,2 The degree of apoptosis.6 In animal studies, small bowel resection is fol-
intestinal adaptation that can be achieved is related to both the lowed by a rapid acceleration of crypt cell proliferation
extent of the resection and the anatomy of the remnant bowel. (Figure 1).7 As a result, crypt depth and villus height are
For example, adaptation is more pronounced in the ileum than increased.3,8 In contrast, attenuation of apoptosis does not
in the jejunum, which may account, in part, for the improved appear to be a mechanism for intestinal adaptation; instead, the
outcomes observed in patients who retain some ileal tissue rate may modestly increase as a consequence of enhanced
compared with patients with end-jejunostomy, even after con- crypt cell proliferation and a greater total number of entero-
trolling for the length of the remnant bowel.3,4 For adult cytes.9 Intestinal resection is also associated with local angio-
patients with short bowel syndrome (SBS), the degree of intes- genesis and resultant increases in tissue oxygenation and blood
tinal adaptation by the remnant bowel is one of the factors that flow (Figure 1).10-12 These changes support mucosal growth
determines whether permanent intestinal failure develops and and may also enhance absorptive function.
lifelong parenteral nutrition (PN) is necessary. This review
presents an overview of the structural and functional changes
that occur during intestinal adaptation following intestinal From the 1Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, University
resection, factors that play a role in mediating these changes, of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois.
and different approaches to measuring intestinal adaptation in
Financial disclosure: The publication of the supplement in which
individual patients. This information is intended to provide cli- this article appears is supported by an educational grant from NPS
nicians with a better understanding of the multifaceted process Pharmaceuticals, Inc (Bedminster, New Jersey). K.A.T. has served as a
of intestinal adaptation and its importance in the successful consultant for NPS Pharmaceuticals, Inc. No financial compensation was
management of adult patients with SBS. provided to K.A.T. for the preparation of this work. Funding for medical
writing assistance was provided by NPS Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Physiological Features of Intestinal Adaptation Received for publication December 11, 2013; accepted for publication
February 3, 2014.
Structural Changes Associated With Corresponding Author:
Intestinal Adaptation Kelly A. Tappenden, PhD, RD, FASPEN, Department of Food Science
and Human Nutrition, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 443
The epithelial mucosa of the intact small bowel undergoes con- Bevier Hall, 905 South Goodwin Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801, USA.
tinual self-renewal via crypt cell proliferation, migration, and Email:
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24S Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 38(Suppl 1)

