PMC Prospectus

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Teachers Training Diploma Programs

Infants & Toddlers Early Childhood Lower Elementary Upper Elementary

New Infants / Toddlers & Upper Elementary

Montessori Teachers Training Programs



Dr. Maria Montessori

Plot 58, Street 12, Bani Gala Greens

Qasim Avenue, Bani Gala, Islamabad
Ph: 051-8433333 / 051-8743018 (19)

33, 3rd Floor, Landmark Plaza,

Jail Road, Near Canal Bridge, Lahore
Phone: 0800-45555

Ali Abad, Hunza Nagar, Hunza

Phone: 0800-45555

Montessori Pakistan
Montessori Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd. is registered under section 32 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984 (XLVII of 1984)
with the government of Pakistan, and is the training arm of Pakistan Montessori Council (PMC). Montessori
Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd. is a multifaceted company which deals in Montessori teachers training, school consultancy,
selling and manufacturing of educational equipment and establishment of franchised training centers.

Montessori Pakistan aims to involve and engage ambitious Montessori organizations, schools, individuals and
training institutes all over Pakistan in pursuance of the goal of promoting Montessori system of education in
Pakistan by spreading awareness, training educators and school leaders, providing Montessori materials and
easily accessible regional and international support.

Montessori Pakistan holds the exclusive partnership of Skill Development Council (SDC) regarding Montessori
training in Pakistan. SDC is project of Ministry of Manpower, Labour and Overseas Pakistanis, and was established
with the assistance of World Bank, ILO and Employees Federation of Pakistan.

Pakistan Montessori Council

Pakistan Montessori Council (PMC) serves as the umbrella organization consisting of four parent organizations,
constituting PMC's Panel of Parent Organizations (PPPO), which includes;

1. Montessori Pakistan
2. Pakistan Montessori Concern
3. Peace Education Foundation
4. Montitute International (LLC), USA

and several hundreds of affiliated entities which include Montessori schools, Montessori related businesses and
individuals constituting Panel of Affiliated Individuals and Organizations (PAIO).

Being the central operational body, PMC's primary role is to streamline the workflow of the members of PPPO and
regulate benefits to the members of PAIO. It is a forum where Montessori related businesses and individuals can
come together and seek solutions to Montessori related issues and support each other. Thus, PMC is eager to
affiliate as many Montessori schools and businesses as possible by offering attractive packages, and thus lead
them to Montessori excellence through regular support and its excellent system of self accreditation. Its other roles
include the supervision of publications, regulation of research, maintenance of social forums, etc.

Through a concord between the members of the PPPO, a comprehensive Montessori development plan has been
formulated for the development of Montessori system in Pakistan. The serious issues have been given priorities.

Our International Partners & Projects


Mont tute



International Online Montessori Training Institute

M Asia
ontessori Montessori
Montessori League of Japan

Introduction to PMC 1

Dr. Maria Montessori & Her Method 3

Our Montessori Training Diploma Progams 5

Infant & Toddlers Montessori (0 -3) Diploma 7

Early Childhood / Kindergarten (3 - 6) Diploma 9

Lower Elementary / Primary (6 - 9) Diploma 11

Upper Elementary / Primary (9 - 12) Diploma 13

20 Days Montessori Training Workshops 15

Montessori Schooling Solutions 17

PMCKIDS School Franchise 18

School Affiliation with PMC 19

Montessori Home-schooling Bundle Offer 20

PMC’s Montessori Materials 21

Career and Business Opportunities 22


Dr. Maria Montessori

Maria Montessori was Italy’s first lady doctor. She, a medical doctor by
profession, turned out to be one of the world’s most influential educators of
all times. Her scientific bent of mind drove her to observe the children and
discover their pedagogical and developmental needs. She found out that
traditional education is incompatible with natural developmental and
learning patterns. It is oppressive and a hindrance to the wholesome
development of the faculties of the mind and the body.

She opened her first Casa dei Bambini (House of Children) in 1907 in Rome.
Like a scientist, she observed her children and developed materials and
teaching strategies, which were compatible with their natural urges and
drives. She tested her findings and shared them with a good group of friends
who would verify and report back. It took her nearly twenty years to say that
she had developed a system of educating children. She believed that her
method of education could cause complete regeneration of mankind.

She got many recognitions for her work. She was asked to represent Italy in many conferences and occasions. She was
nominated thrice for the Noble Peace Prize. She was pictured on 1000 Lire note and a 200 Lire coin of Italy. Leaders,
educators, scientists, scholars and people from all fields of life praised her work. She wrote many books on her method and
conducted Montessori training programs all over the world. Thousands of Montessori schools opened globally and even after
the lapse of more than a hundred years, Montessori system still proves to be superior than other educational systems in every
research. It is right when people say that she was “a woman much ahead of her time”.

