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Dear practitioner or follower of natural medicine, here is the opportunity to study

Phylak Laboratories of Germany and Switzerland are pleased to invite you to the
two following seminars in 2016, so that you may expand your knowledge in natural
medicine or complement the range of treatments for your patients
• Spagyric Medicine seminar – Saturday, May 28, 2016
Venue: Regent's College Conference Centre, Regent Park, London NW1
4NS - 9.30 – 16.00 (please note this seminar begins at 9:30 sharp)
• Spagyric Medicine seminar – Sunday, Nov. 27, 2016
Venue: Regent's College Conference Centre, Regent Park, London NW1
4NS - 9.45 – 16.00
A fascination new theme with our two new essences, Lycopus virginicus &
Pareira brava: “Complete a cycle and begin anew”.
The theme will be presented at the May seminar and developed with case studies in the
November seminar.
Come discover attractive ways to help your patients and guide them on their journey
back to health with the help of spagyric remedies. The world is changing, the spagyric
system follows this trend in elucidating the complex relationships between physical
symptoms and the emotional state of patients. Learn to use the virtues of our new
essences and formulate combinations to match your patients’ needs.
PHYLAK-Spagyric natural essences, linking homeopathy and herbal medicine,
provide a natural answer to physical and psychic ailments, healing body, soul and spirit at
the same time.
Spagyric medicine, an ancient therapeutic system based on plants, is being rediscovered
today. Using the energetic curative potential of plants, spagyrics integrates the age-old
alchemical concepts in a holistic therapeutic system aiming at rebalancing all facets of the
human being. Treating both acute and chronic diseases and offering a supportive therapy
in severe ailments, spagyric remedies address patient’s health in a holistic approach, and
help patients understand the core root of their ailments.
Lycopus virginicus and Pareira brava open a new perspective and work in synergy:
aside their symptomatic healing properties, such as, for example, nervous and physical
weakness, various inflammations, endocrine, blood, urinary and immune supports, they
bring a huge purifying force to allow us to complete a cycle, dealing one and for once
with past issues and begin anew. Learn how to slow down ageing with these completely
safe natural remedies, not only for a nice-looking skin but also for preserving as best as
possible body and mind.
Another feature of the seminars will be the entrance of spagyrics essences in the world of
organic farming.
Attendees will receive a CPD certificate, a complimentary ‘Materia Medica of Phylak
Spagyric Essences’, and a reference file of ‘Therapeutic Combinations’. On-going online
support directly from Switzerland will be available to practitioners.
General information can be found at For further enquiries,
please email
May seminar: Elisabeth Bindschaedler, pharmacist and health practitioner
November seminar: Dr James Naidu, research scientist and health practitioner, CEO of
Phylak Laboratories specialising in medicinal plants and their impact on modern day

( ) May seminar (28.05.2016 – 9:30 - 16:00)
( ) November seminar ( 27.11.2016 – 9:45 - 16:00) Please tick or insert an X.

Name …………………………………………………………………………..
Telephone/ Fax ………………………..
Email …………………………………….
Therapy(ies) ……………………………………………………………………………

Price: £100, includes Materia Medica and Therapeutic combinations books.

Please send registration for the May seminar, the November seminar or both via
email with name, address and email to
- Cash at the door, no cheques please

Admission fee does not include meals or refreshments.

A canteen service is available with reasonable prices.

Signed ……………………………………

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