height was decreased for patients compared with control sub-

jects while they were maintained on PN but was increased
compared with control subjects 2 months after enteral feed-
ing resumed.20 Further, most animal studies involve resec-
tions of 75% or more of the intestinal tissue, but resections in
humans are rarely so extensive. In both human and animal
studies, the extent of resection correlates with the degree of
adaptation.15,18,21 Finally, mechanisms for adaptation may
differ between humans and other mammalian models.
Postresection adaptation clearly occurs in humans, as is dem-
onstrated by the majority of patients who progress from PN
Figure 1.  Structural and functional changes that occur in the dependence to enteral autonomy within the first several years
intestine during postresection adaptation. following surgery.22 Intestinal adaptation in humans may rely
more on functional rather than structural changes; however,
additional supporting clinical data are needed to draw defini-
In humans, gross changes in intestinal morphological fea-
tive conclusions.19
tures, including small bowel lengthening and dilation, have
been observed after resection or jejuno-ileal bypass.13,14
However, only limited evidence regarding modification of Functional Changes Associated With
intestinal microarchitecture post resection is available. Some
of the more frequently cited studies assessing structural intesti-
Intestinal Adaptation
nal adaptation in humans have been conducted in pediatric In addition to structural changes, functional adaptations that
patients. McDuffie et al15 evaluated intestinal morphological increase absorptive capacity also occur following resection
characteristics in 33 infants with neonatal necrotizing entero- (Figure 1). In animal studies, intestinal resection is associated
colitis both at the time of resection and also at ostomy reversal, with increased expression of transporter proteins and
which occurred at a mean of 74 days post surgery. In these exchangers involved in nutrient, electrolyte, and water
patients, villus height and crypt depth increased by 32% and absorption, including the sodium glucose cotransporter, Na+/
22%, respectively, at ostomy reversal compared with baseline H+ exchangers, and Na+/K+ adenosine triphosphatases.23-26
(P < .01 for both measures). Furthermore, the magnitude of the Importantly, these studies have documented an elevation of
change in villus height was significantly correlated with the transporter or exchanger expression that is not wholly a result
length of small bowel removed (r = 0.36; P < .05).15 of increased enterocyte mass. In addition, developing entero-
Few studies have been performed to date in adult patients, cytes express digestive enzymes and amino acid transporters
and these studies have been limited by small sample sizes and more rapidly following small bowel resection than in an
histological analyses performed at a single time point post intact bowel, suggesting an accelerated maturation pro-
resection. Doldi14 reported enterocyte hyperplasia and a 70%– cess.27,28 The net result of these changes in protein expression
75% increase in villus height in the small intestine of 13 and activity is to increase the digestive and absorptive capac-
patients at 2 years following jejuno-ileal bypass surgery com- ity of the remnant bowel.23
pared with controls; however, a statistical analysis was not per- Older studies in human adults documented enhanced
formed as part of this study. Joly et al16 documented a 35% absorption of glucose per unit length of intestine following
increase in crypt depth and a 22% increase in cell number/crypt resection.1,2 However, increased absorptive capacity observed
in the colon of 12 patients with jejuno-colonic anastomosis in these studies could be a result of localized hyperplasia, func-
compared with healthy controls (P < .005) at a mean of tional adaptation, or both. Data regarding potential mecha-
9.8 years following resection, but the histological status of the nisms for functional postresection intestinal adaptation in
small intestine was not evaluated. Several other studies showed humans are sparse. In a study by Ziegler et al,19 expression of
no changes in epithelial proliferation or crypt depth and villus PepT1, a transporter of dipeptides and tripeptides, was
height in the small intestine of patients with SBS compared increased in the colon, but not the small intestine, of patients
with healthy controls.17-19 with SBS compared with controls.19 In contrast, a later pro-
Several reasons may account for the limited evidence for spective case-control study failed to document a difference in
structural adaptation in human adults following resection. PepT1 mRNA or protein expression in the colon of 12 patients
Studies performed to date have included relatively few with SBS compared with 14 healthy volunteers.16 However,
patients and have examined single time points. Furthermore, this later study was performed a mean of 9.8 ± 5.7 years after
most patients are maintained on PN for at least some time resection, whereas in the earlier study, patients had been depen-
following resection; however, enteral nutrition is required for dent on PN for an average of 1.5–2.5 years. Thus, the rise in
maximal intestinal adaptation (see below). In a longitudinal colonic PepT1 expression may be an early event in the adapta-
study of 2 patients following small bowel resection, villus tion process.