Why Montessori?
Research has proved that children in Montessori classrooms develop their capabilities in unique ways, and outperform
children studying at conventional schools, not just in academics but also in other areas of life. Montessori children seem
happier, are less demanding and are easier to live with than the other children of the same age, who have not had similar
assistance in their development. Visitors to a Montessori House of Children are amazed to see little children, barely out of their
diapers, working with concentration and purpose on activities of their choice. There is order and peace. The sight of a 22
months old, spreading dough with a rolling pin and using a cutter to form the shapes or putting on their own aprons, gathering
materials, carefully holding the brush, making a painting that pleases them and attaching it with a clothespin to the drying rack
– all with minimal need for assistance, comes as a surprise to adults.

Children are also seen spontaneously cleaning up for each other when accidents happen. They learn to wait their turn, walk
around each other without bumping and share the attention of the adult. The look of pride and self satisfaction on the child's
face after each accomplishment is a clear indication that inner development is taking place. There is no fatigue in these
children. Sense of accomplishment fills them with renewed energy. They seem to be as fresh as they were in the morning,
when their parents come to collect them in the afternoon or evening.

Montessori vs Traditional
Montessori philosophy differs from traditional schools in many ways.
Children enjoy complete freedom of choice and select their own activities
from the scientifically prepared environment. Children are grouped in multi-
age groups spanning two to three years. Multi-age classrooms serve to
encourage cooperation, minimize competition, provide opportunities for
indirect learning for younger students as they observe older peers, foster
self-confidence in students who serve as role models, and provide long-term
child/adult relationships. Educational materials are concrete to aid the
child to learn order, to discriminate physical dimensions, provide
opportunities to teach responsibility, coordination, and interdependence,
and to indirectly prepare for complex abstract concepts. Each child initially
responds to an inner urge to develop both knowledge and build identity
through spontaneous activity which starts the course for individualized

Gain your Montessori Diploma

with convenience...
at home!
Montessori Pakistan is the training concern of Pakistan
Montessori Council (PMC), and offers various professional
Montessori distance education programs throughout Pakistan
and around the globe. These international Montessori training
courses are the perfect mix of distance education and practical
experience. The courses aim to train teachers and individuals, in
Montessori method, at the comfort of their own homes, with
convenience and without pressure, at their own pace. We believe
that these are by far the most up-to-date, comprehensive,
convenient and cost effective distance education training courses
in Montessori teaching available anywhere in the world, which
also lead you to authentic certifications, and open sure chances of
employment in thousands of Montessori schools worldwide.

Our training programs equip you with all necessary skills and
knowledge to be an effective part of any Montessori environment
and enrich it. It also opens gateways to set up your own
Montessori House of Children, or home-school your own children
and be a great mother or a father.

Ÿ Montessori Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd. is registered under section 32
of the Companies Ordinance, 1984 (XLVII of 1984) with the
Securities and Exchange Commission, Government of
Ÿ All our training programs are accredited by Pakistan
Montessori Council (PMC).
Ÿ Montessori Pakistan also holds the exclusive partnership of
Skill Development Council (SDC), Punjab which is a project
of Ministry of Manpower, Labour and Overseas Pakistanis.
SDC has been established with the assistance of World Bank,
ILO and Employees Federation of Pakistan.
Ÿ Montessori Pakistan is also affiliated with International
Montessori League (IML), Virginia USA.
Registered with Affiliated with Accredited by Affiliated with




Our programs are recognized, and our graduates are preferred for jobs
by Montessori schools everywhere that look for well-trained Montessori
teachers. Our graduates work in every city in Pakistan, and more than a
dozen countries across the globe.

We have hundreds of Montessori schools affiliated with PMC all over

Pakistan, which are being supported to adopt Montessori method. PMC
is providing them with free Montessori classroom materials, free
teachers training and free curriculum guidebooks under its School
Support Program. These schools also seek our graduates whenever
there's a job opening.

PMC also encourages and supports our graduates to open their own
Montessori home schools. The schools owned by our graduates are the
preferred ones to receive benefits of PMC's “School Support Programs”.

Montessori with Distance Learning

Why Distance Education?
“Whatever man knows today was discovered by someone for the first
time outside the classroom”.
By quoting the above statement, we do not intend to undermine the
importance of classrooms or learning in conventional setting. Instead, we
hope to make a point to those, who believe that learning can only take
place in the classroom in the presence of a teacher only, that they may
need to reconsider their point of view.

