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1. My best friend always helpful with problems.

( I )
The subject of the sentence above is My best friend, but there is no Verb. So, incorrect.

2. The bus schedule has changed since last week. (C)

The subject is The bus and verb is has changed, so the sentence is Correct.

3. Accidentally dropped the glass on the floor. ( I )

The sentence doesn't have a Subject. The verb is dropped, so it is incorrect.
The correct sentence should be Accidentally she or he dropped the glass on the floor.

4. The customer paying the clerk for the clothes. (I)

The sentence doesn't have to be, is. So incorrect
It should be The customer is paying the clerk for the clothes.

5. The professor handed the syllabus to the students. (C)

The sentence has subject, the professor and verb, handed (Verb 2). So it is correct

6. Each day practiced the piano for hours. (I)

The sentence doesn't have subject. The verb is practiced. So incorrect.

7. The basketball player tossed the ball into the hoop. (C)
The sentence has subject, The basket ball player and verb, tossed. So it is correct

8. The new student in the class very talkative and friendly. (I)
The sentence has subject, The new student, but there is no verb. So incorrect.
The correct sentence can be The new student in the class is very talkative and friendly.

9. Walking with the children to school.(I)

The sentence doesn't have a Subject. It has verb without to be, walking . So incorrect.
The correct sentence could be She/he is walking with the children to school

10. The whales headed south for the winter. (C)

The sentence has a subject, the whales and verb, headed (verb 2). So, it correct

1. The name of the baby in the crib is Jack. (C)

Subject is The name of baby and Verb is IS. So, it is correct

2. By the next meeting of the class need to turn in the papers.( I) (2 object preposition)
Verb is need but there is no Subject. So, it is Incorrect

3. The directions to the exercise on page 20 unclear. (2 object preposition)

Subject is The directions but there is no Verb. So, it is incorrect.

4. Because of the heavy rain throughout the night, the walkways are muddy. (2 object preposition)
Subject is the walkways and Verb is Are. So, it is correct.

5. During the week eat lunch in the school cafeteria. (2 object preposition)
Verb is eat but there is no Subject. So, it is incorrect

6. In the morning after the concert was tired. (2 object preposition)

Verb is was but there is no Subject. So, it is incorrect.

7. In the summer the trip to the mountains is our favorite trip. (2 object preposition)
Subject is the trip and verb is Is. So, it is correct

8. In a box on the top shelf of the cabinet in the hallway of the house. (4 object preposition)
No Subject and No verbs.

9. With her purse in her hand ran through the door. (3 object preposition)
Verb is ran but there is no Subject. So, it is incorrect.

10. At 1:00 in the morning the alarm clock on the table beside the bed rang. (4 object preposition)
Subject is the alarm clock and Verb is rang. So, it is correct

1. During the meeting in the office discussed the schedule.

Analysis: No Subject . So, it is incorrect.

2. The doctor gave the patient a prescription.

Analysis:. Subject is the doctor and Verb is gave. So, it is correct

3. The tall evergreen trees along the road.

Analysis: Subject is The tall evergreen trees but there is no verb. So, it is incorrect

4. The watch in the jewelry needs a new battery.

Analysis: Subject is the watch and Verb is needs. So, it is correct

5. Pleasantly greets everyone in all the office every morning .

Verb is gretss but there is no Subject. Pleasantly is adjective. So, it is incorrect

6. In the office of the building across the street from the park on the corner
Analysis: No Subject and No verbs.

7. The dishes in the sink really need to be washed as soon as possible.

Analysis: Subject is the dishes and Verb is need. So, it is correct

8. In a moment of worry about the problem with the cash in account.

Analysis: No Subject and No verbs.
9. The plane from New York circling the airport.
Analysis: Subject is The plane but there is no Verb. So, it is incorrect.

10. On a regular basis the plants in the boxes under the window in the kitchen are watered and fed.
Analysis: Subject is the plants and Verb is are. So, it is correct

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