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Another mechanism for functional adaptation post resec- PN-induced mucosal atrophy reverses upon reintroduction of
tion is a deceleration of small bowel transit, which lengthens enteral nutrition.38,39 In contrast, luminal nutrients enhance
the contact time between luminal nutrients and the absorptive postresection adaptation.41,42 Further, increased nutrient com-
mucosa. In dogs, small intestinal transit time increased by 35% plexity is associated with greater adaptation, likely because of
and 29% following 50% and 75% resections, respectively, the greater digestive activity required for nutrient absorption.43
between 4 weeks and 12 weeks after surgery (P < .05 for each For example, rats and pigs fed a chow diet following intestinal
comparison).29 In patients who have undergone intestinal resection showed greater structural adaptation and digestive
resection, diarrhea decreases during the initial adaptive period enzyme activity than similar animals that received an elemen-
following surgery.30 Slowed gastrointestinal transit time, in tal diet.42,44
addition to other structural and functional changes, may con- Individual nutrients have been associated with intestinotro-
tribute to reduced diarrhea post resection. Indeed, compared phic effects following resection. Fats, in particular, appear to
with healthy controls, patients with an ileal resection and promote adaptation. Compared with standard chow, a high-fat
colon-in-continuity have higher plasma levels of peptide YY, a diet was associated with significantly increased bowel weight
hormone released by the distal intestine that acts to delay gas- and villus height at 14 days post resection in rats.45 In contrast,
tric emptying and intestinal transit.31 a low-fat diet reduced markers of intestinal adaptation com-
pared with a higher fat diet containing the same number of
calories.46 Specific fats may vary in their ability to stimulate
Key Factors in Intestinal Adaptation adaptation. Long-chain triglycerides are superior to medium-
Multiple factors can influence the extent of intestinal adapta- chain triglycerides in inducing hyperplasia of the intestinal epi-
tion that occurs post resection, including anatomic features, thelium in the postresection setting.47,48 Among the long-chain
route of nutrition delivery, and hormones and growth factors. triglycerides, however, the relative benefit of saturated versus
polyunsaturated fatty acids has not been resolved. In a study by
Anatomic features.  The site of intestinal resection influences Vanderhoof et al,49 resected rats receiving a diet high in men-
the extent of subsequent adaptation, with the ileum displaying haden oil, a polyunsaturated fatty acid, showed greater
greater adaptive potential than the jejunum.3,32,33 In humans, increases in mucosal weight and DNA and protein content
proximal resections are associated with decreased diarrhea and when compared with rats fed diets high in safflower oil, a less
steatorrhea relative to distal resections.34 The increased adap- highly unsaturated fatty acid, or beef tallow, a saturated fatty
tive capacity of the ileum relative to the jejunum may be attrib- acid. Similarly, diets high in docosahexaenoic acid and arachi-
utable to the fact that under normal conditions, the distal donic acid, 2 polyunsaturated fatty acids, stimulated greater
intestine is exposed to fewer luminal nutrients, which act as increases in mucosal mass than diets high in safflower oil or
potent stimuli for intestinal growth (see below). Indeed, in the hydrogenated coconut oil.50 In contrast, a study by Keelan et
unresected intestine, villus height gradually decreases along al51 demonstrated that resected rats receiving diets high in satu-
the proximal-distal axis.35 Furthermore, in transposition stud- rated fatty acids had significantly increased jejunal glucose
ies, an ileal segment that is moved proximally undergoes adap- transport compared with animals receiving diets high in poly-
tation, as is evident by significant increases in mucosal growth unsaturated fatty acids. This study did not evaluate the micro-
and glucose absorption, even in the absence of tissue loss.3,35 In architecture of the small bowel, but a more recent study by
contrast, villus size decreases in jejunal segments that have Sukhotnik et al52 showed that villus height and crypt depth
been transposed distally.35 increased significantly in resected rats receiving a diet high in
In addition to the site of resection, the extent of resection palmitic acid, a saturated fatty acid, compared with rats receiv-
affects the adaptive outcome. In both humans and animals, ing a diet with low palmitic acid content. However, the results
greater tissue loss is positively correlated with adaptation follow- of these animal studies may not directly translate to clinical
ing surgery.15,18,21 However, the ability of the gut to fully compen- applications. Patients with SBS and colon-in-continuity are
sate for tissue loss is limited. In a retrospective study of 268 adult generally not able to tolerate high-fat diets because of steator-
patients with SBS, remnant bowel length of <75 cm was signifi- rhea and reduced nutrient absorption.53
cantly associated with greater probability of permanent depen- Like long-chain triglycerides, short-chain fatty acids
dence on PN in a multivariate analysis.36 The correlation between (SCFAs) have been shown to enhance intestinal adaptation.
remnant bowel length and anatomy with patient outcomes is dis- Most SCFAs in the human diet are derived from carbohydrates
cussed more fully in an accompanying article.37 that undergo bacterial fermentation in the colon.54 In unre-
sected rats maintained on PN, supplementation with SCFAs
Role of enteral nutrients. Enteral stimulation is required to significantly mitigated PN-induced declines in mucosal weight
maintain the structure of the intestinal mucosa. The absence of and DNA and RNA content.55 Furthermore, SCFA supplemen-
enteral nutrition induces mucosal atrophy and decreases diges- tation of PN increases nutrient transporter expression and
tive enzyme and nutrient transporter activity in animals and nutrient absorption.56,57 Following experimental resection, PN
humans, even when adequate calories are provided via PN.38-40 supplemented with SCFAs enhances intestinal adaptation in