The world is turning busy day by day and our distance education programs
are designed to serve the needs of busy but success oriented individuals.
Our ready-made fully coloured and highly illustrated training manuals
save you hundreds of hours of dreadful work spent on preparing
Montessori albums and taking notes of dictations given in conventional
Montessori training programs. You can start or finish the course according
to your convenience at your own pace.

Our comprehensive, fully coloured and highly illustrated premium
quality Montessori training manuals are a life time resource for you.
The manuals are portable, can easily be placed at an accessible
location and consulted whenever required, rather than the
handmade bulky traditional Montessori albums... carrying which
requires enormous muscle power, and consulting them requires a
week of mustering up courage as they are heavy, big and normally
stored out of sight where they just get dusty.

Similarly, you save hundreds of thousands of rupees which
normally well-reputed Montessori training institutes charge
along with travelling and dressing up expenses. Above all, it
saves you the most precious thing... TIME... which you may
spend positively on important things better known to you.

Montessori trained educators are in critical demand not just
in Pakistan but all over the world. Due to a recent wave of
parents' increased concern with the education of their
children, competition among private schools and a series of
researches proving Montessori children to be performing
better have soared up the demand for this system and
individuals trained in it. There are just a few Montessori
training institutes in Pakistan, fewer are the ones who
genuinely train people in Montessori and whose diplomas
are recognized. They are confined to big cities only and
majority of the population interested in becoming Montessori
educators does not have access to them or cannot afford
them because of the expensive nature of these training
centers or other hindrances. Thus, Montessori distance
education is the need of the hour in Pakistan.

Our distance education training programs don't just allow

you the freedom, flexibility, convenience, cost effectiveness,
time saving and better learning but also lead you to a
recognized diploma at the successful completion.
ri 7

Montessori Infants & Toddlers (0 - 3)

Distance Diploma Program
NEW IN 2018
you through important developmental stages and activities
for children from birth to 3 years of age in a systematic step by
step approach. The manuals provide deep insight into child's
cognitive, motor and sensory development, and equips you
with hundreds of Montessori activities to support child’s
Montessori Pakistan once again pioneers in offering development and enhance his life skills.
Montessori Infant & Toddlers (0 to 3) Diploma Program in

This program enables educators, child care

professionals and parents to create a Montessori
environment for children from birth to 3 years, which is a
critical period in a child's development. Growing awareness
regarding Montessori is encouraging more and more parents
to turn to the Montessori way for their children during the
early years. This program is for you, if you are pursuing a
career in early childhood care, want to learn to be a great
parent or a grandparent or just love to be with infants and

The course work consists of highly illustrated seven

Montessori Infants & Toddlers Manuals which will lead

Module 1 : Montessori Infants & Toddlers

Classroom Guide
This primary module equips you with Montessori philosophy,
skills, tools and techniques for success in Montessori under
three years of age. This manual prepares you and guides you
about how to use other six curriculum manuals. Following are
some key components of this manual.

Ÿ Introduction to Dr. Montessori and her method.

Ÿ Growth & early childhood development (ECD).

Ÿ Five of the most important ideas in Montessori.

Ÿ Preparation of the Montessori environment.

Ÿ What materials and equipment are needed?

Ÿ You as a Montessori care-giver.

Ÿ The Montessori way of communicating with young


Ÿ How to present Montessori activities.


Module 2: Infants (Part 1) Module 6: Twos (Part 1)

In this module you learn about what to observe in an INFANT In this module you learn about what to observe in a TWO
(0 to 12 months) in order to start a particular activity, and how YEAR OLD (24 to 36 months) child in order to start a particular
to prepare and alter environment to meet the child's changing activity, and how to prepare and alter environment to meet the
needs. child's changing needs.

The module also contains 30 Montessori activities for The module also contains dozens of Montessori activities for
sensory, cognitive and psychomotor development of the sensory, cognitive and psychomotor development of the
infants aging 3 to 12 months. children aging 24 to 36 months.

Module 3: Infants (Part 2) Module 7: Twos (Part 2)

This module continues with Montessori activities for infants in This module continues with Montessori activities for TWO
areas including Social, Language and Practical Life. YEARS OLD in areas including Social, Language and
Practical Life.

Module 4: Toddlers (Part 1)

In this module you learn about what to observe in a TODDLER
(12 to 24 months) in order to start a particular activity, and how To enroll now please dial
to prepare and alter environment to meet the child's changing
needs. toll free: 0800-4-5555
(or fill online registration form on our website)
The module also contains dozens of Montessori activities for
w w w. m o n t e s s o r i . e d u . p k
sensory, cognitive and psychomotor development of the
toddlers aging 12 to 24 months.

