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Senate Monthly Report: Bill Allocation

Report Month: September

Report Provided by Finance Committee

Legislation Facts:
Bill Number Allocation Prime Sponsor Decision Votes
20.001 $1,500.00 Senator Richards Approved 8-1-0
20.002 $ 550.00 Senator Bruckner Not approved 5-6-0
20.003 $1,760.00 Senator Guzman Not approved 3-6-1
20.004 $ 917.00 Senator Muniz Approved 10-0-0
20.005 $ 250.00 Senator Bruckner Approved 10-0-0
20.006 $ 110.00 Senator Gepford Approved 10-0-0

Total Bills Proposed Total Bills Approved

6 4
Total Amount Proposed Total Amount Allocated
$5,087.00 $2,777.00
Statement of Facts:
Bill 20.001: This television will replace the broken one that was located in the student commons in the
Firstenburg Center. Great research has been put into finding a new TV. As of right now, the likely TV
that will be purchased is a 55’ Insignia from Best Buy. By purchasing though Best Buy, we can easily
return the TV if there are any malfunctions through the given two year manufacturer warranty.

Bill 20.002: This event will bring one of three students to the International Academy of Business and
Economics Conference to present their paper, engage in a discussion with the audience, and receive
feedback from esteemed researchers in their field. The conference takes place in Las Vegas, Nevada on
October 17-20th. The event is an opportunity to bring prestige to the university.

Bill 20.003: This event will bring Dale Ahlquist, the President of the American Chesterton Society, and
Dr. John C. “Chuck” Chalberg as G.K. Chesterton, the official Chesterton impersonator to the WSU
Vancouver campus. Ahlquist will lecture on a modern issue that would have interested Chesterton, Dr.
Chalberg will then be introduced as Chesterton and give a brief talk as G.K Chesterton. Following the
lectures there will be a Q&A session and finally a reception afterwards. This event will be advertised
through the Van Cougar, word of mouth, public boards around campus, A-frames, and through the local
American Chesterton Society membership through local coffee shops and restaurants. This event will
promote diversity by bringing a diverse thought to the campus and will also broaden the minds and
perspectives of students.

Bill 20.004: The purpose of this event is to educate the students of WSUV through exhibitions of life size
salmon paintings by the Artist Eileen Klatt. Klatt’s paintings are meant to draw attention to species of salmon
from the Columbia River Basin that has become extinct. The WSU Vancouver Art Gallery Committee will be
partnering with the science department to create a unique experience involving students in the arts on campus.
Through the artist’s demonstration students will be able to experience art in progress while becoming educated
about the environmental impact of an extinct species.

Bill 20.005: This allocation of money will pay the fee for Cathi Wright to give a short presentation on
the conservation and biology of birds of prey. Cathi will also be displaying different birds of prey
throughout the presentation. The event is planned to be held in VMMC 6 with the tentative date of
November 30th at 2-4pm.

Bill 20.006: Dr. Dawn Nafus is an Anthropologist working at Intel. The allocation of funds will pay for
Dr. Nafus to travel to the WSUV campus to give a presentation about anthropological work and research
within the digital culture. The discussion will take an ethnographic look at project rooms; physical,
three-dimensional spaces for writing, displaying artifacts and media, in addition to debating
technological trajectories. This is done in order to understand how “innovation” is socially organized
and practiced in daily life. Tabling in the free speech zone, flyers, and announcements during
Anthropology courses will be used to advertise for this event. An email will also be sent out to DTC

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