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26S Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 38(Suppl 1)

mature rats and neonatal piglets.58,59 Although supporting data volume requirements than diet modification alone. However, 3
are sparse, patients with SBS and colon-in-continuity may also months following treatment discontinuation, the GH-induced
benefit from SCFAs. In a study of 6 patients with SBS, dietary PN/IV reductions were partially reversed and no longer signifi-
supplementation for 20 days with pectin, a starch that acts as a cantly different from baseline values.78
substrate for bacterial SCFA production, increased colonic lev- GH appears to be more effective as a part of a multimodal
els of SCFAs and resulted in a nonsignificant trend for therapy in combination with glutamine. Most, but not all, ani-
increased fluid absorption.60 mal studies evaluating GH with glutamine document improve-
The amino acid glutamine, rather than glucose, is the pri- ments in measures of intestinal adaptation.65,79-81 In humans,
mary energy source for enterocytes, a fact that has prompted GH plus glutamine is associated with greater and longer lasting
interest in exploring the role of glutamine in intestinal growth.61 reductions in PN/IV volume requirements and infusion fre-
In animal studies, the efficacy of glutamine depends on the quency than GH alone.78 Furthermore, in a subsequent study
route of administration. When used as a supplement to PN, glu- by Guo et al,82 10 adult patients with SBS showed significant
tamine counteracts PN-induced intestinal atrophy and improves increases in villus height, mucosal proliferation, and nitrogen
parameters of postresection adaptation.62-65 In contrast, gluta- absorption following 4 weeks of treatment with GH, gluta-
mine added to chow or an elemental diet has no effect on or mine, and enteral nutrition. A meta-analysis of 5 human studies
decreases measures of structural or functional intestinal adap- indicated that GH, with or without glutamine, improves energy
tation.66-69 It is likely that any modest effects of glutamine are absorption in patients with SBS.83 However, a subanalysis of
masked by the greater trophic stimulation provided by luminal data evaluating GH monotherapy showed no effect on energy
nutrition in these studies. No studies assessing the effect of absorption. Furthermore, in most studies, any benefits of GH
glutamine alone on intestinal adaptation have been conducted were reversed upon treatment discontinuation. The authors of
in humans with SBS, but glutamine in combination with the meta-analysis concluded that data regarding a potential
growth hormone (GH) has shown some efficacy (see below). benefit of GH for patients with SBS are inconclusive.83
Somatropin, a recombinant form of human GH, was approved
Hormones and growth factors. A variety of mediators have for use as a 4-week treatment regimen in patients with SBS in
been posited to act as intestinotrophic factors (Table 1). Two of 2003.84 However, cotreatment with glutamine is not a require-
these, recombinant human GH (somatropin) and the glucagon- ment for somatropin administration.
like peptide 2 (GLP-2) analog teduglutide, are now approved Further details regarding the pharmacological stimulation
for clinical use in adult patients with SBS. of adaptation and the clinical effects of teduglutide and soma-
tropin are provided in a companion paper.85
Growth hormone.  In the late 1970s, Taylor et al70 demon-
strated that hypophysectomy reduced measures of adaptation GLP-2.  GLP-2 is synthesized by enteroendocrine L cells
in resected rats. GH, a pituitary hormone that induces systemic of the distal small intestine and colon in response to nutrient
proliferative and anabolic effects, was quickly identified as stimulation.86 In preclinical models, plasma GLP-2 concentra-
a pituitary-derived factor with the potential to mediate intes- tions increase following resection, and postprandial GLP-2
tinal adaptation.71 However, subsequent preclinical studies levels correlate with the extent of intestinal adaptation.87,88 In
yielded mixed results. In some experiments, exogenous GH addition, PN supplemented with GLP-2 enhanced parameters
significantly increased small bowel length, mucosal height, of postresection adaptation compared with PN alone, including
jejunal villus height, and/or glutamine and leucine transport small bowel weight, small bowel surface area, villus height,
in resected animals.72-74 In contrast, other experiments docu- microvillus height, crypt cell proliferation, nutrient transporter
mented no effect of GH on postresection mucosal growth.74,75 expression, and nutrient absorption.89,90 Even in the absence of
Two small clinical studies have evaluated the effect of GH resection, exogenous GLP-2 augments small bowel weight and
alone on intestinal absorption in adult patients with SBS. The length, villus height, crypt cell proliferation, and jejunal pro-
first study included 10 patients and showed no improvement tein content.91 Expression of GLP-2 also increases in humans
in absorption of energy, nitrogen, or fluid following 8 weeks following intestinal resection, particularly if the colon is in
of treatment with 0.024 mg/kg/d GH, although body weight continuity.92 Furthermore, in two phase 3 studies and a long-
increased by a mean of 2.3 kg (P = .005).76 In contrast, the second term extension study, adult patients with SBS who were treated
study evaluating 12 patients with SBS who received GH (0.05 with the GLP-2 analog teduglutide showed increases in villus
mg/kg/d) for 3 weeks demonstrated significant enhancements height and decreases in PN/IV fluid requirements.93-95 Tedu-
in absorption of energy (P < .002), nitrogen (P < .04), and car- glutide is now approved for clinical use in adults with SBS
bohydrate (P < .04) as well as a mean increase in body weight who are dependent on PN.96
of 2.4 kg (P < .003).77 In a double-blind, placebo-controlled
study conducted in PN-dependent adult patients with SBS, 4 Other factors.  A number of other proteins have shown intes-
weeks of treatment with GH combined with an optimized diet tinotrophic effects in preclinical studies, including epidermal
resulted in greater reductions in PN and/or intravenous (IV) growth factor (EGF),97-101 insulin-like growth factor-1,102-104