Module 5: Toddlers (Part 2)

This module continues with Montessori activities for
TODDLERS in areas including Social, Language and
Practical Life.
Motessori Early Childhood / Kindergarten (3 - 6)
Distance Diploma Program
Join our Montessori Diploma
Programs and enjoy lifetime
teaching resources of superior
quality and design!
Our New 2014 Preschool Montessori Course Manuals are
now updated and 100% coloured. Printed on top quality
paper these manuals seem to be pieces of art. They are now
even more illustrated with content matter revised and
updated by Montessori’s top experts.

The course work consists of 12 training manuals, which are

sent to students at their homes. Each manual has an Along with it the students attend their Free 20 Days Practical
assignment at the end to be completed by the student at Training Workshop, in which they get hands on experience
home. With the help of tutors, available on the phone and the with Montessori material. The 12 curriculum manuals are as
internet, the students complete their assignments and send follows;
them back to their tutors for grading. The supplementary
audio versions of all the books are also available in CDs. Module 1: Introduction to Montessori
The audio books are an interesting way to go through your This module introduces you to Montessori system and its
course matter without actually reading it; you can listen while uniqueness. It overwrites an all new philosophy over your
you sit back and relax, lie down or even when you are driving existing beliefs regarding early childhood education. Having
your car or working in the kitchen. The audio books are read it, you will be all praise for Dr. Montessori and her
available at an additional nominal cost. method. Some of the topics covered in this module are:
Ÿ Life of Dr. Maria Montessori and Her Method that the child should be made aware of the fact that all things
Ÿ Periods of Development & Sensitive Periods in the universe are interconnected and true peace emerges
Ÿ How to Present Lessons in Montessori Way when they all work in harmony. She believed that the spiritual
Ÿ How to Organize and Manage a Montessori classroom development of the child is more important, and considered it
to be the ultimate goal of her educational system.
Module 2: Exercises of Practical Life (EPL)
This module contains an introduction to EPL and 81 step by Module 12: Montessori School Administration
step activities ranging from as simple as Pouring Water from a This module equips you with knowledge, skills and tools to
Jug to as complex as Washing a Collection of Dishes. These setup, organize and manage your Montessori environment.
exercises, do not just, satisfy the child’s strong urge to do
things himself but also help him to develop a sense of order,
enable him to concentrate, respect others, use fine motor
To enroll now please dial
skills, be gracious and be controlled in movement. toll free: 0800-4-5555
(or fill online registration form on our website)
Module 3: Exercises of Sensory Development w w w. m o n t e s s o r i . e d u . p k
Children need activities, which can directly engage their
senses, for their maximum sensorial development. Along with
building the theoretical base for sensorial exercises, this
manual also contains almost 70 exercises for all the senses
which enable the child to discriminate, appreciate and
understand his world better.

Module 4 & 6: Language & Phonics Exercises

These modules contain Montessori phonics exercises and a
comprehensive plan to practice 44 phonic sounds of English
language along with their 140 different alphabetic
representations. Further activities lead children through three
lettered phonetic words (pink level), longer phonetic words
(blue level), high frequency words (sight words), phonogramic
words (green level) and finally total reading.

Module 5 & 7: Exercises of Mathematics 1 & 2

Montessori’s math materials and exercises are considered to
be her best work. Module 5 includes about 55 key Montessori
activities like Number Rods, Sand Paper Numbers, Bead
Material, Teen Boards, etc. Module 7 contains about 30
advanced exercises like Snake Games, Multiplication Board,
Stamp Game, etc.

Module 8: Geography & History

This manual contains dozens of interesting practical
exercises and activities to enhance the child’s understanding
in geography and history.

Module 9: Zoology, Botany & Science Experiments

This module contains a series of developmentally appropriate
zoology and botany activities and science experiments

Module 10: Handwork

This manual contains almost a hundred art and handwork
activities including cutting, collage, weaving, origami, etc.

Module 11: Cosmic Peace Education

This manual explains how to introduce Cosmic Peace
Education to young children. Dr. Maria Montessori advocated
Montessori Lower Elementary / Primary (6 - 9)
Distance Diploma Program

PMC proudly launched Pakistan’s first ever and the only Lower
Elementary Distance Montessori Teachers Training Diploma Course
in 2011. This course equips teachers with all necessary skills and
knowledge to teach 6 to 9 years old children through Montessori
method. The course manuals are a product of years of concentrated
effort on the part of Montessori experts at MP. The simplicity of language
and embellishment with illustrations, pictures and charts are the key
features of the course material. It is an excellent resource for all primary

The coursework consists of 16 highly illustrated (grayscale) training

manuals, which are sent to students at their homes. Like the other
diploma programs, each manual has an assignment at the end to be
completed by the student at home. With the help of tutors, available on
telephone and the internet, the students can complete their assignments,
and send to their tutors for grading.