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Table 1.  Growth Factors Approved for Treatment of Short Bowel Syndrome in Adults.

Effects on Intestinal Adaptation: Effects on Intestinal Adaptation:

Agent Preclinical Studies Clinical Studies Stage of Clinical Development
GH and somatropin •• GH increased small bowel •• Somatropin reduced mean PN/ •• One phase 3, placebo-controlled
length, mucosal height, jejunal IV volume requirements and randomized clinical trial
villus height, and glutamine and infusion frequency in patients completed; no long-term
leucine transport in some, but not with SBS; PN/IV effects extension studies available.78
all, studies.72-75 partially reversed after treatment •• Somatropin is approved for clinical
discontinuation.78 use as a 4-week treatment regimen
in adult patients with SBS.84
GH with glutamine •• GH plus glutamine increased •• Somatropin plus glutamine •• One phase 3, placebo-controlled
mucosal thickness, villus height, reduced PN/IV volume randomized clinical trial
crypt depth, cell proliferation, requirements and infusion completed; no long-term
DNA content, and nutrient frequency in patients with SBS extension studies available.78
absorption in some, but not all, (superior results to somatropin •• Somatropin is approved for
studies.65,79,80 alone).78 clinical use as a 4-week treatment
•• GH plus glutamine increased regimen in adult patients with
villus height, mucosal SBS.84
proliferation, and nitrogen
absorption in patients with SBS.82
•• GH plus glutamine increased
energy absorption.83
•• Some patients with SBS
achieved independence from
PN/IV following treatment with
GH, glutamine, and optimized
GLP-2 and teduglutide •• GLP-2 increased small bowel •• Teduglutide increased villus •• Two phase 3, placebo-controlled
weight, small bowel surface area, height in patients with SBS.93,126 randomized clinical trials and
villus height, microvillus height, •• Teduglutide increased plasma 2 long-term extension studies
crypt cell proliferation, nutrient citrulline levels in patients with completed.94,95,126,127
transporter expression, and SBS.95,126 •• Teduglutide is approved for
nutrient absorption in resected •• Teduglutide reduced mean PN/IV clinical use in adults with
rats.89,90 volume requirements in patients short bowel syndrome who are
•• GLP-2 increased small bowel with SBS and decreased number dependent on PN.96
weight and length, villus height, of infusion days for a majority of
crypt cell proliferation, and patients; effects on PN/IV were
jejunal protein content.91 partially reversed after treatment
•• A small number of patients
treated with teduglutide achieved
independence from PN/IV.94,126,127
GH, growth hormone; GLP-2, glucagon-like peptide 2; PN/IV, parenteral nutrition and/or intravenous fluid; SBS, short bowel syndrome.

and hepatocyte growth factor.105,106 Of these, only EGF has humans is relatively small. Reasons for this discrepancy
been tested clinically, in a single pilot study of 5 pediatric include the small size of the SBS population and the invasive
patients.107 Following 6 weeks of treatment with 100 mcg/kg/d nature of many of the procedures required to assess structural
EGF, patients demonstrated significant improvements in car- and functional adaptation. For example, histological analysis
bohydrate absorption and the percentage of calories obtained of the small intestine requires biopsy, which can be a particular
from enteral feeds (P < .05 for each measure, compared with hardship for patients who have already often endured multiple
baseline). Additional details regarding these and other poten- abdominal surgeries. Magnifying endoscopy may provide a
tial mediators of intestinal adaptation are discussed in a review means of evaluating the microarchitecture of the intestine in
by McMellen et al.71 the absence of biopsy, but further research on this method in
the SBS population is needed.82,108 For assessing functional
adaptation in patients with SBS, 72-hour metabolic balance
Assessing Intestinal Adaptation studies, with fecal and urinary analyses at baseline and after an
Compared with the wealth of animal studies investigating intervention, are the gold standard.109,110 However, this method
postresection intestinal adaptation, the number of studies in is complex, costly, and neither patient- nor clinician-friendly.

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28S Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 38(Suppl 1)

Plasma citrulline, a nonessential amino acid produced by occurs early in the postoperative course, continued improve-
enterocytes, is considered to be a surrogate biomarker for ments in intestinal absorptive capacity are possible and do
enterocyte mass.111 In several studies, plasma citrulline levels occur for many years following resection. The timing of intes-
were strongly correlated with remnant small bowel length.112-116 tinal adaptation following resection may differ in pediatric
In patients with SBS, a postabsorptive plasma citrulline level patients, who experience growth of their remnant intestines as
of <20 µmol/L (ie, half the normal level in adult controls) was they age122,123; however, a full exploration of the topic is
significantly associated with permanent PN dependence when beyond the scope of this paper.
measured >2 years following the last abdominal surgery.112
However, whether citrulline levels accurately reflect the func-
tional absorptive capacity of the small intestine remains unre-
solved. Some studies have reported a correlation between A wealth of preclinical data has highlighted many of the mech-
plasma citrulline levels and nutrient absorption, whereas others anisms responsible for adaptation in nonhuman animals,
have not.112,114-117 Additional studies are required to determine including mucosal hyperplasia, angiogenesis, accelerated
whether plasma citrulline provides an accurate assessment of enterocyte differentiation, increased expression and activity of
postresection functional adaptation. nutrient transporters, and slowed intestinal transit. However,
Other parameters have been used as surrogates for postre- whether some or all of those processes contribute to intestinal
section adaptation in human studies, including weaning off adaptation in humans as well remains to be fully resolved.
PN, fluid composite effect (ie, increase in urine production, Newer, less invasive techniques for assessing intestinal micro-
plus decrease in PN and/or IV fluids, plus reduction in oral architecture and improved methods of evaluating intestinal
fluid intake),95 oral intake and stool weight/oral intake ratio,109 absorptive function may provide additional insights into the
and absorption of inert sugars.118 natural history of postresection adaptation in human patients.
Many, but not all, patients with SBS achieve enteral auton-
omy in the postresection period. Maximizing adaptation in the
Timing of Intestinal Adaptation in Human intestinal remnant by application of newer intestinotrophic
Adults therapies may enhance outcomes for these patients. Recent
Data related to the timing and duration of intestinal adaptation studies suggest that some patients can achieve PN indepen-
in human adults are sparse. According to general consensus, dence even many years following the initial resection. These
the majority of intestinal adaptation in adults occurs within the data argue against the long-held dogmatic assertion that adap-
first 2 years following resection.119 In a study of 50 patients tation occurs only in the first 12–24 months following resec-
with extensive bowel resection, there was no improvement in tion and provide additional hope for patients with SBS.
fecal weight or fecal excretion of fat, potassium, or nitrogen at
≥1 year (mean, 81 months) after surgery compared with Acknowledgments
<6 months after surgery.30 In the oft-cited report by Messing Medical writing assistance was provided by Heather Heerssen,
et al,22 95% of 64 patients with transient intestinal failure PhD, of Complete Healthcare Communications, Inc (Chadds Ford,
obtained enteral autonomy within the first 2 years post resec- Pennsylvania) under the direction of the author. K.A.T. is respon-
tion. In contrast, other studies suggest that significant adapta- sible for the content of the manuscript and had final approval of all
tion can occur beyond the 2-year mark in adults. Gouttebel et revisions.
al120 evaluated calcium absorption in 30 patients with SBS
between 1.5 and 120 months after intestinal resection. Patients
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