Following is the list of all the manuals.

Module 1: Introduction to Montessori

Module 2: The Montessori 6-12 Classroom Guide
Module 3: Advanced Practical Life Exercises
Module 4: Cosmic and Peace Education
Module 5: Language Exercises (Part 1)
Module 6: Language Exercises (Part 2)
Module 7: Mathematics Part 1
Module 8: Mathematics Part 2
Module 9: Exercises of History
Module 10: Matter and Astronomy Exercises
Module 11: Science Experiments
Module 12: Cultural Geography
Module 13: Physical Geography
Module 14: Botany Exercises
Module 15: Zoology Exercises
Module 16: Health Sciences, Art and Music
Diploma is awarded at the submission of all the
assignments and passing the final examination.

To enroll now please dial

toll free: 0800-4-5555
(or fill online registration form on our website)
w w w. m o n t e s s o r i . e d u . p k

Montessori Upper Elementary / Primary (9 - 12)
Distance Diploma Program

NEW IN 2018
International standard
17 Montessori
Curriculum Manuals
for ages 9 to 12 years

Stepping a giant leap forward, PMC proudly offers Pakistan’s first ever and the only Upper
Elementary Distance Montessori Teachers Training Diploma Course. This course equips
teachers with all necessary skills and knowledge to teach 9 to 12 years old children through
Montessori method. The course manuals are a product of years of concentrated effort on the part
of Montessori experts at MP. The simplicity of language and embellishment with illustrations,
pictures and charts are the key features of the course material. It is an excellent resource for all
primary educators.

The coursework consists of 17 highly illustrated (grayscale)

training manuals, which are sent to students at their homes. Like the
other diploma programs, each manual has an assignment at the end
to be completed by the student at home. With the help of tutors,
available on telephone and the internet, the students can complete
their assignments, and send back to their tutors for grading.

Following is the list of all the manuals.

Module 1: Introduction to Montessori

Module 2: The Montessori 9-12 Classroom Guide
Module 3: Technology and Scientific Method
Module 4: Matter and Energy
Module 5: Language Exercises (Part 1)
Module 6: Language Exercises (Part 2)
Module 7: Mathematics (Part 1)
Module 8: Mathematics (Part 2)
Module 9: Mathematics (Part 3)
Module 10: Astronomy & Ecology Exercises
Module 11: World History
Module 12: Cultural Geography
Module 13: Physical Geography
Module 14: Botany Exercises
Module 15: Zoology Exercises
Module 16:Health Sciences
Module 17: History of Indo-Pak

To enroll now please dial

toll free: 0800-4-5555
(or fill online registration form on our website)
w w w. m o n t e s s o r i . e d u . p k


20 Days International
Early Childhood (3 - 6) Teachers Training
Montessori Workshops
PMC organizes international standard 20 Days Early
Childhood / Preschool (3 - 6) Montessori Teachers
Training Workshops every second month in all major
cities of Pakistan at its campuses throughout the year.

These highly practical, interactive and resourceful

events can equip individuals with most modern skill
and knowledge in Montessori Pre-school Education.
The highest quality of instructional procedures are
maintained in all the five workshops, using
international standard training curriculum which

of technology, hours of premium quality Montessori

Ÿ Introduction to Maria Montessori and her Method training videos, presentations and time management
Ÿ Exercises of Practical Life (EPL) techniques.
Ÿ Exercises of Sensorial Development
Ÿ Montessori Mathematic Exercises These workshops are free for individuals enrolled in
Ÿ Montessori Language & Phonics Exercises our Montessori Early Childhood (3 - 6) Diploma
Ÿ Geography Exercises Program. Any other interested candidate can join by
Ÿ Botany & Zoology Exercises
paying a nominal fee.
Ÿ Science Experiments
Ÿ Handwork Please contact us through our toll free help line
Ÿ Montessori Cosmic & Peace Education
0800-45555 or visit our website

Anyone can join these workshops, which are

designed in such a way that you go through hands-on Note: Schools and other educational institutes are
welcome to contact us to conduct similar or custom
experience of the whole Montessori early childhood (3
training at their premises in any educational area
- 6) curriculum. We achieve this through extensive use according to their need.
Montessori Schooling Solutions
The future of the world lies in the hands of the children. They are seedlings of men and women who will determine either
to make this world a wonderful or an dreadful place to live. The early years in the life of a child are crucially important as
very rapid development of the faculties of the body and the mind is taking place. Most educationist agree that 70 to 80
percent of the personality is determined during birth to 7 years of age. Numerous studies have proved that undue
restrictions and hindrances in exercising the will, caused by elders at home and schools and inappropriate environment
(which is usually designed according to the adults needs) cause serious damage to the child, restricts development and
future possibilities. Dr. Maria Montessori said, “There is no problem as universal as the oppression of the child." Her
system, based on years of scientific observation and experimentation, encourages freedom, creativity, better socialization
and wholesome development. The children follow their inner urges which drive them to particular activities at specific
times. Only those tasks and activities, which attract the child naturally and bind him to work on those repeatedly with
concentration are the ones which are best for him to achieve maximum development.

In short, our children have been suffering at homes and schools due to the ignorance of parents and schools, or due to the
unavailability of the suitable environment. After thoughtful examination and consideration of the current educational
situation in Pakistan, PMC has formulated the following three plans / solutions to deal with the problem of the oppression
of the child. Educators and parents can choose from the options that suits their circumstances.

1. pmckids Franchise
PMC is offering franchise of pmckids for a limited time. This brand
name is the symbol of excellence in the world of true Montessori
schooling. The promise of comprehensive support along with the
provision of complete preschool curriculum, exclusive Montessori
Inspired syllabus books, Montessori printables and classroom
templates, orientation and training, administrator's manuals,
Montessori materials, furniture and fixture, makes pmckids an ideal
school brand name for new and existing schools. Please refer to
page 18 for more details.

2. School Affiliation Program

This offer is suitable for new or existing schools which for any reason
do not intend to go ahead with franchise agreement with PMC to use
the brand name pmckids. PMC's School Affiliation Program provides
several invaluable benefits to the affiliated schools, some of which
include PMC's affiliated member status, Montessori curriculum
guidebooks, free training of two school teachers, provision of
exclusive Montessori Inspired syllabus books and discounts on the
purchase of Montessori materials, furniture and fixture. Please refer
to page 19 for more details.

3. Home-schooling Program
The growing trend of home-schooling children by parents and
the unavailability of true Montessori schools in most
neighborhoods are two main reasons to launch this program. It
offers one comprehensive home-schooling solution through
one complete package that includes essential Montessori
materials, Montessori Inspired syllabus books, Montessori
printables and templates on a CD and short-term training to the
parent. Please refer to page 20 for more details.

Why Choose pmckids?
Preschool Franchise
Brand Name
pmckids is an opportunity to share the
benefits of PMC’s goodwill.

Preschool Curriculum Manuals What is pmckids?

PMC has developed the world’s most
comprehensive step by step preschool
curriculum manuals.

Montessori Syllabus Books

PMC’s Montessori inspired syllabus
books which are 100% based on
Montessori curriculum and are
matchless in quality and content.
pmckids Franchise

Administrators Manual
This 300 pages excellent resource
equips the administrators with everything
they need to run the school effectively.

Low Franchising Fee & Royalty

We are offering the low franchising fee
and royalty. Get benefit of this limited
time offer.

Montessori Materials
Business Prospects
PMC offers its franchisees excellent
quality Montessori materials, furniture
and fixture at unbelievable discounted

Classroom Printables & Templates

You also get amazing PMC
classroom templates and Home-school Program

printables to use during

three years of Montessori Early Childhood
(3 - 6 years)

Affiliate your Ÿ Free Montessori Training

Ÿ Free Rs. 50,000 Montessori Material
School with PMC Ÿ Free Montessori Curriculum Guidebooks
Ÿ Exclusive Montessori Inspired School Books
New School Affiliation Policies 2013 ... and much more

Even at the lapse of more than a hundred years of the development Ÿ FREE Training of 2(two) teachers of the affiliated school in
of Montessori Method by Dr. Maria Montessori, as sad as it may Montessori methodology, a benefit worth Rs. 20,000/-.
seem, the Pakistani schools, in general, are still ignorant of this Ÿ FREE Montessori curriculum guidebooks.
highly successful and internationally acclaimed system of
Ÿ Exclusive provision of PMC’s early childhood Montessori
education. Our survey, conducted in 2012, reported that most
schools want their pre-school sections to convert from inspired School syllabus books for children aging 3 to 6 years.
conventional to Montessori but the main hurdles included; These exceptional quality, fully coloured and beautifully
designed syllabus books conform completely with Montessori
Ÿ the cost of equipping schools with Montessori material is Preschool (3 to 6 years) curriculum and activities. The books
beyond the reach of many aspirant schools. include Montessori English and Phonics Series, Urdu
Ÿ expensive nature of Montessori training keeps
Series, Math Series, Geography Series, Botany and
administrators from getting their teachers trained in Zoology Series. Some samples are shown below.
Montessori methodology.
Ÿ unavailability of relevant school books and curriculum
guidelines is another major factor for schools to stick to
conventional methods.

The enormous success of our Affiliation Program, during the last

three years, has encouraged us to add into the list of affiliation
benefits to make this program even more helpful for new and Ÿ PMC’s affiliation certificate.
existing Montessori schools that want to start with Montessori or Ÿ Rights to use PMC logo on school stationary, promotional
convert from conventional systems to Montessori system of material etc.
education respectively. Ÿ PMC’s affiliation flex sign board.

Some of the unbelievable benefits of the PMC Ÿ Availability of further Montessori material to affiliated schools
Affiliation/Accreditation program include: on discounted rates.

Ÿ Provision of 60+ items of Montessori material worth Rs. PMC invites every school in Pakistan to join us and contribute to
50,000/- given FREE1 to every PMC affiliated school the cause along with benefitting from the amazing benefits of our
(provided through the courtesy of Peace Education School Affiliation Program.

Home School Bundle Offer

Protect your children from the horrors of conventional schooling

A Perfect Homeschool
for your own children
= and those of
the neighborhood.
Time-tested Teaching Methodology — Our home-school Children are hand-minded — In Montessori almost all
bundle is amazing! Before your child goes to grade 1 (i.e. learning is through concrete materials and relevant abstract
during 2.5 to 6 years of age), he will learn to read and write; experiences later as we understand that children learn
to add, subtract, multiply, and divide; and to explore and best by doing.
discover history, geography, and the sciences. Montessori
method has been thriving over a 100 years. Hundreds of Character development — A respect for self, others and
modern pedagogical researches have proved Montessori to the environment are imbedded in Montessori curriculum,
be a superior and more effective education system than the which develops your child into a peaceful and caring citizen
conventional systems. of the world.

20 Days Montessori Training — The 20 Days training

equips you with the science behind Montessori education,
its philosophy, curriculum areas and the skills to use
Montessori materials and resources effectively.

Comprehensive program — Step-by-step curriculum, 20

days practical training, hands-on Montessori materials,
Montessori inspired syllabus books and resources &
templates available on the CD cover the full, three-year
curriculum for 3–6 year olds.

Why Home-schooling — Home-schooling young children

is an emerging new trend around the globe, and every year
more and more parents are deciding to home-school their
children during the early years.

Birth to 6 years of age is developmentally the most important

period of ones life. Conventional schooling emphasizes
mostly on academics, while ignoring the laws of ECD (Early
Childhood Development), which seriously damages
children for life by hindering complete development.
Montessori, on the other hand, offers the perfect solution to
cater to child’s all developmental and academic needs as it To Order Now Please Call
is the product of years of scientific observation and
experimentation of children by Dr. Maria Montessori. As it is toll free: 0800-4-5555
hard to find true Montessori schools in Pakistan, providing (or download application form from our website)
children Montessori environment at home is the second best w w w. m o n t e s s o r i . e d u . p k
option where you and your child learn and enjoy together.

PMC’s Montessori
Top Quality Montessori Materials at Unbelievably Low Prices
We realized that the goal of spreading Montessori in Pakistan
cannot be achieved without creating a source for the provision of
Montessori didactic classroom materials, which are scientifically
accurate in dimensions, non-toxix, durable and affordable in
process. Thus, PMC steps ahead once again to bridge this gap by
starting merchandising of top-quality Montessori materials.

PMC guarantees the use of top quality raw materials including

wood and plywood in our products. Extreme care is employed in
the selection of paints & varnishes, making sure that they are
completely non-toxic. Skillful craftsmanship and experts'
accuracy make PMC's materials the first choice in the world of

For a Free Catalogue Call

toll free: 0800-4-5555
(or download from our website)
w w w. m o n t e s s o r i . e d u . p k

Career & Business Opportunity

At PMC we understand that building a great
company is just like creating a great product - Join as PMC’s official Sales
you must have all the right ingredients. For us,
those ingredients are the cultures,
backgrounds, ideas, and experiences behind
our diverse workforce that embodies PMC.
PMC is the leading organization in Pakistan that provides international standard
educational training and educational products to schools, childcare professionals,
training centers and home-schoolers.

This is an outside sales position responsible for promoting the company’s products and
services and for building relationships with new and existing customers. The main focus
is to help PMC promote quality education while achieving sales and profit goals
established by the company.

This position can be acquired on full time or part time basis often requires convincing
potential customers for PMC’s training programs and education products.

An individual must be able to satisfactorily perform the job requirements. For more
information and job application form please contact our representative on 0800-45555.

Brand Power
Founded in 2006, today Montessori Pakistan® is the number one
Montessori teachers training institute, provider of educational services and
Start a
retailer of educational products and supplies. We have our centers all over
Pakistan including Islamabad/Rawalpindi, Karachi, Lahore, Gilgit, Hunza
and Sialkot.
Franchise Investment Opportunities
training center
Montessori Pakistan® Franchise investment opportunities are available
for both individuals and corporate investors interested in purchasing
Montessori Pakistan® development agreements. Becoming an owner and
operator of Montessori Pakistan® franchises allows you to join the established
Montessori Pakistan brand.

Montessori Pakistan® Is Now Expanding!

Over the years we have felt the immense need to localize our products and
services. The extreme short fall of trained Montessori teachers and growing
awareness of parents regarding quality education assures that there has never
been a better time than now to explore a Montessori Pakistan franchise
opportunity. We have launched an aggressive national growth strategy which
includes expanding in existing markets while entering new cities throughout the

To learn more about becoming a Montessori Pakistan’s Franchisee, please call us on our toll free helpline 0800-45555 or
download the Franchising Guidebook and application forms from our website
Frequently Asked Questions
about Our Training Programs
I’m new to Montessori. Which course should I join first?
While it depends purely on your choice and circumstances,
Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Karachi, Lahore, Gilgit and other
cities. The students can attend any one of these workshops
we recommend to join our Early Childhood Preschool according to their convenience and complete all their
Diploma Program first (if you are new to Montessori). necessary practical work and acquire hands-on experience
with Montessori materials. These workshop are offered free
Can males also take admission? of cost. Attending the workshop, however, is optional for
Yes, males can also take admission. overseas Pakistanis and foreigners.
(There is no workshop for Infants / Toddlers, Lower and
Is MP training recognized? Upper Elementary Programs.)
Yes, like all Montessori training programs, MP training is
recognized internationally. Montessori is in private domain What do I get at the completion of the program?
all over the world and the real thing that matters is your own All trainees are awarded with a diploma by Montessori
skill and mastery over the content matter. Pakistan at the successful completion of the course.

Can I pay my fee in Installments? Additional Government Credit: Montessori Pakistan

Yes, you can pay your fee in convenient installments. holds the exclusive affiliation of Skill Development Council
Please refer to the admission form for more details. (SDC) Punjab, which is a project of Ministry of Labour,
Manpower & Overseas Pakistanis. By taking an additional
When can I enroll? optional SDC examination at the completion of the
You can enroll anytime during the year. Your convenience is course, all MP students can acquire an additional
our main concern. Diploma which comes straight from a government
body. This option is available only for our 3 to 6 program.
What is the educational perquisite?
You should at least be an intermediate. How can I enroll?
1) Order by Telephone: This is for the convenience of our
How long is the program? students. Give a call at PMC’s toll free helpline (0800-4-
The maximum durations for; 5555) and order your course. The course material along
Ÿ Infants & Toddlers (0 to 3) Program is 8 months. with the necessary instructions will be sent to you through
Ÿ Early Childhood (3 to 6) Program is 12 months. VPP. You pay your fee to the postman when you receive
Ÿ Lower Elementary (6 to 9) Program is 16 months. your material. Later on, fill in the included forms and send
Ÿ Upper Elementary (9 to 12) Program is 17 months. along with other requirements to our head office’s address.

However, the good thing is that one can finish the course as 2) Bank Draft Method: Fill in the attached forms and send to
soon as she/he can. our head office’s postal address with a bank draft of the fee
in the favour of Montessori Pakistan. As soon as your
How do I submit my assignments? documents reach us, we will send you your course material
You can either send your assignment through regular post along with the necessary instructions.
or email them to your tutors.
3) Regular Method: Fill in the admission forms given above
Do I receive support to complete my assignments? and visit your nearest PMC registration office to deposit the
Yes, each student is allocated at least two tutors who are documents and your fee.
available online on the internet applications like skype,
viber, wechat and whatsapp, etc. and also on our toll free 4) Online Method: Visit our website to fill in the online form.
telephonic helpline 0800-45555 to guide you while you are Your course material will be sent to you through VPP as per
making your assignments. the installment plan selected. You can receive it from the
postman after paying your fee to the postman.
When and where do I attend my practical workshop?
All trainees enrolled in the Early Childhood Diploma Have more questions?
Program are required to take part in 20 Days Practical Please visit our website or call free
Training Workshops once during their course. The on our helpline 0800-45555.
workshops are conducted throughout the year in

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